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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1899)
A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers. It has foeen'repeatedly demonstrated in the past that SIOUX CITY I A. . Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders You can satisfy yourself as to the. truth of that dlarement by comparing the saies at Sioux City , last year , with those at any other competitive market. You can also ask your neighbors who have sold cattle at Sioux City. This year Sioux City is in the field for fat cat tle as well as feeders. The great beef slaughtering plant of the Ctidaliy Packing Co. Is ready for business No charges , except for feed ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market The Sioux City Stock Yards Co. JOHN H. KEENE , General Manager. Highest market price pairl and prompt returns. Eeferenoe Omaha National Bank. E ) I ' F. S. BUSH & COMPANY. 513 South 13th St. , OMAHA , NEB We charge no commission. WOOD BROTHERS Live - Stock - Commission - Merchants South Omaha and Chicago "WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , Hog Salesman We furnish Market .Reports free of expense. Write to us. C. H. CORNEIJL. PreMidenfc. I ? ! . V. NICIBttI. tX , Cashier B Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking ISnsineNsTransacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange CorrenponOnts ; Chemical National Bank , New York. First National Bank. Omaha Xeb 1 The DONOHER tote tote to IB continually adding improvements and it is now the tote best equipped , and most comfortable to 4 ? FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Simple Room * HERRY I ; OUNTY HANK Valentine , Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonablt rates. County depository. E. SPARKS. Presiden CHARLES SPARKS Cashier Everything fresh and clean , and prices that are right. Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies. J. STEADMAN & CO- Kennedy , Nebraska , THE TOCK LIQUORS , WINES AND CIGARS SPECIATY JUG AND BOTTLE CUSTOM < Milwaukee , St. Louis and Fremont Bee. We solicit the trade of those who ap preciate good wines and liquors WALTER F , A. MELTENDORFF. PROPRIETOR * OUR MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment. Tro osals for Bids. receive lit my office at Crooks- ton , Nebr. , until July 27 1899 bids for furnishing material and work for painting school house in District No 16 Work to consist of 420 sqyds. . .Mater ial to be oil and lead ; in. ide to be oil finish. Also 13 squares Alabastme , to be put on sides and ceiling. Envelodes to be marked "Bids for Painting" and addressed to MAX E. VIERTBL. Two horses ; one brown horse ftrandod O on left shoulder , one black horeu branded IX ou left shoulder. SS left hip. I ] l iv ? l e first described U. the -nun who finds ud re turns the black described abov * . Kyle , S. D. ; 31 /Vires 701Jfee < / . : ' 13raii , bulk 50c per cwt $9.00 ton i horts bulk GOc per cwt $11.00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00 " in Chop Feed 70c " $13.00 " Corn 65c " Oats $1.00 " to Suitable reward will be paid for in as formation leading to recovery of two sorrel horses ; one branded with O t is i I on left shoulder and has three white feet ; has been driven. The 0 other is a saddle horse , branded X on left seoulder , has white strip in fore head and running distemper in the left nostril. Strayed from White Thunder , July 3. A. Bordeaux , Rosebud , R. D. WESTERN NEWSDEMOCRATI EOBEET GOOD , Editor and Publisher George Lowry and May Abbott , residents of the west part of the county , came down from Gordon'Tues day morning , and in the afternoon called upon Judge Towne and ex pressed their desire to thereafter travel the road of life in double har ness. With his most winning smile and pleasant voice the Judge ex pressed his willingness to manufac ture the harness and it wasn't long until he had the young couple hitched in the most approved manner. The editor ( who by the way looked like the devil ) was an unobserved observer to the ceremony , and after it was over made Mr. Lowry and wife a present - ent of a year's subscription to this paper , as is his custom , with the hope that it may prove an effective talis man in warding off all evil spirits who are tempted to hover over what he feels sure will always be a happy and prosperous home. Through the courtesy of I. J. Ayers , chief clerk in the adjutant general's office , we are enabled to publish the following" dispatch from the commit tee which went to San Francisco to meet the returning- First Nebraska : Temperature here cold as compared to Nebraska , owing to proximity to ocean. Have arranged for issue of woollen under clothing on arrival of the regiment , which will obviate lia bility of pneumonia as experienced by Oregon regiment. On consulta tion with General Shafter and chief mustering officer are informed that it will take about three weeks to muster out the regiment. Hancock reported delayed by reason of a broken valve. P. H. BARRY , Adjutant General. The programs for the county teach- ers' institute are out , and from them , we learn that Profs. A. H. Water- house , 11. H. Watson and Mrs. Lizzie Crawford will be the instructors foi the session , which begins August 14 and continues two weeks. We also learn that Edith Turner will conduct a class in physical culture during the session. Special features are : Aug. 17 , lecture by Prof. Watson ; Aug. 20 , sermon to teachers bv Kev. Baker : Aug. 22 , lecture by Prof.Vaterhouse ; Aug. 24 , reception ; Aug. 25 and 26 , examination. Jim Gillaspie recentty caught a negro charged with cattle stealing , and Jack Heelan brought in a young fellow supposed to Have stolen a horse. It was decided that one of the two should run for sheriff on the eputation they thus gained , and it was decicfed to leave the choice to Pete Donoher. After hearing the arguments Pete handed down this opinion : ' 'Owing to the scarcity of negros. Jim made the better catch , and is entitled to the nomination. " Judgment accordingly , and everybody drank. J. O. Vincent has sold his residence and interest in the general merchan dise business of Crabb & Vincent to W. F. Morgareidge , possession to be given the 1st of August. He has purchased the Hans Ulrich place , and will make that his home. We are glad to see Mr. Morgareidge enter business in Valentine , and wish the new firm a large share of the patron- age coming to town and believe they * will both deserve and get it. Ben Hobson and Cal Francis en- street Monday which resulted in as bloodshed on Ben's part and a dis to colored 636 for Cal. The two me n then settled their differences , appar ently , but later Ben had Cal arrested for taking a horse without permis sion. Cal was fined 810 03 and costs , of and the matter now rests in abeyance. He Chas. Bailey , the negro arrested son , was given a preliminary hearing Saturday , and after having waived examination he was bound over to the district court. It is currently re ported that he is only a tool in the hands of unscrupulous cattle thieves , i So and it is a question as to whether he j jf will be proven guilty or not. i om j Or At the Demorest gold medal con- i se' test held in the M. E. church last i j Friday evening , Nellie Baker was j j in declared the winner , and Bertha | t\v Thorn second. The other contestants Ar were Myrtle Pettijohn. Mabel Mars- m den and Gertrude Moon. All did well j Ur with their recitations , the winner be- j of ing especially good , although we are j and told this was her second appearance ' the public. of Range catMe will not begin to move market from this section before I sell August lOtli or loth. They are todjiy j I round as a dollar , but are hardly j ' solid enough for shipment. The grass of curing rapidly and -when cattle do . begin to move they will be in picnic shape for the block. Northwestern and Stockman. Id5 i on Hyannis people are talking of holdFi ing a two days live stock show. ' va j On the first page of this paper is an I article regarding fusion , but it should j be understood that the claims of the democrats are based upon the assump tion that a democrat is nominated for congress. Dr. A. J. Plumer is favorably men tioned as the fusion candidate for treasurer , to run against Thackrey who in spile of the ring formed against him will be nominated again , and he would make a strong run. The XKWS-DEMOCRAT this week fur nishes its readers with a list of possible candidates for county oflices , but it should be distinctly understood that this paper is not pushing the claims of any of them. We give them publicity merely ( as a'matter of news , and who ever are nominated on the fusion ticket . . 'will receive our hearty support. Here is a question for natural philos ophers : Is the fall of rain due to the presence < of electricity in the air with the < lightning and thunder attendant or is the absence of the fall of rain due to the absence of the electrical display or presence < , or is the electrical display due to the fall of rain or moistu re ? Or does tin rain depend on the lightning or the lightning on the rain , which or neither ? The contest between Lay port e and Sherman for the republican nomination for sheriff goes merrily on , and prom ises to be very bitter ero.the convention is over. i Among the pops J. II Skirv- ing of JJrownlee seems to be a strong candidate , and is winning delegations , but the friends of .Jas. Hay of this place art pulling hard for him. Skirving is a comparatively ' voting man , but is a straight one , and his position politically is orthodox. .Jim Hay is one of the , , old j-ettler-j m the enmity , and is ; i warhorse - horse in liic raik ! > of populism. j j Thu bal.i.K'i's ii Xt-.v Y > ; * i ; ! > an- > last week was only about $ .1.0iiH)0 ( ) ( ) j more tht i ieiral ruiuirenients. A few weeks ago we noticed a : : ) : of ' $40,000.000 and over. \Vli ii.'s tin- * cause ? < 4old is going to Europe , and the administrationists tell us it is a good thing. Soon another bond will be forced , and that will be a good thing too.Ve believe it will be im possible to shield MeKinley as Harri son was shielded , because the need of more money is becoming more impera tive every day and it is over nineteen months until Bryan will take the pres idential chair. Johnny Daniels expects to bo the republican nominee for the clerkship , but clouds on the political horizon in dicate that a storm is brewing. Robert Lee of iJrownlee is a bright young man , and it is almost time that he was recog nized some say he will be , and that Daniels must step down and out and there are others. We understand that Pete Donoher is not averse to accept- ing the democratic nomination , and Win. Metzger has lost none of his friends. One bourbon who has been me considered active for the place is not l yet ready to announce his candidacy , but when he does we doubt not he Avill develop considerable strength. 2 Speaking to the leaders of Tammany regarding the Fourth of July celebra In tion in New York The Verdict says : To Hogg touched on Bryan. Hogg spoke the n < ime of that mighty leader , on and the vast , listening throng and m. every man a Tammany man answered said to the mention of that ONE who was tion ride at the party's head in 1900 to certain . said ' ' ' triumph. Hogg 'Bryan ! and for ten minutes the applausive re sponses were fairly Olympian for th"ir thunderous sort. It was "BuyAN ! BUY AX ! BIIYAN ! " from an arm } * corps Democratic throats The chairman sought to muxziu the rocking outburst Kith might , with more success , have | 'lu strove to muzzle the swelling Hudson Brvan is to be the choice of New is York's delegation in the next Nationa'one one Conclave of the party. What is the COIl' logic of that ? What stirring truth. saii tem personal to yourselves politic-all } ' , is child of it ? Mark you this : If you By aren't for Bryan , you won't be there. surely as the sun is to rise and have convention setting , 3'ou'll find this true , you're for Biyan you may go. No will gainsay you or get in 3-0111'way. ( Oppose him , and you'll have neither Una seat nor part nor lot nor voice in thut Hey convention. This isn't threat ; it's prophesy. There are 300,000 Democrats Greater .New York. Not , one in twelve belongs to Tammany Hall. And ninety per cent of them are liryan men--branded on their hearts for from Bryan. Tammany is for Brj'an , as witness the shoutings at your festival prays last Fourth. The town's Democracy the the state's are for Bryan ; as witness voices of party men on every side claim said you. -7 Notice is hereby given that I will at public auction on Saturday , August \ o , at Valentine stock yards the following described property , 150 head cattle cows , heifers and calves. Thirt } * cows with calves by their sides , twelve yearlings , fifteen three-Year-olds balance two-year'olds. Sale begins 10 a. m. Terms : Six months time approved security at 10 per cent. Five per cent discount for cash in ad- vauce. . Aiios STRONG. L. W. Handy of Valentine has all kinds of horses and mares for sale- Broken and unbroken. 27 Fusion Conventions ' . County Convention. The m.-inhers of the Peoples Inde pendent i'artv of Cherry county , Xe- bfaskzi are hen ny called to meet in county convention in Cornell Hail , Valentine , Neb. , at 1 o'clock p. m. , on Saturday , August 12 , 1899 , for the pur pose of selecting seven delegates to the judicial convention , not yet called : sev en delegates to the congressional con vention to be held at Lexington August 18 ; ami seven delegates to the state Convention to be held at Omaha Aug o ust 22. lie-presentation is based upon one delegate at large from each pre cinct and one for each 10 votes or frac tion thereof cast for A. M. Morrissev for county attorney at the last general election. Each precinct is entitled to rcpretent- ation as follows : JinlTrtlo Lake 5 Lavn < a 5 Hoi n hprmgs 4 Merriiiiiin 4 an 4 1 MiniiL'ihailu7.u 4 Dewey | j Lake 3 Mother Lake 3 linlow -2 iNeiix.el : i Kii : ; P.easant Hill 3 Gillaspie a hparks 5 German 3 bterii a Georgia. . . . ? 3 Hcbla H 3 Jrwiu 3 Sharps Hand ) 3 Kewanee 3 Table 4 Kennedy 4 Valentine ! i Lou ] > 5 Wood Liike 7 It is recommended that the precinct caucuses be held at the usual voting place in each precinct Saturdao after " noon , Aug. 5th , when not otherwise called l > y the precinct cominrttocman. This convention is called for the pur poses named above and another will be called later to nominate a county ticket J. S. ESTAIIROOK , G. P. CUAIJB , , , . . Secretary. Chairman Democrat County Convention. The democrats of Cherry county will hold a convention on Saturday , August 12 , in the ollice of the county judge , to elect delcg tes to the judicial , state and congressional conventions. The number of delegates to be elected , the representation , etc. , are same as in the above call for the populists. A good attendence is desired. UOJJKHT GOOD , W. R. TOWNE. Secretary. Chairman. Uongrcsional Conventions. 20 The \ democrats and populists of the Sixh Congressional district will hold ( onventions in the city of Lexington od * Friday , August 18. at 2 p. m. . for the of purpose of nominating a candidate for congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the lion. W. " L. Greene , f , Counties in this vicinity are entitled to representation as follows ; .Brown 4 ; Cherry 8 ; Dawes 9 ; Keya Paha 4 : Sheridan 10 ; Thomas 2. State Conventions. The state conventions of the populist and democratic parties will be held in the city of Omaha on August 22 , for the purpose of nominating the following candidates for office : One candidate for supreme judge ; and two candidates for , regents of the state university. The representation for counties in this : section is : Brown 4 ; Cherry 7 ; Dawes 7 ; Keya Paha 4 ; Sheridan 0 ; Thomas 2. Populist Caucus. ' The members of tha Peoples Inde pendent party of Valentine precinct will meet at the judge's ollice Saturday , Aug. 5 , at 8 p.m. , for the purpose of electing delegates to the county con vention. U. G. UUVN , Pres. Com. The populists of Table precinct Avill meet at Harmony school house. Satur day , Aug 5 _ at 2 p.m. to elect delegates. ' Taken up , at my place about 4 miles east of Fort Niobrara , May 120. one sorrel hald.fafpd gelding. 5 years old , and one hay mar * years old , hoth branded on left shoulder EUNKST SKAKS County court within and for Ch * rrv comity. Nebraska , in the natter of the estate of w G Carson , deceased. the ere liters of said estate : You are hereby notified , that I will sit at the couhtv court room ii. Valentine in said county , the IL'ih dav of August. 1399. at 10 o'clock a. to receive and examine all ciaims agriust estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presenta of claims against said estate is C months from the 3nth day of .Inne , A. D. Ih'Ja , and the limited for payment of debts is one year from said 30th day of June. 18DD. Witness my hand and the seal of the said comity court , thlaL'Stli day of .Inlv , 1809. W. K. TOVYNK. County , jnde. Kay Tfuiplrton will lake notice that on thf day < > f July W. U. Towne. county judjie of Cherry | county , Nclnaska. issued an order of at- tacliniriil lor the Mini of > WnO in an action inn I'efore ' him wherein Daniel S. Ludwig plnutiil. and Kay Templeton is defendant. , property of the defendant consisting of one one-story frame an-I the material ofvhieh it is eon-trueted ' has been attached under said ordar cause wa cnntiniiRil to the 1st day of Sep tember , ls9U. at y o'clock a.m. DANIEL s. LUDWIO. A. M. Mnrri > sey. I'laiulilf . Hi * Attorney. DatcdJuiy iTth , Notice to Xon. Resident Defendants. ieonre C Merrill , and Mrs Merrill , his wife , and real name unknown , yon are hereby notified that on the ' 'CMi day of July 1S99. Fred t filed his petitition in the district court of Cherry county , Nebraska , njcainst you , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose n certain tax lien owned awd held by plaintiff against the nwM sec 14. tp .72 , r 40. in Cherry county. Nebraska , acqiiucd by virtue of the payment of delinquent tnxea upon the above named real estate for the vears 1897 and 189a. amounting to SIC49 together with interest tlie IStli day nf Julv. 1899 , and attorney's fees , for which sum plain lilf judgment and decree that defendants pay same together with interest and cost and in default thereof that said real estate be nld as provided by law for the payment of plaintiff's and costs. Yon are required to answer petition on or before the 4th dav of Hept- caiber , 1899. FRED HOYT"Plaintllf. Uy F. M. Walcoit , his atty. . SAGESBE , B Also TSOT HO I ra Hair cutting urn ! shnvintj. HOT AND GOLD BATHS. Notice to jSron-' li t J'efrndau' ' " rSanill E Ll.lton. > i i > ' - > n > iifl . tf on the2fif.ii day ' > ' . . ' . j ! H1. ' his petition In .no < lii. . < - < . > ' .ii < . / conn.y. Nebraska. UKUI..J : ) vni. tli-- > > < - it prayer ol which uro to foruulnv ; a r. . ; lien owned ami iieid by plaintilf.i ; i'ii3 . , sw'.t , jie'i fi.v i , * iid nwii seii see 1-5 ! i ju C'uerrv " ! ! . i , * vebrtidka , acvjuiifd m : of Ihe p"yi.i : i > ( delinquuut taxr.- > . . ' nc. above id 'i'i * i ! real esUtte for the . , f- , I8KJ. ifc-u. itIvW. . 1897 ami 1828 j f li > $ ( M 7.S tn eli. ruitn inttfrest from in > . diy : of Julj , ibW. .tiid attoniey's lees i r . < on-nut plaintiir pr.i.- * jiul mvnt au.lni- . . ha , ! - tondaut .same together > .i nm t and co.t am ! ill default thereof l.n * . . . .i < al estate ! ' aom as provided by law r rh.i i . \ - nient of | il.iitilT'claim and cojl.s \ u are required to .tiiswer .s-iid petition o.i or i.elore the 4th day of Sept , 1899. 1899.FKKDHOVT. . 5'nietIlT. 27 liy F. M. Walcott. . .m ally. Notice to Nou-Rosiclent Defendants. Fred IJ Kridler. IUrs Kridlcr , his wife , first and real name unknown , and Nebraska Mort gage Investment Co. yon are Hereby notttlitd that on the -lit ! ! day of July , 1890 , Fred Hoyt filed his petition in the district co-.rt of Cherry county. Nebraska , against 3'on , tint object and prayer of wblch Hie to foreclose H certain tax lien owned an-i held by plaintiff a ilnst the se1 . of bee 13. tp.TJ , r-10 in Cherry county. Ne- bmska , acquired by virtue of tne r H\menl of delinquent taxes upon tin : above named real estate for the years isy ; . iso-l. i sw , IHKO. 1897 and 1S9S. amounting to sfcw 80 , to cilu-r witu interest from the 18th day of July. IN.PJ. and aitoniey's fees for which sum plaintiff JHMVS judgment and decree that defendants pay the same to gether with interest and cost and io default thereof that said rea estate IIP sold ais provMed by law for the payment of plaintitr.s claim and costx Y MI are required to answcmaid petition on yr before the 4th day of Sept , Lsti'J FUKDHOY1' , riainliir. ' i7 liy F. M. Walcott , his atty. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Cvorge Listen and Mrs Listen , his wife , llrst and real name unknown , you : ire hereby noti lied that on the uili day of .1 uly , J w. Fred Hoyt Hied his petition In the district court of Cherry county. Nebraska , a ain > t yon , ( lie object and prayer ot wlucii aru in forecmi > u a certain tax lien owned ami held by nlamtiir against tli'nwl4 seU. tie1 * sw'-i and h's w sec 11. tp . ' . ' , r 40. in Cliero ou it > , .N"ebra > Ki. : uequired by virtue of tlic p.iyinfiit 01 delinquent taxes upon the above Uest-nbed real eitate lor tile yrars 18W. ! 1897 and 189s , amnumiiu ; to # - . ' 7M together with interest from the 13lh Uy of J uly. I'-U'J . and attorney's fees for whicn sum plamt'ir prays : judgment and decree thai defeudauts pay the same together with in terest and cost , ami in default thereof that said real estate be sold as provided by law forths payment of plaintiff's clan and costs. Yon are required to answer said petition on or belon : the 4th day ol Sept , Ih99. FUEI > HOY T. riaintiir. - 7 15y F. M. Walcott , his atty- Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. E E Cnstin and Mrs Gustin. his wife , first and real name unknown , yon are hereby notified that on the L'ith ; day of July , IfiiW. Fred Hoyt filed his petition In the district court of Cherry count-y , Nenntoka , against you. the object and prayer of which are to foreclose u certain tax lion owned and held by plaintiff against I he e'/i sw.i. n'i se'4. 4 scH sec 19 , and w'j MV" * see / \ , tp ; . r 40. in Cherry county. Ncbracka , acquired by virtue of the payment of delm- pent taxes upon thn above described real eitaie lor tbe years 1897 mid 1398 amount n ; : to : $2 37. together with interest from the Ibili day July , 1899 , and attorney's fees for which sum nlaintiif prays Judgment and dccren t . .atde fendants ! pay the same , together with and cost and in default thereof that said real estate be sold as provided by law for the j.ay- inent , of plaintiff's claim and costs , von are required to answer said petition on or before the 4th day of Sept. 1899. 1899.FJIEDHOYT. . Plaintil. 27 Dy F. Al. Walcott his atty. Feed in Transit at Fremont Capacity : Sheep , covered sheds , 24 : cars ; open pens , 15,000. Caitle 28 cars. The place to rest and feed for the Omaha market. Easy run to feeding points out side Chicago. Long distance telephone. Write or wire when 3011 will ar rive , to Fremont Stock Yards Co ELKHORN RAILROAD. 'North-Western Line7 is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF JONES & DUNN Carpenters and Builders Woodwork of all kinds promptly and carefully done And repairing made a specialt7 Sliop at residence opposite the School House. Give us a Trial The OWL SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Eye , Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek I ouisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's Wines TokaAngellicaPortSherry and "Black' \ berry in wood , claret , Riesling , . / Sautemes. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot 111 bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Agent for Fred Kings Celebrated Ei- ? ale Beer for f imi'y ' nsi , and Jabsts . t EGIF C H. THOMPSON ,