Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 03, 1899, Image 9
SUPPLEMENT TO THE WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT VALENTINE , NEBR. , NOVEMBER 3 , 1899. How Chief Justice Reese ASK HIS FRIENDS TO EXPLAIN SgvT - _ . - . - . . _ _ = = Read what the Grand Island Inde pendent , a republican newspaper , said in its issue of July 1,1399 : "Supreme Judge Harrison has acted sensibly in stating in an interview that he would not be av candidate for reelection tion , because he realizes that there is a sentiment in the state opposed to his re- nomination. He probably could not be renomieated even if .he wanted to , be cause it would be inviting defeat , and he certainly could not be re-elected. He killed himself when he unwisely ap pointed his step-daughter as his clerk or stenographer with a 81,000 salary. " Mr. Reese has read this. He knew that Harrison was defeated for renomin- ation for the reason , as stated by the Grand Island paper. Mr. Reese knew also that where Harrison was the feeble imitator Reese was the original sinner : Mr. Reese knew that where Harrison simply placed his stepdaughter on the pay roll and permitted her to draw the money that Reese placed both his son and wife upon the pay roll and REESE DREW THE MONEY HIMSELF ! Harrison "Killed himself. " Is Reese entitled to honor where Harrison risen was entitled to degradation ? QUESTIONS FOR REESE. 1. Do you believe the legislature of Nebraska can , without violating the con stitution , appropriate public money to pay for "stenographic" or clerical assis tance to the judges of the supreme court ? 2. If your answer be "yes/ ' could such an appropriation be used legally for aay other purpose except that named in the appropriation bill ? For instance , could an appropriation for clerical assistance be used to pay one's wife for doing her own housework. Or to one's son for properly applying himself to his studies at school ? 3. Now , Judge Reese , if the appropria tion for stenographic or clerical assist ance to the judges of the supreme court shouid be drawn and used only in the payment of bona fide claims for clerical or stenographic assistance actually ren dered such judges , hew do you explain the fact that state general fund warrants to the amount of $74.6 were drawn in fa vor of C. B. Reese , your wife , and H. A. Reese , your son , in the years 1S88,1889 and 1890 , against two appropriations made by the legislature to furnish you stenographic or clerical assistance ? 4. Did C. B. Reese , your wife , actually perform the duties of stenographer or clerical assistant to you in the years 1889 and 1890 ? 5. Wal"C. B. Reese , your wife , a com petent stenographer in the years 1889 and 1890 , or was she competent to per form only merely clerical work in those years ? 6. Did she as a matter of fact , render you any assistance whatever , during the years mentioned , other than to a.tend , to her household duties ? 7. If C. B. Reese , your wife , was com petent to assist you , and really did assist you , as a stenographer or clerk , why was she wholly incompetent to sign the ten different vouchers , amounting to 8472 , THE.ENDORSEMENT drawn in her name , signed by : C. B. Reese , by ( orper" ) M. 13. Reese ? " 8. If O. B. Reese , your wife , actually rendered you stenographic or clerical as sistance in the performance of your du ties as chief justice , why was she not al lowed to draw the money on the ten war rants , amounting to $472 , which'were issued to C. B.Reese ? 9. The records show that you not only made out and signed the voucher for the alleged claims of C. B. Reese , your wife and clerk , but that you also in every in stance endorsed her warrants "C. B. Reese , by ( or "per" ) M. B. Reese , " and that you drew from the state treasury uporusuch warrants so endorsed the sum of $472. Did you as a kind and indul gent husband , and honest and upright judge , turn over to your faithful wife and clerk this $172 ? 10. 'If C. B. Reese , your wife , did not render you the assistance aforesaid , who , if anybody , did ? . 11. If some other person actually' p&v- formed tha duties for which C. E. Reese , "per M. B. Reese , " drew $472 of the tax payers' money from the state treasury , why was not such other person allowed to draw that money in his or her own name. 12. If neither C. B. Reese , your wife , uor any other person actually rendered the services for which the state paid $472 , and you pocketed the same , are not you guilty of a misuse of public funds ? Haven't you violated Section 14 of Arti cle IV , of the Constiution of Nebraska , which declares that "no judge of the su preme or district courts shall receive any OTHER COMPENSATION , perquisite or BENEFIT for and on account of his office in any term whatsoever ? " An.i in any event , aren't you the original sjnner the "father of nepotism in Nebraska ? " * Ji i" * * P" ! I Pf8 fe6 1 ! ! 1 I"88 Pfc ? * 1 rF"28 EAD THE OTHER SIDE