WL&IERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT News , Farm nutl Stock ROBERT GOOD , - Manager Valentine Nebraska , 7 ALONZO HEATH A 6 toffice address Cody , Nebraska ' On left side ; horses leftshoulder Range north o Cutcomb Lake S A WINSLOW Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska1 Branded on either Bide ; horses s'ame on left shoulder Range 3-mi. northeast - east of Ell and south of Niobrara river , 13- ml southwest of Cody A C RIEMENSCHNE1DER 'Postoffice address Cody. Nebraska On right side-.alsqX on right shoulder and 2 on jaw. a on lelt hip also 3 on jaw Range-Old Poor Rancnon Niobrara A D COLE PostofTlce address Cody , Nebraska Same as on cut , left side and shoulder. Range ea standsouth- and west of Cody CIIAS. E ROBERTS Postofficc address Cody , Nebraska On either side : some ll 12 E ; some EEIl Ran e Korth west oJ Cody FRANK J. JONEK Postoffice address Cody.Nebrafka On right side ; horses ses same on left shoulder Range , eight miles west of Cody CHARLES GART3IDE Postoffice address Cody , Neb Cattle branded on left side ; also C Gen on left hip of cattle and left shoulder on horses Run ire on'Niobrara 10 mi south west Codv JOHN SHANGRAN Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On leit side Also on left side Horses J S on left shoulder Range between Cody and Lake Creek J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses Oright armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara Rlverl2-miles south west of Cody FRED AND "WILLIAM MAYBEE. Postoffice address VI. Cody Neb On left side ; horses " same left shoulder - E Earmark notch on 4rn . * > , . [ underside of right ear WE * ? Range east and mth of Eli [ STEELE Fostoftlcj address Cody , Nejraska . On left side ; also LO or W L on left side ol some cattle Also [ on left hip ; and horses on lief t shoulder Rauire-Mouth of iBear Creek G H SEAGER addrc-ES Codv , Neoraska f P < CN 1 ittle branded as on ' = " , 4. * ' : on left side , hip . : ) 1 shoulder ; horses | e 56 , Snake Creek 1 FRANK MOGLE Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska iOneither d- cattle 'herdmark ' left ear [ clipped and ritrht ear splithorses branded ; same on left shoulder . -Range on Niobrara 'and ' Medicine Canyon JOMSTOCK , MANAGER. is ea iseb4 ier'C * Po ' in > o it or' , ! eftih uld r R K \ \ AIIO for sufficient cvl- pv 0 * mh CHAS S NICHOLS Fostofflre address Mcrriman , Neb On hij ) of cattle ; horses same left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and Niobrara River , 9-ml southeast of Merriman SELDER BROTHERS Postoffice address Merriman , Neb On left side of ent itle jalsofB horse. * | on left Kfsho'Id Range , north and south of .Niobrani 111 ver/J-mi southeast of Merrimaii G H FOLS03I Postoffice address Merrimaii , Neb Branded on left side Range north of Merriman E F DEVINE Postofflce address Merriman , Neb Branded on left side ; horses same on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and the Ninbrara rivcr,9-mi S.E. of Merriman GEORGE STOVER Postoffice address Merriman , Neb On left side ; horses same left shoulder Range Little White River South Dakota GEORGE JESSEN Posloffice address Merriman , Neb On either left side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder R nge-East of Cot tonwood Lake GENTRY. ABBOTT & MONAHAN Postoffice address Hyannis. NejJ Both on lefi side some stock- _ . _ branded CIeli : > no7ii der A left hip ; nlso \ N N anywheie on left side ; also U A left side Range head Middle Loup C S WILLIAMS Postofllce address Gallop , Nebraska On left side ; also IV I left side ; also Jleft hinalso ; W on side aud S on hip ; horses S on left jaw Range-Eight nvles south of Gallop ALBERT NENZEL NENZEL'A. 'A. . _ Postofilcc address Nenzel. Nebraska Oneitherside of cat tle ; horses same rfange northeast of Nenzel L-AN ADAMSON Fostoffide address Chesterfield , Neb. Br nded as on cut ; some 5 on" left hip ; some just one brand like ou cut on left thigh Range between Bordman and Suake W G SAWYER Postofflce address Oasis , Nebraska Butler & Quisenbery have charge of these Battle ; horsesI > on eft shoulder ; some stock branded uiywhereon animal lange , Snake river RICHARDS & CAIRNES CO. Cattle branded on any partofi'iiiinal ; also the following brands : Torses randed the same Range between Gordon on the F.E. &M. V.R. R. and lyannis on B , & M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAKTLETT Jhadron , Nebraska J W OSTRANDER si 'ostofficejFaddress Riishville , Neb n left thigh or hip ; J left r < torses thigli Ra nge-IIead waters Gordon Creek nc AReiuaril or$4QO will be paid to auv lerson for information leading to tlie arrest and inal conviction of any person or persons steal- ngcattle with above brand. MOREY HEWETT Postoffice address Gordon , Neb On left side of cattle horses same left shoulder ; also , 2.1O and Bleftsid Jon left bide of-some = J [ Range south of Snake 35-mi south- Uordon ER1CKSON 'oslofflce address PeOn ' Kennedy , left side and hip ; orses O or A on On CM ' 'J Jaw Range two milce ortlnrcst of Ken- Ra : soi DAWSON & BALL Posloffice address Chesterfield. Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut ; also V lelt neck andZ left hip ; some V lelt neck , v left shoulder and % IefthlDhorses ; VZ left hip. Range Snake River,3l,32,33. GEORGE G BOTHWELL Postoffice address Pullman , Neb Branded as on cut ; ah ) ) i lef thip Range south and east of P P PULLMAX Postoffice address Pullman. Branded as on cut ; Also p on shoulder - on side r on hij ; also w side P hip also P on snoulder , \V on side 1' on hip Range north prong of North Loup CIIAS S IIOYT Postoffice address Pullman , Neb Branded on 1 jft side al < o CO on left side ; also ' "between eyes aud nse Raiige 15-miles west of Pullman J L ROSEBERRY Postoffice address Pullman , Neb Branded on lef t hit ) ; horses samerd - mark-dotible dew-lap Range south aud east of Brush Hili S H DYE Postofiice'address Pullman , Neb Branded on left side A reward of § 100 will be paid for m- Jormation leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person for killing , urivingoff orconceai ing any of my cattle H A BUCK Postofflce address Hy : nnis , Neb Branded on IcJt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannis L L MORRILL Postoffice address Hvannis , N u On left side ; also S on left hip ; horses § left shoulder Range 25-miles north of Hyannis II C MASON Postofflce address Hyjinnis. Neb ; 0 Cn left side ; some 0R 0h same on lefc sideind hip So R i no on left hip Horses - Range-Mother Lake summer range-Bing- ham , Shendan.Co. A SAULTS Postofflce address Gregory , Neb On leftside or hip ; horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansa Valley and Snakr JOE CULBERTSON C leSI PojtofEce address SI Pullman , Neb 01 Branded on leftside ; 01h horses T T on r-glit 01 shoulder ; a crop .and slitinleftear of cattle o Range Forks of A North Loup River C JENSEN ostoffice n dro s Gallop , Nebraska Left .side on private stock and right side on cattle heUlrt aj also jsfij on Ipfrsldi ofa : 1. J on 1'jfi moulder. Hange-Eiaht miles south of Gallop P ( JULIUS PETERSON Oi ) ho Poj-toffice address lei Ri ; Gregory , Neb br Jranded as on cut eri erim Range two miles m ; lorth of Gregory pp ' fin D N GOURLEY " Postofflce address M" Rushville , Neb On left hip ; also ftOO on lef : side ; horses left shoulder nange-CrdarLake QBE CHURCH 'ostofflce addres Merriman , Neb PO ! left side ; also ± ( m right side Bn Kai orses o left shoulder Soi angc north and juthofMerrimau CHARLES LONE WOLFt Postoffice address Allen 3D On right side and shoulder , horses same on right thich .Range-Bear Creek MORRIS JANIES Postofflce address Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded on left side as on rut on lef r thigh , | g Rrnge on Itock Creek JOHN ; A LOGAN Postofflce address Allen , S. D,1 On left shoulder and hip ; some 1 on left shouldrandj on left side. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek FRA K A GALLIGO Postoffice address Manderson , S. D. Left side and on young stock. Oln stock randed left sfrte Horses lelt thigh- Range-Rock Springs Basin JAMES BUSH Postoffice address Allen S D On left side Also en left sule- Horses on left hip ' Kange- Dear Creek R M FADDIS Postoffice address Pass , Neb Range , North Loup River CHARLES LONG MAN Postoffice address Allen S I > On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek GEORGE N DAVIS Postoffice address Simeon , Neb Branded on right side or hip Also on left hip Tlorses ou right s houlder as on cut Range-Gordon and Suake CHARGING BEAR Postoffice address Allen S D On left siuu and thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek 8TEADMAN BROS Postofflce address Pass Neb Brand on left sidt Howes and some cattle ! branded on ; left side and > hip nange , Luke * and Wam > - dueo Creek C F COOPER Postoffice address Kennedy , Nebi Cattle ; branded on left side same as cut Stock over one j'ear old an right side ; ) liorses same _ an left shoulder Range south & west i Hackberrv Lake and Curlew somebrande tm eft lei JACOBSON BROTHERS Postoffice address Gregory , Neb On left side ; some same with I on Mt shoulder horses lett Range Gor don and Goose Lake DAN" WEBSTER 'ostoffice address Harlan , Nebraska n left side or hip ; Lorsesbranded same sh'iuMer tange between Nio" irara and Snnl- rlv" , south of Merri- uin A Kt'irtirtl of ijiWO will be paid lo any 'prson for information leading to the arrest and nal conviction of any pe ou or persons steal- igcsittle or hoises with above brand. O J KELLAK addrcst Brown't" ? Nebr On eft side Range , betweer Goose Creek and Loup A T BRACKETT ostofflce address ' Riege Neb randed on left side auge-Three miles utheaslofGcorsia WILLIAM WILSON Postofflce address Kiljore Xebi Branded on I ft side Bange-Southeast of Georgia H SCITULTZ Poetofhce address McCann NeD stock branded as on cut Karfge xorth an > l smith of Georgia WILHELM ANDERSON Postoffice address * McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on lelt hip ' Range between the Niobrara and Snake JOHN DUBRAY Potoffice address v-Merriman. Neb Oulejoside , jaw or hipw RanjrtJ Lafce Creek < outh Dakota. A. B. CAPWELL Postofllce ad dress Pullman Neb On left side of cattle Range -North Loup JOE ROOKS JU , Posroffice address Allen S D On left side ; horses same on teigh tange Bear Creek I CAN RAISE Fine apple trees but 1 have to buy my apples ; but I do claim to raise the finest kind of VEGETABLES In wy gardens east and west of the flansen bridge , and can sup O ply the demand as cheap as any- 8l bodv. u r : . ei n R.JEAN8EN JENS THOMSEN C. ELLIKG Manager Salesman n v DOWNING Postoffice addreas Gregory. Neb On leftsidealso ; CO L E on side Range Stevenson 01 Lake R C PIKE BROS. BROS.Postoffice Postoffice address P Crookston , Neb Branded on eithe Oi side of animal. ' sn on Semen , an n right hip he br Range On .Min- nechaduza. 5-miles east of Crookston E E AND H E WOODRUFF Postoffice address Hyannis , Neb On left hip and left side. Also stock branded on left side and reversed S on right shoulder ; also right hip and leftside Rauge-Mother Lake M RICHARDSON Po ' Postoffice address . Lu McCann - ; lit Branded on leftside sai Range : McCann Se Ra am La A T DAVIS Postoffice address Hyannis , Neb On right side bore on left shoulde also cattle o O on ritrht sin Range 16 miles ! north of Hjannis RA WESTO\ER Postofflce address Lakeland. Neb Fos Branded on left hip and shoulderj Some on right side , r S Range in Brown and Cherry couutiea ; R. HANSON 'ostoffice address Valentine. Neb Cattle branded on left hip ; horses the same * Range en Dry Val- lev * % - r ' - , - V ! 3 pi f Year 83.5 © p s ROUSCHE \ Postofllce address < Brownlee , N On lelt side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut oft" ; lior.ses iiranded same on left hip. Also has stock branded II onsldt * or shoulder , or JKor WorO VL. orO or VZ. . Also . _ th tnllowiitir. tin nn h * iii > r on sid- and hip LBE AND . ' PoctoffloflSddre " Brownie * Bf h On right ltd * . LE oa aaoi * Kid i * . . i , > " " - also iLSX on Io : - < f # titijf- < * * 3&&r _ , w Kange , nortli . GEO HIGGINS Postoffice address , Brownlee , Neb Branded on left side ; some II left side and thighan " " " an < on left thigh Rnnge Duck Lake Postofflce address Brownies Neb On ijght iide Range. Horse Vnllay CLARENCE K SMITH Postoffice address Wnltman , Nel On left side ; horses same on left shoulder on left side inywhere on hip or thigh B * Range north prongSS Middle Louj ) river and Buffalo Lake " * S W Chesnut Gordon. Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip. Range head of Gordon Creek , forty miles southeast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford cattle. J G COOLEY Postoffice address Hyannis , Neb an ! right side ; hor- es same on right shoulder nge six miles northwest of Moth er Lake precinct A -J PLUMER Postoffice address Hyannis , Neb Branded on right side and h' p Also have stock branded right side and hip Hordes on right hip iange-Southwestern ; Cherry Jounty. W E STANSBIE AND D 0 BAUGH ostoffice address Ryaiiuis , Neb * n left hip aiic left iide Also left hip ud left side torses same , irands on shoulders Range 23-miles ortliofHyanuis 'MASON COMPANY Postofflce address Hyannis , Neb On right hip ; 'ri either side On right [ side lefc lip ses right shoulder lange seven miles north of Hyannis. - SWEENEY BROS 'ostofflce address Pullman , Neb , Uttle branded as on ; horses branded ne as cattle except jversed 5 $ , < block ange Stever ad Stephenson akes and South A HUMPHREY Fostofflce a-ld-es < Hyannia , Neb Branded anywhere on right side ; horses ses same on left shoulder Range - . sixteen miles northeast of Hyann ROBERT I HINES stoffice address Cody , Nebraska anded on left side ; rses same left shoul inge on Snake south Codv. Charles Richards i : fa'