WESTERN NEW&-DEMOCR , , Farm and Stock Valentine , Nebraska ALONZO HEATH Psstofflcc address Cody , Nebm On left side ; | A horses Halite north Ciucomb Lake S A tt'INSLOW address Cody , Nebraska Branded on either Hide : homes same on lefl ulioidder B.'ange-3-ml. north. easMit KM awl south of Niobrara river. 13- iul southwustofCody A C RIEMENSCUNEIDER ostoffice Cod.Nelmi Mu riirb * sidejab ni right shoul ami 2 u jaw. on lefr bin also ; taw n : i''i : ' - ' > ld i llaiiub on Ntnbi A 1 > COLE Postoffii'e address Cody , Nebraska Same sis IM cut. lett side and shoulder und v.i'M of Coil , C11AS- ROBERTS PosloflicB addres Cody , Nehni' On e'.f'er sn SO'iie K K K ; so n 13 u Kan e * orthwesi 'ocy FRANK j. JONS ; : Postoffire address CodyNebra-la On right .side ; horses ses snne : on left shoulder Range , right miles wo > > t of Cody CHARLES GAIIT3IDE I'oMotlice address Cody , N IIT'C bramlfd - it.ide ; also ( . ' > 1ft hip u { eat ii < l M-fL .shoulilur ' horses iiiinisouiii\\e tCui JOIFN SUANGirAN uddrrss < fL-J9 Corty , Xebmsk ; On left side Also on left side Horses J J > on left shoulder Han e between Cody and Lake Creek J T GARDINER 1'Ohtoflice address \Cody \ , Is ebrask On'eft side of ca tie ; horses O rljrl arm Uan.ue. north an Fouth of N fob nil Riv ° r,12-miles .sont west of Couy PRED AND M'lLLTASI 3IAYBEE. I'ostolilre address Cody N .Oi'lrft > 1dn ; horses siinif left shoulder Eiirmaik uoich s n underside of ri ht eir liiuiKe east and nith of lill .7 II STEELE 1'ostofHce add/ess Cody , Ne'oiaslc ; Onleftsidea < i Jt : or W L on left sid < ol some cattle * Also ! " on loft hip ; and horses on ; left shoulder Ranire-Mouth o : SBear Creek G H SEAGER Postofllce address Codv , Neoniska Cattle branded us on cut on left sidtf , hip and shoulder ; horses 3UI11U Ran e , Snake Creek FRANK 3IOGLE Po'tofficc address Cody. Nebraska On either d attic lit rdmark left ear clipped and rijrht ear splithorses ; branded same on left shoulder Range on Niobrara ; < > and McdicineCanyon EATtL COMSTOCK , MANAGER. Postoffice address Vjilenune. Isi % LiVecut on Cither Jofl side r hipalso t- - T N \fe l-fi hip anl C ! c ts ! iililer i HI 'i-TSi J'D for sufficient CHASS NICHOLS Fostofflcc address Mi-iTlman. Neb On liin of cattle ; horses vinie left shoulder Hango between Bear Cieck and Nlobrara , River , 9-rni southeast ) I Merriinan SELDER BROTHERS Postoffice address Merrimcn , 2 On left side of r J tie ; also RS her e. ! ? on left & * * sboldii ( Ett k Ran' e. north J south "of Nmhr , Rivi'r/-ini s titht ; of Merriman a n FOLSOM PosiolTlce address Morrlraan , Neb Branded on left side Range north of Merriinan F DEVINK Post office ad 'rcs Merriman , > Branded on 1 side ; horses si on left shoulder Range bctwt Bear Cn-eh and I Ni-ibiarariver.U S.fi ofJMerrimai GEORGE STOV1SII Postofficc nddr p > Meniman. Neb . ) n left side ; horses < ame left shoulder Unnge Little White IHvcr South Dakota GEORGE JESSES' Postolfice address Aleiriman.Ni o'n jither lolt slier or hip ; horses fan on left shoulder It nge-East of C < tonuood L-ike GENrny. ABBOTT & MONAIIAN address IlyannisNelJ on - _ _ _ . INI ' randed C U'Ti.snoi.'l cr A left hip ; nlsn if N N any \vheie n lett sidealr o ' A left side ta nge head Middle .oup C S WILLIAMS Jtd it j s , Ni-brask On Mr si.'e ; ah W I left Mdc also JlcfMtipals VY onsidfJindSo hip ; hoi-suss on lei jaw Range-Emht in "e south of Gallop ALBERT NENZEL est office address * i\euy.tl. : Nebraska neither side of cat- : : horses same iiiiL'e northeast of uu/.el LAN ADAMSON P < -stofliee address j > .A. ' , . Chesterfield , Neb 34' . ' . P r nded as on cut ; " .somo.jon left hip some just o-e brand liKeon cut un lefl Ranse between Bordman and Sual.c W G SA\VYE1 istofllee address Oasis , Nebraska 11er& Quiaenbery vechan ; M > f theno ttle : hordes l > . < * im t shoulder ; some ock brandedX y where on > tiii irir.1 nge , Snake river RICHARDS t CAIKNES CO. Cattle bninded ii i r anypartof'iniiual : also the following brands : § 5fe'4- ? ' ' - ! < vj cSsai7if rorses bninded the same Range between ( lOrdon on the F.li. &M. V.R. R. and iiunison B , & 3M. R. R. iu Northwestern Ijniska. Address , BAKTLKTT RICHAIJDS. idron , Nebraska J Vv' OSTRANDER Rushvills , Nub left thigh or hip ; ses J left thigh ange-Head waters iordon Creek Kctritrtl of $44)O will be paid to anv sou for information leading to the arrest and .1 conviction of any person or persons steal- wittle with above orand. MOREY & HEWETT Postoffice address Gordon , Neb On leftside of cattle horses same left j sbou'der ; alsc left slcl on left ? Bide of some Range south ai Snake 35-mi south- Gordon WM ER1CKSON , officc address Kennedy , Neb eft side and hip ; ics O r A 0" aw .ngo t\\o ui5l.g Invest of Keu- DAWSON & BALL L'oslofttcc address Chesternel . Neb ? attle bninded on eft side as on cut : Usov lelt neck andZ alt hip ; some V lelt : iHek. V left shoulder uniZlclthlujhorses VZ le-ft hip. ] Jinge River,3l,32 , ; . GEORGE G BOTHWELL Postoffice address Pullman , . Brnrded ns on c a left ! Ranue south eastof rullman P PULLMAN E'ostofflce address Pullman. NeJ. Branded as on t-ut : \lso I' on phouM'-r on side I * on hij. ; ilso w side ! ; lup Use l * on stiouldor , iV"on side J'on hip [ { ange north piong ) f odli Loup CIIAS S IIOYT Postoifleo address Pullman , Branded on Ijft s aNn 02 on left si . , lst > "between e and u > c Raiigu l. < mi.es w of r.illin in J L ROSEBERRY "oMoffice address I'ullman , N'eb Ininded or. left hip ; orscs same ; rd- uirk-donble dew-lap Range south and ast of Brush Hill S If DYE Postofficp'afldie.ss Pullman , N Branded on left si A reward of S : will be paid for I'irntaUou leading tin- arrest and lir conviction iif ai person for ki'.lii driving off orcouct ing any of my cat : II A BUCK 3St Mllce address IlyMims , Neb randol en lelt side unge eighteen miles > rth of Hvannis L L MORRILL Postoilhie address Ilvaniite , Ni Oulefc side ; also on le t hip ; horst s left sboulde Range 25-mil ( north of Hyannis H C MASON stufiii-e address 11 van nis. Nel. It'tt Hirie ; f-ome lit- oil It'll si' ! ' l'i ! on iett in , i-ge-Motlier Lake S&SSKMnv . d * niiier KUig-e-Bnig- K&s-au.- . - . . "jumaU idu- iiiSLeridanCo , A SAULTS Postoffice address ! 5& ' ( Jrecory , Ne > 3y On lefl side or hip horses same on lef shoulder Range-Arkansa Valley and Snakr JOE CULBERTSON I > ! ' en I'f Pnl'iii-in. ' Neb nded on left sid" : si * T T on r'ght ulder : a croj mul in leftear of cattle iaiiRe I-oiks of ill Loup River C JENSEN est office address Galloi ) , Nebraska LoUMdeon private i ock und rigiitMdc on cattle on left 5ldi > of t tlurse < C .V on left alder. Range-Eiuht miles south of Gallop JULIUS PETEUSON : > fticead.lress Gregory. Neb ided as on cut ingo two miles h of Gregory D N GOURLEY Postoffice address Piiishville , Neb On left hip ; also 5OO on leftj side ; horses lefl shoulder 1 "Hauge-Ci-darLake OBE CHURCH jffice addrcs Merriman , Neb eft side ; also ; on Tight side isoIeftsliouidcT e iiorlh and t of Merriman CHARLES LONE V/OLP Postofflce address Allen S D On right side and .shoulder , horses same on right tlilsh flange-Bear Creek MORRIS JANIES Postoffice address Rosebud , Crtttlo br.indf l leftsiuooHon m onleff thigh , Rruge on Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postoffico address Allen , S. D,1 On left shoulder and hip ; some 1 on left shouldr and on left side. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek FRA K A GALLIGO Pos'office nddresi Manderson. S Left side and young stock , stock run < ? ed left side Horses 1 ( thigh Range-Rock Spri Basin JA3IESBUSH I'ostoiUce address Allen S Jnleft side Also ) fi Iit side lorses on left hi lange- Hear Creek R JI F ADD IS Pohtonicc'-iddres Pass , Neb Range , North Lc River CHARLES LONG x Oatoflice ad dress Allen S U n left side of cattle ange Bear Creek GEORGE N DAVIS .Postoffice address Simeon , N'I Branded on rig side or hip Also on left hip -lorses on rig ] houlder as on ci Rantie-Gordon ai ; CHARGING BEAR istolfice address Allen SD i left . - sluttritl thigh rseson thigh inge Bear Creek Draiid on kit s'.ili Horsoa and on Iff i iae and - , n > ' \ an- ; C F COOPER stoffice address Kennedy , Ltle branded on t side same as cut ick over i' year old Ug $ right sldeRW ; rse.s ange south & west Uaekberrv Lake a'-id ( urlew 10 soni1 br.ind on eft le J ACOBSON .BROTHERS Postoflice address Gregory , Nel ; On left side ; some same withl on shoulder horses lelt shoulder ? Kungu Gor don and Goose DAN "WEBSTER toffice address iarlaii. Nebraska left side or hip ; * esbranded same sh ail 'cr ige bctweenf Nio' r and Sisal-o riv" .south 01' Mern- i lieirttt-f7 of .yi'Kttl lit : paid to any on for infonnalioii leading to the arrest and I cojiviciJen olauy person or peisons stcsi - ; ; vttle orlioises with above umud. O .J J'osto t a Hro-\ i-br On efr side Range , betwecr 'Joose Creek and A T BRACKET ! , office atldress Til ego Neb ided on left side : e-Three miles hcastof Georgia WILLIA3I WILSON Pastofilce address Kiljjoro Neb Brandcil on left side Itause-Southeast of Georpria H SCHULTZ Poitoflice addro McCann : branded a : Uange Nortli south of Georgia \VILHEL3I ANDERSON 1'ostoflice addn-ss AlcCann Neb Bnmdcd on l.-ft side horaes .same on lelt hip Range between the siohrara and Simke JOHN DUBRA\ Poitoillce addres1 Merrimnn , I On left side , jaw hip Range f > nke Cr South Dakota. A. B. CAP WELL I'ostolfiee adilrrss Pullman Neb : ) nleft side of rattle llango North Loi-p JOE ROOKS JK , Posiofflce address Allen S On left side ; liors same on telgh Sange Bear Cre llerve\r Ranch Two miles east of irookston , in Cherry ; otiuty , Nebraska Cartltt branded OC in Ic-fl hip. on right ip. and on rifilit side nth 3-inch letter fm Cavauaugh " Crookston Neb" CfLUIBERLAIN & CO H \ DOWNING jstofiice addreas S , Gi-egory , Neb ileft side ; also OLE on side Range Stevenson ike P.KE BROb address Crookston , Nel Branded on eithe borne ! n right hip Range-On Min neehaduza.j-milej east of Crookston E E AND H E WOODRUFF stoffice address HyannisNebl nleftliip and left de. Also * < toyU bninded 'i left side id revt > r."iMl nn right oulder ; also right pr.nd left side uige-Motlier Lake 31 RICHARDSON Postoffice address McCann Neb Branded on leftside liane McCann A T DAVIS toffice address liyjinnis , Neb 11 right side bert left o cattle OO ritrbt si't tango IB miles th of Hvannis R A WESTOVKK Postofflce address Lakeland. Neb Branded on left hip ' ° U rishl $ & * $ ' 'fsifl Range in Rrownaua Cherrj' eonntie * ; at beadv-ater-iof the Calamus river. R. HANSON. office address Valentine. Neb ttle bninded on hip ; horses the e nge n Dry Val- . \ Brand and S'upiT One Yoav Bobertv Good , Vnlcsitine , 5i PS ROUSCHJ2 Poatofilce address Brotvnlee , On left Plde or any part of animal. Earmark mark right enr cut off ; hor.HCS branded same on left hip.Also has stock branded Ken on side or shoulder , orJKorWorO VL , ere or FZ. Also the following , the first on LKE 2rowale Jfeb On ririt d . u LK on 3ars0 aid' aUo LI2K oo le GEO HIGGINS [ "ostofTice atldress , Brownlee , Neb Branded on left side ; some O ? ido and thighand and on left thigh llcngc Duck Lake JUHK J STKVJ * & 8&r ' - Postofflce address Brownies Neb On light side Range , Hon YaUey CLARENCE 1C SJIITH 'ostofllce address Wnitman , N"el in left side ; honses itnie on Ipftshonldi-r HfS on-left side afcs' ' uiywliere on Jjaj animal. On ip or thigh angeuorth prong liddle. Loiip river nd Buffalo Lake S W Chesntit Gordon. Nebraska Hrand same aa cut ; on left hip. Range head of Gordon Creek , fort > f miles southeast of ordon Breeder of Hereford cattle. J ( J COOLK\ > stofiice address Ifyannis , Neb i ri.htside . ; lior- 15 same on right Kinldcr nge six miles > rtli\vcstuf A'otli- Lake precinct A J PLUMER Postoffice address Hyynnis , Neb Branded on right side and h' p Also hc\-e : .slock right sfde and hip Tlorccs on right hip nge-Southwcstern Cherry ' W E STANSBIE AND D O BAUGII stofflce address liyaiinis. Neb' ' left hip anc left e Also left hip 1 left side ses same . .j , : . , nds on shoulders Range JW-nules thof Hj'annis MASON COMPANY , , Po3tofnce address Hyannis , Neb On right hip ; T l' either side On right & 3&R side 1&7M left & ses right bhoolder > ge seven miles north of Hyannis. SWEENEY BROS , toffice address Pullman , Neb tie branded s on ; horses branded e as cattle except Jfscd s , tr block fe ge -SteverN. . Ste'phenaon es and South A HT'VPEREY < > Poatoffice a idress Hyannis , Neb Branded anywhere on right side ; horses ses same on left shoulder Range - - sixloeu miles nortlnawt J > Hyann UOBERT I HINES ) ffice address Cody , Nebraska ded on left side ; ; s same left shoul ; e on Snake south Charles Richards aierrinian. Neb