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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1899)
Acfte ? r Are your nerves weak ? Can't you sleep weJl ? f akj in your bade ? Lack energy ? Appetite poor ? Digestion bad ? Balls or pimples ? These are sure signs oJT poisoning. From what poisons ? From poisons that are al ways found in constipated bowels. If the contents f the bowels &TQ not remored from the body each day , as ogAtsp. intended , these poisoaaus substances are sura to he absorbed into the Wood , al ways causing suffering aad frequently causing severe disease. There is & common sense cure. f They daily insure an easy and natural movement of the bovrela. You will fiod thatthe use of with the pills -will boston recovery. It clotnses tha blood frcwri aU Uajwirkias aad is a great * ic to the nerves. WfHa tha 099f9f' Our TO4U i IHfrrc a tea OQA of the rae < aafa > Jitgfcy i ifmm \ & Ju t how you J iuficilaa. ion rtll TGCdlTO tfaft b&A ) payilflaJ KAgtA xslthout cost. AddraM. Ba. JTC. ATBK , ZdOv JJ 2uuMi. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the wall knoirn remedy , STRTJP OF FIGS , manufactured by , the CAUFOKNIA FIG SYRUP Co. , Ulust'rate tiie value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally lazutire and presenting them in the form most refreshing1 to the taste and acceptable to tha syatora. It is the one perfect strengthening1 laxa tive , cleansingtha svstem effectually , dispellingcoldsj headaches ? md fevers gently yet promptly and enabling- one to OTercome hafeitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality atari sub stance , and its acting on the kidneys , liver and bowels , without weakening or irritating1 them , make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used , as they are pleasaat to the taste , but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants , by a method known to the CALIFORNIA Fifi SYRUP Co. only. In order to g t its beneficial effects and to aroid imitations , please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN FRANCISCO. CAX , . XOUTSVH/LE. KY. NEW YOBS. V. Y. For sale by all Druggists. Price SOc. per bottla "Iliavo uaod your valuable CASCA- RETS and find them prfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for tome time for indigestion and biliousness aud am new completely pletoly cured. Recommend them , to orery one. Once tried , you will never be without them in the family. " EDW A. MARS , Albany , N. Y. CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant , Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Uever Sicken. Weaken , or Gripe , 10 . 35c. 50o. . . , CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Sterling Itenedy Compuf , Cbl ai , Seminal , lUtr Tort. S l Hfl TO.RAP Soldnd guaranteed by all drug- RU- U-OAl ; ( fists to CUBE Tobacco Habltf CANADA ! Containing fira splendid- Maps of Canada aad iu ProrincQs. as laU as a I description of tbe ref - f 'sources of the Dominion. mU ba mailed frao to all | applicants de&irous of learning something of tht froa nomcstcgd lands of Western Canada. Address F. Pedley , Supt. of linmipration. Ottawa , Canada ; or N. Bartholo mew. 306 Fifth Street , DCS Moines. Iowa. Agents for the Government of Canada. The University of i\Totre \ VT712 Classicg , Letter. . Economics and Hlstoo. .lonrnalism. Art. Science. Pharaiarj * , Civil , Mechanical and Electrical l&urincer- Inc. ArcWto-turo. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Course * , tcclaslastlcal students at special rates. Koorns Vree. Junior or Senior Year. Collegiate Courses Rooms to Rent , moderate charge. St Kdtva-d's , Hall for boys under 13. The 56th Year will open September 5th , 1899. Catalogues Proe. Address BE V. A. D19BRISSEY , C. S. C. , President. FRENCH ARMY IS DISCIPLINED. Gen. de Negricr'a Removal Meant as a Warninjr to the Militasy. The removal of Gen. de Negrier from the French council of war is the most 'important move yflt taken by the new Government in the cause of discipline. It may be regarded as the supreme test of the Government's strength. The na tionalist papers are wild with rage over the latest "affront" to the army , which they say has been beheaded. Many , per sons even who are supporting the new ministry think that this was a step of doubtful wisdom , as likely to goad the militarj' to desperation. Gen. de Xegrier was at no time mixed up in the Dreyfus affair. He has distin guished himself for bravery and skill as n soldier and general , and was on the road to succeed to the position of gener alissimo of the forces. His disgrace is meant as a warning to the militarj' not to organize conspiracies against the re public. This was , in a way , De Negrier's offense. The Government learned of his meth ods through an address made by Col. Bertrand to his ofQcers at Auxonne shortly after the departure of Gen. de Xegrier from a visit of inspection to the garrison there Col. Bertrand said : "Gentlemen , owing to the attacks upon the army , the generals of the council of war have determined upon the day after the conclusion of the Dreyfus trial to wait upon the Government and demand that these attacks cease. If they do not , the generals will act. " Col. Bertrand was summoned by the war office to explain these words , and he said that he made the address in accord ance with De Xegrier's order. The war council subsequently told the Govern ment they did not share the sentiment expressed. WARSHIPS SAIL TO HAYTI. They Will Protect American Interests in San Iomin ro. I Secretary Long Friday issued orders detaching the cruiser Xew Orleans from the Xorth Atlantic squadron at Newport and directing her to proceed a't once to Santo Domingo city. Orders were issued also to the Machais at St. Thomas , to proceed to the same point via San Juan. These orders -were made at the instance of , the State Department and xas a pre cautionary measure owing to the 'disturb ed conditions following the assassination of President Heureaux of San Domingo. The trouble between the Government of San Domingo and its creditors has reached an' acute stage. The'creditors , who are almost entirely Americans , have begun to clamor for an American protec torate , which would necessarily be the first step in the direction of annexation. Political plots are already shaping them selves. The adherents of Gen. Jiminez seek to put him at the head of affairs , while the friends of Gen. Maximo Go mez are talking of making him the ruler of the republic. It is said by oilicers who have recently been in San Domingo that interference by this Government would be welcomed by a large proportion of the inhabitants of the island. HERE'S AN ARP/IY HOBO. Frequents Small Towns and Poses as a Spanish. War Veteran. The police of many small cities .ire on the lookout for the so-called Spanish war HIS FAVORITE MAKEUP. veteran , who shows his wounds , not yet hcale'd , and asks alms for the sake of his victories. AERONAUT'S DROP TO DEATH. One Killed at Strcator and Another Drove-na at Hillsdale. Aeronaut Thayer of Niles , Mich. , while making a parachute trip at Streator , 111. , fell 200 feet and was instantly killed. The balloon ascension was one of the spe cial features of the annual picnic of the Modern Woodmen. The balloon rose rap idly and moved to the southeast about half a mile before Thayer cut loose. AVhon he did so the balloon was already settling , and before he could get out oi the way the gresit bag turned over and struck the parachute , overturning it , and all * descended together. When Thayer's l > ody was found both arms , both legs and his spine were broken. Prof. Bert Ivimball , who made a bal loon ascension at the Knights of Pythias picnic at Bawbeese Park at Ilillsdale , Mich. , dropped into Bawbqese lake and drowned before assistance could reach him. His home was at North Adams , Mich. HAD AWFUL PUN'ISHMENT. Industrial School in ! Nen Jersey to Bs Investigated. Gov. Voorhees will investigate the girls' industrial school near Trenton , X. J. Kate Barlow , 17 years of age , who was recently removed from the school to the city hospital , tells a tale of frightful pun ishment. She says she was put in a dun geon aud kept there for twenty-four hours on bread and water. Then she says she was taken out and compelled to walk up and down stairs twenty-five times. After this she was locked in a room with the windows nailed down for two days. Then she was removed to the hospital. The girl may die. GOLD CLAIMS GOBBLED UP. Government Officials Charged ivith Forming : a Cliqne. ft is learned that the minors of Camor- 0:1 and Auvii v ity in the Yukon district charge that a clique has been formed to gobble up all the good claims in tie coun try and are disposed to lay the blame at the door of United States Commissioner Shepherd. A recent meeting of J,00J ( miners was dispersed by soldiers. It is charged that the ring has employed Lap landers to stake claims. A protest wiU be sent to Washington. THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE. fv f * ! kp Jtef-p * St. Paul Pioneer Press. DEATH OF LUETGERT. Notorious Sausage-Maker Suddenly Expires in His Prison Cell. Adolpli Luetgert , who was serving a life sentence "in the Illinois State peui- tentiai-y at Joliet for Ac murder of bis wife , Louisa , died suddenly at a few minutes before 7 o'clock Thursday morn ing * The probable cause of his death was heart disease. It was thought at first that he might have killed himself , but the prison phy sician , after examining the body , con cluded that death resulted from natural causes. There were no indications of poisoning , nor were there any marks on the body. To all appearances Luetgert had been in the best of health , although he had been suffering from rheumatism. The chaplain of the prison said that in the several talks he had with the pris- ADOLPH I , . LUETGEBT. oner he had always declared his inno cence of any crime. He was confident he would be vindicated in time and that the Supreme Court would grant him a rehearing. lie frequently spoke about his case and all his thoughts seemed to be upon it. The warden and his deputies all 'pronounce Luetgert to have been a well-behaved prisoner. The only trouble which they ever had with him was a little argument he got into with a repre sentative of a large packing house over the meat furnished. He had to be placed in solitary confinement as a punishment for his conduct. Luetgert's passing away marks the closing chapter of one of the most grew- some murder mysteries in the annals of criminology his debt to the law which was fixed .by a jury at life imprisonment has been wiped out. EVANSVILLE MINERS RIOT. - Non-Unionists Attacked The , Mayor Forbids Parade. Rioting and disorder prevailed at two of the Evansville coal mines Wednesday. As the colored non-union miners came from the First avenue mines they were mot by a crowd of boys Avho carried tin cans. Several stones were hurled at them. AVhen a block away from the mine the miners pulled their revolvers and opened fire on the crowd. No one was hurt. Several hundred people gathered and the police dispersed the crowd and es corted the miners home. Nearly 1,000 striking miners , their families and sym pathizers were at the John Ingle mine when the colored miners quit work. Both the strikers and non-union men were armed. Mayor Akin issued a proclama tion forbidding the miners to parade. TO REMOVE THE DAMS. Illinois Valley's Demand on Chicago Drainage District. Dredging of the Illinois river and the removing of all dams therein is demand ed by the Illinois River Valley Associa tion before the waterfof the Chicago drainage canal is turned into it. If this is done the association , by implication , promises to withdraw opposition to the plans of the Chicago drainage district. This was the net result of the meeting of the association at Whitehall , 111. Five thousand persons were present and the result of their deliberations was incorpo rated in a set of resolutions which will be presented to Gov. Tanner and Presi dent McKinley. The former will be ask- INDEMN1TY FOR LYNCHING. Relatives of Italians Slain at Tallulali Will Be Recompensed. Italy will be paid an indemnity for the lynching of three of the five Italians at Tallulah , La. , aud the State Department will lay down the principle , once for all , that an alien does not become a full- fledged citizen of the United States un til naturalization papers have been for mally issued to him. Of course the State Department will pursue the regular legal course for as certaining the facts in connection with the OTIS PROCLAIMS NEW CONTROL He Establishes Provisional Rule for the Island of Negros. Gen. Otis has proclaimed a provisional government for the Island of Xegros The island will be under a military gov ernor , and a civil governor and advisorj council will be elected later. This Gov ernment is established pending the ac tion of Congress on the constitution foi the Island of Negros. Bacolor will be the capital. A cabinet consisting of sec retaries of treasury , agriculture and in terior will be appointed by the militarj governor. These , together with an at torney general , will exercise the execu tive power. All male inhabitants of 21. years oi age , who can read and write Spanish. English or Yisayan , and who posses ? $ f 00 in realty , and who have been resi dents .for one year are eligible to the franchise. The military governor will prescribe the time and place of elections He will also appoint three judges to sil lit times and places designated. A free school system will be established and the teaching of English will be required. The advisory council to be preside over by the civil governor will devise a system of uniform taxation. The mili tary governor will collect the customs and control the postal service. The sec retaries will draw ' $3,000 a 'year. The civil governor will receive $6.000 a year. The military governor will have the pow er of veto in all legislative action , sub ject to the approval of Gen. Otis. A Washington dispatch says that the President has no intention of relieving Gen. Otis from the military command ic the Philippines. BODY fS CREMATED. Remains of Col. Injcersoll Incinerated at Fresh Pond , II. . The body of Col. Robert' G. Ingersoll was cremated Thursday at Fresh Pond. L. I. The coffin was plain and covered "with black cloth , having neither handles nor plate. It was only used to convey the remains from the house at Dobbs 'Ferry to the crematory. A special train was in readiness at the Dobbs Ferry sta- FRESH POND CKKMATORY. tion , and there was a special train also on the Long Island Railroad. The mourners ors remained at F.resh Pond until the cremation was completed , when the wid ow carried the ashes back to the home in the cinerary urn selected for her by George Gray Barnard , the sculptor , who took the cast of Col. Ingersoll's head after - > ter death. HALL ROUTES REBELS. f Insurgent Town of Calantba Captured by American Troops. A Manila dispatch says that Brig. Gen R. H. Hall , with 1,000 men , has captur ed Calamba , on Laguna de Bar. The loss to the United States forces was four killed and twelve wounded. Calamba is a town on Laguna de Bay , about thirty miles southeast of Ma nila. It is much farther south than the United States troops have yet penetrated on land. It is in the prov- GEN. HALL. ince of Laguna. It has a population of 11,470 and is twenty- seven miles from Santa Cruz on the east ern shore of the bay. Its capture is not considered of any strategical importance , except as a part of the plan to harass and worry the insurgents. Sparks from the Wires. Pat Malone killed by the cars , Akron , Ohio. Falling telegraph pole , Pittsburg , killed Frank Scope. J. C. Saylor , school teacher , shot dead from ambush on Pickett's creek , Ken tucky. Prospectors are leaving Dawson City by the hundred for Nome , the new gold field. field.A A $9,000,000 fertilizer trust is proposed Ex-Commissary General Eagan has r& turned from Hawaii. FREE FOR IO .DAYS. By sending 4 cents in postage we will , by return , mail , send you a Sample Bottle of our famous Remedy , " 5 Drops , " for the positive cure of the fol- loTr.nK discases. RHEUMA. TISJI , SCIATICA , NEURALGIA , Asthma. Hay Fever , Catarrh , Toothache , Nervousness , Neuralgic Headache , Heart , Weakness , Earache , Malaria , Dropsy , Creeping Numbness , BRONCHITIS and LA GRIPPE. Don't fail tt > avail your self of this great bppprtunity , and RE MEMBER it is only for 10 days from issue of this paper. Large Bottles (300 ( doses ) $1.00. SWANSON RHEUMAT IC CURE CO. , 1GO-1G4 E. Lake street , Chicago. III. . How IndJans Swear Piously. It is said that a certain-tribe of Indi ans have a useful divinity which they call a swearing god. It 5s very small , equally ugly aud even more convenient. It generally stands on a pedestal , or Is nailed to the wall of the living room , and the use of the picturesque lan guage In its presence Is accounted not a sin , but a pious duty. Thus If an Indian bruises his finger , or his cayuse steps Into a prairie dog's bole and wickedly breaks his leg , be confines himself to general remarks on tbe weather until he reaches home and sees again the comforting /ace of the grinning devil. Then he becomes sud denly possessed of the eloquence of a mule driver , and the things that he says would make any ordinary elfigy slirirel up with borror , but tbe swear ing god is used to it. After all , so-called civilized beings are not so far beyond the Indian. When we get angry at a man we burn him in effigy , or hang up a doll whose distort ed features convey our impressions of his unworth. and throw stones at it. Private 1'ostottlce. Tbe German Emperor has a little postoffice of his own , with officials de tailed especially to handle the volumi nous mail matter that comes every day addressed to him. All letters are classi fied under the three heads "private , " "official" and "immediate. " Private let ters are handed over to the Emperor unopened , those marked "official" land in the civic cabinet of the Kaiser if they contain petitions by civilians , while those of a military character go to the military cabinet. Chiefs of these two departments make all the neces sary inquiries regarding tbe communi cation , and then prepare tbe answers in accordance with the regulations for official letters. These answers are taken to tbe Emperor , who expresses his ap proval by affixing his signature. An swers are then dispatched by special messengers to their destination. Tbe messengers used in this service are tbe most trustworthy men who can be found. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally . Price 75 cents. "What She Wanted to Knovr. He had done bis. best to explain to her all about the Apia difficulties. "So , you see , " he concluded , "it's the old story of too many cooks. That's the'history of the whole Samoan trou ble. " "Yes , Charley dear , it's all as clear as day , except one thing. Who is this Sam Owen " Washington Star Salesmen Wanted A good bicycle for $1 and a little work. Address at once Kistlers Exchange Store. Stroudsburg. Pa. 1 Stratcjry. "Gracious , what is Percy Perkins wearing long'hair at golf for ? " j "It gives him a chance -to say that ' foot-ball is really his game. " "Actions of the Just Smell Sweet" The fragrance of life is vigor and strength , neither of which can be found ' in a person whose blood is impure , and whose every breath speaks of internal troubles. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and makes the weak strong. 1 * A Joke of Dny.t Gone By. In the good old days when there were- snch things as horse cars and polite- conductors , the following repartee was * overheard'on a down-tows car : Conductor Beg pardon , sir , but this' nickel has a plug In it. Passenger That's all right , conduc tor ; so has the car. Ladies Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after nslns Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easyi glres fnstaut relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfQrt discovery of the age. Ci rea swollen feet , blisters and callous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease Is a certain cure for In- growing nails , sweating , hot. aching feet. At all druggists and shoe stores 25c. Trlni package FUEK by mull. Address Allen S.- Olmstcd , LeRoy , N. 1" . ller Sensitiveness. Mother ( soothingly ) You mustn't : mind what he says about bis mother's- cooking , my dear. All men do that. Married daughter ( warmly ) 1 don't , , mamma. It's tbe things he says about my cooking that makes me mad. Brooklyn Life. I never used so quick a cure as P5s Cure for Consumption. J. B. Palmer , . Box 1171 , Seattle , Wash. . Nov. 25 , 1895 * . Information Wanted. " " ' "Paw. j "Well ? " "Will it rain because It'8 so hot , or le ft so hot because it's going to rain ? " Mrs. Wlnslow'8 SOOTHIXO SYHUP for Children teething : softens tbe KUIUI , . reduces inflammation , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottla. ( VANTED. Caseof bad health that R'I'P-A'N- not bpiiPtH. Semi 5 cents to Rlpant Chemical Co , . New York , for 10 eamolea and l.Ofl testimonial * . A. Templntion. However truthful a boy , he dislikes * to tell the exact facts about a hunting or fishing trip. Atchison Globe. . Sunter to [ LETTER TO MKS. piirnAii NO. 76.244 ] "One year ago last June three doc tors gave me up to die , and as I had different times used your Vegetable- Compound with , good results , I had too much faith in il to die until I had tried it again. I was apparently an invalid , was confined to my bed for ten weeks. ( I believe my trouble was ulceration of' womb ) . , "After talcing1 four bottles of the Compound and using1 some , of the Livar Pills and Sanative Wash , at the end of two months I had greatly improved and Weighed 155 pounds , when I never before weighe'd over 138. Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound is the best medicine I ever used , and I recom mend it to all my friends. " MKS. AXXA EVA GUKTEE , HlGGIXSVILLE , Mo. Mrs. Barnhart Enjoys JAfo Once More. "DEAR Mns. PISKHAM I had been sick ever since my marriage , seven years ago ; have given birth to four children , and had two miscarriages. I had falling-of womb , leucorrhoea , pains in back and legs ; dyspepsia and a nervous trembling of the stomach. Now I have none of these troubles and can enjoy my life. Your medicine has- worked wonders for me. " MBS. S. BARXHABT. NEW CASTLE , PA. Doesn't your boy write well ? Perhaps f- he hasn't good ink. { JJ J CARTER'S INK k J IS THE BEST INK. ij More used than any other. Don't cost ijftTT any more thaa poor ink. Ask for it. f * ftTT VTTTTT VTV ? f TT-TV W TTTTT > t - Get Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK ! Writs Cast. 0'A22SLL. Pesaca Agst.Wasbisgtn. D.O V&re HiIJ The Periodical Monthly Regulator nver i L. . falls ; convince yourself ; write for f rne box. NE YORjJ CHhMICAL CO. . Box 70. Milwaukee. WIs. S. C. N. U. - 31-99 Are all that are required AND tc Qperate a Decring A FAIR © F HOUSES Corn Binder. The Dccrlnff Corn m Binder affords the best plan for harvesting corn with economy aad ex pediency. The I > cerf c Corn Hinder alons handle ! corn on the practical. liottlzantnl principle , as a grain binder handles crain.TIio TIio Dcerlnc Corn Binder has a bate adjus ter with ( treat scope of adjustment for handling lone or short corn. 1'ho Daerlnjr Corn Cinder lia * JI ller and Hall I > earinz * and less draft and neck eight The Decr ! z Corn Binder. than other corn binder made. TheDccrlncCorn Hinder has all leverx within ea j-reach of the driver The farmer who eet3 his corn , from field to shock or eilo with the smallest outlay of time , and with tha wimces of only A Pair of Hands and a Pair of Ilortca is the farmer with a l > cerlnc Corn Binder. DErRINC HARVESTER COMPANY , . CHICAGO. "A Good Tale Will Bear Telling : Twice. " Use Sapolio ! a \J O W a B . * ' "