Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, August 03, 1899, Image 1

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    ; ,
-ana stocR Journal.
Metzger Bros. ,
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
I3rand on left hide
[ and thigh
Earmark , square
! crop right ear
Southern , branded
L cattle have lint one
half-diamond E" on
Lleft side
Native cattle have
throat wattle
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A Jtrtrtirtl of $ 5O will be paid to any
person for information leading to the arrest and
iinal conviction of any person or persons steal
ing cattle with above brand
Postofflce address
Allen S D
On left shoulder and
baron side ; horses
same on thigh
Range-Hear deck
Postolflce adtlres
Valentine , Neb
Branded on right
side ; horses same
Range-lOmlles east
of Valentino on
the Niobrara
Joseph W. itownet
I * . O. address
Merrunan , Nebr.
Right ear cropped
Hole in center of left
ear Range Lake creek
S. D.
Joe Vlondray
Cody , Nebraska
Leftside. Left ear
V on left shoulder ol
11. A. McQuade.
Valentine. Neb
Branded on either
side Range between
Thacherand Swan
Charles 0. Tackett
Roselnrl , = > . D.
"Range head oT An
telope near dt. Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
Peter Vlondray
Rosebud , S. D.
Left side. Left car
Horses branded
Range Little White
River , at mouth of
Cedar Creek.
Louis J. Richards
Gorsuch Bros.
Newton , Ncbraka
Cattle branded
as ou cut
ft side or hi ]
Range on Gorciu77
Louis F. Richards
Memman Neb
Henry Pratt
Rosebud S. D.
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
some cattle
John DeCory
Rosebud. S. D ,
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses .ID on left
ICange in aicycr Co
on Antelope Creek
Thomas Farren
Rosebud. S. D.
ID im either left
side or hip
I Ritnge head of
li Antelope
Anderson & Hounds.
Simeon. Nebmsksi
Cattle branded on
left side : w on rut :
also ic on left side
with on left hip of
some cuttle ; ulso S4C
on right side Hotse
brand , rake and 1G
on left shoulder or
Home ranch-on
Dewev Dike. ] { ; mgc on Niobrara River. < > aBt efFort
Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake Kiver and
Simeon , known as tlie Felch runge. all in Cherry
County. Nebraska.
Marshall & Wolfenden
Kennedy , Neb.
Some s on the left
Horses S on left
Brand Is small '
Earmark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on loft ear
Range Lone Tree.
1. T. Richardson.
Kennedy , Nebr
Some on left
Horses on
left shoulder
William M. Dnnbar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody , Neb
DUn Cither side
I low
Alsr | on
Left ear ol cattle
Range head of Hay
Amelia Y"tin.r. {
Cody , Nebraska
On right side.
Right ear split
Range , Little
White river
Peder Thorsen.
Gordon , Nebraska
On right side : T on
right hip. horse
brand and T on.
right shoulder
Ale cattle branded
Ij S ou left.'side
Rrfnge , fowl miles
south of Irwin
Henry Young ,
Cody , .Nebraska
| 2 3 Horse brand HY
on left shoulder
. H-Y Cattle , right ear
Range , Little
White river. S. I ) .
Stotts & letter
Cody. > H > r.i kt
IJnintlfil < > : . I.-II side
Range. Tin 'nn ! nke
and Morgan I ! ; : is
D. C. Nelson.
Cody. Nebraska.
On right hip.
Range , Medicine
l ake to the
Snake river
Jlutt Brothers.
Gordon. Nebraska
Kangc.14 miles north
nf ( iordon.
F. 0. Duerifl-Jt , Muii.i.n-r. :
Gordon , Nebraska
Cuttle also branded
JrO on right hip i
llorsi-s and 11111108
Branded same asi-nt I
on left shoulder '
J. C. Jordan
Gordon , Nebraska
One bunch branded
as on cut on left side
One bunch branded
C I * on left hip
Horses.I on left
Range. 10 miles
southwest of Gallop ,
between Niohram
and Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany. Neb
Cattle branded
FDonlelt ribs or
right shoulder ; SI >
on right hip and left
ribs ; C on left hip
Horses FD or SD on
right shoulder
Range 7 mi north
cast of Albany Neb |
Agent for Pasteur
Black Leg Vaccine
Joseph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Horse brand if on
left shoulder
Kange to miles
We need money , and we need it at
'Once there is no use disguising the
fact any longer in faet we must have
it. To economize the editor is attempt
ing to do all the work of the office him
self , consequently he can't get out and
collect. lie can't afford to offer any
prizes for the purpose of stirring people
up , but he's hit upon .another scheme ,
one by which YOU can make some
thing. Here it is :
To every subscriber "who pays all ar-
rjarages in full to September 1st , and
One Dollar in advance , \\e will give a
receipt for Paid Up Subscription to
January 1 , 1901. Urands accordingly.
In other words , 3011 will get the pa
per four or l.ve months absolutely free
of charge. The NEWS-DEMOCRAT is
ordinarily opposed to schemes of this
kind , as there is no money in it in the
long run , but this is an extraordinary
occasion , and we must have money.
This offer is for cash only and will be
withdrawn September 1st.
Rice and Reece.
There is no necessity trying to stir
up trouble among the republicans of
this county they have a plenty now.
The outlook for perfect fusion this
fall and subsequent victory at the polls
grows brighter in Cherry county every
Governor Ilolcomb explained what
he did with his house rent money to
the satisfaction of everybody but the
State. Journal.
We look for a third candidate for the
sheriff's place on the republican ticket
to spring up pretty soon , and then we
will see some fun.
When a nomination means practical
ly certam defeat , it isn't hard for the
members of a party to unite upon a
candidate for oflice. Two-thirds of
the republicans in this district are for
* . ' - -
- -
"Who should go to San Francisco to
\yelcome the First Nebraska if not the
governor and adjutant general of the
state ? But because these officers are
popocrats the republican press howls
that tlieir going is a political scheme.
The government iveontl- issued a de
tailed table of the imports a.id exports
of thu-Umtud states for thelical year
ending June 30 , a compared with the
previous year. This table appeared in
the State Journal Sasfc Friday and shows
that during the year our imports of ar
ticles of food and live animals increased
almost $31,000,000 , and our total im
ports increased $61,000,000. Exports
of the same products decreased $68.-
000,000 , and our total exports decreased
The value of the principal articles of
domestic export for the month of June ,
compared with those of the same month
last year , Avere breadstuffs , $19,761,057 ,
decrease , $9,321,885 ; provisions , § 17-
700,954 , increase , $2.0l9,72-5 ; cotton.
$8,073,706 , increase , 147,409 ; mineral
oils , $ .1,431,9Jl , iutvoasy , § "j09 703 ; a
tot il of * MOH7.74S. and a Je ivaso of
$ ' 5.3lo 771. ! SKth" t\\vlve months
ended .June 30 tne value of t IK-SI ? e <
ports was $7lS.94jOt > , a loss of § 33-
878,380 co.npared with the previo isi
fiscal year.
Substantial Prosperity.
There have been times in the history
of the cattle industry when cattle prices
were higher than they are today , but
there has probably never been a time ,
everything considered , when the busi
ness of raising cattle has been in such
satisfactory condition. Trices in the
early eighties were higher than they
are now , but the industry had awaiting
it , and at hand , changes ? influences and
developments certain to result in so
great a reaction in boom influences as
to occasion losses to all and bankruptcy
to many engaged in it. The men who
were then entering the cattle business ,
paying booSn prices for cattle , fouu 1
themselves compelled to invest large
sums in lands and the improvements
necessary to the conduct of their busi
ness , and soon found themselves over
loaded with debts and compelled1 to
make great sacrifices. A large propoi-
tion of the biggest cattle properties
were purchased at such a cost as to in
sure heavy loss unless continued pros
perity should protect the investors.
Unfortunately such prosperity as the
business enjoyed could not continue ,
says the Texas Stock and Farm Jour
Arguing thence it concludes that on
account of the greatly improved quality
ot the cattle now i being produced on
ihe ranges , and the new methods of
caring for them during the winter , the
cutting down of losses and the more
abundant supply of water for grazing
stock , the cattle industry is on a solid
business basis as to values in land and
( -
cattle , and danger of collapse is prac
tically naught. There is no question
that cattlemen are now more independ
ent and safer from loss than ever b foi e
in this country.
A Growing Industry.
The Cherry County Live Stock Ex
change is rapidly gaining the confidence
of those who have stock to sell or who
wish to buy , and is demonstrating daily
that it tills a place hi this section of the
country which has long been neglected.
Among the sales made by it during the
last week we note 2fcO yearlings and
calves from A. AJ. C'lmrbonneau to I.
II. ( loodfeltow , and 30 head of steel-
calves from Ram berg to F. II. Good-
fellow. There is no jeason why any
one should go to great trouble and ex
pense to make a cattle deal who-i this
exchange will do the work for you for
a small commission.
* About Horse Collars.
"We recently noticed an article in. an
exchange regarding horse collars which
is full of common sense. It savs that
* k
the collar should be smooth , hard and
round. If these conditions are observ
ed the collar will roll on the skin , some
thing like a ball bearing , and admit the
air , thereby cooling the parts. The Hater
or soft collar sticks closely to the skin
and compels it to move on the under-
ly m'g ttehthei-e6yvproi ] ncmgirri tatioif
and deepseated galls. Just at this sea
son of the year , when harvesting is on.
too much attention cannot be paid to
work horses' shoulders.
"Short Grass Makes Fat Cattle "
The tenderfoot can t appreciate the
sayin , ' 'short grass makes fat cattle , "
and to them the reports from "the In
dian territory to the effect that rrass is
knee-high is proof positive that cattle
there must be in fine condition. But
the experienced stockman knows bet
ter. It is the short , nutritious grasses
of the sand hills which make this the
best stock country on'earth.
The Chicago Drovers Journal says
there is every indication that the de
mand for feeding sheep will be greeter
than'for several years past. Also that
the western ranges will j-end in fewer
half fat sheep than usual.
A short hay crop in many localities
will result in reducing the number of
cattle in many herds this winter. Our
ranchmen have discovered the folly of
wintering cattle on short rations , and
have resolved to do-so no im re. .
The cattle sale , nwl - InVteek I'\v
Frank i'ele , did uui prow / very con-
clusiu'ly th ic e.Jttleere. g .ng dowir.
Rushuile > t.iiuianl.
N'otice is IiiT-j.iy give * : ! that I wii'r
si-ll t p ililic auctio i ( ni Saturday ,
Aii' n-t 5. at VlfMtine stoc.anls the
foilo.t in f describe I property. 13' head
of rank1 io\vs. ht-ifei > aul : eulvv.--
Thirty cows with cahvs l > v lln-ir side.
twelve yearlings , fiftrea three-\ear olus
and balance two- } ear olds. Sale begins
at Hi a. in. Terms : Six months time-
on approved security at Id per cent
Five per cent discount forci-.Ii in ad
vance. .A3It.fr. S. K NG.
TwoTiorses ; one hrown hone. ' > r.inilei | < > 01.
left shoulder , one black turao br uidcd IX on
left shoulder. SS left hip. I will give the first
described horse to the man who rinds and re-
tnnis the black described above.
JOHN MoyuoR.
Kyle , S. I ) .
Taken ii | ) , at my pine * about 4 miles e.-ist of
Furt Ninhraru , May 4ju. one sorrel nahl-fa" % r |
gelding , Syears old , aid OUR hay in.ir-
y years old , both branded on left shoulder
If You Want toBuy or Sell
* N
Live Stock , aiake your
wants known , to the
Cherry Co , Live Stock Exch ,
Valentine ,
Gl !
J -
i f
Before - Buying - Elsewfitere
You a great deal
if you fail to get our prices before buying Picture Frames ,
Mouldings , Hardware , Wii-dmills , Pumps and Fittings.
See our colored gentlemen in the "window , introducing
Call and see us about prices whether you buy or not.
- * - * -
Koom 1OH Kx l
References :
We have a large clientage among Nebraska. Feedeps and can always oeat Omaha prices to
Our summer line is now complete. "We are better pre
pared to fill the wants of customers than evc-r before
Our prices arc made on the lowest cash basis. Prac
tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed
D. Stinard , Clothier.
STYLE 0-PRICE , $250.00 ,
TEEMS S25.00 Cash and § 10.00 per IToath.
Quality of Tone , being brilliant , inlodious , and of splendid volume ; Perfect touch ,
SUPERIOR very responsive : ful ! metal plate ; original scale of seven and one-third octaves
three-stringed , with overstrung bass : repeating action , very finely regulated ; IvorvKcvs ;
threel.ils ! , liarihvood case , double veneered ; improved full-swing duet music cie.sk. with special
design" ! " " * ! panel ; continuous nicnel plated hinges ; Carved Pihurers and original des gned
< qimn- trusses : elegant finish , hardwood backs. This style can be had in the following woods :
Mahogany. Walnut , Quartered Oak.
Height Four iert n'nt' inches. WidthFive feet four inches. Depth - Two feet three inches.