W. D. McGAA. Oreston , S. D. Left or cither sldo of cattlealso Vleft side oi neclc. Swal low fork rU ht car , umlerbit left ; right par nnbhcd off : t'n- < lr > rbit lpf t'fir Home on left Jaxanu some wflttle i'-ft jaw left side or * i > part of animal , i-ti siaeor anv part of aumil , iom-j branded ths follov.'lijg , lejt ] . . Also SOII1P r it'lp Inarms the follow inn brands : \\vit \ neckX left -Jeor siiuuiUei ; tup oi Hiish On left side H-1L H thigh Hugh thigh , or thigh , liip. Anyone selling horses or cattle hearing thf above braniK will be prosecuted. Informatloi regaiding thelt libpr.xlly rewarded. Range ai Hat i ley hpruigs uud Cottonwood. -HKUP.ERT O. 7JISONETTE. 3IANAGER. Postofflco address Pine Ridue. S. 1) . , . . rattle bntnded as on fHKitu.fi % X2& ytfB ! fit. HOB on left si le ; someiiV LLoi ] eithersidc : Some on Ipft side ; some older stock , .anyxvhereon nnimal. Horses K \ \ on left hij , Some -c. _ _ .i tnilosnonh- &J3 anywhere on cuatofPine nid e , in Shannon Co JOHN HOST BEAU. MANAGER Postofllce address Pine Ridge , S. D.1 Cuttle brandpil B C on left hip of cattle aa on cut- some branded on lftsidetlso ; : r > : i on left side ; horses < nimeonleft shoulder rlanjje--Wounded Knee and Walcpam- nl Lake.ShanuouCo. L. C. Peyton. l avnca , NebrasUa. On loft side , nange Pole Creek. SHOUT nonx nuLi.s for sale Geo. H. Hill &rsrsll Gallop. Nebraska -On leftside aauge-10 miles outh of aierriman P. W. PrnrJen. Merri'man , Neb. Some nnnided same as cut on both M- ; > . Mu nse Northei--t ot iMerriman Geo. L. Coleman. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses O elt shoulder nance Ten miles A-estof Snake River ' 'Falls ' Alex Burr. . Nebr. On right sidp : hirses same left shoulder. nerd mark-Dew lap Range Brush Lake and South Geo. VV. Monnier. Merrlman , rv Left shoulder and leftthlchsome ; en lefthphor- ; les same left thigh HJinge Eat an.l Southeast llerruiian Grant Bixler. , Neb. - . - ilerriman. Some on left side ; some on left hip ; horses same lef1 thigh. nans" Six miles Northeast of Herri H. E. Sears. Dorty , Nebraska Mostly on righthip oome on both hips Range-Medicine j iake S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Range North of the Snake C. Evenson. jjodv , Nebraska Du left sldo a * > d -Jhigh ; Norses su..o : in left side Rangs Betwetwi i and Nlobrnr * . MARTIN RED BEAU. POB".office address Pine Ridge. S.D. On left s-d : . horses ximelcfL thlg-i. Range Wolf Creek. A THOilPSOJf Poatofflco Address Simeon Neb Stock braiuleO same as cut be hind leftsnoulder Range on the Bchlagle TV G CARSOH tfl i'ostofflce Addres f * -ij , , . . < i' < # & & & Simoon Neb m S Stock branded n left hip same is cut D M 8EARS Portoffio-i addre.s - - - - s--- * & > & > Kennedy Neb same on left shou' der Range. - Square Lake SIGRGAREIDGE and PostoJTlce addrnss Simeon > eb Cattle branded as on cut ; or t J or V I ) o-i left hip with hole in rght ear when uu- ler'2-yrs old ; horses same as cut and I J itangc Gordon Creek and Niobrara liiver ALBERT WHIPPLE Postofllre address Rospbud. S. D. Branded on left shir borne SOS psssrr , i ten KI < branded o1 citlur shou ! FRANK ROTIILEUTNER PostofTloe address Kilgore. Neb. Cattle branded on either sde * as on cut. s.-sme on hip Some on left side VA ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postolfice address " " - H&f WJAft hit- . Range Corn Creek Onleftsidecar-mark ; Morse ? J S on lelt shoulder Range ten miles northeast of Merrl- mun. 3. H. KniilEL. d. S. D. Also B U n left side Ca tie un ! rent on both ears ; horses branded > .n left Bhoulilcr Range On A nte- lope and Sprin Creeks Joseph Fairbead. Lavaca. Neb. left ; Bide Als on left side also same ro- vertcd on left thigh ly Sal Horses jleft shoulder tffl s.V ! uange-Betxveen Fair head Lake and Snake rivet Clarence Gutcoiub. CodjNebraska. . I-cft side on lar loft side ; L-u horses Ai shoulder Range-Southeast o Cutcomb Lake Sbadbolt and Fleisbrnan. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dew lap. nange Ranges 38 and 37 , between Nio brara and the Snake. James Goodfellosv and Son. Cody. Nebrask-i. On left Elds ; hor. ses JG right &m , and mostly on jaw nanse Between thp N'io' Trnnd Sledlcine La&e. W , H. Carter. rostofflce adddr > sa Co'ly. VP' nis : ; . Dn left side ; some t T left side horses r left shoulder moHT HORN stock. Bange Betxveen Niobrara and the Inakn. HORACS Po tofflce nddrees Chesterfield Neb Catto ! branded on left ice and nln ; left ear crop ed square ; left snouder liorsea brand ed cross an chor on left shoulder. S S and A B ilCALVEY Postofllce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder Range on Square Lake Q TV KlilB Tostofflce address Kennedy sreb Cattle branded as in cut or on hip ; horses aine. Some " oueJCree Valley FLOYD KIME Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Wm& & jrj * Cattle branded on left hip or side 01 .4&r & ! rK/ both Horseowith H on left shoulder , cang ? tuish Lake , Gordon nnd xorlb Loup S ROTTLEY address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on rt Bide : nd liiphqr- 03 on left Iioulderalso ; on on either bide Kanjre , Bordman between Big Bend and the Springs WYE & rostofiflee address Valentine , Neb Cattle branded same as on cut ; some on left side and hip ; horses same on lelt shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Uordman ; Horse range , Steer Greek , between the and Snake D L McLANE . 'ostofP.ce Address ey Rosebud , S D m Cattle branded > P cut on either : de ; also F L R lid K R Horsej branded ! on left , shoulder iBiJ and colts * 2l53 three links' ! -Cange u.outh of Cottonx-ood. RED SHIRT Postofflce Address Rosebud , S I > Cattle branded on rfjsjjjf i. ffi iix& &faf" * ' } left side same a-- Vi t-Cp ff cut. Horses brand W4 % Sfc ? cdonleft shoi--kT with a K. P.iiiicl. In Little White PERRY PAKKEtt ' > stofilce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded . jiAtivM'ft * irTVr.T ? > XT' .I me as cut. Horses , P on left ioulder riange.Mouth of 'ordmun CLEMENT WHIRLED SOIDIE1 Postofflce Address Rosebud. S 1 > Cattle brand on left hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYL3 ' > stofOoe address KcnnedvNeb ' ; ittlo branded on 'tside and hip .orsrs same on left oulrter Some [ on leftside Rauge.Rush I Lake.Gord i and North iap J X > KI2EB Postofllce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with both ears cropped sqtiHTr Horses samp as cat tle but on leftshonl- iler Has Welr'a cat tle , also , U BI iiaase.Gordon Crecfc Q LADELY vtoffice address N'ewton Neb Cattle branded me as cut or on hip liorsca L on left nk Range , between . > rrioa creek and e Loup J > B STONS3 Fostofflee address NemonNeb Cattle branded & : on cut Also U on shoulder , w on side , I on hip lef t side Also C on left * J&\\ IB addition to U § I on aide nacga o- Gordon eroek and south B W RAYMOND Adflres * Rosebud , 8. D : atte ! branded left houldor and hip Horses branded vlth only CM 8 M jf ; Wp' . . .it GEORGE PETB Some ABE left side and left hlo Horses M'on left hip and some same on loft shoulder No horses sold un * less brand is invert , ed making jc Range head of T7het Stone MI. Addres Simeon Neb Cattle branded o ) rlehtside ; horse same oa ler.t shottl dcr. Ranfje. sum mer. on Snake nv or , 4 miles fron mouth \vmtir. j . miles south of Sinn ton ' . CV BENNETT Postoffloe Address Blmcon Neb Stock branded v ith-7-on left hip alsjsime as cut Eacge , between Gordon and Stmko creeks and on tu Niobrara river s Addres ; Simeon , Neb. Cattle and horse : branded same a- cut on left sldo Range between _ Gordon and Snakt W-e nrrK-i Sa.6 ? ? cruets and on the Niobrara river * B LOUD Postoffloe Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Eange , on the . Niobrara REUBEN QUICK HEAP. . PostofBce Address Eosebud 8 I Cattle orandod sain as cut or on hip Ecnch on Blacl Pipe Creek TODD SMITH. Postofflce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded -ame as cut a Dla- ; end T Horses branded he same. Ranch n V.jjuu Thunder 'Jrtek P.OBEHT TINLAYSOX PostofOco addros * Nevvton Neb , Stock bramle1 same ao cut RaiigeonGon'o GEORGE Postofflco Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same 03 L'Ut L'UtHorses Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone nnd Antelope creek ' : Roiebud BEN BEAUOVIS Postofflce Address Rosebud , S J : Stock branded left shoulder three inches long ; side four inche , long. Brand record " 22 vrs. Ranch or Creek D. BRAY rostofllce Address Rosebud. 3D Cattle branded on 1 2ft thigh or hip sime ; as cut Horses branded < .me on left shoul der BEN TURGEON C -J " * . . . P JStofflce Address O ? JS Bonesteel , S I frSfrr . . * r v Cattle branded or left side same as cu : and right eai crop peel. peel.Horses &ZTJ. branded left shoulder Tor jSi&i Also with cir cle A. W3I. F. SCH31IDT. Postofflco Address Rosebud , S , D , Branded same as on n.u : or with unacr .nd dulaped. Horses branded ; r.rae on left hip JLLEX BORDEAUX. - Postofflco Address Rosebud , S J Horses are brandc on lefs thigh ; cr.tt ] on left side with ha crop on left ; ear. Also cat- ; ' tie iiB with nc 43 X\V' * sg * y * crop on ear Guatave Gunderson. 2ody , Nebraska On left side ; horses L on left shoulder. tange-Between Snak .nd tbe Niobrara JOHi ? H HAP.KAi1 ? . tostoffle address Erownlco Neb Same as on cut Also and AE Horses on left shoulder ' * &c i taPanee Panee Goo o Creek and North Loup L K BELDING PostofMc address Erowni Neb On rlgi side oi jp Onleftsfde imv3&s 3 or : \ . nip ; oren M HfeL ? leftliIP- ltan-c- Calf Creek j B and E T SMITH Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left side ; also hor- ics on right side Itanjre.Qoose Creek E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postofflce address Brov.nee. ! Nf Same as on ctT Range between Geese Creek .cd North Loup J. M. HANNA , Postofflco address Senecn. Neb. Branded as on cut ; some P on right " * * * " - * * ' 1 c- * ' Kri aB and some tftt M on right hip lrp ! ! Creekvalley in uner- county E. E. ORR. ORR.Postofflce Postofflce address naxwwj. Newton , Neb. .tGi - Cattle branded anywhere - where on left aide ; horses onleftshoul- derRange Range , between north prong and North Loup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofflce address Erownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range , North Loup R. M. FADDIS. PostoTlce address Pas v Neb Range. Nortli Louj River I. L. MEKCURE. Postofflce address SenecaNeb On right side , or J on either hip "aiige , Southxvest .J Seneca P. GRIER. PostofHce address Seneca , Nfb. Onlpft hip Cn right or Jpfthip Ranee , be tween enecti a > id Norway on r.Iiddl Loup B W PEARSON Postofflce address Brotvnleo Neb Same as on cut Horses same on "ft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZ3IANN Postofflce addrcs Brownlee Neb On left hip. The herd mark is a dcvi. lap Range on Goose Creek. FRANK T LE3 PostofSce address Brownlee Neb Cattle on left side ; ! tors" < ? same on left ioulder. Range * " > Ues northeast of orownlee I. A GEP.JIAK Pcstfllce address Newton Neb Cattle branded eitl ersidehorses same oaleftshoulderaso have care ot atov-t branded SP under lined. sange-Nori. . Loup DICK MC3TALL PestofOce address Brownies Neb On left sidcand hip also 8 o& left hip f Range , North Loop "t CHARLES H rACT/3ABER PostofOco nddrcs * Hrowiilee. Nebr Either right or left side on cattle Horses same on lett shoulder Leftear cut off ol cattle Range , Loup rlv- ir HENRY FAULHABER olftoJBce Brownlce. Neb Cattle on Irf : Horses < wma oi > left shoaldor RaRga. Loup rlres DAVID STEAD3IAN Postofflce address Pass. Neb Cattle en h > ftsl < ) e Has char ; * ' of cattle lr.xndel right side1 horses rif 803 " 'P ' Some none * on left shoul der JOHN CHALOUD % & * $ % & PostoJHie &T Brownlee. ? fob Cattle and horses on right side Range. Bc ! D H PERKINS Postofflce addreas Halser , Neb On left hip ? nnge , Loup RIvc ? TALBOT & GALLOP Fostofflce artflrsso Beneca. Neb. Cattle branded left ide Horssi branded on twcen Sllddle Lott ; and Dismal GEORGE GRAY Postofflce address , bo .Iod. Nebr On left hip DrAO on right hip or sldo Range. Loup and { JiBmal CRONIN BR03. Postofflco 8 5rtreso Thedford. Nobr On right sld > ftnnge , Loup WALT HARDY. Postofflco Eddresa Seneca. Neb. Left side on cnttle ; horses , Ifft shoulder .ats on left suie some . iyaj on right hip tf $ ZA Rance.soiith Uia ifi.ldie Loup. JULIUS JJECKMAN. Brownlee. NtO 8me as on mt Range south SJ- Brownlee M. DUNHAM. Postofflce aadress KenneGy , Neb Stock branded on left $ ide as on cut. Range Gordon Creek. V7 K GRANT Srovralee On left side Range. Loup K17O IRA EFENCEr. PoatoSlce address Brownlee 2 eb Branded on lef t.ilda Range , Calf Creek and Swia Lake VaV- iey S B PostofSca a. ' ' - Browulea > On lef : side Range , Swr.r 3 B Postoffloe ediireM Kennedy Neb Stock brsntiol lameaacus on left side Some W aaywiysfg m lei. '