Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, December 07, 1899, Image 3

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    Dizzy ? Then your , liver isn't
acting well. You suffer from bilious
ness , constipation. Ayer's Pills act
directly on the liver. For 60 years
the Standard Family Pill. Small
doses cure. 25c. All druggists.
Want your moustache or be.ird a beautiful
lirown or rich black 1 Then use
UMTg' P" HMi _ * CO. NMMU , N. H.
Stubb Is old Kranker an anti-im
perialist ? ,
Penn Well , I shoulh say BO. He
actually wouldn't accept a royalty on
his invention.
Combination Rook Case for $13.93.
For those who : mr accustomed to send
ing away from home for their goods it
is of the greatest importance to know the
character aud reliability oC the establish
ment selling goods to families from cata
logues. The great emporium of the Jofin
M. Smyth Co. . located at lOU to 1UU West
Madison street , Chicago , has been estab
lished for a third of a century , and has
furnished over half a million homes in
Chicago and vicinity alone. This firm
enjoys the confidence of the public by its
many 3 ears of fair dealing. It issues an
immense illustrated catalogue that should
be in every family , as it describes and
gives the price of every article required
for household use. A sample of the ex
traordinary values offered by this firm is
shown inthe illustration of the combina
tion bookcase in another column of this
paper for $ lb.'jr > . This is one of the best
bookcases ever offered to the public , and
yet it is but a sample of the thousand
and one useful articles illustrated and de
scribed in the beautiful catalogue of the
John 2 > L. Smyth Company.
A P'Munant Attention.
"What's the matter Avitli little Jim ? "
"He wanted a. watch for his birtih-
t3ay and we irare him an alarm clock. "
Mrs. R. Williams , of Fostorville , Ark. ,
writes ou Sept. UGtli : My mother , who hail
"been afflicted with Neuralgia aud Kheuma-
tism for eight years , being so bad hi her
arm that it was partially paralyzed , I
learned of your " 5 DKOl'S" "d purchased
a sample bottle. Seeing that it helped her
so much , 1 ordered a dollar bottle , aud after
taking one-half of the large bottle her arm
was all right , and 1 consider her entirely
cared. " 5 DROl'S" Is the most powerful
specific known , free from opiates and per
fectly harmless. It Is a positive cure for
Rheumatism , Sciatica , Neuralgia. Backache ,
Asthma. Catarrh. La Grippe aud kindred
diseases. Dollar si/.ed bottle , coutalulng 300
tioses , $1.
llH Kasl lake street , Chicago.
A brave man knows no malice ; but
1" forgets , in peace , the injuries of. war ,
aud gives his direst foe a'friend's em
brace. Cowper.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
liy local applications , as they cauuot re.ich the
diseased portion of the ear. TJiere Is only one
way to cure Deafness , and that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed -
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustaehiaii Tube. When this tube gets inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing , and when It is entirely closed Deafness is
the result ; and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition , hearing will bu destroyed forever ;
nine cases out of ten are caus'ed by catarrh ,
which is nothing but an iutkimed condition o (
the mucous surfaces.
Wo will give Dim Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that can
not he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars , free.
F. J. CHKXEY & CO. . Tel cdo. O.
gr-Sold by Druggists. 75e.
Every action of our live : ; touches on
some chord that will vibrate in eter
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be ;
for loan oft loses both itself and
friend. Shakespeare.
Piso's Cure for Consumption haa saTed
me large doctor bills. C. L. Baker , 422.S
Regent Sq. . Philadelphia. Pa , . Dec. 8. ' 95.
"George , you'll have to try and catch
" " love ? " "Because I
a cold. "Why , my
am just dying for some raw onions. "
5weet , Soothing 5Iumber Man's
Greatest Blessing.
Nothiig Kills So Quickly as Loss of Sleep-
Rest Needed for Repairs How to
Obtain It Without Fall.
When you don't sleep well , look 'out for
Nothiug breaks down a person so quick
IT as loss of sleop. that boon of mankind
which gives the exhausted system rest for
No time for repairs means destruction ot
tlie machinery. It Is so with the human
You are nervous , have a load on your
chest , are troubled with unaccountable
anxiety and forebodings of evil , aud roll
and toVs all night.
Towards morning you have fitful naps
from sheer exhaustion , awake in a cold
sweat , unrefreshed. pallid , trembling , with
c. bad taste in your mouth aud a feeling of
srent weakness.
It's your stomach , your liver , your bow
els.Keep your digestive organs all on the
i ve properly and your sleep will be rest-
uil and refreshing and all repairs will be
attended to.
The way to do it Is to use a mild , posi
tive harmless , vegetable laxative and liver
stluiulaat Cascarets Candy Cathartic.
Tliev make the liver lively , prevent sour
stomach , purify the blood , regulate the
bowels perfectly , make all things right ag
tbev should be.
Go buy and try Cascnrets to-day. It's
what they do. not what we say they'll do ,
that will please you. All druggists , lOc ,
25c. or 50c. or mailed for price. Send for
booklet and free sample. Address Sterling
Remedy Co. . Chicago ; Montreal , Can. : or
Y' rk.
This lst the CASCARET tablet.
Every tablet of the only genuine
i Cascarets bears the magic letters
-CCC. " Look at the tablet before
you buy , and beware of frauds ,
Imitations and substitutes.
Thomas TV. Tipton , One of this
State's First United States Sen
ators , Passes Away in "Washington ,
Alter a Long Illness.
Thomas W. Tipton , one of Nebraska's
first United .States senators , diert , in "Wash-
ington Nov. 28 , after a long illness. He
was born in CadiOhio. . , August 5 , 1817 ,
and was elected to the legislature of Ohio
in 1845 , but after some time settled in Ne
braska , lie was elected a delegate to the
Nebraska constitutional convention , and
became , in I860 , a member of the territorial
council. Subsequently he studied for the
ministry and wasappointed chaplain of the
First Nebraska and served during the civil
war. He was United States senator from
Nebraska from March-4 , 1807 till March 3 ,
J875. At the time of his death Mr. Tipton
was about completing his reminiscences of
the politics of Nebraska for the state his
torical society.
Man and "Woman Have a Blood-
cjiirdltiig Adventure.
Back Berry , whose farm is , on the
Niobrara Ttiver , twenty-five mites north
east of O'Neill , tells the best snake story
of the season. Jt runs as follows :
One day last week Mr. Berry and Miss
Caldwell of Sioux City , his niece , were
strolling along the river bottom cast of the
house through a beautiful natural grove ,
when all at once they discovered by the
warning whirr of hundreds of horny tails
that they were in the midst of a congress
of rattlesnakes that seemed to be in session
as a committee of the whole for executive
Mr. Berry happened to have a spade in
his hand and with it laid about , him vigor
ously right and left. Miss Caldwell as
sisted with a club. When the battle was
over they co.unted 23(5 ( dead rattlesnakes
and half as many blue racers. A great
many of the snakes had as high as eleven
rattles. They were an extraordinary
vicious lot and instead of attempting to es
cape came savagely at the intruders and
fought doggedly until the last one was - -
terminated. The rattles , which fill an . - . -
dinary cigar box , they cut off and prize
very highly as mementos of an'exceedingly
perilous position.
In speaking of his experience with the
rattlers , Mr. Berry said he had been in
some pretty close places , but was never so
thoroujihlj' frightened as when he found
himself outflanked by those snakes on
murder bent. As for Miss Caldwell , Mr.
Berry said he had never seen as brave a
woman. When the light was the fiercest
and the snakes the thickest , and it looked
like a sure case of beinir bitten , she neither
screamed nor fainted , but coolly laid them
out with her club.
A peculiar thing about the matter is that
a rattlesnake is rarely seen south of the
river , while they are quite numerous on
the Boyd County side. It is Mr. Berry's
opinion that they crossed the river and
were going into winter quarters in a den
that is thought to be in that vicinity. A
big killiir" was made near the same place
several years ago.
Two Masked Robbers Make a "Haul
in Omaha.
Two masked men on the night ofNov. .
30 held up Conductor Sam A. Armstedt
and Motorman Mike Clark in Omaha and
relieved them of $10 in cash and a silver
watch. The train was just about to pull
out from the west end of the Sherman
Avenue and South Omaha line at Thirty-
sixth Street and Ames Avenue , when two
men suddenly emerged from the darkness
and jumped on the car. One of them had
a white handkerchief tied over the lower
part of the face , and the other one had a
red one tied in the same manner.
They did not stop to bandy words , but
presented revolvers to the faces of the
astonished street car men and commanded
them in language more forcible than ele
gant to shell out what they had. The
street car men did not wait to be asked
iwice , for each one felt the cold steel
pressed against his forehead. There was
a sudden transfer of property , with which
the robbers vanished into the darkness.
AVhy a Lodge AVill Not Pay.
Sherman MtvFadden died at Lushton
after two weeks' illness. He died of fever ,
the exact symptoms of which are not
known , as he was not attended by a physi
cian , lie and his wife were both Christian
Scientists and he died in the faith if not
because of it. Jle was a son of Capt. J.
McFadden , sheriff of Fillmore County.
Both he and his \Vife refused to have a
doctor. A Christian Scienlist from Lincoln
treated him. The local members of Mod
ern Woodmen Lodge asked them to em-
plov a physician , but both objected. The
policy of $2,000 on the life of McFadden
will be contested on this account.
Farmer Shot by a Brother.
James and William Shuck were on the
road between the home of their father , a
well known farmer , and William's home ,
about thirteen miles south of North Platte ,
when a ball from a gun James was carry
ing passed through his brother's head caus
ing instant death. James claims it was
Omaha's Mayor Very III.
An Omaha dispatch on Nov. 29 stated
that Mayor F. E. Moores of that city was
lying at his home in a serious condition.
A little over a week ago he left his office
and went home unable for duty. Pleuro-
pneumonia\ developed and at times the
condition of the mayor was considered
Boy's Face Torn by Dog's Teeth.
Stephen , the H-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Cunningham , was bitten in the
face by a dog at O-sceola. The boy was
delivering milk at the residence of Josiah
Locke , and as he stepped on the porch
the dog jumped at him and injured his
face so that he is under the care of the
Samuel KlUert Is Dead.
A private dispatch from Galveston ,
Texas , announces the death of Samuel II.
Elbert , ex-governor of Colorado , in that
city. Mr. Elbert was a delegate of Ne
braska to the convention which nominated
Lincoln for president in 1860.
Sheltou Men Buy New Mexico Sheep
11. J. Kobbins and M. G. Lee arrived at
their homes in Shelton the other day with
twenty-live cars of sheep , 0,000 head of
which they intend feeding on their ranches
near there. The stock was purchased of
growers in Nw Mexico.
Corporal Faire and Privnted Jock-
r-ns Acquitted by Courtmartial.
Corporal John S. Fairc and Private
Henry J. Jockens were acquitted Nov. 27 by
courtmartial hi Omaha of manslaughter ,
the specific charge being the killing of a
Jleeing deserter Private Samuel Morgan
of the Eighth Cavalry.
The shooting occurred at La Plalle ,
Sarpy County , and at the time the ollicials
of that coun'ty decided that the ends o !
justice wouldbe satisfied if the military
ollicials handled the case. Gov. Poyntei
ordered Hie attornpy general to take the
case up in the event of an acquittal , his
excellency holding that as long as the
community was not under military law
the shooting of a fugitive from the guard
house was an arbitrary act and a menace
to the public safety.
Supt. Jackson Gives an opinion in
Case Referred to Him. t
One of tbe school directors of the Gage
County district has asked State Supt. Jack
son whether he would restrain n teacher
from reading the bible or singing religious
songs before her class. Mandamus pro
ceedings were recently instituted in the
district court at Beatrice to compel the
school board to discontinue the practice ol
reading the scriptures at the opening ol
school. Supt. .Jackson rendered a de
cision which is quite in favor of ihe bible ,
holding that there is nothing in the lawsol
Nebraska to prevent simple reading , with
out note or comment , or repeating the
Lord's rrayer.
Desperate Man Suicides.
As Sheriff Sweeney of Butte County , S.
D. , was conducting JIarry Rogers , a con
victed horse thief and desperate man , to
the Sioux Falls penitentiary to spend two
years , his prisoner committed suicide. Al
O'Neill a change of cars from the Elkhorn
to the Pacific Short Line was made. Rogers
was conducted to a seat in the combination
smoking , baggage and mail car'and Sheriff
Sweeney took a seat behind the prisoner
and his deputy sat in the seat in front ol
him. When the train was a short distance
from Brunswick the prisoner asked the
deputy for his penkdife , as lie wanted tc
clean his linger nails before reaching
Sioux City , and the deputy complied with
the request.
"Ha ! " exultantly whooped the prisoner ,
and opening a long blade he drew it across
his neck from his right ear almost to the
jugular vein. The blood gushed and
spurted and a dozen men were on theii
feet. "With an awful oath that made the
blood of the hearers run cold an oath
that was half a wail of despair and a curse
of hate he fell on his face and expired.
The body was taken from the train at
Plainview and prepared for burial. The
sheriff took the bo-ly to Belle Fourche.
Officer Mistaken for a. Thief.
William Bannister , the night merchant
policeman at Kearney , was making his
his rounds and went into an alley where a
larjje number < if turkey , ducks and
chickens were kept. When 'he got near
the pen a gun was discharged and several
grains of shot grazed his shoulder. The
proprietor was guarding his fowls and
supposed a thief was after them.
Killed the Highwayman.
Harry Trumbull killed a highwayman
in South Omaha on the evening of Nov.-80.
Trumbull was on his way home. Passing
Twenty-fourth and .7 Streets , South
Omaha , near a vacant lor , two men sprang
out and grabbed him.Having his hand
on his revolver in his overcoat pocket he
shot one of the robbers dead , while the
other escaped.
End of Harris Murder Trial.
The jury in the Harris murder trial at
Plattsmouth returned a verdict of not
guilty. John W. Harris shot aud killed
George Jones during'the reunion of the old
soldiers at Elmwood last summer. The
killing was the result of a light which be
gan over a game of cards.
Nebraska Short Notes.
Pawnee County wants rural mail de
At Lexington , the county seat of Dawson
County , they have a Potato Growers'Asso
ciation and arrangements have been com
pleted for the erection of a cold storage
building which will have a ca'pacity of 50- ,
000 bushels.
Outside of the city of North Platte there
are now in session iu Lincoln County US
schools. This is a larger number than has
been in session at this time of the year for
several years and indicates an added in
terest in educational matters in the county.
The steam shovel and ballast crews
which have been employed at Table Hock
all summer , l.efl last week aud the numbo
crew will quit next week. The burning of
ballast there has become an important in
dustry and during the season employs a
large force of men.
Grain dealers complain that farmers are
not bringing in enough to keep them busy.
Farmers in Nebraska do not have to rush
their crops to market as soon as it is grown
as they used to do a few years ago.
Notice has been served by the defeated
justice of the peace in a Saline County
precinct that he will contest the election
of his .successful rival on the grounds of
tiie latter having treated during the
A colony of beavers have located in the
Elkhorn lliver a short distance east of the
Oakdale iron bridge , and are constructing
a dam. Trees six inches in diameter are
being cut down by them and lloated to the
The parsonaue building habit is spread
ing. The Baptists of Friend are getting
ready to put up one to cost $1'JOO.
While oiling overhead machinery in the
Burlington planing mill at Plattsmouth
David Wiehtman slipped and fell twenty
foot , striking on his head and shoulders.
He received internal injuries which may
prove fatal.
Tecumseh may have a new opera house
in the spring. Local capitalists are
agitating the question.
Andrew Fridburg'of Gresham , an exten
sive stockraiser , took it upon himself to
skip the county. He leaves a number of
banks in Omaha. York and David City
"holding the sack. "
The large boiler house and cold storage
buildings at the insane asylum at Hastings
have just been completed and the ma
chinery will be placed in them next week.
G. K. Hash , .the Wayne County murderer ,
was giveu his freedom the other day. He
has been Iconfmed in the Norfolk hospital
for the insane for about two years , during
which time he has shown little or no evi
dence of insanity , and the asylum author
ities had no reason for longer keeping h : n
in confinement. The authorities will , how
ever , probaoly keep an eye on him and if
he gives evidence of anything wrong he
will be returned. On his release he took
passage for Missouri , where ho will reside.
\ \
- A Slight Preliminary.
Mr. Vista My dear , I made my will ,
leaving everything to you , to-day.
Mrs. Vista Oh , John , how nice of
you ! And all you have got to do now
is to dip. i n't it ? Now York World.
Mrs. Wlnsiow's SOOTHING STBTJP Tor Children
teething : sottens the cum.s. reduces inflammation ,
allays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle.
Those who are greedy of praise prove
they are poor in merit. Plutarch.
PfliHions of Acres
Of Choice Agricultural
Lands now opened for
settlement in Western
Canada. Here is grown
the celebrated Xo. 1 Hard
Wheat , which brings the
highest price in the mar
kets of the world. Thou
sands of cattle are fat
tened for market without being fed grain , and
without a day's shelter. S-nd for information and
secure a free home \Testern Canada. Write to ,
R 1'edley , Supt. Imtnterution. Ottawa , Canada , or
the undersigned , who will mail you atlases , pam
phlets , etc. , free of cost : N . Bartholomew , 30G
Fifth Strep. Des Monies , Iowa , Agent for the Gov
ernment of Canada. \
Cures all Throat and Lung Affections.
a ! < asP E s\ * WA
Get the jjenuiae. Refuse substitutes.
Dr. Bull's Pills cure Dyspepsia. Trial , 20 for jC.
You can do It in a very short time with our
treatment. Thickens and promotes the growth
of the hair aud beard , and is .1 sure cure for
baldness. Wo are olli-ring our full $3.00 course
for the next thirty days prepaid for $1.00 Till :
IV. U. COTTVV OJ t O. , Depr. C. , P. O. IJox
2513 , New York City.
Our Northern drown
Stock. Beat Wages. Pay Weekly.
UH I AM ill ! diseases. No fee until cured , by
un i ni i in i
jcw York Associated Specialists.
K. EIJEIiHAUDT , I'h. G. , Secy. , 3B1 tex-
ington Arc. , New York. Cut this out.
mi HAVE mm
E. , Box 1357 , New York City. Write.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastea Good. Use
In time. Sold by drnjrzlsta.
Ely's Cream Balm
Druggists , 50 Cts.
Apply Balm into each nostril.
ELY BROS..66 Warrea St.N.Y.
Has a good , deep color and does
not strain the eyes.
S. O. N. TJ.
- - - - 499
OEfti&iffi&BcGet Y ° ur pens" " *
PENSIONS v , ! . . , .
Write Cast. OTAESELL. Peosisa Az3st.TOahisgic2. D.C.
Stove for S2I.4I. Sarotho CLEAR YOUR FREE
Retailers' Profit-save the Wholesalers
Profit. Take advantage ot oar contract LAND Catalogues
purchase. Others have advanced their oc for n 2 cent
* prices of Parlor Stores , bat our contract STUMPS.stamp : A
with the manufacturers compels them Furniture.
rte furnish us with these , so we can sell B Harnens
them at a BUI all proBtut $21.41. $21.27 and and Vehicle *
$27.77. YOU would be proud of either C Stoves an * Range" . D Acricultnral Implements.
tone of these parlor stoves. The pictures E Babj Carriages. F liniKx and 1'ateatMedicine * .
Ivebuta faint idea of their elegance , C Musical Instrument ! * ' H Organs and Sewing
§ ent O. O. t ) . on receipt of 97c , yon to Machines. I Bicycles. J Guns and Sporting Good * .
pay balance to your banker or freight K Ladies' and Gents' Furuishini ; Goods. . L--Dry
agent ou arrival at your depot. Goods. M Ready-made Clothing for lien and 3oja.
SSThe greatest bargains ever offered. N Boots and Shoes. O Ladien' Capes and Cloaks.
A Large Stove takes lees fuel than a small ona for heat Send 15 cts und our Large Supply Catalogue contain.
given ; bear in mind when ordering ng over 1000 pages and ovrrone hundred thousand nits
' IIL'-PAGE STOVE CATALOGUE FREE. and { irices will bo bent ezjirco paid.
Combination Bookcase
This elegant Combi
nation Bookcase Is a
highly nsef nl as well as
ornamental piece of fur
niture It , is made of
the fashionable golden
oak or selected birch
No other house in finished mahocany. The
America buys sells French beveled plate
, mirror is 12x12 inches.
and manufactures Between the writing
the quantity of desk and roomy lower
Furniture we do cabinet is a swelled
, front drawer with heavy
hence our extremely cast brass handles. The
low prices * This total height of the case
particular offering is is 70 inches and the
width 44 inches. The
out of the ordinary , glass door is of extra
even for us , and thickness and the four
should be promptly shelves are adjustable.
$25 is what yon might
taken advantage of. expect to pay for such a
piece of furniture , in
stead of which ,
price Is
only i f
n which is listed at lowest wholesale prices
everything to eat wear and useis furnisb
ed on receipt of only 105 to partly pay
postage or expressage and as evidence
godB faith the 109 is allowed on first
purchase amounting to $199 or above.-i