Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 16, 1899, Image 5

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ive - Stock - Commission - Merchants
South Omaha and Chicago
* * * -
< * . > < & * < & &
* Q < O O * Q * 3W3
, TEH E. WOOD ; Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , ITog Salesman
We furnish Market .Reports free of expense. AVrite to us.
C. II. CORXEIX. President. Jfl. V. NICHOLS ttK , Cashier
Valentine , Nebraska.
A General ISazikiiig Business Transacted
s and Sells Domestic zid Foreign Exchange
Correspondents ;
Chemical National Bank , New York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb
s : :
< 1 0 *
< 9 x x x
< 9 . .
4 $ JB continually adding improvements and it is now the
gtg best equipped , and most comfortable
Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Kooro *
MOW H BHB H T ' ' l * B r
Valentine , Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonabu
rates. County depository.
Everything fresli and clean , and prices
that are right. Special attention given
to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies.
ennedv * Nebraska.
Golden Sheaf i'ure White Rye ,
Susquehanna llyeand Cedar Creefc
Louisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky.
Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's
Toka ngelliea ort.Sherry and "Black
berry in wood , claret , Riesling ,
Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ;
Gasts and Clicquot in bet
tles. Damiana and oth
er Cordials.
Also Agent for Fred Kings Celebrated Ex-
ra , Pals Beer fir family nsi , ad Pabsts
Expu/t Bear
C. . ,
Hair culling and shaving.
I have established a Feed and Saw Mill
it miles south ef Cody , at the mouth of
Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared
to grind Feed. Corn Meal and Graham ,
r- tin n outall kinds of Lumber and di
mension si nil. and Native Shingles
Give us a trial order.
FOR SALE 150 tons of gfood hay.
R. Grooms.
Two horses ; one brown horse /Branded O on
left shoulder , one WacK honso branded IX on
left shoulder. SS left. hip. TwIH give the first
described horse to the man who linds and re
turns the black described above.
Kyle , S. I ) .
Taken up by the. undersigned. 7 miles east of
Merriman. one sorrel Imrsc-with front le hro-
ken. branded T on rWit shoulder. _ _ _
Also one buckskin mare branded Vjkra
on left shoulder- jftyQ
Parties can Have same by proving ? flfr-Ti
properly and paying costs.
31 G. w. Mounter , Merriman , Neb.
3d Strayed Two cows , about 6 years
\old , one dark red. one roaji "Avieh ? liorns
tiped. Branded TO on right nLip. J.
Wanted 500 men to harvest sugar
beets and for general farm work.
Apply to Standard Cattle Companys
Ames , Nebraska. 42
Taken up , at my place ten miles
southwest of Cody , one 2-'ear old heif
er , speckled red and white ,
whitb face , branded left side ,
right ear clipped , with white
face calf by her side
Arthur Heath
Louis Bordeaux
Rosebud , S. D.
Horses branded
Alfred Bordeaux and Bros
Uosebud , S D
Priueaux Santo id
Kennedy. Neb
stock branded on
left side
Horses branded
on left shoulder
Teeter ? Bros.
Newton , Neb.
Horses same on
left shoulder
Ranee between
the Gordon and the
/ , v J Snake
S Jwv'Wl i.iitju. | . .lKaWif
> K 5' utl-b > , B | i4jf fe nh
Be not too late with your
We ure row ready for
Winter Orders
If you want good vegetables , then
IJ.anseii's is the placje. Any
kind of first class vegetables can
he secured 03- giving order to
Manager Salesman
OBRF'WW fSiwrspg
* v
* 3-r " * *
t „ *
Cast at the General Election Held on Tuesday , the7Kh / day oik
November , 1899 , X , \
( f . v J
io , * , /
. ,
EXPLANATION- Uepublican. F for Fusion
GOOD , Editor and Publisher
Pete for clerk' , but the worst part of the
whole thing is that many fusionisls
believed the stones told , although we
had frequently warned thtin of what' '
they might expect , just before election. !
In Valentine alone Pete lost 22 populist ,
votes ; this we say upon the statement ,
of A. M. jMorrissey , who kept track of ; :
the ballots as they were counted. Two |
c-auses then were responsible for Dono- '
tier's defeat : The campaign roorback ]
and the defection of the pops.
Mrs. Crawford was deafeated , also ,
and for that the county should hide in
shame. Her successful opponent is a
woman , therefore we will not enter in
to details , except to call the attention
of voters to the vote in Valentine pre
cinct , where each woman was known.
Here Mrs. Crawford received a majority
of 25 , running 30 ahead of her ticket
in the precinct , while she wns defeated
by 47 votes in the county. Shame up
on fusion voters !
Kiukaid received his majority in this
county because the republicans aroused
the cupidity of our people , and in the
language of Bryan they "put the dollar
above the man. "
Ely" got his majority fqr regent be
cause he is from the northwest , and we
don't begrudge him his vote.
The fusionists carried the county for
every office except those named in the
foregoing , and next week we propose to
have something more on this subject.
Meanwhile we ask our fusion friends
to observe the vote Donoeer , Halm and
Crawford had here , and kick themselves
3)iol ) > rnri Falls.
After a long delay we again find time
to write a few lines.
L. W. Parker visited his parents last
II. B. Ballard arrived in this neigh
borhood with 215 head of cattle which
lie will hold at the Falls this winter.
J. A. Adamson penned up about 100
calves to wean them , and the- little fel
lows furnisn music for the entire local
We understand that E. Reed and
Doc Johnson went to Woodlake to
move the former's house to his claim on
the river.
R. Grooms has purchased the build
ing recently erected by the Moshor
boys , and will move the same to his
place as soon as possible.
Oscar and Heury Weisflog spent a
few hours at the Falls Sunday evening.
Charles and l ouis Mosher came over
with Ballard and helped "with the cat
tle. Louis will remain a few days un
til the herd gets located.
Hayes Bobbins took a cool bath hist
weeii in trying to row a boat across the
river with two ladies in it. The boat
was about to capsize and Iiayes was
compelled to jump into the water to
prevent its doing so. BAD BOY.
STRAYED From Mill Pasture , one
bay pony mare , four white feet , bald
face , uot branded. One bay pony
horse branded A on left shoulder and
hip. Oue sorrel horse branded f on left
shoulder and + on. right shoulder. Any
information leading to the recovery of
same will be rewarded.
\ , , _ _
Services at the M. E. Church \vere .
observed last Sunday in the usual
way. Next Sunday Rev. Cams will
preach in the morning , and in the
evening will lecture.
The Epworth League was led by
Miss j Bertha Thorn , subject ' 'Living-
Bread. ] " This League is one of the
most ] active in this district , and can |
give the best report at the convention.
There is no lack of interest at their
meetings 3 , and all are cordialy invited
to attend and take some part.
The subject for the Epworth
' 'Libertv and
League next Sunday is
Love , ' ' reference found in Romans 14 :
1-33. Maud Folks , leader.
While the C. E. at the Presbyterian
churn is small in membership , it's
work is shown on all sides. Their
topics are well chosen and great in
terest is manifested at all of their
meetings' . You are asked to come
and spend an hour with them.
Rev. Oastler , their new minister ,
whilq a young- man is qualified to
take up the work here. His text was
from the 17 chapter of 1 Samuel and
was treated in a very pleasing- and
instructive manner. In his closing
remarks he gave , for us to take as
safeguards , Faith , Prayer and the
Christian Endeavor subject for
Sunday is the same as for the E. L.
Leader , Laura Tillson.
The dance given by District 31 in
the school house was well attended and
II report a good time.
Bob Quisenberry and wife from
Oasis attended the dance in District 31.
Sam Sears and wife went to Valen
tine last week.
John Sedlacek visited the county
seat the 7.
A. L. German passed through Ken
nedy the 12th.
Election passed oil very quietly at
Kennedy store.
The remains of Josie Sedlacek were
removed from Kennedy to Valentine
the 8th.
Carpenters have been putting down
the floor for J. A. Gee for the last f.-w
Mrs. John Kime passed through Lone
Trea Valley the lieu. U. o.
The voteon commissioner tor the
second district was as follows , l y
precincts , and testifies strongly to the
estimation in which Alex Burr is held :
1G6 295
I will sell at public auction at my
place , eighteen miles south of Valen
tine , Nebr , on "Wednesday , November
29 , 1899 :
250 head of western cows , from 2 to
5 years old.
350 last spring's calves.
Notes , ilijmgroved security , bear
ing data of sale , and payable Oct. 1st ,
1900 , will be accepted in payment.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m.
One of our Kewanee friends hands
us the following "roisf on the tobacco
fiends in1 his neighborhood.
L was at the opening of the new
school house in A. K. Kuskie's district.
A certain class wanted to open it with
i. a d nee , but two of the board objected ,
mid it was opened with a religious ad
dress by the Rev. Iludspeth ; but not so
in our district , No. 2. The board put a
new lloor in the old school house and
stained itwith -dance and tobacco
spit , and to the disgrace of the board
and the community the morning after
election the teacher had to postpone I
school and send two large scholars with
her team to borrow a wagonbarrel and j
two mops to wash the tobacco spit out
of the school house. Two of the election - |
tion \ board picked up a part of an old j ;
stove and lilled it with sand , but the
dirty p gs would not spit in it. I say
pigs because a person who spits on i\\ \
house lloor is not worthy the name of a ;
man. ' When tire righteous are in
authority the people rejoice , but when
the wicked beareth rule the people
mourn. " PAUL PHY.
If you have sore throat , soreness
across the back or side , or your lungs
feel sore or tender , or you are threat
ened with diphtheria or pneumoniaap-
ply Ballard's hnow Liniment external
ly and use Ballard's Ilorehound Syrup.
Bl ill Prices for feed.
Bran , bulk 55c per cwt $10 09 ton
Shorts bulk G5c per cwt $12 00 ton
Screenings 40c $7.00 "
Chop Feed 55c " $16-00 "
Corn 70c " § 1300 "
Oats Soc " - § 1600 "
Office eve
yy Courtty
Order to Show Cause
In the District Court of Cherry County. Nebr.
In the matter of the application of Mary AJ
Carson and Alfred Lewis. Executors of the wil ,
of William U. Carson , deceased , for the saleo
real estate.
And now on this 13th day of November , 1890 ,
this cause came on for hearing before W. H.
Wfstuver. one of the judges of the. District ronrt
of Pherry county , Nebraska upon the petition
oflltryA Cnrsnn and Alfred Lewis , executors
of said estnt- . praying for : i license to sell the
following described real estate , te-wit : The sc
H . - > ec. and n ! 4 nw } 4 and sw U rnv \ \ and my
! . ! > < w hffi ir . twp 31 , r J . Cherry County.
Xebra.ska.for tiie payment of the It'iracies natccd
in the will of the said William ( J. Carson , de
ceased , and for the support aim maintenance of
he widow and minor heirs , there beinji.no per
sonal estate for that purpose.
It is therefore ordered that all persons inter
ested HI said estate , appear Before nii ; at ICush-
ville , Nebraska , on the iGth ! day of December.
1SW ) . at 10 o'clo-jk a. m. to show cause why li
cense should not be granted to s id executor *
to sell said real estate , and it is further ordered
that a couy of this notice be published four con
secutive weeks in Uesteru ew.vLcmoc at in
Cherry GiMiutv " , Nebraaixn.
Dated thi."l3th day of November , 1S09. at
Rushville , Nebr.
43 W \VESTOVER , Judge.
Order of Hearing.
In the District Court in and for Cherry Bounty ,
Fifteenth .Judicial District in Nebraska.
clam.I. Corlett , Una dian for the sale of
real estate.
This cause came on for hearing upon rhepe-
titicn 1 of ( . 'laraJ. Corlett. foreign guardian of
Lester Corlett , Elsie Corlett. Ralph Corlett. and
Mable Corlett , minors , praying for license to
sell the nw 1-4. sec. 25,127 , r23 , w. and t lie ne 1-4.
sec.26. V.J7 , r28.v. . in Cherry county , Nebraska ,
for the payment of debts and for the mainten
ance , education ; and support of said minors ;
there being no personal property for that pur
It is therefore ordered tint nil persons inter
ested in said estate appear before me in cham
bers at Rushville. Nebraska , on the second day
of December. 189D. at 11 o'clock a.m. , to show
cause.vhy license should not be granted to salrt
guardian to sell said real estateand it is further ,
ordered that a conv of this notice be published /
in the Valentine Western News-Democrat for I
four consecutive weeks , I
Dated Uiis 27th day of October. 199. j
District Judge.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
George E. Wallace , defendant , will take notlecr
that on the 18th day of October. 1899. the County ,
of Cherry , plaintili herein , liled Its petition In
the district court of Cliwrry county , Nebraska ,
auainst George E. Wallace , defendant , the object
and prayer ol which are to foreclose the tax
hens hereinafter described.
In its first cause of action stated in said peti
tion , the plaintilf seeks to foreclose a tax lien
upon thes54 of n\v.i and nyt of swk of section
17in township 32 , range 40. west ot the sixth
principal meridian m Cherry county , Ne
braska ; that the taxes involved in said ilrst
cause of action are the taxes that were levied 011
said premises in the year lfe % ; that thure Is
now due the plaintili upon its tax lien toe xum
of SO 58 , for which , with interest from the lirst
day of October , 1899 , on $7.08 thereof , at 10 per
centum per annum , the plaintill prays for n de
cree ( that defendants be required to pay the
same : or that said premises may be sold w
J' satisfy ' the amount round due.
In its second cause of action stated in said
petition ] , the plaintilf seeks to foreclose a tax lieu
upon ' the s' of nwJt and iof swifof section
17 in township 32 , range 40.vestof the sixth
principal meridian in Cherry county , Nebraska ;
that | the tax s involved in said second cause of
action ' are the taxes lhat were levied in the year
j' 1897 : that there is now due the plaintiff upon i s
tax lien the sum of SS 31 , for which sum , with '
, interest from the first day of October , Ib99 , on
? 7.io thereof , at 10 per centum per annum , the
plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendant
e required to pay the same or that said preni-
ises may be sold ro satisfy the amount found due.
In its third cause of action stated in said peti
tion , the plaint ill seeks to foreclose a tax Hen
upon ' thesS'i of nwj-i and ny. of sw } of s"ction
17 in township 32 , range 40 , west of the sixth
principal meridian m Cherry county , Nebraska :
that the taxes involved in said third cause of
act on are the taxes that were levied on said
premises in the year 1898 ; that there is now due
the phiintirf on its tax lien the sum of § 7.79 , for
which , with interest from the lirsl aayot Oc
tober. 1899. on .S7.1W thereof , at 10 per cent.nii
perannum , the plaintiff prays fora decree thar.
the defendants be lequired to pay the same or
hat said premises mav be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on or
hetore the 27th day of November , Ib9 : ) .
Dated this 18th day of October , 1S99. 3a
Notice to Xon-Ilesident Defendants.
W. II. Peters , real name unknown. The Ne
braska Mortgage and Trust Co. and Ectella J.
Case , defendants , will take notice that on the
18lh dav of October , ' 1889 , the County of Cherry ,
plaintiff herein , filed its petition in the district
court of Cherry county , Nebraska , against \V. II.
1'eters , real name unknown , The Nebraska
Mortgage and Trust Co. and Estella .f. Case , de-
Iciiuants. the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose the tax liens hereinafter described :
lu ita lirst cause of action stated in said peti
tion , the plaintiff seeks to foreclose : ; tax lien
upon the nV2 ol sw4 ? of section 2Gand uv. of nwi
of section-27 m township 27. rauge 28 , west of
the sixth principal ineritlitm in Cherry county.
Nebraska ; that the taxes involved In said lirst
cause of action are the taxes that were levied on
said premises in the year 1897 ; that there is now
due the plaintiff upon its tax lien the sum of
S6.5S. for which , with interest from the first day
of October , 1899 , onSj.40 thereof , ac 10 per
centum per annum , the plaintiff prays for a de
cree that defendants be required to pay the
same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy
the amount found due.
In its second cause of action stated in said
petition , the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tix
leiii upon the nyz of sw& of section a ; anil uys of
HWJ4 of section 27 in township-27. range 23. west
of tliesixtii principal meridian inOherry county ,
Nebraska ; that the taxes involved m said second
end cause of action are the taxes that weie
levied in the year 1898 ; that there is now due
the plaintiff upon its tax lieu the sum of So.ia ,
for which sum. wiUi the interest from the lirst
day of October , 1899 , on S4 C3 thereof , at 10 per
eentum per annum , the plaintiff prays for a de
cree that the defendants be required to pay the
same or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 27th day of November , 1S99.
Dated this 18th day of October , 1899. ra
Notice to Nou-Resident Defendants.
( A. M. Morrissey. Attorney for Plaintiff. )
To Albert R. Nicholson , and Nebraska Mort
gage and Trust Company , and John Doe. real
name unknown , representative in Interest of
Nebraska Mortgage and Trust Company , de
fendants :
You , and each of you. are hereby notified lhat
on the 2oth day of October , 1899 , Ilarry E.
Reische , as plaintiff , filed his petition in the dis
trict court of Cherry county , Nebraska , against
you sis defendants , the object and prayer ot
which ito establish and foreclose tax HPII upon
real estate as follows , to-wit : They of ths
sw > 4 of section 25. and the ny of seJi of sec
tion 20. all in township 27. north of range 2f.
west of the sixth principal meridian in Che.rry
coiintv. Nebraska , for all the taxes assessed
and levied thereon , for either state , conntv or
school district purposes , for the years 189 ; : ,
18W. 1895 , IS9G. 1897 and 1898. for which said
lands were sold to this plaintiff for330.73 ; ; that
this plaintiff has also uald the taxes assessed
and levied thereon for the year 1893 as subse
quent tnxes , and has tucked the same to his
certineaje of tax sale to have an accounting of
the amount due thereou , together with interest
from the date hereof at the rate of 20 per cent
per annum , and an attorney feu. of 10 per cent
of the total amount found due.
To have the said land sold for the payment
and sansfaction of the ainount found due tor
such taxes , interest , attorney fee , penalties
and cost , and for the costs of suit and the
costs of sale , to bar. foreclose and exclude the
said defendants and each of them from having
or claiming any lien , title , interest or equity of
redemption of , in or to the same or any part
thereof ' , and for general relief.
} ? " , -nd , each ° r yo" ' are required te answer
said petition on or before November 27.1890.
Dated this 20tU day of October ,