I Cut aad Slash Prices 49 On All Summer Goods ft & 49 49 49- 41 PIECE GOODS SHIRT WAISTS 4 ? 4 ? CRASH GOODS i > 49 4 ? ? ' . SILK MITTo LADIES UNDERWEAR 49 49 49 ftft 49 ft 49 A Fine lot of Ladies hand turned high grade slices at 49 - 49 49 away down prices. Don't fail to- look at them 49 2 * 49 & 49 49 49 49 RED FRONT c * 49 49 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA 49 6 * That's what we want you to do get posted on our stock before buying elsewhere. If you do we'll be glad of it , because we can save you some money. We don't mean that we will sell you a very poor article at a very low price. We don't do business that w.iy. We mean that the prices on the best goods are the lowest that you can get. Come and see. * Agent for MAX E. WERTEL 'Pasteur Blackleg Vaccine. . We have some good horses for sale Crookston , Nebraska J. , V STEVENSON " Successor to vV ALOOTT & STEVENSON LIVERY BARN WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURG-EON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Nights-Upstairs-Eed v i O.W.MOEEY THE VALENTINE WATCH/MAKER AND JEWELER Carries a full line of ster ling silver novelties C. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS "WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! Office over Cherry Comity Sank peed in Transit at Fremont Capacity : Sheep , covered sheds , 2i cars ; open pens , 15,000. Caitle 28 cars. The place to rest and feed for the Omaha market Easy run to feeding points outside - . side Chicago. IP , . Long distance telephoned "Write or wire when you will ar rive , tj Fremont Stock Yards Co J. C. DWrER. E. H. DWTER. DWYBR BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS A.ivr > Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Operations - \ ations Successfully ) Performed. A. M. MOERISSEY O ATTOENEY AT LAW . VALENTINE , NEB F M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTOR Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and U. S. Land Office. Beal Estate and Kanch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor Valentine House J. A. HOOTON , Prop. Recently opened and newly furnished. Not a restaurant , but a hotel. $1.00 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons. First Door South of Bank of Valentine J. S. ESTABEOOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness aud accuracy Office at Estabrook Ilonse on Cherry St. VALENTINE , NEB- Mill Prices for MecO. . Bran , bulk. . . ' . .55c per cwt $10.00 ton Shorts bulk . . . .G5c per cwt $12 00 ton Screenings 40o " $7.00 " Chop Feed 55c " $16.00" Corn 70c " $1300" Oats 85c " $1600" or Stolon. Several head of horses and cat- tle-\vided Amos Strong , Valentine , Neb. A diseased liver declares itself by moroseness , mental depression , lack of energy , restlessness , melancholy and constipation. HERB1NE will restore the liver to ahealthy condi- . Frict ! 60 tents' . J < H : WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT ROBEET GOOD , Editor and Publisher $1.OO Per Year in Advance PUBLIUHED EVEEY THURSDAY. Entered at t b e Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order Co discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Brick cheese at T. C. Hornby's. 31 Wm. Erickson was in town yester day. day.E. E. E. Bonnelle is in town from Lin coln. coln.Dr. Dr. Tucker is over from Rosebud , today. t W. G. Com stock visited in town last Sunday. Cut prices on everything1 at D. Stinard's. 19 . Hard wood fence posts. See Farn- ham & Dikeman. 33 Bertha Caveny returned home from Fremont , Sunda } ' . See the new line of outing- flannels at T. C. Hornby's. 31 George Leanagh is working in Sher man's livery stable. John Neiss returned from his trip to Omaha , Monday. Blind Boone , the pianist , will play here November 10th. A second hand base burner for sale CHEAP. C. J. Farnham. 33 T. C. Hornby sells glass fruit jars cheaper than anybody. 31 Norval Pfunder will return to his job at Norfolk , tomorrow. Headquarters for school tablets and pencils at Pettycrew's. 0 Insist on havinggood spices such as are sold at T. C. Hornby's. 31 The Rev. Bates held servicet in the Episcopal church , Snnda3T. Mrs. N. L. Johns , of Litchfield , was a visitor in town , Tuesday. 8 EG. H. Hornby has returned from his trip to Omaha and Chicago. Geo. Q. Smith has returned from his trip to Grand Island and Ord. All kinds of feed delivered. W. A. Pettycrew. 1 have tAvo ipright pianos for renter or sale on easy terms. A. E. Thacher John Jones is haviug a 10-inch well bored on his place south of the rail road. Mrs. Gerow Davis of Newport vis ited friends > here the last of the past week. The Catholic church is receiving the last touches on its inside finish this week. G. O. Fairhead , of Merriman , was a very pleasant caller at these head quarters last Saturday. W. A. Pettj-crew and wife and Mrs. Hull took in the exposition last week , returning home Sunday night. A brakeman named Schafer fell off a moving train at Johnstown last Friday and was instantly killed. F. N. Morgan , the county judge of Rock couuty. was in town on land of fice business the first of the week. Just received , a fresh line of the famous Haarmann pickles. W. A. Pettycrew. Buy your jelly glasses for 35 cents a dozen from T. C. Hornby , the same kind that other stores ask 50 cents for. 31 Ma } ' , the 16-months old daughter of Mrs. Tom Gillaspie , died at the iesi- dence of Geo. Tracewell , last night , after a long illness , and will be buried this afternoon. Logan Barker aud wife came up from Tekamah Saturday uight for a visit with relatives , and Logan is em ployed on the Rspublican for the campaign , at least. J. C. Pettijohn spent the first of the week on his Brown county farm , and reports that he has a hundred acres of corn which will yield about 45 bushels to the acre. I will pay a reward of $10.00 for the recovery of two dry cows , one red and one roan , branded T C on right side. They were last seen south of Cody. Address Robert Good , Valentine. As an external liniment of most wonderful penetrative and curative power , BALLARD'S SNOW LINI MENT is not equaled by any other in the world. Price 25 and 50 cents. J. H. Quigley. The most delicate constitution can safely use BALLARD'S HOREHOUND - HOUND SYRUP. It is a aure aud pleasant remedy for coughs , loss of voice , and all throat and lung trou bles. Price 25 and 50 cents' -J..H. Dr. Seymour here , October 19 , for one day only. The Woodmen hold a picnic at Ken nedy tomorrow. The editor's wife is expected home in a week or two. It is not a question of what the fusionists - sionists can do this fall , but what ; hey will do. W. E. Haley will hold an adminis trator's sale at the Witz place south east of Gordon , Saturday. The mill dam is completed and the , vater was shut offyesterdav , for the purpose of filling the reservoir. Joseph Wisser of Nenzel has been in the hospital this week Baking a course of treatmrnt foi his stomach trouble. * A. Schatzthauer of Woodlake has one old style and one Omaha hay press , both in good condition , for sale year's time. Wanted 500 men to harvest sugar beets and for general farm work. Apply to Standard Cattle Company , Ames , Nebraska. 42 Our citizens will have an opportun ity of consulting the eminent e.ye spec.relist , Dr. W. L Seymour at The Donoher , October 19. If 3rou wish to be sure of an uppoint- ment with Dr. Seymour , leave your name with P. J. Donoher , asking for a special appointment. Sophus and Hans Neble , W. G. Car penter and F. L. Goodrich of Omaha , are hunting south of town in compan } ' with Martin Christensen. Our votei s will have the opportuni ty of voting this fall for a free silver Republican on the countv ticket that being Mrs. Crawford's politics. It is this that gives rise to the report that the fusionists went outside their party for a catdidate. Surveyor Estabrook is also some thing of a photographer , aud during his travels over the county has taken the oppoitunity to photograph many pretty bits of scenery , and nqw has the pictures for sale. They make ex ceptionally nice presents to eastern friends. The case against Olney , the insur- rnce man , was dismissed , Saturday , and he was immediotelo rrrested on a new complaint , sworn out by W. S. Sockson. Tuesday this was also dis missed , and Olney was given his lib erty , which he made good use of by at once leaving town , Lee Layporte has been granted a thirty day leave from the marshal's office , and Jack Hooton employed for that length of time. This seems to indicate political weakness on Lee's part. If he felt sure of the election he would have resigned instead of merely taking a layoff. "Jim Hull made a trip up the road last week , and before he got back had made a visit to most of the towns in the Hills. Among other people he saw our former townsman , Dan Han" dy , who has a nice job with a hard ware firm at Sturgis. Jim says he went down four flights of stairs be fore he found Dan working on a stove but we are inclined to think he exag- erated one flignt , at least. Sunday morning just before noon a fire started in some mysterious way in the shed on the south side of Hitt & Kneeland's liver } ' stable , and in a very short time the entire building was on fire. Luckily the day was a warm one and the teams were all outer or the loss woull have been greater. As it was the building was entirely destroyed , together with a set of har ness , two or three saddles , clothing , bedding , etc. The barn was insured for $600 , which is about half the loss. Hitt & Kneeland have not yet decided whether they will rebuild , and mean while they are doing business in the stable in the rear of the Union hotel The Lavaca division of the Teachers' association will meet at Lavaca Oct. 14 and the following program will be ren dered : "How to Teach Primary Arithme tic1' Jennie VanBuskirk. "How to Teach United States His tory" Fanny Roberts. Each teacher is requested to bring a paper written on the subject "Spring , " without using the word. An invitation is extended to all who arc interested in educational affairs. EVA L. PEYTON , President. According to the Stock Journal the raising of Angora gouts is about to be come one of Texas' mosMmportant in dustries. THE-UNION Formerly Valentine House H. K. BROWN , PROP . VALENTINE , NEBR. Good cooks , good beds , good rooms , good service and good provisions Try us once and you will come again $1.00 per day Opp. Court House * Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAK LOAD In addition to this 1 have just received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS "Which I am selling very cneaply Try. me before buying anything in my line elsewhere j Nebraska D. S. Ludwig DREYFUS HAD TWO TRIALS WE ONLY WANT ONE To convince you beyond a doubt ; that the best Hue of LIQUORS , WINES AND CIGARS Can be had at THE STOCK EXCHANGE WALTER F. A. MEUENDORFF. PROPRIETOR OUR MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment. I/ ? I- IM GEO. G. SOHWALM , PROP. This market always ki'op * a snpj-lv > f ii s * 5 I * * In addition to a fir r'l : ) * line of ' -r ! % ' < * ? . [ ' * rv ' " ' i i i j , - - vMimKrO I 1 ft- " % r 4 ; / - ' ' nt'al 8 Old rf -O-O-Q-O-O-CJ-O ffjp OAT Ap CAT JL 1 iJL-f 1 Ja.l / / .VJrfl Oj x-.l HEADQUARTERS FOR LIQUORS AND Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE When Visiting Valentine Stop at. THE CITY HOTEL , wwwvwwwwwwwwvwwwi J. A , HORNBACK , Proprietor , - $1,00 per day , Good Service/ TH 0 CABINET . .GRAHlD. . f STYLE 0-PRIGE , $250.00 , TERMS 825.00 Cash and $10.00 per Montli. THIS PIANO HAS THE SUPERIOR HARP ATTACHMENT DIMENSIONS : t Four Itct nue ! indies. Width -Five Icet four Inclios. Depth Twofeet throe incnee. WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS- A. HOSPE : , : OMAHA , NEBE.