Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, July 20, 1899, Image 1

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. tocK Journal.
Metzger Bros. ,
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
Brand on left side
and thigh
1 Earmark , square
I crop richt ear
\ Southern branded
L cattle have but one
'half-diamond E" on
Lief t side
Native cattle have
throat wattle
Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks
tiorses have same brand on left thigh
4 A JtctPttrel of $ 5O will be paid to any
person for information leading to the arrest and
final conviction of any person or persons steal-
in } ; cattle wlth-above brand
1'ostofflce address
Allen S D
On left shoulder and
baron side ; horses
same on thigh
Postofflce addres
Valentine , Neb
Branded on rieht
side ; horses same
Range-10 miles east
of 'valentine on
the Niobrara
Joseph "W. Bownet
P. O. address
V Merriman , Nebr.
Right ear cropped
Hole in center of left
ear Range Lake creek
S. D.
Joe Ylondray
Cody , Nebraska
Left side. Left ear
V on left shoulder ol
Charles Eenard
Rosebud S. D.
RanceJiBic White' '
and Had Rivers
Charles C. Tackett
Rosebirl , S. 1) .
Range head of An
telope near St. Marys
Horses branded
F on leftthigh
Peter Vloiidrav
Rosebud. S. D.
Left side. Left car
Horses branded
Range Little White
River , at mouth of
Cedar Oreek.
Louis J. Richards
Merriman. Neb.
Gorsuch Bros.
Newton , Nebraka
Cattle branded
as on cut
ft- side or hl |
Range on Goruuu
Louis F. Richards
Merriman Neb
Henry Pratt
Rosebud S. D.
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
some cattle
John DeCory
Rosebud. S. D.
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
hip Hange in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
Thomas Farren
Rosebud. S. D.
ID 1183 either left' '
side or hip
Horses . shoulder
Range bead of
Anderson & Hounds.
Simeon. Nebraska
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut ;
ulso 1C on left side
with on left hip of
some cattle ; also 84G
on right side Horse
brand , rake and 16
on left shoulder or
hin Home ranch-on
Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara Itiver. east efFort
Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake River end
Simeon , known as the Fe'lch range , all in Cherry
County. Nebraska.
Marshall & Wolfenden
Kennedy , Neb.
Some s on the left
bin Horses H on left
Brand Is small
Earmark : Quarter
cllj. behind , half cir
cle forward on left ear
Range Lone Tree
I. T. Richardson.
Kennedy , Nebr
Some on left
Horses on
left shoulder
William M. Dunbar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody. Neb
DUn. Either side
Also on
Left ear oi cattle
Range head of Hay
Amelia Y.mng.
Cody , Nebraska
On right side.
Right ear split
Range , Little
White river
Peder Thorsen.
Gordon , Nebraska
On right side1 on
right nip. < horse
brand and T on ,
right shoulder
Also cattle branded
It S on leftJside
Range , fowl miles
south of Irwin
Henry Young ,
Cody , Nebraska
Horse brand 11Y
on left"shoulder
Cattle , right ear
Range , Little
White river. S. D.
Stotts & Stetter.
Cody. ! plmiski
Branded on left bide
Ranee. Tin Can LuKe
and Morgan Flais
D. C. Nelson.
Cody , Nebraska.
On right hip.
Range , Medicine
I .ake to the
Snake river
JTutr Brothers.
Gordon , Nebraska
ltangc.14 miles north
of Gordon.
F. C. DuerfeMt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebrask'a
Cattle also branded
OO on right hip
Horses and mules
oranded same as cut
on left shoulder
J. C. Jordan
Gordon , Nebraska
One bunch branded
as on cut on left side
One bunch branded
C l < on left hip
Horses J on left
Range. 10 miles
southwest of Gsillop.
between Niobrara
and Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany , Neb
Cattle branded
FI > on left ribs or
right shoulder ; 8 >
on right hin and left
ribs ; 6 on left hip
right shoulder
Range 7 mi north
cast of Albany Neb
Agent for Pasteur
Black Leg Vaccine
Jospph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Also R § ] | left
Horse brand .F on
left shoulder
Range 10 miles
northeast oJX.Crpcd.on
The owners of iat cattle are holding
their heads up like plutocrats.
Western cattle are beginning to move
to market. A trainload goes through
here almost every evening.
This fall Judge Kinkaid will retire
from office. He's going to run for con
gress on the republican ticket. - * '
The war in the rhilip/mes is making
democrats of the American people
more rapidly than twenty orators could
If an increase in the volume of mon
ey is such a bad thing , why do the ad-
ministrati6n organs continually harp
on the great increase in the production
of gold' ?
We absolutely fail to see or under
stand how a man can be ferninst the
gold standard and the retention of the
Philippines , and yet call himself a re
The First Nebraska will soon return
from Manila , and the hannacrats of
Lincoln are trying to make the pro
posed welcome ho'me celebration a reg
ular administration ratigcation affair.
The old saw says "the hand that
rocks the cradle is the hand that rules
the world , " but we have noticed that
the hand does just about as the kid in
cradle wants it to.
Bixby says you should never consid-
.a person a friend who is not kind to
you when you are in hard lines , and he
is right. This paper is beginning to
find out who its friends are.
' Sixteen to one or bust ; down with
the trusts ; no colonies or big standing
army ; repeal the revenue stamp law ;
tariff fur revenue only ; ' " will be some
of the slogans of populists and demo
crats in the coming campaign.
The republicans say that the fusionists -
ists are looking for un issue on which
to make a fight this fall. Great guns !
The republican party itself is an issue ;
but we will grant that it is a hard one
to'fight it is so darned slippery and
works so much in the dark.
The Miles City Journal says that
since the early demand of the north
west for stockers and feeders is lessened
by reason of the lateness of the seoson
the prices have declined SO to CO cents
and dealers are wondering why this de
cline doesn't stimulate a better inquiry.
The republicans are preparing to
make a hard fight in Cherry county
this fall , encouragep by their partial
success last year , but the popocrats will
not be caught napping this year. The
ranks of the fusionists will be solid and
the vote will show a decided increase
when the ballots are counted next .No
The exports of cattle to England this
year are several millions short , and the
McKiuley statistical prevaricator mild
ly claims'this condition arises from the
fact tnat we are so prosperous this year
that we ' 'can afford to eat meat" ' If
the figures had shown an increase , it
also would have been a prosperity sign
because it would bring so much money
into the country.
The Omaha World-Herald ( or any
other paper ) lies when it says that the
republican party "is now thoroughly
committed to a policy of imperialism. "
Stuart Ledger.
This candor on the part of the Led
ger is certainly refreshing. The above
is a frank admission that the republi
can partis in a position to jump on
either side of the fence , as the exigen
cies of the dircumstauces seem to de
mand. Will the esteemed Ledger be
so kind as to define the position of its
party on this question , if it is not in
favor of imperialism' ?
The administration organs tell us
that we are a creditor nation , and that
money comes to us regularly from the
old world. A couple of years ago they
said all our money must be redeemable
in gold in order that wo might pay our
debts. The- then said that it would
depreciate the value of our money to
coin silver free , because there was such
a large amount of it produced , and now
we are regaled daily with tales of how
the amount of gold is increasing until
the output of gold exceeds that of sil
ver. Then we were regaled with tales
of Mexico's poverty , and now the gold
barons are buying § 100,000,000 worth
of Mexican 4 per cent bonds at 99i.
Don't think that all the stock news
of this paper is to be found in this one
column. Most all the local news is in
other places.
Ranchman Wade brought in twenty-
nine car loads of cattle from the east
yesterday over 1,200 head. Ilia
freight bill was one of the largest ever
paid in O'Neill 2,300. He took the
cattle to his ranch south of town.
A prominent veterinarian gives the
following remedy for wire cuts : Take
one ounce of sugar of lead , six drams
of sulphate of zinc and mi < with one
quart of water ; shake and apply to the
cut three times a day. This is espec
ially good to take out fever and reduce
Horses Still Going Up.
A Missun horse buyer reports that
he now pays $80 a head for a class of
horses that he could buy two or three
years ago for $50. It takes so long to
breed for cells and bring them to mark
etable age that when breeding has been
intermittel for several years as has
been the case in this country , some
thing very nearly resembling a horse
famine is likely to occur before the
shortage can be made good.
Texas Cattle Thin.
Three hundred thousand head of cat
tle are reported to have been shipped
thorough Denver on contract from the
south to Montana and the Dakotas since
the summer season opened , says the
Denver News. It is very noticeable
that the cattle now being sent through
from the Panhandiu country and New
Mexico show the effect of the drought
As a rule they are distressingly thin ,
and some are so weak that they are
hardly able to stand.
* " iTooks Like Cattle'Stealirig. "
Some trouble occurred here of late
over a cattle deal. On Monday Noah
Moss and his son brought a bunch of
cattle to this place and sold them to
Mr. Skeen. Just at this time an In
dian happened along and noticing a
steer in the bunch laid claim to it.
This gave rise to further investigation
and it has so far developed that 38 head
are in dispute as to ownership. Moss
claims to have purchased the cattle
from a reservation ranchman , which
fact he will of course have to prove.
The stock in question are nearly all
branded differently , showing them to
liaye come from several different places.
Rushville Standard.
Fusion Conventions
Populist County Convention
The members of the Peoples Inde
pendent Partv of Cherry county , Ne
braska are hereby called to meet in
county convention in Cornell Hail ,
Valentine , Neb. , at 1 o'clock p. m. , on
Saturday , August 12 , 1699 , for the pur
pose of selecling SPVCII delegates to the
judicial convention , n-it set calh : ! : M-V
en delegates to congressional con
vention to be held at Lexington August
18 ; and seven delegates to Hie state
ponventiou to be held at Omaha Aug
ust 22. Kepresentation is based upon
one delegate at large from each pre
cinct and one for each 10 votes or frac
tion thereof cast for A. M. Morrissin
for county attorney at the last general
Each precinct is entitled to rcpretent-
vtion as follows :
SnlTiilo Lake 5 Luva a 5
Boiiiui : Springs 4 Merriman 4
oleveliiii-1 4 .Miniieiih.-ulir/R 4
Duwey Lake Mother Lake 3
Knlow Nenzel a
Eli 5 Pleasant Hill 3
Giliasjiie 3 Sparks 5
( itTinau 3 btefii -j
Georgia 3 Selilagfl 3
Irwin 3 Sharps Itanch 3
lve\viiieu 3 Tahiti 4
Kennedy 4 Valemiiu- a
Loup 5 Wo d L.-.U 7
It is recommended that the precinct
caucuses be held at the usual voting
place in each precinct Saturdao after
noon , Aug. 5th , when not otherwise
called by the precinct committeeman.
This convention is called for the pur
poses named above and another will be
called later to nominate a county ticket
Secretary. . Chairman
Democrat County Convention.
The democrats of Cherry county will
hold a convention on Saturday , August
12 , in the office of the county judge ,
to elect deleg-.tes to the judicial , state
and congressional conventions. The
number of delegates to be elected , the
representation , etc. , are same as in the
above call for the populists. A good
attendence is desired.
Secretary. Chairman.
-toofe ,
[ -Goua&'fc
Before - Buying - Elsewhere
You a great deal
if you fail to get our prices before buying Picture Frames ,
Mouldings , Hardware , Wirdmills , Pumps and Fittings.
See our colored gentlemen in the window , introducing
Call and see us about prices whether you buy or not.
IConm 1O8 Rxchniige Hide.
References :
We have a large clientage among Nebraska Feedeps and can always oeat Omaha prices to
Alex Marrivall
Pine Ridge , S D
Cattle branded as
on cut and below on
either side. Eermk
swill < iw fork on lext
and .Top right
Horse Lrands as
below on left thigh
or hip
Wheeler Bros.
Cody Nib
Also 15 on right
Range Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
( . 'ml * . Nebmskii
On point leftshonl -
ri * r. Also < > O on
point leu shoulder
Also | J on left
Same on left hip
Valentine. Neb
On left side or hip
A4 left side or hip
On left side
Rangpon Niobrara
Marqnardt & Koivlng
Merriman. Neb
Cattle brand OM on
left shoulder. Some
of cattle have various
older brands. O S on
left hip. Horse bra'd
A on left shouldet.
Ranjrn Formerly
fieo W Monnier
A M. v. it. u. south to Leander Creek. Mar-
t P.mvliis. ScriUnerNebraska.
11. A. McQuade.
Valentine. Neb
Branded on either
Range between
Thacherand Swan
Fostoffice address
Brownlce , Neb
Branded on either
side same as on cut
also both Jaws
J. C. Trowbridge
Merriman , Neb
Range between Ir-
i win and Merriman ,
south of railroad
Hugh Bovill , Manager
Merriman Neb
All on left aide or
Range north of El
Charlotte E. Uovill
Merriman Xeb
Left side or hip
Range north of EH
Parker & Son
P O Address
L. W.Parker
Reige. Neb
Brand same as cut ,
Also ZP
Ranee on Niobrara
south of Crookston
Prideaux Sanford
Kennedy. Neb
Stock branded on
left side
E. 13. Teeterp Bros.
Kewton , Neb.
Horses same on
left shoulder
Ranee between
the Oordon and the