Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, September 28, 1899, Image 5

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Live - Stock - Commission - Merchants
outhOmaha and Chicago
* < & *
WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRYLEFLER. _ Hog Salesman
We furnish Market Keports free of expense. Write to us.
C. M. CORS ILu President. SI. V. JI HOL. $ < ttiCaMhier
Valentine , Nebraska.
A CJeiferal Banking BnsineHsTransacted
Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correspondents ;
Chemical National Bank. New York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb
. & * A A A
- 9-0-0-0-0-0-0
$ $ IB continually adding impri p.in nrs and it is now the & *
best equipped , and most comfortable.
* fi Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room I wo S mple Room *
. _
Valentine , Nebraska
Every facility extpnded customers consistent with conservative.
Exchange bought arid sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reason- * '
r tes. County depository
E SPA RICS. Prpsidflnt fH ! A RLES SPA RKS rashi r
Everything fresh and clean , and prices
that are right. Special attention given
to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies ,
Kennedv , Nebraska ,
OCTOBER 10,11 and 12
1 Purse § 50. Half mile and
repeat , for Cherry county and Rosebud
horses. Horses must be owned in
places named , for three months. $30
to first , $ lo to second , $5 to third.
No. 2 Purse $40. Fourth mile dash
$25. $10 and $5.
JSfo. 3 Purse $ GO. One mile dash. I
§ 40 , $14 and SG.
No. 4 Purse § 70. Half mile and re
peat. $40 , $23 and $7
No o Purse $40 600-yard dash.
$25 , $10 and $5.
No. 6 Purse $25 Half mile dash
for ponies under 14 hands 1 inch. $15 ,
§ 7 , and $3.
No 7 Purse § 100. One and one-
fourth miles. $20 to the winner at
each quarter post.
No. 8 Purse $25. GOO-3'ard dash for
ponies under 14 hands 1 inch. $15 , $7
and $3.
No. 9 Purse § 30. Consolation race
half mile dash. § 15 , $10 and § 5.
rfotiO ,
See large bills or write any of the following for further information
Geo. Elliott , Treas. , W E. Haley , Secv. ,
C. H. Thompson , II. Stetter , C. Walcott.
Strayed Two cows , about 6 years
old , one dark red. one roan wieh horns
tipped. Branded TC on right hip. J.
A. Adamson.
If You Want to Buy or Sell
Live Stock , make your
t wants known to the
Cherry Co , Live Stock Exch ,
Valentine * Nebr ,
- fc *
Taken up , at my place ten miles
southwest of old heif-
Cody , one 2-year -
er. speckled red and white ,
white face , branded left side ,
right ear clipped , with white
Jj i A/
face calf by her side r" | W
' Arthur Heath
I Have established a Feed and Saw Mill
o miles south of Cody , at the mouth of
Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared
to prrind Feed. Corn Meal and Graham ,
c turn out all kinds of Lumber and di
mension stuff , and Native Shingles
Give us a trial order.
\ > , F , HOOK
EOBEfiT GOOD , Editor and Publisher
For Supreme ludge
Silas A. Holcomb
For Regents State University
Edson Rich ,
J. L. Teeters
For Congress. Sixth District
William Neville
For Judges , Fifteenth District
W. H. Westover
J. J. Harrington
For County Clerk
Peter J. Donoher
For County Treasurer.
0. W. Hahn
For County Sheriff
John H. Skirving
For County Superintendent
Mrs. Lizzie Crawford
For County Judge
W. ft. Towne
For County Survej'or
J. S. Estabrook
For County Coroner
Dr. A. N. Compton
For County Commissioner , Secoud District
Alex J3nrr
Perhaps it would be a good plan for
some of our people to insure against
fake insurance agents.
Fire at Hay Springs last week de
stroyed a large livery stable , harness ,
buggies , saddles , etc. , and ten head of
A. Schatzthauer of Woodlake has
one old style and one Omaha hay
press , both in good condition , for sale
on a year's time.
Jack Cron n is driving 650 head of
calves and 360 cows , all native stock
and about half of them whitefaces ,
from the "C Bar" ranch to his place.
We understand that Lord & Ben
nett have purchased a large bunch of
cows from Richards & Comstock , and -
C. H. Cornell has also invested in 400
Everybody should vote for the best
man , regardless of politics , but good
partisans never have any trouble in
finding that the best men are on their
It seems to us that there is more
mone3r in patent medicine locals at
50 cents per inch than there is in tax
lists at 2 cents a line. And more
justice and honor.
A special train of 14 cars of cattle
belonging to Messrs. Stetter , O'Brien
and Spratt , left here Monday night
for Omaha. Messrs. Neiss , Ludwig
and Gillette went along to keep the
otner boys straight.
A week or two ago a man by the
name of Olney struck this town , rep
resenting himself as special agent for
an insurance company. He neither
advertised his company ) nor showed
to anyone his credentials , but some of
our good people were fooled into giv
ing up some of their hard money for
a worthless snide. Whitman Sun.
Frank Reese was arrested yester
day and brought before the county
judge , charged with having commit
ted statutory rape upon the person of
14-year old Anna Peterson , who lives
on the river south of town. The pris
oner asked to have the case contin
ued thirty days , and in default of
$3,000 bonds is now in the custody of
the sheriff.
At the republican caucus Monday
evening J. M. Clarkson was nominat
ed for assessor , Frank Sageser and
Abijah Morey lor justices of the
peace , Will Taylor and Frank Gokey
for constables , George Camm and tiIf
John Berman for road overseers. Ifc
Messrs. Clarke , Yeast , Sherman , Tay
lor , Towle , Walcott , Lewis , Tucker , t
Hooton and Lawson were elected del of
egates to the county convention.
The village board made a test of
the Niagara water meter the other yiol yiq
day and give us the following figures : olp
1 foot equals 7 * gallons ; without noz p
zle an inch hose ran 1 foot of water in
1 minute and 58 seconds ; with cactus si
sprinkler 1 minute 40 seconds ; with j vi
nozzle 2 minutes 30 seconds. These
meters can be established if bought
of the board for $8.80. The price of ! .
water is 15 cents per thousand.gallons di
so with these figures consumers may '
ascertain about how much their city , c (
water will cost them.
If ever Bro. Bates of the Longpine ra
Journal applies for admission to the ,
E. V. E. A. we're going to blackball ti
him , for the following reasons : He ni
wears a collar two inches higher than '
Julian's or Efner's , he has a carpet ( ? ) .
on his sanctum " floor , and works on w
Sundays" , which charges will convict aj
him of being unprofessional and prove s
that his admission to the association pl
will have a tendency to corrupt the h (
morals of the brethren ' ' ed
P. S. He also refuses to keep a 01
spitbox in the office , and wears gold n (
bowed eyeglasses , when everybody ,
knows ao dkw eboold have bae ? . ' * < -
Watchthispaper for political news
from this time on
n . Cumbow and family , after-Ja
residence of four years in Rushville ,
will carry with them the kindest feel
ings and-best wishes of all Rushville
people , both in and out of the church.
Rushville Standard.
is perfectly harmless , and will remove
' every worm. It is also a tonic , and by
its strengt .ening properties will re
store to pale cheeks the rosy hue of
health. Price 25 cents. J. H Quiglev.
To the many citizens of Valentine
who thongh strangers iby their many
kind acts tried to make my sorrow dur
ing the illness and death of my hvsb .nd
easier to bear , I wish to express my
sincere and heartfelt thanks.
Mrs. Thomas Gillaspie.
ifou may bridle the appetite , but you
can not bribe the liver to do its work
well. You must be honest with it ,
-help it along a little uo\v and then with
a dose of HERBINE , the best liver
regulator. Price 50 cents. JH. .
Our votei s will have the opportuni
ty of voting this fall for a free silver
Republican on the county ticket that
being Mrs. Crawford's politics. It is
this that gives rise to the report
that the fusionists went outside their
party for a catdidate.
We desire to express our gratitude
and appreciation of kind services ren-
de ed us , and for the many expressions
of sympathy during the sickness and
death of our beloved wife and sister.
Samuel Iludson ,
Lizzie Hayes.
OINTMENT relieves the intense itch
ing. It sooths , heals and cures chronic
cases where surgeons fail. It is no
experiment ; its sales increase through
its cures. Every bpttle guaranteed.
Price , 50 cents , in bottles ; tubes , 75
ents. J. I
Mrs. Margaret Ormesher and daugh
ter visited with Mrs. Aclamson , Moii-
Frank Reese and the Heath boys re
turned from the flats a few days ago.
S. Grooms went down to the Seven
Creeks , last week.
John Ormesher is sojourning on the
Schlegel for a few days.
A meeting of the Central Division of
the Cherry county teachers association ,
will be held at Cody , on October 7th ,
af 1:30 : p.m. The following program
will be rendered :
Grading as prescribed by the state
course of study Etta Brown. '
How to teach primary geogn phy
J essie JBowring.
Method of recitation Jennie Crowe.
How to teach and hold the attention
of inattentive pupils Mrs. Church.
A discussion on discipline , from
Page's . Theory and Practice Cena a
Gowning. L
Studies in Drawing Mrs. Kittie n
Crowe. S'
S'n S'i
rt Valentine is one of the most subs n
tantial towns of the northwest and
we doubt it if any town west of
Norfolk can show finer store rooms or
larger and better stocks of goods. A
In the fine large store room over the
Republican office and owned by Mr.
Barker , we met our younge friend W.
F. Morgareidge , who has recently
purchased a stock of merchandise
an launched out a business'in Valen-
tine. He seems to be having a splen
did trade there and we predict will
do well there. We enjoyed our visit 0
in Ainsworth and Valentine , both , of
which are good towns and are blest
with live , progessive newspapers.
Gordan Journal.
Xotice to Non-Resident.
Scott T. Jones , uoa-resldeut dsfenda it , will (
take notice that on the 28th day of September.
1809. W. F. Sawjer filed petition in the district
court < of Cherry county , Nebraska , the object
aStl prayer of which are to foreclose u certain
tax lien acquired by virtue of a certificate of tax
sale issued bv 11. X. Watbon , county treasurer
said county , for the payment of delinquent
taxes upon the followine described real estate :
The nwJ4 Sec 29 , Tp 31. K 30. sal J county , for the
years ISftJ and 1880,1800 , and 101. and for subse
quent taxes for the jvars 1892 and 1893. No part
said taxes has been paid and there is now due H
plaintiff : from desendaut the sum of $60.00 to
gether with $ G.oo attorney fees , for which plait -
tiff prays judgment. You are required to answer -
swer said petition on or before Monday , No
vember Gth , 1899. 3G W. G. SAVYYEE , Tiff.
Order of Hearing.
State of Nebraska , Cherry county , ss
In the matter of the estate of Thomas P Johns
decease d.
on reading and Oling the petition of F M Wai-
cott , praj in- ; that the instrument filed on the &
day pf September , 1899 , and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said deceased ,
may be proved , approved , probated , allowed
and recorded as the last will ana testament of
the said Thomas P Johns , deceased , and that
the execution of said instrument may be com
mitted aud the administration of said estate
m.iy he-granted to Xellie L Johns as executrix.
ORDERED. That October 14th. A.D. 1899 at 10
o'clock a m is assigned for hearing said petition
whenall persons interested in said matter may
appear at a county court to be held in an-1 for
said county and show ( a-tse why the prayer of
petitioner should not be granted ; and t , at o-
lice of the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all persons interest"
m salii matter by publishing a copy of this
ordnr in the Western News-Democrat , a weekly
newspaper printed jn said county for-three successive -
" cessive weeks prior to said date of hearing
i * BO Gouuty rudse.
'Th § Layaca division of tfie Teachers'
association will meet at Lavaca Oct.-14
and the following program will be ren
dered :
"How 'Arithme
to Teach Primary
tic1' Jennie VanBnskirk.
"How t6 Teach United States His
tory" Fanny Roberts.
Each teacher is requested to hi ing a
paper written on the subject "Spring , "
without using the word. An invitation
is extended to all who are interested in
educational affairs.
EVA L. PEYTON , President.
An ordinance to amend and repeal
sections 7 , 8 , and 10 of Ordinance No.
43 , being an ordinance entitl d "An
ordinauce to esiahlish rales of water
rent and to prescribe rules governing
consumers of water obtained from the
water works of the village of Valentine
and to provide penalties for the viola
tion of the same. "
Be it ordained by the Chairman and
Hoard of Trustees of the village of Val
entine , Nebraska :
Section 1. Section ten of said ordi
nance shall be amended to read ; s fol
lows : Section 10. Hereafter the Vil
lage of Valentine shall require the set
ting of meters of improved kind , by the
water commissioner , or by his approval ,
upon the service of all consumers of
water , except those using water for
domestic use , office and store use only ,
and for domestic use the rate shal be
two dollars per quarter and for oflicu
and store purpose the rate shall bo one
and a half dollar per quarter , which
shall be the minimum rate for any pur
pose. And the board reserves the
right to require the setting of meters on
these connections whenever a dispute
arises betwen the consumer and the
board as to the amount of water used ,
and when so set the meter rate estab-
ished by this ordinance shall apply.
.No person other than the water com
missioner or duly licensed plumber
shall be allowed to set meters. Con
sumers of water shall be charged for
meter the actnal cost price , payable
when set , and the water commissioner
shall pay the money received therefor
to t the treasurer of the village who shall
keep 1i 1 the same in proper account. The
1t water commissioner is hereby empow
ered to carry the provisions of this or
dinance into effect at once , after it shall
become \ a law , and to complete the
work \ within six months , and shall
have the right to go upon the premises
1I the consumers of waier for that pur
pose , and if any consumer shall reluse
to allow him to do so , the water shall
be t turned off. All water rent shall be
due , and payable upon the first days of
January , April , July and October in
each year and shall be payable quarter
ly 1i. 1 . in advance , and if any payment shall (
be in arrears ten days five per cent of
the J ; bill will be added as a penalty , and
if the rent and penalty are not the paid c
the water shall be turned oil' . The me
ter rate of chargeibr water shall be fifteen cG
thousand . Provided
teen cents per gallons. G
vided that no meter connection shall be
uade for less than two dollars per quar
ter. < -
Section 2. Section seven of said or P
dinance is hereby repealed. T
Section 3. Section eight of said or-
dinanoe is hereby amended to read as
follows : Section 8. The use of lawn
sprinklers or any device for sprinkling
automatically is prohibited between the
hours of eight p. in. and five o'clock a t
m. Any person who shall violate this
section ' shall bpon conviction thereof ra
ay a fine of not less than one dollar
nor more than five dollars.
Passed September 6 , 1899.
Approved September 6 , 1899.
P. F. Simons , chairman.
Attest , A. M. Morrissey , clerk.
'North-Western Line7 is r.lie htst lei
to and from the lei
keen :
c. M. SAGESER ! pr
! Bui
Hair cutting and shaving.
IS8M 9tl-8Cl _
"CD T1V03W 3HX = : Cr
mojj ( ( em Aq JD 'u. oi pire JJ- COI
Xjta Xj3.3irnsti ui peg | tiisqi JGJ sy il
auou tpea tja Si puc 01
Snijji j-i
pus iBOiraonoDa 'aj p
- I\l
'smisj jopuaQ 'pajUHAX siusSe Xfrr-j
Adoa jsajB | joj 35 puss JD 'Acp-01 aquas li'l
-pi'uoiHg : sjuii ; pjoqasnoq t : _
. m
awizvDvw .samvi v
; -qOS l9A9 Ol ( U01)3313S * O.WO JBO-f ) '
Uncle Sam , ex * gamimis bearing
pandlng , carries this trademvk ,
to new countries It It on yew
the news thai
best dressed Yew clette
Americans are Jw Jj
those who wear wJrw
America's Popular Tailors , Chicago.
That's what expansion usually is.
This may not be true of the United
States but Uncle Sam , in this pic
ture at least , looks as well pleased
as all men do who wear
There's reason for their pleasure.
Made strictly from individual
measurements , of the finest mater
ials possible at any given price , by
expert workmen , in the world's
most scientific shops , every E. JE.
S. & Co. garment is perfection
Pealers in other lines don't like
them but YOU will. Those prices
quoted , your measure taken and
the magnificent line of samples
shown by
Valentine. Neb.
SALOON ; - /
Golden Sheaf Ture White Bye , -
Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek
Louisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky.
Pure Grape & Cognac Braudy's
UokaAngellicaPortSherry and "Black
berry in wood , claret , Riesling ,
Saut rnes. Cooks Imperial ;
Gasts and Clicquot in bet
tles. Damiana and oth
er Cordials.
iso ! Agent for Fred Krngr Celebrated Fx-
a , Pain Beer for f-tiiiy US3 , and Paists
kpb.-t Be r
FOIl SALE 150 tons of ffood hay.
K. Grooms.
Two horses ; one brown horse branded O on
eft sliotilder. one black horse branded IX on
eft shoulder. S8 left hip. I will give the first
lescribed horse to the tnan who liuds and re-
iirns the black described above.
Kyle , S. D.
Taken up by the undersigned. 7 miles east of
ilerrirnan. < one sorrel horse with front lex bro-
en. branded T on right shoulder.
Also one buckskin mare branded
left shoulder-
1'arties can have same by proving
Toperty < and paying costs.
31 G. w. Monnier , Merriraan , JTeb.
Postofllce address
Brownlec , Neb
Branded on either
side same as on cut
also both Jaws
Hervey llanch
Two miles east of
3ronkston , In Cherry
ounty , Nebraska.
Cattit- I branded OC
left hip. on right
up.anilon riirht side
vith 3-Inch letter
Vm Cava migh .Mgr
Crookston Xeb
Prideaux Snnford
Kennedy. Neb
stock bonded on
eft side
Hors * branded
left shoulder
' ! > " ' * < . Bros
" ewton. Neb.
i ? r fv same on
f ft shoulder
Kanire between
the Gordon and the