Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, August 03, 1899, Image 4
' 4- I NEW GOODS tote 49 49 Our stock of Dry Goods , Shoes , tote tote 49 49 Hats , Caps , Trunks , Yalises , Cloth tote tote 49 ing and Gents Furnishings has been tote 49 tote 49 replenished throughout and tve now tote to have borne of the best values ever tote tote 49 to 49 offered for the money. tote tote 49 49 Get our prices on Groceries. tote tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 49 49 49 RED FRONT tote tote tote tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA tote 49 tote 49 to TILL BOIL 'EM IN OIL And will for two or three months boil many other things , among them Buckeye Mowers and Repairs and cutting parts for any and all makes of machines. I also handle Binding Twine in season. "Wagons and spring wagons always on hand. Am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmidling , wagoiiinaking and painting. Brand mak ing a specialty. E. BREUKLANDER STEVENSON SUCCESSORS TOTHEO.TILLSON , LIVERY BARN WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN A. M. MORRISSET ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEB -4. ' O.W.MOEEY 4 < THE VALENTINE WATCH-MAKER 4 AD JEWELER * Carries a full line of ster- 4 * ling silver novelties 0. A. WELLS J. 15. WKLLS WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! * Office over CJiernj Cottuftftnttlk F.M. . WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTOR , Nebraska Tractions In PlKtrfi-t Court and TJ. S Land . OfflCH. Real Ksiate and Itancli Pronmy ) bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor I J. C. DW YEK. E. II. D W TEE. DWYER BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For tbe Treatment of Diseases- All Kinds of Surgical Operations - , ations Successfully Performed. NEBRASKA. A. N. OOMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Nights-Upstairs-Red I. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office atEstabrook House on Cherry St. VALFNTINE , NEB * Valentine House J. A. HOOTON , Prop. Recently opened and newly furnished. Not a restaurant , but a hotel. § 1.00 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons. First Door South of Bank of Valentine ] it i /t / M , BATES L ATTOBSEY AT LAW J Office over T. 0. Hornby's store d West Entrance t VALENTINE - NEBRASKA o I Selling at Cost 0 Here is your chance to purchase t all kinds of goods at cost. For the next 30 days -we will sell our entire stock boots , shoes , hats , of r cap ? , dry goods , etc. , at cost. E. E. He DONALD.s V WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT ! ROBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher $1.OO Per Year in Advance. PUBLIH1IED EVERY THUBSDAl' . Entered at the Post-office at Valentine , Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subocribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and. all ar rears are paid in full. L.L. Raisins $1.75 per box at T. C. Hornby's. 27 New crop Evaporated Apricots at T. C. Hornby's. - 37 Bill Francke returned from down the road last night. Fine line of Mackintoshes on sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 10 New York apple butter for sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. , 3-2 Bob Gillaspie is shipping a couple of cars of cattle to Omaha. Tents , 'Paulins and Haymakers' supplies , at T. C. Hornby's. . 27 A fine lot of fence posts for sale. Max E. Viertel , Crookston , Nebraska Jake Stetter shipped a car of cat tle and .a car of hogs to Omaha , Tues day. Amos strong intends shipping two cars of horses to Odell , Illinois , next week. " Mrs. C. F. Martin went to Ains- worth yesterday afternoon to join-her husband. I. 'M. Rice has written over $10,000 worth of insurance during the last two weeks. Jim Longland recently finished up a new house for Frank Janies , on the reservation. J. H. Skirving of Brownlee has been appointed populist committeeman for Loup precinct. Regular seryices will be held at the Episcopal church naxt Sunday by the Rev. J. M. Bates. WANTED First class outfit to'stack 1,000 to 1,500 tons hay. " W. E. WAITE Chesterfield , Neb. Mrs. J. S. Davisson came up from Longpine last night to visit with her grand-daughter , Miss Nellie Good. G. H. Q. SMITH House and carriage painter. Shop corner of Hall and Catherine streets , Valentine , Nebr. FOR SALE Team of work mares , weight about 1200 each , also horse > weight 1400. Enquire at this office. Ballard's Snow Liniment gives in stant relief in cases of bleeding , burns bruises , scalds , cuts. J.H. Quigley. 8 This office was graced this week by the presence of Mrs. Hacklerf'who ' as sisted her husband with the press work. The Woodson building on Main St. , is being raised and otherwise im proved to suit the desires of Michael Joseph. At Cody last Sunday Edward J. Hayden and Veine J. Barnes were married , Judge Mogle performing the ceremony. I | George Reinert returned from his o visit east , Tuesday morning. While in Omaha he secured a position with li the New York Life. lie lit Woodmen Day at Longpine Chau- o tauqua has been changed to Tuesday. P August 15 , at which time Head Consul h Northcott will be present. n Special music will be rendered at the Episcopal church Sunday morn ing and evening. You will miss some thing good if you stay awajT. i D NOTICE.- Parsons , the photograph ai er , will close his gallery in Valentine aiw , October 1,1899. All those wishing work done should call before Septem i ber 12th. be Born , Tuesday , August 1 , to Walter th : Meltendorff and wife , a baby girl , full of life and sweet as a rose. The hap py father hasn't done anything but D smile ever since the birth. re A free and easy expectoration is produced by a few doses of Ballard's se Horehound Syrup , in all cases of sore throat , hoarseness or difficult breath- Pa ing. 25 and 50c. J.H. Quigley 8 Io _ , ' we want contracts for building on ditches and guarantee satisfaction. Top of ditch 3i f eetbottom ; 14 inches ; depth from 16 to 24 inches. Call on or address Lane & Smith. , Cod } ' , Ne braska 19 If those citizens who are desirous of on or willing to board teachers during onW Institute will leave their name with W Miss Brown much trouble on the part Sp of themselves and the teachers will be saved. ) 2 For the informatisn of the general lie thFr public , who as a rule'know hut little Fr ' these affairs , we wish to state that R. Dr. J. C. Dwyer , Dr. A. Lewis and Dr. R.J. , . H. Dwyer .constitute the local pen G sion examining board. Go , to T. C. Hornby's for Clothinpr He has the largest" stock and lowest prices. 27 A good second hand Kimball organ for sale at a reasonable price. In quire at this office. 27-8 Mrs. E. McDonald is down from Crookston today. She says her hotel at that point is rapidly approaching completion. , Saturday afternoon and evening the ladies of the M. E. church will serve ice cream and lemonade at Morey's old stand. Come. The family of I. C.Stotts at Cody have been quite ill with typhoid the last week or two , but Dr. Compton reports a decided improvement in their health. Wm. Hatton of north of Georgia , Jacob-Mogle of Cody , and James W. George were three old veterans who appeared before the pension board in this city , Wednesday. Herbine is well adapted to the cure of fevers of all kinds , because it thor oughly cleanses the stomach and bow els of all bilious humors and expels al1 impure Accretions. J. H. Quigley. 8 Five carloads of Iowa schoolma'ams went through town Tuesday after- lioon enroute to Hot Springs. Sever al men who saw them said there was not a pretty one in the bunch. Stand up for Nebraska. Clarence Walcott has sold his inter cst in the livery stable to his partner , Vernie Stevenson. Clarence is figur ing on moving to Crookston , in which event he will build a new barn at that place , 24x70 feet in size. D. Stinard will move into the Mc Donald building the first of Septem ber. This will give him an opportun ity to display his large stock of cloth ing , boots , shoes , etc. , to much better advantage than at present. The Cathlics are building three new churches on the reservation ; one on Little White River , one at the board ing school and one on Oak Creek. I. M. Jones , Flowers , Higgle , Cyphers and Archer , are local carpenters en gaged on the job. t Old Bill Magoon of Dusk and Hank , Simmons of Chadron were passing through town Tuesday with a few cars o'f horses , and coming- down town to shake hands ran into such a pleas ant crowd that they forgot their hur ry and stayed till the next day. Until the last Saturday in October , 1899 tickets will be on sale at Valen tine every Saturday and Sundar to Hot Springs , S. D. and return at $7.50. Tickets good returning 7 days from date of sale. For further in formation enquire of ticket agent. Dr. Wm. Donoher came home from St. Louis Monday evening for a va cation of a month or so. The Doctor stands very high among his profes sional associates , and we doubt not that he will soon be counted among the very best physicians in the west. Frank Query , formerly a harness and machine dealer in this city but now of Shelby , Nebr. , was in town Tuesday shaking hands with his old friends. Frank says crops in Polk county are immense , but their growth is as nothing when compared with the growth of Valentine during the last five years. The Hon. E. K. Valentine and wife of West Point visited in town this week , and incidentally transacted a little business. It was reported that the honorable gentleman for whom our town was named mixed a little re publican medicine while here , but we have seen neither the prescription nor its effects as yet. Chas. Gartside was arrested at Cody Sunday and brought to Valentine on f charge of having stolen a calf from Dawson & Ball. He took a continu- ince of 30 days , at the expiration of vhich time he will have a preliminary iarinh. Mr. Gartside has always had good reputation and we hope he will e able to prove himself innocent of he charge preferred against him. Since 1890 the Hot Springs of South Dakota ; have been recognized as the esort for western people. All things are favorable for those eeking rest , health or pleasure. This season finds the resort well latronized by people from Nebraska , owa , Illinois , Minnesota , Wisconsin Si ] nd eastern South Dakota , and ever } - ne well satisfied with the Wonderful Waters. til Delightful Climate. Modern Hotels. sii Varied attractions for sight-seers. The North-Western Line is the pi- \ neer to this resort. \y The North-Western Line runs IT 7agner Palace Sleepers to Hot prings , South Dakota. The North-Western Line makes w round trip rates to this resort. Ask your nearest railroad agent for Br date of the next excursion via the 'remont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley . Norh-Western . Sci , } - Line. H. Gable , J. R. Buchanan , Cn Trav. Pass. Agt , Gen. Pass Agt , Co Des Moines. Omaha. Oa THE OLD RE-OPENED - BE-FURNIBHED RE-MODELED Good cooks , good beds , good rooms , good service and good provisions Try us once and you will come again / $1.00 per day Opp. Court House H. K. BROWN PROP , VALENTINE. NEBR. Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAYE JUST EECEIVED A CAR LOAD In addition to this I have just received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS AVhich I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine. Nebraska D. S. That's what we want you to do get posted on our stock before buying elsewhere. If you do we'll be glad of it , because we can save you some money. We don't mean that we will sell you a very poor article at a very low price. We don't do business that way. We mean that the prices on the best goods are the lowest that you can get. Come and see. Pasteur Agent Blackleg for Vaccine. MAX E. VIERTEL We have some good horses for sale Crookston , Nebraska GEO. G. SCHWALM , PROR > This market always keep * a supply of fr , ft . i V In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Smoked Ilams , Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStetter's Old Stand on Main Street. VALENTINE NEBRASKA 1 THE PALACE SALOON 49 49 HEADQUARTERS FOR 4 ? IBS , LIQUORS AND GIG " 3 Of the Choicest Brands 49 4 ? VALENTINE , , , NEBRASKA & 59 Headquarters for this section of the state is found at my place. Deering mowers and rakes are admitted to be the'best. I also handle Rushford wagons and Robinson buggies , in addition to a full line oflharness and saddles JOHN WHILLANS eed in Transit at Fremont Capacity : Sheep , covered leds , 24 cars ; open pens , 15,000. Oaitle 28 cars The place to rest and feed for 10 Omaha market Easy run to feeding points out- de Chicago. Long distance telephone. * rrite or wire when you will ar- ve , tj Fremont Stock Yards Co BLill JPrlees for JFeed. ran , bulk 50c per cwt $9.00 ton orts bulk GOc per cwt $11.00 ion reenings 40c ' $7.00 " top Peed 70c " $13.00" irn 65c " its . $1.00 " i j i * i Suitable reward will be paid for in formation leading to recovery of two sorrel horses ; one branded with O on left shoulder and has three white feet ; has been driven. The O other is a saddle horse , branded'S on leit seoulder , has white strip in fore head and running distemper in the left nostril. Strayed from White Thnnder Juiyd. A. Bordeaux , KosebudSD Struj/etl or Stolon. Several head of horses and cat- tlec.j vjded Amos Strong , Valentine , Xeb. FIRST CLASS Mil i ' *