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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1899)
" * ' ( /reeton , S. L > . Left or either side of cattlealso ; Vleft fildt < if neck. Swal low fork rlpbt ear , fKiili'rbil Ir't rj ht car nilbbi-d olt : ' " - dcrbltlef car Rome on left Jaw and some wattle fcjl : jaw Other brands h..i side or -any part of animal , left siJe or any nartof animal , joma branded < he following , left -Also some cattle ' bearing the follow ing brands : A left left side or shouider ; W leu hip thiirh On left side left -Horse brands at shoul 'lows der it-it it iL tvU liltnip or thigh thigh thigh , ortnigh. hip. Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the .Above brands will be prosecuted. Information regarding theft liberally rewarded , Range at -aaruey springs and Cottonwood. HERBERT O. BISONETTE. MANAGER. Postofflce address Pine RIdce , S I ) Cattle branded as on cut , HOB on left side ; some JSHLr. on either side : Some on left side ; some older itock. .anywhereon . animal. Horses K H \tt \ Soii r$2fflr1 on left hip ang6-Sevcn miles nonhK * * * " anvwhero on -oast of Pine Ridge , in fKllSM Shannon Co JOHN GHOST BEAR , MANAGER oPostofflce address Pine Rldgc , S. D. Cattle branded B C on Icft.lup of cattle mon -on cut : some branded on lcftsidealsoa ; a : < on lelt side ; hories -snmeonleft shoulder cJange Wounded Knee and Walqjain- -mi LakeShannonCo. L. C. Peyton. Lavaca , Nebraska. On left , side , itangc Pole Creek. SHOUT HORN BULLS for sale Geo. H. Hill. Sallop , Nebraska stfn leftside nange-10 miles * outh of Merrlman P. W. Pruden. Merrlman. Neb. Some ni nded same as cut on both Ml'-- . . of aleriimuu i Geo. L. Coleinan. Cody , Nebraska leftside ; her es O -oft shoulder nance Ten miles jvestof Suake Blver /Falls Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right side ; horses same left shoulder. nerd mark-Dew lap Range Brush Lake and South Geo. W. Monnier. "Slerrlman , Neb. jLeft shoulder and * ! eft thigh ; some ronlefthphor- ; same left nange East and t-Soutlieast Mernman Grant Bixler. _ _ _ Merrlman. Neb. Some on left side ; some on lelt hip ; horses same leffc " thigh. -V" - Range Six miles i Northeast of MerrI man. H. E. Sear's. . Nebraska Alostly on rlghthlp , ome on both hips Range-Medicine S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Range North of the Snake G. Evenson , . odv , Nebraska tDn left side and IhiRh ; horses same 4n left side Range Betweest Niobnir * . MARTIN RED BEAR. Pos'omoe address Pine Ridge , S.D. On left sdi ! : horses same left thlgi. , Range Wolf Creek. A THOMPSON Poetofflco Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut be hind Icftshoulder Range on the Bchlagla T7 O CARSOK Postofflce Addres' ' Simoon Neb Stock branded in left hip came tacut Range , head- jvnrters of the tchlngle D M BEARS PoitofRoa addreis Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a-1 oncutleftsldesonu ; on left hip norse * same on left shoulder dor Lake"80' MGRGAREIDGE and SON fostofflce address Simeon Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; orlJ or V D on left hip with hole . in rght ear when uu- x dera-yrs old ; horses same as cut and IJ Kange Gordon Creelcaud Niobraru Itlver ALBERT WHIPPLE Postofflce address Rosebud , S. D. Branded on leftside some SOS Horses on cither shoul- W Jy-SSya derSome Some an branded on either shoul Jerthus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER Postofilce address Kilgore , Neb. Cattle branded on either side as on rut , same on hip ijjriv Some on $ k-ft side m VA ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postofflee address' Allen. S n Left stde.alsc on lelt uorse 10 on ipfr hh . Range Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. Posteifllce address Merriman , Neb. On left side ; ear-mark .inder slope Horses J S on lett shoulder Range ten miles northeast of Bterri- man. S. H. Rose > ' d. S. D. Also B U n left side Ca tie un li rent on both ears ; horses branded 4 en left shoulder Range On Anrc- lope and Sprm Creeks Joseph Fairbead. Lavaca. Neb. loft ; side Si Als on left side also same ro- . - * . * < > - f -SfS ' 0 verted on left thigh fe - * 1 * Horses shoulder r Sj ' # W $ r ? JSlSn n * iiead Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on cattle. On email slock left side ; horses Al left shoulder Range-Southeast o' Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleisbman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dew lap. nange Ranges 88 and 37 , between Klo- brara and the Snake. James Goodfellor ? and Son. CoJy , Nebraska On left slda ; hor. ses TG right &uu- and mostly on Ja\v nance Between the Niolr'ra and Medicine Lake. W , H. Carter. Postofflce adddrrss Cody , Nebraska. On left side ; some X T left side , horses T left shoulder SHOUT HORN Stock. Range Between Niobrara and the Snak * . HORACE WALLI2TGFOBD Postofflce address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on loftslde and nln : loft ear cropsed square ; some mleftside on left shoulder hnrses brand ed cross an chor on left shoulder. 8 E and A B MCALVEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder Range on Square Lake KlitS fostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut or on hip ; horses same. Some on leftside and bar 011 hipRange Range , ' .one Tree Valley FLOYD KIMB Poatofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left hip or side 01 both HorscBwith H on lefc shoulder , Rangg nnsn Lake , Gordon and JfOrlh Loup B ROWLEY Cosioflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on eft side i.nd hlpthor- -es on left " houlderjalso - the - . the l tter OQ -s ight side ] - Also on on either side Ranee , Bordman between Big Bend and the Springs WYE & rostofflce address Valentine , Neb Cattlebrandedsame as on cut ; some ton left Bide and hip ; horses same on left shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Bordman ; Horse range. Steer Creek , between the and Snake D L McLANE "ostofRce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded 's cut on either ? ide ; also F L R md F R .Horses branded on left shoulder and cells three links "ange mouth of Coltonwood , RED SHIRT Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same as cut. Horses bran/J ed on left shoulder with a K. Ranch in Little White PERRY PARKER ' 'ostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded micas cut. Horses , P on left houlder Range , Mouth ot I'ordman CLEMENT "WHIRL-DTD SOI DIE1 Postofflce Address P.osebud , S D Cattle brand on left hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLE 'ostoffloe address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on it side and blp uorses same on left 'loulder Some on left side Range.Htish LakeGordon and North oup KliTE Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with both ears cropped square Horses same as cat tle but on left shoul der vta Weir's oat- tic , also. TJ BI iiange.Gordon Creel : LADELY ostofflce address Newton Neb Cattle branded i me as cut or cm hip Horses L on left 'ank Range , between Gordon creek and he Lbup B STO2CEB Pcstoffloe address NewionNeb Cattle branded oi on c\it Also U on shonlder , a on aide. I on hip-left side Also C on left 1 v. IB addition to U B t on side Eange o- Gordon ereeb and south RAYMOND PostoQce RosebHfl , 3. D Cattle branded left houlder and hip Horse * branded with onlj e&g I M GEOEOK PETE JBonesteeUBD Some ABE left Bide and left hip Horses M. on left hip and some same n loft shoulder No horses sold on- less brand la invert * ed making K Range head ( A Whet Stone Postofflce Addresi Simeon Neb Cattle branded on right side ; horses same on lef.t shoul. der. Range , sum mer , on Snake riv er , 4 miles from moulhj winter , 4 miles south ot Sim con C \V BENNETT Fostofflee Address Simeon Neb Stock branded v ith 7 on left hip also same as cut Range , between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Nlobrara rlvor BTJRLEIGH Postofllce Address Simeon , Neb. Cattle and horses branded same as cnt on left side ' Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Nlobrara river JOZN B LORD Postoffloo Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut bjwk of right s boulder and on right hip Range , on the Niobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postofllce Address Rosebud B I Cattle oranded sam as cut or on hip Ranch on BlacI Pipe Creek TODD SMITH. Postofilce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded same as cut a Diamond mend T Horses branded he tame , Ranch m \ \ hito Thunder Creek ROBERT FINLAYSON Postofflce address Newton fte5 Stock brande' same as cnt Range on Gordo Creefc GEORGE DECORY. Postofflce Address RosebudS 3D Cattle branded on left side same as cutHorses Horses branded. G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope creek east of. Rosebud EEN BEAUOVI3 Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Stock branded lefi shbulder three Inchea long ; side four Inchec long. Brand record 2d 22 yrs , Ranch on 3orse Creek D. BRAY Pofltofflce Address Rosebud , 8 D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horses branded same on left shoul der BEN TUBGEON Pjstofflce Address Bonesteel , S E Cattle branded on left Bide same as cut and rlcht eai crop pen.Horses Horses branded Ton loft shoulder Also with clr clo A WM. F. SCHMIDT. Postofllce Address Rosebud , S , D , rranded same as oa -.ut or v/lth under theSrlgntear clip And dulaped. Horses branded ; ame on left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. > - _ _ Postofflce Address Rosebud , S 1 Horses are branded [ onleft thigh ; cattl. | on left side with ha ! ; crop on loft kear. Also cat- ( tie it B with n < op on ear Gustave Gunderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses xon left shoulder. nange-Between Snak and the Niobrara JQH2I H IJARNAW. fostofBee addreai Brownlee Neb Same as on cat AlsoAS AS Horses oa left shoulder e Creek and North Loup K BELDINO address , _ Brownl f Neb On right side or hip On left sfde or hip ; or .L on left hip. Range , Call Creek y B and E T SMITH Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left side ; also horses ses on right side Ranffe.Qoose Creek E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postofflce address Brownlee. Neb. Same as on cts * . Range between Goose Creek acd North Loup' J. M. HANNA. Postofflce address Seneca. Neb. Branded as on cut ; some P on riht . . . i lp and some on right hip Ran pe Calf Creek Valley In Oner- county E. E. ORR. ORR.Postofllce Postofllce address Newton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on'left side ; horses on left shoul der Range , between north prong and North Loup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofllce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range , North Loup R. M. PADDIS. Postofflce address Pass Neb Range , North Loup River I. L. MERCURE. I'o < tofnco address Seneca. Neb On right side , or J on cither hip Uange , Southwest of Seneca P. GRIER. GRIER.Postofflco Postofflco address Seneca , Neb. On left hip On right or Ipft hip Ranee , be tween Seneca and Norway on Middl LouP B W PEARSON Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder flange , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZilANN fegfb Postofflce addres Brownlee Neb On left hip. The herd mark Is a den. lap Range on Goosr Creek. FRANK T LEB Fostofflce address Brownleo Neb C.ittle on left side ; horse * same on left shoulder. Range i " ies northeast of Tirownlce A OER3IAN , R PcstfDce address Cattle branded < > : . on left shoulder.a to have care 01 an branded SP under lined. Loup DICK MCNALI , i'estofflee address Brownlee Neb On left sidcand also 8 OK left hip Range , North Loup CHARLES H Postofflco ttddre.ii Itrownlee , Nebr Either right or left side on cattle Horses same on lelt shoulder Left ear cut off of cattle Kance , Loup rlv- tt HENRY FAULHABER Poitodca sddrcM Brownies. Neb Cattle on left aide- Horses same n left shoulder Range , Loup rlvr DAVID STEADMAH Postofflce address Pass. Neb Cattle en leftside Has char * ofcattle _ brandedi right side- horses rib. . , hip Some horse * on left shoul der JOHN CHALOUD Postofflce addre * Brownlee , xeb Cattle and feemw on right side Range. Blg'Cree * D E PERKINS Fostofflce addrjsi Halsey , Neb On left hip 1 ange , Loup Rive ? TALBOT & GALLOP Postofllce addrts Seneca , Neb. Cattle branded em left side Horses branded on left shoulder Range between - _ tween Middle Lot and Dismal GEORGE GRAY Postofflce address 'Ihellord. Nebr On left hip Or AC on right hip or side Range. Loup and Dismal CRONIN BROS. Postofflce addrec * Thedford.Neb On right side Range , betweea Loup and DliB WALT HARDY Postofflce address Seneca. Neb Left side on cattle ; horses , left shoulder ; al eon on left side some on right hip Rancesoutn Middle Loup. JULIUS KECKMAN. Postofflce addren Brownlee , Nefc B me as on cnt Range south 4 Brownie * M. DUNHAM. % & Tostofflce address Kennedy , Neb Stock branded on left side as on cut. Range Gordon Creek. TV K GRANT Brow&lae On left tide e. Loup Blv * IRA BPEKCEn ? O3to31ce address Brownlee Neb Branded on left side Sanije. Calf Cre k and Swan Laks Va > B B OR3. Onle&stde J R- Postofawj address Kennedy Neb Stock brardel same aa cut on left side Rome branded with bar uaderceata W aaywber * on TJ *