Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, July 27, 1899, Image 1

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J o ur nai.
_ . * w
) fp * ,
- - Metzger Bros.
a-- ,
ar Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
% Brand on loft * Ule
! and thigh
Earmark , sq.iare
i crop right ear
Southern branded
L cattle have but one
half-diamond E" on
Lief t side
Native cattle have
throat wattle
Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A Jteiriirtl of$25O will be paid to any
person for information leading to the arrest and
final conviction of any person or persons steal-
i ng cattle with above brand
1'ostofllcc address
Allen S D
On left shoulder and
baron side ; horses
same on thigh
PostoJIlce atldres
Valentine , Neb
Branded on right
side ; horses same
Range-10 miles east
of Valentino on
the Niobrara
Joseph W. J5ownet
P. ( ) . address
Mernman , Nebr.
Right ear cropped
Hole in center of left
ear Range Lake creek
S.I ) .
Joe Vlondray
Cody , .Nebraska
Left side. Left ear
on left shoulder oJ
It. A. McQuade.
Valentine. Nub
Branded on eiihcr
Range between
Tbacherand Swan
Charles C. Tackett
. IX
Range head of An
telope near St. Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
Peter Vlondray
Rosebud. S. D.
Left side. Left car
Horses branded
Range Little \Vlnte
River , at mouth of
Cedar Creek.
.Louis J. Richards
Merriman. Neb.
Gorsuch Bros.
Newton , Nebreka
Cattle branded
as on cut
ft side or hi )
Ranse on Gordon
Louis F. Richards
Merrnnan Neb
Henry Pratt
Rosebud S. D.
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhora clip on
some cattle
John DeCory
Rosebud. S. D.
Some branded 11)
417 on left side
Horses JI ) on left
liange in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
\ Thomas Farren
Rosebud , S. D.
ID 1183 either left
side or hip
Horses Ser
Range head of
Anderson & Hounds.
Simeon. Nebraska
Cattle branded on
left siric as on cut :
also 1C on left side
with on left hip of
some cattle ; also S4G
on right side Hoi > e
brand , raku and 1C
on left shoulder or
hip Home ranch-on
Dewey Lake , liange on Niobrara Itivrr. past efFort
Fort Niobrara : also between Snake Hiver and
Simeon , known as the Felch range , all in Cherry
County. Nebraska.
Marshall & Wblfendeii
Kennedy , Neb.
Some 5 on the left
llorses S on left
Brand is small
Earmark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on left ear
Range Lone Tree
I. T. Hichardson.
Kennedy , Nebr v.
Some on left El
Horses on
left shoulder
William M. Dunuar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody , Neb
DUn . Either side
Alsc on
Left ear oi cattle
Hange head of Hay
Cre > k
Amelia Y.
Cody. Nebraska
A-Y On right side.
Right ear split
liange , Little
White river
Peder Thorsen.
Gordon , Nebraska
On right side ; T on
right hip. * horse
brand and T on.
right shoulder
Alpo cattle branded
I , S on leftfside
Range , fowl miles
south of I r win
Henry Young ,
Cody , Nebraska
Horse brand IIY
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
Range , Little
White river. S. D.
Stotts & Stetter.
Branded < > ! ' ! > ttside
Range..Tiii i nn i ike
and Morgan Klats
D. G. Kelson.
Cody , Nebraska.
On right hip.
Range , Medicine
Lake to the
Snake river
Ilutc Brothers.
( Jordan. Nebrjiska H in
ltange,14 miles north
of ( Gordon.
* gg
F. G. Duert'ellt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
Cattle also branded
DO on right hip
Horses ami mules
oraudud same as cut
on left shoulder
J. G. Jordan
, Nebraska
One. bunch branded
as on cut on left side
One bunch branded
C I * on left hip
Horses J on left
Range. 10 miles
southwest of Gallop ,
between Niobrani
and Suaku rivers
George F Damon
Albany , Neb
Cattle branded
FI > on left ribs or
right shoulder ; Sl >
SD FD on rlghtliip and left
ribs ; 6 on left hip
right shoulder
l/r Range 7 mi north
east of Albany Neb
Agent for Pasteur
' Black Leg Vaccine
Joseph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Horse brand F on
left shoulder
K inge 10 miles
northeast oi Gonlop
Eice and Iteece.
Joe Estabrook will most likely be re-
nominated for surveyor , as he has giv
en good satisfaction since taking hold
of the office , and Chas. Tate will be his
opponent , as before.
J-ingo M-outhed Thurston is out for
silver again. lie says in substance
that the republican party must not ig
nore silver or its days are numbered.
As a flopper Thurston takes the cake.
Dr. A. N. Gompton is being spoken
of as the fusion candidate for coroner ,
and if nominated we hesitate not to
predict his election. Ilouest , upright ,
sober and conscientious , the Doctor
would make a first class coroner. The
republican nominee will probably be
Dr. A Lewis.
It seems that the O'Neill independent
and the llushville Standard have tor-
gotten their love for the northwest , as
they are booming Barry for congress
The General is a fine man , but we pre
fer that the west receive the nomina
tion. There will be a warm fight at
Lexington next month.
Who was that fellow that said we.
were not going to get hay hands this
year , the town is lull of men from ,
cellfir to garret , and just dying to get to
pitch hay ; if they keep coining as they
have the last two days , there will be
men enough to eat all the hay in Grant
county. Whitman Sun.
Guess General Prosperity has nit
Whitman a hard blow.
There is no doubt that Etta Brown
will be nominated for county superiu
tendent by the republicans , as in her
lies their only hope of success. The
time has not yet come to present ( he
name of the fusion candidate , but when
it does we will give you a candidate
that will surprise you and one that will
gather votes like a binder gathers the
The mullet heads say that Bryan does
not draw the crowds this year that he
did in 1898 , but tlu Madison Chronicle ,
an administration organ , said last
week :
Bryan day at Humphrey was a hum
mer , if all .reports are to be > believed.
The crowd present is estimated to have
been anywhere from o,000 to 7.000.
Humphrey , it should be remarked is
a town about the size of Valentine.
A letter from Lincoln says that the
house rent item in Governor Ilolcomb's
administration seems to be a bug-bear
in the eye of the republican state smell
ing committee. It is true ihe Governor
did acvpt the lieu e rent as specified
by law , but did no more nor less. They
failed to s.iy anything about Goy.
Thajer who drew out § 2,000 house rent
in advance and the very next day his
wife bought a new residence.
Commissioner Parker says he is not
to be considered as a candidate this
fall , and people in his district are talk
ing of putting up W. G. Ballard. of
Dewey Lake , or Alex Burr , of Mother
Lake. Either of the gentlemen would
make a good commissioner but at thib
early date it is hard to make a predic
tion regarding the nomination. There
is however a growing sentiment for a
candidate from the south or south-
wesleinjart of the county. Among
the republicans we hrar ihe name of
S. Q. Spnin frequently mentioned , and
we are very much afraid that he will
he nominated. Spain will make a hard
fight against our man.
Despite all the attempts of the repub- j
licaus to promote discord , the demo
crats and populists of Cherry county
are working together at the present
time in the utmost harmony , and he is
a bold man indeed who will rkk his
reputation as a prophet by predicting
disruption in our ranks this fall. The
same tactic are being employed now we
notice that were used with such effect
two years ago , but this only shows the
thick wits of the falsifiers they should
remember the old saying of Lincoln
about how people may be fooled. One
story in circulation is to the effect that
the democrats of the county demand as
a basis of fusion that they be allowed
to name the candidates for clerk , sner-
iff , judge , superiutemleut and coroner.
This story is calculated to arousn the
anger of the populists , and should be
resolutely denied whenever it is heard.
To the best of our knowledge the dem
ocrats ask today just what they asked
two years ago : that is , clerk judge and
coroner. This we bel eve is an equit
able division , and to date we have not
heard a protest against it. If there
is any fault to find we hope the kicks
will be registered at once and with the
utmost oed uattme.
Alger says he jumped and was not
pushed out of the cabinet. In Jap in ,
China , France and other countries it is
considered honorable to commit sui
cide , and all necessary articles for shuf
fling off this mortal coil are furnished
the man in disgrace ; can it be that the
administration suggested that Alger
commit hari-kari ? it looks that way.
One day last wee : Alger spent a few
hours at the seashore with Vice Presi
dent Ilobart. JSText day he resigned.
It is generally conceded that the fu
sion candidate for county judge this
fall will be the present incumbent of
that ofiice , Judge "W. 11. Towne. As a
matter of fact we don't know of any
other candidate. "Uncle Dick" has
given universal satisfaction while he
has occupied the bench , and his most
bitter political opponents are foiced to
admit his honesty and fairness. John
Tucker has been spoken of as the re
publican candidate , but he vigorously
denies tlat he has any intention of of
fering himself for the sacrifice
If free silver farmers would be a
little more careful about the terms they
use when talking with their neighbors
they would make a lot of converts.
When you start to town with a load of
wheat and are asked what you arc go
ing to do , say : "I'm going to buy some
money with this wheat I have a note
coming due and 1 have to buy. some
money to pay it. but it take.s a lot of
wheat or corn to buy a few dollars
these days.1' That will start more
thinking in , i gold bug's head than ah
hour of argument. Nebraska Inde
The dullness that pi-avails in the
market for feeding cattle is quite sur
prising to the trade considering the
fact that so man } ' shippers report that
the fat cattle are all gone and young
cattle are scarce. -
At a recent meetinSof President
Kinley's cabinet it was decided to ad-
mst to Cuba , free of duty , 50,000 head
of breeding cattle , in order to replenish
the herds on the island. As Cuba has
abundahce of the most nutritious
grosses this measure will do much in
helping to restore prosperous condi
The first shipments from the great
sheep ranges of the northwest arrived
in Chicago July 3. and in Omaha Jury
7. The Omaha shipment was direct
from grass and sold at $4.70. This is
the highest price ever paid for runge
sheep so early in the season. The bulk
of grass mutton sheep sold at Omaha
last year at $3.90 to $4.30.
- >
Barto & JMitchclL weighed their wool
clip for 1899 last week and found it to
be a trifle over 45GUO , pounds. This at
16 cents a pound will net them a hand
some dividend. In addition to this
theo have about : JOOO himbs. being the
smallest lamb crop tiir\ have ever lurl.
Mr. ttarto has ha -evcr.-l l years fxi-ri-
ience in tinjliw , ) bii-.tne-- iii ih.- ! > -
cality and ih'.i.k.ihere is no bu > hub- >
in which a dnUnr investment will come
so near producing a dollar in profit as
in the sheep industry. Gordon Journal.
The heavy territory and nortiieia
shipments of the past t o or three
years have taken out of this seotlon
most of the steer cattle over 2 years of
age , with the result that for the first
time in years it has been practicable
fora few men to corner the steer mar
ket south of the quarantine line. The
outlook for feeding steers i.s very
strong , and the question i.s where are
the supplies to come from ? T.ie com
ing season promises to be an especially
good one for feeding if the supplies are
available. San Antonio Express.
The Live Stock Report says that the
first shipment of western range cattle
for the season reached South Omaha on
Monday , consisting of twelve cars of
the John T. llolt ( " 79" brand ) cows
from Montana. ThejT averaged 1,030
Ibs.jand sold at 3.90 , with 19 cows at
3.40. They were considered a very
good lot of cows tor so early in the
season. In addition to these there
were several small los of range cattle ,
mostly from Wyoming , received dur
ing ths past week. The first shipment
of range cattle last year was l
at South. Ouialia July 18.
t m
a-b-u mce tB e
Before - Buying - Elsewhere
You a great deal
if you fail to get our prices before buying Pieture Frames ,
Mouldings , Hardware , Wii'dmills , Pumps and Fittings.
See our colored gentlemen in the window , introducing
Call and see us about prices whether you buy or not.
JCoom 108 Kxr.hniicre
lieferences :
Tolphone 141
We have a large clientage among Nebraska Feeders and can always oeat Omaha prices to
Alex Marrivall
Pine Ridge , S I )
Cattle branded as
on cut and below on
either side Eernik
swsillw lork on li'it
and rr p right
Her i- I randf * a-s
below on left tlngli
or hip
Wheeler Bros.
Also IS on right
Range Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
< Ml pnillt il'fl
'Ji-r v .v O < mi
point If't > lrnildur
Al.io mi lefr.
Same on left bin
LeJt side
J. A Adamsou.
Valentine. Neb
On left side or hip
A 4 left side or hip
On leftside
Range on Niobrara
Marquardt & Howlus
OTTO SxituuK. Manager.
Merriman. Neb
Cattle brand OM on
left shoulder. Some
of cattle have various
older brands. OS on
left hip. Horse bra'd
Aon left slmuldei.
Ran e. Formerly
( ! eo WMnnnier
ranch 5-miles eist of
' - ;
v - Ssz sssM iMerriman.from F.E.
& M. \ . II. R. south to Leamler Creek. Mar-
.t Hnwbm. Soribner.Nebraska ,
If You Want toBuy or Sell
Lne Stock ual\c
, \ your
wants known to the
Cherry Co , Live Stock Exch.
Valentine , Nebr ,
Postoffice address
Brownlec , Neb
Branded on either
side same a.s on cut
also both jaws
J. C. Trowbridse
Merriman , Neb
JIange between Irvin -
\vin and lUerrimun.
south of railroad
Hugh IBovill , Manager
Merriman Neb
Ml on left side or
Itjmge north of K :
Charlotte E. Jiovill
Merriman Neb
Left side or hip
Range north of Eli
Parker & Son
P 0 Address
L. W. Parker
Reige. Xeb
Brand same as cut ,
Also ZP
Range on Niobrara
south of Crookston
Trideaux Sanford
Kennedy. Neb
Stock branded on
left side
B. B. Teeter ? Bros. - - * $
Newton , Neb.
Horses same on
left shoulder
Ranee- between
the Gordon and the