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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1899)
Is Cut and Slash Prices | . On All Summer Goods ' tote to tote PIECE GOODS SHIRT WAISTS to tote CRASH GOODS tote to tote 4 ? SILK MITT3 LADIES UNDERWEAR tote 49 to tote 49W tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 49 A Fine lot of Ladies hand turned high grade shoes at tote tote 49 to tote 49 away down prices. Don't fail to look at them tote 4 ? tote 19 tote 4 ? to tote 4 49 4 ? ? ED FRONT tote tote tote 49 tote 4) tote 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA tote 49 tote 49 to That's what we want you to do get posted on our stock before . .buying elsewhere. If you do we'll be glad of it , because we can save you some money. We don't mean that we will sell you a very poor article at a very low price. We don't do business that way. We mean that the prices on the best goods are the lowest that you can get. Come and see. .Agent for MAX E. VIERTEL Pasteur Blackleg Vaccine. . We have some good horses for sale Crookston , Nebraska " " V STEVENSON " " " Successor to vV ALOOTT & STEVENSON LIVERY BARN WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Nights-Upstairs-Bed Front J O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH 4 AND JEWELER < Carries a full line of sterling 4 ling silver novelties C. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! Office over Cherry Couttfy JBank in Transit at Fremont Capacity : - Sheep , covered sheds , 24 : cars ; open pens , 15,000. Cattle 28 cars. . The place to rest and feed for the Omaha market. Easy rim to feeding points out side Chicago. Long distance telephone. Write or wire when you will' ar rive , to Fremont Stock Yards Co J.C.DWrEIL E.H. DWYER. DWYER BBOtS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS - AJNX > - \ Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases- . All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. ' ' - ' NEBRASKA , A.-M. MORRISSEY O -tr O ATTORNEY AT LAW. VALENTINE , NEB F M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska Practices In District Court and TJ. S. Land Office. Eeal Estate and Kanch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor Valentine House J. A. nOOTON , Prop. Recently opened and newly furnished. Not a restaurant , but a hotel. $1.00 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons. First Door South of Bank of Valentine J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office atEstabrook Ilonse on Cherry St. VALENTINE , NEB- SI UI Prices for feed. Bran , bulk 55c per cwt $10 00 ton Shorts bulk 65c per cwt ? 12 00 ton Screenings 40o " $7.00 " Chop Feed' 55c " $1600" Corn 70c $1300" Oats 85c " $1600 " Straj/etl or Stolen. Several head of horses and cat tle , r& .ided Amos Strong , Valentine , Neb. Nature can only feed the llame of life with the food eaten whicii is di gested. Ilerbine will invigorate a weak stomach , and so improve digestion as to insure the natuuil bloom of health. Price 50 cents. WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT EOBEET GOOD , Editor and Publisher $ i.OO Per Yetir in Advance PUBLIimED EVERY FRIDAY. Entered at the Poat-offlce at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. ' This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Velvet candy at T. C. Hornb3rs. Cloaks and capes at T. C. Hornby's. i Mackintoshes at Farnham & Dike- man's. All kinds of feed delivered. W. A. Pettycrew. Jack Cronin was in town Wednes day. Farnham & Dikeman buy hides and furs. Wanted Furnished house for 30 or 60 days. W. E. WAITE. Best line of outing flannels at T. Q. Hornby's. Phil Pullman , of Alliance , was in town this week. Charley Cornell went out to Cronin's ranch yesterday. Lon Bailey returned home to Rush- ville Sunday night. Major Anderson made a trip up the road Monday night. Tom and Levi Gates , of Merriman , were in town Weduesdav. W. A. Taylor acted as night clerk at The Donoher this week. Headquarters for school tablets and pencils at Pett3'crew's. Wm. Steadman , of Kennedy , was a visitor in the city this week. J. H. Quigley went to Omaha on a business trip Scnday morning. Tom Fitzhenry , of Chesterfield , has been visiting in town this week. Holt county will winter 25 per cent , more cattle this winter than last. It is reported that Edmond George will again be brought here for a new trial. Wren Donoher went to Gordon Mon day night and is spending the week on her ranch. Earl Comstock came up from Brown- lee Tuesday and went west on No. 27 the next day. E. Pullman and J. H. Yaryan , of Pullman , were in town Wednesday on land office business. G. H Sawyer , the popular Sparks merchant , was in town on business the first of the week. * * * B. S. Lee and Pete Rouecne came up from Brownlee to look after busi ness matters Wednesday. The Rev. C. F. Martin has been transferred from his pastorate at Norden to Fountain Valley. Judges Harrington , Selah and Mc- Cutchan passed through town Sun day night enroute to Chadron. The most stubborn cases of Bron chitis succumb to Ballard's Horehound - hound Syrup. Price 25 and 50 cents. Just received , a fresh line of the famous Haarmann pickles. i , W. A. Pettycrew. M. P. Jordan , of Arabia , was a pas senger on Sunday morning's train on his way home from a trip to the Black Hills. "Father" Query died at Ainsworth Saturday , and his son HenrA and wife and granddaughter Myrtle attended the funeral from this place Sundav. Thousands of the most stubborn and distressing cases of piles have been cured by Tabler's Buckeye Ointment. It never fails to cure. Price 50 cents. Walther Meltendorff cut the north end of his warei oem off even with his saloon building this week , and has built a new rear entrance and fence around his lot. Dizziness , loss of appetite , flatu lency and najisea are all connected' with dyspepsia or indigestion. Her- bine will give prompt relief. Price 50 cents. Somebody stole the editor's revolver out of his desk while he was in Long- pine Sunday , and now he has nothing but a sidestick with which to stand off his creditors. Arthur Gore went' through town Sunday night on nis way to Deadwood - wood from Woodlake , ujhere he has been working as agent for the F. E. Youug Ness , who worked here for a. time , relieved him at Woij'dlake. Charley Tate , who was sentenced to the penitentiary for two years last fall for selling liquor to Indians , re turned home on parole Sunday morn ing. Charley was a model prisoner , and with the experiencee he has had at Lancaster we believe will develop into not only an honest but a useful citizen. Mr. Perkins , the sheep man , ar rived from Wyoming last week. He is here making arrangements to move his family at some future date. Rushville Recorder. Mrs. Fitzgerald , a lady about 60 years old , was thrown from a buggy near Crookston Monday afternoon and sustained a serious fracture of the shoulder , which E r. Ed. Dwyer was called upon to reduce. Dr. W. B. Ely and H * . O. Paine , of Ainsworth , were in town Monday to attend the Republican meeting. Dr. Ely intends speaking at Lavaca a week from next Monday. Read his his record in another column. Cravath and Sneethen shipped 600 head of cattle from Lakeside on Thursday of last week. They had one carload of 3-year-old steers which averaged 1,450 Ibs. per head , and one steei tipped the scales at 1,750. Rushville Standard The C. & N. W. train out of Chicago cage was held up at DeKalb , 111. , Fridav evening , and the express car was robbed of about $25,000. The delay occasioned by the robbery caused the train to 'be about four hours late here Saturday night. Jim Seaman , of Norden , completed a 12-inch well for John Jones Tuesday and left for his home the next day. Seaman bored the well 112 feet deep , and has 12 ieet of water in the hole. He also lifted the pipe from a tubular well and moved a windmill while here. Frank Frush and "Long Jim" Spratt were in town from Ball's ranch the first of the week. ' Long Jim" is a musical composer of no mean abilicy. and we hope soon have the pleasure of favoring our readers wsth one of his original cowboy songs. An editor in a neighboring town re cently announced that in the next issue he would begin the publication of a story written out of home ma terial entitled "The Prettist Girl in Town. " Over 100 girls out of a possi ble 125 sent letters warning him not to use their names. Dr. C. V. Holsclaw has returned to Valentine from Iowa after an ab sence of about four years , and has opened an office in the old building just south of the postoffice. The doctor's family will not return until spring , when he expects to have a new stone residence built for them. Judges Harrington and Selah will speak at Woodlake on Thursday , Oc tober 26 , the 'date having been changed at Valentine on account of the Woman's Suffrage convention. They will be at Cornell hall the fol lowing Monday , October 30 , at which time a large crowd should greet them. P. J. Donoher , of Valentine , was nominated on the fusion ticket in Cherry county for county clerk , a position which he is most capable of filling with credit to himself and count y. Barring his politics "Pete" is all right , thoroughly competent and deserving and no one has more friends than he. We will not be sur prised if he is elected. Gordon Jour nal. Ella Wheeler Wilcox thinks the successful man "is one who has made a happy home for his wife and chil dren , no matter what he has done in the way of winning money or fame , " and it is our opinion that the success ful woman , is the one who makes a happy home fer the man , and her children , no matter whether she has been granted the right of suffrage or not. Thomas F. Franks has sold his ranch ten miles northeast of Merriman to "Tug" Wilson. This is an elegant ranch property. Mr. Franks will likely visit in England with his parents and those of his. wife for three months. He has no intention of leaving this portion of Nebraska. In the deal he came in possession of the residence property of Mr. Wilson , which he may decide to live in and make Chad ron his place of residence in the fu ture. Chadron Journal. Prof. Yamaa has been drawing large crowds at the opera house all this week and furnished lots of amusement for the spectators. He put his wife to sleep on the stage Tuesday even ing , and placed her in Chapman & Quigle3r's window on a cot , where she attracted large crowds of people all day. The professor put a young man into a state of catalepsy Wednesday evening , placing his head on the back of one chair and his heels on another , and put a large stone , weighing 275 pounds on his chest , and had E. "Breuklander smash it with a 20-pound sledge hammer. There seems to be a great many skeptics in Valentine , but if they will go up on the stage and give Yamaa a fair trial , we guar antee they can see rats or fight bees asell as others who have given him a trial. Prof. Yamaa as a hypnopist cannot be excelled. He gives illus trations in his peculiar art that are astonishing , such as having a man eat red pepper by the spoonful , and other funny acts he works on animals as well as man. On Wednesday even ing he put large "Billy" goat into a sound slumber after a few magic passes. Wide Tire. Wagons Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST KECEIVED A CAR LOAD - In addition to this I have just received a car of "WIND MOTOB" WIND MILLS Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine , Nebraska D. S. Ludwig DREYFUS HAD TWO TRIALS WE ONLY WANT ONE To convince you beyond a doubt that the best line of LIQUORS , WINES AND CIGARS Can be had at THE STOCK EXCHANGE WALTER F. A. NIELTENDORFF. PROPRIETOR OUR MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment. CITIZENS-MEAT-'MARKET GEO. G. SOHWALM. PROP. This market always keepa a supply of FnniT - i a u i i In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Koasts , Dry Salt Meato Smoked Hams , Breakfast JBacon and Vegetables At Blotter's Old Stand on Main Street. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA 4 ? THE PALACE SALOON 1 HEADQUARTERS FOR to tote WINES , LIQUORS AND GIG to Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE * NEBRASKA to iy CfC'C + 'C'r + 'Cf O'cvcvcv cvo-o" V ? When Visiting Valentine Stop at. _ TOE JOTY HOTEL J , A , HORNBACK , Proprietor , $1,00 per day. Good Sfervice , Woman's Suffrage convention at opera house next Wednesday and Thursday. Lady speakers of national reputation will be present and make addresses. See program in another column. Sam Terry , one of the oldest old- timers this country has , is down from Rosebud last week. Sam has a war record as long as the moral law , and although 75 years of age , he is as spry as a young buck , and has an eye for women and flowers that makes him a connoisseur of these two forms of beauty. Sam has been here so long that he remembers when the Rosebud was a ridge of sandhills , and he claims to have straddled every stream from the Pecos to British Columbia. Frank Fischer was arraigned in county court last Saturday on a charge of selling liquor to Indians , the case having been continued last month for thirty days. The local brach of the W. C. T. U. interested themselves in the matter and em ployed F. M. Walcott to assist in the prosecution. The defense proved that Fischer had given the liquor to the ludian on the order of John Cordier , not knowing what the pack age contained , and that the Indian was merely acting as a carrier from I Valentine to Rosebud , on which show-1 ing the defendant was turned loose. ' The women , we understand , wished \ to appeal the case , but on advice of their attorneys will let the matter rest. Last Thursday , thirty miles south of Ainsworth , while H. C. Savage , ac companied by his brother , C. G. Savage , and James Rowe. a hunting party from Sargent , in Ouster county , were camped on Ender's lake , the former in handling a shotgun received the full contents of both barrels in his arm about half way between the wrist and elbow , tearing away bone and flesh , maksng an ugly wound. He was immediately brought to Ains worth wheie Drs. Lambly and Ely dressed the wounded arm , and he is doing as well as the seriousness of the wo'und will allow. He will remain here until it will be sate for him to continue on his journey up to Simeon in Cherry county , where the party were headed for when the accident occurred. Ainsworth Star-Journal. Woman's Suffrage Convention By request we publish below a call for a 'woman's suffrage convention. Those from abroad who expect to be present should address Mrs. Helen Hornby : All friends ot justice and equal rijrhts In Cherry county , are urgently invited to meet in mass convention in tlie court house at Valen tine. October 25 and a ; , 1899. The convention will be held under the joint auspices of the Xa- tioiril American Woman Suffrage Association and the Nebraska Equal Suflrage Association. Able speakers will be present , and an enter- taming , instructive program will be provided. Four states , Wyoming. Colorado , Utah and Idaho , have already granted full suffrage to women , while twanty-six additional utates have admitted the justice of the claim bv extending partial suffrage. The states which have hail full opportunity to observe the ad vantages of woman suffrage unite in the testimony that it has proved bcnelicial in every direction. It has in no way injured men. women or the ste-te. Instead , under its influence , women have be come more intelligent and self-reliant ; good men have been encouraged by the moral aid of women , and have sought the purification of politics , which they were unable to accomplish alone , while the state has gained a new dijrritv by the introduction of this moral force. Important business concerning methods of work best suited to hasten the establishment of woman suffrage , in order that the state maj gain its consequent goou effects , will be considered - > ered in the convention. The friends of suffrage 1i are Invited to aid in the formation of thee I plans ; the indifferent are invited to attend the sessions that thev may be converted ; and the opposed are invited to participate in the di cussioH. presenting their side of the question C invited. Come one. Oomeall , V HAKKIKTMOKKV , Chairman Local Committee. Wednesday , Oct. 25. , AFTKKJfOOJT 3 P. M. - . * Prayer-Mrs. 0. S. Baker. MUMC. Address of Manager Miss Laura A * Ore" " Symposium on woaian sullrage- Vulcott. Does the Wife and Mother Need It ? F. M. Does the Working Woman Need It ? C. S IkPGCf * ! t-lTE0'/SSy'Ana Bllsinefs Wojnan , Does the Tax-paying Woman Xeed It-Miss .Alary itasom. . Discussion' ( Time limit on each paper , 10 * Collection. Announcement and adjournment. . KVEXING-8 P. 3,1. Music. Prayer Rev. A. F. Cumbow. Introduction of Speaker-airs. A.Crabb. -Mrs. L-velyn H. Belden , president * . Collection. Music. Thursday , Oct. 26. MOIWf IXC 10:39 A. M. Conference with all interested in woman suf- u G. f Discussion of practical plans of work. AFTKKNOOX 2:30 P. 31. Prayer Mr. O. W. Morey. Music. . rstate Neea Woman Suffrape"-C > Q ' Crowe and Jud"e Tucker' Question box. Collection . "VBX.NG- . 31. Music. 1'niyer. Music. Introduction of speaker-Mrs. W. R. Harden WU C > Hultm' ° f I1IiuoJ" Closing "Words of Manager-Miss >