Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 03, 1899, Image 5
'W ' WOOD BKOTHERS Live - Stock - Commission - Merchants South Omaha and Chicago o2o WALTEtt E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , Hog Salesman We furnish Market .Reports free of expense. Write to us. C. H. CORSE ! , * , . . V. NICHOLSON , Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking BasineKsTrunsacted Buys and Sell * Domestic ami Foreign Exchange CorreHpontfentH ; Chemical National Dank , New York. First National Bank , Oinalia Neb < ? The DONOHER 9 E * * * V * * V Js continually adding improvements and it i& now the 6 ? best equipped , and most comfortable FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NOKTJIWEST NEBRASKA ! i Hot and Cc-id JPa'.er Excellent Bath Room Two S : : nplc Fconu 1 " K ' HERRY OUNTY RANK Valentine. Nebraska Every facility extruded customers consistent with confierv.it/ivft / bana'ns K.vhrmge bought and sold Lonns np > u goof ! st-curity solicited at r6H3Oiih ! ( Hit's , I'ouuty depository K/SPA If ice , . IY..sif ! r ? { A R J.F. * Sp \ R CS rus Everything fresli and clean , and prices that are right. Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies , i J. . STEADMAN & CO- Kennedv , Nebraska , The OWL SALOON . . Golden Sheaf 1'ure White Rye' , Susquehanna Kyeaud Cedar Creek I ouisvillc , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's TokaAngellicaPortSherry and Black foeny in wood , claret , Riesling , Siiutcnies. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Also Agent for Fred Kings Celebrated > ! x- fjrkniiy as 3 , ad .P-ibsts C. H. THOMPSON , o. M. SAGBSE : i oun 8" Hair cutting .nd shaving. HOT AHD GOLD BATHS , 'FIRST CLASS MILL 1 have established a Feed and Saw Mill o miles south f Cody , at Hie month of * Mpdirsno Csinvon. and am now prepared to prSiul Fed. . Corn .Meal and ( iraham , c- turn out al ! kinds of Lumber and di- iwnsiL'H iiiff.and Native Shingles . . . . . < ; ive us a trial order. J. F. HOOK FOR SALE 150 tons of ffood R. Grooms. Exit-it i/ctl Two horses : one brown horse branded O on left shoulder , one black horse branded IX on left shoulder. SS left hip. I will give the first described horse to the man who finds anil rfi- turns the black described above.JOHN .JOHN Moxuoic. KyliS. . n. Taken up by the undersigned. 7 milts east ot Mrrrinwn.onf sorrel ! iorr with front lex bro- kt-n. brawled T on risbt slionlder. Also oils' buek.skiu inare bnindi-d m left .shuul'tcr- /1'arties pan have sanse by proving i > r < ip'Tty and pa > ing costs. * .11 r. w. Monnicr , Merrhnan , Xeb. Strayed T\vo cows , about 6 old. one dark red , one roan wieh lionis tipped. Branded TC on rijjht hip. J. A. "Wanted 500 men to harvest sugar beets and for jreneral farm work. Apply to Standard Cattle Corapan7 , Ames , Nebraska. 42 Taken up , at my place ten miles southwest of Cody , one 2-year old heif- rr. speckled red and white , giaa white face , branded left side , t&iR right ear clipped , with white face calf by her side Arthur Heath Louis Bordeaux Kosebmi. S. D. Horses bran.led Alfred Bordeaux and Bros Rosebud , S D 1'rideaux San ford Is5fe. Kenned ) . Hloek branded on leit side flnrsos branded on left shoulder Teeter ? liros. Newton , Neb. Horses same on left shoulder Kanse between tbe Gordon and the Snake * & l 4 't - vKsiciA jjs&ti.KkSSP * He not too late with vonr Vegetables A\re are row ready for Winter Orders If yon want good vegetables , then Ilaiiseu's is the plaoe. Any kitd of first class vegetables can be secured by giving order to JENS TIIOMSEN 0. ELLING fanager Salesman R. HANSBN ! WESTERN NEWS-DEMOGRA1 ROBERT GOOD , Editor and Publishe j This is a popocrat year. W. R. Towne is the best county judge we have ever had. So far as we know , but one outfit i ; working or talking against Towne foi county judge , and they are doing ii only because he decided a case againsi them a short time ago. Vote for Towne From reports received from the south , Alex Burr will be elected commissions of the second district by a vote of al east two to one. This is said in sobei earnest , and is vouched for by scores oJ voters in that district. If Pete 1'onoher is elected clerk ht will not pigeon-hole a proposition to be voted utjon , until it loses its legal stand ing. Neither will he be so hidebound tnat he will not allow a member of th ( opposite party to examine the publi c records and property. Dr. A. N. Compton is a young man who is rapidly making a reputation for himself in his chosen profession. The office of coroner is a poor one from a financial standpoint , , but if Dr. Comp ton is elected thereto it will assist a worthy young man to greater fame and fortune. From private advices we learn that the Omaha Bee contemplates attacking Harrington and Westover this week. The fact that the attack is held until just before election , is prima facie evi dence that anything said is false , or at least will not stand investigation. Watch out for roorbacks. It comes to our ears that the oppo sition are claiming that Pete Donoher is a drunkard and a g nibler , and that ' he has never-'made his own living. ' No report could be more false than this , and if the very depths of hell \\ere searched a place could not be found suitable ior its originator. Popocrats should be onhc lookout for campaign circulars between now and election day , in regard to the local campaign. This is a favoi tie method of working used by a few politicians of a certain stripe , a * d we are informed will be resorted to after this paper is gone to 'tis subscribers. . ' ay no atten tion to tllCMU. ' 'Promise them anything but vote the ticket straight , " ' is the advice of re publican bosses to all doubtful voters in their camp. Not content with cam paign lies and riiudalinging , hyypocrisy must be resorted to. It was because of such tactics as those that made Mrs. Crawford tell them , "lam not your kind of a republican. " A'ote the fusion ticket straight. Vole it because the politics of every nominee is right : vote it because every candidate has a clean record : vote it because even * nominee is the moral equal and the mental superior of his opponent. Vote it because belk've in you good govern ment and not ring rule ; vote it because every one on the ticket will fearlessly discharge his duty regardless of consequences quences , knowing neither friend nor foe , in his official capacity. \Ve don't ask you to vote for Mrs. Crawford for superintendent for charity's sake ; we don't ask it because nobody else is eligible ; we don't ask it alone because she is a omau ; we don't ask it because of the money the office spends with the printer ; we don't ask it on political grounds alone ; but ve do ask it because she is better qualified both in experience , education and judgemental power than is her op ponent. The republican nominee is a real nice little lady ; Mrs. Crawford is a superb lady. The republican is a good teacher ; Mrs. Crawford is an educator with a state reputation. When Comrais-sioner Trowbridge was here last he told the editor and others that he never expected to attend anoth er meeting of the board , for the reason that he had sold his place and expected to leave the state before spring. Un der those circumstances it seems to us that he should have at least given his constituents a chance to elrct his suc cessor. But no , the politicians know the people protest against the present administration , and to save their necks they prevail upon Trowbridge to not resign until after electiont when the re publican officers can make the appoint ment. If the fusion ticket is elected , tip resignation will be tendered at once so as to that far defeat the will of the people. It is a pretty scheme but we never supposed Trowbridge would lend himself to such a dirty piece of politics and in a great measure disfranchise his own constituents. The old boat is leaking. f- , Ybu'republicans who are so industri ally'circulating stories about Bryan , tc the effect that he charges and collects from 200 to $400 for each speech he makes in the campaign must either put up the proof or be branded as scoun drelly liarsthat's the plain English ol it. Who pays him this $200 or $400or anj * other sum ? Do you know anybody \rho-evcr contributed a cent to a fund intended to pay Bryan any sum what ever for making a political speech ? If so , give name , address , date , etc Hearsay won't go we must have facts known to you. Now , put up or shut up--Communicated. ! If republicans are such liberal people if they are so honest , if they are so conscientious , why did the republican county clerk refuse to let the represetat- ive of the fusionists look at the'copy , and a sample of the ballots to be used this fall , bafore jt was too late to correct any errors ? We now charge Clerk Danials with having deliberatley diso beyed the instructions of the secretary of state in the prepaaation of the ballots for this county. We further charge that he violated ill law and precedent in addition to the rules of country in refusing to allow these public papers to be examined by the legal representa tive of the fusiorist. And this is the same man who expects to be elected again this fall. Democrats and popu lists , will you allow ilV V ote the ticket straight. In last weed's Republican was a let ter signed "Ten Years a Populist , " which was nothing but a tissue of false hoods from beginning to end. The first sentence was a lie , and the writer knew it was a lie when he said : . ' 'We ask a little space in your paper , know ing we could not get it in the NEWS- DEMOCRAT" the best of our knowl edge we have never refused to publish an intelligent communication , and the skunk Avho penned the article knows we have always ptided our&elves upon this fact. Trading under the name of ' 'Popu list/ ' this ignoramus attacks in a sneak ing , underhanded way , the characters of all the populist warhorjjes. Jim Ray , Newt Grooms , John Lord. Jack Kief and Joe Burleigh are ail in line for the fusion ticket , and every one of these are spending time and the money necessary for expenses in an ef- forc to increase the majorities the fusioniattj will have next week. Actu ated by the cunning ( ? ) of an imbecile and the malice of a devil , he strikes at the honesty of these men while appar ently sympathizing with them. lie seeks to convey the impression that they :5re office seekers pure and simple , while outwardly lauding them for their devotion to principle , and this their friends resent and will show their re sentment at the polls by voting against the aggregation who are guilty of en listing the services of this libel on the party who calls himself a "Populist. " ' The only "answer" ' the Valentine News-Democrat can give to the ques tions in regard to Mr. Alder's fitness for district judge propounded by The Journal is to quote the following from the Star-Journal ; ' 'Xo man ever knew Mr. Aldar to betrav a client or to relax his efforts in a client's behalf until the case was finally decided. " Our in telligent contemporary gives this fis a reason why he should not be elected i Brother Good's candor is refreshing , to say the least. We are led to infer from his remarks that if L. K. Aider did be tray his clients and habitually neglected their interests , ho wouH not be op posed by our no" friends Longnine Journal. The above is commended to our readeisasa fair sample of the logic emplo- by the republican newspapers. The puerility of the arguments used and t ! o twisting of our remarks in re gard lo Mr. Alder would be amusing if they were not so silly. Tha Star-Jour nal said uno ir.an ever knew Mr. Alder to relax his efforts in a clients behalf until the case was finally decided , " and this is a compliment to him as a law yer , and one which we can heartily en dorse , but if , as ihe iufcience undoubt edly intended to be conveyed i.s , he ex pects to continue his defense of sup posed criminals even if elected to the bench , then the compliment becomes an accusation , and should result in Al der's defeat at the polls. It is this tenacity of prejudice on Mr. Alder's part that most seriously effects his chances of election ; the people want a liberal man , a just man , an honest man , and a God fearing man on the bench. They want a man whose hands are clean , and one who has not been associated with corporations and crim inals.Ve know Mr. Alder personally , and while we believe he is tiaturally honest , the 24 \ ears he has given to the practice of law has warped his charac ter , has filled his mind with too great a regard for technicalities , and he has so long been accustomed to regarding as right the parties who employ hiinthat we believe he has unfitted himself for ii \ --i * judicial position. No man has a great er regard for Alder , personally , thai has the writer , but when it comes t < his desire for judicial honors we must reluctantly oppose him , because we be lieve J. .1. Harrington will makoa fai better judge. These two men are en tirely dissimilar , with all the bettei qualifications in favor of the youngej man. If you have sore throat , soreness across the back or side , or j-our lungs feel sore or tender , or 3-011 arc threat ened with diphtheria or. pneumoniaap ply Ballard's now Liniment external ly and use Ballard's Ilorehound Syrup. J. n. Quigley. Gallop * Rev. B. ITuut preached at Center School House at 11 o'clock a. m. last Sunday instead of 7 o'clock p. in. Geo. and Joe Cady , Edmund San- born and Harry Spencer went clown to Bishop's Lake last Monday to hunt and fish. Gene Mossman went to Omaha last Saturday night. Lewis Mann had the misfortune to have a horse break its leg last Saturday necessitating the ending of the animal's life. Mrs. Anna Hunt anticipates a visit to Town in the near future. Joshua Sones received a car load of nice two-year-old heifers from Iowa. Miss Fae and Master Vernon Trog- don visited with their papa last Sat urday and Sunday in the Hills. Mrs. Geo. Hill's brother and sister , who have been visiting with George and his wife , left last Monday for Gor don. GKEENEY. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT .loe Hose and Carrie Hose will take notice that on the 28th day of September , 1899. W.K.Towno. county judue of Cherry county , Nebraska , issued an order of attachment for the sum of & 35.so in an action oenduip : before him , wherein Edward Satteriee is nlamtitl. and Joe Kose and Carrie Uose are defendants , that property of the de fendant" , consisting of one yearling heifer and seven calves , all branded on the right side , has bft-ii nttai-bed under s-tid order Said cause \\as continued to the 14th day of November , 1839 , at 10 o'clock A.M. EDWARD SATTKHLEK , Plaintiff. Dated October 11,1899. Order of Hearing. In the District Court in and for Cherry "onnty. Fifteenth Judicial District in Nebraska. Clara J.Coilelt , Gua dian , for the sale of real estate. This cause came on for hearing upon the pe tition of Clam.T. Corlett. foreign guardian ol Lester Corlett. Elsie Corlc-tt. Ralph Corlett. and Mable Corlett , minors , pnwing for license t < i sell the nw 1-4. sec. ' . t2T , r23 , w. and UIP ne 1-4. see.-20. * ,27 , r28 , w. in Cherry countv , Nebraska , for the payment of debts and for the mainten ance , education , and support of said minors ; ther-j being no peisonal propeity for that pur pose. It is therefore ordered that all persons inter- r-sted in said estate appear before me in cham bers at iiushvillc. Nebraska , on the second day of December. 1893. at 11 o'clock a. m , to show cause why license should not he granted t < > said guardian to sell said real sta < x , and it i j further ordered that v. comof this notice be published in the Valentine Wr-stcrn News-Democrat for four consecutive weeks Dated this 27th day of October. ISM. W.I1. WESTOVER. lt-3-it District Judge. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. ( Clarke & Tucker , Attorneys ) To Mary A. Fan-is. Mathew R. Fan-is. James V. S. Paddock and Mrs. Paddock , \\ife of James V. S. Paddock , first and true name unknown , non-resident defendants : You will take notice that on tin19th rtayof October , 189 : ) , Isaac N. Bryan , plaintiff herein , filed his petition in the district- court of Cherry county. Nebraska , against said defendants , the object nml prayer of which are toforclosea certain mortgage ex ecuted by defendants. Mary A. Karris and Mathew R. Karris , to the plaintiif , upon lots : t , 4 and 5 , and seh of the nw54 of section MIX (0) , town-hiu thirtt-three (33) . range twenty-seven (27) . in Chfrry county. Nebiaska. to secure the payment ot one promimssorv note dati d March 24,18t5. ! ) for the sum of S3S2.40 , due and payable on Januarj l , 1897 ; that there is now due "unou said note and mortgage the sum of SJiy.4J , which sum , \\ith interest iroin this date. plain- US prays for a decree that defendants , Marv A. Karris and Matiiew R. Karris , be required to pa the same , or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You arc required to answer said petition on or before Moudav , November 27. iso.i. ISAAC N. BHVAX , Plaintilf. Dated October 10,1889. 39 Notice to Non-Resident. Scoil-T. Jonei , non-resident defendant , will take not ice that on the 23th day of September. 1K < : . W. F. Kawxef filed petition in the district court of Cherry county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of uhich are to foreclose a certain tax lien acquired by virtue of a certificate of tax sale .ssued bvK. N. Watson , county treasurer of said county , for the payment of delinquent taxes upon the following described real estate : The nw 4 Sec 29 , Tp 31. K 30. saii county , for the years 1892 and 1839,1890 , and I 9l. and for s bse- qiient taxes for the jvars 1892 and 1893. No part of said taxes has been p'aid and there is now due plaintiff from desondau the sum of $ Co.oo to gether with $0.00 attorney lees , for which plain tiff prays judgment. You are required to an. swertaid petition on or before Alontlav. No- \ ember Gib , IStf ) . 30 W. G. SA\V YER'iff. " . . . . _ - Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. W. II. Peters , real name unknown. The Ne braska Mortgage and Tntst Co. and E tella J. Case , defendants , will take notice that on the 18th day of October , -lSi > , the County of Cherry , iCtClOt AC * ( lOri orl { . , { . u v . itjv wv nun * > okv-i. v tf v. a ? ct in ; * fen'Uints. the object and prayer of winch are to foreclose the tax liens hereinafter described : In it3 first cau e of action stated in said peti- LX Hen l * . . .JW.Vl All IVS > U tllf * Ml imtf f Of WCSfc Ot the fcixth principal meridian in Cherry county , Nebraska ; that the taxes involved In said lirst cause of action are the taxes that were levied on said premises in the year isttf ; that there is now ilue the plaintiff upon its tax lien the sum of ? 6.58. for which , with interest fro-n the fin > t day uf October. 1SSO , on &AQ thereof , at 10 per cent nm per annum , the plaintiff prays forade- urt-e tiiat def-iiulants be required to pay the sinu : or that said premises may be sold to satisfy thi1 : iioiiit : : ! found due. JM its second cause of action staled in saicl petition , the plaintiff seeks to fort-dose a t x leir iip.-m the n'4 of sw3i of section 'X an J ay. of iiwU of section L7 in township v ? , range-.is. wes > t ( iiilieMxti-.pnncipal meridian in Cherry county Nt-bniska ; that the taxes involved in said .sec end cause of action are the taxes that weie evict ! m the xear 1SD3 ; ihat there is now due die plaimnT upon its tnxlii-n the sum of X > > } for which hum. with the interest from the'first liny 01 October. 1SDO , m ? 4 C3 thereof , at 10 per centum per auntim. the plaintiff iiravs fw a de cree that the defendants b.j required to pay the same or that s-iid premises may be sold to butisfy the Rtnoint found due. "iou are rvqnircd to answer said petition on or beiore the 27th day nf November 1830 TUB f'ou.vav OF CiiKUijy , thi istb tlay oj October , 16 ; Notice to Nou-Besid'enk Defondants. ( Ciarke & Tucker , Attorneys. ) To Walter A. Fisk and Idella Jf. Flik.non. resident defendants : You will take notice that on the11Mb day of October , 18D9. teute N. B-yan. plaintiff herein , filed his petition In the district court of Cherrvcounty. . Nebraska , against si Ul defendants , the object and prayer of wnlch are tn foreclose a certain mortgage , oxrnitert by the defendants to the plaintiff , upon tms& of the ne.H. tliu ncU of theseHof section 14 , and the suH of the nwli of section 13 , io\vnshlp 33 , rncge 2 * . in Cherry county , Nebraska , to secure thcpajmentof certain promissory notes dat d October 25. isa * . for the sum of G4 ifl , § xi.onnnrl $53.00. und due and payable on November i , ' ISO ) ; November 1. 1897'and November 1,1898 , respective ! * ; tliat tiiere Is now due upon Bald notes and mortgage the su.u of 5221.20. for winch amount , with imciast from this dute. plaintiff prays for a decree thai ilefeiidants be required to pay same , or that said premises may be sold to.a.isfy ! the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , November 27.1899 , ISAAC N. BUYAK , rhintlff. Dated October iti , 1S89. 33 Notice to Non-llesident Defendants. Gcorgfl E. "Wallace , defendant , will take nolfec that on the 18th day of October. 1899. the County of Cherry , plaintiff herein , filed its petition in the district court of Cherry county , Nebraska , against George G. Wallace , defendant , the object ; d prayer ofliich are to foreclose the tax liens hereinafter described. In its first cause of action stated In said peti tion , the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax lien upon thos4 ! of mv > 4 and n % of sw > 4 of section I7in township 32 , range -10. west ot the sixth principal meridian in Cherry county , Ne braska ; that the taxes involved in said first cause of action are the taxes that were levied on said pre-nises in the year 1896 ; that there is now due the plaintiff upon its tax lien tbe um of $958 , for whieh. with interest from the first day of October , 1899 , on $7.03 thereof , at 10 per centum per annum , the plaintiff prays for u de cree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premised may be gold to sotlsfv the amount found due. In its second cause of action stated in said petition , the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a fix lien upon the s'/4 of mv * and 113 of swf of section 17 In townsnip 3J , range 40 , west of the sixth principal meridian in Cherry county , Nebraska : that the tax-s involved in said second cause of action are the taxes that were levied In the year 1397 ; that there is now due the plaint ! ! ! upon | s tax lien the sum of $ S 31 , for which sum , with interest from the first day of October , 1 99. on $7.10 thereof , at 10 per centum per annum , the plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendant be required to pay the same or that wild prem ises may be sold to satisfy theamount found due. In its third cause of action stated In said peti tion , the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax lien upon the slof nwh , and n"t of s\v i of v ctou ! 17 In township 32. range 40 , west of the sixth principal meridian in Cherry county , Nebraska : that the taxes Involved in said third cause of act on are the taxes that \\ere levied on said premises in the year 1P98 ; that there is now due the plaintiff on its tax lien the sum of $7 79 , for which , with interest from the first oay of Oc tober. 1899. on § 7.28 thereof , at 10 per centum per annum , the plaintiff prays' for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same or hut said premises mav be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or bclore the 27th day f November , lt > 93. THE COUNTV OK CIIRKKY , Plaintiff. Dated this 13th day of October , 1839. 30 Notice to Non-Resident Defendants , ( A. M. Morrlssey , Attorney for Plaintiff. ) To Albert K. Nicholson , and Nebraska Mort gage and Trust Company , and John Doe , real name unknown , representative in interest of Nebraska Mortgage and Trust Company. , de fendants : You , and each of you. are hereby notified that on the 20th day of October , 189U , Harry K. Pu'ische , as plaintiff , filed his petition in the dis trict court of Cherry county , Nebraska , against jou as defendants , the object and prayer ot which Ito establish and foreclose tax lion upon real estate as follows , lo-wit. TheY of ths sw } of section 25. and the nil of se4 of sec tion 20. all in township 27. north of range 29 , west of the sixth principal meridian In Cherrv countv , Nebraska , for ail the taxes assessed and levied thereon , for either state , county or school district purposes , for the years 193. 1894. 1893 , 18S6. l T7 and 1893. for which said land * were sold to this plaintilf for $30.73 ; that tliis plaintiff has also ua'.d the taxes assessed and levied thereon for theyer 1898 as subse quent taxes , and has tasked the same to his uertifira-.e of tax sale to have an accounting of the. amount due thereon , together with Interest from the date hereof at the rate of 20 per cent per annum , and an atUrneyfee of 10 percent of the total amount found due. To have the said land sold for the payment and satisfaction of the amount found due for such taxes , interest , attorney fee , penalties and cost , and for tbe costs of Shit and the costs of sale , to bar , foreclose and exclude the said defendants and each of them from having or claiming any lien , title , interest or equity or redemption of , in or to the samu or any part thereof , and for general relief. You. nd each of you , are required t * answer said petition on or before November 27. 180'J. IlAitKV K. KKIHCHK. Plaintiff. Dated this 20th day of October , 1800. 39 Notice to Non-Kesident Defendants. ( Clarke & Tucker , Attorneys ) Albert \V. Smith , F. M. Ilowlev , Jennie Rawley and L. A. Webb , non-resident de fendants : You will take notlw that on the 19th i ay of October. 1899. William K. Haley , plaintiff herein filed his petition in tiie district court of Cherry countv. Ne braska , against said defendants , the objeit and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage. executed by Albert W. .Smith to K. S. Ormsby , trustee forW. L. Iclford , upon the seH ofsili of section 12 , and the n'/t ot nc. and seJ4 of ne1 ! of section 13 , township 34 , range 20 , situated in Cherry county , Nebraska , to secure the payment of one certain promissory note dated September 9 , 1887 , for the sum of S275.00 , und due and payable in five years from date thereof , which said note was on the 19th day of November , 1892 , extended and made payable on the first day of December , 1897. and was on the 4th day of August , 1893 , assigned lo this plaintiff ; tnat there is now tf tie on said note and mortgage. the sum ol § 319.85 , for which sum. with interest from this date , plaintiff prays for a decree time defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 27th day ol November , 1899. E. IL\r.Kr , Plaintiff. [ n the District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. Bertha Hendrix , nee Bertha Helzer. ndministratrix of the estate of August J. Notice to Non Helzer , deceased , Plain- resident Defend ant. vs. JohnGatsel , Uefendant. Joiin ( Jabtel. non-resident defend'ant , you will take notice that on the 17th day of October 1800 , the plaintiff filed a petition against yon in t lie district court of Chary county , the object and prayer of which are-to obtain -judgment against yon for the sum of * 113.15 with interest from October9 , 1S39 , : it the rale of 7 per eent.- per annum , due plaintiff for money advanced for the payment of taxes at your special Instance and request. You are also notified that on the same day the plaintill caused an order of attach , mcnt to issue from the district court of said countv and that the undivided one-Iuilf of w 4 < > f ney and w'/i of se'4 of section a > township : ; i , range 28 , was attached thereunder as vour property. You arc required to answer said petition on or before November 27,1890. BKJTHA HEXDKIX. , . , Administratrix. > r T i Ly Ciarke & Tucker , her attorneys. 33 Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. ( Clarke & Tucker , Attorneys. ) To Stephen J. Kilgoro and Elma C. Kilgore. non-resident'lefcndants : You-will take notice that on the 19th day ot October , 1SOO. Isaac X. Kryan , plaintiff herein , filed his petition in the district court of Cherry countv. Nebraska , ajniinst. said defendants , the object and pnryer ofliidi are to forevlosi certain mortgage , ex ecuted by tlcfruJants lo the plaintiff , upon the e'4 of the e\vli : in t thn nw4 of thuseU of stc- tion 27 and tiie iiei t.f the nwl * of section 34. towuslnp zi. range 28. to secure the payment nr certain promissory notes dattHl August 2J , 1835 , for the sum of S&iM , ? C4 00. $ & } . < > o and $ > LOO , and clue and payable ou September 1. 189G ; March l , 1607 ; September 1 , 1307 , and March 1. 1S9.H , respectively ; that there is now due upon said notes and mortgage the sum of $4y7.60. for which amount , with interest from date , plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same , or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found dm * . You are required to answer said peii-iois on or before Monday , November 27ISO ) . ISAAC > . BKTA3T , Plaintiff. Datctf Orteber 17 , -