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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1899)
S 2Oth C v > < vAL manac ( Not the ordinary kind ) A Handsome year-book filed with beautiful illustrations , and a complete calendar. It is sold on all news-stands for 5 cents , and it's worth ve times that amount. It is a reliable chronology of the progress of the igth century and a prophecy of what may be expected in the 2oth. Here are a few of the great men who have written for it : Secretary Wilson , on Agriculture Sen. Chauncey M. Depew , on Politics Russell Sage , on Finance Thomas Edison,1 " Electricity Gen. Merritt , " Land Warfare Adml. Hichborn , " Naval Warfare Al" Smith , " Sports * You will enjoy reading it now. and it will be a book of reference for you through the years to come. * Sixty-four pages , printed on ivory f nish paper. If your news-dealer cannot sup ply you with it , cut put this ad. and send itwith three one-cent stamps and receive this elegant book free. Address J. C. Aycr Co. , Lowell , Msss. Full and to Spare. " 1 can't help thinking about the emp tiness of the world , " sighed the misan thrope. . "Yon should have been with me in Hawaii , " answered the 'raveler. "You wouldn't think it was so empty of you had seen that eruption of Mauna Loa. " Washington Star. The Christmas Issue of the Lake Shore Book of Trains is something entirely out of the ordinary In the way of railroad literature and will be found of interest to all. Copy will he tent to any address on receipt of 4 cents in stamps. F. * > . Byron , G/W. A. , Chi cago. A. J. Smith , G. 1 * . A. , Cleveland. Tyranny. V "H fashion a tyrant ? " she repeated. "Well. I should say so. Why , I shouldn't be a bit surprised if good health were to come into vogue , and if It does , everybody who proposes to be an fait will simply be compelled to eat wholesome food ! Oh , a perfect ty rant ! " Detroit Journal. HOW'H This ! " \Ve oifer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that 'cannot be cured by Hairi , Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHKNEY & CO. , Props. . Toledo , O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15years , and bellove him perfectly honorable Instil business transactions and finan cially ublo Jo carry out any obligation made by thelfttrnu' . Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. KIX.VAX & MAHVJX , Wholesale Druggists. Toledo , O. Hall.'s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tlie system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Outlined. Pearl What is Irene doing with that crayon and paper ? I think she is drawing her grand father. " Pearl Hm ! tracing her ancestors , I suppose. illsons of Acres [ Of Choice Agricultural Lands now opened for settlement iu Western Canada. Here is grown 1 the celebrated No. 1 Hard Wheat , which brines the Itiglieit prii-e in Iheinar- Ic ls of the world. Thou- 1 sands of cattle aru fat tened Tor market without beinjj fed grain , and without a day's shelter , bend for information and Becure a fr * e home in Western Canada.Vrit to F. 1'edley , Supt Immigration Ottawa , Canada , or th < - undersigned , who will man you atlases , pam- phle : . etc. , free of cost N. Bartholomew , 300 Fifth Stree. Ucs Moines , Iowa , Ag ? nt for the Gov ernment of Canada. The best remedy for Consumption. Cures Coughs , Colds , Grippe , V Bronchitis Hoarse- I W I * , * * ness. Asthma , Whooping- cough , Croup. Small doses ; quick , sure results. Dr. Bull's Pills cute Conslipalton , Trial , 2oforc. C tjau'l be beat. and handsomely engraved alu minum card case , sent prepaid on receipt of W ) cents. Ajronts wanted. .J. KI. sorAU 10 Arlington ria < : r , Krooklyii , X. Y. ilninn Qnlrliarc AtlantinnI If votl i' ' ( ' ' - union ootuicib Aiidniiun ! st aiod loss than 100 acres before.luiiu - . ' . 1ST4.1 will buy the additional yon are entitled to. I , . < i. m.'TTOX , ? 10 buys 1.001 bun whent. If it 1 njvuncei 'Me you urotit $ 'JOi ) . Should It co/lown you l < x oniv SJO. Itonk FREE , ful- ij explaining. A ldrei E. G. GUXSpl.ns. Cl CoDiiueice Hui'Jinir , CUicago , 111. 5 C V LT - - or ALL tl : . FAiLC. . ( ; < * ! . Dee * - ' r * STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM. Revolver and Pitchfork Used in an Afl'rajNear Coleridge After Being TAvice Shot John Hcntz Uses a Pitchfork on Philhrick. A shooling affray look place on Ihe 20th hist , about a mile from Coleridge , which may probably prove fatal lo one of two persons , i not both. John Jleniz went tea a farm rented by a man named Philbrick to get some straw , which he said he owned. Philbriek refused him the straw and threatened to shoot if he persisted in remaining about. Jlentz said he would not be bluffed. Pbilbrick drew a revolver and shot several times. Ileutx was wounded twice in the shoulder , whereupon he took a pitchfork and knocked Philbrick down and beat him into a state of unconsciousness. Heatz then fainted. The wounded man was taken to town , where the bullets were extracted. The other man is said lo be in a critical con dition. The sheriff went lo Coleridge and placed both of .the participants under arrest. CORNELL SUSTAINED. Supreme Court Declares Insurance Ijaw Unconstitutional. The supreme court , iu an opinion ren dered last week by Chief .Justice Norval , declares unconstitutional the law enacted by the last legislature making many changes in the conduct of the insurance business of the state and transferring the department from the auditor to the gov ernor. The supreme court reversed and re manded the verdict of tlie district court of Omaha against thn bondsmen of ex-State Treasurer Joseph Uaitley , wherein $000.000 is at stake. The verdict in the district count of Omaha favorable to the Omaha National Uankand against the state , being another feature of the Hartley defalcation , with $200,000 in volved , is also reversed and'remanded. Bartley is at present serving a twc-ntj-- year sentence in the penitentiary. MINISTERS ESCAPE JAIL. , Attorney Secures Supersedeas for Omaha Clergymen. Kevs. .7. T. Maokay and J. C. Ilerrig , who were held in contempt by Judge .Scott of Omaha ami refused a new trial , will not have to go to jail , as threatened by the judge. Their attorney appeared before the supreme court at Lincoln and secured a writ of supersedeas , which admits the defendants to bail. JJoiul is fixed at $500 each which was immediately arranged for. It will probably be several months before the case comes on for hearing. Meantime Judge Scott will step down from the bench , his term expiring Jan. 1. The judge took a parting shot at the ministers , saj'ing , 4 > The pulpit of Omaha are covered with a thin veneer , and that is not religion , but hypocrisy. " Killed His Brother. A 4-ycar-old son \Villmm Cruise , who lives east of hr. Eihvaril , was shot and killed by his 3-year-old brother a few days since. Mrs. Cruise had loaded the gun and placed it under the bed : Her hus band was absent during the night. The boy got up in the morning while his mother was busy preparing breakfast and pulled the gnu out from under the bed ami ' handed it to his brother , who was still in bed , telling him to play he was a soldier j and snap it , which he did. The contents j entered the hoy's head just above the right eye. Medical aid was sumnione'l ' , but he died iu a short time. Pro-Boer Resolutions. A mass meeting held iu Lincoln to ex press sympathy with the Boers was largely I attended by state and county officials and pastors of the city churches. Resolutions i commending the cause of the .South African - j can republics and condemning oppression i \vereadopted. Gov. Poynter was one of j the vice presidents ami John 1 * . Sutton , ; former Secretary of the Jnsh National League of America , took a leading part. Jor.scy Case Submitted. The appeal of Frank Dorsey , convicted at Omaha of bank wrecking , was argued and submitted before the United States court of appeals at St. Louis last week. Owing to tin : immense amount of business before the court and the fact that little will be done during the holidays , it will be about six weeks befoie a decision is ren dered. Declare Uincoln Man Insane. \ John M. Meddins , formerly a well- 1 known politician of Lancaster County , j was declared' insane last week in New ! York City , lie is thK man who was | taken into custody of his peculiar ! actions. . He claimed to have run against | W. J. Bryan for congress. ! Stock Breeders and Cuttle Men. , The improved stock breeders of Noj j bruska together with leading men of Missouri - i souri , Kansas ami Jowa , helda two days' ! session in Lincoln lust week. Associated ' . with the stockmen , hut holding indepeml- I ent meetings , were the Jersey ealilo breeders - j ers ami sheep men. < t Boy J > ies of Dropsy. I Vern Jameson , son of Mr. and Mrs. j ' J. F. Jameson \Veppinj * Water , died , after an illness of over two years , of dropsy , j aged tl years. His case was a very peculiar - , liar oue , and many physicians were called < durinir his sickness.1 1 Killed in AVaterwheel. G. Quinton was instantly killed at the Arcadia roller mills , lie was caught in the waterwheal. He had been in the. em ploy of the mill for several years. At the | time he was cutting the ice away from the ' wheel. j Collins Pleads Not Guilty. i Thomas Collins , who shot , ami killed j Charles K. drove , familiarly known as i "Shorty , " was arraigned in Omaha a few j days ago and entered a plea of not guilty. > j i Serious Accidents. j A 12-year-old , son of Henry I'eckman , living north of Hartington , had an arm accidental 13 * shot oil' in getting oil a load of hay. The gun w-3 discharged anil tore the right arm off the boy's body. The arm j was amputated. Charles Goeden had his | right Jiand caught iu a corn sheller and lasceratcd so badly it had to be amputated. Church Dcdirnted. The new l'iv--n ! tcri SM nrirch at St. Jintsvas i ! < 'ikMlr ! i I ) v. ' 17vitli impos ing cc'rein > : iir. > . T.J.S is 0:1 : of the finest shrrehcs iu Jie i- ; ; iiv. * SJi * , SELL LIQUOR TO INDIANS. Reports Reach U. S. Marshal that Bootleggers Are Numerous. Iteports have reached the office of United States Marshal Mathews iu Omaha that the Omaha and Wiunebago Reservations in Thurston County arc being overrun by 'bootleggers" who are constantly selling liquor to Indians. United States Commis sioner Sloan of Fender writes that these dealers' in liquor are swarming over the reservations , many of them coming from Dakota City , lie says that their favorite haunt is at Homer , from which point they work in all , directions. Scores of the In dians are constantly in a state of intoxica tion and fights and drunken rows are of frequent occurrence. He adds that in one of these rows two Indians were nearly killed. Prior to the time of the abolishment of the office of field 'deputy in connection with the marshal's office Deputy Allen was stationed at Tender and whenever lie heard of a bootlegger being on either of the reservations he promptly arrested and jailed him , and his stodc of liquor has been taken away. Since the abolishment of the office referrel to no deputies liave been s.tatiojicd on the reserva * tions atut the bootleggers have cflme in from all the surrounding towns. The favorite method has "been for a man lo en ter the reservation with a load of liquor in pint and half-pint bottles. With this he travels past the residences of the Indians and parcels out his goods , receiving fabu lous prices. Complaints are filed , but be fore an oflicer can go from Omaha to the reservation the liquor sellers have de parted and so far it has been impossible to catch them. Government to Keiiiter Bodies. The war department has informed Ad jutant General Harry of this state that a corps of undertakers left San Francisco j Oct. 23 for the purpose of locating , disin terring and shipping to their country the remains of all soldiers buried in the Phil ippines and at Honolulu. Jt is intended to complete the work by the close of 'win ter. Applicants for romsiins will be noti fied by telegraph from San Francisco when the bodies are received there and will be shipped * to the destinations re quested at the expense of the government. Unclaimed bodies will bo buried at the Presidio. j Tar and Foathrrs for St. Peter. ' A man who ga\e his name as St. Peter , and who was at work on the new court house at Auburn , was arrested a few days ago for undue exposure of his person. After lying in jail for several days he was released , only to resume the same pleas antries. Thursday night last a body of indignant citizens treated him to a dose of tar and feathers and notified him that if the offense was repealed he would be treated still more roughly. Jle has left town. K.vposuro Prevents Swindles. Lawyers in Polk County have been re ceiving circulars from a realty corporation of Newark , X. .L , offering to loan money at 0 per cent. The manager , O.V. . lioper , has now been placed under arrest iu New York. The first thing asked for after ap plication for a loan was $10 to pay for making the necessary inquiries. The ex posure of the firm's methods prevented numerous deals being made. Fortune Awaits Mrs. Ida Ijcbo. A search is being made at Laramie for a woman named Mrs. Jda Lebo. A letter was received in that city from LS. Meyers of ilendley , this state , a few duys ago say- ins that a large fortune was recently left to Mrs. Lebo by the death of a relative and the other heirs are anxious to find her. , "Factory Man hoses Two Fingers. Lee Jiurlinirame. superintendent at the ' Sure Hatch" incubator factory at Cisty Center , was putting a piece of lumber * through oue of the machines when his right hand was caught and badly cut. He will lose two lingers. Kavaoach Ordered to ! > Iar < > Island Lieut. A. ( i. Ka\anagh of Teeumseh has received orders from the navy department to report at the Mare Island navy yard , San Francisco , Jan. t > , for service on the receiv ing ship Independence. Gets Ton Years. Lloyd Card well , who was found guilty of rape at Kushville. was sentenced by Judge Weslover to I-.MI years at hard labor in the state penitentiary. Much WhoopingCou h at AVinside Whooping cough is very prevalent at AVinside : not only children , but older people ple are suffering from it , Nebraska Short Notes. Weeping Water proposes to organize a mililia company. The United Urothren have purchased a building at Aim.orth and will remodel it into a church. I'.d. Parker of Logan had an eye. injured by a staple from a wire fence striking it ; it h feared he will lose it. A blaze in the I'liton Pacific depot at .Madison was diseou'red and extinguished before any serious harm was done. The chicory business at Schuyler has not ptoved profitable and those engaged in the ente.rpri e will probably abandon it. E. 11. Ward , a Kansas Pity mule buyer who is located at lied ( "loud , was seriously injured by being thrown out on the frozen ground by a runaway team. Kushville i > becoming somewhat of a j musical center. Following the orsaniza- ! tionofthi' Woodmen orchestra , , a baud ( was organized several days ago. While a dance was going on at Hayes Center some sneak thief stole enough whips , robes , etc. , from the buggies of attending to last him a lifetime. George W. and Wimmer Dunn of Kush ville were acquitted of stealing a note on the- ground that the document possessed uo value , not having the necessary revenue stamp attached. , . A new pump has bfen placed iu the Scward waterworks plant. Urnnor and'Den of Arapahoe recently defeated Hoehner and Atkinson in a team shout , twenty-live birds to the man , by a .core of 4.7 ( o 4.V Jjniner and Den profess lo beilliug to shoot any two men in the < tate a match on the same conditions. Oil .Jan. 2 the- people of Ponca will vote m Hie question of issuing $3,000 iu bonds to . omplete and furnish the school building. John Conlpy of Lehigh got his coat fast n the gearing of a corusheller. The coat rt'as torn off and Con ley was severely shaken up. The professor of the Hampton schools wrote a letter to his best girl and lost it ibout the school room. On his return from liuuer 0110 day he found it nicely chalked m the blackboard , and entitled a specimen ) f proper love letter writing. It is the ipiuion of his acquaintances that it was no noan joke. ACTS GENTLY ON THE KIDNEYS , LIVER AND BOWELS f. EAN5E5 THE 5YSTEM BU7 THE GENUINEMAHT D SRi e VI rOBSAU BY ail DRUGGISTS Pact 50- Ways of the Worltl. Sandy Pikes T'iugs aiu't fair in dis \vtirld , Billy. Billy Coalgate What's de matter now , Sandy ? Sandy Pikes-Why , I'se Jest biu doiu' a little t'iukin' . Here's dese high- fluted fellows dat git a good dinner fer jest tellin' a funny story after dese t'ro' eatin' . We has to fill 'a woodshed before AVC kin git a little cold lunch. It ain't right. Drying1 preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions which adhere to the membrane and decomr pose , causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry- iug inhalants , fumes , smokes and snuffa and use that "which cleanses , soothes and henls. Ely's Creain Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers , 50 Warren St. , N.Y. The Balm cures without -pain , does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an , irritated and angry surface , reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Great Russian Tea Caravans. During the lirst tweuty daj's of Jan uary last 19.000 sleighs ladeu. with tea passed through the city of Tomsk. The ordinary si/.e of these tea caravans is from fifty to seventy sleighs , though sometimes from 200 to oOO are includ ed in one caravan. The average load is five bales , each weighing from sev enty to 120 pounds. Five sledges are fastened together , drawn by one horse , and one man at tends to the detachment. To the rear sledge of each group are tied a bundle of hay and a measure of oats , so that the horses may feed during the march. This facilitates progress , for the cara van does not need to halt for the pur pose of baiting the horses. As the horse In front , however , does not have anything to eat before him his place in the caravan must be changed occa sionally to give him an. opportunity to eat his lunc-h. The caravans travel night and day. The only halts during the twenty-four Hours are in the villages where the weary horses are exchanged for fresh animals. The drivers sleep on the sledges while traveling , iu spite of the severe cold. Tomsk Siberian Latest News. All the Same iu Ku lisli. "What was the young lady's name , count ? " " 1 think eet was ze Crushed Cereal. " "Crushed CeVeal ? Preposterous , count ! " "Ah. eet may have been ze Crushed ' " Kice. " - "Count , I think you are off the ' track. " ' "Ah , at last I have ze name. Eet was Beatrice. Always Anxious to Save the Little Ones from Suffering. Lack of Proper Care in Childhood Lays the Foundation for Habitual Constipation. Causing Lifelong Suffering. Nothing so sweet and touching as a moth er's care for her little ones. What a tender , Watchful eve her anxiety keeps on the young hopefuls. In the youns nearly all ailments are di rectly trac'hie to stomach and bowel com plaints. Physic and purges are the most common and most dangerous of all medicines. Nearly all contain opiates 6r mercurial and other mineral poisons , which permanently affect the tender hones and thsues of the child. The only proper laxative for a child la a gentle , positive vegetable liver stimulant , like Ca.scarets Candy Cathartic. For the habp-Jn-anii.s the mother eats a Cascarer. It makes her milk rnildlv purgative , and benefits the baby. Older children eat a. piece of a Cascaret like candy. Thev taste good , make the liver lively , prevent sour stomach , purify the blood , and1 regulate the bowels perfectly. Go buy and try Cnscarer.s to-day. It's what they do. nr.t what we sav thev do , that proves their merit. All druggists. ' lOc 25c or oOc. or mailed for price. Send for book let and free sample. Address Sterling Ueia- . ' Chlcl o : Montreal , Can. ; or New v j orK. This Is the CARCAUKT tablet. tabh-t of the oniv genuine irnscaivfs bears the maC'ic letters I-CCC. Lookat the tablet before | yon buy. and lunvnre of frauds : ; jd br suites FAMILY WITH SIX TOES. Singular Malformation Which Appear * to Be Hereditary. , "Down iu Klmble County , Texas , " said a visitor from the lone star State , "is a remarkable six-toed familj , about whom , as far as I know , nothing has ever been told in print. Their name is Higgins and the family is composed at present of a grandfather ( who must be over 90) , four middle-aged sons and a drove of grandchildren , numbering twenty-five or thirty. "Old man Higgins , trho is called 'Mexican Bill' for some reason I was never able to learn , has six toes on each foot and his wife , who is now dead , was equally weir provided. They were cousins and all their sons have six toes except one , whose feet turned in noticeably at the ankle , but are otherwise normal. AH the grandchil dren have at least six toes and several of them have seven , the extra one in each case being more or less rudiment ary and not developed like the others. I can vouch for this personally , as 1 have seen the whole tribe on a num ber of different occasions , and In sum mer time they generally run around barefooted. 'The Sixtbe Higginses' is the name the family is known by among all the neighbors. Old Mexi can Bill has told me that his parents were both six-toed and that the same peculiarity existed among his relatives as far back as he knew anything about. " New Orleans Times-Demo crat. Valued as a Vegetable. , When the dahlia was first introduced it was as a vegetable. The plant is said to be really akin to the potato , and it was thought that it would prove an important addition to the food re sources of Europe. It came from Ma drid , the Spaniards having , it is be lieved , found it first in Mexico , and it was introduced into France as well as England. A few daring adventurers appear to have nmde .1 trial of it as an edible root , but it is sever an easy ! matter to popularize a new article of ' food , and the tuber of the dahlia did not take on. If it had done so the probability is that we should never liuve troubled much about its cultiva tion as a flower. The double dahlia was a later product than the single , and for many years almost entirely superseded the simpler flower , which not many summers ago came into vogue again with the interest of a new discovery. To a considerable extent they have gone out again now , and the double one is again to the front in popular favor. Remarkable Cns-s if Slvige. A remarkable case of sal-.age la that of the steamship Milwaukee , which last autumn went ashonat Port Er- rol , near Peterhend. Finding It irnpoe- sible to float her. as a large part of her fore end was inextricably jammed , she was cut in two with belts of dyna mite cartridges. The after part , extending - tending from Just before the forward end of thejiavigatlng bridge , was tow ed to the Tyne ano moored In that river until a new bow end was built , launched , and made ready for connec tion to it. It is remarkable that this part of the vessel was towed'with tha bulkhead end foremost , and that the tugboats were assisted by the ship' * own engines. The repairers were BO successful In their attempt to dry dock I that the two pieces were in correct relative - ' ative positions , and but little subse quent adjustment was found neces sary. A stranger would never suppose lift was not looking at the original bow , and would find It Impossible to point out where the Junction was effected. In point of fact , the Milwaukee Is now as perfect and as strong as ever she was. Fecundity of Microbes. The fecundity of microbes Is prodi gious. If fifteen drops of water polluted with bacteria are allowed to fall into a cup of broth the germ population will increase in twenty-four hours to SO.OOO. X)0u. ) Telegraphic Post Cards "WantmL In Vienna the Chamber of Commerce Is being besieged with demands for tha introduction of telegraphic post cards. rise's IJeiuoily for Catarrh Is not & liquid or a snuff. It quickly relieves Cold in the Head , Headache , etc. , and reatly cures Catarrh. HOc. It is estimated that one crow will destroy 700.000 insects every year. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All drugeists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. Professional etiquette prevents French judges * and Judicial officials from riding in omnibuses. VITALITY low , debilitated or eihnu tedcure4 by Dr. Ktino'tf Inviuonitiui ; Tome. FHKK | l Trial iiottli containing ! ! weeks' treatment. Dr. Kline' * InitituU , KS1 Arch Street. Pbileddpliia. Founded 1S71. The highest manhood resides in dis position , not In mere intellect. H. W. Beecher. I\rr . TVImlovr's &OOTHIXG STTIOT for cnildrea teething : softens the gums , reduces inflammation. allays pain , cures vrind colic. 2S cents a bottls Many a oook is merely wise In hec own receipts. Captain Gridley's Restored by Mother Peruna. 6R1DIEY-FIR.E. ' . EN YOU ARE READY . DEWEY'S FLAG-SHIP OLYMPIA CAPTAIN GRIDLEY , COMMANDER. Mrs. Grldley , mother of Captain Gridley , who was in command of Dewey's flag-sh/p at the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Ala * nila , says of our remedyf Peruna : "At the solicitation of a friend I used Peruna , and can truth' fully say it is a grand tonic and is a woman's friendt and should &e used in every household. After using it for a short period I feel like a new person.1 Ann E. Gridley. Nearly all our ills are aue to catarrh. We are liable to have catarrh of the head , catarrh of the throat , catarrh of the lungs , stomach , kidneys , bladder and pelvlt organs. Peruna cares catarrh wherever located. Address Dr. Hartman , Colum bus , Ohio , for free book. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SAVE TIN * * YOUR STAR TINTABS * * * "Star" tin tags ( showing small stars printed on under side * of tag ) , "Horse Shoe , " "J.T. , " "GoodLuck , " " Cross Bov , " * and "Drummond" Natural Leaf Tin Tags ore of equal value in * securing presents mentioned below , and may be assorted. * Every man , -woman and child can find something on the list- * that they would like to have , and can have * * * TAGS. TJLUS. 1 Match Box 25 23 Clock , 8-day. Calendar. Tlienaoza- * 3 Knl/e , one blade , good steel 25 eter , Barometer . 500 * : Sciroors-J > i Inches 25 24 Gun case , leather , no better made. SOO i Child's Set , Knife , Fork and Spoon 25 S3 Revolver , automatic , double action. E Salt and Pepper Set , one each , quad S2or23callber . 600 * ruple plate on T hite metal 60 26 Tool Set , not playthings , bat real * 6 French Briar Wood Pipe 25 tools . UK 7 Razor , hollow ground , fine English 27 Toilet Set , decorated porcelain , * steel ! ? . . . . 50 rery handsome . 800 * 8 Butter Knife , triple plate , beat 23 BemingtonBIfleNo.4,23orMcal. 800 quality 60 29 Watch , sterling silTer.fall Jeireled 1000 * 9 Sugar Shell , triple plate , beat quaL. 60 30 Dress Salt Cue , leather , handsome * 10 Stamp Box , sterling ailrer 78 and dunbU. . . . . . . 1000 U Knife , "Keen Kutter. " two blades. . 76 131 Sewing Machine , first class , with * 13 Butcher Knife , "Keen Kutter. " 8-In all attachments . UOO * blade 75 Karolrer , Colt's , 88-c libr. blued. 13 Shears. "Keen Kntter. " 8-inch 75 steeL. . WOO 14 Sut Set , Ciacker and 8 Picks , silver | S3 EUU. Colt's. 16-khot. 22-calib r . 1500 * plated 80 34 Guitar CWashbnrn ) , rosewood , la- * 15 Base Ball. "Association , " best qnal.ICO latf . . . 2000 IB Alarm Clock , nickel 150 I. Mandolin , T ery handsome . 2000 * It Btr Genuine Rogers'Teaspcons.besf * plated goods 150 Winchester Eepeatlnj Shot Gun , IS TVatch. nickel , stem wind and set. . 300 12 gauge. . . * . 5000 * 19 Oarrers. good steel , buck horn ,87 , Remington , double-barrel , haca- * handles 200 msrShot Gnn , lOor 12gaua . JWO SO Six Genuine Roger * ' Table Spoons. 33 Btcjclo. standard make , ladles or * Ix-st plated Roods 260 gents . 3600 * H Six each. Knives and forks , buck- horn handles 350 Shot GOB. Remington , double bar * 23 Six ach , Gvzruine Rot era' Knives rel. h mm rl as . 3000 and Jorii. beet plated goods 500 Regina , Musifl Box. I5K luch Dlsc..6 * * THE A30VE OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30m , 1900. * * Nntlr.n I . pl "i"S' _ r" ' aTagmrthatis.SUr tin tazs with no HUtlOU sUrs printed on under side of tag ) , aw not yood * but will b paid fur in CASH on the basis of twenty 5 nt j * hundred , if received br n on or bafore Harch 1st. 1900. ET-BEAK IN nUND tfcot a dime * * worth of * Mr STAR PLUG TOBACCO * will last longer and afford mare pleasure than a dltae-'d worth of ttay * otherbrand. ry/J AKE TH E TET ! * Send tags to COXTOrEXTAL TOBACCO CO. , S' . Lo-ji % Ka. * * * * * * * * * * 4