Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, August 03, 1899, Image 5

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A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers ,
It has foeen repeatedly
the past that
Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders
You can satisfy yourself as to the truth of that statement by
.1 comparing the saies at Sioux City , last year , with those at any other
competitive market. You can also ask your neighbors who have sold
cattle at Sioux City. This year Sioux City is in the field for fat cat
tle as well as feeders. The" great beef slaughtering plant of the
Ctidahy Packing Co. fs ready for business .
No charges , except for feed ordered if your cattle are not Bold on our market
The Sioux City Stock Yards Co.
JOHN H. KEENE , General Manager.
Live - Stock - Commission - Merchants
South Omaha and Chicago ,
WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , Hog Salesman
We : furnish Market .Reports free of expense. Write to us.
We furnish Sacks , 1'wlne , Tags and Needles to Shippers at Wholesale Trices.
Send us your name and tret our prices.
Highest market price paid and prompt returns. Reference
Omaha National Bank.
513 South 13th St. , OMAHA , NEB
We charge no commission.
Milwaukee , St. Louis and Fremont Beer. We solicit the trade of those who ap
preciate good wines and liquors
OUR MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment.
H. CORXEJ , President. M. V. Xf CIIOliSON , Cashier
Valentine , Nebraska.
A General Banking BnsinessTraiisucted
Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correspondents ;
Chemical National Bank , New York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb
* ?
4 *
X 3. X
IB continually adding improvements and it is now the
49 best equipped , and most comfortable
4 ?
49 Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room 1 wo Sample Pooim ti
4 ? the
- V " '
Valentine , Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consisiunt with conaervative bankim
Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonah
fHtes. County depository
R. SPA K.KS. Prnsidnnt PFIA FILES SPA RKS Cashier
Everything fresli and clean , and prices
tliat are right. Special attention given her
to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies.
Kennedy , Nebraska of
/ v / v
ITJ w * . . I \ JJ
EOBEET GOOD , Editor and Publisher
Real Estate Transfers ,
Following ; is a list of the real estate
transfers filed in the office of county
clerk during- the week ending ; Aug ; . 2 ,
and furnished us by F. M. Walcott ,
attorney at law and bonded abstract"e
er , Valentine , Nebraska :
JP Will en to KNBruce , ne 30-31-25
FGMason to WMAllen , s2sw 31-25-38
JuliaACole to FLRose , lots 5&6 blk
4 Cole's add to Cody $ L
FLRose wf to FJGailey et al , n2nw
swnw nwsw 26-35-34 $700.
JEHendricks to FJGailey et al , n2se
s2ne 27-35-34 $1500.
WHoney wf to AdaHHolt , lots 1&2
blk 23 Woodlake $25.
CHCornell to FGHolsclaw , lots 1 , 2
63 blk 4 Cornell's add Valentine $85.
Transfers for week ending ; July 2(5 (
were as follows :
HarnanBros to GERussell , s2se 35-
30-35 $500.
Same to INRussell , s2sw 35-30-35
JWSears to DMSears , nw 33-29-30
FCMetzgar to WAMetzgar ; , swse 34-
29-36 ; lots 3&4 sec 4 , lot 1 sec 5-28-36
MinnieAMetzgar ; to Wm&HMetz-
gar , s2se sesw lot 4 19 , e2nw s2ne 20 ,
n2se n2sw 12 , sese 5 , s2s\v swse 4 , s2se
s2sw 9-29-36 , Iots2&3 swne senw 7 , sese
20 , s\vsw21 , nwnw 28 , nene 29 , lots 2 , 3
64 sesw 18-29-35 $500.
PVogt to VVlondray , lots 12 , 13&14
blk 1 Cody $150.
OWMcDaniels to WMBaird. ne 35-
30-27 $525.
BFLeonard wf to WHoney , n2ne 20.
n2nw 21-31-25 $125.
BHHewitt to WAMargrane ; , s2nw
32-29-29 $300.
Our readers all probably remember
Chas. Mayfield Mustang ; Charlie
who was arrested here a couple of
years-ago , on suspicion of having been
connected with a little job which was
done in Massachusetts. He proved a
perfect alibi on that occasion and has
been working ; in this county off and
on ever since. But his unlucky star
is still in the oscendant. Last winter
he jjot hurt while working ; for Dawson
& Ball and went to Omaha where he
stayed until about six weeks ago.
Returning ; to Cherry county he drift
ed around until Saturday night when
he was arrested at the Rake camp on
z. charge of forgery , or something of [
that nature. The prosecution claims
that on or about June 20 Charley at-
tempced to cash a $40 check in Wood-
lake , presenting same to C. A. Bailey
and the Woodlake bank. The check
was signed by Woodruff Bait , and the
parties to whom it was presented be
ing suspicious of its 'genuineness re
fused to advance any money on it.
At the instigation of Ball Mayfield
was arrested and now languishes in- j *
the count3'bastile. Charlie claims it
another case of mistaken identity.
Preliminary today.
Good haying weather. Everybody
busy , especially the cooks.
P. S. lloneche sold a fine bunch of
260 calves to a Mr. Goodfellow of Cody
last week.
Postmaster F. E. Witt has returned
with his bride.
Among the many who were in
Brownlee last week on business were
Mr. Coryell , the leading merchant of
Johnstown , F. L. Crone of Lincoln , an
traveling freight and passenger Lewis'G
the F. E. & M. V. , and Mr. Lewis' pui
Gregory , one of the directors of the ' I for
First National Bank of Lincoln. for
J. II. ± ritzand wife started Satur
day for Omaha , where Mrs. Fritz and
little daughter will remain while Mr.
Fritz is looking up a location in Cole
The chicken house of Mrs. J. H
Skirving was visited by a < miiik one
night last week and the result was 39 ; ; /All
dead chickees in the morninpr. War
was at once declared , and before night
mink was numbered with the silent
majority. j
! me
B. S. Lee shipped a car of fat cows ' day
Omaha last week.
C. M. Pedersen is home again from
shearing sheep in Wyoming and Mon- j the
tana , and having purchased the well by
outfit of Geo. McDonald is now prepar- '
to do all kinds of well work. '
Brownlee will1 have a new school
house. Bonds to the amount of $800-
were voted. J.
Blotches and excresences , which so '
often annoy people , are simply efforts I i pen
nature to throw off impediments to I that is
proper performance of her duties. ! ° on
Herbine will aid and assist nature in ' Saifl
work , and insuie a skin pure and
' .
beautiful , entirely free from all imper- ' I'.y
ections. Price oOcts. J. II. Qtiigle v I ; Da'
= j in
The democrats of Valentine will Sc
meet in Judge Towue's office Saturday To c
afternoon at 4 o'clock for the purpose
electing delegates to the on
county con- in.
volition. sail
W. E. Towne , Chairman , i lion
" i i from
1 time
'Governor Poynter has been invited from
make an address in Valentine on the con
evening of August 12 , convention day. ' i [
Somebody will get into trouble one
of these days. Several people asked
us this week if it was true that we
had decided to move from Valentine.
It seems that there is an orgonized
attempt on the part of some -dastard
or dastards to injure the NEWS-DEM-
OORAT in every possible wa3r. Some
of these days we'll run across the unobj
mentionables , and then maybe we'll
be arrested for assault and battery.
Where the digestion is good , and the
general powers of the system in a
healthy state , worms can find no habi
tation in the human body. White's
Cream Vermifuge not only destroys ev
ery worm , but corrects , all derange
ments of the digestive organs' Price
25cts. J. II. Quigley.
Someone remarked to us the other
day that Ely Valentine of Woodlake
would make a strong1 candidate for
John Stetter and daughters and the
childi en's grandmother , Mrs. Danley ,
last night returned from Colorado.
Fusion Conventions
Populist County Convention.
Tlie members of the Peoples Inde
pendent Partv of Cherry couuty , Ne
braska are hereby called to meet in
county convention in Cornell Hail ,
Valentine , Neb. , at 1 o'clock p. m. . on
Saturday , August 12 , 1899 , for the pur
pose of selecting seven delegates to the
judicial convention , not \et called : sev
en delegates to the congressional con
vention to be held at-Lexington August
18 ; and seven delegates to the state.
Convention to be held at Omaha Aug
ust 22. iieprcsentation is based upon
one delegate at large from each pre
cinct and one for each 10 votes or frac
tion thereof cast for A. M. .Morrissev
for county attorney at the last general
Each precinct is entitled to ivpretent-
ation as follows :
Buffalo Lake . .I I.ava.-a . 5
Hoijini : ripimys . 4 Iklcrrunan . 4
Cleveland. . 4 Miiii.i- uiu/a . 4
HevveyLakf . t lnther l.aKe . 'A
KllloW . MMI7C1 . .t '
Kli . : ; j'uMMnn iliu . : i
; :
Jrwm ' . . . . . a Sharps Iti.eli
Ken a ueu : ; 'I a bin 4
Jvennedj 4 Valcnine u
l.oup. . . " rVo d l ik 7
It is recommended that the precinct
caucuses , be held at the usual voting
place in each precinct Saturdao after
noon , Aug. 5th , when i ot otherwise
called bjr the precinct comniittueman.
This convention is called for the pur
poses named above and another will be
called later to nominate a county ticket in
J. S. ESTABKOOK , G. P. CltABB , as
Secretary. ( . hairniun
Democrat County Convention.
The democrats of Cherry county will
hold a convention on Saturday , August
12 , in the oflice of the county judgeo
team elect deleg tes to the judicial , state
and congressional conventions. The
number of delegates to be elected , the
representation , etc. , are same as in the
above call for the populists. A good
attendeuce is desired. 20
Secretary. Chairman.
Congresional Conventions.
The democrats and populists of the
Sixth Congressional district will hold
conventions in the city of Lexington bd
Friday , August 18 , at 2 p. m. . for the the
purpose of nominating a candidate for
congress to fill the vacancy caused by
the death of the lion. W. L. Greene.
Counties in this vicinity are entitled to
representation as lollows ;
Brown 4 ; Cherry 8 ; Dawes 9 ; Keya
Palm 4 : Sheridan 10 ; Thomas 2.
State Conventions.
The state conventions of the populist
and democratic parties will be held in
city of Omaha on August 22 , for th&
purpose of nominating the following
candidates for office : One candidate
supreme judge ; and two candidates
regents of the state university.
The representation for counties in
this section is : Brown 4 ; Cherry 7 ; win
Dawes 7 ; Keya Paha 4 ; Sheridan G ;
Thomas 2.
Populist Caucus.
The members of tha Peoples Inde
pendent party of Valentine precinct
will meet at the judge's oilice Saturday ,
Aug. 5 , at 8 p.m. , for the purpose of
electing delegates to the county con1
vention. U. G. DUVN , Pres. Com.
The populists of Table precinct will
meet at Harmony school house. Satur-
, Aug o , at 2p.m. to elect delegates.
No one knows the unbearable torture
peculiar and agonizing pain , caused
T piles , unless they have suffered
from them. Many believe them in
curable. This is a mistake. Proper
treatment will cure them Fabler's
BuckcNC Pile Ointment is an' infallible
cure. Price 50cts in bottles , tubes 75c.
II. Quigley.
Fay TempMon will take notice that on the
day of .Inly W. H. Towije , county indfie of
Cherry county , Nebraska , issued an order of nt-
taclunent for the sum of cGOiO in an action
pen'iiip before him wlieroin Daniel S. Ludwlg
pkiintlfl. and Fay Templeton is rtefeiid.mt.
property of the ripfeuoant consisting of ore
one-story frame and the material ofhir.h it is
constructed lias been attached under -aid order
cause was continued to the 1st day of Sep
tember , 1899 , at 0 o'clock a.m.
A. M. Morrissey , - I'laintllf.
His Attorney.
Dajed July 17th , 1899
County i court within and for Cherrv county
NebrasKa. in the .natter of the estate of w G &
Carson , deceased.
the creditors of said estate :
You are hereby notified , that I will sit at the
county court room ii. Valentine in said county.
the 121 h dav of August. 1590. at 10 o'clock : i.
to receive and examine all cmiins a ? inst.
estate , with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for Hie preppnta-
of claims against said estate K R monrlip
the snth day of .lime , A-D. MW , and the ' nn
limited for paymnut of debts is one year t hip
, said 30th day of .June. 18 ; . v j with
Witness my hand and the seal of the said I
county court , this 23lh das' of .Tulv , 1899. WE
Seal. ] W. ft.TO\VXE ,
Couutf Jude.
L. W. , Handj * of Valentine has all
kinds of horses and mares for sale
Broken and unbroken. " 27
NotI ( 1 ' Von Resident Defendants.
Ucn - Mill , and Mrs Merrill , hs wife ,
first : > i , < ri i n.mie unknown , you are hprebv
noilfl. .11 . mi HieSli'li day of July 1 99. Kred
floytlilt-ti ii > t.otirltioti in tlie district court of
Cherry m mty , Nebraska , against yon , the
object and prayer of vhich an ; to foreclose n
certain tax lien ned m-d held by plaintiff
against th nw4 } set14. . tp : , r40. in Cherry
county. Nebraska , : i.-qni4.'d t > y virtue oL tlie
pa ) metitol delinquent tnxea upon the above
named real estate for the \ears 1897 and 1898.
amounting tn Sic 49 together with interest
from tlie 18th day of Julv. 1899 , and
attorney's fees , for which sum plain till
prays judgment and decree that defendant.- * pay
the same together with interest and cost and in
default thereof that said real estate be * old an
provided by law for the payiyeiit of pluiutift's
claim and costs. You nre "required to answer
sal petition on or butore the 4th dav of Sept-
eaabcr , 189U. KUKU HOYT/l'Isiintllf.
-T iiy K. M. Waicoit , his atty.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant.
elf Sarah K LIsten , you are hereby notified that
onthe2iithdayof.fuly , 189. ) i-'ied Hoyt Hied
llls petition in the" distiii-t court of Cherry
county. Xebraj ka. against you , the object nml
nrayerot which are to foruulinu af rtain tax
lien owned and held by plainliir against the n'i
sw.i , seU s\v 4 and n\vt } Sel4 . - > 14. Ip x > , r 40
in Cuerry county. Aebruska. acquired by virtue
of ihe payment of delinquent taxes upon the
above described leal e > tate tor the \eaJs 189- '
18Kt , I8U4. ISitt. ! . > : , 197 and 18 ! > b amounting to
$ tu 78 together \Mt i luiereal from tlie lull day
of Iul.1839. . . and attorney's U-es Ittr which MIIII
plaintiff prays Judgment an I uecrce thatde-
itindaut pay the same together with interest
and cost and in default thereof that said ri-ul
estate , he soldi as provided by lau- for the pay
ment of plaintiff's claim and costs Yen an *
required to answer s-iid petition on or belore
the"4th day of Sept , 1899.FEED
FEED IIOYT. I'lnietilF.
27 By F. M. Walcott , his atti.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
Fred B Kridler. Mrs Kridler , his wife , first
and real name unknown , and .Nebraska Mort
gage Investment Co , you are neiebv notified
that on the'-'fith ' day of .Inly , WJ. Fred Hoyt
Hied hid 'petition in the district cert of Cherry
county , Nebraska , against you , tin- object anil
prayerofwhicharetolorvclo.se a certain tax
lien owned and held by plaintiff against the
sey of sec 13 , tp.32 , r40 in cherry county. Ne
braska , acquired \irtueoftner.aiinentof
delinquent tuxes upon the above named real
estate lor the years 189 ; , 1894,1 * > 93 , iau , 1897 and
1SM. ! amounting to $5 Sti , tugtilhrr witii interest
from tiie 18th day of July , 1M)9 ) , and attorney's
fees for which sum plaintiff pr.iys judgment
and decree that defendants pay the same to
gether ) with interest and vutt and in default
thereof that suid rea estate be sold as provided
byl law for the payment ot plaintiff's claim and
costs. You are required to answer haul petition
on ur before the 4th day of Sept , 1899
FlcliDJlOYT , Plaintiff.
-7 By F. jM. Walcott , his atty.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
dVorge I.ustoii and Mrs Liston. his wite. first
and real name unknown , you : ue hciebynoti-
lu-d that on the 20th day of July , 1899 , Fred
llo.xt filed his petition in the di.Mrict court of
I'heiry county , Nebraska , against you , tlie
il'juet and prayer of which aru to foreclose a
rc-i iin tax hen owned and held by plaintiff
Hi.Min.it tli jnw',4 seJ4. ne4 } swl4 and syt sw }
sec lJ. tp 3J , r 40 , in Clierrj couuty , Nebraska ,
acquired by virtue of the payment of delinquent
tuxes upon the above described real estate for
the years 1890,1897 and 1898 , amounting to $27 2G
together with interest from the 18th ( Uy of July.
199. and attorney's fees' for whicn sum plaint II
prays judgment and decree thai deteudauts pay
the same together with in teivst and cost , and
delault thereof that said real estate be soid
provided by law lor ths payment ot plaintiff's
claim and coats. Yon are required to answer
said petition on or betore the 4th day ot Sept ,
1899. FKKI ) HOYT. i'laintiff.
-T By F. M. Waleott , his atty-
Nolice to Non-Resident Defendants.
E E Gustin and Mrs" Gustin. his wife , first and
real name unknown. > oit are hereny notified
that on the % 'th day of July , 1899. Fred Hoyt
Hied liis petition in the district court of Clieiiy
county , Nenraska , against vou. tha object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax
lion owned and held by plaintiff against the e !
swJ.'i , ulA se'4. sl/2 sel.t sec 19 , and \\y2 swJi see
, tp 32 , r 40 , in Cherry county. Nebraska , '
acquired by virtue of the payment of delm-
q"uiit taxes ii'Bon thn above described real
estate lor the years 1897 and IS98 amounting to
37. together with interest fromlthe 18th day
July , 1899 , and attorney's fees fttr which sura
plaintiff prays judgment and decie ttiat de
fendants pay the same , together with interest
and cost and in default thereof that said real
estate be sold as provided by law for the pay
ment of plaintiff's claim and costs , \onare
required to answer said petition on or before
4th day of Sept. 1809.
1809.FKEDIIOYT. . Plaintiff.
27 By F. iM. Walcott. his atty.
Postofllce address
Brownlee , Neb
Branded on either
side same as on cut
also both jaws
J. C. Trowbridge
Merriman , Neb
Range between Ir-
and Merriman ,
south of railroad
Hugh Uovill , Manager
Merriman Neb
All on left side or
. hip
5 Range north of El
Charlotte E Uovill
Merriman Neb
Left side or hip
Range north of Eli
-Marquardt .t Howlus
OTTO Sxuur.K. Manager.
Merriman. Neb
Cattle brand OJI on
left shoulder. Some
of cattle have various
older brands. O S on Pure
left hip. Horse bra'd
Aon left shniildei.
Ennue Formerly.
Gee W Monnier Toka
ranch 5-miIes east of
klerrimau , from F.E.
M. V. R. Ji. south to Leander Creek. Llar-
rjiiardi & Bowliis. S
Ilervev iianch
Two miles east of
Crookston , in Cherrj
courty , Nebraska pa
Cattle hraucled Of
left hip. on riuht
. and on rinht s > idu
3-inch letter
Cava-'niigh Mgr
Cronkstoii Neb
JC v VF i.-jv M
'ii en'
elllirr lf ' > K
I it .1 .t
and or p - '
Jloi > ' " si- *
below "ii , <
Wheeler Lros.
Cody N
Also IS on rljjht
Ranee Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
Newman Uros. & Nations.
On point left shoul
der. Also O li on
point left slnnliter
Also iJ on left
Same on Iclt hip
Lei t.side
J.'A. Adamson.
Valent'ne. ' Neb
On left side or hip
A4 left side or hip
On left side
1'arker & Son
PO Address
L. W. 1'arker
Keifje. Neb
Brand same as cut.
Also ZP
1 tance on Niohrara
south of Crookston
Prideaux San ford
Kennedy , N
Slock branded on
left side
Teeter ? Bros.
Newton , Neb.
Horse ? same on
left shoulder
the Gordon and the
'North-Western Line7 is the lust
to and from the
Hair cutting and shaving.
and Builders
Woodwork of all kinds promptly
and carefully done
And repairing made a specialty
Shop at residence opposite the
School House.
Give us a Trial
, .
Golden Sheaf Pure White Eye ,
Susqiiehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek
I ouisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky.
Grape & Cognac Brandy's
. Wines .
, AngeIlicaPortSherry and Black
berry in w6od. claret , Riesling ,
Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ;
Gasts and Clicquot in bot-
tlrsDamiana and oth
er Cordials.
Agent for Fred Kmgs Celebrated Ex-
Pale Baer fir funZy asi , and Jalsts
. 't Hair