Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, December 14, 1899, Image 1
* , NEWS-DEMO js WESTERN - * & : * . f * " " ' * . * * * * - * - ' 7- VOLUME XIV * VALENTINE , NEBRASKA-DECEMBER 14 , 1899. NUMBER 4 % j * f > * * Metzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Cherry Co. Brand on left hid and thigh Earmark , squat crop right ear Southern bramle L cattle have but on . 'half-diamond E" o lief t side Native cattle ha\ throat wattle ttanee on Gordon andSnake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh * A Itcicitrtl o/A 5O will be paid to an person for Information leading to the arrest an iinal conviction of any person or persons stea I ng cattle with above brand JSDWAKD BAD HAIR. Postoflice address " " " "Allen tf D On left shoulder and baron side ; horses same on thigh Range-Boar T J ASUBUUN Postofflce addres Valentine , Ne Branded on rteh side ; horses same Kange-lO miles eas of Valentino o ; the Niobrara Joseph W. Bownet P. O. address Merriman , Nebr. Right ear cropped Hole in center of left ear Itange Lake creek 3. D. Parker & Son P O Address L.V. . Parker Iteige. Neb Brand same as cut Also ZP Kan tie on Niobr.in south of Crookstoi li. A. McQuade. Valentine. Neb Branded on either side Range between Phacher-and Swan Lake Charles 0. Tackett lloscbii'l , 3. D. Kange head of An telone near 3t , Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter Vlondray Uosebnd , S. D. Left side. Left car "cropped. Horses branded V . Range Little White River , at mouth of Dedar r.reek. Louis J. Richards Merriman. Neb \ - Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Xebrnka .Cattle branded as on cut cutSome Some ft side 01 In ] Kan < re on ( Joriiou Creek Louis F. Richards Meiriman Neb ETenry Pratt Itosebud S. D. Leftside Horses same on left shoulder Dmtiliorn clip on some cattle John DeCory Koscbnd. S. D , Some branded II 41" on left sirttj Horses JD on left hip Kange in Meyer Cc on Antelope Ur-ek i N. S. Rowlby Kennedy. Xcbr. Sanse as f.nt on side ami hij > . and on \ left' hluniUlHr-ftf heron - on and hip. : t on right hip and -r on leit side. . . ou left hip of horses. \V. J. C. ROUX1 Anderson Simeon. Nebrasl Cattle branded < left side a on cut ; also li ! on left sli willi on left hip sonic cattle ; also S on right side Hoi brand , rake and on left shoulder < hipHome Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Kange on Niobrara lliver.-eaBt Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake lliver ar Simeon , known as the Felch range , all in Cher : County , Nebraska. Marshall & Wolf en den Kennedy , Neb. Some 3 on the left bin Horses S on left shoulder Krand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Perch , Nebr Some on left Horses on left shouldei William M. Dunbar Lessee from Heine & Krocgcr Cody. Neb DUn Either side i Ais < finel oil Left ear ot cattle Split Kangc head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. Itigbt ear split llange , Littl White river Peder Thorsen. Rordon. Nebraska : ) n right sideT on right Inp. < horse jrand and T on iplit shoulder \lo cattle branded L M on leftZside Rmiiie , fowl mile * south of Invin Henry Young , Cody. Nebraska Horse brand III on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Hange , Little White river. S. D. Stotts & Stetter. Uody. ? " HrandfMl on left side llancf. Tin Can Lake aid Morgan Flats D. C. Kelson. Cody. Nebraska On right hip. Kange , Medicin Take to the Snake river TJutt Brothers. Cordon. Nebraska ICange.14 miles north ) f Gordon. F. C. Dueri'ellt ? Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle aHo bramlei HO on right hip Horses and mnlo Branded same as en on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Tordon , Nebraska ) ne bunch branded is on cut on left side One bunch branded 13 I < on left hip Horses.I on left ilmnUer Kange. 10 miles iouthwpst of Gallop. Between Niobrara uid Snake rivers George F Damon Albany. Neb u.tttle branded FI > onleft ribs o right shoulder ; XI SD FD on right hip and lei ribs1 ; Con left hip Horses Fl ) or SD 01 right shoulder Itange 7 nn nortl ei.st of Albany Nel Agent for Tasten ' Black Leg Vaccin Jospph Pickel Gordon Neb Ylso TTorsH brand If ou eft shoulder IwViige fo iniles lorlheust of Gordon STOCK NOTES , It is estimated that over. 2,500 hors < were shipped from. Converse' count ; Wyoming , during the first nine mohtl of this year. _ 4 The demand for baby beef has mac mature cattle very scarce on the rangi steer is seldoi and a four-year-old seen there now. i Ulia Powell sold three greyhoum this week to Tommy Dovvd for $60 i clean cash. lie also contracted thn more to Joe Fickle. There is moi inoriey in raising greyhounds tha there is in steers or sheep : Gordc Journal. ' > An Oklahoma judge has decidad th { a brand is not evidence of ownershi of cattle. This is contrary to custoi and former decisions and the case : watched with interest by stockmen reversion is expected on appeal. R. Lisco , manager of the Rush Gree Cattle Company , lias leased the Ricl ardson ranch for a period of five yeai paying $1000 per year rental. This i one of the best ranches , in the countr and lies convenient lo Mr. Lisco's othe property. Alliance Grip. A new industry has been started i Colorado by Mr. B Littlefield of Roul county , who now has a herd of fiftyjelfc who now has a herd of fifty elkj , ani expects in five or six years to increas them to 1OUO. , He is raising them fo beef. Live Stock Inspector. Upon recommendation of Harding the Yankton Indian agent , the depart ment has allowed 2J,000 for the put chase of cattle for that reserve and i the experiment proves a success an ap propriation of a like amount will b made to each agency in the west.- Miles City Journal. ' It has long been the custom of west erners to get their breeding stock froc the east , but the recent shipment of ; car of breeding cows from Nebraska t Vermont seems lo indicate that the tid has turned and we may expect that er long the eastern farmers will get al their good breeding animals from tin west. A Chicago market report on sales o stackers and feeders has this sentence ' 'The demand for feeding cattle is-quie unless the quality is good. " That i getting to be the usual thing Tbj market for most of the offerings in tin line of live stock drags frequently be cause of lack of quaht } * . Quality is be coming more and more essential , am herein is a lesson for breeders. Judge Kohlsaat of-the United State Circuit Court , on Monday of last \veel rendered a decision in favor of the rail roads in the case of the interstate com merce commission versus various w6s tern roads , with reference to the $ : terminal charge at Chicago. Thecour ruled that said charge is a segregatioi or division of the through rate o charges , as authorized by la\v , am therefore Wai. o The Texas breeders of cattle are no studying much about where theircattli have been but about what they an now. An old time breeder , discubsin < the problem , once said : -'It does no matter so much where our stock cam < from , gentlemen. The question is where has it got to ? " That is the ques tion after all. It will pay each individ ual to stop and answer this questioi for himself. Is his stock improving Homestead. The horse men and the automobili men ate making faces at each othe : now. The automobile fellows say thei machines do not balk , shy or cat feed and the horse men say their horse : never blow up and .scatter , their dis membered parts all over creation. Thi : may all be true , but horses are not real ly useful until they are well broken while when an automobile .is broken ii is no good. I am on the side of th < horse. Homestead. Rep'orts from ' 'the range country o Texas .and Xew Mexico indicate tha owners are' cleaning up their ranges t < an unusual \tent , partly because o disastrous losses of the very poor cattl < last winter. The shipments lliat liav < gone in this way , explain to a great ex tent the large receipts of that class 01 cattle at the markets. Prices seeir high now , but with increased consump jtipn .and demand there is little likeli hood , from a Texas point of view , o : cattle for the best breeding purpose ; eeing any cheaper next spring. The report in this paper a couple ol weeks ago that efforts will be made t < pass a bill through congress this wintei providing for the lease or sale of gov ernment "arid lands" has raised { storm of protests in this section of th < state. It is the general opinion tha the laws we now have are ample , anc that legislation along the line indicated would be productive of much harm t < cattlemenespecial ! } ' the smaller outfits -As it tfis now , the "law of the range1 gives to each individual the same rights that are accorded to another , regard less of wealthand , no change is wanted \Ve make this statement only after con sultation with many stockmen , big anc little , and if it does not fairly repre sent the sentiment of our readers , we will be pleased to hear from them anti give their communications space in the paper , besides sending them to oui cpngressman at Washington , should il become necessary for protest or advice to be offered. Let's hear from stock men on this question. J. II. VaxJJoskirk , secretary of'the cattle association , has. interested him self in behalf pf stockmen's. interest relative to public lands , lie received a letter from Jus. C. Dahlman stating th&t there will be a meeting of govern , ors of western- states in Denver some time next month and asks for t ! e opinion of stockmen as to the disposi tion of public lands. Mr. Vanlioskirk Is QftJie opinion that stockmen will op pose any scheme calculated to throw these lands from the federal to the state government and to this endhe will ag itate the matter , and. if necessary will petition congress to allow present con ditions to remain as they are. W'hile there may be some who would like to get opportunity to secure deeds to portions of the public range , yet it is generally conceded that a law giving Either title or lease to these lands would result in crowding out all stockmen not members of some trust that would be organized to buy up the en tire territory. As matters now stand ho trust can se cure any more of a foothold on the ranges than the humblest citizen with anly a few head of cattle , and for the best interest of all concerned it is welj that public sentiment should be crystal- ized iti this direction. Alliance Grip. For the information of stockmen we publish below the rules and regulations governing the allowance of brands un der the law passed last winter , and which went into effect on the first of last July. It is the desire of the "lirands and Marks Committee , " of vvhjeh J. II. Quigley , of this place , is shairman , that the applications for brands be all in before the last of this month , otherwise the brands w 11 not be recognized until after these which were filed prior to January 1 have been considered Ilenoc , if you have a brand 3'ou wish recorded , you had bet ter send it at once to Lincoln.If you ion't register your brand this month it rt'ill stand no show urless it is unique , regardless of the length of tinie yon iiave had it registered with the county slerk : 1. Applications tor the registry of " lmimls or marks should be sent to"the secretary of state with the' fee of § 1.50 for each brand or mark , llenut by : ash , draft or postoflice money order. In all cases where brands or marks arc recorded in the otlice of thei county Jerk a certufied copy of such record aiust accompany each application. 2. Applications for registry are re- luircd to be made by December 31 , 18QD , for all brands and marks then in" .ise. Applications will be filed in the U'der received , considered by the board in said order and-in the or letof their registration in thu Otlice of the county clerks. 3. Xo application will be accepted jr recoreledvhen the same raids 'On Jither side or any part of the animal. ' ' Divided that a brand described as be- ng"bn both sides , both hips or iike parts ol the body may be accepted. All solid brands and marks retnovmgto ex ceed one-half of the ear will bo rejected , 4. It is recommended that appli cants do not apply for any single letter , lumber or figure. There are few ailments so uncom fortable as piles , but they can easily be. jured by using Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment' Relief follows its xise , and my one suffering from piles cannot' ' ford t'o neglect { p'give it a trial. Price 50 cents in bo'ttles , tubes 75 cents. J. U. Quigley. Our Attractive Holiday Display Awaits your Inspection. . , , DAVENPORT & THACHER General Merchants ; ' STOVE TALK , , i * t - - - - TOTE TALK ABOUT STOVES a great * * deal ; but that's our btisiness. Stoves are a specialty of ours. By the way , we have just received a few of those Unexcelled ELeating Stoves The MAGIC ESTATE HOT BLAST. Remember we are also dealers in BED SPRINGS , MATTRESoES , ' PICT U HE FRAMES , Etc. : : : : : : ANDERSON. DREYFUS "HAD TWO TRIALS NE O'NLY WANT ONE . < . - - - H B MMHHB BMDMm Mn HMHBHBlHHaBBBHHMM * BDKlH H H Hl BM H HHBBMMO To convince you beyond a do'ubt that the best "line of LIQUORS , WINES AND CIGARS * * . * . Can be had at THE STOCK EXCHANGE ; . ' ' . ' WALTER F , A. MELTENDORFF. PROPRIETOR > UB MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment. BLIZZARD Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fur Coats , Ladies' and Children's Felt and warm-Lined Shoes. Juots and Shoes and Furnishings of all kinds. 'Practical Tailoring work uaranteed. our ' - - D OuJ.iJ.cii ° rF . . . . ? Alex Maniviill Tine Kidge , S U Cattle Branded as on cut and belpxv on either side Kennk Mvalbw foi k ou leit and erop right Horse I rands as below on left tlilgb or hip Cattle Wheeler liros. CoUy Neb * Also B on right side Range Chamberlain Flat : ? and Snake Kiver Newman - Bfosati Cody , Nebraska On point left shonl- der. ' Ateo 'O < on point-left shoulder Also | J nir left shoulder Same ou left hip Left side J. A. Adamson. Valentine. Neb On left side or hip A4 left side or hip OnTeftsUle * Range ou Xiobrara " Marqnardt &Jowlus OTTO STJCUUK. Manager. Merriman. 1 Cattle l > rand OMT on left blionlder. Some of cattle hsivc varions oliler brands. OS oil left hip. Horse bra'd A on left shouldei. . IlHntrfi Formerly GeoWMonnier , -ranch 5-niiIes cast of Sllerriman.froni F.E. Si M. V. II. 11. south to Leander Creek. qifufdt- Howl 11 i. Mr J. C. Trowbridge Merriman , Neb 'Hange between Irvin - \vin and Merriinau , south of railroad Ilughjiovill , Manager Menimari Xeb Also AH on left-aide or hip linage north of 1 Charlotte E. BovilL Merriman Neb Leftside or nip Itange north o EH Taken Up1 , at my place about 4 miles east ot Fort Niobrara. May -JO. one sorrel bald-rwrri gelding , 5 years old , and one bav mar-j li years old. both branded on left shonldeji EBXKST SEARS