W. D. Oreston , S. D. Left or either side of cattlealso Vleft side oj neck. Swal low foik rh-'h * rar , underblt Jelt , right ear nubbed off : nn- dcrhlt Icf cnr Borne on left jaw and .sonic wattle 1-i.li Jaw Other brands lelt side or -any part of animal , left side or any part of anfm.l , -5'ino branded 'Che following , lelt Aso ! some cattle ' ' 1 f \ * "T 'TL/ * bcirins the follow ing brands : mmMm - - F - * - - * - * V * * b M " - J m neckX left side or shomdur ; W Inp or On left side left slioul lf ± iJ r Tll imuac a rr rm n ft mrlU IH lull trie lell lelt nip or thigh thigh thigh , or thigh , hip. Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the -Above brands will be prosecuted. Information < ctCarding thaft llb rally rewarded. Hange at " ' " " " " and springs Cottouwood. HICUBERT O. BISONETTE. MANAGER. Post office address Pine Bidce , S. I ) Cattle branded as on cut , HOB on left side ; some JIVl eitherside ; Some on left side ; m some , older stock , .anywheroon animal. Horses B R onlcfthip miles norili- anywhere on - ' ri'rht prl [ ( - ast of Pine Ridge , in Shannon Co JOITN GHOST BEAU , MANAGER ? ostofflce address Pine Ridge , S. -Cattle branded B C on left hip of cattle aa -on out : some branded on kftsidealso r > non -on left side ; horses ? : inieonleft shoulder lianKe Wounded Knee and VTakpam- * nSI.akeShannonCo. L. C. Peyton. Lavaca , Nebraska. On left side , nangc Pole Creek. SHOUT IIOKN for sale Geo. H. Hill. - 3illop : , Nebraska Chi leftside naajre-io miles oouth of .Merrlman P. W. Pruden. Merrlman. Neb. Someini tided same as cut on both i < i | ) > . it.nsie Nortbeist of Merdmuu Geo. L. Coleinan. Corty , Nebraska On leftside ; horses O - tt > houder Ranee Ten miles -tveatof Snake River Falls Alex Burr. ' Pullman. Nebr. On right side ; horses same left shoulder. Herd mark-Dew lap Range Brush Lake and South Geo. W. Monnier. Ulerrtman , N'eb. -Seit shoulder and Scit thluhisome i an ! etthphor- ; les sfizne left if ange East and SouMieast Merrnuati Grant Bixler. < r7 r9 _ . , _ - < Merrlman , Neb. .5 S. Some on left side ; m some on left hip ; horses same lef' thigh. Range Six miles Northeast of Merrl man. H. E. Sears. . Nebraska -Mostly on right hip < > onie on both hips Kiuise-M dicine S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska , Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Range North of the Suake C. Evenson , PO < IV. Nebraska G > n left side and ; horses same left slue R angs Between and Xlobrara. * * * > MARTiN RED BEAR. Postoffloe address Pine Ridge , S.D. Ca left a.di ; ho/ses sameleftthig'iy ! Range Wolf Creok. Postofflco Addncc : Blmeon Neb Stock branded same aa out be hind leftstioulder Ran Ere on the Bchlagle T7 O CARSOW Tostofflce Addres1 Simoon Neb Stock branded * n left hip eamo &s cut cutRange Range , head- : rs of the Jehlagle A | M SEARS SEARSPostoffloe Postoffloe addreis Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a ? oncutIeftsidesomc ; en left hip norsef same on left ehoul der Range , Square Lake MGRGAREIDGE and SON Postofflce address Simeon Neb Cattle branded as on out ; or f .Tor V D on left hip with hole in rght ear when uu- der2-yrs old ; horsea same as cut and IJ Hange Gordon Creek and Niobrara itlver ALBERT WHIPPLE Postofflce address Rosebud , S.D. * Branded on leftsido some SOS Horsea c either shoul der _ _ Some : ir- brandcd on eithar shoul Jer thus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER Postofflce address Kilgore , Neb. Cattle branded on either side as on nit. same on hip Some on Ir-ft side VA ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postofllce address Allen. S. Left sidealsc ; on Iclt " ! ' Horse tO on lit : . Range Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. I'ostoffice address Merrlman. Neb. On left side ; ear-mark under slopQ Horses.-J S on lett shoulder Range ten miles northeast of Blerrl- innu. 3. H. KIMMEL. d. S. D. Also B U < n left side Ca tie un 1 < rent on both enra ; horses branded 4 < n left shoulder Range On Ante lope and Sprin Creeks Joseph Fairbead. Lavaca. Neb. left- side Als - on lett side , | _ also same reverted - > verted on left thigh Horses shoulder Range-Between Fair head Lake and Snake rivof Clarence Cutcomb. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on larg cnttlo. On small slock left side ; horses Al left shoulder Range-Southeast o Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleishman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dewlap. Range Ranges 36 and 37 , between Nio brara aud the Snake. James Goodfello\7 and Son. Cody , Nebraska On left sldo ; hor. ses JG right aiti- and mostly on Jaw Range Between the Xiol rira and Medicine Lake. H. Carter. Postofflce adddi > ss Cody , NebrasKa. On left side ; some X T left side , horses T left shoulder SHORT HORN StOCk , Range Between Niobrara and the Snake. HORACE WALLISTGFORD Postodce address Chesterfield jfeb Cuttle branded on left tide and nip : left ear cropced ] square ; some "nleftilde & | left shoulder horses brand cross an chor on left shoulder. 5 B and A B MCALYEY Postofflce addresi Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as oooufc ; horses same onleftehoulder Range on Square Laka K1MH Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded aa on cut or on hip ; horses same. Some on lett side and bar on hipRange Range , ' .one Tree Yaller FLOYD KI3IB Postofllce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left hip or side ot both Horsea with H on let shoulder , Ranjra tiusjj Lake. Gordon and KOrth 8 RQWLBY fostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on 'eft side &nd htphnr- es on left ! < houlderalso ; - " the on either hip . . J the Iatter on Ight side Also on on either side Ranee. Bordman between Bend aad the Springs & BACH3jrrOR rosrofflce address Valentine , Neb Cattle branded same as on cut ; some on left side and hip ; horses same on left shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Uordman ; Horse range. Steer Creek , between the and Snake D L McLANE S'ostofBce Address Rosebud , S D CaUle branded 8 cut on either < ide ; also F L R i.nd F R Horses branded OOTon left OOTm shoulder m and colts . . three links v flange mouth of Cottonwood , RED SHIRT Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same as cut. Horses brand d on left shoulder with a K. Ranch In Little White PEKRY PARKER ' . 'ostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded . .me as cut. Horses , P on left 'loulder Kange.Mouth ol jlordman CLEMENT Postofflce Address R ° bud. S 1) Cattla brand on left hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLS 'ostoffloe address Kennedv Neb Cattle branded on tt.side and hip uorses same on left , .oulder Some on left side Range.Riish Lake.Gordon and North oup K1MB' Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with both .ears cropped square Horses same as cat tle but on left sboul- iler Has Welr'a cat tle , also. U BI nangeGordon Greet G W LADHLY "stofllce address Newton Ifeb Cattle branded -.me as cut or on hip Horses L on left 'ank Range , between ; , irdon creek and .ie Loup D B BTOKEB Postofflee address Newton Neb Cattle branded &i on cut Also u on shoulder , w on side , I on hip left side Also C on left 1a\ % in addition to U B t on side Range on Gerdoa creek and south S RAYMOND Pcstofflce Addresa Rosebud , S. D Cattle branded left boulder and hip Hones branded with only eaa 8 o * v-rt fei ? OEOEG ? : PETB Bonestoel.flD Borne ABE left Bide ' nd left hip Horses Mon left nip and some sama CQ left shoulder No horses sold on > lesa'brandla invert * ed making re Range head el Whet Stone I , T7ALKER Postofflce Addresi Simeon Neb Cattle branded on rlchtcide ; horses same on left shoal , der. B&nge. sum mer , on Snake riv er , i milej from zaoulh ) winter , 4 mllea south of Sim con BENNETT Postofflee Addres * Blmeon Neb Stock branded \Mth7on left hip alffosame as cut Range , betweou Gordon and Snake creeks and on- the Niobrara river J TV IVTJRLEIQH Fostofflce Address Blmeon , Neb. Cattle-and horses branded same as cut on left side Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river JO3N B LORD Postoffloe Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range , on the NJobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postofflco Address Rosebud B I Cattle oranded sum as cut or on hip Ranch on Blacl j Pipe Creek TODD SMITH. Postofflce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded samoasout a Diamond mend T Horses branded ' lie same. Ranch in Vi hue Thunder Crfeek ROBERT FINLAYSOiT PostQfflce address Newton Neb Stock brando' same as cut Range on Gordo Creels GEORGE DECORY , Postofflco Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on-left Bide same aa cut Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope creek east of Rosebud BEN BEAUOVIS Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Stock branded left shoulder three inchej long ; side four Inchef ilong1. Brand record , [ M22rrs , Ranch on ijEIorse Creek BRAY Postofflee Address Rcsebud. 8 D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horses branded same on left shoul der BEN TUBGEON Pjstofflce Address Bonesteel. S E Cattle branded on left side same as cut and richt eai crop pea. pea.Horses branded Ton left shoulder Also with cir cleA F. SCHMIDT. 1'ostofflce Address Rosebud , S , D , I raided same as oa -.us or with unacr the S ; rignt ear allp ind du'aped. Horses branded ; amo on left hip AT.EX BORDEAUX. - Postofflca Address Rosebud , S 1 Horses are brandi C on left thlgn ; cattli on left side with hsi crop on ear , tla si B with ni orop on car Gustave Gunderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses ion left shoulder. Range-Between 3nak and the Ntobrara JOffS 0. Brownlee Kcb Same-as on cut and AS Horsee on lelt shoulder Hanjre Goo Creek and North Loup ! K EELDING Postofllo * addree * _ Brownl Neb On right vide or hip On left sfds or bip ; or . L on left hip. Range , Calf Creek 3 B and E T SMITH Postofflce aadreBj Browniee Neb Cattle and horses on left side ; also horses ses on right side Ran ce.&ooae Greek E. R , VANDEGRIFT. Postofflce address Brownlee. Neb. Same as on cat Range between Goose Creek acd North Loup J. M. HANNA. Fostofflce address Seneca , Neb. Branded as on cut ; some . . P on - _ hip and some on right hip Range Calf Creek valley In Cner- county E. E. ORR. ORR.Postofflce Postofflce address Newton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on left side ; horses on left shoul der Range , between north prong and. North Loup end Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDTJ. Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range. North Loup R. M. FADDIS. Postofflce nddress Pass Neb RanRC , Nortli Loup River I. L. MERCURE. Postofflco address Seneca , Neb Qn right side , or J on either hip Itange , Southwest ufSeneca P. GRIER. GRIER.Postofflce Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. On left hip On right cr left hip Ranee , be tween Seneca and Norway on Middl- * Loup B W PEAR3OIT Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN n'BALZMANN Postofflce addres- Drownlee Neb On left hip. The herd mark is s dew. lap Range on Goose Creek. FRANK T LEE fctfofflce address 7rownlee Neb Cattle on left side ; horsp * Mime on left si nuldcr. Range 4 i'n'cs ! northeast of L A GERMAN Pcstfflce address NerrWn Neb Cattle branded eit- ! ersidehorses same onleftshoulder.a'-so have care 01 .iioc. branded SP under lined. Loup DICK MCNALL PejtcRice afldress Brownlee Neb On left sidcand hip also o& left hip . Xorth Louj CHARLES H Postofflco ddres Brownlee , Nebr Eltber right or left aide on catlla HorsM same on lelt shoulder Left ear cut off of cattle Range , Leuprir- tr HENRY FAULHABER FostoCJc * addre Brownie * . Neb Cattle on lea Horses saraa o * left shoulder Rasge. Leup rtrrt DAVID STSADJIAH" Postofllce address Pass , Neb Cattle on leftside Has cbarg of cattle branded m j right aide 'I horses ri : . . hip Somenorsea on left shoul der JOHH CHALOUD PostofDce addre > Brownlee , x b Cattle and bene * oo right side Ranee. D B PERKINS f Postofflce address Haher. NeT > On left hip I ange , JLoup River TALBOT & GALLOP Postofflct addrtse Seneca. Neb. CaUle branded o left aide Horsei branded on left shoulder Range be-L tween Middle and Dismal OEORGE GRAY Postofflce address Ihelfoid. Nebr On left hip DrAC on rignt hip or side Range. Loup and Dismal CRONIN" BROS. Postofflce addrese Thedford.Nebr On right side Range , betweea Loup and Dl n WALT HARDY. Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. Left side on cattle ; horses. If ft shoulder ; also on left side some on right hip ftange.south Middle Loup. JULIUS Postofflce address Brownlee , Same aa on cut Range south Brownlee M. DUNHAM. Postoffice address Kennecy , Neb Stock branded on left side as on cut. Range Gordon Creek , K GBA2.T Postoffica addresa Brownlee He > On left side Ranza. Loup Eivas IRA 6PZ27CER Postomce addresa Brownlee Neb Branded on left side Range , Call Creek and Swan Lafca Val ley B B ORn Erownlee On lef : side J R Postofflcft addresa Kennedy Neb Stock branded laraeascut on left side Rome branded with bar undercea& , W any wbera oa ua/