Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 03, 1899, Image 1

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    V * * * " ' '
Mctzger Bros. ,
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
Brand on left t > ld (
unu thigh
Earmark , square
i crop right ear
Southern hrandec
cattle have but one
. 'hair-diamond E" or
licit side
Native cattle hav <
throat wattle
Ranee on Gordon andSnake Creeks
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A Jtcirara of $ Z5O will be paid to anj
person for information leading to the arrest ami
final conviction of any person or persons steal
Ing cattle with above brand
1'ostofllce address
Allen S D
On left shoulder and
baron side ; horses
ame on thigh
Postolllce addres
Valentino , Nel
Branded on righl
side ; horses same
of Valentino ou
the Niobrara
Joseph " \V. Bownct
P. O. address
Merrunan , Nebr.
Right car cropped
Hole in center of left
ear Range Lake creek
S. D.
Parker & Son
P O Address
L.V. . Parker
Reige. Neb
Brand same as cut.
ZP Also ZP
llantre on NInbrara
south of Crookston
JIA. . McQuade.
Valentino. Neb
Branded , on citllcr
side Range between
fhacherand S\vau
Charles 0. Tackett
Rosemrl , S. D.
tit Range head of An-
teloue near 3t , Mary *
Horses branded
on left thigh
I'ctcr Ylondray
.Rosebud. 8. D.
Left side. Left car
* Horse branded
" "Baiige Little White
River , at mouth of
Louis J" . liicliards
Gorsuch Bros.
Ncvxton , Nebraka.
Cattle brant.ed
as ou cutSome
ft side or hip
Range on Gordon
Louis F. Richards
Metrimau Neb
LTcnrj Pratt
Rosebud S. D. -
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
Eome cattle
John DcCory
Rosebud. S. D ,
Some branded Ii :
417 on left side
Horses JD on lefi
on Anfelope Creek
Thomas Farren
; Rose'Uil.S. D.
ID 1183 either left
< f
Anderson & Hounds.
Simeon. Nebraska
Ctttltt branded on
left .side as on cut ;
ulso ic on left side
with II on left hip of
some cattle ; aiso S4C
on right side Her e
brand , rake and 1C
on left shoulder or
bin Home ranch-on
Dewcy Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east efFort
Fort Niobrara ; also between Sr.ake River and
Simeon , known as the Felch range , all in Cherry
County , Nebraska.
Marshall & "Wolfenden
Kennedy , Neb.
Some s on the left ,
Horses H on left
Brand is small
Earmark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on left ear
Range f/one Tree
I. T. Richardson.
Perch , Nebr
dome on left
Horses on
left shoulder
William M. Diinbar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody. Neb
DUn Either side
Left car ot cattle
Range head of Hay
Amelia Young.
Cody , Nebraska
On right side.
Right ear split
Range , Little
White river
Peder Thorsen.
Gordon. Nebraska
On right sideT ; on
right nip. e horse
brand and T on
rliiht shoulder
Also cattle branded
Ij S on leftside
Range , fowl miles1
south of Invin
Henry Young ,
Cody , Nebraska
Horse brand HY
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
Range , Little
White river , S. D.
Stotts & Stetter.
Branded on leltsidc
Range. Tin Can Lake
and Morgan Flats
D. C. Kelson.
Cody , Nebraska.
On right hip.
Range , Medicine
I .ake to the
Snake river
Jlutt Brothers.
Gordon , Nebraska
Range.14 miles north
of Gordon.
F. C. DuerfeMt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
Cattle also branded
GO on right hip
Horses and mules
Branded same as cut
on left shoulder
J. C. Jordan
Gordon , Nebraska . ,
One bunch brandedggjaj
as on cut on left side
One buudi branded
C Iionlufthip
Horses .5 on left
Range. 10 miles
southwest of Gallop ,
between Niobrara
and Snake rivers
George E Damon
Albany. Neb
Cattle branded
S > on left ribs or
right shoulder ; Mien >
SD on right hip and left
ribs ; 6 on left hip
r. Horses FI ) or SD on
r.i \ right shoulder
Range 7 nn north
cast of Albany Neb
Agent for Pasteur
lllacK I > eg Vaccine
Jospph 1'ickel
Gordon Neb
Also left
brand V
left shoulder
ltane { 10 ni'les
nonheaat of Gordou
" - - ' T -i , * i-T ,
For Supreme Judge
Silas A. Holcomb
For Regents State University
Edson Rich
J. L. Teeters
For Congress. Sixth District
Will lain Seville'
For Judges , Fifteenth District
"W. H. Wcstovcr .
J. J. Harrington
For County Clerk
Peter J. Donoher
For County Treasurer
O. W. Halm
For Couuty Sherilf
John II. Skin-ing
For County Superintendent
Mrs. Lizzie Crawford
For County Judge
W. R. Townc
For County Surveyor
J. S. Estabrook
For County Coroner
Dr. A. IS" . Coinpton
For County Commissioner , Second Dis
Alex Burr
Betting around town ts 2 to 1 in
favor of Pete Donoher.
A vote for Pete Donoher is a vote for
not only a thorough man , but for n
well qualified clerk.
The instructions from republican
headquarters are , "Promise the pops
anything , but when you go into tht
booth on election day , vote the ticket
straight. We must retaliate.
Cleveland increased the national
debt $262,000.000 , and ilclvinley has
increased it about § 300,000,000. Cleve
land and McKinley are a good pair for
a bondholder to draw to. In the game
of increasing national debts , a republi
can can always beat a gold bug demo
crat. McKinlej * , as will be seen by the
Ggures , is $38.000.-000 aliead Inde
pendent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ko fewer than twenty-seven republi
cans in this precinct promised they
would vote for old John Shore for state
representative but when the votes were
counted but two republisan tickets had
John Shore's name marked on them
And at least seventeen republicans
have told the writer they voted for
John. Vote the ticket straight !
When anyone tells 3rou NewtGroomsi
John Lord , Joe Burleigh or Jim R.iv ,
are fighting the fusion ticket tell them
they lie. Neither of these men are
bucking the ticket because they failed
to secure the nomination , and we defy
any man to prove that they are They
are the salt of the populist party and
to say that thev are sore is to imply
that they are populists not for principle
but for office. The miserable attempt
of the Republican to cast odium upon
these gentelmen should be denounced
by every right thinking man , regardless
of politics.
The republicans over the juvlicial
district concede th i election of Judge
Westover. The play now is to
fight for second place. There being
two judges to elect , friends of each ,
Judge Woods and Judgu Alder , con
tend that their man should be accorded
the repulican support but they cannot
agree on which is the ssrongest candi
date. The result will be that in the
west end of the district the bulk of their
vofe will be cast for Westover and Alder.
Should Mr. Harrington receive the
united strength of the fusionists his
chances under these circumstances arc
very good. Alliance Grip.
About the smallest piece of business
we have heard of is the attempt of re *
publicans to create prejudice against
our candidate for sheriff , J. II. Skin-
ing. In one part of the county thev
tell that fcjkirving was drunk while ii
Valentine during the racesaud , in other
places they claim he is a prohibitionist ,
As a matter of fact neither of the
stories are correct. Skirving does no I
drink , but he is not a prohibitionistand
if elected will attend strictly to his own
affairs. The saloon is licensed and recognized
cognized as a legitimate business , ami
as such it is entitled to fair treatment
Skirving , it is true , might not be
obliging enough to wait on customers
for our drink establishments , but wt
can pledge that none of them will evei
have reason to say he is : i meddler ij
elected to the office of sheriff.
rz > . / * *
The Bank of England is seriously
alarmed it don't know where to turn
in order to get the gold that will pay
the expence of a war against less than
a quarter of a million people. What
will become of the blessed gold standard
if Russia takes this golden opportunity
to make some farther advances toward
British India ? Or suppose there should
be a general ivar in Europe , how long
will "the money in the world" keep
the great armies in the field ? England
says she must have gold right off.
Where is she to get it ? She can't get a
dollar in Europe Every nation there
is holding its gold with a death-like grip.
The 13oers won't permit her to get it
from the African mines. Therefore she
will have to apply to America for it.
Can -we . spare three or four hundred
million ? I otmuch. New York banks
arc now down to the limit ; only one
million of money more in reserve than
the law actually requires them to-hold ;
just about thirty cents for each inhabi
tant of New York city , and we can't
even spare that 30 cents.
The attendance at the McJDerby sale
on Tuesday was not very large. The
yonng cattle brought good prices , small
calves going at $15 , average calves $18
and cnoice calves $22. Old cows did
not bring goo'd figures , but average
cows were sold at from 23 to ? 30.
Crawford .Bulletin.
Slowly but surely , and not so very
slowljr , the sheep growers arc taking
possession of what were the great cat
tle ranges. It will be a serious prob
lem to find grasses that will take the
place of the native grasses thai are
rapidly being eaten and trampled out ,
The Sturgis Record says that several
parties who have been shipping horses
into Towa have about concluded that
they can do better by goiag further
into Illinois , Indiana and Ohio. The
horses in the middle states are not as
livnerous as lliey .wcre,4ind the farm
ers have moremoney. . Iowa has been
pretty well stocked this fall.
A dispatch from Cheyenne saj s :
"A representative of the Bav State
Live Stock company of Omaha , 3-es-
terday sold to T. J. Rutledjje of Pine
Bluffs , Wj'o. , 4,700 acres of land on
the south of the Union Pacific rail
road and situated near Pine Bluffs.
The company recently sold to Wilkin
son Eros , of Egbert , Wyo. , 33,000
acres on the north side ot the rail
road. The price received for the land
was $1 per acre. There are still sev
eral thousand acres on the market ,
the company havinir determined to
close out its holdings. "
The utilization of electricity and
other motive power may displace horses
ses in some fields , but they will effect
only the demand for the work horse.
The horse valued for speed in running ,
pacing and trotting , the coach horse ,
roadster and saddler , the cavalry and
artillery horse , the family horse and
the farm horse that the wife or daugh
ter can drive came to stay when their
uses became known to num. And the
man who mibes a high type of either
will find his skill and labor well rcmiui
One of the incidents of the Short
horn sales at Kansas City last week was
a culled meeting of the breeders attend
ing the sales for the purpose of further
considering the matter of holding a
national Shorthorn show at Kansas
City at a date hereafter to be fixed
during the fall of 1900. The meeting
of last week also considered the ques
tion of holding a fat stock show at Kan
sas City , and Htpps were taken to secure
the co operation of the breeders of other
beef breeds and of the Kansas City
Stock Yards Company.
The sheep market has shown a
strong tendency to revive as soon as
the pressure is removed. For a month
or more receipts have been much out
of proportion to the requirements of
the trade , and prices have been forced
down to a very IQW point The general
consumption of in at ton is large and
even bettei than a year ago , but there
is such a thing as overstocking the
market even in prosperous times. Now
that the bulk of the western sheep have
been marketed it is hoped at least that
ihe market will improve , which it
shows an inclination to do. Chicago
Drovers' Journal.
Busby Gloves , Douglas Shoes , .
Henderson Shoes , Cordette.
Cordette is the in , lri 5'iffoni" Cordette
Weare Agents for . * .
Rose & Co. for Custom Made Clothnig
Fit always guaranteed.
We pay the Highest Price . . .
For butter and eggs , and charge the lowest price for our goods
Having" just received a large shipment of GENERAL
HARDWARE and STOVES , we are sell at prices that
cannot be beaten. Large sales and small profits is what
we want. People in need of anything in our line should
call and see our goods.
iigf'Special attention given to orders for
Bed Springs. Mattresses and Other
To convince you beyond a doubt that the best line of
OUR MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fur Coats ,
Ladies' and Children's Felt and
Warm-Lined Slices.
Doots and Shoes and Furnishings of all kinds. Practical Tailoring
f gr0 All our work unaranteed.
D. Stinard , Clothier.
Alex Marrivall
Pine Ridge , S D
tattle branded as
on cut and below on
either side Kermk
swailmv fork on leit
and crop right
Horse I Kinds as
below on left Uiigb
or h'.p
E orses
Wheeler Bros.
Cody Neb
Also IJ on right
? ide
Range Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
Xe\vrnan Dros. & Nations.
Coriv , Nebraska
On point left shoul
der. Also < > < on
point left shoulder
Also jj " left
Same on left hip
Valent'ne. Neb
On left side or hip
A4 left side or kip
Ou left sjde
Rangoon Niobrara
Marquardt & Rowlus
Cattle brand OM on
leftbhonlder. Some
of cattle have various
olderbrandn. OS on
left hip. Horse bra'd ,
A < > n left shouldci.
Riiiicfi Formerly
Gee W Monnler
ranch 5-mile.H east of
'Merrimau.from ' F.E.
& M. V. R. R. south to Leandcr Creek , Mar
qnardtit Howlus. Scnbner.Nebraska.
ti. C. Trowbridge
Mcrrimaii , Neb
Range between Ir-
wiu ; md Merrima'i ,
south of railroad
Hugh Bovill , Manager
Herriman Neb
AH on left aide or
Range north of El
Charlotte E. Bovill
Murrimaii Neb
Left side or hip
Range north of Eli
Taken up , at my place about 4 miles east o [
Fort Niobrara , iuiy _ ' . one soirel bilil.fxrril
geldinij , r years old. and one bay man * I
ii years old , both branded on loft shoulder j