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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
\ ! ALJO The Great Catarrh Cure . JOE WHEELER'S CHARGE AT SAN JUAN HILL. Major General Joseph Wheeler , commandIng - Ing the cavalry forces in front of Santiago ) and the author of "The Santiago Campaign , " la speaking of the great catarrh remedy , Pe-ru-na , payo : "I join with Senators SuIH- Tan Roach and McEnery In their good opin ion of Pe-ru-na. It Is recommended to me by those who have used It as sii excellent ' tonic and particularly effective as a cure for catarrh. " United States Senator McEnery. Hon. S. D. McHncry , United States Sen ator from Louis'.ana. say * the following In regard to Pe-ru-ni : " 1'p-ra-nn. Is an wtcollent tonic. I have used It sufficiently ro say that I believe It to be all that you claim for It. " S. D. Me- Eiiery , New Orleans , Louisiana. United States Senator Sullivan. "I desire to say that I have bee : : taking "Pe-ru-aa for some time for catarrh , and hnvo foun'l it an oXff'Hout nio'lli'liip. giving .1 more relief than anything I have ever taken. -W. V. Sullivan , Oxford , Miss. " United States Senator Roach. "Persuaded by a friend , I have used Pe- ru-na ns a tonic , und am glad to testify that it has greatly helped me in strength , vigor and appetite. I have been advised by friends that it is remarkably etllcacious as .1 cure for the almost universal complalut of catarrh. W. N. Iloach , Larlmore , North Dakota. " A free booc ! on catarrh sent to any address by The Pe-ru-na Drug M'fg Co. , Columbus , Ohio. The microbes that cause chills and fever and malaria enter the system through mucous membranes made porous by catarrh. Pe-ru-na heals the mucous membranes and prevents the entrance of malarial germs , thus pre venting and curing these affections. Bear in MincTthat "The Gods Help Those Who Help Themselves. " Self Help Should Teach You to'Use Pronounce "When. Sober- . The latest test for sobriety is a word of twenty-three letters. It is electro- photoiuicrography , and tbe meaning as tbere given is "photographing by elec tric light objects uiagniiied by the microscope. " Shake Into Your Shoes I Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder for the feet. Jt cures painlul , swollen , smarting , nervous Jeetand instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort dis covery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating , callous and hot. tired , aching feet Try it to-day. Sold bv all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c , in stamps. Trial package FKEE. Address , Allen S. Olmsted , Le Key , N. Y. Cook in Earthenware Vessels. Cook nothing in iron vessels that you can cook in earthenware. The heat in the latter is more uniform , the Haver better preserved and there is less lia bility to burn. JBrying1 preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; the dry up the secretions which adhere to the membrane and decom pose , causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants , fumes , smokes and snuffa and-oso that which cleanses , soothes and Iieals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy mid will euro catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasnutly. A trial size -will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers , 5G Warren St. , N.Y. The Balm cures without pain , does not irritate or canso sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface , reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balin you are armed cgainst Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. > jjs Growing1 Weaker. Experts agree tbat the life of a dog is shortened by close breeding and ex hibition , and that we are gradually raising dogs that will not be so long lived as the somi-wild mongrel types. -A Letter to Mrs. PinKham Brought Health to Mrs. Archambo. [ LETTER TO MSS. PIKUAU NO. 42,395 ] " DEAB MRS. PIXKUAJI For two years I felt tired and so weak and dizzy that some daj-s I could hardly go around the house. Backache and head ache all the time and my food would * aiot digest and had such pains in the womb and troubled with leucorrhoja and. kidneys were affected. * " * "After birth of each child I grew weaker , and hearing so much of the good you had done , I wrote to you and have taken sis bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , one box of Lozenges , one box of Liver Pills , one package of Sanative Wash , and to- daj' I am feeling as well as I ever did. When I get up in the morning I feel as fresh as I did when a girl and eat and sleep well and do all of my work. If ever I feel weak again shall know where to get my strength. I know your medicine cured me. " MRS. SALDCA ARCHAMBO , CHABLEMONT , MASS. The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi ence in treating female ills is unparal leled ; for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham , and for sometime past has had sole charge of the correspondence department of lier great business , treating by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing women e year. All women who suffer are invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn , Mass. , for advice , which will "be promptly given without charge. EXPOKT OF DEER. United States Sportsmen Can Now Talic Away Their Kill. Last session an act was passed by tbe Canadian Government , mainly at tbe in stance o tbe Canadian railway com panies and tbe game wardens empowering tbe Government order-in-ooun- ing by an - - - oil , to permit tb * > exportation of deer from Canada. Tins authority bas been acted upon , ani the following regulation pro mulgated by tbe Minister of Customs : "Deer when shot for sport under provincial - vincial or territorial authority in Canada , by any person not domiciled in Canada , may be exported under tbe following conditions - ditions and limitations : "The deer may be exported only at the customs ports of Halifax , N. S. ; Yar- | mouth. N. S. ; Macadam Junction , X. B. ; I Quebec , Quo. : Montreal. Quo. ; Ottawa. Out. ; Kingston. Ont. ; Niagara Falls , Out. ; Fort Erie , Ont. ; Windsor , Ont. ; Sault Sto. Marie , Ont ; Port Arthur. Ont. , and such other ports as shall from j time to time by tin1 Minister of Customs i be designated for the export of deer. I "The exportation of deer in the carcass { or parts thereof ( except as to cured deer i heads and hides of deer ) , shall be peruiit- i ted only during or within fifteen days 1 after the "open season' allowed ft i shooting deer under the laws of the prov ince or territory where the deer to be exported - ' ported bas been shot. I "No person shall in one year export mure than the whole or parts of two deer , nor shall exportation of such deer be mailo by the same person on more than two occasions during one calendar year. "Deer in the carcass or any part there of which has been killed in contraven tion of any provincial or territorial law shall not be exported , nor shall any deei in the carcass or parts thereof be export ed without the permit of the collector of customs accompanying the shipment. "A person not domiciled in Canada , who has shot Jeer for sport and not for gain or hire , under provincial or terri torial authority may make an export entry - , try in duplicate of doer in the carcass or parts thereof so shot by him and allowed to be exported upon subscribing and at testing before a collector of customs a ilcclaration. "The exporter shall produce bis license or permit for shooting deer under provin cial or territorial authority to the collect or of customs befow ? the exportation of the deer and the collector shall indorse thereon a description of tlv ? quantity and parts entered for exportation. "The collector of customs at any cus toms port of entry designated for the ex port of deer , upon receiving the said ex port entries duly completed , may there upon under the seal of the custom house , issue his permit for the exportation of the deer , if satisfied as to the identity of the sportsman and that the exportation is not prohibited. " The greatest deer country in America lies in tbe "Highlands of Ontario" and large numbers from the United States annually make this locality their rendez vous. The new laws will be appreciated by American sportsmen. Shooting Clay Through Iron. Tbe tallow candle which is shot through a door must hide its face be fore a seven and a half ounce plug of clay which has been so Qred as to per forate an iron plate au inch thick. Tbe velocity of tbe clay plug was tremen dous. It lias been estimated tbat tbe speed necessary must be over 1,800 feet a second. Experiments of this kind were couclucted by Capt. Cooper Key , of the British army , at tbe royal ar senal. A special' gun was employed and pressed cylinders of raw dry clay three inches long and two inches In "iiameter were used. ETHICS FOR TYPEWRITER GIRLS. Journal HoIdaRiu tfor Her to Help Her Employer Lie. The New York Christian Advocate , the Eastern organ of the Methodist Episcopal church , has created a sensa tion in religious circles here by advice it recently gave to an inquirer. "Sup pose , " wrote the applicant for Informa tion , "that a young woman employed as a stenographer has to write what she knows to be flat contradictions of truth , what she knows is meant to de ceive and the object of the deception is to take pecuniary advantage of others. Also that sometimes profane language and language of questionable character on other moral grounds is dictated , should she write it or modestly decline to db soV" To this query the Advocate makes an swer : "We know an instance of a young woman who declined to write profane language and lost her situation in con sequence. We highly approve her course. She may be a machine in a certain sense , but if she professes to be a Christian or a modest woman she ought not to write anything which no one having any respect for Christianity or modesty would utter-in the presence of a mudcst woman. But on the ques tion of Oat contradictions of truth in the way of business statements , it is quite possible that a stenographer may be altogether too sensitive. How does she know what view her employer may take of what seems to be a flat contra diction of truth ? Is he to explain to her all his business affairs and make known to her all elements involved in every transaction in which profit and loss are concerned. With regard to his business dealings she is but a machine , and her ears are not pointed by state ments of fact or otherwise. Her mind should be sufficiently imder control not to reason about anything that he dic tates , except to direct his attention to verbal or other mistakes in composi tion. But no stenographer , male or fe male , should write things , which , pass ing through their ears into their minds , and to the machine through their fin gers , could not but defile. The stenog rapher need not make an issue. If a man happens to use profane language let her furnish the copy without the profane language. Then if an issue is made it will be by the man's insisting upon it , and if he does insist upon it she will do well to take her departure , trust ing in the 'Power that maketh for right- The Sorrowful Tree. There is a tree in Persia to which the name "The Sorrowful Tree" is given. Perhaps because it blooms only in the evening. "When the first star apepars in the heavens , the first bud of the Sorrowful Tree opens , and as the shades of night advance and the stars thickly stud the sky , the buds continue gradually open ing until the whole tree looks like one immense white flower. On the approach preach of dawn , when the b'rilliaucy of the stars gradually fades in the light of day , the Sorrowful Tree closes its flowers , and ere the sun is fully risen not a single blossom is visible. A sheet of flower dust as white as snow , covers the ground around the foot of tbe tree , which seems blighted and withered during the day , while , however , it is actively preparing for the next noctur nal festival. The fragrauce of the blos soms is like tbat of the evening prim rose. If the tree is cut down close to the roots a new plant shoots up and attains maturity in an incredibly short time. In the vicinity of this singular tree there usually grows another , which is almost an exact counterpart of the Sorrowful rowful Tree , but loss beautiful , and , strange to say , it blooms only in the day time.Cincinnati Enquirer. Snail Food in Paris. Parisian gourmands devour 100,000 pounds of snails daily. Important Information Tor House keepers. For those who are accustomed to send ing away from iioine for their goods it is of the greatest importance to know the character and reliability of the establish ments selling goods to families from cata logues. The great emporium of the John M. Smyth Co. , located at 150 to 1UU West Madison street , Chicago , has been established for a third of a century , and has furnished over half a million homes in Chicago and vicinity alone. This firm enjoys the confidence of the public by its many years of fair dealing. It issues an immense illustrated catalogue that should be in every family , as it describes and gives tbe price of every article required for household use. A sample of the ex traordinary values offered by this firm is shown in the illustration of elegant laee curtains ut OSc in another column of this paper. These curtains are indeed won derful values , and yet they are but a sample of the thousand and one useful articles illustrated and described in the beautiful catalogue of tbe John M. Smyth Company. Daniel Froliman's Start. It was Edward Payson Weston , the pioneer loug-distauce pedestrian , who tempted Daniel Frohman , manager of the Lyceum Theater of New York , from journalism into the theatrical business. It happened this way : Mr. Weston had returned to New York after his successful walk through the West , and in 1S71 he gave an exhibition against time in the old American Institute Building. This was the beginning of our present six-day walking matches , lie hired Franklin Fyles , who was then a Sun reporter , and Daniel Frohman to manage the novel affair. The receipts from this undertaking were more than $10,000 , and this success started Mr. Fi'ohrnan in theatricals. Mr. Frohman has amassed a fortune since then. Mr. Fyles is a leading dramatic critic and playwright , and Mr. Weston , as young as either of his old-time friends , is an advertising agent. Philadelphia Post. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. If there is one thing on which the housewife prides herself it is that of having her laundering done nicely , so that the wearing apparel may be the admiration of all. The washing is a small matter , any one almost can do that , but to have 'the linens present that flexible and glossy appearance after being ironed requires a fine qual ity of starch. Ask your grocer for a coupon book which will enable you. to get the first | two packages of this new starch -"Red | Cross" trade mark brand , also two of the children's Shakspeare pictures I painted in twelve beautiful colors as | natural as life , or the Twentieth Cen tury Girl Calendar , all absolutely free. This is one of the grandest offers ever made to introduce "Red Cross" laundry starch , J. C. Hubiuger's latest inven tion. Unpleasant Familiarity. "Here's an example of how famil iarity breeds contempt , " he said , as ho looked over the top of his paper at the rest of the family. "What is it ? " "This is a Kansas paper , < and under the bead of 'Local Jottings' it says : 'Three or four cyclones ripped through the village since our last issue. ' " Detroit Free Press. The Deadly Grip of Pneumonia mny be warded OH trith Halo's Honey of Horehound and Tar. 1'iUe's Toothache Dropa Cure iu , one Minute. If your doctor gives you up it is time to give up your doctor. FITS Permanpnlly Cured. No fits or nervousness after first day's use of Dr. Klino'a Great Xerve Ko- storar. Send for I-MiEE S2.0O trial bottle and trratlse. DR. K. II. KLINE , Ltd. . 931 Arch St. , Philadelphia , Pa. If the sun had nothing to do but shine on the truly good it wouldn't have to got up so early. TOSKLL Our Northern drown Stock. Best Wastes. Pay Weekly. THE JEWELL MJRbEUY CO. , LnkcCltr. illnn. I'Tssf r ? the OM Man. Purse-Proud Father- Can you sup port my daughter in < thc style to which she has been accustomed ? Complacent Young Man I could 1C I were contented with it , but I hope to give her something better. Somervllle Journal. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price 75 cents Nothing In the world Is more haughty than a man of moderate capacity when once raised to power. Sherlock. Pico's Cure for Consumption is the best of all cough cures. George W. Lotz , Fu- bacher. La. . Aug. 2G. 1S95. British-Americans in Boston. There are in Boston 44,207 persons born in British America. s.Vlii Iow's SOOTHINO SYBOP for Children teething : EOtteus the inims. it-mice * inflammation , allays paiu. cures wind colic. ' > cents a bottle. Eight feet is the usual width of a street in China. s Is your breath bad ? Then your best friends turn their heads aside. A bad breath means a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure constipation , biliousness , dyspepsia , sick headache. 2Sc. All druggists. Want your monstac.ho or bean ! a beautiful j brown or rich l > ! ack ? Then use ' BUCKINGHAM'S BYE f * tL A S. C. X. U. - - 40-99 25c Sample Bottle lOc , for the next 3O days. How Long Have You How Long Have Yon Read Abont " 5 Drops" wi'iont ' Taking Tfiem ? Do you not think you have wasted precious time and suffered enough ? If so , then try the " 5 Drops" ami be prnmptly and per manently cured of your afllictions. " 3 Drops" i > a speedy and Sure Cure for Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciaticn , Litnnba- o , flame back ] . Kidney Diseases. Asthma , Hay-fever , Dyspepsia , Catarrh of all kinds , Bronunitia , Lia Grippe , Headache. Xt-rvou * or Neuralgic , Heart "Weakness , Dropsy , Earache , Spasmodic and Catarrbal Croup , Toothache , Nrr- [ TRADE MARK.I vousness , Sleeplessness , Creeping Numbness , Malaria. and kindred diseases. " 5 Drops" has cured more people dunncc the past four years , ol the above named diseases , than all other remedies known , and in case of Rheumatism is curing more than ail the doctors , patent medicines , electric belts and batteries com bined , for they cannot care Chronic Rheumatism. Thereiore waste no more valuable time and mon -y longer , buttrv " 5 Drops * ' antl be promotly CURED. "SDrops" is not only Ui3 best medkine. but it is the cheapest , for a $1.00 bottle contains 80J doses. Price per bottle $1.00 , prepaid by mail or express , or 6 bottles for $5.00. For the next 80 dayt we will send a 25c sample FREE to any one sending 10 cents to pay for ihe mailing. Agents wanted. Write to-day. SWAHSOft RHEUMATIC CURE CO. , 160-164 E. Lake Street CHICAGO. ; 150-152-154 * 156 - 158160 162-164-166 JLW-KAKSON-5K CURTAILS , Constantly haunting > the markets of Europe -IM - # / / , and America with ready cash to buy with brings us bargains only possibSe with houses of the largest capacityTo our pat rons this often means two dollars' value for one dollar in money. Here , for Instance , Is an offering ex traordinary Jn lace curtains , fit to window of household. adorn the any jj-w-3rf//i [ ? They are American net in a beautiful scroll design , an exact reproduction of real Irish point , which , -when hung at your window Is ecarcely distin guished from the original Imported LfflHps W - article. They are 4G inches wide and sy. yards long , and wo furnish them Jn'whitP or ecru , and If this bargain does not como up to your expectation we will cheerfully refund the money. Our price per pair Isonly \ i&fcy # n 1 i n which is listed at low est wholesale prices everything to eat , wear and use , < iI I i is furnished on receipt of only lOc. to partly pay postage - ( i ( ! age or oxjpressage , and as evidence of good faith < I the SOc. is allowed on first purchase amounting to SI.QO or above. Our monthly grocery price list free- Caused by over-work ! Over-eating ! Over-drinking ! No part of the human body receives more ill treatment than the bowels. Load after load is imposed until the intestines become clogged , refuse to act , worn out. Then you must assist nature. Do it , and see how easily you will be cured by CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Not a mass of violent mercurial and mineral poison , but a. pure vegetable compound that acts directly upon the diseased and worn out intestinal canal , making it strong , and gently stimulating the liver and kidneys ; , a candy tablet , pleasant to eat , easy and delightful in action. Don't accept a substitute for CASCARETS to I'n bring a surgeon. < , eweler's Weekly. havv 'nd "I bavo pone 14 day * at a tlmowithout m on movement of the bowels. Chronic constipa . 6 tion for seven years placer ! roe in this terrible as > in- condition ; i did everything I heard of but never char f relief until I . ound any beganuMns CASCARETS. led 1 now have from one to three passages a day , and car If I was rich I would give 100.00 for each movement x > n- ment ; U la such a relief. ' ' AYLMER L. HUNT , Tht nny 1689 Russell St. . DetroitMich. Information. "hat do tV - THIS IS CASCARETS are absolutely harmless , a purely vegetable compound. Ho mercurial or other mineral pill-poison in Cascarets. Cascarets promptly , effectively'and permanently cure every disorder of the Stomach , Liver and Intestines. They not only cure constipation , but correct any and every form of irregularity of the bowels , including diarrhea and dysentery. Pleasant , palatable , potent. Taste good , do good. Kever sicken , weaken or gripe. Be sure yon get the genuine ! Beware of imitations and substitute" ! Buy a bor of CASCARETS to-day , and if not pleased in every respect , get your money back ! Write us for booklet and free sample ! Address STERLING REMEDY COMPANY , CHICAGO or NEW YORK. 372 I ft if " " " * - * * * * waiit * r J - . . .