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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1899)
. D. McGAA. Oreston , S. D. Left or either side 'of cattle ; also V left side < { neck. Swal low fork ripbt car , tinderbit left ; right ear nntibcd off : derhlt lef oir Home ou left Jaw and some 7 w/uie l i Jaw , _ , ft. .Other brands left . J-Vsideor * ny part of animal , part of animal , * : h following , l it Also some cattle 'bearing the- follow ing brands : It neck ; X left Bid ; , parse brands at - tows der l < : ll it-it lelt nip or thigh thigh thigh , ortnigh , hip. Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the above brands will be prosecuted. Information regarding theft liberally rewarded. Haiige at uaruey springs and Cottonwood. HKKBERT O. BISONETTK. MANAGER. Postoffipp address Pine Ridae , S. D. Cattl" branded as on cut. flOB on Ieft side ; some H eitherside ; Some on left side ; some older stock. .unywhereoii < al. Horses K 1C ° lertlllp Range- Seven milesnorih-MV &j ' ? [ c" reaBt of Pine Ridge , in ggg Shannon < .7OIIN GHOST BEAK , MANAGER Postoflice address Pine Ridge , S. D. Cattle branded B C on left lUp of catlle a oncut- some branded on Uftsidealso o ji oa leu side ; horses came on left shoulder xlansreWounded Knee and Wakpam- ml LakeShannonCo. t L. C. Peyton. Lavaca , Nebraska. On Ivft side , uatigo Pole Creek. SHORT IIOK.V ntJLLS for sale Geo. H. Hill. > 3aIop. Nebraska On lf $ ; ; tilB ; u ; ; . -10 miles . . . \outi ! .if Merrimau P. W. Mcrrimnn. N Some same as cut on both SSS i ' ! > - . E ? U nge Northei'-t of .Merriiuiui Geo. L. Coleman. Corty. Xobraska On leiv fifts Pullman , Nebr. On right side ; horses same left shoulder. nerd mark-Dew Range -Brush South Geo. W. Monnier. "Merrtman , Neb. Left slioulder and left thtclsome ! on left hphor- ses .s me left thigh jtnr g East and South ilerrnuan Grant Bixler. . - . Merriman , Neb. Some on left side ; some on leit hip ; horses same lef1 thigh. Range Six miles Northeast of AlerrI man. H. E : Sears. ! 3ody. Nebraska tfostly on rlghttip wraeon both hips RanKe-Modlcine S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut : horses same. Range North of the Snake , f C. Bvenson. Nebraska left side and u l orses same r -lo left side 4 Itwnce Berwrcn ' " " " r" fif" " "M'- "T ' MARTIN RED BEAR. PoBtofflce address Pine Ridge , 8. D. On left sldj ; horses same left thig-i. Range Wolf Creek. THOMPSON PoetoClco Addres : Simeon Neb Stock branded same ts oat be hind left shoulder Range on the Schlagle TV O CARSON footofflce Addresr Siuioon Neb Stock branded in left hip same is cut Range , head- rr\rter < of the rchlagle D M BEARS PostofTioa address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a.- oncut.leftsldejsomt cn lelt hip Horse caraeon left ehoul dor Lake MGRGAREIDGE and SON Postofflce address Simeon Iseb , . Cattle branded as oil cut ; or U or V D on left hip with hole in rght ear when uu- < ler--yrs old ; horses same as cut and IJ reejcand Niobraru ALBERT WHIPPLB Postofflce address Rosebud , S. D. Branded on left sidr some SOS Horses . . . either bhoul- der Some at. branded 01 either shoul FRANK ROTIILEUTNER Postofnce address Kilgore , Neb. Cattle branded on cither side as on eiit.-same on hip Some on left side VA ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postofflcc address SSfc Allen. S. Left sidealsc on lelt > . cji. uorse 10 on left hip. Range Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. PostoflVe address Mcrrlmnn. Ncl < lu left sideear-mark ; inder slope Horses J S on left slioulcler Range ten miles northeast of aierri- inan. S. H. KlilMEL. Rose'ird. S. D. Also B U n left side Ca tie un 1 rent on both ears ; horses branded i tn left shoulder RangeOn A nte- lope and Sprin Creeks Joseph Fairhead. Lavaca. Neb. loftJ side AIs on leftside . - . also same rosw verted on left thigli Horses shoulder Range-Between Fair , lieati Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Codj' , Nebraska. Left side on cattle. Ou S email stock left side ; h ! horses Al - left shoulder iiange-Sontlieast o Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleishman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dew lap. Range Ranges 38 and 37 , between Nio brara and the Snako. James Goodfellosv and Son. Cody. Nebrasl.- ! On left sida ; hor. PCS JG rlgnt am , and mostly on Jaw nance Between the Xiol r'ra nnd Medicine Lake. W , H. Carter. Postofflce adddresa Cody , Nebnislca. On left side ; some XT left sidehorses T left shoulder SHORT HORN Stock. Eange Between Niobrara and the Snato. % . - / HORACE Postcfflce address Chesterfield Neb Ca4t'e branded on left fide and nlr > : left car cropped square ; some ] < n left side & on left shoulder horses brand ed cross an- chor'on left shoulder. s B and A 'B ' MCALYEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder Range on Square Lake Q TV K1ME fostofHce address Kennedy if eb Cattle branded aa on cut or on hip ; horses same. Soiuo on leftside and bar on Range , " one Tree Valley FLOYD KIMB Postofflce address Kennedy Neb " % . Cattle branded on left hip or side 01 both Horseawith n en left shoulder , HIUIK-- nnsli Lake , tiordoa and North Loup 0 ROTVLBY ' 'os'offlce address Kennedy Neb Cr.ttlo 1-randed on 't side Mid liiotior- . . .s on leftjg : ; oulderalso ; l tie t form o. . - , - . on either hip the lntt on on on either side Rince , Bordman between Big Bead and the Springs rostofflce address Valentine , Neb Cattlebraudedsame as on cut ; some on left side and hip ; horses same on left shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don nnd Jlordman ; Horse range. Steer Creek , between the Hiobrara and Snake D L LIcLANE I'oBtoffice Address Rosebud , 3 D Cntile branded s cut on either ide ; also F L R .ml F R Horses branded on left shoulder | ifl 4&3 @S three Un ? agZ ! > month of Cotlouuood , RED SHIRT Postofflce Address Rosebud , S I ) Cattle branded on left side same as cut. Horses brand * ed on left shor'.drr ' " $ tvlth a K. Runcl , in Little White rl'l \ C FEKRY PARKEH I'ostofDcc address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded . .mcnscut. Horses , P on left Moulder flanpe.Mouth of CLEMENT -VVHIRL'IND SOI.DIEH Postoffice Address Rosebud , S D Cattle brcnd oa left hip like cut Horses branded same on ieft shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYL3S address KonnedvNeb " 'attle branded on Usidoanrt hln lorses came on left oiilner Some ' ' ? ? left s'do ' M ji Range.Rtish Stir's Lake.Gordoa r:2 } nnd North iup KIMB Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with both ears cropped square Horses same as cat- tie but on left sboal- iler jtas Weir's cat- tie , also , U B'l Bange.Gordon Greet G LADELY i address Nexrto\ Neb Cattle branded aie as cut or on hip Morsea L on lelt ink Range , between -irdoi creek and ; e Loup B BTO2TEB Postoffloe addreo Ne\vion Neb Cattle branded a * on cut Also U on shoulder , son Bide , I on hip left side AlsoC on left J.iv. in addition to U B T on side Range o > Ocrdoa creek and E W RAYMOND 1'oBtofflcc Address Ro&ebnd. 8. D Cattle branded left boulder and hip Horses branded rvlth only sui 8 OB Ut /f\ GEOEGK PETTS Honesteel.B D Some ABE left aide and left hip Horses 7.1on loft hip and some same - yon on left shoulder t No horseg sold un * less'brand Is inverted - ed making TC Range head of Whet Stone Postofllce Address Simeon Neb Cattle branded on right side ; horses sarneonleftshoul. der. Range , sura mer. on Siisko river or , 4 miles from month ; winter miles south of Sim Stock branded \ ithTen left hip als J same as cut Range , between Gordon and Snake . creeks and on the - , , - . - . - . , Niobrara river E ! ih D J TT TUTRLEIGH 'ostoffice Address Simeon , Neb. Cattle and horses bnrndeU same as cut on left sida Range between Gordon and Snake creelis and on the Niobrara river X B LORD Postofflce Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right ahonlder and on right hip Range , on the Niobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postofflco Address Rosebud 8 I Cattle oranded sain as cut or on hip Ranch on Blacl Pipe Creek TODD SMITH. rostofflce Address - Rosebud S D Cattle brouded vmo as cut a Diamond mend T Horses branded he tame. Ranch a U mio Thunder : ; i"eek ROBERT FIJTLAYSON PostofBco addrcsi Nevrton l\&b Stock brande came as cut Range on Gon'o GEORGE PostoClco Address Rosebud , S D S Cattle branded on left side same as cutHorses Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope oreek east of Rosebud BEN BEAUOVI3 PostofP.ce Address Rosebud , S E Stock branded leTt shoulder three inches long ; side four inche. . Brand roconl 22 vrs. Ranch on Creek D. B5AY i'ostoITlce Address Rcsebud. 8 D Cattle branded on 1ft 1 thigh or hip same as cut Horses branded inrue on left shoul der BEN TUBGEON ; . _ Pjstofilce Addrejs Bonesteel. S L" Cattle branded on left side same as cut and right ea : crop ped. ped.Horses branded Top | left flhoulder ' - Alee \vith clr cleA WSI. F. SCHMIDT. Postofflce Address , . Addressr Rosebud , S , D , ! randed same as on -.u : or with unacr UieSjrlgntear slip and dulaped. Horsoa branded ? ame oa left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. - _ Postofflca Address Rosebud , S 1 Horses are brand : c on left thigh ; cattl- on left side with crop on car , tla M \vtih n n ear Gustave Gunderson Cody , Nebraska On left side ; hones 1 on left shoulder. Range-Between Snak irvd the Niobrara JOEQ ? n h > to3tco address. Brownleo Neb Same as on cut Alao and AS Horses on left shoulder Eanjre Goo e Creek ( alls and North Loup K BELDING PostoIRo0 address . . Brownl Neb On right aide or hip Onleltsfde or hip ; or . L on left hip. Range , Calf Creek j B and E T SMITH PostoHlce aadress Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on lelt side ; also her es on right side .Qooso Creek E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postofflce address Erownler. Xcb. Same as on cai Range netwten Goose Creek atd North Loup J. M. HAIWA. rostcHlre address Seneca , Neb. - Branded as on cut ; some 0 P on right \ and gome on right hip Range Cal Creek Valley in Cher- county E. E. ORR. ORR.Postofflce Postofflce addres s Newton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on left side ; horses onleftshoul- der Range , between north prong and North Loup and 'SVF1 Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Itange. North Loup R. M. FADDIS. Postofnce address Pass Neb Range. Worth Lour River I. L. MERCURE. 3'ostofflce address Seneca. Neb & S& ° n right . + KJJ' fSra7'nnc iS : < i > Ji. = v < iw 1 side , or J ou either Ilange , Southwest ofSeueca P. GRIER. GRIER.Postofflce Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. On left hip On right or left hip Ranee , between - tween Seneca a i ' Norway on Middl Loup B W PEAP.3OW Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZMANN Postofflce addres- Brownlee Neb On left hip. The herd mark is a dev. _ lap Ranjo on Goosi Creek. , FRANK T LEE ! addrew Erownlee Neb Cattle on left side ; her i same on left shoulder. Range 4 : i ! 3 northeast of I , A GERMAN Pcstffice address Newton Neb Cattle branded eirh ersidehorsps ; samr onleftshoulder.aso have care 01 . ut. branded SP under il& Hned. DICK MCNALI , Pestofflce afldrexs Brownlee Neb On lelt sidcand hi9 also 8 oa left hip. R.inge. North Loup CHARLES H Postofflco addresi Brownlee , Nebr Either right or left side on cattle Horses same on Jett shoulder Left ear cut off of cattle Range , Lous riv er HENRY FATJLHABER Postofflco &ddr M Brownlea. Neb Cattle on left id Horses same oa left shoulder Rasge , Loup rirei DAVID STEADMAN Postofflce address Pass , Neb Cattle on leftside Has cbar 'H of cattle branded > .i right side 1 horses rii. . . hip Some horse * on left shoul der JOHN CHALOUD Postofttce nddresa Brownlee , Neb Cattle and horse * on right side Range. BlgCreefc B PERKINS f Postofnce address Halser Neb On left hip 1 finge , Loup Elvey TALBOT & GALLOP Postofflce eddrctt Seneca , Neb. Cattle brando o leftside Horses brawled on leftshoulder&S Range beES , twcen Middle Lo and Dismal GEORGE GRAY Postofflce address 'IbeJford. Nebr On left hip DrAO on right hip , or side Range. Loup and Dismal .e CRONIN BR03. PostofQce address Thedford. Nebr On right sldo Range , betvreea Loup and DU WALT HARDY. Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. Left side on cattle ; horses , left slioulder jalso on left side some on right hip Kange.south .Middle Loup. JULIUS KECKMAN. PostofHce Browntee , Nrt 8me aa on cut * > nth BrownleV M. DUNHAM. Postodce aadress Kennedy , Neb Stock branded on left 3ide as on cut. Range Gordon Creek. TT K GEANT Postoffice addrj. iB Brotvalaa K On left side ERA SFENCETt Postofflce addres Brownlee Neb Branded on leftside Range , Call Creefc andSwtn Lake V&W ley Brr-.vnlee > On lo : sirle J R TTAiLINGFORD PostofSra address Kennedy Neb Stock branded jaraeascut on left , ida Pome branded 7iUi baruoderneah on sa Lethe LeI the Cn On Sit V