Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, July 27, 1899, Image 4
INEW L , ; GOODS 0 * if- II 49 49 49 49 ' Our stock of Dry Goods , Shoes , 49 4 ? 'Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises , Clothing 2 * 49 49 ing and Gents Furnishings has been 49 49 replenished throughout and we now 49 49 have some of the best values ever 49 5 * 49 offered for the money. 49 49 Get our prices on Groceries- 49 49 49 49 49 49 REDF NT 49 2 * 49 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA 49 49 GLOTHIN OF. Our summer | line is now complete. We are better pre pared to fill the \vants of customers than ever before COMPETITION DEFIED Our prices are made on the lowest cash basis.Prac tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed D. Stinard , Clothier. T * B c 8 Ff \ I I TILL BOIL IL And will for two or three months boil many other things , among them Buckeye Movers and Repairs and cutting parts for any and all makes of machines. I also handle Binding Twine in season. "Wagons and spring wagons always on hand. Am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing , wagonmaking and painting. Brand mak ing a specialty. E. BREU DER WALOOTT TEVENSON SUCCESSORS TOTHEO.TILLSON , L V WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN A. M. MORRISSET ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEB O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH x MAKER AD JEWELER Carries a full line of stcr- - , ' lin < r silver novelties & C. A. WELLS J. B. WKLLS WELLS BROS. DENT Office ovvr Cherry C r M. " YALCOTT /'ATTORNEY AND ABS\RACTBR Valentine , Nbraska Practices in District ConrtVjiud JI. S. Land Office. Beal Estate and JteVli lyoperty \ bought and sold. Bouded Absiracter. ' ' * > A. N. OOMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Nights-Upstairs-Red J. S. ESTABROOK r COUNTY SURVEYOR AYW All work executed with promptness and accuracy vi Office atEstabrook House ou Cherry St. vifi ' J VALENTINE , NEBila j e : d ; J , C. DW TER. E. H. D WYER. DWYEE BEOS. ive rt PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS de ir Superintendents of A Private Hospital , be For the Treatment voj Diseasest All Kinds of Surgical Oper- ! Tc [ ations Successfully ae Performed. Or PALENIINE , - ' HJKBBABK I \ WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher & 1.OO Per Yeur in Advance PUBLIUMED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at t h e Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its'subocribers until a definite ortaer co discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Reece and Bice. L.L. Raisins $1.75 per box 'at T. C. Hornby's. 27 Large invoice of shoes af cost , at E. McDonald's. New crop Evapora ted Apricots at T. C. Hornby's. 37 John Bachelor was in town from Kennedy , Saturday. Fine line of Mackintoshes on sale at Farnham & Dikenaan's. 10 Go-carts and overalls for babies are the fashion at present. New York apple butter for sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 3-2 D. C. Nelson was in the city Satur day on the Bailey case. M. S. Conover , of Stuart , registered at The Donoher Monday. Tents , 'Paulins and Haymakers' supplies , at T. C. Hornby's. 27 J. E. West , of Rushville , was in town the first of the week. The Presbi'terians held a picnic on the G. A. R. grounds , Tuesday. We will sell shoes at cost for the next thirty days. E. McDonald. Ed. Blakey and Bob Gillaspie went to Hot Springs , Saturday night. Handsomely decorated China ware given awa3r , at W. A. Pe ttycrew's. A fine lot of fence posts for sale. Max E. Viertel , Crookston , Nebraska The Junior League served ice cream and lemonade in a tent on Main street Saturday. A number of half breeds and In. dians are here from Pine Ridge to see Drs. The Hon. Jas. Morris , ' 'well known here , is a candidate for treasurer of Brown county. The first trainload of cattle this seeson left the west part of the county Monday night. Amos Strong will sell his cattle and go into the sheep business up the Minnechaduza. Jim Hudson , one of the strongest popocrats in Sparks precinct , was in town Saturday. Don't fail to see those hand painted dishes. Absolutely given awa3r , at W. A. Pettycrew's. 22 Everybody's clock is fast when it gets sprinkling time , and generally stops before 8 o'clock. The editor and daughter Nellie made a visit to friends in Ainsworth and Longpine , Sunday. D. A. Campbell and wife came up from Lincoln Sunday nifht to visit f their ranch a few days. John Neiss took his new hounds to his ranch , the rear end of last week. G1 They cost him about $180. e Fred Folks has resigned his position S" with Davenport & Thacher , and is F clerking in his father's store. FM Dr. Nicholson went home to Ains M worth Sunday to prepare for the re turn of his family from Lincoln. m E. J. Davenport went to Omaha PC Sunday to have a confab with Sena ofi tor Thurston and other notables. ofl > ac G. H. Q. SMITH House and carriage th : painter. Shop corner of Hall and es : Catherine streets , Valentine , Nebr. esAi This is no baking powder scheme , but genuine hand painted China ware th given away , at W. A. Pettycrew's. stc FOR SALE Team of work mares , Ai weight about 1200 each , also horse , br weight 1400. Enquire at this office. las tie Jim Childers and Jack Barnes . i visited the hub , Fridaj' . It is hard to . ig find : any fatter or jollier pair thanc Jack ; and Jim. Ne C. F. Martin has closed the steam > 2r laundry , owing to ill health , but it is po1 expected to be opened again in a few hoi 3ays by eastern parties. We were in error last week when Ion stated that M. S. Welch , would is run a livery stable. His barn will be the levoted strictly to feed business. offl NOTICE.- Parsons , the photograph- , will close his gallery in Valentine Coc Dctober 1,1899. All those wishing ofl : vork done should call before Septem- gar 12th. wh ( We want contracts for building litches and guarantee satisfaction. our "op of ditch 3i feetbottom 14 inches ; I run lepth from 16 to 24 inches. Call on' ' ? i .j address Lane & Smith Ne , Cody ' , j OUr ! iraska. 19 gan Go to T. C. Hornby's for Clothing- He has the largest stock and lowest prices. 27 A good second hand Kimball organ for sale at a reasonable price. In quire at this office. 27-8 C. P. Jordan was in town the first of the week on his way home to Rose bud from Hot Springs. T. D. Perrine is in town this week looking after business for a South I" j Omaha " commission firm. Dean Efner assisted us in getting out this week's paper. Dean is about as good a typo as can be found along this road. Not less than twenty people have told us they heard we had sold out to George Reinert. Wonder who started that story. J. G. Stetter has been in Rocky Ford , Colorado , this week , called there on account of the death of his father-in-law. A. H. Metzger was in from the ranch Saturday as a witness in the Bailey case. He reports everything fine southwest , and says the hay crop is very good. Mrs. Sam Hudson has been danger ously ill at the home of John Shore this week , with cancer of the stomach but at present writing is thought to be improving in health. E. E. Edwards , Peter Peterson , Robert McCarty and Wm. Enlow came down from Gordon Monday on business before the land office. Mc Carty is contesting Foley's tree claim. Burt Hammond spent Saturday night and Sunday in Ainsworth. Burt said he went down to see ' 'the boys , " but he winked when he said it. ( We don't blame Burt , 'cause she's a fine girl. ) The hay crop seems to be heavier in the west portion of the county than anywhere else. While the crop is generally good in all parts of the county , it will not be so large as last year. Major Wood of Norden who has been so very sick at Dr. Dwyer's Hos pital has returned home very much improved in health. Although his life had been despaired of , Dr. Dwyer says he has made remarkable recov ery. ery.J. J. C. Welles and wife , one of tihe principal stockholders of Atkinson & Norchern Railway and the new town of Boyd Co. , passed through Norden this week enroute for Valentine , to make their permanent residence. . , Norden Borealis. T. J. Foley and -W. B. Thomas of" Omaha . were in town yesterday visit ing friends. The former runs a bar in Omaha which is known to every body in the northwest as ' 'Foley's ' Place , " and the latter an old time friend of Bro. Barker. Squire Jones was kicked by a horse Monday and it was thought for a while seriously hurt , but finally it was found that two ribs had been broken and his teeth badly jammed , but no serious results are feared. Ainsworth Home Rule. Grant Spain's little boy accident ally drank some carbolic acid at his home near Kennedy last Friday , and was immediately brought to town , where under the treatment of Dr. , Compton . he speedity recovered from the effects of the burning poison. About twenty ladles and gentlemen enjoyed a horseback ride Monday evening , starting from The Donoher , going ( up Spring canyon and through Fort < Niobrara. The ride was followed by a Vienna lunch at the home of Mrs. Chas. Sparks , at about 10:30 : p.m. Uncle Jake Wolfe , state land com- nissioner , was here yesterday dis posing of school lands. He auctioned ff about half of the 33,000 acres ffered. He says he disposed of every icre offered in Keya Paha and that he sale in Brown has been the poor- st of any he has attended so far. Uns worth Journal. Jack Heelan captured Wm. Witt , he young man who is accused of tealing a horse and saddle near Arabia a few weeks ago , near Nio- rara ; , and brought him to Valentine J ist Thursda3He waived examina- ion at the preliminary hearing and default of $500 bonds is now board- at the Hotel de Strong. L HOTEL FOR SALE Best location in febraska for business. Lunch coun- in connection. Hotel close to de- and can be run as a firstclass ouse with profit if desired. Present ivner is unable owing to his age to inger continue the business , which increasing. Must be sold within next thirty da3's. Enquire at this fice. < 26-7 The Valentine ball team went to all 3d3T Saturda3' to teach the cowboys the that place , how to play the national ime. The game was a hot one and enl hen completed the score stood 31 to caj in favor of Valentine , although boys say they made at least 50 ns. The3' registered a horrible kick the umpire , and say the3r received rty treatment all around. Cody ] < ght to come here and play a return } tine. . ' Am THE OLD ENTINE HE-OPENED RE-FURNISHED RE-MODELED Good cooks , good beds , good rooms , good service and good provisions Try us once and you will come again $1,00 per day Opp. Court House PROP VaLENTINE , NEBR. Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to he the best and to meet the crowing : demand I ordered and HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAB LOAD In addition to this 1 have just received a car of "WIND MOTOK" WIND MILLS AYhich I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine. Nebraska D. S. Ludwig That's what we want you to do get posted on our stock before buying elsewhere. If you do we'll be glad of it , because we can save you some money. We don't mean that we will sell you a very poor article at a very low price. We don't do business that way. We mean that the prices on the best goods are the lowest that you can get. Come and see. Pasteur Agent Blackleg for A7accine. AX E , VIERTEL We have some good horses for sale Crookston , Nebraska GEO. G. SCHWALM , PROP. This market always keeps a supply of it If In addition to a Brst-class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meata Smoked Jlams , Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Stetter's Old Stand on Main Street. VALENTlNE NEBRASK/ * P PAT APR QAT fcfr i-j IOJ .r\VjJD LL/wV/1N 63- 63i & 63fe * HEADQUARTERS FO8 -fe | W-'rea ! ; LIQUORS AP4D GIG " C1.j fc f > > Of the Choicest Brands fci 21 4J i * VALENTINE NEBRASKA "J -el J Headquarters for this section of the state is found at my nr place. Deering mowers and rakes are admitted to be the best. I also handle Rushford wagons and Robinson buggies , in addition to a full line offhaniess and saddles JOHN WHILLANS M , BATES j- = ATTORNEY AT LAW lice over T. C. Hornby's store West Entrance 1NEBRASKA Selling at Cost Here is * * chance 30111 to purchase kinds of goods at cost. For } next 30 days we will sell our tire stock boots , shoes , hats , 35 , dry goods , etc. , at cost. E. McDoxALD. Stfftyeil or Stolen. everal'liead of horses and catft , , . * 18 os Strong , Valentine , Neb.H Valentine House J. A. HOOTOX , PIOp. Recently opened and newly furnished. Xot a restaurant , but a hotel. 1.00 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons. First Door South of Bank of Valentine = = = = = = = = FIRST CLASS MILL I have established a Feed and Saw Mill miles south ef Cody , at theStS \ of iMedicme Canyon , and am now prepared to KruidFee.1. Corn AIeal and Graham cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension siuff. and Native Shimrles ouiu'ies { Gie ' -e cs a trial order. J , F , V