Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 16, 1899, Image 9

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VALENTINE , NEBR. , NOV. Id , 1899
The Stars and Stripes Now Protect Slavery and Polygamy
in Their "Worst Forms. t
Following is the treaty made by the McKinley administration with the bultan
\Wfi \ ' * "Agreement between Brigadier General John C. Bates , representing the'United '
? iwtf f'j ' States , of the one part : and his highness , the sultan of Sulu the Date Rajah Muda ,
tiV'i > , the Date Attik , the Date Kalki , and the Date Joakanam , of the other part ; it be-
"WPslti ' ; ing understood that this agreement will be in force only when approved by the
governor general of the Philippine islands and confirmed .by the president of the
United States , and will be subjected to future modifications by the mutual con
sent of the parties in interest. ,
"Article 1 The Sovereignty of the United States over the whole archipelago of
Sulu and its dependencies is declared and acknowledged.
"Article 2 The United States flag will be used in the archipelago of Sulu and
its dependencies on land and sea. .
"Article 3 The rights and dignities of his bigness the sultan and his dates shall
be full respected ; the Mores shall not be interfered with on account of their religion -
, - , . > . . . . , , , ' , gion ( polygamistic ) ; all their religious customs shall be respected , and no one shall
' r / > t ; ' ' be persecuted on account of his religion.
# } . y ; * ' " . . "Article 4 Any person can purchase land in the archipelago of Sulu and hold
' ' . ' -l ( " ? ' - . the same bv obtaining the consent of the sultan and coming to a satisfactory agree-
; VuV ' | ; 1 ' * ( ment with the owner of the land ; and such purchase shall immediately be regis-
' , -i ' < j' ' tered in the proper cilice of the United States government.
'W "Article 10-Any slave in the archipelago of Sulu shall have the right to pur
chase freedom by paying to the master the usual market value.
. i- r "Article 13. The United States will give full protection to the sultan and his
' * ' { '
" . " ' , 7' ' . ' subjects in case any foreign nation should attempt to impose upon .them.
M " . /.p. - "Article . . 15. Tha United States government will pay the following monthly-
1 * * " ' salaries *
' ' . ' , , ' ,
i' 1 j T i Tntlinmiltin * * " * * ' * * * $250 To _ Date . . Raja r Muda S * >
* f
' ' . ' , ' ' ' ToDatoJoak-anian. . . 75 To Date . ' "J - ' *
' , < . . v : ° , , , * " " " * * "
i , .
„ TO"sVnedlindtrYpii"ca\e'Yn'Engiidh"and ! Rnln , at Join , this 20th dav of Ausrust , A.
D. 18JJ (13th ( Arakuil Akil 1317) . ' THE SUL1A o
'ff'-t'1- '
' - ' ' DATO ATTJK/
* ' .
"Signed , J. C. BATES. Brigadier General U.
' "
, ' ' "Wo hold these truths to be self-evident , that all men are created equal , that
" ' ' they are endowed by their creator with certain inalcinable rights. Tiiat among
the-e are life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness : That to secure the.-e rights
' ' Governments are instituted among meo , deriving their just power- ; from the consent -
" sent of the governed : That when any form of government becomes destructive of
i,1 -u c ijnds , it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it. '
/Art 13 Amendments to constitution "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude ,
except as a punishment for crime , whereof the party shall have been duly convicted ,
shall exist within the United States of any pace | subject totheir _ jurisdiction.
" . "Resolved , That with our republican fathers we hold it to be a self-evident
truth that all men are endowed with the inalienable right of life , liberty and the
pur-suit of happiness , and that the primary object and ulterior design of our J'ed-
eni ! Oovnrp"spnt were to secure these rights to all persons within iu ; exclusive
* *
1UU '
i , . tc e'deny the.authority of Congress , of a territorial legislature , of any in
dividual , or association of individuals , to give legal exi-tence to slavery in any
territory of the United States , while the present Constitution shall be maintained.
"That we brand the recent reopening of the African slave trade , under the
cover of our national flag aided by perversions of judicial power , as a crime against
. . hiiiuanitv and a burning shame to our country and hue : and we call upon Con-
r. . r , to tn'-e ' promnt and efficient measures for the total and final suppression of
that execrable traffic. " ' . _
Is it to be wondered at that republicans are -leaving me < j. U. ± .