WOOD BKOTHEKS' Live - Stock - Commission - Merchants SonthOmaha and Chicago O iQWO .WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman IIENRT LEFLER , Hog Salesman , We furnish Market .Reports free of expense. Write to us. C. II * COKXEIJL. President. JII. V. KICKOL-SOKCashier ANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. 'A. General ISaiiking Business Transacted and Sells Domestic * * iid Foreign [ Exchange y . Chemical National \ Bank , New York. Correspondents ; First National Bank , Omaha Neb I The DONOHER 8 \ < t $ Is continually adding improvements and it is now tko 43 best equipped , and most comfortable . &f SIFIRSTCLASS MODERN HOTEL jf IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA 5 ? Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Room QHERRY QOUNTY BANK Valentine , Nebraska \ Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reaaonabli rates. County depository. E. SPARKS. President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier Everything fresh and clean , and prices that are right. Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies , ' J/N. STEADMAN & CO- Kennedv , Nebraska , The OWL SALOON Golden Sheaf i'tire White Rye , Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek Louisville. Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's Toka , AngellicaPortSherry and "Black berry in wood , claret , Riesling , Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ; . Gasts and Clicquot in bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Also Agent for Fred Kings Celebrated Ez ra Pale User for family U33 , ad Pabsts C. H. THOMPSON , M. SAGESBR C. . , TONSOBiAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving. HOT AND COLD BATHS , FIRST CLASS MILL I have established a Feed ami Saw Mill n miles south ef Cody , at the mouth of Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared to irrind V&'tl , Corn Meal and Graham , C" turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension suifT , and Native Shingles ( if veus a I rial order. J. F. HOOK Two horses ; nno lirmvn horse branded O on left shoulder , one black horse branded IX on left shoulder. SSlefHiip. Twill pvp the first described horse t HIM man who liuds ami re turns the black described above.JOHN JOHN MoNitnrc. Kyle , S. 1) . Taken up by the undersigned. 7 miles oas > t of Merriman. one sorrel horse with front lej ; bro ken , branded T on right shoulder. Also ( tne buckskin mare branded on left shoulder- 1'artios can haw same by proving property and paying fost . 31 G. w. Mounter. Merrlmau , Neb. Strayed Two cows , about 6 years old , one dark red. one roan wieh horns tipped. Branded TC on right hip. J. A. Adnmson. for' \ M YvTanted 500 men to harvest sugar beets and for jeneral farm work. Apply to Standard Cattle- Company Ames , Nebraska. 42 Louis ISordeaux Jioscbud , S. D. Horses branded Alfred Bordeaux and Bros Kosebud , S D Prideaux Sanford Kennedy. Neb Stock branded OH left side Horses branded on left shoulder Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Neb. TTorses same on lift shoulder Eanco between the Gordon and the Snake Be not too late with your Winter Vegetables . 4 AVe are row ready for Winter Orders If you want good vegetables , then llanseu's is the place. Any kind of first class vegetables can be secured by giving order to JENS TUOMSEN C. ELLING Manager Salesman B. HANSBN Jf you have sore throat , soreness across the back or side , or your lungs feel sore or tender , or you are threat ened with diphtheria or pneumoniaai- ply Ballard's fcnow Liniment external ly and use Ballard's Hbrehouna Syrup . -Ji. t * WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher This was the last term of couit that Judge Kinkaid will hold in this county , and as a testimonial of their regardthe local bar , Saturday , passed the follow ing preamble and resolutions : Wnen the legislature of 1886 formed the Fifteenth .Judicial District in northwest Nebraska , it became neces sary for the governor to appoint a judge for the district. Many applicants asked for the appointment , but the executive wisely chose Moses P. Kinkaid , who was appointed in March , 1887 , and at the following fall election was nomi nated by the republicans and elected by a large majority , and was succes sively elected for three four-year terms , the last of which expires next January , when Judge Kinkaid will , from his own choice , retire from the bench of this district. Therefore , be it KESOLVED , By the Cherry County Bar , that we part with Judge Kinkaid as judge of the Fifteenth Judicial Dis trict with regret ; his kind treatment of the bar. his forbearance and patience , has endeared him to us as a kindsocial gentleman ; his strict impartiality and integrity in his rulings and decisions , his careful and painstaking way in his rulings in the trial of all cases , and his allowing to all litigants , high or low , rich or poor , a fair and impartial trial , has , beyond contradiction , proved him to be a fair and honest judge and will ever commend him * to us as a learned , honest and fair minded man. RESOLVED , That we part witli Judg * Kinkaid as our judge with sindere re gret , and we assure him that wherever tie goes , or in whatever business he may engage , he will cany with him our best wishes and our prayers for his success and well being. RESOLVED , That this preamble and resolutions be spread upon the journal of this court , and published in each of the qotinty papers. ' 15y order of the committee. J. WESLEY TUCKEH. F. M. WALCOTT. Judge Kinkaid has been on the bench in this district for the last twelve j'ears , and his familiar countenance will be sadly missed by old time attend ants at court , but we believe it is a case of Kismet. Judge Kinkaid has. < } uring his occupancy of the bench , won the es teem and confidence of our people to a Gjreat degree , and we wish him bounti ful success in anything he may under take , except running for office. As a man we admire him , as a judge we re spect him , as a lawver we bow to his learning , but as a politician we have no u-e for him. Judge Kinkaid is dead. Long live Judge Harrington ! rwvvvvwwwwwv > I COUNTY t CORRESPONDENCE Eli Precinct. It seems that winter is here. "Wm Burris has sold his place to J. K. Good fellow. Miss IJrown visited the school in District 49 Monday. Dan Garner and Ed Johnson helped furnish the music for a dance at Murri- man Thanksgiving. Quite a numher of our citizens were courting last week and some of them haven't showed up yet. ( Monday. ) .Some of the hoys who were in Valen tine last week from here , say that the city marshal was going to run in E. F. Devine for heing on the street after the curfew bell rang , hut they finally persuaded him to believe that Ell was no kid. Two of our citizens committed mat rimony last week. Miss Beatrice Steele was married to James McDowell , Avho owns the IJoiling Springs Ranch ; and J. E. Selders was married to a Rush- ville lady. The former wedding took place in Valentine and the latter in Rushville. These young people have the best wishes of a host of friends and start out in life with every prospect of a prosperous and happy future. Here's our hand , boys. Teachers' Association. The Valentine Teachers' Associa tion will meet in the Hi jh School building , Dec. 9 , at 1.30 p. m. All who are interested in school work are. invited to meet with us. The follow ing' is the program : Chapters VIII , IX , X , Shoup's History and Science of Education. Articles from school jouruals by each teacher. LIZZIE CRAWFORD , Sec. MASK BALL December 25th at Cornell Hall. Masks and costumes for rent at Jackson & Bra3ton's. Dance and Supper , S2.00. The disposition of children largely depends upon health. If they are troubled with worms they will be irri table , cross , feverish , and perhaps se riously sick. While's Cream Vermi fuge is a worm expeller and tonic to make them healthy and cheerful. Price 25 cents. J. II. Quigley. . Subscribe for the NEWS-DEMOCRAT.- COURT ADJOURNS , The Mill of Justice Closed on Monday The Grist Court did not adjourn until Monday afternoon on account of the jury in the Nichols-Monnier case failing to agree upon a , verdict until Sunday morning. / Last Friday the case of State vs. Mayfield , wherein "Mustang Charlie" was accused of having tried to pass a f01 ged check , occupied the attention of the court. June 20th somebody tried to get a $20 check , signed by Dawson & Ball , cashed at Bailey's and also at Johnson's in Woodlake. These gentlemen were suspicious and later discovered the check was a forgery. They identified Mayfield as the man who had attempted to pass the check , and he was accordingly ar rested , but at the trial he proved a clear alibi by very reputable witnes ses , and was acquitted. Saturday the case of Chas. S. Nichols vs. G. W. Monnier , a damage case for 8200 which \vas appealed from justice court , took the time cf judge and jury until 11 p. m. , and resulted in a verdict of $69.67 foi - Nichols. Monnier has tne costs to paj' , which amount to about $200. Monday , Charles Baile3r , who plead guilty to the charge of cattle steal ing , was sentenced to one year and six months in the penitentiary. The case against Edmund George was dismissed. Andrew Christensen , who was charged with selling mortgaged prop erty , being now in the United States military prison for deserting the army , the case against him was dis missed. State vs. "Witt , horse stealing , was continued , because defendant broke jail some time ago , and cannot be found. State vs. Qartside , cattle stealing , was continued by agreement , on ac count of defendant's counsel having urgent business elsewhere , and the diflicultyof securing the attendance of one of the prosecuting witnesses. H. A. Dawson , of Pine Ridge. This gentleman put in an appearance later but continuance had then been granted. Jensen vs. F. E. & M. V. R. R. was continued , as were also the following cases : Gillett vs. Amos Strong , sher iff ; Henry Brock vs. Cnerry County , a case for damages received on account of the old Berry bridge being inse cure ; Newman Bros. vs. F. E. & M.V. R. R. Newton Grooms vs. Ludwig Bock will be tried at the next term of court. Dr. Lewis obtained a judgment against the county for $85 on an ap peal from the commissioners' decis ion , and W. T. Meisner obtained judg ment for balance due him for furnish ing court house plans. Five divorce cases appeared on the docket and were disposed of as fol lows : Samuel B. Clark was divorced from Annie Clark , the Roueche case was dismissed , Lizzie Lowe was freed from John Lowe , Albert Thomas was told that he need no longer support Bertha Thomas , and no appearance was made by William or Elsie Gard ner. Saturday afternoon an informal session of court was held with Judge Walcott in the chair , and the local bar took occasion to eulogize Judge Kinkaid , an account of which appears elsewhere. The Misses Toohey , of Ashland , Montana , were recently arrested for selling liquor to Indians , but were discharged at the preliminary. To a man up a tree it looks as though this last infringement of women upon the God-given rights of man to engage in ' ' * ' deserves most 'bootlegging condign punishment. In sluggish liver , Ilerbine , by its beneficial action upon the biliary tracts , renders the bile more fluid , and brings the liver into a sound , healthy con dition , thereby banishing the sense of drowsiness , lethargy , and the general feeling of apathy which arise from dis orders of the liver. Price 50 cents. J. II. Quigley. Notice of Publication. In the County Court ol Cherry County , Neb raska. In the mutter of the Estate ) of \ William 15. Stansble ) Elizabeth Stansble. .lo'm St.msbie , llobert M. Stansble. James A. Siaii.sble. Tliumas Stansble.AHeit-Ul'insble.Mary StanMiic , Sarah Stoddard. Mlnnla M.IJaHghJda L. Km ; : and Jane Stansble. and all other per sons Interested In said matter are liereby noti- f.od tha onthc art day of lecemner,18oa.CliarIes Lane Hied ; t petit inn In said county court jiray- itiK that bis final administration account filed therein be settled and { allowed and that he bo discharged from said trust as adminlstratorand each and all of YOU are notified that if you fall to appear in said court on the 23d day of Decem ber , iria.at 10 o'clock a. m. and contest said pe tition , the court may grant the nrayer of such petition and make such otherand furtherorders , allowances and decrees as the court may ree proper to the end that all matters pertaining to saip estate may be finally settled and deter mined. W. K.TOWXE. 46-at County Judee. Order to Show Cause In the District Court of Cherry County. Xtbr. In the matter of the application of Mary A Carson and Alfred Lewis. Executors ot the wil of William G. Carson , deceased , for the sale o real estate. And now on this 13th day of November , 1899 , tin's cause came on for hearing before W. Ji. Westover. one of the judges of the District court of Cherry county , .Nebraska upon the petition of Mary A. Carson and Alfred Lewis , executors of said estate , praying for a license to .sell tbe following described real estate , tc-wit : The se A sec. 9 and n yt mv J4 and BW h mv 54 and nw & sw } 4ee 15 , twp 31 , r 8. Cherry County. NebrasKa.lor the payment of the legacies named in the will of the said William G. Carson , de ceased , and for the support and maintenance of the widow and minor Heirs , there being no pei- sonal estate for that purpose. It is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate , appear before me at Kush- ville.utebraska , on the ueth day of December. 1809 , at 10 o'clock a. in. to show cause why li cense should not be granted to s > id executors to sell sjiid real estate , and it is further ordered that a cony pf this notice be published tour con secutive weeks in Western Ne\\s-lJemocrat in Chei ry County , Nebrash.i : , Dated tills 13th day of November , 1899 , at Eushville , Nebr. 43 \V H. WESTOVKIt , Judge. Feed. Bran , bulk 55c per cwt § 10 00 ton Shorts bulk CDC per cwt $12 00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00" Chop Feed 55c " $16.00" Corn 70c " § 1300" Oats 85c " § 1600 " If you are suffering from drowsiness in the day time , instability of temper , sleepless nights , general debility , head ache , and general want of tone of the system , use Horbine. You will get re lief and finally a cure. Price 50 cents. J. II. Quigley. C. A- . WELLS 'J. B. WELL9 WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! Office over Cherry County JSanh 4 THE ELKHORN RAILROAD. 'North-Western Line' is .the best ' ' > to and from the * SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. Tob Print ! B r m * b Jf\t JL A Xw AT THIS OFFIOE Satisfaction Guaranteed CITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET GEO. G. SOHWALM. PROP. This market always keeps a supply of FRESH-FRUIT-AND-GAM In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Boasts , Dry Salt Meata Smoked Hams , Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStetter's Old Stand on Main Street. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA THE PALACE SALOON I HEADQUARTERS FOR WBMES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS ? Of the Choicest Brands 4 ? * VALENTINE NEBRASKA When Visiting Valentine Stop at. THE CITY HOTEL } . A. HORNBACK , Proprietor , $1,00 per day. Good Service. Wide Tire Wagons Arc acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST KECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition to this 1 have just received a car of "WIND MOTOB" WIND MILLS "Which I am selling very cneaplj Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Yalentiue Nebraska D. S. Ludwig -I Will Open the- VALENTINE STEAM LAUNDRY J SII ) , YES ! Figure the cost of washing at home and then see us. 0ur _ prices are reasonable G and work done to suit. you. So many people have the mistaken idea that the Steam Laundry jjt { is hard on clothes. Ko ! The Steam Landry pf today can do 30111 * work better and'make your ' * " * " clothes last longer than can possibly be dr.ne at home. G1YE US AERIAL. ' " > , - . G E MARTIN , Manager , > . > * - i jr v 4 * Ii 4 '