WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT Xe\va , Fnrui and Stock . , * y Of ) , - Manager Valentine , Nebraska ALONZO HEATH Pastofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses Isftshoulder Range north " Cuicomb Ijike S A WINSLOW . Postofflceaddress , Cody , Nebraska Branded on cither pldo : horpc.s same on left -boulder Range 3-mi. north east of Eli and south of Nlobrara river , 13- nil soutliwustofCoily \ A C RIEMENSCHNE1DER Postofflcp nddres" f oilv. Nebnuk ? On right side ; alM > . > on rijrht shoubVi ami 2 > JIWJfl on left hit also JJ 01 jaw Rnnire OM Poni Ranch on Nu.bnin A D COLE Postofflee address Cody , NHiraska Same as nn out. Ictt side and shoulder , ttatme cast and MHith- aml west of Cody C11AS. E ROBERTS Postofflce iiddress Cody. Nebraska On eJther side ; some It K K ; some K K It Ran.o nortInvest of Cody FRANK J. JONES Postoffk-e addrops Cody.NebracKa On rightsnle ; horses ses same on le/t1 Range.ight miles west of Cinly CHAELES GARTSIDE Postofflce ad dress , Cody , Neb Cattle bnindud on eft side ; nlso C G j i left hip of cattle nid Irft .shoulder on horses 10 mi.viiili\\eatCodv JOHN SIIANGUAN Pontofllee address Cody , Nebniska On lelt side A No .lA on left .l s J S m left .shoulder l.'angf l > etwepn Cody and Lake Creek J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and poutb of Niohnira Riv > r,12-miles south west of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM MA YBEE. I'osjoflii'C address Cody Neb < > ! Kit side ; horses Mime left shoulder Karmark notch on underside of right ear lUnge east and > util of Eli J H STEELE Pubtofllce addrehS Cody , Nebraska On left side ; also LO or W L on left side ol . on left I' ' ! ' ; and horses o leftslionlder RaiiL'e-Moulh of Bear Creek C JI SKAGER Postofilcc address Codv , Neoniska Cattle branded ns on cut on left side , hip and shouli'er ; horses < ame Range , Snake Creek FRANK MOGLE Postoflice ad dress Cody , Nebnvslca On either de cattle herdmark left car clipped and rlirlit ear plithorscs ; bninde-1 same on loft shoulder nge on NIobnira und MeilicineCanyon EARL COMSTOCK , MANAGER Valentine. N * l sj | s Tl tli1e * * : : < ' > * * 4& Ierr < . . . VWr' . MM i ii. H * y * * * * Vv . ' sss M * l.Z.Mn ' HB TG 00 * $ JlorH'KlV ' < " ' " % i & % Z&3 $ , iv. 0itviif,8i'y 9 * fJf fAi . . : CHAS S Po-s'offlce address Merriman , Neb " i hut of cattle ; ho'M-s same left shoulder Kange between Bear Cieekand Niobnira River , 0-mi southeast of Merriman 8ELDER BROTHERS } Postofflce address Merriman , Neb On left .side of ltlealso | I on left Range , north an i south of Nlobrara Riveramisuthcnpt of Merriman G H FOLSOM Postofflce address Merriman , Neb Branded on left side Range north o * Merriman E F DEVINE Post office address Merriman , Neb Bnuidct ! on left side ; horses s.-mie on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and the Ninbianiriver.y-mi S E. of Merriman GEORGE STOVER Postofflco ftddrnss Merriman. Neb On left side ; hors \s same left shoulder Rnniri' Little White River South Dakota GEORGE jr.SSEN Postoffice address Merriman , Neb On jither left side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder R uge-East of Cot tonttood Lake GENTRY. ABBOTT & MONAHAN Pobtoffice address Hyannis.Nebi Holli nn lefi sii'e mine stock bninded . . . _ „ . der Ah'ft hip ; X N X anjwheic on ieft side ; also < ' A left side Range head Middle I.oup C S WILLIAMS Postofflco address Gallop , Nebraska On IcJt si ! e ; also IV I left side ; also Jleft hipalso ; W on side and S on hip ; horses S on left jaw Range-Eight m"o. south of Gallop ALBERT NENZEL [ 'ostoffioe address Aeuzel. Nebraska On either side of eal- Ie : boi-Mss same < ance northeist of Nenzcl L-AN ADAMSON Postoffice address Chesterfield , Neb. Br ndert as on cut ; sonic 5 on left hip : some just one brand HKC on cut on left Bordman and Snuke W G SAWYER Postofflce address Oasis , Nebraska hitler & QuiBcnbery lave charge of these jillle ; horvjs DNOII Idt hlioiddt-r ; some stock branded X Hii.vwliereoiuMiinial Range , Snake river RICHARDS A CAIRXES CO. Cattle branded oil any part of : < mmal : also the followin brands : 1 orses branded tue same Range between Gordon on tbe F.E. &M. V..R. R. and Ilyannis on B , &M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAKTL.KTT RIUIAICDS. fh.iil.ron , Nebraska J \V OSTRANDER Postonu-eraddress Rnshville , Nab On leftthijrhor liip ; horses. ) left thigh Ranire-TIeadwaters of G onion Creek A Ili'irarflofji-MO will b paid to jinv l > erpon for iiifurmation leadJrg to the arrest and nnal conviction of anv person or persons steal ing ( siltUi with above brand. MOREY & 1IEWETT Postofflcn address Goidon , Neb On left side of cattle horses snnloleft shouider ; also 21Om \ rattan leftsid gWeTg on left dPgbWeof some SfeSsP Range south > f Sn.kc35-iui south- MI WM ER1CKSON Postoffice ad dress KenuvdyNeb On b ! t sldiiHlld hip ; linisps 1) or A " citjaw Kang twoniili. . ? t of ICen- \ J DAWSON & BALL Postofflce address Chesterilel- : . Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut ; also V lelt neck andZ left hip : some V ictt neck. V left shoulder and Zletthiujhorscs ' VZ left hip. Range Snake RIver,31,32.33. GEORGE G BOTH WELL Postoffice address Pullman , Neb Branded as on cut ; nii leftbip Range south and east of Pullman T PULLMAN Postofilce address Pullman. Neb Branded as on cut ; Also P on shoulder on side I * on hip ; lso w side 1 hip also I * on snouldor , W on side I * on hip Range north prong of North Loup CIIAS S IIOYT Postoffifc address rulhnan. Neb Bninded ou Ijftside aNo 00 on left side ; ( . , iso "between eyes : uul n se Range IMnilesvest of Pullman J L ROSKBEIIRY Postoffico address Pullman , Neb Branded on left hit ) : horses same ) d- mark-double dew-lap Range south and east of Brush Hili S H DYE Postoffice'address Pullman , Neb Branded on leftside A leward of § 100 will be paid for in formation leading to tlu arrest and Hint ] conviction df any for killing. Irivinirofl orconceal ing any ol my cattle Postntlin Hy ; imis , Neb Riamlel ru lett side Range e uortli of Ilvannis L L MORRILL Postoffice address Ilyannis , Nei > On left side ; also S on lert hip ; horses left shoulder "Range ' . ' 5-miles inorth of Hyannis H C MASON Postoffice address 47L , Ilyannis. N 388 Cn left side ; some Miinu on let I s ! < i"nid hip Sniiit- onlcit liip Range-Mother l ike summer r.nifre-Bing- ham , bheridan.Co. A SAULTS Postoffico address Gregory , Neb On left side or hip ; horses same on lelt shoulder Range-ArkaiiSta Valley and .Snakr JOE CULBERTSON Po it ffic fficI'ul'iii.m. I'ul'iii.-m. Kelt PiRllldfll Oil Ifftsiflc : hoi.seTT on r'ght shoulder : a crop i-nd slitiuleitearofe.-tttle Ranee KorKs of North Loup River C JENSEN- ostoffice af'drcss Gallop , Nebraska Leftside on piivate "tock and nv'lu Mile on cattle ilur.-e C J on left shoulder. Kange.-Ei ht miles south of Gallop JULIUS PETEUSON Po-tolKce adin ss Gregory. N'eb Bninded as ou cut Range two miles uorlb of Gregory D N GOURLEY Posf ifflce address Rnshville , Neb On left hip : ' side ; horses x$3 y left shoulder Sj 1t-inge.-Ccdar Lake OBE fllURCII Postnfl'ce ' addres Merriinan , N 3a Jeft side : : ilso on right siile IUR-OSO luftshoiiider lounge no tli und niirh of MerriniHii CHARLES LONE WOLF Postofflce address Allen 3 D On right side and shoulder , horses same on right thich Range-Bear Creek MORRIS JANIES Postofficp adrircs * Roselmil , S. IX CuttiO branded on left siile as on rut norsea nn lefr thiglu Jirnge ou Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postoffice address .Allen , S. D,1 On left shoulder and hip ; somel on | S5f4 leftshouldrandgjy on left side. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek FRA"NTK A GALLIGO Postofflce address Manderson , S. D. Left side and on young stock. Oln stock Horses Range-Rock Springs Basin JAMES BUSH Postoflice addres Allen S On left side > Also $ % $ on lr > ft side Plorses on left hip nange- Dear Creek R M FADDIS Postofficeiddress - Pass , Neb Range , North Loup Riyer CHARLES LONG MAN Postofflce address Allen S U On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek DAVIS Postofflce address Simeon , Neb Branded on right side or hip Also on left hip on right i boulder as on cut Range-Go : don and CHARGING BEAR Postofflce address Allen S I ) On left aiue < iTid thigh horses on thigh Iiange Hear Creek STSAU3IAJ ? BKOS Poatofflpn addrosa Brand on l : t Aid Horses and ; some cattle I kft side and uul ! k : > ami \VAititi C F COOPER Postofflce address C- . ! Keiii/edy / , Neb Sj& < * / ; Cattle branded on left side same ; is cut Stock over one year old nil right s" " liorses smite * gen on lelt Mionldrt Range soiitli iV wes-t > Huckberrv Lake and turlew Also some hraud't IZ ° n eltleg JACOBSON BROTHERS Postoffice address Gregory , Neb On left side ; son e same with I on h ft shoulder horses lelt shoulder Itange Gordon - ' don and Goose Lake DAX WEBSTER Postoffice address Ilarlan , Nebraska 3nleft side or hip ; lor.ses bninded same eftsh-nil ler tange between Nio" irarn and Snul- riv" : n , soutli of Alerri- nun A Kvirnrtl aj $1 < M > will be jiaid to any ler-oii for infornialion leadnig to ine arrest and iual conviction of any pel sou or persons stea.- ng cattle or hoiscs with above br < ihd. O J" KELLAK e utirtrest Brounebr On oft side Range , betweer Goose Creek tad Loup A T BRACKET ! 'ostoffice address Riego Neb trandud on left side lauge-Three miles outliwust of Georgia WILLIA3I WILSON Postoffice address Kiljoro Nebi Branded on left side Kange-Southeast of Georgia H SCIFULTZ Postothce address McCann Neb Stock branded as on tut Range North and south of Georgia VILHELM ANDERSON" Postoffice address McCann Neb Bninded on left side horses same on lelt hip Range bctveen the Niobnira and Snake JOHN DUBRAY Po-itoffice address Merriman , Neb Ou left side , jaw or hip Ramre Lake Creek South Dakota. A. B. CAP WELL Postofliee address Pullman Ne ! > On left side of cattle Kango .North Loop JOE ROOKS JU , Posiodice address Allen S D On left side ; horses same on teigh Sangu lUvir Creek Jlervev iluncli Two miles east of Crookston , in Cbern coui'ty , Nebraska Cartle branded OC on left hip. on rinht lnp.andonrifrlit side with 3-inch letter Wm Cavanaiigh I\Igr Crookston Neb CHAMBERLAIN & CO rSi I'nloffice address r , &f $ * M , Neb iOrirl. v _ . . M5 ? "wSa Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws H V DOWNING 'ostoffice addrens Gregory , Neb ) n leftside ; also 3 0 L E on side Range Stevenson . .aku PIKE BRO& BRO&Postoffice Postoffice address Cmokston , Neb Brande'l on cithe sideoiarlinalVt n right liip Range On . . _ ncchaduza. 5-miles cast of Crookhton E E AND H E WOODRUFF 'obtolflce addrcbs Hyannis. Neb On left bin and loft side. Also stirk I-.r.mdi-d OM left ide iind leversed ! fin right boulder ; also riglit nip ; t ml left side &rf& &s * * ' Itauge-iMoiher L Ke M RICHARDSON I'astbfllce address i McCann Neb j f Branded on left side Ran e McCuun A T DAVIS ostoffice address Ilyannis , Neb On right side. here shoulae ilso rattle O O MI rteht si l Ranee 10 mil'1 ; lorih of llvannis R A WESTOVER Postoffice address Lakeland. Neb Branded on left hip and shoulder , B Some ou right side h < d < a Range in Brown and i ; afj Cherry countie * ; at neadwatereof the ol Calamus river. R. HANSON HANSONA jstoffioe address Valentine. Neb rattle branded ou ift hip ; horses the Range cr. Dry Val- er Brand and Paper One Year S3.5G JRoliert Good , Valentine , rs Postofilcc address Brownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horses branded same on left hlp.Also has stock branded II ouside or shoulder , or J K or TV or O'VI , orO or FZ. Also the following , the first one bem on side and hip LSZ AHD 8ON3 Poatoffloe Brownie * On rlsbt sldf. eiLEen LEon saaia side also LES ea left sideRang Rang * , north ej rownlea , 3 So 4 miles GEO IIIGGINS Postofflce address , Brownlee , Neb Branded on left side ; some Hj ft side and thigh and onlcftthigk Range Duck Lake JOHN J STEK.X Postofflce address Hruwnlea Neb On light tide Hange , Hort * alley H v3 CLARENCE K SMITH Postoffice address \Vnitman , Nel On left side ; hori-es same on left shoulder F579 on left side pSsg iiiywhern on hip or thigh fc4 Ranee uortli prong * = 5 Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake S W Cliesnut Gordon. Nebraska. Brand same as cut on left hip. Kange head of Gordon Creek , forty miles southeast of Gordon. Breeder of Hereford cattle. .1 G COOLER Postoffiue address Hyannis , Neb > n right side ; hor- es same on right -boulder nge siniih'S noriliw cst of Moth er Lake precinct A J PLTJMER Postofficc address Hyannis , Neb Branded on right side and h' p Also have stock branded n right side and hip Hordes on right hip tange-Southwesteru Cherry lounty. W E STANSBIE AND D O BAUGH 'ostofiice address Iiyannis , N ) n left hip anc left ide Als f&SiK n left hip * ! & & & nd left side flr 2 orses same CL-JC muds on shoulders Range IM-miles orthofHyatinis MASON COMPANY jPostofflce address Hyannis , Neb On right hip ; T * ' either side On right ses right shonhier lunge seven miles north of Hyannis. SWEENEY BROS ostoffice address Pullman , Neb little branded as on nr ; horses branded ime as ' cattle except jvcrse'd $ , f > e block auge Stever 3d Stephenson akes and South A HUATPDREY Postoffice a < ldress rl Hyannis , Neb Branded any\vhere 011 right side ; horses ses same on left shonlder Range - - sixteen miles northeast of Hyann ROBERT I HINES ) stoffice address Cody , Nebraska anded on left side ; irsessameleftshoul ; r inge on Snake south Co'lv. Charles Richards .Mcrrimaii , Neb