49 XMA * zabk 4 ? GOODS ftft 4 ? ft 43 ftft 4 ? ftft 4 ? ftft 4 ? AT ftft ftft 43 ftft 49 49 49 49 THE ftft ftft ftft ftft ft ftft ft 49 ftft 49 49 49 RED CALL ftft 49 EARLY ftft 49 AND ft 49 GET ftft 49 YOUR ftft ft 49 49 FRONT CHOICE. ftft 49 49 ftft 49 49 ( JACKSON & BRAYTON ) ftft 49j j VALENTINE NEBRASKA ftfr i o" or of cf or O" of of cf cr c Uncle Reuben says r rpnAT"Iu these di\s : of niisrepr.-- JL sentations. smooth talkers and Mik liars , people have been bamboozled and hiimhiigired till they just cun't believe anybody. " Ajraln he pays that "It's s'prisiii' how that air man Vicrtel kin .sell sech an : ill fired big amount of goods for .so little money. " Nothing surprising about it. We buy for cash at. bedrock prices. Then vrn Blip the profit down to the last n-tch/and sell for the lowest prices ever attempted. NUTS FOK COMPETITION TO CKAOK . Ib of GramiMed Sugar for . ? t 00 " Collre ( package or bulk. . . 1 00 " llice . 1 fie " SC'rouu Raisins . 1 < X ) 10 " Sultana Sei'dlc.-s Kalsins. I 00 12 " Mixed Candy . 1 co In our -ids we only tell yon. of a very few of ihe money .saving opportunities tliatawait yoit beie * there areotheis" hundreds of them. I'omc ; in < i . - > ec for > outsell. We sell Colorado and .Coal. Also Teed mm salt. MAX E VIERTEL UROOKSTOX NEBRASKA TEVENSON Successor to W ALOOTT & STEVENSON WE HAVE RECtNTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN A. N. GOMPTON ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. NMits-Upstairs-Red Front 0. W. MOREY 4 THE VALENTINE WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Carries a full line of sterling - ling silver novelties .T. C. DWTEE. E. II. D WTER. DWYER BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases- All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. VALENTINK. - - NEBRASKA _ _ . _ - - Fifty Jon < tr JZeicttrfl. nr stolen from my ranch southwest Wofiillakp. Oot < s. a work lion-ewelj.'dtaltout I.-JOO iinnnils. ( 'oiiir.'lljrhf. with nim ; hairs. iir.-ii1iH' < l Oj on b.ft .ilinlildfr. Ah'Mit G years M. If Mri ' 'j | , lil'i-r.il riHvurd will I' ' * ' uivrn for r 'luri. i fMf' ( rtlen Mill J AV . .swi for couvJc- l ! a. ui the ihlcr. W. G. \UA1lD. . . x , - , / Woodlalcc. M. MORRISSKT o- - / - o- ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEB M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska Practices In District Court and U. S Lsirid Office. Heal Estate and Jfancli Properly bought aud sold. Bonded Abstractor Valentine House J.'A. nOOTON , Prop. Recently opened and newly furnished. Not a restaurant , but a hotel. $1.00 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment given " , to our patrons. First Door South of Bank of Valentine J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVETOR All work executed with promptness ; and accuracy Office at Estabrook IIonscoiiGimrrySl. VALENTINE. NEB- or istnlmi. Several head of horses and cat- u . j . . tlsi-"t-nled ; Amos Strong. Vilonfinp. . Xi'K WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher $1.OO JPer Yeur in"Advance PUBLISHED KVERY THURSDAY. Entered at 1 be Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Magic Estate Hot Blast Heaters at R. Anderson's tf Jack Hooton has been appointed marshal of the village and water rent collector. Live chickens wanted at Amos Strongs meat market. tf Mrs. I. M. Rice of Leonardville , Kansas , is visiting with the family of J. E. Thackrey. Fine line of handkerchiefs and fan cy baskets at T. C. Hornby's. The editor's oldest brother , Wil liam , arrived in town Tuesday morn ing from Newcastle. YFyoming. Not an old style shoe in stock. Farnham and Dikeman. Ova Briggs , of Ainsworth , spent Christmas with Mrs. Maggie Martin , returning home yesterdav evening. All kinds of feed delivered. W. A. Pettycrew. Miss E. Mae Davissoncountr attor ney of Brown , county , is visiting with her sister , Mrs. Robert Good , this week. Wanted Someone to keep horses by the year. Address Box 4 , Merri- man , Nebr. Revival meetings will begin at the Methodist church next Sunday even ing and will continue for two or three weeks. Our shoes are brand new. Farnham and Dikeman. The editor's cousin , C. F. Martin , delivered a very instructive sermon at the - Methodist church , Sunday night. Would like to hear from parties having horses or sheep to trade for Omaha real estate. Address Demo crat. The masquerade ball , Monda3r night , at Cornell Hall , was very well patronized , as are all of Jack Hoot- en's dances. Tickle your feet with a pair of new shoes at Farnhm and Dikeman. Brown county is preparing to fore close all its delinquent taxes by sel ling the land of non-residents who have not paid up. See the new shoes at Farnham and Dikemman. Stra'ed One iron graT mare , 3 years old , half blood. Branded SF on left shoulder. Please notify Max E. Viertel , Crookston , Neb. A laundi'3-inan can tellus how to keep our linen clean , and why should he not be able to instruct us how to keep our souls free from dirt ? Housekeepers can save a great deal of labor by buying the cut citron read } ' to use at T.C. . Hornby's. Judge Walcott and wife made a gallant run for the train Christmas morning , but missed it ; hence ate din ner at home instead of at Longpine. All losses paid in f nil by Mutual In surance Companies. I. M. RICE , Agt. We neglected to mention last week that Mrs. J. A. Carlisle had gone to Shelbyville , Irill. , for a visit with her brother , and will probably stay all winter. Have jrou had your stamp photos taken yet ? You can get' ' them at An drews' gallery Also one of his stamp albums. Fish Pettj-crew brought us a load of logs last week. Now let some kind friend bring in a jag of chunks , and we will be prepared for cold weather for a month or so. Do you want a kodak of any kind ? Andrews can sell you any kodak you want. In fact anything in the photo graphic line. A Hyannis school boy defined the heart , in his physiology lesson , as a "peace" of lean meat. According to this definition neither England nor America have a heart. Headquarters for school tablets and pencils at Pettycrew's. Amos Strong , proprietor of the Valentine meat market , presented his regular customers with line roasts , steaks and other choice meatsChrist- mas morning. May he live long and prosper. See Farnham and Dikeman about sound shoes. In biliousness. Hrrbine , b3r expel- liny from the body the excess of bile' and acids , improves ibo Assimilative , processes , purifies tin1 blood.and tones up aud btreuglht-uF the entire Price fe ) cents. J. H. Qui l Poster of the Ladies' Cornet Band. Under the direction of Clarence Sageser , who , by the way , is as pro ficient a teacher as can be found in this section of the state , the Valen tine Ladies' Cornet Band is making rapid progress. The band meets twice a week , and the interest they take in their work and the aptitude displa3red for the music would make many a band composed of men ashamed of themselves. The instru ments played and the members of the band aie as follows : Tuba Mabel Ashburn. B Bass Ada Stinaad. Baritone Lulu Hooton. First Tenor Emma Carlson. Second Tenor Sarah Simpson. Solo Alto Elsie Sherman. First Alto Zaida Elliott. Second Alto Gertrude Moon. E Cornet Alta Starr. Solo B Cornet Myrtle Pettijohn. First B Cornet Jessie Sageser. Second B Cornet Ada Evarts. Snare Drum Mabel Halm. Bass Drum Addie Hornback. Meeting of the Red Men. At the last meeting of the great council. Imp. O. R. M. . reservation of Nebraska , held at Hastings , our fel low townsman , C. H. Thompson , was elected to the important position of Great Junior Sagamore. This puts him in direct line of promotion , and ere long we expect to bow to his eagle feathers and hail him as Great Sachem. At the meeting of Sitting Bull Tribe No. 22 , the local lodge , the following chiefs were elected to serve for the next six moons : Prophet G. H. Q. Smith. Sachem R. Anderson. Senior Sagamore Walter Melten- dorff. Junior Sagamore J. W. Furry. The various chiefs willbe raised to their stumps at the lighting of the council lire on the eighth run of the twelfth sun , Cold moon , G. S. D. 409. All good Red Men are. requested to be present and assist in the august ceremony - : mony attending the raising up of those worthy chiefs. John Dillon Coming. We take pleasure in announcing that arrangements have been made for the appearance of the popular comedian , John Dillon. That he has been engaged for one of his inimit able performances in Valentine will be. welcome news to all. John Dillon is a universal favorite. Some com edians are admired only in certain localities. Mr. Dillon never fails to please. He has a new plaj' this sea son that is making a great hit. It is called "Bartlett's Road to Seltxer- ville" and abounds in a world of fun , fully interpreted by genial John and his clever company. The date is fixed for Thursday evening , January llth. Notice to Business Men. As we write we have before us the letterheads of two hotels , a jewelera lumberman , a general merchant aud a druggist , all of which were printed away from home : and yet , if one of our citizens should presume to send away for merchandise , each of these men would roar like lions. It is true that they can get stationery cheaper in Omaha or other cities than they can in Valentine , but we can also buy their goods cheaper awa } ' from home , and we wish to give notice right now that if this condition doesn't change after January 1st , we will no longer refuse the ads of department and other foreign stores. County Attcrney Breaks Shoulder Blade. While out with tne coursing club last Sunday forenoon , Andrew Morrissey - rissey , our county attorney , became separated from his companions , his horse fell and he was thrown to the ground so violently that his left shoulder was smashed into fragments. The accident occurred about twelve -miles from town , near the reservation line , and the injured man was brought home in a bugg } ' , when Drs. Compton and Lewis did all they could to r < T- store the broken bones. At present Mr. Morrissey is getting along very nicelybut his accident is apt to crip ple his left arm for lite. Christmas at the Churches. Christmas was observed at the churches this year in a very appro priate manner , and nothing was left undone to please the little ones. Ex cellent ' programs were rendered at both the Presbyterian and the Meth odist churches , the latter having as a novelty instead of the old Christmas tree which we were taught to rever ence , a neat log cabin with appropri ate decorations. The first named church was beautifully decorated with evergreens , a very neat "gable" fronting the choir , and the house was filled with old and young people. The job department of this paper had the pleasure this week of print ing a nice lot of wedding invitations for Mr. and Mrs. E. Stilwell , of Sim eon , who intend inviting their friends t the marriage of their daughter , Klla , to J. C. 'Rounds ' , on January 10. Both the contracting parties are well ib our readers. HOLIDAY GIFTS. WILL GIVE JrOU NEW IDEAS to see our fT Holiday Line. It is easy to select from because it contains everything to make people happy whether thev nreold or young , besides a complete Jeweler * / v O stock I have TOYS , CHINAWARE AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS/ A FEW OF MY PRICES : 20-Year 35 Jewel Gents' Elgin Watch 815.00. 20-1'ear Small Size Ladies' Elgin Watch $15.00 8-Day Clock , a beauty , warranted. Rogers Bros.3 18 7 Knives and Forks $3.G5. Drop Head Sewing Machine $19.00. O , W. MOREY , Jeweler , LAAA * | coi LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1 SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Itonnt ION Exchange V References : t ONION STOCK YARDS ( PACKERS' ITATIONAD NATIONAL BANE * ' ' BA NK. Telphone 141 We hive : a larjio clientage among Nebraska Foedu-s am can always neat Omalia prices to Ranch customers IF NOTIFIED BEFQKE SHIPMENT. E HAVE JUST oened a new Market in the old Barker Building oppo site the Court 1 House , and will % call it the . SiI I VALENTINE ME AT \ MARKET. Wo will bo very nuicli pleased to have you try our Steaks , Chops , Eoasts , Fries and Boiling Meats as % they arc all the best quality. K AMOS STRONG , Proprietor 5a2 3ggaKtf.eKgaKiiKiKiaKS3g3 GRAND STYLE 0-PRICE , $250.00 , TERMS 825.00 Cash and 810.00 per Monty / THIS PIANO HAS THE SUPERIOR HARP ATTACHMENT DIMENSIONS : Height Four leet nine inche * . Width -Five feet four iuchcs. Dej > ih Two feet three inches. WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS- OMAHA , NEBK. THURSDAY EV'G , , JANUARY 11 , 1900 At the Opera House One Kio-ht Onlv Everybody's Favorite Supported bv an Admirable Company The well known Comedian pany : : : : : : : : : In Four Acts of Hilaritby Darrell Macklin , entitled TO SELTZERVILIE "A LaugLiii Sufficiency. " "The genial comedian never appeared to better advantage. His com. > s.ny is all that could be desired.5' ST. PAUL GLOES . y