Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 16, 1899, Image 3
i { Is your breath bad ? Then ypur best friends turn their heads aside. A bad breath means a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure constipation , biliousness , dyspepsia , sick headache. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S M T . or D ugf.i T , fi * _ n. P. CO. H Mi , H. H. "Well Intemlea. A. few years ago a countryman visit ed Xew York for the sole purpose of sight-seeing. After spending a. couple of days in the business part of the great metropolis he wandered up Fifth avenue. Stopping at length In front of St. Patrick's Cathedral he gazed on that magnificent piece of architecture , with Its curves and angles , and Its spires pointing heavenward , and in the ful ness of his soul exclaimed : % "Wall , that beats the devil ! " An Irishman , who was sweeping the street a few feet away , looked up from bis ivork , and replied : "Shure , an' that's 1he intintion , sor. " The World's Sheep. The number of sheep in the world Is estimated to amount to 530,000,000. Of this number between one-third and one-half are believed to be Merinos. .A. 25 c SA.2-CPLE OTCXR O.Oc. DOCTORS INSIST that their patients use " 5 DROPS" for etc. Read the follow ing letters : SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE Co. : When I wrote you for a sample bottle of " 5 DROPS" my wife was suffering terribly from Rheumatism and -was very discouraged , as I had tried every thing the doctors prescribed , even sending her to Richfield Springs , etc. My doctor is very much surprised at the progress my wife is makmg , and slie is so well that she refused to keep her seamstress and is now doing her own sewing. The doctors insist on her taking " 5 Drops" and assure her that it is now only a matter of a few days and , she will be entirely cured , and as we are very well known here , the " 5 DROPS" is receiving considerable atten tion and praise. F. E. PRICE , Jersey City , N. J. Oct. 13,1899. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE Co. : I suffered terribly with Kidney Trouble for years , and after using tess than two bottles of " 5 DROPS" lani now entirely well and I give " 5 DROPS" the praise for my cure. I could not find anything that would give me the slightest relief until I tried this remedy , and I recommend it to everybody as a permanent cure for Kidney Disease. MARY A. CARBAUGH , Black Gap , Pa. Aug. 2299. is the most powerful specific known. Free from opiates and perfectly harmless. Itgitcs almost instantaneous relief , and is a positive cure for Itlictiruatlsm , Sciatica , iVciiraluia , DynpcpMn , ISackachc , Astbrna , Tiny Fever , Catwrrh , Zi Grippe , Croup , Slecplennueau , XcrxouxncBX , Kcrvoufc ami Xeuralglc lleadncbcs , .Earache , Tooth ache , Heart "Weakness , Dropsy , Malaria , Creeping : Xumbness , etc. , etc. ft F % AV Qi to enable sufferers to pi vo " 51)ROPS" at least a trial , we will send a 25c sample bottle. OV tff\ " * 2 > prepaid by mail , for 10 cts. A fample bottle will convince you. Also , larcre bottles (200 doses ) tl.OO , 0 bottles for $3. Sold by us and agents. AGENTS WA.\TKD in Jfeir Territory. WRITK L'S TO-DAY. 81VAXSOX RHEUMATIC CUKE CO. , 1GO to 1C4 JLaUc St. , CHICAGO , ! ! < , . Bermuda Lobsters. In tlie neighborhood of the Bermudas the sea is extremely transparent , so that the fishermen can readily see the horus of the lobsters protruding from their hiding places hi the rocks at con siderable depth. To entice the crusta ceans from these crannies they tie a Jot of snails in a ball and dangle them in front of the curious lobster. When he crabs the ball thev haul him up. Struck It Bij : . Henry A. Snlzer. manager of the John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. , nlso president of the Idaho Gold Coin Mining and Millini : Comyauj' , is in luck. They have recently struck \vonderful deposit of gold on their properties. As a result the stock of the old Coin Co. has doubled in value. Ma'ny o'f the patrons of the John A. Salzer Seed Co. are own ers of Gold Coin stock. The mines are located in the Seven Devil district , Idaho. Knrnl Humor. ' 'Gittln' any bites ? " asked Farmer GeelK-nv of the lorn ; fisherman. "Gosh , yesyas " the reply. "The 'skeeters are th'cker'n hops. " STATE or OHIO. CITY OF TOUSDO , i _ LUCAS COUNTY. j bb' FIIAXK J. CIIEXKV makes oath that lie Is the senior partner of the linn of F. J. CHKNEY & To. . dohiK business in the City of Toledo. County suid State aforesaid , and that said llrm will pay thesuinof ONE HUNDRED DOLI/ARSfor each ttiid every cn e ot ( 'ATA mm that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATAHUH CUKE. KIJANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed hi my pres ence. this Cth day of December , A. D. 1S8C. Notary Public. Halfs Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for teMi'uonials. free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , Ohio. t ? Sold by druggists. 7oc. Automatic Photography. An apparatus has been devised for automatically photographing people as they enter shops and other places. I never used t > o quick a cure as Piso's Ctire for Consumption. J. B. Palmer. Box 1171. Seattle , Wash. . Nov. 2.1 , 181)5. But Few Get to 63. Only six persons out of 1,000 reach the age of Go. Forei ncrs'in Japan. Japanese statistical tables indicate that there are a little more than ten thousand foreign residents in the em pire , nearly one-half of them being Chi nese. There are 2,118 British , 1,070 Americans , 523 Germans. 491 French , 207 Russians , the remainder being rep resented by small groups of different nationalities. On the other hand , the number of Japanese living abroad is not far from sixty thousand , the larg est share in Hawaii and Corea. Of Japanese students abroad numbering about t-vventy-flve hundred , the United States receives 2,17S. First-Class Sewins : Machineo for For those who are accustomed to send ing away from home for their goods it is of the greatest importance to know the character and reliability of the establish ment selling goods to families from cata logues. The great emporium of the John M. Smy.th Co. , located at 150 to 16G West Madison street , Chicago , has been estab- libhed for a third of a century , and has furnished over half a million homes in Chicago and vicinity alone. This linn enjoys the confidence of the public by its many years of fair dealing. It issues an immense illustrated catalogue that should be in every family , as it describes and gives the price of every article required for household use. A sample of the ex traordinary values offered by this firm is shown in the illustration of the "Melba" sewing machine in another column of this paper for $14.25. This is one of the best sewing machines ever offered to the pub lic , and yet it is but a sample of the thousand and one useful articles illus trated and described in the beautiful cat alogue of the John M. Smyth Company. Wonderful Fireworks. In Nagasaki , Japan , there is a fire work-maker who manufactures - pyrotechnic technic birds of great .sixe that , when exploded , sail in a life-like manner through the air , and perform many movements exactly like those of living birds. The secret of making these won derful things has been iu the possession of the eldest of the family of each gen eration for more than four hundred years. GAVE little thought to my health , " writes MRS. WM. V. BELL. 230 N. Walnut St. , Canton , O. , to Mrs. Pink- ham , "until I found myself unable to attend to my household duties. "I had had my days of not feeling well and my monthly suffering , and a good deal of backache , but I thought all women had these THOUGHT things and did not complain. - "I had doctored for some time , but no medicine seemed to help me , and my physician thought it best for me to go to the hospital for local treatment. I had read and heard so much of your Vegetable Compound that I made up my mind to try it. I was troubled with falling of the womb , had sharp pains in ovaries , leucorrhceaand painful menses. I was so weak and dizzy that I would often have severe fainting spells. I took in all several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier and used the Sanative "Wash , and am now in good health. I wish others to know of the wonderful good it has done me , and have many friends taking it now. Will always give your medicine the highest praise. " MRS. A. TOLLE , 1946 Hil ton St. , Philadelphia , Pa. , writes : "DEAR MRS. PlNKHAM - I .was . .very thin and my friends thought I was in con sumption. Had continual headaches , backache and falling of womb , and my eyes were affected. Every one poticed how poorly I looked ind I was advised to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Com pound. One bottle f * relieved inc. and after tak ing eight bottles am now a healthy woman ; have gained in weight 95 pounds to 140 pounds , and everyone asks what makes me so stout" EJECTION EESULTS. REPORTS FROM VARIOUS STATES ON TUESDAY'S BATTLE. Ohio , Kentucky and Iowa JCIcc't Be- publican Governoro-Ueinocrats Win in Several States-Nebraska Carried by Fusionists-Incomplete Hcturiib. Elections * \vere held in twelve States Tue.sday. Ohio. Io\va , Kentucky , iJisM-s- sippi , Maryland and Massachusetts clect- txl a Goveraor and other State officers ; Nebraska .a judge of the Supreme Court and two regents of the State University ; Pennsylvania a treasurer and judges of the Supreme and of the Superior courts ; South Dakota three justices of the Su preme Court , and Ne\v York , New .Torsey and Virginia a Legislature. There were live tickqts in Ohio , five in Iowa , sis in Kentucky , two in Mississippi , three in Nebraska , two in South Dakota , throe in Maryland , live in Pennsylvania and live in Massachusetts In Kansas ami Colorado rado county ollicers were elected , and municipal elections were held in San Francisco , Salt Lake. New Orleans and Detroit. And in addition to a sheriff and some judicial officers in Greater New York mayoralty elections were held is souje of the other cities iu Now York , . The leturns fioiu the battle of the bal lots in the various States up to a late hour Tuesday night indicated that in Ohio Nash ( Kep. ) hail been elected Gov ernor by a substantial plurality. Jones ( Ind.j received a large vote in'the cities. In Nebraska Holcomb , the fiision can didate for Supreme Court judgts/iofoated lleeKO , his Kepablican opponent , by a large plurality. Democrats made a clean sweep in Maryland , carrying the State by 1UQOO ami electing a majority in th Assembly and State Senate. Kentucky is claimed by both Republi cans and Democrats , with the chances favoring the election of Taylor , the lie- publican candidate. The vote is very close and may require the oflicinl count to decide it. Republicans win L : Iowa by a. plurality ranging from 50.000 to ( > 0,000. Greater New York goes Democratic by . " > ,000. Republicans gained several As semblymen in the upper part of the State. Mazet js defeated for the Legislature. Democrats re-elect Mayor Maybury IE Detroit. .Tames D. Phdan. Democrat ; in elected Mayor of San Francisco. Virginia and Mississippi went Demo cratic by increased majorities , while .Mas sachusetts , New Jersey , Pennsylvania and South Dakota remain in the Republi can column. MORMON CONVERTS. Utali Religion Spreading Thronsli Central btates. Mormonism is gaining a firm footing in the North Central States. The report which was submitted at the annual con ference in Anderson , Ind. , by Elder Louis K. Kelsch , president of the North Cen tral Mission , -\vhich includes the eleven States north and west of the Ohio and Missouri , was a great .surprise to oven the elders who have served at the mis sions in the field. - Three years ago the Mormons began their work in the section , which takes in Iowa , Missouri , Illinois. Indiana , Michigan , Nebraska , Dakota North and South "Wisconsin and Minnesota. The first year there were very few converts to the unpopular religion. The next year there were a few more , while/ during the third year , just closed , the number of converts and baptisms have been twice as great as during the fi/st two years , and it is claimed that the number of bap tisms the coming year will be as great as all of those of the three years. Then , are now 1,100 baplixed and acceptet Mormons in the sections named. Though the missionaries who come in to the field from Utah believe in polyg amy and say that it is a part of their re ligion , they are not preaching its intro duction. The feeling against Mormonism - ism was very bitter in the States in which the missionary work has been taken up during the last three years be cause of the pract'-e ' of polygamy , and in some cities the fooling against the eld ers has reached sr.ch a pitch that they have been stoned out of the city or con ducted to the limits and told to stay out. In one or two cities the workers have been rotten-egged and other indignities have been heaped upon them. In almost all cities they have been barred from the churches and have been preached against from pulpits. Mormon workers accept no pay , ask uo alms , take up no collections , but maintain themselves at their own ex pense. * Indemnity to British. In spite of recent reverses the English papers are beginning to figure on the amount of indemnity the South African Republic will be forced to pay when the Boers are finally conquered. In this con nection it is pointed out that the finan cial condition of the republic is excellent. For the year 1SJ)7 the total revenue of the Transvaal amounted to $22.400.000 , while the total expenditures were $21- iiOO.OOO. From an English standpoint there will bo room in the future for large reduction's in expenditures , so that a big balance will be left which may be ap plied to the payment of interest on a loan uHcient ! to pay the indemnity which the British are to demand. At present the total State debt of the South African Republic is less than $14,000,000. ot Current Events. Cubans at Havana are angry because cock fighting has been barred. People at Atlanta , Ga. . claim that Lieut. Brumby is the real hero of Manila. Over ; " 00 German families will locate on a big tract .of land in Mexico. Cement plant , to cost $1.00,000 , will be located on Prospect hill , St. Louis. Leon Jackson , a miser. Newport , Tenn. , was murdered and robbed of $ GOO by three men. Mine. Algeria Barrios , the young widow of the late Gen. Barrios of Guate mala , has gone on the "stage. Miss RujjseJl. Hamilton , Ont. . will go as a mii e with the Canadian troops to the Transvaal. Hon. Geo. Seaver. postmaster of Pu eblo. Colo. , died suddenly while on a train near Buffalo , N. Y. Rather than submit to arrest or. the Charge of wife-beating. .John Denbo key , Philadelphia , shot and' killed himself. Six boys with revolvers , near Colum bus. Ohio , fired at two country boys. Ed- ivi : Belt was hit and may die. LATEGT RETURNS. Nino-Tenths ol * th < * Vote oFXcbrasIra in Tubular ! 'orm. f Returns from all hut three of tlie ninety counties in Nebraska Antelope. Mcl'her- 5tm : tnl : Sheridan .tjive IJok-oinb a plural- .ty of si little over K,00 , ) . Th : Ihree miss- fng counties will he sufficient to brinj ; the lotal up to the ncigliborlibo I of 1-1,000. Counties. . llolconib. JJee e. Adams 2,083 1,711 Banner & ( U lid Blaine 56 75 Boyd 631) ) 4'J3 Boone . - 1270 1,101 Box Butte 477 4W : Brown J',12 5560 Buffalo 2.2UL 1SO ! ? Btirt 1,1801,528 Butler ' . /.2,220 1,890 Cass. . . . : ; . .2.258 2KO : Cedar 1,516 1,015 Chase 2SS 2W Cherry 55t f:54 : Cheyenne -118 f ll Clay 1 , 33 1,781 Colfax 1,271 72-i Cuming 1,43(5 ( 35 Custer 2,001 1,49 J Dakota v/ . 1593 571 Dawes . . toi5 4.10 Dawson 1.42JJ 1,13 Deuel 201 * :7f Dixon / . " . . : . . . . ! ,017 SCI Dodye 2.1151 1,8(50 ( Douglas 10cG : D.411 iHuuly 25i5 233 Fi Ilniore 1 , . )09 ) 1 , ; .7o Franklin " -.1,100 i u i Frontier. . . . . 1)52 ) IU7 Furnas 1,4 % , " ( ! Garlield : . . . 221 W2 Gosper ' 86 417 Grant ' C,8 ICG Gnjelcy 75)1oIO ) Hamilton 1E , ! 2 1.312 Hall 1,819 1,800 Harlun 1.227 71i4 Hayes 2iO 20) ' Hitchcock . . Ef-t 411) Holt 1,1S" 715 Hooker 11) ) 18 Howard ' . 1.231 725 Jefferson 1,4515 1 , . " > ; 4 Johnson 1,01)1 ) 1 249 Kearney. . , 1L14 813 Keith 2H7 2115 Keysi Palm li33 210 Kimball . ti3 1 < ; 3 Knox 1,01)8 ) 1 .l 7u Lancaster > * . . . .4,025 5,072 Lincoln 1,138 1.2 ; ; 5 Logan % 13 7li Loup : 1)5 ) ] 24 Madison 1,493 1C81 Merrick 1,0015 IHi Natich $ > i Y.V7 emaha J.G ,2 l."h Nuckolls 1,432 1.182 0 toe . - li , 187 J ,1)9 ) : ; Pawnee JU3. , ) 1 ; G'J Perkins 207 1. 2 Plielp.v ? 1,259 J.020 Pierce 811 G3" Platte l.ll.Jl 1,111 Polk i,4GG 701) ) Red Willow H02 1)12 ) Richardson 2,328 2.1LO Rock 213 : ; ! > Saline 2,005 ] , ( ' , > . ' , ' ' Scotts Bluff. . . . 18(5 ( - 20.J fcjarpy 81)5 ) o78 launders 2,557 ! . { > ! i Seward ( majority ) ' . . . . 237 Sherman 717 31T Sioux ; . . 213 7i Stanlon 71)11 ) G13 Tliayer 1,37.5 l,3iy ; Thomas 73 f.O Thiirston 731) ) 4157 Valley 8U3 713 Washington , 1.327 1,3 , ! > Wayne nil 1L3 Webster . * 1,3K ! ) 1.128 Wheeler 135 8 < York 1,889 Totals ' 103.920 HO 23 Tjaiidmnrlc of Nchrnslcu City. The Andrew Rons brewery bunie 1 : : t Xebraska Citv a lew da\s a io. The build ing was one of the ohf landmarks of Hit- city , the first pait having been erected in 1870 , but lias not been operated dining the last two years. The origin of the lire i.s unknown. The loss on Hie building and machinery is $15,000 , upon which Mr. Koo.s carried $2,000 hiMirancc. Tury Assigns > o Ttlamo. The coroner's juiy in the case of John Hill , Found dead . .110.11St. . Paul , this state , lias lulmnt'd a verdict that lie came to his deatli after drinking ; i large quniiii\ ; alcohol The coroner's jurj list's no hliiim * and the luo young nifii , ( 'row and C.irr , wlio were \\Hli tin ; deceased at the time , and who have returned. j * _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ Dies on I ; ( ; ul ol'.Hay. .lohn Fairar , a tanner in tlis vicinity of Lilierti' , was found dead on top of a load of straw with which lie h.id started from home. The team walked slowly into Liberty. Mr. Karrar was apparently well and it is supposed death was due to heart disease. Killed by n Tr in. Arthur Bryanl. the 17earold M > M of K. W. Bryant , a prominent biisine > s man ol 'IVkama'li , was killel by a train the other evening The. body was horribly mangled. Mrs. Br\ant. the nnfoiInnate lad's mother , is an own cousin of Mis. Grover Cleveland. Sparks Ignite Freight Depot. The freight depot at ( lie St. Joseph t Grand Island railway Nation at Hastings was completely ilestrojed by fire. The fire originate- ! from sparks from an engine. The total loss isSl.00 Price on Murtlerer's Head. Gov. Poynter lias issued a proclamation offering a-reward of $2')0 ) for the arrest or conviction of the murderer of Lizzie Me- Aultir in Omaha. Nebraska Short. > 'otes. It-is announced that A. G. Wright of Cass County has received an appointment in the war department through Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn. The appointment , it is said , came to Mr. Wright , unsought aiul was bestowed in recognition of his services in Xebraska. Mr. Wright was postmaster of the senate during the last session of the legislature. Twenty-eight farm mortgages were filed and .forty-five released in Platte i-ounty last month. Surgeons have amputated the leg of the son of Prank Scott of Osceola , who was jaught in a revolving buggy wheel one iveek ago. Deputy Insurance Commissioner Bryant states that the case of Auditor Cornell igainst Gov. Poynter , testing the Weaver let , would be pushed with all possible ; pe'ed for hearing before the supreme court it an early date. Attorney General Smyth las so far taken no part in the case other ban the signing of a stipulation. Upon returning to camp wo found that John , the driver , had purchased a load of pumpkins , wbicu the native men and women from the Mazoe valley had brought to the wagon to barter. At first I was pleased , but when I found that John had traded away about twen ty pounds of preservative , consisting of alum and arsenic , which he tiad mistak en for salt , I was lilled with dismay ! We knew not the villages whence the natives had come , nor could we explain the mistake , as we were Ignorant of their Idngunge , and before my scared mental vision rose piles of dead Ma- shonas , pestilence and war on the whites provided there remained enough live Mashonas to make it. Heace it was that before daylight the next morning we left for the fort. We made no mention of the matter to any one , but a year later , when visiting the Mazoe valley , I inquired of the natives If there had been any disease among them about the time when the white men arrived in the country. They said there had been an epidemic of stomach aches , but , fortunately , no one had died from It ; so my conscience was pro foundly relieved. From "On the South African Frontier , bv William Brown. Brijihtcninjr Prospects. . "Slimpurse found a dollar oa the street yesterday. " "I thought something like that had happened. " "Why ? Was he blowing himself ? " "Xo. But he told me to-day that he was thinking of taking in the Paris exposition next year. " Xew York World. Breeding and Feeding in Human Intestines. A New Powerful Germ Destroyer Discov ered How Microbes Are Killed , Wiiile You Sleep. Millions of microbes , bacteria , ptomaines , disease serins of every kind live and breed anil feed iu the stomach ami bowels. For their propagation It Is only necessary for the liver and intestines to become lazy and operate irregularly. Modern science has been at work to find a means of killing microbes , and the most successful germ destroyer of all Is Cns- carets Candy Cathartii- . They slaughter bacteria wherever they find them , are nntl- septic , stop sour stomarb , make the liver lively , the blood pure , the bowels regular , everything as it should be. Go buy and try Cascarets to-day. It's what they'll do. not what we say they'll do , lh.it proves their merit. All druggists , lOc , 2oc , 50. or mailed for price. Send for book let and free sample. Address The Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago ; Montreal , Can. ; or New York. Tills is the PASCAIIET tablet. Every tablet of the only genuine Cascaret bears the magic letters "CCC. " Look nt the tablet before you buy. and beware of frauds , imitations and substitutes. A Liana Tide. Recent observations with the seismo graph's at Mauritius have led to the sug gestion that not only the ocean and the atmosphere , but even the laud , may experience the effects of a daily tide running round and round the earth as it revolves on its axis. But while the tides in the air and the sea are due more to the moon than to the sun. the supposed "land tide" arises solely from the sun's action. Moreover , It is caused , not by the attraction of the sun , but by its heat. A wave of depression is supposed to follow the sun from east to west , caused by the extraction of moisture from the soil. At Mauritius it Is found that there is a relative up heaval of the land to the west of the place of observation from morning un til evening , and a relative depression on the same side , or an unheava' to the east , during the night. A DOLLAR STRETCHER method by which J. C. Hubinger is introd and " Hubinger's Best" starch. She s ; Book , I received from my grocer one 1 one large package of "Hubinger's Best" panels , all for 5c. How far my dollar your grocer for this starch and obtain t' ? o Core a Cold In One Day Talce Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All drugcists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. Fideboard Kcpartcc. "You are looking sour , " oald the blackberry jam. % . "Never , " retorted the brajidied peach es ; "on the contrary , 1 am iu the best of spirits. ' ' _ _ j KITS Permanently CuredNo fits < fc nrrotun * 4j after flnt da V mo of lr. KllneM Ureat > Nert > lt - stonr. Send for FJCEK 82.OO trial bottle aoJ treati * * . Da. It. 11. KLI.NE. Ltd. , l ai Arch SL. 1'ailauti ia. Pa. God never gives but one moment time , and does not give n second he withdraws thf > fir = r. Fonolon. MM.VlnnloW sooriHJfo STBUP for CTilWnsn . teetliina ; solten tli * Kiims. reancM inn ninition. allay utiii. curea lud coltc. a ctuta a bottin \ Xo man can be provident of his time , \ who is not prudent in the choice of his company. Jeremy Tnylor. "The Best is Cheapest. ' * We learn this from experience in * " + & department of life. Good clothes are most serviceable and wcar the longest.Good food gives the best nutriments Good medicine , Hood's SarsaparUla , is the best and cheapest , because it cures , absolutely CURES , ivhsn all others fail. StlasaS In all Its Biases there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cean cssoothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm Is placed into the nostrils , spreads over the membrane and la absorbed. Ile'.iefis Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying doea not produce aneczlnjj. Large Size , 50 cents nt Drue- gists or by mail ; Trial Size , 10 cents by mai' . ELY BROTHERS , C5 Warren Street , New Yorr. t'o S3 & 3.50 SHOES Worth 54 to S6 comoared with ether makes. Tml r-r l 1) % ' e\ver 1 , 000,000-n oarers The ycmilitr lisvc W I ougias' name and price tti stamped on bottom , 'lake no substitute Claimed to b : as good. Your dealer should keen themif not , we will sena a pa" on receipt of price. State kind of eatlier size , and width , plain Ol cap toe. Catalogue D fres. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Drocktc" , Mass. The best remedy for Cough Consumption. "Cures & . , M .Y. Coughs , Colds , Grippe , V T tl O Bronchitis , tloarse- < * ness. Asthma , "Wlio6pitif- cough. Croup. Small doses ; quick , sure results. Dr.MulfsPittscurc Constipation. Trial : anf t WW fV Our Northern Grown B Stock. Best\V jje * . Pay Weekly. . . THE JEWELL MJRhEHY CO. . LnUe tltr. Minn. JOHN AV.IKOIZRIS , Watliingtoii , n.cl . 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Late PrincipalSx&minerU.B.fensiou Bureau. I 3jraiuclril war 15a4iudcatii ) cUru S. C. N. U. - 41)1) CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Couch Syrup. Tastes Good. tTce in time. Fold br druz rites that the greatest "Dollar Strctch- .s ever found is the new and original ucing- his latest invention , "Red Cross" lys : With-your Endless Cham Starch arg-e package of "Red Cro. s" starch , starch , and two beautiful Shakespeare ill go , I am unable to figure out. Ask ic beautiful Christmas presents free. M MOTH MAILORDER MOUSE. I The Best Sewing Machine on Earth At iho Price , $14.25 for Our "HELBA" Sewing Machine. A high-arm , high-grade machine equal towhat others are asking S2J.OO to 55.00 for. Guaranteed by us for 20 years from data of purchase , against any Imperfec tion in material or workmanship. The stand is made of the best iron and is nicely proportioned. The cabinet work is perfect and is furnished in your choice of antiqueoak or walnut. It has seven drawers all handsomely carved and with nickel-plated ring pulls. The rnechcn- Ical construction is equal to that of any machine regardless of price. All working parts are of the best oil-tem pered tool steel , every bearing perfectly fitted and adjusted so as to make the running qualities the lightest , most per- , _ . _ . , , feet and nearest noiseless of any machine made. Tins Sewins Machine has all the latest improvements. It makes a perfect and uni form LOCKSTITCH , and will do the beat work on either the lightest muslins or heaviest cloths , sewing over seams and rough places without skipping stitches. A full stt of best steel attachments , nicely nickel-plated and enclosed in a handsome plush-lined metal , jaoanned box , and a complete assortment of accessories and book of instruction FURNISHED FREE with each machine. Rfl DflYQTRIA ! We ship this machine C.O.D. subject to approval , on receipt of frtvo Jr dollars. If. on examination you are convinced that we are saving ypu$2oor oOonagent'spricep iythebalanceandfreightchargesthentry , ' the -nachine. If notsatisfied at any time within 60days send the machine back to us at our expense and wo will refund the full purchase price ' which is fisted "at lowest wholesale prices everything to eat wear and useis furnisb ed on receipt of only 10 ? to partly pay -.postage or expressage and as evidence lof good faith the 109 is allowed on first 'purchase amounting to SI99 crabove. _ MONTHLY GROCERY PRICE LIST < * < /VW < AAAAf W A5AAsA