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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1899)
' > ' . WOOD BEOTflEKS Live Stock - Commission - Merchants So uthOmaha and Chicago WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , Hog Salesman We furnish Market JRcports free of expense. "Write to us. THOS. M ° CULLOCH BUYER OF HIDES We furnish Sacks , rwine , Tags and Needles to Shippers at Wholesale Prices. Send \is your name and eel our prices , 917 Q STREET LINCOLN NEB Headquarters for this section of the state is found at my place. Deering mowers and rakes are adniitted to be the best. I also handle Rushford wagons and Robinson buggies , in addition to a full line of harness and saddles JOHN WHILLANS THE STOCK XCHANGE LIQUORS , WINES AND CIGARS SPECIALTY JUG AND BOTTLE CUSTOM Milwaukee , St. Louis and Fremont Beer. We solicit the trade of those who ap preciate good wines and liquors WALTER F. A. MELTENDORFF. PROPRIETOR OUll MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment. C. H. GORXJBIJL , President. If. V. NICHOLSOX , Cashier ANK OF VALENTI Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking ISnsinessTA'uusacted Bnys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents ; Chemical National Bank , New York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb & > I e _ _ _ ifr The DONOHE VJ < $ IB continually adding improvements and it is now the 4 ? best equipped , and most comfortable FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NOHTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Eosnis 3 ? a HERRY C BOUNTY KANK Valentine , Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought" and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates. County depository. It E. SPARKS. President CHARLES SPABKS Cashier Everything fresh and clean , and prices that are right. Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies. J. N. STEADMAN & CO- I " * /T" I he Golden Sheaf Pure White Ilj-e , Susquehanna Eyeand Cedar Creels Louisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's Toka , AngellicaPortSherry and "Black berry in wood , claret , Riesling , Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Also Agent for Fred Kings Celebrated Ez ra Pale Beer for family US9 , and Jatets Expwt Baer C. H.'THOMPSON ' , fc FIRST CLASS MILL | w I have established a Feed and Saw Mill b 9 miles south of Cody , at the mouth of - . Medicine , and n Canyon am now prepared to grind Feed , Corn Meal and Graham , TJ cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension stuff , and Native Shingles m Give us u trial order. . - , J. F. HOOK we wcc cc Estrayetl tr T\vo horses ; one brown horse branded O on T > left slioulder. one black horse branded IX on -J we left shoulder. SS left hip. I will give the first described horse-to the man who liuds anti revr tunis the black described above. 4.r Ll Kyle""s : J ) . 1 tl tly y < Fay Templeton will take notice that on the 10th day of .July W. 11. Towne , county judge of Cherry "county , Nebraska , issued an order of attachment - . . . . . tachment for the sum of $60.00 in afi action V1 pen-Mug before him wherein Daniel S. Ludwig " \v is plaintifl , and Fay Templeton is defendant , r\ \ ( that property of the defendant consisting of one , one-story frame and the material of nhich it is el constructed has been attached under said order tl Saifl cause was continued to the 1st day of September - - tember , 1899 , at o o'clock a.m. DANIEL S. LTJDWIG , pi By A. M. MorrSssey , Plaintiff. ing His Attorney. . , Dajed. Juiy 17th , 1S99 cl WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT SOBEET GOOD , Editor and Publisher The hail at Sparks last Saturday evening did no particular damage. A letter from Longpine this morn ing conveys the information that Mrs. Good is battling against an attack of typhoid fever and other ailments. Dr. H. P. Belt's wife , father and mother were in town a couple of days this week on their was to St. Louis. Their goods were attached hy the doctor's creditors , but yesterday a compromise was effected and the party proceeded on their way this I morning Real Estate Transfers I Following is a list of the real estate transfers filed in the office of county clerk during the week ending Aug. 23. and furnished us by F. M. Walcott , . attorney at law and bonded abstracts er , Valentine , Nebraska : JMartin wf toJllyschon sw 34-35-2S S300. GDavis wf to W Wilson nwne 10 34-31 and lots | l. 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 in hlk 2 in Kilgora. Cherry Co. , Ne1' . 500- - MarthaWAtkinson single , to J&EClarkc w2sw sesw 27. nenw 34-27-20-$450. I GEWilkinson to KertbaGGanow w2ne 35-2973l S500. Turner Recital I At Cornell hall last evening Edith Turner gave a number of readings under the auspices of the Epworth League , which were among the best we nave ever had the privilege of listening to. A good sized audience was present , and we have heard noth ing but words of praise fqr the gifted young lady who furnished the princi pal portion of the evening's enter tainment. After the audience was dismissed a social hop was indulged in by a score or so of our society people. _ - i i Republican Caucus The republican precinct caucus was held Tuesday evening and the following delegates elected to attend the county convention to b § ? held on August 26 : J. C. Pettijohn , F. M. Walcott , J. A. Hooton. E. D. Clark , , L. M. Bates , D. E. Sherman , George Elliott , J. A. Folks , J. M. Tucker , H. Hoenig , J. M. Clarkson and C. S. Gould. Considerable dissatisfaction was expressed at the action'Of a few who met. organized , elected delegates and adjourned before 8 o'clock , the time set for the caucus , and when a crowd of stalwarts went to the meet ing it was all over and the room was , , I bo dark. The caucus was a snap of the worst kind. , , ho GOODIES i ! cal We have noticed that in a game of coi pitch , seven-up or high five the man who holds the chalk has the winning .So hand. 'thi ' It to that old seems us any patent we medicine concern that pays cash is a better advertising patron than the Ou New York Star. sis If you call yourself an elocutionist you "give a reading' ' ; if you are a high school student you "deliver- recitation' ; if in the : you belong Soi country or are a little tot 3rou "speak SoiI piece. " It's easy enough to make vie viec the distinction when 3 ou once know how. alt There is said to be an unusually large number of rattlesnakes in the in hills this season , and several report inMe having killed a number of these ven Me omous reptiles the past week or two. is said that the section foreman at . Irwin has killed . AVO an even dozen. AVOI Gordon Journal. Since Irwin is nearer Gordon than poi Valentine this stor3r cannot be as cribed to the effects of Valentine bug juice. There came to our desk thisweek a neat four-page paper , labeled "Gro ver Hill Reporter , " and investiga- Tr tion discloses the fact that the editor i : bri and proprietor is none other than cast Bert Heaton , an old friend with i fol whom we used to work in Delphos. The towns spoken of are in Ohio , and Grover Hill is right in the heart of what used to be called the "Big Black Swamp , " and is a great place i for the manufacture of the staves which : surround the whiskey and pork barrels used in this country. "We . have often wondered what became of ; Bert , and now we know all. except | P" his politics. And since we have seen ' , the Reporter we are reminded that used to have a very pretty little Co cousin in Grover Hill , hut we're'not rej going to give her name away , because we Bert might try to get related to us if ! ni did. Bert ma.y not believe us hut , Iron . came very near being a competi- tie tor of his , having heen on a deal for jr | the Grover Hill Times , about five coi years ago. We wish him success. j s\ - f ' JOI The * Twice-a-Week : State Journal , j . printed every Tuesday and Friday , j will be sent postpaid with all of the' ' news of the world from now until after ge election for only 25 cents It is Avorth he that much to read about the Fighting . tal First regiment's return. The Journal , Cr printed at the state capital , is the lea'er ! Nehraska paper and it's mighty m < cheap at a quarter. . ' 25i I. The following communication has been received from a source which AVC ! consider entirely reliable , and while AVC confess ignorance as to the "party" mentioned , AVC innst admit that things are not what they seem. Sometimes those upon Avhom we have lavished ! our fondest regards prove umvorthy , and in the hope that we may prevent any future disturbances of the kind mentioned AVO print the letter below , Avith several emendations of sentences Avhich Ave consider altogether to hroad for our columns. If our correspond ent doesn't like this account ho is at liberty to call and have his letter print ed entire in some other paper : MR. EDITOR- One evening last Aveek I happened to be on your main street at ahout 10 o'clock in the evening and of all the racket I ever heard that Avhich proceeded from a certain office OArer the street Avas the worst. Singing - . ing and dancing and loud talk and ' laughter seemed to be the only things iitl evidence , although it Avas noticed that on several occasions Avhile the gentlemen Avere "patting juba" the skirts of the dancers AA'ere raised alarm ingly high , and after the seance Avas over one or tAVo of the unmarried men present Avere heard to make remarks regarding ( the performance , Avhich * , AA'hile complimentary , AVC do not be lieve AA'oulcl have been relished by the ladies ! AVIO ! furnished the entertain ment : , if they could. h.iA'e heard them. Inquiry disclosed the fact that the persons engaged in thus disturbing the peace . Avere among the "best" people of your town , and I Avould like to know Avhat comments Avould have been made by these folks if such "party" had been held by a number of the common people ? # * , * Ve are sorry that the letter printed beloAv did not reach us some time ago , as it Avill be onl3' a few djvvs until game can laAvf tilly be killed : FJMEOX , NEI ; . , Aug. 14 , 1899. EDITOR NEWS-DEMOCRAT There has boi'ii a great deal of shooting in this neighborhood in the last two Aveeks and the parties who are shooting grouse are known but cannot be caught' ' for Avunt of time. I was told yester day that , , and likely Avero shipping game already either hauling the game to town themselves or sending it by the wail drivoj and shipping the stuff under a different name. Now as I think that you are \ interested in the protection of game I hope that you Avill see that the game will not go further than Valentine , if Jjj there is any truth in this Avhich I be think there is. * * * i of Fat cattle arc beginning to be moved out of the neighborhood. N. S. Ilowlev drove a bunch of cattle tie to the i } . &fM. railroad the 18th. In regard to the rain , people are beginning to say enough. All Mrs. C. A. Gee is attending the teachers' institute at Valentine. Nu AH The sod Avails of the new school Al All house in district 31 are bompleted. ' W2 Win. Erickson made a sh pinent of 1 Sei All cattle last Aveek. All The Woodman hall at Kenned } " is All Se completed. Ne Ses M. Dunham shipped fat cattle from JS'2 Seneca : last Aveek. AH So Several commission men have been All through the stock country the last All All week. All Mr. Kennedy Avas suddenly called to ' AJ1 Omaha the 13th by the news of his 1 Sen sister's , Mrs. Poppleton , death. . All All U. S. , All NT2 Dkiobrarn , NU Haying is the order of the day. S2n All , Some have finished already. Xe All Mrs. I John Mark Arisited in this All ( vicinity last Aveek. Sw Ram Grooms Avent to Sparks to $2AH attend the old settlers' reunion. Ail " Miss Anna Brown visited relatives Valentino oyer Sunday. \V2 A party of Indians were on the river All All Monday and Tuesday after fruit. C211I .L. Mosher is on the reservation mvi a2ne working for W. Parker. ne.J - Mrs. McKay is suffering from blood ic poison on one of her hands. :2ne Lot Bad Boy. WJll , lltt Proceedings Stll ne ; August 22 , 1809. > lene 2nc Board ] mot as per adjournment. Present ] T. P. Spratt and S. H. , Lst Trowbridge. mvi On ! motion the bids for building iv2ne bridge across the Niobrara river soutii > 2ne 2I1L' of Valentino were opened and i\-jie found to be as follows : iif " ii2ne N. ] M. Stark & Co. . . . . . . . ; . . $4,290. ] Lots llliSi ot Canton < Bridge Co 4,895. 11211 : > Kansas City Bridge Co 4,425. H2.SW Missouri Valley Bridge and i2iie Iron . "Works 4,475. ivjiie M. S. Scott 4,481. . ; . ' . , ' J. R. Sheelev & Co 4,528. ' s Midland ] Bridge Co 4,510. Gco. ( E.King 4.495. mvi mvi Wrought Iron Bridge Co. , n2n A . ses1 plan 4,180. All Wrought Iron Bridge Co. , plad B 4,230. 2ne 112 On < Consideration of the above bids 112 Commissioner Trowhridge moved to , t hots reject all bids for the reason that "they All Avere too high. Commissioner Spratt uwne moA'ed to aAvard contract to Wrought * 2ue Bridge company. " * There being a ne vote Chairman Parker was sent for. . u2ne nene Upon Parker's arrival the Wrought u2sw Iroij. Bridge company Avas awarded the swne contract for $4,230 , contract heing \r'i signed. Whereupon the board ad B2n-v journed sine die. ner ' IJCS2 Attest , J. W. Daniels , Clerk. S2n \r2i All Where the digestion is good , and the All general powers of the system in a \ \ 2i H2SW ! healthy state , Avorms can find no habi Lot tation in the human . body. White's nes Cream Vermifuge not only destroys ev Lot S2u Avorm , but corrects all derange Lot ments of the digestiA'e organs * Price Lot Lotsl 25cts. J. H. Qtiigley. Lot The fusion convention had no trouble in Omaha , and Silas Ilolcomb was nominated for supreme judge on the first ballot in each con\ention. While Ilolcomb was not our choice for this placv , we will , as a good democrat , bow to the will of the majority and do all we can for the success of the party. J. L. Teeters and Edson Eich Avere nominated for regents of the university. No one knows the unbearable torture the peculiar and agonizing pain , caused by * piles , unless they have suffered from them. Many believe them in curable. This is a mistake. Proper treatment Avill cure them. 'fabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is an infallible cure. Price SOcts in bottles , tubes 7oc. J. II. Qtiigley. Some people miss "the opportunity of their lives , " and some miss their trains. It is hoped tnat Vernie Stevenson is not one of the former simply because he Avas one of che latter class. Blotches and excresences , Avhich so often annoy people , are simply efforts of nature to throw off impediments to the proper performance of her duties. Heroine Avill aid and assist nature in her Avork , and instn e a skin pure and beautiful , entirely free from all imper fections. Price 50cts. J. H. Quigley. . . APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTKATOK. lu the County Court of Chcrrv county. Neb. In the matter of the estate of Henry \Vilz. ( < leeeiseJ : : L. Kehmitt having filed in niyofHce ? petition raying for the appointment of William K. Haley as administrator ot the estate of Jienry Wilz. deceased , all persons interested in said estate will take norire that I have fixed tiatnr- dav , September 9. 1SOO. at 10 o'clock a. in. as the time and my office iu \ alentine. Cherry county , Nebraska , ar the flaee for hearing of said peti tion , at which time and place all persons inter ested in said estate may appear and show cause if any there be why such administrator should not be appointed. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court of said county this 22nd daj of August , ISM. \V. J ! . Towne , LSKAI , ] County Judge. SCHOOL LAND LEASING. The following described school lands in Cher sw ry county will oe ofiered for lease at public auc ne tion at Valentine at the countv treasurer's of fice , on Sept. 7 , 1809 A. M. and continuing until nil of said bnUs have h < > en olfered. Thc-s" lands may be leased at an annual rental of o per cent of the present valuation , bvthe first \r itei-Miu offering to take same when they are cal 112 led for at the auction , unless a premium is ne offered , in which case the lease contract will be u-2i awarded 10 the person paying qhe greatest n'-'n amount of bonus therefor. ! ailing to receive a SWI bit f ( per cent upon tLe present value of any C2I1 ofvli lands , tCey may be leased to the person W2li who will pay ( per cent upon the highest valua 112 tion , as provided in Section IS of the new 11211 school land law. 1121 In order that all interested may have an equal ncs opportunity ] to secure leases , these lands ar svvr hereby withdrawn from the market until the s2n beginning ? ol the public auction aforesaid. 112.- A portion of these lands are vacant by virtue 11211 ofFu orders of the Board of Educational Lands and n2n Funds , duly made , and may be redeemed if de- W2ll iinqaencies and costs are paid before the land is 112 laaseti. All 16-25-2T All All 30-2(5-23 ( All All 30-27-25 All All SC-29-25 All All 30-35-25 All Se&MW 10-27-2(5 N2 All 3G-2tWil > All 30-20-20 N2&SW All 30-35-20 All Xwse 30-27-27 All it 30-2U-27 X2 X\\iSs2 30-30-27 K2 ' ! 30-3. > 27 All f 30-35-27 All irst 10-25-28 All . 10-27-28 All 30-29-28 All 16-2S-29 Sese ; 10-29-29 Xesw 10-32-29 N2ne KCSW ; 3(5-29-30 All o 3G-31-30 All 30-33-30 JN'2 lie 1G-2T-31 All 17-20-31 S2 16XU-31 All , re 10- S211C he 10-29-32 A.11 A 30-32-32 All if 10-29-33 Xene nd S2se 30-35-33 All 3eilW 3G-29-34 All ind 30-31-34 All Lll 1025-35 K2 ? yz i'/ 33-25-35 S2 S2All 30-27-35 All e 30-31-35 K2S'V ill N5-33-35 X2&5W 30-27-30 S2SW S211W- -30-30 Nw ' 15-31-30 All 30-31.30 X2SW X2 10-20-37 s2sw 10-25-38 N2SW 1425-39 S2 2-28-39 .till en. 30-32-39 S2 N"23W 10-20-40 All n 22-27-40 NV2 10-29-40 All 1034-40 Hw 1(5-33-31 All 30-28-33 2ne swswnese . , . .10-20-25 \vne w2 w2se sese . 1 0-29-2.7- nenwsws2se . 10-30-i > ies2nwr2swaeswneBes2se . lG-ai-25 A-shw sRinv sw wJse . 1&-32-25 senw sw s2se . 10-31-25 ii2nw sentv sw w2se . 3 ( > 31-25 12 34 . 1C-35-25 v2nev2j > e sene . 10-25-20 w2uw senw sw nete swse . 3G-25-2ti H2I1W : . 30-27-20 itnwe2sw se . 10-30-20 s2ne n2nw senw w2sv sesw sese 30-50-20 w2 n2sc FCSC . 10-31-20 c'ie s2nes2nwe2sw se . 30-31-2(5 ( v2ne swnws2 . 10-34-20 Lstsl234 . 10-35-20 uwne n2mv nesw sese . SG-20-27 TV w2 . 10-27-27 Cro ' ' .S2MV e2iC . 10-28-27 com n\v nttse.-2se . 10-29-27 C.i ! n2nwswnw enl . 10-31-27 m ne s2uw bw w2se sese. . ' . . 30-31-27 hip sene ues\vs2sw . 30-32-27 nth swse . 3o'-32-27 1234 . 10-35- Wm 2neswne nen\YS2u\v . 10-2)5-28 ) n2se sese sesw . 10-20-28 s2nw u2sw n2se . 30-26-28 iv2nesenes2uw nenwuesw . 10-28-28 sene \ \ _ ' swse . lG-30,2- * 'ne inv n2se . 3 .30-28 s2nes2uwii2swse . 16-J1-28 i2nee2ie . 3G-3I-2S n2sw . 10-32-28 mvne e2oe U2nwe2se . 3f-33-28 uwnenese . 10-34-28 sene u2mv i sw . lc-27-29 eswsw e . 1C-27-29 blitiv2sv. ' . 30-2729 R2SWSCSWSC . . .f . " . 30-31-29 2nev2 n2se swse . : . . . . .10-25-30 neswn2ses\\se ] . 11-20-30 Il2e2swse . 10-2G-50 es\vn2sw . 2-27-30 123 . 3-27-30 but sese . 11-27-30 seue nenw . 12-27-30 seuw swse . - . . 15-27-30 nesenwn2sw : . 22-27-30 ; sene nenw s2nw . 23-27-30 Ken ] swue n2n\v swnw . 21-27-39 St > e . 24-27- : left i-2iiw sw . 25-27-9J n2uenwswne . 20-27-39 2tto n\V S2SS . 10-28-30 - lots 1 2 3 4 . 31-23-30 nenet-'sv. . . .r . . : . _ 3G-2S30 : . . ' . , " . 21-25-31 s2neseu\v . . - . ! 3-2f5-3l \v2r.eseneinv . 11-2(5-31 ( but swsw . 15-26-31 hut sese . 10-20-31 i\-2nesenws2 . mlG-27-31 . 3C-27-31 1 23sene sSiivr svf.- . 1-2S-31 neses2se . 1-2S-3I s2nw S2l. > ts3 4 . " -28-31 1234 . . ' . S-23-31 4 swnw . 4-2S-3I 1 234s2nes2nwMV _ . 5-28-31 to 5 s2iicisenw iiese . ; .6-2S-01 o o . . 1 ne n2ntr s2s\v NXKBI ne esnw sw v-2se .3C-.TO31 J tS CGC-2SW 0-31-31 n2 Iocs a 4 ne mvae ii2ue n2nw tt'2 W2 V O2si nenes2nf MVII2SW 10-20-33 niise nivai * 1G-2C-32 n2oeswn < * nenws2nw t 36-20-32 S2SW HXC 3C-2G-32 ne ci'mv xc4w nisc sese 1C-31-32 112 SW 1C-33-32 nene swne senw uesw se 18-34-33 S211C n2awn2se , C15-S4-32 S2lies2mv 3 < V.33 H2nen2nws2 10-20-24 n2re nw 30-37-3 * nee2nws2 1G-20-34 s llK 2 11X50-34 112 Il2swse 36-32-3 * no n2nw .senw swsw e2sc 3C-34-34 w-'ne sene nw 2se sese 3035-34 112 I12SW W2ae lG-26-35 e2ne sese 16-28-35 n2neMvnenw 36-28-35 ne e2nw e2sw nesc S2sc 16-20-35 S2iic W2mv * cmv sw n2sc swse 23-20-3. > n2ne sene n2nw 30-2D-X. ne n2nw s2sw s2so 30-30-35 nes2nws2 36-33-33 S2ne s2mv n2sw n2se 36-34-35 s2nesenw neswi:2se 16-25-30 sc-2S-s < ; swne n2sv/seiiw nwse 1B-2G-3S All but sese 35-2G-3G .se ncsw 1G-27-36 ne s2ow n2sw swsw nwse 1G-2S-36 h2nwn2swswsw sese IG-KKX. nwnw senw sesw 2C-29-36 wane sene nw s2se 36-3X3t > s2hes2nws2se 27-30-3C ne swueseKise 28-30-30 swne senw 31-30-3 > nwne nws2 30-30-3 swne s2nw sw w2se 10-32-30 neAl e2nw . " fi-32-30 Al but ii2nw lG-ct-36 : n2ne n2nw swnw s2 .TO3.v ; u2ne n2nwsw swse Il2irJ lC-ti.i-37 w2swsesw . .TC-2S-37 n2ne W2mv s2 . . . 'M-'C-ST 1C-27-37 ii2ne sene n2nw swnw s2 3 > 27-37 sebe n'Jiie u2nw 10-28-37 hesws2se 3:5-28-37 Al buts2ge ' . 'HT-23-37 .s2ne s2nw n2sw n2se 30-30-37 - - Al but W23W 30-33-37 fwne.senw nesxv nwse fW21 30-34-37 c2ne W2 n2se 30-35-37 nwne sene nenw s > 2inv 30-25-w : n2s\vse nw.vw : n2ne swne nwn2rfwsesv/ , 10-20-38 w2sesese 10-2B-3H n2iie 11211 w swnw nesw .TO-20 as s2swse : uv2ix n2ne ii2nw nesw n2se swse J-27 38 nenci-wnenw n2swswsw 1C-28-3X nwne n2nwswn\v 10-29-38 s2ne s2nw n2.sw s2se 30-29-38 n2ne swne nw n2sw nwse 10-31-38 W2nesene e2nwswinv . - 3O-31-38 nesw n2sc 30-31-38 n2iie ii2iiwv2sw sesw t-2se NM2-38 ue e2nw s2se . . ' uew2i : : o-r.-38 : w2ne s2nw ' : - 0-o-38 sene sesw s2se 3C-33- : u2nenenws2 3-34-w ( ] : n2swn2se 10-25-3 ! ) n2ne ii2nw sw . .30239 w2 > e - . .T : 20-nu nwnw ; s2nw 30-2IHW u2ne ir.'uw swnw lc-27-39 n2ce sene s2 * w se - 30-27-3 : n-Jne sene u * . ' nwses2su- -1O28-39 w2ne nw nesw 30-28-31) iv2nw i senw s2 10-29 39 1121 nwsw nese . . . .30-y9.39 nei n2nw senw s2sw s2s - 10-31-39 iv2ne : UWH2.SW nwse 30-31-39 I211C nw I12SW se - 10-32-39 jwiie ! j2nw2se sw - K : a-39 2Iiev2se 32-33-39 fttny , ' \\-2sW 33-33-39 86 30-33-39 i2ne n2tiw.swnw w2sw 3C-31-30 H2SW ll2Srt - -10-25-40 icsw ii2se sese .25-20-40 iwne s2nw n2sw n2se 30-20-40 i2ne < S2nw n2sw ir-'se . . . 'M 28-40 122SW S2se 20-29-40 niswi 'se ' 30-29-40 i2nwswnw - 10-31-10 v2ne sene e2nw se 34-3-1-10 nxvsw ! ii2se swse 30-31-40 .1. V- Wolfe , Commissioner of Public Lands and i. 20 SCHOOL LAND LEASING. The following described school lands in Chomas connty will be oflercd foi lease at mblic auction at Thedford at the county treas- ' ireT's ollice , on September 25. 1899. beginning 0:00 a. m. and continuing until allof said iiuds have been ofiered. These lands may be leased at an annual rental o per cent , ol tne present valuation , by the person offering to take the .same when they .recalled for lease at the auction , unless a pre- iiiinn is offered , in which case the lease con- raet vjll be awarded to the person paying tlie reatest amount of bonus therefor. Failing to eceive a bid of c per cent , upon said appraised alue of any of these lands , they may be leased the person who will pay G per cent , upon the ligbest valuation , as provided in Section 15 of new school land law. In order that all interested may have an iqual opportunity to secure leases , these lands hereby withdrawn from the market until beginning of the public auction aforesaid. portion ot these lands are vacant by virtue orders of the Board of Educational Lands Funds , duly mtde. umLtoay be redenmed if lolinquencies and costs are paid before tile is leased. . 30-22-20 All . 10-24-20 . 1(5-21-27 ( ll'/J / . 30-34-27 . 302128vy. . 10-22-24 . .30-23-29 All . 30-21-30 . 10-23-30 ne and Hemv..lfi-23-28 and * ene and s-'snw and nwsw . 30-23-30 J. V. WOLFE , 'ommiesioner of Public Lands and Buildings. Taken up by the undersigned , 7 miles east of lerriman. one sorrel horse with front leg bro- . branded 'J1 on right shoulder. Also one buckskin mare branded left shoulder- Parties can have same by proving roperty and pajing eoats. 31 G. w. .Monnier , Merriman , Neb. CILUIBEP.LAIN & CO ( § 4 Postoffice address Brownlee , Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both Jaws Hervey ilanch Two miles east ot 'rookston , in Cherry otmtv , Nebraska Cattle branded OC left hip. on right ip.andonrtehtside 3-inch letter Cavan align Mgr Crookston Xeb Parker & Son P O Address L. W. Parker Keige. Neb Brand same as cut , Also ZP Kanse on Niobrara south of Crookston Prideaux Sanford Ceuncdy. Neb Stock branded on side Teeters Bros. Newtbn , Neb. . on left shoulder Ranee between the Gordon and the buake