Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, August 17, 1899, Image 3
I One Year's Seeding , I Nine Years' Weeding 9 impurities in your blood < w3f SOTV seeds of disease of < which you may never get rid. If your btood is even the least bit impure , do not delay , but take Hood's Szrsaparilla. ai once. In so doing ihere is safety ; in delay there is danger. Be sure io get only Hood's , because I TBE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination , but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CAMFOUNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only , and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and orjginal remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured "by the CALIFOKNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only , a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA FIG SYI-.UP Co. with the medi cal profession , and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families , makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far io advance of all other laxatives , as it acts on the kidneys , liver an ' bowels without irritating or weake ing them , and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects , please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKANCI800. Onl. . Ky. NEW YOKRT. N. T. TO BE WELL DRESSED consult our HAND BOOK OF FASHIONS Containing Over 100 Photo-Engravures of the Latest Styles in LADIES AND CHILDREN'S GARMENTS for Fall and Winter Wear s MAILED FREE BOSTON STORE State and Madison Sts. CHICAGO , ILL. "I nave gone 14 : day" at a time \vltbont a movement ol * the UuiveU , not betas able to more thorn except by using hot water Injections. Chronic constipation for seven years placed me In this terrible condition ; durlnc that timt I did ev erything I heard of but nerer found any relief ; such was my case until I began ns iff CASCARETa I now have f rotn one to three passages a day , and if I was rich I would give { 100.00 for each increment ; It la such a relief. " ATLMSU L. HUNT. 15S9 Russell St. . Detroit. Mich. CANDY CATHARTIC TRADE MARK RCCUSTER&D Pleasant. Palatable , rotont , Taste Good. Do Good. Never \Veakon.orGrJpe.lOc.20c.60o. . . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . SUrllBg Recedj CcnpaajCklcifo , Sootreal , Ken Ttrk. S29 WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don't be fooled wlUa * mcklatosh y or rubber coat. It you w ntac t that will keep you dry In tbe > vd- est storm buy the HsJ Shsnd Slicker. If not for sslo In your town , write for caUIOfa to A. J. TOWER. Boston. M ss. TTKIT1NG TO ADVERTISERS WHEN Ray 700 ia\T cite advertisement' In thia paper. ' WARS AMONG BEES ; California lioucy the Finest that la Produced Anywhere. "Did you ever know that bees have wars among tbemselres , just as meu do ? " said G. W. Reynolds , of Lcs Angeles - geles , Gal. , to the Kansas City Star man. "Well , tbey do. I own a big honey farm near San Diego , and bave made a study of the babits and methods of tbe Little workers , and in doing so I bave come to bejieve that each hive of bees has its guards or policemen , whose sole duty it is to keep watch and warn tbe hive if another and stronger hive comes to rob them. This often happens , you know. A strong hive raids a weaker one , and , aside from killing hundreds of tbe bees , steals all the honey. But If the weaker hive is warned in time by its policemen it will prepare to fight , and often the stronger hive is driven back. " Mr. Reynolds has a reputation for being one of the oldest traveling sales men in the United States he is 73 years old , though he doesn't look a day more than 55r and has been on the road lifty-two years. He owns some of the most productive honey farms In Cali fornia , and he knows many curious things about bees and their habits. "I have GOO stands on my farm , " said " annual of honey be , "and tbe production ey is about sixty tons. There are about 20,000 bees to each stand , so you see the population of my bee city is great er than that of any city of men and women in the world. And , unlike any other city , its population is changed en tirely every forty-five days , or almost entirely so , for a working bee only lives that long , and the queen bees are the only ones that reach a greater age. Tbey live a year or more. "California honey is about tbe finest that is produced anywhere. The wild sage Is the flower most hunted by the little workers , and during April , May , June and July they make most of the honey. On the market this honey brings from 4 to 7 cents a pound wholesale , so you see there is a pretty good profit 'n it. " the Great Money Lender. A statistician estimates that England has § 550,000,000 invested in laud and mortgage in countries abroad. She lends to foreign governments and mu nicipalities an average of $200,000,000 annually. She finances railways in India , Canada , the United States , Aus tralia , South Africa and South Amer ica , her investments of this class ag gregating $2,100,000,000. English capi tal is Invested in this country in water and gas companies , cattle and horse raising , breweries , flour mills , street railways , iron manufacturing and min ing. In investments other than gov ernment loans and railroads it is esti mated that the enormous sum of $9,250,000,000 of England's money has been lent outside of the "tight little Island. " NO REMEDY EQUALS PERDNA , SO TBE WEN ALL SAY. Miss Susan Wymar. Mlas Susan Wymar , teacher In the Richmond mend school , Chicago , III. , writes the fol lowing letter to Dr. Hartman regarding Pe-ru-oa. She says. "Only those who have suffered as I have , can know what a blessing It is to be able to flnd relief In Pe-ru-na. This has been my experience. A friend In need Is a friend Indeed , and every bottle of I'e-ru-na I ever bought proved a good friend to me. " Susan Wymar. xilrs. Margaretha Dauben , 1214 North Su perior St. , Racine Cuy , Wis. , writes : "I feel so well and good and happy now that pen cannot describe It. Pe-ru-na Is everything - thing to me. I have taken several bottles of Pe-ru-na for female complaint. I am Iu the change of life and It does me good. " Pe-ru- na has no equal In all of the irregularities and emergencies peculiar to women caused by pelvic catarrh. Address Dr Hartman , Columbus , O. , for a free book for women only. Remember that choiera morbus , ' chol era Infantnm , summer complaint , bilious colic , diarrhoea and dysentery are each and all catarrh of the bowels. Catarrb is tha only correct name for these affec tions. Pe-ru-na Is an absolute specific for these ailments , which are so common. In summer. Dr. Hartman , In a practice of ov r forty years , never lost a single case of cholera Infantum , dysentery , diarrhoea , or cholera morbus , and his Pe-ru-na. Those desiring only remedy was - - ing further particulars should send for a free copy of "Summer Catarrh. " Ad dress Dr. Hartman , Columbus , Ohio. To Indicate lull on of Tires. A neat little attachment for bicycles consists of an air-pressure indicator which shows the hardness of the tire without the necessity of soiling the hands to test it , the new device con sisting of a cylinder to be attached to the valve with a spring-controlled pis ton inside which rises as the pressure- increases. IS LIKE A GOOD TEMPER ; "IT SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE. " t < * J \ Awful Destruction by the Great West Indian Storm. AMERICA SENDS AID. Thousands Rendered Homeless and in Danger of Starvation. Ponce la Wholly Destroyed and Other Porto Rican Towns Suffer Great I/osa Five Hundred Bodies Recovered- Fears that a Plague Will Follow the Doom that Has Devastated the Country The War Department Takes Prompt Measures to Relieve the Distress. Nearly 1,000 lives and millions of del lars' worth of property are now known to have been destroyed by the hurricane In Porto Rico and the adjoining islands of the West Indies. Over 500 bodies have been recovered. Gen. Davis tele graphs that 100,000 people are destitute , and the full extent of the fatalities is not yet known. Not since 1S7G has a storm of such fearftl violence visited 'these isl ands. The War Department took prompt measures of relief in the matter of food for the stricken inhabitants of Porto Rico. The track of the hurricane lay a little farther north than that of the storm which damaged Barbadoes and Marti nique last year. Martinique seems to have escaped entirely , but Dominica and Guadaloupe , a little farther north , suffer ed severely. From these islands west ward and slightly northward the hurri cane swept with terrific force. The small British Islands of Montserrat , Nevis , St. Christopher's , and Antigua report a total of ninety-six fatalities , of which over three-fourths were hi Montserrat. Guad aloupe lost over a hundred by death in the storm. Coming up toward Porto Rico the wind destroyed most of the houses and churches in the Danish Islands of St. Croix and St. Thomas , with thirty deaths reported from St. Croix. It is practically certain that when the smaller" and less accessible islands in this Leeward group are heard from the total death list will be greatly increased. The storm struck Porto Rico squarely on the southeast coast , doing its worst at Humacao and at Ponce , though at San Juan , on the north , much property was destroyed and several deaths resulted. The city and the port of Ponce are re ported as total wrecks , with a loss of life estimated in the hundreds , and a damage of half a million to property. The fatalities here seem to have been caused chiefly by drowning in the river flood that accompanied the storrn. As all interior communications have been cut off it is impossible to tell how much more damage has been done throughout the thickly populated eastern end of Porto Rico. After wrecking the southern coast of this island the hurricane continued its westward and slightly northward course , devastating the northern coast of San Domingo and finally passing out upon the Atlantic with modified force at Cape Haytien. Along the whole track of the storm there now exists much suffering and starvation. A large amount of local shipping has been swept upon the shore and totally destroyed. When one remem bers that only a trifle over a year ago Gen. Miles and his expedition were en tering Ponce the thought gives cause for thankfulness that those crowded transports were not caught in such a storm. The terrific nature of the West Indian hurricane has been famous for centuries. This is one of the things we have an nexed in Porto Rico , and one of the things we cannot reform. But the signal service can be extended and made so effi cacious in the Caribbean that the whole region will be thoroughly prepared for every such storm , so far as preparation is possible. The weather bureau does not appear to have done much in the present case. . The Government should take steps to equip the West India weather service as completely as possible for this work These hurricanes can be predicted many hours beforehand , as is done at the Ma nila observatory , and their direction can be determined at the start. Though the whirling motion of thf * air is incredibly swift , the progressive advance of the storm is comparatively slow , and with. Improved cable communication between' the islands the whole archipelago can easily be warned of what to expect. The only other palliative that the American regime can offer to Porto Rico regarding this scourge is by extending nid and succor to the homeless victims. Gen. Davis , commanding in Porto Rico , telegraphed asking for food , clothing and money to help the unfortunate inhabit ants get on their feet again , and the President indorsed the appeal. In accordance therewith the Secretary of War sent out an appeal to the May ors of cities for help for the destitute. The Secretary also took steps for imme diate relief by ordering the distribution of rations to the sufferers by the army in Porto Rico. The Secretary Instructed the commissary department to load the transport McPherson at New York with 600,000 pounds each of rice and beans and have it proceed to Porto Rico at once. Telegraphic Brevities. Joseph Marshal , Mobile , Ala. , shot and killed Marvin Green. Armour & Co.'s fertilizer .house , Chicago cage , was damaged $11,000 by fire. Ida Michelson , the Louisville girl who 1 took a dose of paris green in Chicago , is dead. Four men held up a conductor on a crowded trolley car in New York and robbed him of $ ( J. Mrs. Orilla Allhouse of Youngstown , Ohio , was held up by a thief on the streets of Akron and relieved of § 50. Twenty-eight young girls from Ireland landed in New York to become sisters of charity. Most of them went to Texas. Announced that the tailors have won their strike in "New York. Operators get L ? 18 , basters $15 and finishers $10 a week. : Does your head ache ? Pain back o youreyes ? Bad taste in your mouth ? it's your liver 1 Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure constipation headache , dyspepsia , and all liver complaints. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful orown or rich black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE to era , or DnyqcijTS. _ on B. P. Hu. A Co. . , N. W. L . 18 , S3 & $3.50 SHOES Worth $4 io $6 compared with other makes. Indorsed by over 1OJUOOO wearers. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES THE GENUINE hare W. L. Doaglu' came and price itamped on botton. Take no substitute claimed to be as good. Largest makers of $3 and $3.50 shoes In tbe world. Tour dealer should keep them If not , "we will Bend you apalronrecelptofprice. State kind of leather , size and width , plain or cap toe. Catalogue I ) Free. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. . Brockton , Mass. The University of Notre Dame NOTRE DA3LE , INDIANA. Classics , Letters , Economics and History , 7onrnalism , Art. Science. Pharmacy , Lair , Civil , Mechanical and Electrical JEngineer- lusr , Architecture. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses. Kcclaslastlcal students at special rates. Kooms V'ree. Junior or Senior Year. Collejiate Courses. Rnoma to Kent , moderate charge. St. Edward's , Hall/or boys under ia The GOth Year will open September 5th , 1899. Catalogues Free. Address REV. A. BtdRRISSEY , C. S. C. , President. Is what Uncle Sam uses. Get Your Pension DOUBLE QUiCK ! Write Cast. 0'PAR2E.T/I. P'nio3 Areai.Wasiiatrfss , S > .C The Deadly Tree , The general public and the heads of electric light companies openly dis agree as 'to the effect of live wires on living things , but the story belo\v , found in the New Orleans Tiines-Dem- ocraty may amuse some people not of the householding or electric stockhold ing class. Not long ago a prominent citizen of New Orleans went raging into the elec tric light company's office , and declared that one of their wires had killed a pet tree on his premises. "That tree , " said he , "has been standing there for twenty years , and we regarded it as one of the family. My children played under it when they were babies , and it is associated with some of the pleasantest memories of my life. When it began to die we all mourned , and we could not imagine what ailed it until yesterday , when I noticed that a wire was lying right across a branch. My poor tree has been electrocuted , and I feel as if murder had been done in my house. " Considerably moved , the agent of the company went to view the scene of the tragedy , and found the tree still alive , but feeble. When he came to trace the wire , he discovered one end nailed to the roof of an old barn and the other twisted around a discarded pole. It had been cut off for at least two years , and forgotten. But the occasion de manded something , so he made the fol lowing report : "Tree alive , wire dead. Wire erl- dently killed by tree. Bill inclosed. " Ladies Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after uslnj ; Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy ; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures swollen feet , blisters and callous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for In growing nails , sweating , hot , aching feet. At all druggists and shoe stores 25c. Trial package FREE by mail. Address Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. His Revenge. Arthur , who is forbidden to speak at the table , had his revenge the other day. As dinner began ; he.was uneasy , and finally said , "Ma , can't I speak just one word ? " You know the rule , Arthur. " "Not one word ? " "No , Arthur , not until your father finishes the. paper. " Arthur subsided until the paper was finished , when he was asked what he wished to say. "Oh , nothingl Only Nora put the custards outside the window to cool , and the cat has been eating them up ! " Hall's Catarrh Cure Ls taken internally. Price 75 cents. Sweet Fillinsr. Tommy I'se got de tooface , awfully. Visitor You should have the tooth filled , Tommy. Tommy I did have it filled. That's what makes it ache so. Visitor I never heard of such a thing. Did you have it filled with gold ? Tommy No'm ! Had it filled with gum drops. I shall recommend Piso's Cure for Con sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan Plumstead , Kent , England , Nov. 8 , 1S95. The Old Phrase. Hicks A Philadelphia man mounted tiis wheel and rode off while asleep. De Fonte He must have been sleepIng - Ing like a top. Hicks Like a top ? De Fonte Yes ; spinning , yon know. Mrs. Wlnslow's SOOTHING STHUP lor Children teething : sottens the cams , reances inflammation , illays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents "a bottle. A Close Question. Dick Isn't it good to have a close Wend ? Jack Not always. Suppose you want loan for a few days. Do you think a lose friend would be the ona to np- iroach ? To a// & * if/ff/iiff Women * In addressing Mrs. Pinkham you are con fiding your private ills to a woman a woman whose experience in treating woman's diseases is greater than that of any living 'person male or female. You can talk freely to a woman * . . * * when it is revolting to re late your private troubles to a man ; besides a man does not understand simply because he is a man. Many women suffer in silence and drift along from bad to worse , knowing full well that they ought to have immediate assist ance , but a natural modesty impels them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and i * probably examinations - 5 nations of even their family phy- sician. It is un- . . . . necessary. With out money or price you can .consult a woman , whose knowledge from actual experience is greater in this line than any liv ing person. The following invitation is freely offered ; accept it in thef ame spirit : S Standing c ? / Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham , at Lynn , Mass. Aii Setters sra receivstiy opened ffess $ asss $ &nsweFes $ isy weaken osaSya A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman ; thus has been established the eternal confidence between Mrs , Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken. Out of the vast volume of. experience which she haste to draw from , it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge that will help your ease. She asks nothing in return except your good-will , and her advice has relieved thousands. Surely any woman , rich or poor , is very foolish if she does not take vantage of this generous offer of assistance. The present Mrs. Pinkham's experience in treating female ills is unparalleled ; for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham , and for some years past has had sole charge of the correspondence depart ment of her great business , treating by letter as many as a hundicd thousand ailing women a year. MEDICINE MENTION THIS 1MU > EK WBZ.I WKmna to ADTXTTIZZU. S. C. N. U. - - 33-99 . Tbe Periodical Monthly KevuUtnr nere * i.u , fill * : convince yourself ; write for free bosi. OBK CHEMICAL CO. . Box 7B , MHwiaket , WU.