Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, September 28, 1899, Image 3

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    Congressman Botkin , of WlnCeld , Kansas.
In a recent letter to Dr. Hartman , Con
gressman Botkin says :
"My Dear Doctor It gives me pleasure ti
certify to the excellent curative qualities o
your medicines Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin.
have been afflicted more or less for a quarter
of a century with catarrh of the stomach
and constipation. A residence lu Washing
ton has Increased these troubles. A few
bottles of your medicine have given me
almost complete relief , and I am sure that
a _ continuation of them will effect a per
manent cure. Pe-ru-na is surely a wonder
ful remedy for catarrhal affections.
The most common form of summer catarrh
Is catarrh of the stomach. This is generally
.known ns dyspepsia. Congressman Botkin
< was a victim of this disease twenty-live
years. Pe-ru-na'cures these cases like magic.
Address Dr. Ilartman , Columbus. O. , for a
free book.
The microbes that cause chills and
fever and malaria enter the system
through mucous membranes made
porous by catarrh. Pe-ru-na heals the
mucons membranes and prevents the
entrance of malarial germs , thus pre
venting and cnrinc these affections.
Financial Troubles Imminent.
* 'Tbat chewing gum trust is going to
make trouble. ' '
"Of course It is ; now , when a girl
looks "wistful , we can't do a thing but
treat her to ice cream. "
Is a business lie ever justifiable ? I
would like to hear from some of the
experts. I know a lot of them.
a rR'jr Si.Ti fS'Ji 5OFiRSTTtt. .
Don't bs fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat. If youwantacoat
that will keep you * ry in the hard
est storm buy ths Fish Brand
Slicker. If not tor s le in your
town , write for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass.
Ely's Cream Balm
Druggists , co
Apply Balm into each nostril.
ELY. BROS..6GWarronS , .N.r
I > r it. If jour dealtr husu't
it he can get it easily.
1 Periodical Slontliiy lte ulator m-ver
! falls : convince yourself ; write for fritbox. .
NE CIltMlCAL CO. . Cox 70. Milwaukee. Wis.
Cough Sjrup. Tastes Good
in time. Sold by druaelsts.
Disaster Occurs on a Bridge Over
Dos Moines River "Which Pulls-
Fire Adds 03 the Horror Six Per
sons Killed and Three Injured.
Disaster on a Bridge.
A terrific rear end collision of a doubleheader -
header freight train and another freight
train being pushed by a monster standard
engine took place Sept. 21 on the Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis and Omaha's bridge
across the DCS Moincs liiver in the out
skirts of Windoin , Minn. The three en
gines crashed through the bridge carrying
down the caboose of the head train and
pulling twenty cars of merchandise into
the river. The mass caught lire and the
flames added horror to the wreck. The
dead are :
CARL IIASMUSSEX , engineer , Sioux
T. L. ROBERTS , fireman , Sioux City.
JO11X ROBERTS , grocer , St. Jtimes.
F1REMAX STRATTON , second train ,
St. Paul.
BRAKEMAN , head train , St. James.
Injured :
Charles P. Yeomans , 'engineer , Sioux
City , scalp wound , not serious.
George Merrill , fireman , Sioux City , leg
cut , body bruised.
Frank Few , engineer , St. Paul , leg bro
ken , internal injuries.
The body of Fireman Roberts , horribly
mangled , was pulled from his burning lo
comotive. Stratton was fatally crushed ,
and when extricated from the debris
moaned piteously. He lingered uncon
scious until 6 o'clock in the morning , when
he died.
The bodies of the dead , which were re
covered from the wreck , were taken to an
undertaker's place \Vindom. .
Scene of the Disaster.
The Das Moines River at the point of the
wreck is in a valley , the slopes of which
rise on either side for a distance of fem
or five miles. The bridge is at the bottom
of either grade , and on the south there is a
sharp curve at the end of the bridge which
obscures the vision of an approaching en
gine at a distance as short as one train
length. Both trains in this wreck were
specials. The head train , of Which Yeo
mans was the engineer , had forty loads
and had been lying on a sidetrack on the
north side of the bridge for more than an
hour. The conductor received his clear
ance and started to pull out for the north.
The train was so heavy that his engine ,
another of the famous "hog" pattern , could
not budge the train , and a second engine
was ordered out to push. This engine wai
placed at the rear of the caboose. If thfl
train had taken a standing start for the
bill ahead of it , there would have been no
accident. Instead , however , it backed
across the bridge and part way up the
hill on the south side to enable the two
engines , the one in front and the one in
the rear , to obtain a running start foi
the hill on the north side. The fatal mis
take was made in this train backing into
the next block of the signal system with
out giving notification and receiving per
mission. The double-header , approaching
from the south at a speed of fifty miles an
hour on a down grad- * , had been given a
clearance for this block into , which the
train on the bridge had backed. The twc
engineers in the cubs of the two locomo
tives were spurting for the hill ahead , th
same as were the engineers of the lirsl
train. The head train had moved onto the
bridge when the double-header following
rounded the curve a train length behind.
Both engineers saw their danger and gave
their trains the air and reversed the en
gines. This , it is said , reduced the speed
of the train to thirty miles an hour , but the
reduction was not sufficient to save the
bridge. A weight of 3,000 tons about
equally divided between the two trains
crashed together with inghtful force ; the
three engines leaped into the air for an in
stant and when they fell the bridge shook
violently and collapse ; ! . Within a minute
the pile of cars which tumbled on top of
the engines was bufningT t
Engineers Jumped.
The engineer and fireman of the pushing
engine in the'head train were Yeom ins
and Stratton. TheunfortunaleRasniussen
and Roberts were on the first engine of the
double header , and Frank Few of St.
Paul , was at the irottlo of the rear engine.
When the collision came , all of the men in
the cabs jumped. The distance from the
floor of the bridire to the surface of the
river is twenty-live feet. Few struck in
shallow \\atcr ami fractured hLs leg. Ilia
body grazed the bridge or bis engine as ha
went down and he was badly bruised , and
the fall injured him seriously. It was pre
sumed that Rasmussen did not clear the
bridge and was buried beneath his engine.
Roberts was pinned down by his lender.
Roberts , the grocer , of St. James , and a
brakeman of the head train , were in the
caboose just ahead of the engine , which
was pushing , and had no opportunity to
escape. They were cauqht like rats in a
trap and if they were not crushed by the
fall , they were drowned or burned.
Against IIis Principles.
"That great temperance advocate
won't allow a cast of. his head and
shoulders to be made. "
"What are his objections ? "
"He says he doesn't think it vrould
look at all well for him to be repre
sented on a bust. " Philadelphia Bul
What Paprr Costs.
Ladies ivho go shopping have little
Idea of the cost of their trip , even in
such a minor detail as the cost of paper
for the packages they have sent home.
A Baltimorean has recently compared
the weigh.t of paper with the food sup
plied to the purchaser. In one day's
purchases it is said that the paper
wrapping amounted to about 10 per
cent , of the total. In a list of supplies
costing about $1.40 he found thnt the
paper which was weighed with the pro
visions cost 14 % cents.
Atrrccs to ReHnqutbh JI s Appeal for
Kevcrsal of Judgment of the Court-
Martial May Go to Jiusland to Re
cuperate His Broken Health.
It Avas officially announced in
Tuesday that Dreyfus' pardon had been
agreed upon in principle , but that it
\vould not be sifTiod for several days
owing to formalities. Dreyfus agreed to
relinquish his appeal for a reversal of
the judgment of the court martial which
recently convicted him of treason and
sentenced him to ten years' imprisonment
This action on the part of the prisoner is
regarded as practically giving up his light
for rehabilitation and complete establish
ment of his innocence.
This unusual course is a part of the
general policy of amnesty adopted by the
present Government , and is the logica
outcome of the incongruous verdict. The
health of Dreyfus is as precarious as
ever. lie can live only a few years.
It is understood that Dreyfus will go
to England with his family , there to
spend the remainder of his life , or at
least to rest and recuperate his broken
health. It is said that Mine. Dreyfus
and Maltro Labor ! recently paid a visil
to Folkestone , near Dover , and engaged
apartments in expectancy of the event of
a pardon.
A peculiar coincident was the announce
ment of tlie death of M. Scheurer-Kest-
ner , the former vice-president of the sen
ate and foremost champion of Dreyf i- , at
almost the same time as that of the par
don. He had been ill for several days
with typhoid fever , partly brought on by
worry over the Dreyfus case.
Cost of the Blockade of His Auti-
' Semitic Fort.
A "dispatch from Paris says that the
question of the cost of the blockade efFort
Fort Chabrol is one that will probably
end by interesting the French taxpayer.
There are at present something like ' 300
men on duty round the anti-Semitic fort
ress. Of these 150 are republican guards ,
150 are tioops ; of the line , four are lire-
Headquarters of the Anti-Semitic
League of Paris and stronghold of the
Jewbaiter Guerin , who delied the police.
men and the rest are police and detec
tives. Of the latter 1-0 are on duty in
the twenty-four hours.
It is estimated that the jrraud total cost
is 0,500 francs , or a little over $500 a
day. As the siege has lasted thirty-eight
days , M. Jules Guerin and liis twelve
men Lave already cast the taxpayers
about $19,000. To this is to be added the
amount of the indemnity which it is now
almost certain will be paid by the Gov
ernment to people whose business has
suffered owing to the siege.
The Chicago Fall Festival May Be
A Chicago correspondent declares that
it is thought by those on the inside of the
fall festival management that the entire
affair will have to be abandoned. Wheth
er the labor trouble will prevent the Fed
eral corner stone exercises on Chicago
day is problematical. The corner stone
committee proposes to be able to arrange
matters so the Chicago day exercises will
be carried out on the grand scale design
ed , and it ; is thought this can be done.
But whether the corner stone exercises
come off or not it is generally admitted
that the fall festival is dead.
The labor intercuts made the demand
that Mr. Truax Avithdraw as the head of
the celebration. His withdrawal and the
cutting of a new stone by union labor are
tlie conditions which the unions made to
the discontinuance of their opposition to
the festival. They declared that if ] Mr. .
Truax would resign and a new cornel-
stone was cut and placed by union labor ,
they would hold in abeyance heir fight
on Contractor Peirce as to future stone
work on the Government building until
after the corner stone and festival cele
brations are concluded.
President Maj' Not Send Him to the
South Atlantic Station.
Several friends of Rear Admiral
Schley called on the President Monday
and protested against the assignment of
Schley to the South Atlantic squadron.
This position is only secondary in impor
tance , and in navy circles the assignment
is regarded as a shelving of Admiral
To the President they bitterly denounc
ed the persistent persecution of Schley
by the Navy Department , and urged the
executive to right matters by having
Schley given a more important assign
ment. After the conference Gen. Angus
said that he believed the President would
order a change that would give Schley
his deserts.
Inspector General of Volunteers a
Victim of Fever at Manila.
Lieut. Col. John D. Miley , inspector
general of volunteers , died Tuesday at
Manila. The information reached the
War Department in a cablegram from
Gen. Otis. IIis death was due to cerebral
meningitis attendant on typhoid fever.
Col. Miley's rank in the regular army was
first lieutenant , Second artillery.
Typhoid fever of a most virulent type
is epidemic at Madrid.
Grand Truuk Adds New Dininc : Cars
to JtH Kquipuient.
The Grand Trunk Railway has added
two additional dining cars to its equip
ment. They are models of artistic beau
ty and materially add to the pleasure of
traveling over this popular system. With
first-class the 6n-
improved - coaches and -
est sleeping cars that are run on acy
through trains in America , It was essen
tial to have the finest that could be got
in the way of dining cars. The manage
ment , therefore , placed these two new
dining salons on the middle and western
divisions , running between Suspension
Bridge and Chicago. The cars are much
appreciated and admired by the traveling
public. The cars are 74 feet x > ver all and
are equipped with standard wide vesti
bules , steel platforms and six wheel
trucks , with 33-inch steel tyred wheels.
Air signals are attached , an anti-teloscop-
ing device aflixed , and all modern appli
ances added.
The general exterior appearance of the
cars is similar to the new standard day
coaches which are run on the Grand
Trunk system. The windows are glazed
with heavy plate glass , -are all double ,
being dust proof when shut. The dining
room is large , being 31 feet 8 inches
long , and will seat thirty persons com
fortably. The general style of the inte
rior design is colonial , in quartered oak.
The chairs are of oak , upholstered in
leather. The windows are decorated with
costly draperies , and the openings into
the dining room are provided with orna
mental portieres. The floors are carpeted
with handsomely designed Wilton
throughout the whole length of the car ,
and the restibuled floors are covered with
rubber tiling.
The kitchen and pantry are equipped
with refrigerators , range , steam table ,
lockers and all modem conveniences , the
tables being covered with polished brass.
A very handsome and beautifully design
ed sideboard is placed at one end of the
dining room , just in front of pantry and
opposite to the sideboard a wine locker
is provided. China and linen closets ,
wardrobes and white metal washstands
are in evidence in accordance with mod
ern practice. The cars are heated with
hot water coils in connection with steam
from the engine and lighted by what is
known as the Adams and Westlake Acme
lamps , and the trimmings throughout are
of solid bronze , most beautifully design
ed. The new car which is now running
between Suspension Bridge and Port Hu
ron , is elaborately decorated in a general
green and gold effect , while the one op
erated between -Port Huron and Chicago
is artistically decorated in gold , maroon
being the predominating color , giving the
car a most comfortable appearance. Al
together they are superb creations of
skilled workmanship and greatly admir
ed by all who we them.
" . "
Very "Homely.
The apex of "plainness" seems to
have been attained by an old gentleman
"down-east. "
"Why , " said one of his good friends ,
"he was so homely that when he made
up a face he was handsomer than he
was other times ! "
Fifty Cents for Nothing : .
What will the inventive brain of man
do next ? This is a question sonic one
asks almost daily. There is one ,
though , -who leads all others , who for a
quarter of a century has been making
starch and is offering
line laundry , to-day
ing the public the finest starch ever
placed on the market. Ask your gro
cer for a coupon book which will en
able you to get the first two packages of
tljis new starch , "RED CROSS" ( trade
mark brand ) , also two children's Shak-
speare pictures , painted in twelve beau
tiful colors , natural as life , or the
Twentieth Ceurary Girl Calendar , all
absolutely free. All grocers are au
thorized to give ten large packages of
"RED CROSS STARCH" with twenty
of the Shakspeare pictures or ten of
the Twentieth Century Girl Calendars
to the first five purchasers of the END
is one of the greatest offers ever made
to introduce "RED CROSS" laundry
starch , J. C. Hubinger's latest inven
Roman 31en-of-\Var.
The men-of-war of the Romans had
a crew of about 223 men , of whom 174
were oarsmen working on three decks.
The speed of these vessels was about
six miles an hour in fair weather.
Pain Conquered ; Sleaith
stored by Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound.
[ LETTER TO iins. PINKHAM NO. 92,649 ]
"I feel it my dutr to write and thank
you for what your Vegetable Com
pound has done for me. It is the only
medicine I have found that has done
me any good. Before taking- your medi
cine , I was all run down , tired all the
time , no appetite , pains in my back and
bearing down pains and a great suf
ferer during menstruation. After taking
ing- two bottles of L3rdia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound " felt like a new
woman. I am now on my fourth bottle
and all my pains have left me. I feel
better than I have felt for three years
and would recommend your Compound
to every suffering woman. I hope this
letter will help others to find a cure
for their troubles. " MRS. BELLA
The serious ills of women develop
from neglect of early symptoms. Every
pain and ache has a cause , and the
warning they give should not b disre
Mrs. Pinkham understands these
troubles better than any local phy
sician and will give every woman free
advice who is puzzled about her
health. Mrs. Pinkham's address is
Lynn , Mass. Don't put off writing until
health is completely broken down.
Write at the first indication of trouble.
Pyrotechnic Birds.
Pyrotechnic birds are made in
Nagasaki , Japan. When a light is ap
plied to them they sail through the
air , ' fluttering their wings and per
forming other bird-like antics.
Lost Ilia Cnse.
Citizen So my dog tore your clothes ,
did he ? Where ?
Hungry Higgins I've forgot which
one of them tears is bis.
Not What He Wanted.
Nurse It's time for your nourish
ment now , Mr. Peppery.
Mr. Peppery ( who is convalescent )
Hang nourishment ! What I want la
something to eat. London Judy.
Ladies' Plaid Golf Capes.
The new fall and winter styles in ladies'
wear are now out , and as a rule , are more
bewitching than ever. A most fascinat
ing garment is the ladies' plaid golf cape
illustrated and described in another col
umn of this paper by the John M. Smyth
Co. of Chicago , and at the extraordinary
price of $5.G5. This golf cape is indeed
wonderful value , and yet it is but a sam
ple of the thousand and one useful arti
cles illustrated and described in the enor
mous catalogue of the John M. Smyth
For those who are accustomed to send
ing away from home for their goods it is
of the greatest importance to know the
character and reliability of the establish
ments selling goods to families from cat
alogues. The great emporium of the John
M. Smyth Co. has been established for a
third of a century , and has furnished over
half a million homes in Chicago and vi
cinity alone , and enjoys the confidence
of the public by its many years of fair
"I've learnt , " said Weary Watkins ,
sadly , "that the worse cook a woman
is the more likelier they is to be some
cold victuals left. " Indianapolis JournaL -
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the feet.
It cures paintul , swollen , smarting , nervous
feetand instantly takes the sting out of corns
and bunions. It's the greatest comfort dis
covery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes
tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain cure for sweating , callous and hot.
lired , achins feet Try it to-day. Sold by all
druggists and shoe stores. By mail for25c ,
in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address ,
Allen S. Olmsted , Le Key , N. T.
Washing Cut Glass.
To make cut glass clear and shining
you should use a soft brush when wash
ing it , and , after drying with a linen
towel , finish with tissue paper.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally. Price 75 cents.
Where two discourse , if the anger of
one arises , he is the wise man who lets
the contest fall. Plutarch.
Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Consump
tion cured me of a bad lung trouble. Mrs.
J. Nichols , Princeton. Ind. . Mar. 26. ' 95.
Some people enjoy being imposed up
on in order that they may complain
about it.
Mrs. Window's SOOTHING STROP for Children
teething : sottens the dims , reduces inflammation ,
allays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle.
Greedy folks are the people who want
the same things we do.
44 The Prudent Man Setteth
His House in Order. "
Your human tenement should be given
even more careful attention than the
house you live in. Set it in order by
thoroughly renovating your < whole system
through blood made pure by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then every organ
act promptly and regularly.
Does your head ache ? Pain back of
your eyes ? Bad taste in your mouth ?
It's your liver ! Ayei's Pills are
liver pills. They cure constipation ,
headache , dyspepsia , and all liver
complaints. 25c. All druggists.
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
orown or rich black ? Then use
iOCTg. OF ORUGCUTi , 01 R.P. _ H it. * CO. N. HU. , N.
4JA tape \vorm eighteen feet Ion ?
least came on the scene after my taking two
CASCARETS. This I am sure has caused mr
bad health for the post thrco years. I am Btiu
taking Csscorets , the only cathartic worthy oj
notice by sensible people. "
GEO. W. BOWIJS , Balrtl , Mara.
Pleasant. P.ilatefclo. Potent. Taste Good ,
GooU , Never Slckgn , Weaken , or Gripe. lOc. ISc.
Sterling Remedy Coopanj , Chicago , Xootrrd , 9rv Y rt. 3D ?
Tffll.Q4f1 d pnnranteed by alldrwg-
I U'DftU Kists to ClhzETotacco Habit.
0 gksa
$3&$3.50 SHOES .
Worth S4 to $8 compared with
other makes.
Indorsed by over
1OOOOOO wearers.
THE GEXL'INK bate Yl. L. Uoagltt'
name and price tUmped on bottom *
Take no substitute claimed
to be as good. Largest makert
of 83 and 43.50 aboea la th
world. Your dealer should keef
tbem If not. we will nend you
apalronrecelptof price. Stat
kind of leather , size and width , plain or cap too.
Catalogue I ) Free. .
W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO. . Brockton. Mass.
to deceive you. Send us this ail. with jour photo
nud 75c for packing , cost of material and trans
portation , and we will send you a life size crayon
of it worth S3 , on lC.\2-inch ( canvas , all charceS-
prepaid. Frames for Wc up if you want them.
References by the thousand for the askinfj-
COS & 509 metropolitan block. Sioux City. Iowa *
Our Northern Grown :
Stock. Best Wage * . Pay Weekly. '
MflRNFTIH c' rcs all diseases without inudU
UIHUHI.IIU cine Guarantees a paying busl-
IJ F A I IMP ue.ss. Makes you healthv and
n L H LI n 0 happy. To learu dow to do it. ad.
dress liEV. j. AV. KimmelLeavenworth , Kao
Get Your Pension
Write Cant. OTA23ELL. Pension Agest/Wahiactca. 0.0.
S. C. X. U. - - 39-09
? I56-58-I60 !
; 152-IS4-I66
0 >
© By the wide No. 2J2O. This popular
© Ladies' Golf Cape is in
awake methods
© high favor in the centers
employed in of fashion and will hold the
vantage ground throughout
our business the autumn and winter sea
sons. It is made of imported
make it
ted Vienna Wool , steamer
sible for the rag. reversible , being ptaia
dark navy blue oa one
ladies to procure side and fancy woven plaid
on the other , cut in one
the latest
piece without seacas ; the
conceits in underpart of collar , revers
and hood arc made of the
dress at wonderfully plaid side of goods and
trimmed with wool fringe
9m derfully in variegated colors to
m cost. match the color combina
tion of the plaid , vrhich is
in the Tartan style with red predominating. In considering the low
price and good style do not lose sight of the fact that the quality is
thoroughly dependable. Length 24 inches ; foil sweep ,
inches , bust neasure.
In which is listed at lowest wholesale prices everything to
eat , wear and use , is furnished on receipt of only iOc. to
partly pay postage or expressage , and as evidence of good
faith the ! 0c. is allowed on first purchase amounting to
SI.00 or above. Our month1- grocery price list free.
' 'The More You Say the
People Remember. "
Word With You ,