Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, December 14, 1899, Image 3

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    There's nothing
so bad for a cough
as coughing.
There's nothing
so good for a
cough as Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
The 25 cent size is just right
for an ordinary/ everyday cold.
The 50 cent size is better for the
cough of bronchitis , croup , grip ,
and hoarseness. The dollar size
is the best for chronic coughs ,
as in consumption , chronic bron
chitis , asthma , etc.
Cures Croup and Whooping-Cough
Unexcelled for Consumptives. Gives
quick , sure results. Refuse substitutes.
Jr. uIftPiKscure2i2iousness. Trial , 20 f c.
of Acres
Of Choice Agricultural
Lands uow opened for
settlement in Western
Canada. Here is grown
the celebrated No. 1 Hard
Wheat , which brings the
hifjhestprice in ttie mar
kets of the world. Thou
sands of cattle are fat
tened for market without b"in fed grain , and
without a day's shelter. Send for information and
secure a freu home in Western Canada. Write to
P. Pedley , Supt. Immigration , Ottawa , Canada , or
the undersigned , who will mail you atlases , pam
phlets , etc. , free of cost : N. liartholoiuew. 30C
Fifth Strep , Di's Moines , Iowa. Agent for the Gov
ernment of Canada.
When" the Worm Turned.
Little Tompkins ( ou his dignity )
Marie , I've been a good husband to you
all these years. Have been patient and
have put up with every humiliation ,
but ( fiercely ) the worm has turned at
last you shall not have my son's
trousers cut down for me. Tit-Bits.
Wanted to Know.
Uncle Haycede I have lived in this
here house over twenty year come
next September.
Fresh air boy Chee ! How do youse
git out o' payin' de rent ? Indianapo
lis Journal.
Them Do It.
"Saw the sea lions feeding and drink
ing on the way over , " said Liarly.
"Where were they drinking ? " de
manded the positive man.
"In the trough of the sea , of course. "
Philadelphia North American.
< > - - * * ,
This Is an Assertion of the American
Journal of Numismatics.
Is there an American dollar of the
date of 1804 ? If there is , it is worth
u fortune , for it is one of the jack o'
lanterns of numismatics. In a recent
issue the American Journal- Numis
matics goes into an interesting account
'of what it terms the "myth of 1804 dollars
lars , " and denies that any such coin ,
struck In that year , is in existence.
Like comets , these alleged coins have
been turning up in moat unexpected
places for nearly a century. Recently
coin dealers were excited by a story
from Racine , Wis. , which told how a
women went into a dry goods store to
buy a spool of thread and tendered In
payment a worn silver dollar , saying
that she did not know whether it was
good or not. The clerk saw the date
1804" on the coin , put it into his pock-
ct , and threw a new silver dollar into
the cash drawer. He was offered $1-
500 for the old coin by a dealer , but re
fused to sell. In this way the story got
out , and the clerk's employer put in a
r-l.iim to the 1S04 dollar. Both men
have employed lawyers to defend their
titles , and now the woman shopper is
preparing to bring suit for the posses
sion of it.
For years. Mr. Nexsen , an expert of
Brooklyn , N. Y. , has made a study of
the subject. lie has convinced himself
and other competent judges that no
genuine 1804 dollar was ever coined.
lie has become convinced that the ali -
i leged dollars of that date are altcra-
j tions of Spanish , Mexican , Bank of
England 5-shilling pieces , or some such
fraud. It is believed that an expert-
j mental'die with milled edges was made
j bnt not used in 1804. In 1842 some
j one , perhaps surreptitiously , struck a
1 few dollars on this old , unused die , and
i it is these that are occasionally found.
i -
I A Means ol' Defense.
j By the aid of an embryoscope or egg-
\ glass , sealed letters may in many cases
j be read without opening the envelopes.
Suppose the writer of a billet , the contents -
! tents of which are known -only to hiin-
' self , lets it out of his hand and loses
| sight of it for live minutes , it may.be
! readily carried cither into the direct
j sunlight , into eleqtric or magnesium
J light , and be read by the aid of the egg-
i glass. The placing of a piece of car-
| tridge-paper in the envelope , or the
coloring of it black , is a means of de-
feuse at hand. In their present form ,
telegrams cannot be protected from pe-
rnsal , unless delivered at once into the
hands of the addressees.
Every Person Can Prolong : LJfe and Enjoy
Health and Happiness Who Will Listen
to the Voice of Progress.
If you want to open a door , you don't
smash it with a crowbar , but open it with
u key.
It's easier and less destructive.
When you are costive , or bilious , or con
stipated , don't take an old-time dose of
physic , throw your bowels into spasias and
turn your liver inside out , as long as every
thing can be set riyht , in a nice , geatle ,
quiet , positive , natural way by Cascarets ,
the ideal laxative.
We have all found out that persuasion Is
stronger than violence.
Instead of trying to force your disordered
organs to do their duty. Educate Your Bow
els and make them act naturally by using
Cascarets Candy Cathartic , so pleasant to
the taste , so mild , so effective. They are
guaranteed to cure any case of constipation
or money refunded.
Buy and try Cascarets to-day. It's what
they do , not what we say they'll do , that
proves their merit. All druggists , lOc , 2oc ,
50c , or by mall for price. Send for booklet
and free sample. Address Sterling Remedy
Co. , Chicago : Montreal , Can. : or New York.
This is the CASCAIIET tablet.
Every tablet of the only genuine
Cascarets bears the magic letters
"CCC. " Look at the tablet before
you buy , aud beware of frauds ,
Imitations and substitutes.
A Pessimistic View.
This , " said the medical student , as
the echo of the boarding-house gong re
sounded through the corridors , "is
where we get our bone and sinew. "
"Yes , " observed the cynical boarder ,
"and it's considerable more bone than
sinew. " A
_ _ _ _ _ _ - I i
* 11 1 ]
* *
"Star" tin tags ( shoeing small stars printed on under Bide
* of tag ) , "HorseShoe , " "J , T. , " "GoodLuck , " " CrossBow , " *
and "Drummond" Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in ;
securing presents mentioned below , and may be assorted. rf
Every man , woman and child can find something on the list rc
* that they would like to have , and can have d c
t :
1 Match EOT 251
2 Knife , one blade , good steel 35
R Scissors. 4M Inches 25
4 Child's Set , Knife. Fork and Spoon 25
C Hlt and Pepper Set , one each , quadruple -
ruple plate onvhlto metal 50
6 French Briar Wood Pipe 25
A 7 Earor. hollow ground , fine English
ft steel 50
' 8 Butter Knife , triple plaie , best
quality 60
* 9 Sugar Shell , triple plate , best quaL. 60
10 Stamp Box , sterling silver 70
11 Knife , "Keen Knttor. " two blades. . 76
13 Bntcher Knlfo. "Keen Kutter. " 8-in
blado. . . . . 75
13 Shears. "Keen Kutter. " 8-inch 75
14 > 'nt Set. Cracker and 6 Picks , silver
plated 80
15 Base Ball. "Association. " best qual.100
16 Alarm Clock-nickel 150
17 Six Genuine Rogers * Teaspoons , best
plated goods 150
18 Watcli. nickel , stem wind and set. . 200
* 19 Carvers , good steel , buckhora.
handles 200
t 20 Six Genuine Rogers' Table Spoons ,
i A - best plated Roods 250
21 Six each. Knires and Forks , buck-
. horn handle * 250
.A , 22 Six eoh. Genuine Rogers' Knives
JP and Forks , best plated goods 500
23 Clock , 8-day , Calendar. Thermoin-
eter. Barometer . 5CC
24 Gun case , leather , no better made. 500 .
25 Revolver , automatic , double actiun ,
32 or 33 caliber . 600
26 Tool Set , uot playthings , but real r ,
tools . 630
27 Toilet Set , decorated porcelain.
very handsome . 800
23 Remington Rifle No. 4. 22 or 33 oal . 800
29 Watch , sterling silver. full jeweled 1030
80 Dress Suit Case. leather , handsome 0
anddurable . 1000 0r
51 Sewing Machine , first class , with r (
- all attachments . . _ 1600 e
52 Revolver , Colt's. SS-callbor. b d
steel . 1500 °
83 Rifle , Colt's , 16- hot , 22-callber . 1500
84 Guitar ( Washburn ) , rosewood , inlaid -
laid . 2000
33 Mandolin , very handsome . s.2000
35 Winchester Repeating Shot * ( Son ,
12 gauge . . . 2000
37 double-barrel ham-
Remington , - , - ft
morShot Gun , lOorlSgauge . SOOO ila
38 Bicycls , standard make , ladies or a
gents . 2500 S (
39 Shot Gun , Remington , double barrel -
rol , kamrnerless . SOOO
40 Regina Mualo Box , 15 # aoh Dio..60'JO in
Annual Report of the Postmaster Gen
eral IMude Public.
Postmaster General Charles Emory
Smith , in his annual report , devotes niore
space to the abuses iu second-class iiiail
matter than any other one subject. The
most urgent need of the postal service ,
he declares , is the rectification- the
enormous wrongs which have grown up
in the perversion and abuse of the privi
lege accorded by law to that class of mail
matter. This reform was paramount to
all others.
"There are , " he says , "many improve
ments and advances waiting development
und application ; there are opportunities
for speedier transmission and delivery ;
there are fields for broadening the scope
of the mail service aud bringing it closer
home to the. people ; there are possibili
ties of reduced postage ; but above and
beyond all of these measures of progress
Avhich experience and intelligence are
working out , is the redemption of the Spe
cial concession which Congress granted
for a distinct and justifiable object from
the fungus growths and the flagrant evils
that have fastened upon it.
"For this costly abuse , which drags on
the department and weighs down the ser
vice , trammels its power and means of
effective advancement in 'every direction ,
it involves a waste of $20,000,000 or up
ward a'year. The postal deficit for the
current year is SJG10,77G. ( But for this
wrongful application of the second-class
rate , instead of a deficit there would be
a clear surplus of many millions.
Statistics of the different classes of
matter carried in the past year are quot
ed in the report , from whicli an estimate
is made that one-half the matter mailed
at second-class rates (17(5,371,013 ( pounds ;
is improperly classified , and should justly
be paid for at third-class rates. These
figures , says the report , show :
1. That more than one-fourth of the
entire volume of weight of matter car
ried through the mails is rated , and pays
as second-class matter , when under the
spirit and intent of the law it ought to be
rated and 'to ' pay as third-class matter.
2. That while this wrongly classed mat
ter amounts to more than one-quarter of
the whole volume of mail transmitted , it
furnishes only one fifty-fifth part of the
postal revenue.
3. That the expense of transportation
being reckoned at 8 cents a pound , the
mere carrying of this matter costs $14-
108,121) . while the revenue from it was
only $1,703,51 G , involving a loss to the
Government of § 12,344,013.
Insurgent Leader Heading : for Montoc
Followed by HHuccubebes.
Advices from Manila report that Wild-
er's Maccabebes are closely following the
FiHpino leader. Gen. Young , with a troop
of cavalry and a battalion of the Thirtj-
third infantry , is cutting his way .from
Vigar to Bangued , where the American
and Spanish prisoners are held by the
Filipinos. Maccabebe scouts have been
placed between Xamagapacan and the
mountains to prereut the rebel's retreat.
Maj. Swigert , with three troops of caval
ry , is patrolhig the coast and hope * to
cut off Aguinaldo's escape .by sea.
A dispatch from Hong Kong reports
that Aguinaldo has been in commuuica-
ion with the Filipino junta in Honj ?
[ Cong. The members , it is said , assured
lim of a safe haven in Hong Kong and
idvised him to throw himself on the
nercy of the United States consul.
Vigan , the chief port of South Itocos ,
( ccupied by an American garrison , was
ittacked by a large body of insurgents
villi a loss to the defending forces. It
s reported that eight Americans were
cilled and fifty wounded. The rebels were
epulscd , however , after a hard fight , and
vere finally routed and fled through the
nountains. The rebels are believed to
tave suffered severely.
Evolves All Kailroads from .New Kn-
pjlaiid to the Pacific Coast.
A passenger rate Avar has begun which
hreatens to become the greatest ever
nown. Already all the lines forming di-
ect routes from Xew England to Cali-
ornia are involved. From present indi-
ations the war will hi' between the Van-
lerbilt and Pennsylvania systems , and
he Northwestern , Hock Island , Burling-
on and St. Paid roads on one side , and
11 the differential lines between Chicago
.nd the Atlantic coast , with the South
rn Pacific. Santa Fe and Illinois Central , :
oads on the other side.
far only rates on traffic to California c uSe
re seriously affected , but ; gns of de n
moralization are apparent on all classes n
f traffic. The present' trouble grows di-
ectly out of the old controversy of East-
ru railroads over differential rates. Sec-
nd-class tickets from Boston to San F
Francisco are being sold for about $10 sl
ss than the regular second-class rate t (
rein Chicago to San Francisco. fiSI
Emmett Peterson , prisoner in the Suf- ci
oik , Ya. , jail , tried to escape. lie shot
t the jailer's wife and then killed him-
As a result of three days' trial of "coal-
ig" while towing at sea. just completed
y the battleship Massachusetts , it mny
aon be possible for warships-to receive
oal by the overhead wire system at the ;
ite of twenty tons an hour.
Unknown man stepped from a train
tamdiag on a high trestle over Cat'awba
r , South Carolina , and drowned.
Tkemas Q'Keefe , Sf. Louis , 'lost his job t )
nd killed himself.
O ;
Three negroes , Mount Beliuont , La. , a
illed Deputy SkenfT Marquette.
Tells How He Escaped the Ter
rors of Many Winters by
Using Peruna.
Mr. Isaac Brock , the Oldest Man In the
United States.
Mr. Isaac Brock , of McLennan County ,
Tex. , has attained the great age of 111
years , having been born In 17S8. He Is an
ardent friend to Peruua and speaks of it lu
the following terms :
"During my loug life I have known .1 great
many remedies for coughs , colds , catarrh
and diarrhoea. I had always supposed these
affections to be different diseases , but I
have learned from Dr. Hartman's book *
that these affections are the same and are
properly called catarrh.
"As for Dr. Hartman's remedy , Feruna ,
I have found it to be the best , if uot the
only remedy for these affections.
"Psruna has been my stand-by
for many years , and /attribute my
good fjealth and my extreme age
to this remedy. It exactly meets
all my requirements.
"I have come to rely upon It almost en
tirely for the many little things for which
I need medicine. I believe it to be espei
chilly valuable to old people. "
Catarrh Is the greatest enemy of old age.
A person entirely free from catarrh is sure
to live to a hale and hearty old age. A free
book on catarrh sent by The Peruua Medi
cine Co. . Columbus. O.
An Embarrassing Dilemma.
Johnny Itube Say , pa , I'll bet I know
why a man can't begin at the top m
buikliu' n haystack !
Reuben Rube Why. he can't simply !
because he can't , an' that's all there is
to it !
Johnny Rube Xo. it ain't , pa. S'pose
he'd begin at the top an * then wouldn't ;
have hay enough to git ter the ground !
What tlion ? rm-lc
'loo Attractive.
Pretty new housemaid I hope I give
satisfaction , mum ?
Mrs. Jellus Xo , you don't. The
master is too well satisfied with you.
The Christmas Issue
of the Lake Shore Book of Trains is
something entirely out of the ordinary j
in tke way of railroad literature and will
be found of interest to all. Copy will he
sent to any address on receipt of 2-ceut
stamp. F. M. Byron , G. W. A. , Chicago.
A. J. Smith. G. P. A. , Cleveland.
Out for the Dust.
"You're dead slow , " remarked the
gown , contemptuously. "You're always
behind. "
"Not by a jugful , " retorted the train ,
warmly , "I'm out for the dust all the
time. " Philadelphia Record
1 Ocean and Kartn.
1 A bucnet 7-13 tulles deep and 743
1 in lies from side to side would bold
every drop of the ocean. This bucket
1 could rest quite firmly on the British
Isles , To till the bucket one would
need to work 10,000 steam pumps , each
sucking up 1,000 tons of sea. But to
get rid of the earth would be 4,555
times more difficult , requiring 2,000
great guns , each firing 1,000 projectiles
a second , each projectile consisting ot
100,000 tons of earth. At the end of
1,000 years this mundane sphere would
be'all shot away.
The John M. Smyth Co. Have No
The well-merited popularity of the
great mail order establishment of the
j John M. Smyth Co. of Chicago seems to
j have induced unscrupulous parties to go
through the country and falsely represent
f themselves as sales agents for this house.
j By thus representing themselves they
have succeeded in imposing upon many
by selling goods and taking cash aud
! notes from victims who actually believed
! they were purchasing goods from the
i representatives of the firm direct. The
j John M. Smyth Co. have no agents and
denounce as frauds all parties traveling
' .through the country and claiming to rep-
j resent the firm. The public should be ou
i the lookout for such impostors.
Just So.
'Gilfoyle/takes a broad and states-
1 i maultke view of national affairs , " re-
1 i "mark&f Caflowhill.
I i "May 1 r.skwhat you mean by n
; broad'and statesmanlike view ? " asked
! , Gummey.
\ i "Why , er er Gilfoyle thinks as I
think. "
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
25e. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box.
Alaa ! the Mixture.
"Where did that child actress get her
peculiar accent ? "
"Why , you see. her father was a
Dutch comedian and her mother a sing-
rr of coon songs. " Philadelphia North
The ad. of T. M. Roberts' Supply
4House in another part of this paper
i should be of interest to everyone desiring
i bargains in household goods. Get their
j ' complete catalogue of everything you
need before making purchases.
.Mere fctane Properties.
"You have a real dinner in that new
play baked beans , roast turkey , vege
tables and mine pie. "
"Yes , but they cut the scene o short
we don't get time to eat it. "
For lung ami chest diseases , Piso's Cure
is the best medicine we have used. Mrs.
J. L. Northcott , Windsor. Ont. . Canaoa.
The Male Ostrich.
The male ostrich at times utters a
cry which sounds like an effort to
speak with the mouth shut tight.
VITALITY low , debilitated or exhausted cured
by Dr. Kline's Invigorating Tonic. KUEE $1. Trla. '
llottle contalnini ; " weeks' treatment. Dr. Kline's
Institute. 831 Arch Street. Philadelphia. Founded 1871 ,
There is uot a string attuned to mirth
but has its chord of melancholy. Hood.
Mrs. Wlimlow'8 SOOTHING YBUP for Cnliaren
teething : solteiw the Rums , reduces inflammation ,
allays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle.
Brown eyes are said by oculists to be
the strongest
How long Have You Bead About " 5 Drops" Without Taking Idem ?
Do you not think you have wasted precious time and suffered enough ? If
so , then try the " 5 Drops" and be promptly and permanently cured of
your afflictions. " 5 Drops" is a speedy and Sure Cure for Rheumatism ,
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ( lame back ) , Kidney Diseases , Asthma ,
Hay Fever , Dyspepsia , Catarrh of all kinds , Bronchitis , La Grippe ,
Headache ( nervous or neuralgic ) . Heart Weakness , Dropsy , Earache ,
Spasmodic and Catarrhal Croup , Toothache , Nervousness , Sleeplessness ,
Creeping Numbness , Malaria , and kindred diseases. " 5 Drops" has cured
[ TRADE MARKJ more people during the past four years , of the above-named diseases , than
all other remedies known , and in case of Rheumatism is curing more than
all the doctors , patent medicines , electric belts and batteries combined , for they cannot cure Chronic
Rheumatism. Therefore -waste no more valuable time and money , but try " 5 Drops" and be
promptly CURED. "S Drops" is not only the best medicine , but it is the cheapest , fora$1.00 bottle
contains 300 doses. Price per bottle , Jl.OO , prepaid by mail or express , or 6 bottles for $5.00. For
the next 30 days we will send a 25c sample FREE to anyone sending- cents to pay for the
mailing. Agents wanted. "Write to-day.
His Kcckoninir.
Shakspeare enthusiast ( quoting )
.There's no art to find the mind's con
struction in the face.
Small Boy ( breaking in ) Pa. giuiine
ihe quarter you 'promised. I've piled
up all the kindling in the woodshtM.
Father My son , you are deceiving
me I can tell it by looking at you.
Detroit Free Press.
Voice ( from the top Hat ) Can't you
see the sign in the hall there "no ped
dlers alloAved in this building ? "
Answering voice ( at other end of
speaking tube , loud enough to be heard
through j the building ) I ain't a ped
dler , ma'am. I'm the boy from the
dentist's , with your new teeth !
Tliere Is moro Catarrh in this section of tlio
ountry than all other diseases put together- and
intil the last few years was supposed to be in-
iiirable. For a great many years doctors pro-
lounced It a local disease , and prescribed local
emedlcs. and by constantly failing to cure with
bcal treatment , pronounced It incurable. Science
las proven catarrh to bo a constitutional dis-
tase , and therefore requires constitutional treat-
nent. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by
r. J. Cheney & Co. . Toledo. Ohio , is the only con-
tltutlonal euro on the market. It is taken iii-
erually in doses from ten drops to a teaspoon-
ul. It acts directly ou the blood and mucous
urfaces of the system. They offer one hundred
lollars for any case It fails to cure. Send for
irculars and testimonials. Address.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo. Ohio.
by Druggists. T5c.
to Bulldoze the Conductor. *
"I very toime a woman is carried
hrae blocks out av her way , " mused
he janitor philosopher , "she tries to
et in thot time-worn tale about her
lusband owiiin' shtock in the com-
any. "
The JEiisragemenc Montn.
The Romans deemed June the inosr
ortunate month for espousals. It used
o be the fashion to strew flowers and ]
rains of wheat as the bride passed ,
.nd at one time coronets of corn were
rorh by 'brides. '
t ] ) > * r-crx/t1
- _ , f r-
OVERCOMES 45 CN J > < r4
f OR SAU BY Alt ORUGGiSTS PSltt 50t PIR KTtll.
Ely's Cream Balm
Easy npd pleasant to
nse. Contains no in
jurious drug.
It [ a quickly absorbed.
Gives Relief at once.
Allays Inflammation.
Heals and. Protects the Membrane. Restores the
Senses of Taste and Smell. Large Size , 60 cents at
Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size , 10 centa by inaU.
ELY BROTHERS , CO Warren Street , New York.
TO sxu.
_ _ Our Northern Qroivo.
' Stock. Best Wages. Pay Weekly.
g Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good.
In time. Sold by druzulsts.
Bring your children up on it.
hfl un I nil 11M diseases. No fee " "til cured , by
xew York Associated Specialists.
II. KUEIIIIAKIvr , I'll. G. , Secy. , SOL Lex-
Ave. . New York. Cut this out.
Union Soldiers Mention !
than ICO acres before Jt ' 22. 1874. 1 will buy th
additional you are entitled to. "L. G. DUTTOX ,
3Iankito , Minn.
\ Washington , D.r ;
. 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Late Principal Szimlner U.S. Pension Bure&j.
! 3jT3iuciTil war 15adjadicatiozcl.ilma.aUrs .
nniliTrnf > SnouW rtte for our new
r ,
I Illii I LilUsamples. The completes : val
issued. Sioux City Newspaper Union ,
Sloiix City Iowa.
E. , Box 1357. New York City.
S. C. X. U. - - - 5O-OO
Cat out this ad. and send it to ns with 50c ,
and wo will forward this elegant , high-grado
13.25 genuine Stradivarius model violin C. O. D. ,
. subject to vonr approval. Yon have the
privilege of. thorough examination at tbo
Only for this nigh express office ; if perfectly satisfied pay the
agent the balance , together with return
grade genuine charges and you get the bargain of a life
Stradivarius time , or if yon remit cash in full with order
model Violin yon save return charges and we guarantee to
thit iwT trrefundmoneyifyonsayso. . This violin is an
L ask ef&Ht c9Py of the sennine Stradivarius model
$5.00 and up _ violin , is of Ort elegant reddish brown color ,
ward for. No has solid ebony trimmings ; the tone ia excellent
. . client , being much finer than produced by
teacher „ . , . , „ ,
necessary many higherpriced instruments. We
, fur-
. * 53 - : ff m VV IA A * * M t * 1t VO f U A Li -
_ _ _ _ _ .
as wv * furnish ft nish this violin n * f J i
we a strung up and with an extra
line book of set of fine steel strings , a good high-grade
bow , a cake of rosin , a fine instructor all
instructions free.
. complete in a heavy raarfaleized pasteboard
box. Our prime reason for selling this outfit -
. . . . . . . , , fit for such a pittance is that
we want to get better acquainted In your neighborhood. Our special
price complete
n which is listed at lowest wholesale prices
everything to eat wear and use.is furnish
ed on receipt of only 109 to partly pay
postage or expressage and as evidence
| of good faith the 109 is allowed on first
, purchase amounting to 199 or above. *
'THIS $35 Store for S2I.4I. Save the
Retailers' Profit-save the \Vhole al rc
Profit. Takeadrantaco ol our contract
purchase. Others have advanced their
prices of Parlor Stores , but oar contract
with the manufacturers compels them
to furnish ns with these , so we can sell
them at asrnalliirofitatfJ1.41.Ci 7and
S1T.77. YOU would ba proud of either
one of these parlor stoves. The picture *
giro but a faint idea of their elegance.
SentC-O. U un receipt of 97c , joato
pa ; balance to your Imnkcror freight
ngent on arrival at soar depot.
A Large btove takes Ies fuel tliua Ubmtill one fur heat
given ; bear in mind when ordering.
Catalogue *
C StoTes an * Ranges. D Acricultaral Implesfata.
E-Bab7 Carriages. F-Urujrs and PateatMedicinem.
C Musical InstrumentsH Onrans and Sewine
Machines. I Bicycles. J Gons and Sporting Good * .
K Ladies' and GenU * Furnlshinc Goods. LDrr
Goods. M Ready-made Clothinu for Men and lor * .
N Boots and Shoes. G Ladies' Cnpea and Cloaks
Send 15 ct * and our Large Supply Catalogue contsis-
ne orer 1000 pagtra and over one hundxud Uiooaactt * cta
and prices will ba bent exprsos pud.