Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, July 20, 1899, Image 5

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Capital 100,000.00
WircctorH : Salesmen :
F. W. FLATO , Jn. , President. ED. H. REID )
PAUL FLATO , Vice President. JIM S. HORN \ Cattle Sa Jo ire
J. C. DAHLMAN , Secretary. E. W. CAHOW , Hog Salesma11
ED. H. HIED , JOHN P. CLARY , Cashier
Correspondents :
Capital $500,000.00.
A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers ,
It has lieen'repeatedly
demonstrated in y * +
the past that
Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders
You can satisfy yourself as to the truth of that dtarement by
comparing the sales at Sioux City , last year , with those at any other
competitive market. You can also ask your neighbors wbo have sold
cattle at Sioux City. This year Sioux Civ is in the field for fat cat
tle as well as feeders. The great beef slaughtering plant of the
Cndtthy Packing Co. is ready for business
No charges , except for feed ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market
The Sioux ( Jity Stock Yards Co.
JOHN H. KEENE , General Manager.
C. H. CORXJBIJU President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier
Valentine , Nebraska.
A General Kaisltiatg IuMiiie iTraiiMacte < I
Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correspondents ;
Chemical National Bank , New York. First National Baiik , Omaha Neb
Everything fresh and clean , and prices
that are right. Special attention given
to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies.
Kennedy , Nebraska ,
Highest market price paid and prompt returns. Eeferenc-e
Omaha National Bank.
513 South 13th St. , OMAHA , NEB
We'"charge no commission.
Milwaukee , St. Louis and Fremont Bee. We solicit the trade of those who ap
preciate good wines and liquors
OUR MOTTO Honest Goods ; Honest Prices ; Courteous Treatment.
- Live Stock-Commission-Merchants
South Omaha and Chicago
WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , Hog Salesman
Wo furnish Market .Reports free of expense. Write to us.
The DONOHER fcft ftft
IB continually adding improvements and it is now the
best equipped , and most comfortable
Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Room *
Valentine , Nebraska
- Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reaionabU
fates. County depository. , v
[ E. SPARKS. President CHARLES SPAB&S Cashier
BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher
The Ainsworth Star-Journal today
will coetain the following bit of inter
esting new :
"Married , at the home of the bride ,
Friday evening- , July 14 , Frank Bray-
ton and Minnie A. Dewoody , the Rev.
Tripplett officiating. It was a quiet
wedding , Walter Jackson and Edna
Fischer of Valentine being the only
guests present. Mrs. Brayton is the
only daughter of John Dewoody and
wife , and has many friends who con
gratulate Mr. Brayton upon his
choice. Mr. Brayton is a prosperous
merchant and a highly respected gen
tleman of Valentine. Mr. and Mrs.
Brayton left on the II o'clock train
for Valentine , their future home ,
where they are both well and favor
ably known. They will be at home to
their friends after September 1st. "
It gives us great pleasure to an
nounce this marriage , as both the
controcting parties are friends of the
editor , and a more suitable union for
either could not be imagined. Each
is possessed of those attributes which
are essential to a happy married life ,
and we predict for them , a long and
happy connubial existence. While
waiting for their house to be vacated
the couple are boarding at The Don-
oher , but they will soon move into
the groom's recently purchased resi
dence on Cherry street , known as the
Holsclaw property.
Real Estate Sransfers
Following is a list of the real estate
transfers filed in the office of county
clerk during the week ending July 18 ,
and furnished us by F. M. Walcott ,
attorney at law and bonded abstracter -
er , Valentine , Nebraska :
WEHaley and vvf to WWAnderson ,
lots 8&9 and nwse nesw 3-33-25 $400
EmilyNAllen et al to DHanna , w2&se
of se nesw 31-29-27 , e2sw of ne and nese
19-28-27 , lots 1&2 1-28-28 , lots 4&52B-28- ;
27 $1500.
EDennis and wf to JCMcNare , sw
17-32-25 $500.
MBParker and hbd to same , b2se
sesw 18-32-25 $500.
JHSnore and wf to WE Carter , lots
5-G-7&8 32-33-31 $700.
AJMiller to HSParker , nwne n2nw
34 , sesw 27-35-30-$1250.
JJBruner and wf to GCBakewell ,
st 1-30-26 $350.
WHoney and wf to AMLevee , lot 1
blk 33 , lots 10-11-12-13&14 blk 12 wood-
lake $35
Same to same , lot 9 blk 42 $12.
AMLevee and wf to EDennis , lot 1
blk33 9-10-11-12-13&14 blk 42
[ ] , lots - - - -
woodlake , nese s2ne senw 11-31-25-S700
JJGuth and wf to WFAMeltendorff ,
lot 12 blk 12 valentine $1500.
&Carlson to DLudwig , lot 18 blk. . 6
valentine $1000.
J noKaunonsay and wf to JosKaun-
onsay , n2ne sene nese 18-31-26 $200.
WestTrustSectyCo to CAJolinson ,
s2se of 8 , n2ne 17-31-25 $600.
Seven mtgs tiled , nine released.
At the residence of the bride's par
ents northwest of Ainsworth Wednes
day evening , July 12 , Frank E. Witt
and Maud Carpender were married ,
the Rev. J. M. Bates officiating. The
wedding was a very pretty affair and
took place in the presence of a num
ber of invited friends. Speaking of
the couple the Ainsworth Home Rule
said last week :
' Mrs. Witt's parents are among
Brown county's earliest settlers , and
Maud has grown up among us and is
well and favorably known to all our
readers. The groom is among the
many prosperous ranchmen of Cherry j
count } ' , and is held in highest esteem
bv all who know him. The newly
wedded pair left on the west bound
passenger and after a short tour will
be at home in Thedford , Nebraska. "
R. M. Faddis and. wife came up from
Brownlee , Friday , and Saturday rent
ed the Fischer property on Cherry
street , formerly occupied by the Hon.
John Shore , and after next week will j
make this place their home. We are j
glad to note this addition to Valentine - \
tine , 2nd believe that as the excel i
lence of our schools and society becomes - '
comes more generally known more of {
our larjre stockmen will move to Val.
entine. _ i '
Chas. Bailev , a negro , was brought 1
to Valentine Saturday morning by
Jim Gillaspie , who was specially dep
utized for that purpose , and lodged in i
jail charged with having stolen a two ri
year old heifer from D. C. Nelson. 1
He will be given a preliminary hearing - t
ing next Saturday. The heifer in
question bears Nelson's brand , but
Bailey claims to have branded it him
self , not knowing that anyone owned $
that mark. <
There are hundreds or rather thous j
ands of dollars worth of county warrants - c
rants lying in the clerk's office unclaimed - *
claimed , which are as good as gold ,
some of these warrants date back as
far as 1895 , and if not claimed soon ]
will be canceled. If you have any of
these due you , you had better call and
get them , or wiite the editor , giving
him authority and he will apply the f
amount on your subscription.
The " 101 outfit , " otherwise known c
as the Standrrd Cattle Co. , is constructing - l
structing a telephone line from the
Faddis ranch , through their various t
sub-ranches to the B. & M. road at ]
Hyannis. . . 1
Commissioners' Proceedings.
( Continued from lost week )
VALENTINE. July 11 , 1899.
Board met as per adjournment , all
members present. On motion board
proceeded to check up county treasurer
and continued in this business until
noon of the 12th. Report of fees re
ceived by W. R. Towne , county judge ,
was received. A public road was es
tablished on or as near as possible to
the section line between secsions 13 and
24 , town 34 , range 28 , and declared
Open. Board then proceeded to view
bridge site on Niobrara river and then
adjourned to June 13.
Sune 13 Board met pursuant to ad
journment , with all members present.
Affidavit of of S.1I. Ladd was accept
ed and his property in Lavaca precinct
was strisken from tax list for 1899 for
the reason that same was assessed in
Sheridan county. Holdout of $15.70
on claim of G. N. Davis was ordered
.canceled and warrant drawn for that
County judge and clerk were each
allowed new book cases. Reports of
fees received by clerk and sheriff for
lirst half of 1899 were accepted. Fol
lowing claims were allowed and war
rants ordered drrwn on general fund :
Francis McDermott , filling old wells $11 25
GH llornbj , supplies for poor s02u
W it Towne , fees Jacobs case 4 1 5
Alfred Lewis , coroner's inquest , Newhvncl. 1315
senry Brown , " juror " . .loo
hnocfi Gulp " * ' " . .loo
" k > ' " . .
John Dixmi 1 Oo
L N Hudson " " " - 110
0 W Hudson " " " . .loo
Horace ToJtl " " " - . 1 ( H )
'Newt Grooms , special constable ' * . . 3 no
li u Clarke , defending Jacobs : sOOj
Slate Journal Co. . supplies II CO
Amos Strong , attending district coutt 2. 00
Davenport & Tbacuer , supplies for Air *
Holtman , claimed ? 415 ! , allowed 400
A mos Strong , fees Jacobs case L'3 85
John W Yeast , supplies for county 3 70
J w Daniels , salary -jud quarter. 189 ! * 100 00
expenses " ir 84
James Mangan , coroner's juror , Wiggins. , l oo
H B Brown , tilling old wells , clmd § 15 aid. . 13 75
A > Compton nied attendance Mrs Bradley
and Mollie Hoflman 2583
Claim of Dr. Lewis lor medical at
tendance on Alfred Bradley for $87.25
was cut to § 50Jor rea * on that it is an
unreasonabie bill.
1 Following amounts were deducted
from above allowed claims were applied
on delinquent taxes : .J. W. Yeast 3 70
U Tod.i 1 00 ; Newt li rooms 300 ; II.
IJrown 1 0 .
Tlie r.-iiil - of J L -KI.jerry
ami OI.HM.SMN uilowci. u "i'i ; < ' \ -
j r ' .ssh iiuiJtTnluod thai wlil i.- i. . . .Wii
ah tb - , " a i
publij road , liiuinl then \\vtit to
of ne\v bridge , and clerk w.-i ius > e
ed to advertise for bids for construction
of same. Dimensions of bridge to be :
Length 130 feet ; width 14 foot ; height
7 feet ; of iron or single steel span.
Board adjourned to August 22.
Kli Precinct.
Haying time is here and everyone is
preparing to put up : i good supply.
P. Sullivan has been laid up with a
badly sprained arkle for the last week
or ten days.
H. O. Goodrich went to Valentine
last Saturday after being shaken up by
a bucking broncho.
> ew potatoes and spring chicken are
* ripe , and there being a liberal supply
of wild fruit our people will live fat as
soon as they get some hay cured.
George Mourner lost a § 30 mare last
week ; she fe 1 in an old well.
Annie Scott , who has been staying
with her sister , Airs. Strube , left Mon
day morning for her home in the east
ern part of the state.
The school board in District 49 has
employed Mrs. Angie Ford as teacher
the coming term.
L. C. Starr of Valentine is working
out the railroad tax through this part
of the county. SANDY.
( Sandy's letter last week blew out of
the window before it was put in type. )
Jas Neidig visited in Kennedy the 16
The Woodmen will build a hall in
Kennedy in the near future.
Spain has lately put up a wind mill.
J. A. Gee has purchased anew wind
Already people are losing cattle from
blackleg. j
W. G. Kime has gone to North <
Platte. '
McKee Bros , have taken a contract
to put up 600 tons of hay for N. S.
W. Erickson is gathering his fat
stock preparatory to making a shipment
to South Omaha U. S.
ra Fall *
Fourth of July passed quietly with
A. W.1 ( rooms and family furnished
the music : at the picnic.
, IIaing begins this week.
Marv Paxton is visiting with her
aunt. Bertha Reese.
Fred Miller of "Valentine dined with
ye scribe and family , Sunday.
Berry pickers swarm to the woods
Itke bees to a hive. BD BOY.
A. W. Clarkson went to Omaha last [
week , with a load of hogs for J. W.
Stetter , and remained to accompany
his wife home on her return from an
extended visit in the east , Tuesday.
Congresional Conventions.
The democrats and populists of the
Sixth Congressional district will hold
conventions in the city of Lexington od
Friday , August 18 , at 2 p. m. . . for the
purpose of nominating a candidate for
congress to fill the vacancy caused by
the death of the Hon.V. . L. Greene.
Counties in this vicinity are entitled to
representation as follows ;
Brown 4 ; Cherry 8 ; Dawes 9 ;
Palm 4 : Sheridan 10 ; Thomas 2.
State Conventions.
The state conventions of the populist
and democratic parties will be held in ,
the city of Omaha on August 22 , for the :
purpose of nominating the following
candidates for office : One candidate s
for supreme judge ; and two candidates
for regents of the state university.
The representation for cpunties in
this section is : JJroxvn 4 ; 'Cherry 7 ;
Dawes 7 ; Keya Paha 4 ; Sheridan ( i ;
Thomas 2.
STYLE 0-PRICE , $250.00.
TERMS § 25.00 Casli and § 10.90 per Month.
SUFEUIOU Quality of Tone , being brilliant , mlocliotis , and of splendid volume ; IVrfoct toucli ,
light and very responsive : full metal plate ; original scale of seven and one-third octave
three-stringed , with overstrung boss ; repeating action , very finely regulated ; Ivory Key. ;
thrt-c pedals , hardwood case , double veneered ; improved full-swine duet music desk , with special
designed oval panel ; continuous nicKel plated lunges ; Carved I'ilasJers ami origuml desgned
square trusses ; elegant IInish. hardwood backs. This style can be had In the following woods :
Mahogany , Walnut , Quartered Oak.
Height Four leet nine inches. WidthFive feet four inches. Depth Two feet three niche * .
Port Niobrara and Norden played
ball on the grounds of the former
ceam last Saturday afternoon. The
game was not a very interesting one ,
resulting 13 to 14 in favor of the 8th
Cavalry boys , and will be returned
next Saturday.
Exposition an Assured Success.
T e Greater America'Exposition in
.successful operation at Omaha is mak
ing a good record in spitu of the dilli-
culties it has had to overcome. Late
advices to this paper state that Omaha
is entirely united in its support. Every
available foot of space for exhibits has
been taken and most of them are in
stalled. The Cuban and Ila-vaiian Vil
lages are ready for inspection The
Filipinos will be here next week.
Pains Fireworks , the Indian Congress ,
the War Exhibit and scores of other
special features can be seen dailp. The
night scene on the lagoon surpasses in
brilliant beauty anything ever seen of
its kind. The Midway is good but the
big show is in the main tent. It
Proposals for Bids.
I will receive at my office at Crooks-
ton , Nebr. , until July 27 , 1899 , bids
for fu ? nishing material and work for
painting school house in District No 16
Work to consist of 420 sq yds. Mater
ial to be oil and lead ; in ide to be oil
finish. Also 13 squares Alabastine , to
be put on sides and ceiling. Envelodes
to be marked "Bids for Painting" , and
addressed to MAX E. VIEKTEL.
Suitable reward will be paid for in
formation leading to recovery of two
sorrel horses ; one branded with O
on left shoulder and has three
white feet ; has been driven. The 0
other is a saddle horse , branded X on
left seoulder , has white strip in fore
head a.id running distemper in the left
nostril. Strayed from White Thunder ,
.July 3. A. Bordeaux , Rosebud , S. I ) .
Two horses ; one brown horse /minded O on
left shoulder , one I'lack horse branded IX on
left shoulder. SS left hip. I will jrive the first
described horse to the man whofinds and re
turns the black described above.
Kyle , S. D.
Fay Tcmpleton will take notice that on the
10th day of . .InlyV. . II. Towne , county judge of
Hherry county , Nebraska , issued an order of at
tachment for the sum of $6010 in an action
pen IIHT before him wherein Daniel S. Ludwig
is plaintill. and Fay Templeton is defendant ,
that , property of the defendant consisting of'utie
nne-rory frame and the material of which it is
L'Oimtmuted has heen attached under said order
SaiJ cause was coiitinun , ! to the 1st day of Sep-
tenihfr. 10 ! ) , at 0 o'clock a.m.
By A. M. Morrissey. riaintilf.
His Attorney.
Daied July 17th , 1809
.11 ill frici's for Feed.
j , bulk 50e per cwt $9.00 ton
horts bulk GOc per cwt $11.00 ton
Greenings 40c " $7.00 "
'hop Feed 70c " $13.00 "
LJorn , .G5c
Dats $1.00 "
I have established a Feed and Saw Mill
a miles south of Cody , at the mouth of
Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared
to grind Feed , Corn iMeal and Graham ,
c-turn out all kinds of Lumber and di
mension sinff. and Native Shingles
Give us a trial order.
Feed in Transit at Fremont
( 'apacity : Sheep , covered
sheds , 2tt cars ; open pens , 15,000.
Caitle 28 cars.
The place to rest and feed for
ho Omaha market.
Easy run to feeding points out
side Chicago.
Long distance telephone. j
SVrite or wire when you will ar-j
ive , t ) x
Fremont Stock Yards Co
If You Want toBuy or Sell
Live Stock , make your
wants known to the
Cherry Co , Live Stock Exch.
* Valentine , Nebr ,
Valentine House
J. A. 1IOOTON , i'rop.
Recently opened and newly furnished.
Not a restaurant , but a hotel.
$1.00 PER DAY
The best of viands and treatment given
to our patrons.
First Door South of Bank of Valentine
'North-Western Line7 is the best
to and from the
and Builders
Woodwork of all kinds promptly
and carefully done
And repairing made a specialty
Shop at residence opposite the
School House.
Give us a Trial
Hair cutting and shaving.
Golden Sheaf Pure White Bye ,
Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek. .
Louisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky.
Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's
. Wines .
TokaAngellicaPortSherry and Black
berry in wood , claret , Rie ling , f
Santenies. Cooks Imperial ;
Gasts and Clicquot in bet
tles. Damiana and other - \ \
er Cordials. - ;
Also Agent for Pred Kings Celebrated Ex- '
ra , Pale Bae ? for family nse , and-P sts
Expwt Beer