Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, September 07, 1899, Image 5
WOOD BEOTHEKS Live - Stock - Commission - Merchants South Omaha and Chicago * * * * * * WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , Hog Salesman We furnish lEarket .Reports free of expense. Write to us. THOS. M ° CULLOCH BUYER OF WOOL AND HIDES We furnish Sacks , Twine , Tags and Needles to Shippers at Wholesale Trices. Send us your name and cet our prices , 917 Q STREET LINCOLN NEB Headquarters for this section of the state is found at ray place. Deering mowers and rakes are admitted to be the best. I also handle Rushford wagons and Robinson buggies , in addition to a full line of harness and saddles OO 5 JOHN WHILLANS That's what we want you to do rget posted on our stock before buying elsewhere. If you do we'll be glad of it , because we can save you some money. We don't mean that we will sell you a very poor article at a very low price. We don't do business that way. We mean that the prices on the best goods are the lowest that you can get. Come and see. Agent for AX F VIERTEL Pasteur Blackleg Vaccine. FaiiJ W We have some good horses for sale Crookston , Nebraska C. H. CORXEIJU President. II. V. tfICHOLSON , Cashier B ANK E. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking : BnsinessTransacted Buys and Sells Domestic nud Foreign Exchange 9 Correspondents ; Chemical National Dank , New York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb Pd a ft * 1 The DONOHER & of X oiP1 P1 P1fc IB continually adding improvements and it is now the fcei ei 4 ? best equipped , and most comfortable eici w FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL ft * fcw IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA IE IEUi 4 ? Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Fooma Ui StU & o\ Valentine , Nebraska om Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking kioi Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonab ! < oi oiai rates. County depository. ai E. SPA RIv . President Oil A flLRS SPARKS Cashier " sa saSi Si Sibi bi far ccal al fc Evervthiiig fresh , and clean , and prices that are right. \ Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies. all P alni J. STEADMAN & CO- niec eck Kennedv , Nebraska * oi k to. Blill Prices for feed. Bran , bulk 55c per cwt $10.00 ton Shorts bulk 65o per cwt § 12 00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00" Chop Feed 55c " $16.00" Corn 70c " $1300" . Oats 85c " § 1600" Strayed Two cows , about 6 years old , one dark red , one roan Avieh horns tipped. Branded TC on right hip. J. A. Adamson. If You Want to Buy or Sell Live Stock , make your wants known to the Cherry Co * Live Stock Exch , Valentine , Nebr , APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. biw In the Comity Court of Cherry county , Neb. w In the mutter of the estate of Henry Wilz , ( f CC USG J : P < L. Schmitt hayinp filed in my oflice ? petition fret praying for the appointment of William E. Iliiley as administrator ol the estate of Henry ot Wilz , deceased , all persons interested in said estate'will take norise that I have fixed Satnr- at i dav , September o. 1899. at 10 o'clock a. m. as the atto , time and my office in Valentine , Cherry county , the Nebraska , a ? the ) > lace for hearing of said peti tohe tion , at which time and place all persons inter heU ested in said estate may appear and show U cause if any there be why "such administrator eltould not be appointed. of Witness my hand ami the seal of the county ofbi court of said county this 22ml daj of August , bi 1899. W. II. Towne , [ SEAL ] County Judge. ° FIRST CLASS MILL in I have established a Feed.and Saw Mill PII 9 miles south of Cody , at the mouth of Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared e > to grind Feed , Corn Meal and Graham , cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di its : mension stuff , and Native Shingles Give us a trial order. 1J 1Jei J. F. HOOK ei WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT EGBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher FUSION TICKET STATE For Supreme Judge Silas A. Holcomb For llegentsZState University Edson Rich J. L. Teeters CONGRESSIONAL For Congress. Sixth District William Seville JUDICIAL For Judges , Fifteenth District W. H. Westover J. J. Harrington County Conventions , The members of the Democratic Par ty of Cherry Count } ' , Nebraska are hereby called to meet in county conven tion in Valentine , Nebraska , at 10 o'clock A. M. SaturdaSept. . 23 , 1899 , for the purpose of nominating candi dates for the following offices , to-wit : County Treasurer. County Clerk. County Sheriff. County Judge. County Superintendent of Schools. Comity Surveyor. County Coroner. and transacting such other business as may come before the convention. Representation is based upon one delegate at large from each precinct and one delegate for each ten votes or fraction thereof cast for A. M. Morrissey - sey for County Attorney at the last general election. Each precinct is entitled to repretent- ation as follows : Buffalo Lake 5 Lavaca 5 Boling [ Springs.t Merriman 4 ulevelaml 4 lUinnechaduza 4 Dewey Lake 3 Mother Lake 3 Enlow -J Isenzel 3 Eli 3 Pleasant Hill 3 Gillaspie 3 Sparks 5 German 3 Steen a Seorgia 3 Schlagol 3 Invin 3 Sharps Ranch 3 Kcwanee 3 Tahle 4 Kennedy 4 Valentine y Loup 5 "Wood Lake 7 Immediately after the convention the delegates from the second district will meet and place in nomination aa candidate for commissioner. It is recommended that the precinct caucuses be held at the usual voting place in each precinct Saturday aiter- noon , Sept. lJth ( , when not otherwise' called by the precinct committeeman. Robert Good , W. R. Towne , Secretary Chairman.Jl The populist county convention will be held in Valentine on September 23 , for same purpose as enumerated above , and representation will be the same. J. S. Estabrook , G. P. Crabb , Secretary. Chairman. The populists of Valentine precinct will meet in the office of the county judge on the evening of Saturday , Sep- c tenber 16 , for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the county con vention and nominate candidates for precinct offices. U. G. Dunn , Com. n For the purposes named above the democrats will meet at 4 o'clock in the afternoon ; , Sept. 16. W. R. Towne id There is a great demand for all kinds desirable feeding stock , but even people who have plenty of feed seem to 01 feel a little slow about paying the pric asked for good ones. With the crops what they are and the demand for meat products what it is the man who waits for prices to get much lower may wait a long time. JJrovers Jour- . ual- ai ti The president has gone iaito the live fc stock business. His specialty is goats scapegoats. lie has already secured ti tifii two line specimens , which he calls Ea- fii gan and Alger , and has turned them fiiL out to grass. lie is negotiating for two L more , equally as good. Thase are known as Otis and Griggs. All four P these have and tl goats a long pedigree tlA full of blood. A are They come from the same identical stock , being sired by Satan and damned by eveiybod- . The of fc business has not proved profitable so j , but the major hopes that with a tl constantly increasing flock he may be tl able to realize a fair profit. Noncon tlm formist. P The immediate future ought to be a prosperous one for range live stock of a kinds. Not only will there be a demand g' g'm mand for every hoof that can be spar m , at good prices , but the eastern market jo ket is getting to think a good deal mora in the branded range horse than it nsecl m . Formerly it would not look at a branded animal. Now they are selling well. A Wyoming man recently , ship w ped a carload to Pennsylvania and got m from $50 to 90 per head for them. The S2 other day 1200 range horses were sold tl auction inside of six hours , at which rt good ones ran from $56 to 162 per head in car lots. They were bought in u Wyoming and Montana. Another lot j ha Wyoming grown grade Percherons [ tt brought $55. The Homestead. se . fi TABLER'S 13DCKEYE PILE OINTMENT relieves the intense itch- on ] ing. It sooths , heals and cures chronic , jg cases where surgeons fail. It is no' experiment ; its sales increase through cures. Every bottle guaranteed , i at Price , 50 cents , in bottles ; tubes , ' 75 ( oi ents. J. . H. Quigley. . p TWO MORE Republicans Meet and Nominate Aide and Wood for Judges The republicans of this judicial dis trict met in Cornell Hall , Monday and were called to order by Judge Walcott , who was made temporary chairman. Fred Whittemore was elected tempo rary secretary , and then Messrs. Mof- fat , Skirving , Garcelon. Bresee and Cornell were given authority to pass upon the credentials of delegates , and Myers , Montgomery , Eckles , Weekes and I3roWn were instructed to frame the wonderful resolutions which were presented later on. A committee on order of businqss and one on perma nent organization were appointed , and then the convention adjourned until af ternoon.- The chairman called the convention to order at 1:30 , and the committees made the usual reports. The resolu tions were long and as mushy as they well could be. The } ' "pointed with pride" and hysterically declared that McKinley is the greatest president the country has ever had. They slobbered all over the platform of ' 96 and swore all its pledges had been redeemed , and politely ignoring the fact that a repub lican legislature turned down an appro priation for our boys , threw a faded boquet to the returning soldiers , and then went off at a tangent denouncing entangling alliances and "unlawful trusts , winding up with something re ferring to cattle rustling. Weekes of Holt then fired abomb in to , the convention by moving to allow each end of the district to nominate a candidate for judge. Consternation prevailed , until the motion was laid on the table by a vote of 36 to 16. An in formal ballot showed Alder and Fan ning in the lead , and the iirst formal ballot resulted : Oilman 7. Alder 25 , Dickson 17 , Fanning 19.1 , Wood 13i , Clarke 10 , Morgan S. On the fourth ballot Dawes gave Alder another vote and Sheridan did the same , whereupon Alder was declared nominated , having received 27 votes. This disposed of Dickson and Morgan also , and Clarke dropped out also. Three more ballots were taken , when Keva Paha divided a its three votes and nominated Wood , the vote standing : Gilman 7 , Fanning Q m , Wood 25 } . Alder was then called for and neatly . thanked the convention for the honor . it had conferred upon him , and briefly a rehearsed his fife history. Wood came for word and made a redhot political er speech , and took occasion to compare st McKinley with Washington and Lin 3Jc or 3Jn < . His talk forecasted his defeat. he Dicksoii then came forward and ate his dish of crow , followed in turn by Fan- hs ning , Gilman and Morgan. Clarke refused - . in fused to respond , and the love feast ftei L ended , the candidates and delegates M getting away on freight trains as rap of idly as possible. Enthusiasm for the is ticket was noticeable by its absence , la the "most sanguine feeling that they had St only a partial show for one place. ac ad NOMINATE TWO JUDGES CO pr ( Continued from 4th page. ) hast present from all "counoies in the dis- trlct except Box Butte , Keya Paha : and Rock , the temporary Organiza St tion was made permanent and the ab following resolutions adopted : "We , the peoples independent par N of the loth judicial district , reaf Ti firm the declaration of principles TiAt adopted in Omaha in 1892 , and in St. de Louis in 1896. "We pledge ourselves to the support - ' port < of the principles enunciated in st the platform adopted at Omaha on th August 22 , 1899. > "We point with p-iide to the record : Hon. W. H. Westoves during the four years that he has presided as , judge of this district , and \ve pledge the candidates of this convention to the speedy , economical and just ad ministration of the law. " dlt A conference committee was ap on pointed < , and -efter it had reported W. H. Wcstever was nominated by acclamation. BallotinS was then be gun ' and J. J. Harrington received a majoritj' on each ballot , until the joint convention , when he was nom inated. After appointing committee men the convention adjourned. 1 Parties losiug stock by lightning will confer a favor upon the Depart ment of Agriculture by reporting the same to E. J. Davenport , observer of the local office of the Weather Bu reau. Gc Jas. D. McClean was in town Tues day from Rosebud on his way to Oma ; with his little 11-year-old dau * rh- p ter , whom he was taking to St. Jo- seph's Hospital to receive treatment from an eye specialist. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fike the evening of Saturdav , Aug. 26 99 , a fine twelve pound boy. All par Also ties doing nicely. J. A. is feelingso ra Well that he has a box of cigars open the place of business of Dr. Todd , officiatingphysician. . Newport. Re- Work on the mill dam has begun Mrs. Nels Rowley went to Omaha this morning to visit relatives. Owing to a mistake made by our newspaper house we are half a day late this week. The Valentine division of the teach ers association will meet in'the High School , Saturday , Sept. 9. Uncle Jake Wolfe is here today to sell school lands , and the town is full o ± prospective purchasers. F. Niehus shipped 104 fine grass fat three-year-old steers from this place via Bassett yesterday. Springview Herald. G. W. Beamer , of Invin precinct , was in town TuesdaHe says his 80 acres of corn , 80 acres of wheat and 6 acres of potatoes will all yield good crops this year. Dr. W. Q. G. Tucker , who has been stationed at Warm Springs , Oregon , has been transferred to Rosebud to take Dr. Belt's place , and entered upon his duties this week. It's better late than never , but we are very sorry someone didn't tell us , last week that C. J. Farnham and wife were the parents of a boy bab } ' , born a week ago last Sunday. A very pleasant surprise party was tendered Miss Tess O'Sullivan last Tuesday , eveningby her numerous friends : at which dancing- was the feature of the evening. O'Neill Fron tier. : tier.WHITE'S WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE is perfectly harmless , and will remove every worm. It is also a tonic , and by its strengthening properties will re store to pale cheeks the rosy hue of health. Price 25 cents. J. II. Quiglev. The Methodist conference is in ses ] , sion here as we go to press , with . an attendance of about 70 lay delegates and ministers. Much interest in being ing- manifested in the meetings , of which a full report will be given next week. You may bridle the appetite , but JTOU can not bribe the liver to do its work Cilhe . You must be honest with it , help it along a little now and then with dose of IIERBINE , the best liver regulator. Price 50 cents. JH. . reQ Quigley. "Wm. "Witt , who has for some time P been lying in jail charged with hav at ing stolen a horse near Arabia , made of break while emptying a slop pail Monday evening and obtained his lib armi erty. Jailor Taylor immediately started in pursuit of the fleeing- pris re oner , but he has not yet been appre to hended. tohi tli. Our fellow townsman , L. M. Bates , has an article of considerable length ar than the issue of Sept. 1 of the Central Law ; Journal , entitled "Insanity and an of Murder A Theory as to the Burden de lai Proof. " The Central Law Journal laiAI AIw the weekly law paper having the n'/ largest circulation in the United AIn se States , and the fact that the journal n accepted Mr. Bates' production and 11 advertises it as its leading article , is Coon proof positive of its quality , and we congratulate him upon the honor he has received. on Charles i Gartside was given a pre in liminary hearing in Judge Towne's he ourt Monday , on a charge of having stolen ( a calf from Dawson & Bali ibout January 30th. The defense ivas represented by N. D. Jackson of Neligh , Ed Clarke , J. W. and J. M. left Fucker of this place , while County left Attorney Morrissey prosecuted. The de till lefendant introduced no testimony , md was bound over in the sum of S500. which he furnished. li is under stood < that the constitutionality of M he act making cattle stealing a fel- keen ny regardless of the value of the on attle will be attacked by the defense , md the case may become quite cele- pri arated if this is done. Strayed , since June 1 , one roan sad- horse , branded IJ on left hip , and ue gray branded SAM on left shoulder 28 J. 13. Lord , Simeon , Xeb. FOR SALE 150 tons ofrood hay. R. Grooms. The Cr COi or hip. lniwi OWL wiW SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye , Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek Louisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Ki Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's left lokaAngellicaPortSherry and Black on bery in wood , claret , Riesling , Suuternes. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bet tles. Darniana and oth er Cordials. ; Agent for Fred Kings Celebrated Ex hale Basr for fimily nss , and Msts , -t Bear C. H. THOMPSON , | Uncle Sam , ex. garments bearing pandtng , carries this trademark. to new countries Is it on your the news that garment * ? best dressed Your clothet Americans ara are best , on.'j those who wear . when MADE TO ORDER BY EDWARD E. STRAUSS & CO. America's Popular Tallcre , Chicago. A SIGN OF PROSPERITY. That's what expansion usually is. This may not be true of the United States but Uncle Sam , in this pic ture at least , looks as well pleased as all men do who wear E. S. & CD'S FAIODS CUSTOM TAILORED SDITS AND 'OVERCOATS. There's reason for their pleasure. Made strictly from individual measurements , of the finest mater ials possible at any given price , by expert workmen , in the world's most scientific shops , every E. E. S. & Co. garment is perfection itself. MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pealers in other lines don't like them but YOU will. Those prices quoted , your measure taken and the magnificent line of samples shown by JACKSON & BRAYTON , Valentine , Neb. j SCHOOL LAND LEASING. The following described school lands in Thomas county will be ollered foi lease at public i auction at T liedford at the county treas urer's ollice , on September 2T . 1890 , beginning 0:00 a. in. and continuing until all of said lands have been oflered. These lands may be leased at an annual rental c per cent , oi the present valuation , by the first person offering to take the same when" they are called for lease at the auction , unless a pre mium is offered , in which case the lease con tract vill be awarded to tlio uerson paying the greatest amount of bonus therefor. Falling to receive a bid of o per cent , upon said appraised value of any of these lands , they may be leased the person who will pay G per cent , upon the highest ] valuation , as provided in Section 15 of the . new school land law. In order that all interested may have an equal opportunity to secure leases , these lands are hereby withdrawn from the market until the beginning of the public auction aforesaid. A portion ot these lands are vacant by virtue orders of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds , duly mqde , and may be redennnid if delinquencies and costs are paid before the land is leased. AI . 36-22-2(5 ( All . lG-24-2 } UL/t . -2l-28 VfYs . 162iM . . -.86-23-29 All . 3G-21-30 AI . 1G-23-30 neand senw..lG-ii3-28 n&ne and sene and s nw and nwsw . 30-23-30 ii'/ise . SG-22-30 .L V. WOLFE , Commissioner of Public Lands and Building. Strayed , two 2-year old steers , and yearling , branded on right hip as cut elsewhere. Also 2-year old bay horse , branded 8 on right shoulder. 28 Teeters Bros. , .Newton , Neb. JEstraycil Two horses ; one brown horse ftranded O on shoulder , one black horse branded IX on shoulder. S3 left hip. I will give rinTfirst described : horse to the roan who finds and re turns the black described above. above.Joux MONROE. Kyle , S. D. Taken up by the undersigned. 7 miles east o [ Merriman. < one sorrel horse with front leg bro , branded T on right shoulder. Also one buckskin mare branded left shoulder- Parties can have same by proving property and paying costs. 31 G. w. Monnier , Merriman , Xeb. CHAMBERLAIN & CO Postoffice address Brownlee , Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both Jaws Ilervey Ranch Two miles east of Crookston , in Cherry ( couuty , Nebraska Cattle i branded OC left hip. on right . and on right side with 3-inch letter Wm Cavnnaugli Jlgr Crookston Neb Prideaux Sanford Kennedy. Neb Stock branded on side Horses branded left shoulder Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Neb. Horses same on left shoulder Itance between the Gordon ana the Snake