Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 16, 1899, Image 7
r. D. ulcGAA. Oreston , S. D. Lef tor cither side of cattlealso ; Vleft .side r neck. Swal low fork rlpht car , niderbjt left ; right car nubbed off : un- dtrblt lef car Home on left jaw and some wattle ltt jaw Other brauus left any part of animal , hi Je or any partof animal , inn branded 'ho following , left < ! Also > ' > nip cattle biumnx the follow- / Injrlrands : Alflt neek th , \ . left side or faiiou.im , \ \ mil nip left Horse brands at lows ICIL it it > i u u it inp or thigh thigh thigh , ortnigh , hip. Anyone selling horses or rattle bearing the -above brands will be prosecuted Information treintrding theft libfrally icwarded. Range at uarney bprings ind Cottonwood. 0 HERBERT O. BISONETTB. MANAGER. Poslofflrp address Pine Rlduc. S. I ) Cuttl" branded on ' ut. HOIJ on side ; some 15 Wl eilherside : Some on loft sale : older block , .anywhereon annual. Horses E K n on left hip Some Seven miles north- ; i anywhere on -coetof Pine in nidge , Shannon Co GHOST BEAU , MANAGER PosUifflce address Pine Rlikf. S. D Cattle branded U C on left hip of catt leaden -on cm some branded * on Kftsidealso ; r > i [ on left side ; horses samennleft shoulder Rantre Wounded 'Knee and Wakpain- tnt iJike.ShannonCo. L. C. Peyton. Lavnca , Nebraska. On left side , nange Pole Cronk. SHOUT nOKX BULLS for sale Geo. H. Hill. , Nebraska leftside nange-lO miles of Merrlnian P. W. Pruden. Merrlman. Kob. same .is cut on both i ! > ir ngc Nortbc it of .Monunun Geo. L. Coleman. Cody , Nebraska On leltside ; horbCb O oft shoulder Rince Ten miles west of Snake Kt\er Alex Burr. Pullman. Nebr. On nht ; side.- h'ri > ps same left fchoulder. . uerd mark-Dew lap Range Brush ; eanil South Geo. W. Monnier. Slcrr'rnan , Neb. Xeft shoulder and left 15-5S -an left hphor- ; & rfpes same left -j 1' 'thigh jinnge East and Boutlioast llerrnnan Grant Bixler. _ rr _ - - Merrlnian , Neb. Some on left side , some on lelt hip. horses same lef1 thigh. nansp Six miles Northe itof MerrI man. H. E. Sears. y. Nebraska on rlghthlp tjorac on both hips Range-Madlclne r J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle bianded as on ctii. liorses same. Range North of the Snake C. Bvenson. Xdv. On left side and Such ; horses sama ui left side Rangs Between and Nlobrara. V MARTIN RED BEAR. PoatofTIce address I'ino Ridge , S.D. On left aids ; horses same left thigh. Range Wolf Creek. Postofflco Addres : Simeon Neb Stock branded name as cut be hind lef tsfcoulder Range on the W O CARSOH fostofflco Addres Simoon Neb Stock branded in left hip same as cut Range , head- n-irtor ? of the * E Schlagle " " SEARS PostofTo3 ! address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a < on cut.Ieft side-some on left hip norses eameon left shoul der Range , Square Lake MGRGAREIDGE and BON Postofflco address Simeon Ivob Cattle branded as on cut , or U or V I ) on left hip with hole In rght ear when un der 2-yrs old ; horses same as cut and IJ Hange Gordon Creek and Niobrara River ALBERT WHIPPLE Postofilce address Rosebud. S. D. Branded on " some SOS Horses on cither - shoulder derSome Some art branded'.on either shoul Jerthus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER Postofflco address SS" Kilgore , Neb. Cattle branded on either side as on cur. same on hip Some on left side VA ROBERT BAb WOUND. Postoffice address sk. All n.s n Left stdealsr on IHt 10 on aal left hii. Range Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. Postofflco address Merrlnian. Neb. Onleftsidcear-niark ; under slope Horses J S on lett shoulder Rangre ten miles northeast of JVIerrl- S. H. " d. S. D. Also BO n left Kang > On A ntc- lope and Sprm Creeks Joseph Fairbead. . _ r. T itange-Betwcen Fair head Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcorab. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on lai cattle. On email slock left side ; horses Al left shoulder nanxe-Southenst o' Cutcomb LaKe Sbadbolt and Fleisbman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dew lap. iiange Ranges 38 and 37 , between Nio brara and the Snake. James Goodfello\v and Son. Cody.Nobrask-i On left sldo ; hor. ses JG rignt MI , . and mostly on jaw nnnze Bctucrn tTir > Nioir ra and Medicine Lake. W. H. Carter. rostofflce adddr s Cody , NebrasKa. On left side ; some X Tlcft side , horses T left 8'ioulder SHORT HORN Stock. nange Between Niobrara and die HOKACB WALLTITGFOBD Posioffice addrera Chesterfield i.'eb Cattle branded on left ilfJe and nn : left car cropccdj square ; somes " n left side & on . left shoulder horses branded -ed cross an- cbor on left shoulder. 8 E and A B ilCALVEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder Rnnge on Square Lake G \7 KlilB Tostofilce address Kennedy ueb Cattle branded as on cut or on hip ; horFes same. Soir.o and bar on hip iiance , ' .one Tree Valley FLOYD KIM.H Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle brand jd on left hip or side 01 both Horseavrith n on left shoulder , Ranga Rush Lake , Gordon and Korlh Loup 27 3 ROVTLSY Posrofflce nddress Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on eft Bide and hi _ : hnr- - es on left | .hpulderalso ; - - either hip y the latter on Ight side - Also on on either bide Ranee , Bnrdman between Big Bend and the Springs rostoHloe address Valentine. Neb Cattle branded same as on cut ; some on left side and hip ; horses same on left shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Itordman ; Horse range , Steer A Greek , between the and Snake D L ilcLANE TostofEce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded o cut on either sde : ; also F L R .uul K R Horses branded on left shoulder and colts . , three links . Ranee mouth of Cottonwood , RED SHIRT Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same as cut. Horses brand eel on left shof'def with a K. ln Llttle PERRY PARKER . 'ostoff.ce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded . -in c\scut. Horses , P on left 'uiislder Kange.Mouth of 'ordmun CT OIENT WIIIRLIND . < OI DIE1 f . _ ? > ' PostofflceAddrois 5 3 > Eosebud , S I ) Y S'ss * ' I iv ' / i sr " Cattle brand oa - & left hip like cut Horses branded V-S Vi" " efflSSttfe tSS ? * ! same on left shoul l4 der. Range , on Big White River TI1EODOR3 DOYL2 1 > stofllc ° nrirtrfsa KanncdvNeb GJ S > Ctttle branded on tr side and bip orBi-s same on left . oulder Some .SfiOl on ielt sldo ' M < rrw" rt.- > ' Lake.Gordon - - * _ * _ and North oup KIME PostolTlce address Kennedy Neb S lfFSSl Cattle branded on t * & bsa&Jsa , eft 8fle } wllh bolh esrs cropped square flOr ? es same as cat tle but ou left shoul der JIBS Wolr's cat tle , also. UBI nanse.Gordoa Greet G W LADELY s address Newton Neb S Cattle branded ame as cut or on hip liorsefl L oa left auk Range , between ; ordon creek and t.e Loup STONKB PostofCco addreca NoA'ionJNeb CattU branded ai on cut Also.TJ on shoulder , cs on side , 1 on hip left side Also C on left Jvv\ In addition to U B fen on side Range OM creek and south 2 RAYMOND PoEtofUce Address Rosebnd , 8. D Cattle branded left boulder and hip , Horses branded nlih only oaa > oa GEORGE PZTB Bonestcel.f ! O Borne A B E left aide and left hip Horses 31. on left \ \ nlpand some sazno" * en 16ft shoulder No horws sold on- less brand Is Inverted - ed making K Range head of TThec Stone 211. Postoffice Address Simeon Neb Cattle branded os rlahtside ; horses Bameonlefcshoul. dcr. Range , sum mer. on Snaho rh'- er , I miles from mouth j winter , * miles south of Sla C TV BENNETT Postofflee Address Blmcon Neb Stock branded vithTon left hip als38ime as cut Range , between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river BTJRLEIGH 99ostofl3co Address Simeon , Neb. Cattle and horses branded same as cntonjcftsldo llaiije between Gordon and Snake cfeelts and on tli * ra river B LORD Postofflce Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as eat back of right shoulder and on right hip Range , on the Niobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postofflce Address Rosebud B I Cattle oranded sain as cut or on hip Ranch on Blacl Pipe Creek TODD SMITH. Postofflce Address Rosebud 3D Cattle branded same as out a Diamond mend T Horse ? branded the same. Ranch ' .n \\tiito Thunder Creek ROBERT TINLAYSON Postoffice addresi Newton Neb Stock brande' same as cut RangeonGon o ClOeft GEORGE DECORT. Postofflco Address Rosebud. S D Cattle branded on left BideSiime as cutHorses Horses branded G 1) on lef : hip Ranch on L ne and Antelope creek eabtof Rosebud BEN BEAUOYI3. Postofflce Address Rosebud , S T Stock brandeJ lef' shoulder three inclicj ; side four Inehe. Brand record d J2 vrs. Ranch on 'lorso Creek B'JAY Postofflce Address Rcsebud. S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horses branded same on left shoul der BEN TURGEON . Postofflce Addrepi Bonesteel. S 1 Cattle branded 01 left side same as cu : and risht eaa cro ] > ped.Horses Horses branded Ton left shoulder [ Also with cir I cleA t. F. 8CH1VITDT. Postofflce Address Rosebud. 8 , D , ' I'randed sama 03 on iut or with under and dulaped. Horses branded on left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. Postofflce Address Rosebud , S J Horses are brand c on left thlgli ; catt ! on left side with h- crop on ear. tie it B with no ! * crop on oar Gustave Sanderson. Cody. Nebraska On left side ; horses i on left shoulder. Range-Between Snak and the Niobrara tcatofflc * addrMi Bro\ynlee Neb Samoason cat Abe and JLS Horics on left shoulder Goo o CreeJc , and North Loup K BELIUNO PostolTIo" address Brownl Neb On right aide or hip On loft sfde or hip ; or . L on left hip. Rau e.CaUCreek B and s T SMITH Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left side ; also horses ses on right sldo Range.Goose Cr&ek E. R , VANDEGRIFT. 2h Postofflce addresa Brownlee. Neb. Sama as on cuv. Range between Geese Creek ard North Loup J. M. HANNA. Postofflce address Seneca. Neb. Branded as on cut ; some P on rfRht hip and some on right hip Range Calf Crerek valleyInUEer- cbunty E. E. ORR. ORR.Postofflce Postofflce addres s Newton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on left side ; horses onleftshoul- der Range , between north prong and North Loup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left sldo . or hip Range. Nort'a Loup R. M. FADDIS. PostofHce ftddreiis Pass Neb Range , North Loup I. L. MERCURE. i'ostofr.co address Seneca.Neb lt.u.k Southwest M Si ftl P. GRIER. GRIER.Postofilre Postofilre addrcnj Seneca , N' b. On left hip ' r si .1. p PEARSON" PostoJUre address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZ3IANN &s& Posto/Qce addres- Brovnlco Neb On left hip. The herd mark is adev. . Range on Goose rostoffice address 7rownlee Neb ittle on left side ; , iors " same on left s' onlder. Range 4 "uJ' s northeaat ot orownlca A GERMAN Pcstff.cs addresa r 7VW"V WMV7 1k 1 V > 3btl % U khA' l l ttlf Newton Neb ttl&g& \ cattle branded eitli ersidethorsps same on leftshoulder.a 0 have care OL au > branded SP under lined. uange-Non Loup DICK MCNALI , Pestofflce address Srownleo Neb On lelt side and bls > also 8 o& left hip Uange , North Loup CHARLES H Postofflco ddre.n Brownlee , N or Either right or left sldo on cattle Horses same on lett shoulder Left ear cut off ol cattle li&nge , Louprlv- sr HENRY FAULHABER PoKtofQca addnM Krownlee. Neb Cattle on left Horses same os left shoulder DAVID STEAD3IAN Postofflce address Pa53 , Neb Cattle on leftside Has charj ; < ' ofjcattle bntnded n rlchtsldei d norscs rl.T Sometiorsec onloftshoul- der JOHN CHALOUD PosioCToo nddrest Brownlee , Jfet > Cattle and horses on right side Range. D E PERKINS FostofQce address Halsey , Neb On left hip I ange , Loup River TALBOT A GALLOP Postofilce addrca * SenecaNeb. Cattle branded m left fide Horses branded on leftshouldei Range between - _ tween Middle Lot and Dismal GEORGE GRAY Postofflce address -IheJford.Nebr On left hip Or A6 on rigHt hip or side Range. Loup and Dismal CRONIN BR03. Postofflce Thedford.Nebr On right stdo Range , between Loup and Dl WALT HARDY. Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. Left side on cattle ; horses , left JJJ * shoulder ; al eon on left side some' on right hip Kanie.Eoutb JULIUS HECKMAN. rostofHconddresa. Erownlec , NsS 8'me as on cut Ranee south 3 ! Brownlea M. DUNHA1I. Kennocv , Neb Stock branded on left side as on cut. Range Gordon Creek. 17 K GRANT Poato ce adflreia Browntee N Onleftilde Rang : . Loup Kl IRA SPENCER address Brownlee Neb WjKxgwreS&S * ' * ! Branded on lef tslda & > & $ % $ % % Ranie. Calf Creak andSwan Laka Vai.tS 25 * ORQ Onleftsldf J R address Kennedy Sock tirse as cut on left > lde Rome branded with baraadersealh \'f acyxrher * oa lelt