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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1899)
Vv- ! NEW SUMMER GOODS ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft . .I- ' ftft ftft ft ftft Goods , Shoes , ftft Our stock of Dry ft ftft Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises , Clothing > ftft ftft ing and Gents Furnishings has been ftft ftft replenished throughout and we now ftft ft ftft have some of the- best values ever ftft ft offered for the money. ftft ftft ft Get our pieces on Groceries- ftft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ' & RED FRONT tote tote tote tote tote to tote VALENTINE NEBRASKA tote to Cf CfCfCf" STILL BOIL L. And will for two or three months boil many other things , among them Buckeye Mowers and Repairs and cutting parts for any and all makes of machines. I also handle Binding Twine in season. "Wagons and spring wagons always on hand. Am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing , wagon making and painting. Brand mak ing a specialty. E. BREUKLANDER ALCOTT SUCCESSORS TOTHEO.TILLSON , LIVERY BARN WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN ' A. M. MOKRISSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEB O.W.MOREY < D THE VALENTINE WATCH MAKER AD JEWELER Carries a full line of sterling - . ling silver novelties C. A. WELLS J. J3. WELLS WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! Office over Cherry Conitfy F.M. . WALCOTT ATTORNEY - AND ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska - Practices in District Court and U. S. Land Office. Keal Estate and Kanch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor t J. C. DWYER. E. II. DWTEK. DWYER BROS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of * _ A , Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases ; " All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. / -.VALENTINE , ' - - NEBRASKA , "C > * , A- . . . A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Nights-Upstairs-Ked J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office atEstabrook Honse on Cherry St. . VALENTINE , NEB. Valentine House J. A. HOOTON , Prop. Recently opened and newly furnished. Not a restaurant , hut a hotel. $1.00 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons. First Door South of Bank of Valentine M. BATES L ATTOKKEY AT LAW Office over T. C. Hornby's store West Entrance VALENTINE - NEBRASKA Selling at Cost Here is your chance to purchase all kinds of goods at cost. .For he next 30 days we will sell our ' 311 tire stock boots , shoes , hats , iaps , dry goods , etc. , at cost. WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher $1.OO Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY. Entered at t to e Post-office at Valentine , Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and .all ar rears are paid in full. Stinard moves Sept. 1st. L.L. Raisins S1.75 per box at . C. * ' Hornby's. - 27 Best eating apples at Farnham & ' " * Dikeman's. 26 Schoolma'ams are beginning1 to ar rive in town. r New crop Evaporated Apricots at T. C. Hornby's. 37 The town will be turned over to the teachers next week. D. C. Nelson of Cody was in town Tuesday on business. Mrs. A. B. Watson went to Creigh- ton Tuesday morning. Dan Handy returned Tuesday morn ing from the Black Hills. Tents'Paulins and Haymakers' supplies , at T. C. Hornby's. 27 W. T. Kincaid has moved into his new house on Macomb street. Jack McHardie will move to"'Far- nam , Dawson county , shortly. Drs. Corkins and Coventry , eye doc tors , have been in town this week. Our press broke down yesterday and delayed us considerably this week. See those small hams , just the thing lor haying , atFaanham & Dikeman's. I. M. Rice and J. H. Quigley made a business trip to Woodlake , Tuesday. A fine lot-of fence posts for sale. Max E. Viertel , Crookston , Nebraska Wm. and John Harnan and G * E. Russell of Newton were in town Mon day. day.G. G. M. Lynn contemplates moying from the North Table to Butte , Boyd county. Goods at half price at Stinard's. 29 Levi Sparks came down from Cody yesterday for a short visit with his family. Myrtle Pettijohn went down to Ainsworth for a short visit , yesterdaj' morning. Frank Bray ton is having his house repaired , preparatory to moving into che same. Reliable man wanted to take 500 head of sheep on shares. Call on T. C. Hornby. n,29 WANTED First class outfit to stack 1,000 to 1.500 tons hay. W. E. WAITE Chesterfield , Neb. Judge Walcott made flying visit to Hot Springs Saturday night , return ing Monday morning. Sam Black , the genial hotel and livery man of Norden , brought Major Wood to Valentine , Sunday. J. B. Chadwick and wife left 'Mon- d-ey morning for a week's yisit with friends in Omaha and other points. ' t i G. H. Q. SMITH House and carriajf < painter. Shop corner of Half and Catherine streets , Valentine , Nebr. FOR SALE Team of work mares weight about 1200 each , also horse weight 1400. Enquire at this office. Ballard's Snow Liniment gives in stant relief in cases of bleeding , burns bruises , scalds , cuts. J.H. ( Quigley. 8 Jim Tucker and wife returned to Omaha Tuesday morning after a two week's visit with Jim's father.and mother here. R. M. Faddis moved his family to town last week , and is now comfort ably installed in the Fischer property on South Cherry street. J. O. Vincent will build a new house and barn on his claim south of town and has awarded the contract forthe carpenter work to Grant Dunn. NOTICE.- Parsons , the photogfaiph- er , will close his gallery in Valentine October 1,1899. All those wishing work done should call before Septem ber 12th. U. G. Dunn has received a contract for building a coal house 14x40 feet in size for Max Viertel , at Crookston. Max is branching out in all direc tions for business. A free and easy expectoration is produced by a few doses of Ballard's Horehound Sj'rup , in all cases of sore throat , hoarseness or difficult breath ing. 25 and 50c. J.H. Quigley 8 We want contracts for buliding 'ditches and guarantee satisfaction. Top of ditch 34 f eetbottom ; 14 inches ; depth from 16 to 24 inches. Call on or address Liue Smith , Cody , JSTe braska - - 10 Cut prices on everything at D. Stinard's. 19 Sadie Dewey has been in town the last week canvassing for a war his tory. tory.A A three days' carnival of sports will be held at Springview , September 4 , 5 and C. Go to T. C. Hornby's for Clothing He has the largest stock and lowest prices. . 27 The water commissioner informs-us that all sprinkling bills must be paid this month. Fishing for bass in Lake Minnecha- duza is a popular pastime , and some very nice fish are being caught. Allie Handy returned from a visi t with relatives in the southeastern part of the state , last Saturday morn- Ing. Pete Roueche came up from Brown- lee and made proof on his 'tree claim , Tuesday. J. W. Kanatsher accom panied him. The material for the new Berry bridge is being hauled from town this week , and people from the north-east are rejoicing greatly. * f Sparks and Ft. Niobrara played a game of ball , Sunday , at the Fort. Score , six innings , 'steen to something in favor of the soldiers. The democratic and populist judic ial conventions will be held in Valen tine on September 2. Call in full will be published- next week. For the benefit of our readers who are interested we will state that the open season for grouse and prairie chicken begins September 1. W.i E. Haley is working hard to get his abstract books written up to date , and when he completes the work will rest a whole lot easier of nights than he does now. W. S. Barker and wife and Ella Kies ter are visiting with friends and relatives in Burt county this week , and Dean Ef ner and Charley Wellf ord are getting the Republican out. At the Strong cattle sale S iturlay cows sold at $33 and heifer with calves by their sides brought $36. Only 45 head were sold , the sale being called off before the steers were offered. t * Herbine is well adapted to the cure of fevers of all kinds , because it thor oughly cleanses the stomach and bow els of all bilious humors and expels al1 impure secretions. J. H. Quigley. 8 Go to Stinard's for bargains. 29 3 Frankie Mathieson , of Omaha , vis ited with here with her brother John , the efficient clerk in Davenport & Thacher's store , Friday and Satur day. John accompanied her home Sunday morning for a week's vaca tion. Charley Cooper is in town , treading the streets like a king , all because he has a new boy at his house , since last Monday , August 7. Charley says the youngster looks just'like his dad , and is a thorough cow puncher alraady , but we'll bet he will never be able to play a violin like his father does. About a month ago Tom Kelly had Dick Riedel arrested for assault , or disturbing the peace or something of that sort , and Tuesday the trial came off , but Tom got stuck for the costs in the case and Dick was discharged. The trouble occurred on the Snake during the races in Valentine , and while lots of charges of stealing and threats have been made on both sides no bloodshed nor arrests for grand larceny have been reported as yet. The Ninth Annual Reunion of the old settlers of Cherry and Keya Paha counties will be held at Sparks on the 18th and 19th of August. The first day will be enlivened with an address by Judge W.alcott , an egg race , a bis cuit eating contest , a ball game and a horse race. The next day Judge Tucker will talk , music will be fur nished by the Norden band , a horse horse race , sack race , foot race and ball game will constitute the amuse ments , and the business meeting will be held. Bowery dance each evening. Since 1890 the Hot Springs of South Dakota have been recognized as the resort for western people. All things are favorable for those seeking rest , health or pleasure. 1 This season finds the resort well patronized by people from Nebraska , Iowa , Illinois , Minnesota , Wisconsin and eastern South Dakota , and every one well satisfied with the Wonderful Waters. t Delightful Climate. Modern Hotels. Varied attractions for sight-seers. The North-Western Line is the pi oneer to this resort. The North-Western Line runs Wagner Palace Sleepers to Hot Springs , South Dakota. The North-Western Line makes low round trip rates to this resort. Ask your nearest railroad agent for therdate of the next excursion via the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley R. R. , Nor h-Western Line. J. H. Gable , J. R. Buchanan , Trav. Pass. Agt , Gen. Pass Agt , * - Des Moines. Omaha.J RE-OPENED RE-FURNISHED HE-MODELED S Good cooks , good beds , good rooms , good service and good provisions i I * Try us once and you will come again $1.00 per day Opp. Court House H. K. BROWN , PROP VALENTINE , NEBR. Wide Tire Wagons' Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST KECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition to this I have just received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere YalentiiiCj Nebraska D. S. Ludwig That's what we want you to do get posted on our stock before buying elsewhere. If you do we'll be glad of it , because we can" save you some money.Ve don't mean that we will sell you a very poor article at a very low price. We don't do business that way. We mean that the prices on the best goods are the lowest that you can get. Come and see. ' Agent for MAX E. VIERTEL Pasteur Blackleg Vaccine. . We have some good horses for sale Crookston , Nebraska GEO. G. SOHWALM , PROP. This market always keeps a supply ofT T- In addition to a 6rst-class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams , Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Blotter's Old Stand on Main Street , VALENTINE NEBRASKA HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands i I ? VALENTINE , , NEBRASKA Headquarters for this section of the state is found at place. Peering mowers and rakes are'admitted to my be the best. I also handle Rushford wagons and Eobinson buggies , in addition to a full line ofjharness and saddles Feed in Transit at Fremont Capacity : Sheep , covered sheds , 24 cars ; open pens , 15,000. Caitle 28 cars. The place to rest and feed for ; he Omaha market. , Easy run to feeding points out side Chicago. Long distance telephone. iVrite or wire when you will ar- ive , tj Freniont Stock Yards Co M ill Prices for JFectl. Jran , bulk 50c per cwt $9.00 ton horts bulk 60c per cwt § 11.00 ton icreenings 40c " $7.00 " Jhop Feed 70c " $13.00 " ! oru Goo " > ats § 1.00 " white feet ; has been driven ? The O A. Bordeaux , Rosebud , S. D. i jr Stolon. Several head of horses and cat-1 Amos Strong , , fl miles Medicine Canyon ov A . F. H . *