Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, August 03, 1899, Image 8
WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT Farm and Stock HO1SERT GOOI > , - Manager Valentine , Nebraska . ALONZO HEATH Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses leftsho.ulder llange norm o Ciucomb Lake S A WINSLOW Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska Branded on either Bide ; h"rpp < j same on left shoulder Hango 3-mi. northeast - east of Eli and south of Niobrara river , 13- mi southwestof Cody C RIEMENSCHNE1DE11 Postoffice address Codv.Nebniska On right side ; alsoX on right shoulder and 9 on jaw. ft 3 on left hiualso3 on Jllange Old. Poor llanchon Niobrani A D COLE Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska Same as on cut , left side and shoulder , llange east and south- and west of Cody CIIAS. E .ROBERTS Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On either side ; some It 14 K ; .some K K K llanveortlnvestof Cody Fit AN K J. JOXKS Postofflce address Cody.NebrasKa On right side Cor ses same on left shoulder llange. eight miles west of Cody CHARLES GART3IDE Postofflce address Cody , Neb Cattle branded on left side ; also C G o left hip of cattle and left shoulder on horses Kanue on Niobram 10 mi southwest Cody JOHN SHANGRAN Postofflre address Cody. Nebraska On lelt side Also on left side Horses JS on left shoulder Range between C Jily and Lake Creek J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On'eft side.of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , norlh and south of Mohrsirn Riv"r,12-railes sout h west of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM 31AYBEE. Postofflce address P Cody Nebl Hi On left side ; horses lii ! same left shonlder liia Earmark notch on lei underside of right ear St Stn IJange east and n uith of Eli RJ J H STEELE & Postoffice add' ess Cody , Ne'ias ! < On left sidea'so ; M ) or W L on le ol somecattlei Also ! on loft hip ; and horses on left shoulder lla Mire-Mouth of aCear Creek . Ne Ch G H SEAGER Postofflce address Cody , Neoraska PeOn Cattle branded as on cut on left side , hip On ) and shoulder ; horses hoi same 11 Range , Snake Creek of FRANK MOGLE Postofflce address rml mg Cody , Nebraska On either d * cattle herd mark left ear clipped and rit'Iit ear splithorses branded same on left shoulder Range on Niobrara and MedicineCanyon EARL COMSTOCK , MANAGER. Postoffice ad dress Valentine. I * ea .81 Like cut on eitbcr Posi Onl TG 00 lion Horses lik ' nit on eitjR and C leftshuulder R ; left hip ( f : SE < MM > K KM A HIor sufficient evi.nort di nee to couv Jet any \ o1 nedj tt > e above brands. N \ ' \ ' < Kv CHAS S NICHOLS ' -p address _ > i ! nt/i. Neb , On j. -f fittle ; l'or > ' " . ! uft shot : r Rantiietwoon Bear Creek and Niobrara River , 9-mI southeast of Merriman SELDER BROTHERS > , Poslofflce address Merriman , Neb On left side of tie ; also fa horse ? ' " * on left If Range , north a south of Niobrani River,9-mIsoutheiiHt of Merrinidii G H FOLSOM Postofflce address Merriman , Neb Branded on left side Range north o' Merriman E F DEVINE Postofficc address Merriman , Neb Branded on left side ; horsey s-one on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and the Niohianvriver.9 mi S.E. of Merriman GEORGE STOVKR Postofflce address Merriman. Neb On left side ; horses same left shoulder Rnnge Little White River South Dakota GEORGE JESSEN Poslofflce address Merriman , Neb On jither left side or hipj-horscs same on left hhoulder K nge-Kist of Cot ton\\ood L'ike GENTRY. ABBOTT & MONAHAN Postofflce address Hyannis. NclJ Both on left side some stock branded CMlshniil der A luft hip ; also N N N anywheie on leftside ; also C A left side Range head Middle Loup C S WILLIAMS Postoffice address Gallop , Nebraska On loft side ; also AV I left , side ; also Jleft hipalso ; W on side and S on hip ; horses S on left jaw Range-Eight miles south of Gallop ALBERT NENZEL Postofflce address Nenzel. Nebraska On either side of cat tle ; horses same Kange northeast of Nenzel LAN ADAMSON Postoffice address Chesterfield , Neb. Br nded as on cut : some 5 on left hip ; some just one. brand like on cut on left tlikli Range between Bordmun and Snake W G SAWYER Postofflce address Oasis. Nebraska1 Butler & QuiBenbcry ve charge of these attle ; horses DM on eft shoulder : some stock branded 1 nywhere on Hiiimal fcinge ! , Snake river > RICHARDS A CAIRNES CO. ff . . . > Cattle hmnded oi : m any partof-'iunial following , 4 * 't jS ' /v 'il'1' * " I Brands : Mffi Mflsi ) orsus Sr f. - same Range between Gordon 01 Hie F.K. &M. V. , It. R. and lyannfc on B , & M. R. R. in Northwestern "ebraska. Address , BAKTLKI" ! ' RHUAIU > S. lhadron , Nebniski J W OSTRANDlilt sli - , RnsbvilIe , Neb left thigh or hip ; orses .1 left thigh P Range-Head wafers Gordon Creek Br noPe : AJl < 'trfri'rJor$4OU will be paid t nnv prww for information leading to ili arrest and cimviclioQ of any person or persons . tcal- igrattle M-ith above bnind. MOREY A IIEWETT Postoffice address Gordon , Neb On leftside of cuttle I'ortes same left i shou'der ; alsi 2U ) "d tleftsid bide of some Range south ) f Snake35-ini outh- OI < 4Oid < ill ER1CKSON & AUSTIN stoffice address Kennedy , N Po : left side and hip ; irses l ) or A > n Hi tjaw llaniri' two mil ? ? * irthwest1 of Ken- : DAWSON & BALL Postoffice address Chesterfiel ' . Neb Cattle bnmded on leftside as on cut : also V leltneckandZ left hip : some V left iieek. V left shoulder an > 55 lefthiohorses ; VZ left hip. llange Snake EIver,31,32,33. GEORGE G BOTHWELL Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Branded as on cut ; a > > i lefthip Range , south and east of Pullman P PULLMAN Postoffice address Pullman. Neb Branded as on out ; Also p on .shoult ! 'r on sideP on hip ; also w side P lup also l' on snoulder , Won side I * on hip llange north prong of North Loup CIIAS S HOYT Posto'uceadilress Pullman , Neb Branded on IjflTside al-"o coon left side ; . , Isn "between eyes and n se Range K-nilles west of I'lillni ui J L ROSHBERRY Postofficc address Pullman , Neb Branded on left lii ) > ; horses same e d- mark-dotible dew-lap Range south and east of Brush Hili DYE Postofficp address Pullman , Neb Branded on left side A reward of § 100 -Hl be paid for m- Jomiation leading to the arrest and linal conviction'of any person for killing , 'trivingolf or conceal ing any of my cattle II A BUCK Postoflicc audress llyunnis , Neb Branded on lelt. side Range eighteen miles north of llvannis L L MORRfLL Postofflce address Hvannis , Neb On left side ; also S on left hip ; Lorses § left shoulder Range US-miles north of Hyannis H C MASON Postoffire address Hyannis , Nebi 0 on left side ; some 0hi same on left side and hiR liip Some R on lefthip Horses -jgollldpr Range-Mother Lake summer range-Bing- liam , Shendan.Co. A SAULTS Postofflce address Gregory , On left side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder llange-Arkansa Valley and Snakr < P JOE CULBERTSON d lei Pojtcffice address st PnHniun , Xeh oren on Bnmded on leftside ; la horses T T on rlglji on h < ulder ; a crop nud slii in left ear of cattle ot ! llange Forks of otAl Nonh Loup Jliver AlPo C JENSIi.V rlress Gallop , Nebraska Left si-1 u on priVkte iini ] niflu side also C < ; * 3/ on h f'i.sldt. o : Vault hflii , or 'Vg&gF left .side 'f , + . * $ * llur > os ( } J on left shoulder. liange-Eiyht miles south of Gallop Po JULIUS PETERSON ) n for iff Po-tufflce addr.-ss Gregory. Neb Rninded as on ent , r- Range two miles : iorth of Grugory . - D N GOURLKY S tJ ffl l Rnsliville , Neb IST3tJKRWK alisS _ , , . . , On left hip ; also O ( ) on iell bide ; horses left shoulder tj' r ? i OBE CHURCH 'ostofflce addres MerriinaUj Neb ) left side ; also Con right side orses o left shoulder ango north and authof Merriman CIIABLES LONE WOLF Postofflce address Allen 3 D On right side and shoulder , horses eame on right tlilch flange-Bear Creek MORRIS JANIES Poetoffice address Rosebud , s. D. Cattle bnmded on left side as on cut iiorsesr onlefr thigh , Rrnge on Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postoffice address Allen , S. D,1 On left shoulder and hip ; some 1 on BS left sliouldrand k J on left side. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek A GALLIGO Postofflce address Manderson , S. D. Left side and on young stock. OIo stock r.vnded left sine IJorses thigh lelt Range-Rock Springs Basin JAMES BUSH Postofiice address Allen S On lelt side Also on 1ft side Horses on left hip Range- Rear Creek R M FADDIS Postofflce address Pass , Neb Range , Nor.h Loup River CHARLESLONG MAN Postoffice address Allen S W On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek GEORGE N DAVIS .Postoffice address Simeon , Neb Branded on rig hi side or hip Also on left hip -forses on right ; houlder as on on' Range-Gordon iiiii ! Snake CHARGING BEAR Postofflee address Allen S D On left -.me rtiid thigh horses on thigh Range ; Bear Creek 0C STEAD3IAN BROS Li PusiofTioe address Ps.su Nab Brand on Istt sidt Horses and some cattle branded oil left side and hip Range. msl i.c.V.0 and Wanui Creot OF COOPER Postoffice address Kennedy , Neb1 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Stock over PC one year old PCq iiiri ht side ; q liorsos same el left shoulder Range south & west ai Hackberry Lake and t urlow S Also some brands HI "n eft leg R JACOBSON BROTHERS Postofflce address Gregory , Neb On left side ; some same with I on h-ft shoulder horses hlt. : s Range Gor don and Goose Lake DAN AVEBSTER 'ostofliee address llarlaii , Nehni-ka < left side or hip ; fore . lirtn leil same ' ah uiHcr tiinge between JN'ur irara and Snal e riv" rsouth > f AU-rri- ) 1:111 -I Iti'irfti-rf ttf $1O ( . wih btpHid lo any aif prsoii foi iitfoimatiun leafiiim ! oi lie arrest and on iinl c'Hiviriinii of any pei > oi or pei > ons steal- ] igeattle or hoises with abo\a brand. no O J KELLAR PostoTl'e acldresi Brown e Nebr On eft side Range , betweer Goose Creek and Loup A T BRACKETT stoffice address Posi Biege Neb Ca anded on left side left inge-Three miles SHU iiitheast of G corgia lit WILLIAM WILSON Postofflce address Kilgore Xebi Branded on left side Range-Southeast of Georgia H SCHULTZ . . Postoihce address | McCann Neb * Stock bnmded as on cut Range North and south of Georgia WILHELM ANDERSON Postoffice address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on leit hip Range between the N'iobnira and Snake JOHN DUBRAY Po-jtofflce address Merriman , Neb On left side , jaw or hip Range Lake Creek- South Dakota. / A. B. CAP WELL Postofflne addrrss Puliman N On left side of cattle itange North Loup JOE ROOKS Jii , Posiolllce address Allen S D On left side ; ho sc S sme on teigli I .tange Bear Creek I CAN RAISE Fine apple trees but 1 have to buy 1113- apples ; but I do claim to raise the finest kind of VEGETABLES Invy gardens east and west of Peen the Ilansen bridge , and can sup ona ply the demand as cheap as any- sin b dv. R. EtANSEN no . cr JENS SIIOMSEN C. ELLDSTG Manager Salesman n v DOWNING Postofflce addrcas Gregory , Neb On leftsidealso ; CO L Eon side Range Stevenson n Lake Rai Coi PIKE BROS. BROS.Postofflce Postofflce address P0 Crookston , Neb Branded on eithe On sidi ; side of animal1 , on ' ' Home' and n right hip nor bra Range On illn- nei'haduza. 5-miles orE east of Crookston E E AND II K WOODRUFF Postofflce address Hyannis , Neiii On lefthip and left side. Also bnmded on left side and reversed on right sliouMer ; also rijJil hi ; and left side Kunge-Mo'her Lake Ran RICHARDSON Pos Postofflce address j r 3tcCann Neb cut- : Branded on leftside sani llange McCann e Raii and Lak A T DAVIS 'ostofflce address llyaun's ' , Neb On ri ht side lore : iileft shoulde liso cattle o o riirht sin Ranne 16 miles lorth of Hyannis R \YESTOVER Postoffice address Lakeland. Neb Post < Branded on left jbip and shoulder , Some on right side s Range in Brown and ige < Cherry eonntie ; at head waters of the of Co Calamus river. R. HANSON. isioffi e address * Valentine. Neb battle branded on sfthip ; horses the ime Ilange en Dry Val- Bran < l ami Taper One Year Robert Good , Valentine , PS ROUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb } On left side or-any part of animal. Ear mark riRht ear cut off ; horses branded same on left hlp.Also has stock branded II on side or shoulder , or JKorTForO'VI , orO or .FZ. Also . the following , the first one being on side and hip AND SONS Pwtoffloe addr CM Brownies JTb On rlarbt de. 01 m on same klda , also LBK oo left sideHanB HanB , north ) rownlea , a to * 5 , miles CEO IIIGGINS Postofilce address Browulee , Neb Branded on left side ; some H side and thighand and on left thigh llango Duek Lake JOHN J 8TKKN Postofflce address Brownle > .Ntb On light side Range. Horie Vallej CLARENCE K SMITH Postofflce ( address Wftitman , Nel On left side ; horses same on leftshouldcr Jon leftside lanywhern on ' animal. Onfln flip or thigli pA Range north prong J Middle Lonp river ind Buffalo Lake S IV Cbesnut Gordon. Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip. Range head of Gordon Creek , forty miles southeast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford cattle. J G COOLEY * 'ostofflce address Hyannis , Neb right side ; hor- a same on right houldur nge six miles lorliiwest of Moth- Lake precinct A J PLUMER Postofflce address Hyannis , Neb Branded on right side and h' p Also have stock branded right side and hip IIon es. on right hip" ange-bouthwestern Cherry ounty. W E STANSBIE AND D O BAUGH ostofflce address Ryaiinis , Neb * lefthip anc left de Also left hip left side orses same . rands on shouidens Range -miles artliot Hyannis MASON COMPANY Postoffice address Hyaunitf , Neb Onii.'lithip ; 'flil either side On right St-s right ahoitluer ange seven miles north of Hyannis. SWEENEY BROS xstoffice address Pullman , Neb ittle branded as on ; horses branded me as cuttle except versed s. ' block inge Stevei SteiAenson ikes and South A IfUMP'HREY a'd es < Hyannia. Neb Branded anywhere on right side ; horses ses same on left shonlder Range - - ROBERT f HINES stoffice address Cody. Nebraska sameleftshoiil on Snake south Charles Richards Mcrriiuari , eb