Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, August 17, 1899, Image 2
r. D. McGAA. Creston , 8. B. Left or either side of cattlealso ; Vleft side ot neck. Swal low fork ripht car , < mderbit left ; right ear nubbcd off : nn- derbltM ear Borne on left Jaw and some wattle left jaw Other brands left side or < tny part of animal , Icft&Ueor anv purtof animal , Some branded the following , left * i/l : Also some cattle "bearing the follow ing-brands : A left neck * X left side or sliouiderV ; lelt hip or thieh Horse brands at Hews leu if it iult luitnip thigh thigh thigh , ortnlgh , hip. Anyone selling horses or cattle hearing the -above brands will be prosecuted. Information regarding theft liberally rewarded. Kange-at Barney Springs and Cottonwood. HERBERT O. BISONETTE , MANAGER. PoslofTlcc address Pine Ridge , S. D Cattl1 branded as on cut. HOB on left side ; some 13 V > LL on either side ; Some on left side ; some older stock , .anywhereon animal. Horses E it on left hip Some anywhere on Hangc-Sevcn miles north- , right side eaat of Pine Kidge , in Shannon Co .TORN GHOST BEAR , MANAGER Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D. Cattle branded B C on left hip of cattle aa on cut : some branded on leftsidealso ; n a on left side : horses sameonleft shoulder Range Wounded Knee and Wakpam- cni LakeShannonCo. L. C. Peyton. l avaca , Nebraska. On left side , iiange Pole Creek. SHOUT HORN' HULLS for salfe Geo. H. Hill. Gallop , Nebraska On leftside -IO miles of Merriman P. W. Pruden. Merriman , Neb. Some ( minded same as cut on both i iji. . innge Northo ivt of Merrhnuu Geo. L. Coleman. Cody , Nebraska On leftside ; horses O -aft shoulder Range Ten miles -K-estof Snake River Falla Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right side ; horses same left shoulder. nerd mark-Dew lap Iiange Brush Lake and South Geo. W. Monnier. "Stlerrlman , Neb. iLeft shoulder and ! eftthlqhsonie ; on lefthpbor- aes same left 'thigh nange East and \3outheast alerrnnan Grant Bixler. Merriman , Neb. Some on left side ; some on left hip ; horses same lef1 thigh. Range Six miles Northeast of MerrI man. H. K. Sears. -J5o < ty. Nebraska -Mostly on rlghthip ywme on both hips Range'-Mftdiclne S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Range North of the Snake & . $ * C. Evenson , X dV , Nebraska /Qu * left elde and i ; l orsea same Rnngs Betweea kc and NIobrara. i > - MARTIN RED BEAR. Post office address Pine Ridge , S.D. On left sld : ; horses same left thigh. Range Wolf Creek. A THOMPSON Postofflce Addges : SlmeenKeb Stock branded same as cut be * bind leftsbonlder Range on the Bdilaglo T7 O CARSOW Pogtofflce Addres Simoon Neb Stock branded dn left hip aarno tscut Range , head- wnrters of the rchlagle D M BEARS BEARSPostbffloa Postbffloa address 'Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a oncutleftsidesonie ; on left , hip Horsej same on left ahoul der MORQAREIDGE and SON Postofflce address Simeon Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; or II or V D on left hip with hole in rght ear when uu- der2-yrs old ; horses same as cut and IJ Kange Gordon Creek and "Niobrara River ALBERT WHIPPLE Postofflce address Rosebud , S.D. Branded on left side , some SOS Horses on cither shoul der Some an branded on eithar shoul. Jer thus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER Postofflco address Kilgore , Neb. Cattle branded on either side as on rut. same on hip va Some on TOH iof ? siae ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postoffice address Allen. S. n Left sidealsof ; on lt > lt norse 10 on loft hi- ! . . Range Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. Postofflce address Merriman , Neb.1 On left sideear-mark ; under slope Horses J S on left shoulder Range ten miles northeast of Blerrl- ' man. S. H. KIMMEL. Rosebud. S. D. Also B U < n left side Ca tie un l < rent on both ears ; horses branded 4 on left shoulder Range On Ante lope and Sprin Creeks Joseph Fairhead. Lavaca. Neb. left ; side Als on left side also same reUK rerted on left thigh Horses shoulder itange-Between Fair Head Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on large cattle. On small stock left side ; P horses A\ . left shoulder Range-Southeast o Cutcomb Laka Shadbolt and Fleishman. 3ody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left .boulder ; herdmark- lew lap. Range Ranges sa md 3" , between 2Io- ) rara cud the Snako. James Goodfellosy and Son. Cody. Nebraska On left side ; nor. ses JG right bine and mostly on Jaw. nange Between the Niol-rvra and Medicine Lske. W , H. Carter. ostofflce adddrws Cody , Nebraska. ) n left side ; some L T left side , horses ? left shoulder 1HORT HORN Stock. Range Between tlobrara &nd the , t _ g jgtfi * ji ji ' , HOBACB WALLXKOFOBD PostoOloo Address Chesterfield Neb , Cattle branded on left jlde ana njntlclt ear cropped square : some on left lido & on left shoulder horses branded od cross aa- cbor on left shoulder. B E and A B MCALYEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder Range on Square Lake G W KlitB fostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded aa on cut or on hip ; horses same. Some Of on leltsldo and bar en hip " .one TreeYalfoy FLOYD KTBIE Poztofflce address Kennedy Neb . Cattle branded on left hip or side ot both HorsfflTTith n en lefe shoulder , Rang ? miah Lake , Gordon and North Loup N 8 ROWLEY i address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on ft side and htprbnr os on Ic" houlderalso ; on either hip letteron IghtMd " Also on on either side Range. Bordman between Big Bend and the Springs NYK & rostofflce address Valentine , Neb Cattle branded same as on cut ; some on left Bide and hip ; horses same on lett shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and iJordman ; Horse range. Steer S Creek , between the "mobrara and Snake D L McLANE I'ostofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded B cut en either .do ; also P L R . .nd F R Horses branded on I61 shoulder three links : < Range mouth of Cottomtood , RED SHIRT Postofflce Address - zsss > Rosebud , S I ) Cattle branded on left side same as cut. Horses b ran a ed on left shot'Mer with a K. Ranch In Little White FERRY PARKER . 'ostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded imoascut. Horses , Ponlefi houlder Range. Jlouth o I'ordman CT.EMENT "VVHIRLIND Postofflce Address Rosebud. S n Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Horses branded same on ieft shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLE 'ostoffloa addresa KonnedvNeb rattle branded on it side and hip uorses same on loft . lonlder Some on left side and North jup KIMS Postofflce addresa Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with both eara cropped square Horses same as cat tle but on left sboul- iler Has Weir's cat tle , also , U BI iiange.Gordca Greet LADELY ostofflce address Newton Neb Cattle branded > me as cut or on hip Horses L on left ank Range , between .nrdon creek and ue Lbup B STONE3 Poetofflco Newton Neb Cattla branded fti on cut Also U on shoulder. Won side , I on hip left side Also C on left javj In addition to U B i on side Range o- ; Gkrdon creak and south 'B W RAYMOND Poatofflce Adflresi Rosebud , 8. D Cattla branded left boulder and hip Horses brsnd 4 vrlth only eaa a c TH. < GEOEOK PETB Bonesfcsel.SD Some ABE left aide and left hip Horses M. on left \ lip and sorao samo-\ on left shoulder No horses sold en * less brand la invert * ed making M Range head ot Whet Stons , Hit Postofflce Addres Simeon Neb Cattle branded or rlehtside ; horse ; eame on left shorn" der. Range , sun mer. on Sunfce rlv- er ( 4 miles from mouth } winter , ml lea south of Sim con BENNETT Postofflee Address fllmeon Neb Stock branded v itb 1 on left blp also same as cut Range , between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the NIobrara rlvor J VT TVrjRLi.lGII ? ostofflce Address Simeon , Neb. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left slda Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the NIobrara river JOZN B LORD Postoffloa Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range , on the NIobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postofflce Address Rosebud B I Cattle oraaded sam as cut or on hip Ranch on Blacl Plpa Creek TODD SMITH , Postofflce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded . out Diamond -r.ma as a mend T Horses branded he Fame , Ranch Hi U uu Thunder Creek ROBERT FINLAYSON Poetofflce addres- Newton Neb Stock brande' game as cut Range on Gorco ! Creels GEORGE DECORY. Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same as cutHorses Horses bracded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope cre"ek east of KoiebuU BEN BEAUOVIS Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Stock branded left shoulder three Inches long ; side four Inche. long : . Brand pecord yl 22 .vrs , Ranch ou .lorse Creek D. BSAY PostofHee Address Roeebud. S D Cattle branded enl l ft thigh or hip same as cat Horaei branded same on left shoul der BEN TUBGEON Postofflce Address Bonesteel. S E Cattle branded on left side same as cui and right ea2 crop ped.Horses Horses branded Ton left shoulder Also with cir cleA WM. F. SCHMIDT. Postofflce Address Rosebud , S , D , ' branded same aa on m : or with unacr Uie S ; rlgnt ear allp nnd dulaped. Horses branded ; ame on left hip ALEI BORDEAUX. - _ Postoffleo Address Rosebud , S I Horses ara brande r on left thigh ; cnttl < on left aide with ho' crop on left ear , Also cat tle M B with no ear Gustave Gnnderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses I on left shoulder. Range-Between Snak iod the NIobrara JOHN H Brownlee Neb Bamoaaon cut Also and AS be Horses on left shoulder Hns : Goo Creek and North Loup L K BELDINO Postofllo" addreai Brownl Neb On right side or hip " On left sfdo or hip ; or fc . L oa . 'f left hip. Range , Calf Cree * J B and E T SMITH Postofflce aadreas Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left aide ; also horses ses on right side Euturo.Gooso Greek E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postofflce address Brownlec. Neb. Same as on cu' Range between Geese Creek ucd Nprth Loup J. M. HANXA. Postofflce address Seneca. Neb. Branded as on cut ; some and some on right hip Creek valle'y in Oher- county E. E. ORR. Postofflce address Newton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on left side ; horses ouleftshoul- der Range , between north prong and North Loup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range. North Loup R. M. FADDIS. PostofHee address Pass Neb Range , North Lour- River I. L. MERCURE. I'ostoffice address Seneca. Neb , . On right f side , or J on either hip Range , Southwest ofSeneca P. GRIER. GRIER.Postofflce Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. On left hip Sp/js cS ? On right or rszd&H Ipfthlp KSS Ranee , be- iJ tween Seneca a d Norway on M > ddl. * Loup B W PEARSON Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H 8ALZ3TANN Postofflce addres Brownlee Neb On left hip. The herd mark is a dew. lapRan Ran CD on GOOM Creek. FRANK T LEB fostofflce address Vrownlee Neb rattle on left side ; lorsp * same on left ; hnulder. Range 4 liks northeast of jrownlea A GERSIAN PostEce address Newton Neb Cattle branded eit'- ersidehorsps same on lef tshoulder.a to have care OL an-- branded SP under- lined. Range-North Loup DICK JIC37ALI. entofflce aflflress Brownlea Neb nleftsidcand hi ? Iso 8 oa left hip ange , Korth Loup , CHABLE3 H PcwtoClco * ddres Bro > ynlae , Nebr Either right or left sldo on cattle Horses same on lett shoulder Lefte&r cut off o ! cattle Range , Laup rlv- r HENRY FAULHABER jSgjj/S > PoBtofflce ftddre > | > { Brownlee. Net ) Cattle on lett Horses sana o left shoulder Raage , Loup rlrct DAVID STJCADMAN Postofflca address Pass , Neb Cattle on leftside fight side' I/ horses rig. . . Some-horse * onloftshoul- JOHN CHALOUD PostofBoa adflre Browalee , Cattla and on right slda Range. Big Creak D B PERKINS Postofflce address Hals or , Net * On left hip 1 ange , Loup River TALBOT & GALLOP Postodce Beneca , Neb. Cattle branded left side Horses branded on leftshoulde Range between - _ tween Middle and Dismal GEORGE GRAY Postofflce address T be Iford. Nebr On left hip DrAG on right hip or s'lde Range. Loup and Dismal CRONIN BROS. PostofEce addrce * Thedford.Neb On fight sld flange , between Loup and Dlasm "WALT HARDY. Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. Left sfdo on cattle ; horses , left shoulder ; : tlg on lei i stde some on right hip Rangesoutn Middle Loup. JULIUS H ECKMAN. Fostofflce nddress Brownlee. Net Bams as on cut Range south of Brownloa 11. DUNHAM. Postofflce address Kennefiv , Neb Stock branded on left side as on cut. Range Gordoa Creek. GRANT < > Postof2e addrw * * Brownl eOn * < On left aide IRA PostoOice addresa Brownlee Neb Branded on left sldo Raage , Call Creek mdBw n Laks Val- sj OR * . On left stde Range. SwaS , J R address Kennedy Neb - tcck biaadod on lelt Some branded lii