I "Electric Bells Hung by the Sun. Prof. Torvald. Kohl , of the Odder Ob- [ f ervatory , Denmark , reports that -when . the huge sunspot of September last -was crossing the solar meridian , magnificent auroral lights flashed across the heav ens , and the electric bells in the great telegraph station at Freclerica rang without any visible cause. The tele graphic service In Denmark was dis turbed for hours during the auroral dis play. Prof. Kohl thinks that the agen cy of the sun in producing the phenom ena was evident. Similar exhibitions of "wireless telegraphy" betweeu the sun and the earth have been noted In the past. Coroner Was the victim conscious when you reached him ? Pat Yis , sir ; he worr. But bechune ns 1 don't belave he kn w ut. Phila delphia North American. " Uneasy Lies the Head That Wears a Crown. " But such are not the only uneasy heads. Overworked harrassed anxious people of all ages and both sexes are uneasy 'with aches , pains , impure Blood disordered stomachs , deranged kidneys and liwcr. For all such , Hood's Sarsaparilla is the effective and faultless cure. It infuses fresh life through purified Blood. "I have been troubled a great deal roltk a torpid liver , which produces constipa tion. I found CASCARETS to bo all you claim for them , and secured such relief the tirst trial , v that I purchased another supply and was com pletely cured. I shall only bo too glad to rec ommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity Is presented. " J. A. SMITH. 291M ) Susquehanna Ave. , Philadelphia , Pa. TRADE MARK REGISTERED Pleasant. Palatable. Potent , Taste Good. Do' Good , Never Sicken. Weaken , or Gripe. lOc , 25c,60c. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Kemedj Coapanj , Chicago , Montreal , Sew York. 320 Sol(1 and miaranteed by alldrug- gists to CUKE Tobacco Habit. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYfiUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination , but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SVRUP Co. only , and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing1 the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SI-RUP Co. only , a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthle'ss imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. with the medi cal profession , and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families , makes the name of the Company a guai-anty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives , as it acts on the kidneys , liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them , and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects , please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKAXCISCO. C I. tODISVILLE , Kr. NE1V YORK. N. T. THE JUDGES OF - ; ; CARTER'S INK are the users. More users of it than any other. Why ? THE BEST ! Costs YOU no more than the poorest ! The University of Notre Dame NOTKE DAME , IXDIANA. Classics Letters , Kcotioinlcs and History. Journalism. Art , * * d wre. I'hiirni cjr , Law , Civil , Morlmn'u-M auil Electrical .Erijjineer- insr. Architecture. Thoronili I'rrparntory and Commercial Courses. " tcclasl > U H ntudenn * * sjwcin ratos. Konins Vree. Junior cr Senior Ycor. CoUoziate Courses Idioms to Kmtmod-valeobargo. St Kdward's , HU ! ft c boj under 13. TheGOth Vearwllloj MiSeptemberfith , 1899. Catalogue ! Kre . Addres > 8 KEV. A. HIOHRISSET , C.S. C. , President. Get Your Pension PENSION DOUBLE QUICK 1 Write Cafit. O'FASSSLL. Piac iAje&t.Wailiii ; tWk B.C. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS , Best Couirh Symp. Tastes Good. Use ta time. Sold by druzRlsts. IN SELF-DEFENSE. The RouRh Eider Only Wanted to Get Back to Texas. When the prisoner appeared before the police judge it was difficult to say what manner of man he was or whence he came. It was evident , though , that he was not entirely sober and had been very much less so. In addition , he had no doubt been rolling in the gutter and had scraped his face over some pretty rough sidewalk. All in all , he was a dilapidated specimen ; . yet there was a something about him that bore the distinctive mark of dif ference from the common herd of that court room. "Aren't you one of the famous Hough Riders ? " asked the Judge after he had talked to him very plainly , watching him narrowly the meanwhile. The prisoner held up his hand warn- iugly. "Don't give it away , Judge , " he said , looking around in alarm. "What do you mean ? " responded the astonished judge. "Just what I say , Judge , " repeated the prisoner , bending over so as to get as near as possible. "Don't give it away. I thought I had concealed my identity from the public gaze. " Aud he looked down over himself , half in pride , half in shame. This Avas too much for the Judge , and , bringing the prisoner nearer , so he could tell his story confidentially , so to speak , he told him to proceed. "Well , you see , it was this a-way , Judge , " said the prisoner with a Texas accent , "when I was mustered out and begin to see what the great American people thought of us fellers that fit into the Spaniards at Santiago I seen that if I didn't do something in self- defense purty soon I was goiii' to be run for office by the party that got me first , er that I was goin' to have the face kissed off me by a string of gals a mile long , and I concluded I'd jist git low-dowu , common drunk and stay that u-way till I could git to a safe place in Texas. I've escaped up to date , and if you'll not say a word , Judge , but jist shove me along west , 1 reckon I'll git back home in fair enough shape , all things considered. What do you say , Judge ; is it a go ? " It was indeed , and the Judge in structed a police officer to keep an eye on the distinguished prisoner and set that he was put on the next train pointing its cowcatcher toward the southwest corner of the great republic. Washington Star. The * Conquest of the Air. A French journal recently published an illustrated description of a new fly ing machine , designed by M. Ader , and called the "Avion. " This machine has been constructed under the auspices of and with the help of subsidies from the French War Department , and although it broke down at its first trial through the occurm.t.0 of an unexpected squall it showed plainly before that catas trophe stopped its career that it had the power of rising from the ground. The huge machine has the appearance of a bat , and carries in front two pro pellers , which are worked by steam en gines of immense power but light weight. The wings are merely intend ed to support the apparatus in the air , and do not flap like those of a bird , but they are movable at the shoulder , in order that the center of gravity of the machine can be modified as required. The entire machine is built of bamboo fiber and steel wires , an < Tthe inventor claims that he has adopted a principle which has not been recognized by oth er aspirants in the same field. He has noted that in the wings of birds , of bats and of insects the spiral form is always found , and that nature in the structure of wings never departs from that principle , which he beleives con stitutes the basis of aerostation. The wrecked machine is now in order once more , and it is hoped that the French military authorities will once more sanction experiments which will de cide whether it will fly or not. A New Match. As the satisfactory outcome of ex periments which have been in progress for some time past at the French Gov ernment match factories at Pantin , the object of which has been to produce a lucifer match without the employment of phosphorus , a match has been in vented which , it is believed , will meel every requirement needed , while at the same time its manufacture , from the absence of phosphorus In its composi tion , will not induce that terrible ne crosis of which the world has lately heard so much. No information is given as to the price at which the new match can be placed on the market , and unfortunately cost has a great deal more to do with the adoption of any new thing than the consideration of any benefit which may accrue to mak ers or consumers ; but it may be pre sumed that the new match will compete in price favorably with the old one. It is said to ignite with ease and certainty on being rubbed on any rough surface. .Russian Lii r * . Russian diplomats hold that it Is no disgrace or dishonor to lie iu the moat unblushing manner in order to promote the interests of their country and of their sovereign. When the late Czar asked once of Count Ignateiff how he came to be nick-named "Th Father of Lies" while ambassador to Constanti nople , he with a low bow responded : "In the service of your Majesty. " "Brevity is the Soul of Wit. " Good Wife , You Need SAPOLIO ' ' INDIANS DEFY THE NATION. Walla Tonka Is Put to Death in Spite of Court's Order. "William Goings , the Chocta v Indian , kuowu also by the name of "Walla Ton ka , " was executed at Alikichi , I. T. , for the murder of his uncle , Mason Goings. The execution took place at 2 o'clock , and was a sickening sight. A quilt was spread on the ground near the court house , and near it four Indians placed a collin. A few minutes later the prisoner , in charge of Sheriff Watson and a deputy , and es corted by twenty light horsemen , march ed down the line of spectators. Goings bade them good-by , and knelt on the quilt blindfolded. The sheriff bared his breast and painted a spot over tne heart ; he then stepped back four paces , rested a rille over a bench and fired , but missed the painted spot. Goings fell back and moaned an hour before expiring. Water was poured down his throat a number of times to hasten his death by strangula tion. tion.A A writ of habeas corpus was granted by Federal Judge John It. Thomas , but when it was delivered by two deputy marshals the sheriff refused to receive it. While the execution was proceeding Dis trict Attorney Clay remarked : ' "We are making history. " It remains to be seen what action the United States Govern ment will take for defiance of the writ. Walla Tonka was a full-blooded Choctaw - taw , lie was born in the Indian Terri tory twenty-four years ago. In his 18th year he stabbed and killed his uncle , Ja cob Lewis , and shortly after engaged in a saloon fight in which he shot and killed Bull Ilendersou. He was tried on both charges and acquitted , but was convicted of murder of another uncle , Mason Go ings , in 3890 , and was sentenced to be shot on Aug. 2.j , 1897. Tonka was a member of the Choctaw baseball club , and was respited in order to finish the season without the loss of so valuable a player. ON HIS WAY TO MANILA. " "Wheeler Is Now Bound for the Philippines. Gen. Joseph E. Wheeler stopped in Chicago cage a few hours en route from Wash ington to the Philippines on a mission the exact nature of which he says is unknown even to himself. "I am ordered merely to report to Gen. Otis and do not know what 1 shall have to do when I get there. " In answer to a direct question Gen. Wheeler stated that he did not know the GEXEKAZ , WHEELER. strength of Aguinaldo's forces and that the published reports of our officers in Manila did not state them. He said that no doubt these officers and officials in Washington are well informed , but he had never had a conversation with any official in Washington on the subject and was quite ignorant as to the extent of their information. Gen. Wheeler was accompanied by his daughter , Miss Annie Wheeler , who goes to the Philippines as a Red Cross nurse without pay. LIE FREELY PASSED. United States Senators Gallincrer and Chandler Have Hot Tilt. At Concord , X. H. , the investigation of charges against United States Senatoi Gallinger by the civil service commission came near resulting in a fight. When several witnesses were called and failed to respond , Senator Chandler made the statement that ths defendant had influ enced witnesses to stay away from the investi gation. Senator Gallinger , pale with rasre , chal- j. H. GALT.IKOEK lenged his accuser to make the charge outside the room. The challenge was accepted at once , and both men started for the door , but were pre vented from leaving the room by newspa per men and the commissioners. Several contradictory statements followed , when Attorney General Eastman , believing he had been accused , rose to his feet , and , shaking his fist at Senator Chandler , said : "You are a liar if you are a United States Senator. " Quiet was finally restored and the in vestigation proceeded , but the episode set ' the political pot of New Hampshire to boiling. DEWEY AT PORT SAID. Is Quite "Well and Anxions to Reach the United States. Admiral Dewey , on board the United States cruiser Olympia , arrived at Port Said Thursday evening. The admiral is reported looking hale and hearty and is anxious to get to New York as early as possible. He was therefore obliged to decline the invitation of Minister Straus at Constantinople to stay with him on the JBpsphorus. He has decided to proceed with the Olympia to Trieste , where he ex pects to make a short stay for the ben efit of a change of air. From Trieste he will proceed to America. RICH LAND FOR A RAILROAD. Court Awards 1,000,000 Acres to the Northern Pacific .Railway. In deciding that Ashland , Wis. , is the terminus of the Northern Pacific Rail road , Judge Sauboru of the United States Circuit Court confirmed the road's title to 1,000,000 acres of valuable land along the shore of Lake Superior between Ash land and Duluth. The Federal Govern ment was plaintiff in the case. Suit-was brought to void a patent issued to the Northern Pacific Railroad by the land de partment of a previous administration. Hoiv Did Deserts Originate ? How did the deserts originate ? It. Lydekker , B. A. , F. R. S. o Canada , presents an interesting explanation that tends to clear up the mystery. He argues that a little reflection will sho\v that the Idea of the loose sands of the desert being a marine deposit must nec essarily be erroneous. Apart from the difficulty of accountIng - Ing for the accumulation of such vast tracts of sand on the marine hypothe sis , It will be noticed in the first place that desert sands are not stratified In the manner characteristic of aqueous formations , and , secondly , even sup posing that they had been so deposited , they would almost certainly have been washed away as the land rose from beneath the sea. Then , again , ma rine shells are not met with in desert sands. It is absolutely certain , Mr. Lydek ker asserts , that the sands of all the great deserts of the world have been formed in situ by the disintegration of the solid rock on which they rest , and have beeen blown about and rearrang ed by the action of wind alone. His Protests. "Iwant you to understand , how ever , " said her father , "that I consent to your marriage only under protest. " "Oh , that's all right , " the young man replied , "if you will let none of the de mands I may make on you afterward go to protest. ' * Ladies Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after using Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy : gives instant relief to corns nnd bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures swollen feet , blisters and callous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain oure for In growing nails , sweating , hot. aching feet. At all druggists and shoe stores iioc. Trial package FREE by mail. Address Allen S. Qlmsted , Leltoy. N. Y. Descriptive Heading ? . "I'm in trouble again , " said the new reporter. "Here's a story of a debate at the deaf and dumb institute. What head shall I put to it ? "That's easy , " suggested the snake editor. "Make it 'Hand-to-Hand Con- est. ' " Catholic Standard and Times. Binder Twine History. The single strand binder twine , in gen eral use to-day , was the original concep tion of Mr. William Deeriug , of the Deer- ing Harvester Co. , Chicago. The value of the idea is apparent , since without it the modern twine binder would .be im possible. The Deering Harvester Com pany is the largest manufacturer of bind er twine in the world. During the World's Fair. Miss Gush Oh ! Captain , were you ever boarded by a pirate ? Captain Storms Yes , he charged me $3 a day for a bedroom on the fourth floor. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price 75 cents. Half the ships of the world are Brit ish. The best of them can be converted intivship of war In forty-eight hours. My doctor said I would die , but Piso's Cure for Consumption cured me. Amos Kelner , Cherry Valley , IN. . Nov. 23. 'Oo. A man isn't necessarily in the real estate busines because he lands in bad circumstances. "Irs. WinslmvN SOOTHING STBUP for Children . Roitens the minis , reduces inflammation cures wind colic. ' > cents a bottle. Alexander Stewart was worth ยง 30- 000,000 at the time of his death. < VANTCD. Caseof had lio.-ilthtliatn-rP-A-N'S will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Rlimns Chemical Co. . Now York , for 50 samDles and 1.000 testimonials , Only one man ' .n 203 is over six feet in height. And is it not due to nerrous exhaustion ? Things always look so much brighter when we are in good health. How can you have courage vhen suffer ing with headache , nervous prostration and great physical weakness ? Would you not like to be rid of this depression of spirits ? How ? By removing the cause. By taking It gives activity to sll parts that cany away useless and poisonous materials from your body. It removes the cause of your suffering , because it re moves all impurities from your blood. Send for our book on Nervousness. - To keep in good health you must have perfect action of the bowels. Ayer's Pills cure con stipation and biliousness. , Wflta to wr S&gfors * Perhaps you vronld like to etfusnli aome eminent physicians aboxt yonr condition. Tfian writ * ra freely all tba particulars In yonr cts . You rUi re- efciTB a prompt raply , Trithont coat Address. DR. J. C. ATEB , Lowell. Haas. ' mans rThe terror of many women's lives is men struation. Such women wear themselves out with suffering and seem to think there is no relief from the monthly pains. Miss Emily F. Hass , of 148 Freeman Street , Greenpoint , Brooklyn , N. Y. , writes : - DEAR MRS. PINKHAM I wish to state that I used your Vegetable Compound with"/- the greatest success. I was very sick for nearly a year with hysteria , was down hearted and nervous ; also suffered with painful menstruation - truation and pain in back W C ftti * x"A ' * ' * x" and limbs. I often wished for death , thinking nothing would cure me. I had doctors , but their medicines did me no good. At last , by Sfl the advice of a friend , I be V gan to take Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound with very little hope of its doing me any good , but I am happy to say I am entirey cured. Thanking you for the good your medicine has done me , I am sending you my testimonial , hoping it will help others. " Special advice for every - wo man can be secured free of cost by writ ing to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn , Mass. , for it Mrs. C. D. Smith , 221 Eleventh St , Racine , Wis. , writes : < } DEAR MRS. PINKHAM I gladly give you my testimonial in favor of your remedies. When I first commenced your treatment I had been suffering from female troubles and weakness for some time. Menses were irregular , coming too of ten , and were very pain ful. I could not walk a great distance , had those terrible bearing-down feeling in the lower part of bowels , backache , and pain in left ovary. I used five bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , and my menses have become regular , and am 18 cured of that bearing-down feeling after walking. I consider your Com pound one of the best medicines there is for those complaints pecu liar to women. I thank you for the.good advice you gave me , I will gladly recommend your medicine , and hope that every one who suffers as I did will give it a trial. " i " To sacrifice , beauty , disposition and health to a false idea is folly. Generations of ignor ance have handed down belief in the necessity of monthly suffering. A healthy woman should experience but little pain and only a moderate amount of inconvenience. Mrs , Vsea @Sef& AiMses Woman * DEAR Mus. PINKHAM For several years my health was miserable. I suffered the most dreadful pains , and was almost on the verge of insanity. I consulted one of the best physi cians in New York , and he pronounced my disease a. fibroid tumor , advising an operation without delay , saying that it was my only chance for life. Other doctors prescribed strong and violent medicine , and one said I was incurable , another told me my only salvation was galvanic batteries , which I tried , but nothing relieved me. One day a friend called and begged me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I began its use and took several bottles. From the very first bottle there was a wonderful change for the better. The tumor has disappeared entirely and my old spirits have returned. I heartily recommend your medicine to all suffering women. " _ MM. Van Cleft , 416 Saunders Ave. , Jersey City Heights , N. J. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound A Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills. P Washington , D.C. , S& .attjalaca J S. C. N. U. - 29-99