lit It ' WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT ' * , Farm antt S > ck BOKECIT GOOD , - Iflnnagcr Valentine , Nebraska ALONZO HEATH Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses leftshouldcr Range north o Ciucomb f ilco S A Postofflee address Cody , Nebraska' ' Branded on either side : hnrfe * same on left alioulder Bunge-3-mi. north. east of EH and south of Niobrara river , 13- ml southwest of Cody A C PiIEMENSCHNElDER Postoffice address Cndv.i'inwka On right side tfteoX on right shouli'er : nd2 J'wS3 : f nlfflt hiu alho Son aw _ Poor Uange--OJtl Rjinch on Nibnini A D COLE Postofflrc address Cody , Nconisk-i Same as on cit , left side and shoulder. Rant'e eiistHiuJsouth- und west of Cody CJIAS. E ROBERTS Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On ctier ! side ; some II IS K ; some BE It Ranc _ northwest nf Cody FRANK J. JONES PostofRce address Cody.Ntbras'ka On right side ; bor- aes same on left shoulder Range , eight miles west of Cod v CIIAFiLES Postoffice address C.ody , Neb < p brniuled on ! Mile ; JllSO C G fr lilj ) if ciittle ' ! * -ft bhouUi r on horses it--ui-e on Ni ibnirst i mi.soii h\\estCodv JOHN S1IANGHAN i ! tli In ss On U'K sid AI on li > fl side Horses J S on lift shoulder Range bi-twcon Ci 'iy and Lake-Crcok J P GARDINER ! I'ostoiilce address Cody , Nebraskji On 'eft side of cat tle ; horses O right armRang" Rang" , north and south of Ninhrsra Ri v rjrni'.es soni h west of Cody TREU AND WILLIAM MAYBEE. I\tjtofice ] address Cody N ( hli ft sMu ; IHHSOS B-irmark nuich 1:11 unilur.slic if right eir i" istet ami Kli -w * ue&ji a&ciyat2 * WP .7 H &TEEL15 PostoJRix ? Cody , N On left side ; a'so LO or W L. on left side oion on loft and horses leftsliouldor Ranee-Month of G H SEACEJl Postollice address Codv , Cattlcbninded s on cut or. Jefl side- , hip > -d shoulder ; her > < i.s ' jame Rtiige , Snake FRANK MOGLE Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On either d- cattle hiTdmark left car clipped and riirht ear .splithorses ; branded same ou left shoulder Rouge on Niobrara nnO MedicineCanyon A-PiL COJISTOCIv , MANAGER. CHAS a NICHOLS Posti-fTjce address SL'rriman , Neb On l.ip of cattle ; horsi s same left should IT Range between Bear Crecli and Niobrara River , 9-mI southeast of Mcrriman SELDER BROTHERS Poslofiice address Mciriman , Neb On left side of car tlealso ; Ta3 ho'-sc * on left Sgsbo'ldn Range , north airt SOUth Of NiOOHiKi RiverjO-mis utheast or Sferriman G H FOLS03I Postoffice address Merrlman , Neb Branded on left side Range north o * Merrlman E F DEVINE Postoffice ad-Jress Merrlman , Neb Brairded on left side ; horses same on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and the Niobi ara ri ver,9-mi S.E. ofMcrrimau GEORGE STOVER Postoffice address Merriman , Neb On left side ; horses same left shoulder Range Little AVliIte River South Dakota GEORGE JESSEN Postoffice address Myrriman , Neb On iifcher left side or hip ; horses same ou left &houher ! R ngc-East of Cot ton wood L-ikc GENTRY. ABBOTT & MONAHAX Postoffice address Ilyannis. Nell Both on lofi briinded dcr A left hip ; also N N N anytvheie ou leftside ; also C A left side Range isead Middle Loup C S WILLIAMS Postpfiific address Gallop. Nebraska Ou loit side ; also .V I left side ; : iiso Jlcfthipalso ; W on side and g on hip ; horses S on left jaw Range-Eight ni"c south of Gallop ALBERT NENZEL Postofilee 'iddress N -n7.el. Nebraska On-iitherside of car- rl : bnr'jps sninc i.'angf JiorUiecist of Nenzt-1 ADAMSON Postofiicc address Chesterfielil , Neb. , Br ndi'd as ou cut ; some 5 on left hip ; c"i e j'.st ; oie brnmt iiicoon cut ou K-ft Range bet Bordmaii aii W G SAWYER Postoflice address Oaste. Nebraska Rutlrr& Quisenbery hive cliiinre of these stock branded i rt i.\tv.creo'ifliii ! iiil IJaiige , Snake river KICJIAIIDS it CAIICNES CO. Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : 1 orses bnimied Hie same Range between Gordon on the F.E. &M. V.R.R. and llyaunls on B , & M. R. R. In Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAKTLKTT RIUIAKDS. Chad roii. Nebraska OSTRAMKR Jft Potoffici Jad ; lrcss Rushville , Neb On left thigh or hip ; horses J let : thigh RJI nge-l lend waters of Gordon Creek A Rvintrtl ( ttiftiOO will be paid to anv person for information leading to tliu arrest and linal conviction of any person or persons btcal- mgcattle with above brand. MOREY & HEWETT Postoffice address Gordon , Neb On left side of cattle l-ort-'es same loft shoiilder ; : i 20 ! at leftsid on left fide of some Range south if Snake 35-mi south- AV.M L'ostofilco address Kennedy , N Jn left side and hip ; lorses O or A on jitjaw Kanfio two niileij lorthwest of Ken- tody DAWSON & BALL Postoflcc address Ch > sterfiel ' . Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut : also V lelt neck andZ left hip : some V lelt iieek. V left shoulder ami ZIefthiDhorses ; VZ left hip. Range Snake Rlver,31,32,33. GEORGE G BOTHWELL Postoffice address - Pullman , Neb Brarded as on cut ; a i > > i lefthip Range south and cast of Pullman - . P PULL3IAN PostoflU-e address Pullman. Ncl ; Branded as on cut ; Also P on shoulder on side 1 * on hip ; also WjjjdpP hip also t * on SMouldcr , \V on sidi $ ( > : < hip Range north prong of North Loup CEAS S TIOYT PostofTiceaddress , Pullman , Neb Branded on 1 jft side al < o CO on left side ; ftlso ' "between eyes and n sc Range west of Pullman J L ROSEBERRY Poatofficc address Pullman , Neb Branded on left hip ; horses same erd- mark-double de\v-lap Range south and east of Brush Ilili S II DYK Postoffice'address Pull-can , Neb ig K& r.rauded ou left side A reward of $100 will be paid for in- 'ormstion leading to te : arrest and final conviction of any person for * killing , driving off or conceal ingauyol my cattle II A BUCK ? , Postollice address Hyunnis , Neb Bra-.del on lelt side Range eighteen m les north of Hvannis L L MOllRILL Poatofilcc address Hyannls , Nub On left side ; also S on left hip ; horses sbouJder Range 25-miles north of Ilyannis II C MASON address Jlyannis , Nt-I , n left PKJe : posn lame on JeJ'i si'l < * ; iil lip S' ; m I or * left hi i' ' * * * Horses -J5ollldpr IiHi'jre-Mother Lake summer raitse-5 > iiig- bam , ShtiriihinCo. _ A SAULTS Postoffice address Gregory , Neb On left side or hip ; horses snrae on left < l shoulder * . Range-A rk.t lisa Valley andSnukr JOE CUL13EUTSON . - * . Po.t readi ress Branded on left sid ; ' .lorses T T on r' I.t hou'dcr ' : ; i. cr.-p ml shrln leJtcarot'c.iUe ! Kanjrtj I o' ! s of Vor It Luup lii C .JENSEN' osf office at'drcss Gallop , Nelimsku Left side un private stock , iid oh cattle nuloftittle of c-atlle held , 01 left sidi .luraC's C , J > m luft shoulder. llanxe-Eiuht m.lcs south of Gallop JULIUS PETERSON Po t Gregory. Neb Brandedas [ on cut Range two miles uoilli of Gregory D N GOUELET Postoflice address RitshvilJe , Neb On left hip ; also 5OO on loft , side ; horses left shoulder nange-Cedar Lake OBE CHURCH Postoflice addrcs Mcrriman , Neb 3u left eidu ; also c con right Bide uorses o left shoulder Range north and rout h of Mcrriinan \ \ T CHARLES LONE WOLF Posloffice address Alien 3D On right side and shoulder , horses same on right thich flange-Bear Creek MORRIS JANIES Postoffice address Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded on left slue as on rut Horses ] on left thigh * Rrnge ou Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postoffice address Allen , S. I,1 On left shoulder and hip ; some 1 on E * = 8 lelt shouldrand jj on left side. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek CK A GALLIGO Pos'oflice address Mahderson , S. D. Left side and on young stock. Oln stock ITorses lelt thigh Range-Rock Springs Basin JAMES BUSH Postoffice address Allen S On left side Also ? ? 3 or. h ft side Horses on left hip Range-Bear Creek R M FADDJS Po.-itoffiee address Pass , Neb Range , Nor.h Loup Riyer CHARLES LONG MAN Postcfllce ad dress Alien S D On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek GEORGE N DAVIS Postoflice address Simeon , Neb Brondcd oa riglit side or hip Also on k'ffc hip Horses on riglit : lioulder as on cut CHARGING BEAU PostoIFice iid dress Allen SI ) On left otuc. < uid thigh horses on thigh Range Boar Creek 3TSAl MAJi Poaa Neb H'i oa lei sldt Horsss an < : r ? f I h ft = ide and : . & -t ' \va - C F COOPER Postollice address Kennedy , N Cattle branded en left side same as cut Stork over OM > year olden on right horses same on ii-tt : Range south. . fkberrv and Curlew Alao some brand a e'tleg JACOB30N BROTHERS Postoffice address Gregory , Neb On left side ; s > me same with I oa lft l shoulder horses loll shoulder Range Gn ] don and Goose Lake DAN V.'EUSTER Postofiicc address Ilarlau , Nebraska Oil left side or hip ; horHKb branded same Icfl sh uller Range between Nio" bniruaud Sn l-o riy" eiy , .south of Merri- UKtll A Krn'tit't1nfiG v-511 be paid to any person for informatioii leauing ru the arrestand linal cii'.tvicl ion of any peraoii or persons Mca- : iiigcatUe orhoises with above brand. O J KELLAll . iO ? ? e addrcst On eft side 50 , betweei A T BIIACKETT Postoffice address Kiego Neb Branded on left side RangeThreemiles Southeast of Georgia WILLIAM WILSON PostofHce address Kiljjore Nebi Branded on left side Range-Southeast of Georgia H SCHULTZ Postofhce address i-w McCaun Neb Stock branded as on cut Range North an i .south of Georgia WILHELM ANDERSON Postoffice address McCann Neb Branded ou left side horses same on lelt hip Range between the Niobrara and Snake JOHN DUBRAY Po-itoflice address Merriman , Neb On left side , jaw or hip Range Lake Creek South Dakota. A. B. CAPWELL I'ostoffiee address Pumsn ! ! : Neb On left side of cattle Kangc xorih L-iup JOE ROOKS Posfofficc address Allen SD On left side : horses on teigh Sanpe Bear Creek llervej Two miles east of Crookston , in Cherry county , Nebraska Cattle branded OC ou left hip. cm riglit hip , and on rittht side with 3-Inch letter Wm Cavauaugh Mgr Crookston Neb CHAMBERLAIN & CO ,23 * & & * * Neb either side same as en cut & also both jaws H V DOWNING Postoffice addreas Gregory , Neb On left side ; also COLE < > n sule Range Sleven-oa Lalte PlivE BROi BROiPost'ffice Post'-ffice addrces Crookston , Neb Braufle-l on eithe Srme n right hip Range-On Alin- neciiaduza. 5-mIIes east of Crookstou E E AND II E WOODRUFF Postollice address HyannisNeM On left hip and left side. Also stock brnndfd 0:1 left side and reversed S on right shoulder ; also riicbt hip a ml left si le' Range-Mo her L ; Ie 31 RICHARDSON Postoffice address BtcCann Neb Branded on leftside \ < Kanje McCaun f A T DAVIS PobtolTiec address Ilyannis , Neb . , On right side bore on left shoulJc aso cattle o < ) on riirht sist Range 1C miles eife north of Hjannis It A WESTOVEB Postoffice address Lakeland. Neb Branded oa left hip and shoulder : Some { Postoffice nddrcss Vdentine. Neb Cattle branded on lefthip ; horses the same Range en Drv Val ley SB' Krond and B'nper One V 33.5O Valentine , rs EOUSCHE Postoffice address Brownlco , Neb4 On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horses branded same on left hlp.Also has stock brandea JI on side or shoulder , or JKorWorO'VL ere or FZ. Also th * following' , tl-e first < m being on side and hip LSK AKD Poatoffloe add * es. Brownloa Jeb OB rtslit sida. or LSua sasap sld abe LBK eo I- . side rotrnlao , mil * * GEO IIIGGINS Postoffice address Brownlee , I * Branded on left side ; some Hj ft sldeandlhigh-Bl aiifiPJ on left thigh * * Range Duck Lake Po-tofflce addresp ttruwnlee Neb On rigl.t side . Range. Hone Valley CLARENCE K SMITH Postoffice address Whitman , Nel On left side ; horses same on left shoulder on left side -inywhere ont - _ Jiuimal. OaOT t iip or thigh &g Range north proiifj1 Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake S W Chesnut Gordon , Brand same ; cut on left hip. Range head of Gordon Creek , forty miles southeast of Gordon. Breeder or Hereford cattle. J G COOLEY Postoffice address Ilyannis , Neb on riglit side ; hor- es same on right niie six miles SB'V ; er Lake precinct A J PLUMER PostoSlse atf < f rest * Ilyannis , Neb Branded on right side and h' p Also have stock on right side and hip Horses on right hip Range-Southwestern Cherry County. J TV E STANSBIE AND D 0 BAUGH Postoffice address Ilyannis , Neb * On left hip nnc left side Also on left hip < J * and leftside horses same - brands on slioutders Range 2'i-miles orth of Hyanuis M VSON COMPANY ( Postofiice address llyannis , Neb On right hip ; TJJ either side Wm left s s right shonlcer e seven miles north of Ilyannis. SWEENEY BROS. Postofflee ad < PuHniRii , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; iiorses branded same as cattle except reversed s e block , Range Steverl and Stephenfion Lakes and South A HUMPHREY l-oatoiDee ald-es ? 7Jyanr.Ja , Neb b Branded J\nj"hpre ' 0:1 right side ; horses fi' ses same un left sJioulder llaugo - . sixteen % ' ' injlos A- northeast f Hyann ASJ i T- y KOBERT I HINES 'ostoffice address fl ' : Cody , Nebraska' Jranded on left stde ; lorsessameleftshoul ; ler r ' i ange on Snake south ' * ifCo Iv. ; * , * * 1 % $ j$4t I "I ? cv t Li J Charles Richard P ' Ifli PNp ? < I \ \ / lj 1 5i . , J