Metzger Bros. ,
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
, Brandon left hid
and thigh
Earmark , square
crop right car
1 Southern branded
L cattle have but one
lleft side
Native cattle 'have
_ , throat wattle
Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks
Horses have same brand on lelt thigh
A Jtcicfinl of $ t$5O will be paid to any
person for information leading to the arrest ani
final conviction of any person or persons steal
\X Ing cattle with above brand
Postofflce address
Allen S D
On left shoulder and
baron side ; horses
same on thigh
.Range-Bear Creek
Fostolflce addres
Valentine , Neb
Branded on right
side ; horses same
Range-10 miles east
of Valentino on
the Niobrara
Joseph "W. Bownet
P. ( ) . address
Mernman , Nebr.
Right ear cropped
Hole in center of left
ear Range Lake creek
8. D.
Joe Vlondray
Cody. Nebraska
Left side. Left ear
V on left shoulder ol
Charles Benard
Rosebud S. D.
RangeKBig White' '
.and Bad Rivers
Charles C. Tackett
Rosebud , 5. D.
Range head of An
telope near St. Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
Peter Vlondray
f Rosebud , S. D.
Leftside. Left car
Horses branded
Range Little White
Elver , at mouth of
Cedar ( 'reek.
Louis J. Kichards
Merriman. Neb
Gorsuch Bros.
Newton , Nebraka
Cattle branded
as on cut /
It side or hip
Range on Goroim
Louis F. Richards
Merriman JCeb
Henry Pratt
Rosebud S. D.
Left side
Horses same on
Veft shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
some cattle
John DeCory
Rosebud , S. D ,
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
Range in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
Thomas Farren
Rosebud , S. I ) .
ID 1183 either left1
Side or hip
pqF on left
Horses _ sljouider
Range head of
Marquardt & Bowl us
OTTOSiiiUBK. Manager ,
Merriman. Neb
Cattle brand OM on
f'eft shoulder. Some
of cattle have various
older brands. OS on
left hip. Horse bra'd
A on left shouldei.
Ranee Formerly
Gee W Monnier
-ranch 5-mlles east of
. SJMerriman.fromF.E.
& .M. V. K. E. Riauth to Leander Creek. Mar-
Anderson & Hounds.
Simeon. Nebraska
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut ;
also 1C on left side
wltli on left hip of
some cattle ; also S4C
on right side. Horse
brand , rake and 1C
on IKK shoulder or
hit )
Home ranch-on
Dewcy Lake. Range on Niobrara Rv $ r. past efFort
Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake Itiver and
Simeon , known as the Felch range , all in Cherry
County , Nebraska.
Marshall & Wolf en den
Kennedy , Neb.
Some s on the left
Horses S on left
Brand is small
Earmark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on left ear
Range Lone Tree
I. T. Richardson.
Kennedy , Nebr
Some on left
Horses on
left shoulder
. William M. Dtinbaf
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody. Neb
DUn Kilherslde
Also Oil
Lefl iir ; ol cattle
Range head oE Hay
Amelia Young.
Cody , Nebraska
On right side.
Right ear split
Kange , Little
White river
Peder Thorsen.
Gordon , Nebraska
On right side : T on
right In p. c horse
brand and T on ,
right shoulder
Alee cattle branded
I , S on leftfside
Range , fowl miles
south of Irwin
Henry Young ,
Cody , Nebraska
Horse brand IIY
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
Range , Little
White river , S. D.
Stotts & Stetter.
Cody. Febraska
Branded on l ftside
Range , Tin Can Lake
ind Morgan Flats
D. C. Nelson.
Cody , Nebraska.
On right hip.
Range , Medicine
Lake to the
Snake river
JJutt Brothers.
Gordon. Nebraska
Iangel4 miles north
of Gordon.
F. C. DuerfeMt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
Cattle also branded
OO on right hip
Horses and mules
uranded same as cut
on left shoulder
J. C. Jordan
Gordon , Nebraska
One bunch branded
as on cut on lelt side
One bunch branded
C I' on left hip
Horses J on left
Range. 10 miles
southwest of Gallop ,
between Niobrara
and Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany. Neb
Cattle branded
FJ > on left ribs or
right shoulder ; SD
on right hip aud left
ribs ; 6 on left hip
Horses FD or SD on
right shoulder
Range 7 mi north
cast of Albany Neb
Agent for Pasteur
Black Leg Vaccine
Jospph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Horse brand F on
eft shoulder
Range 10 miles
northeast of Gordon
Wheeler Bros ,
Cody Neb
Also B on right
Ranee Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
Strttyed or Stolen ,
Several head of horses and cat
tle , tAmes
Amos Strong , Valentine , Iseb.
- - X *
* ff
Let the fusionists nominate a good
and clean ticket this fall of representa
tive men and it will be invincible at the
polls. The people are in the right
mood aud will demand a change of af
The local bosses of the republican
party are all broken up over their fail
ure to cause dissension in our ranks ,
and however hard they try to induce
fusionists to become candidates , they
are making a marked failure of it. The
boys are onto the tricks of these wily
politicians of the Mark Hanna contin
Mayor Jones gave out a general
letter to the public , in which he states
that he may become an independent
candidate for governor of Ohio if he
finds the reform movement sufficiently
strong. He states that he is not work
ing with either party , and that if the
sentiment found and created by the
Columbus Labor Convention develops
he will be in the lielil.
A populist in politics ordinarly is1 I
a very reasonable man to get along
with. He abandoned either one or the
other of the old parties on account ofj
the issues they presented , and now
that A .New Democracy has come to
prevail he looks rather to the issues
involved than the name by which it is
called. It is therefor easily to see why
democrats , populists and silver repub
licans can work in harmony for the de
thronement of the party of Mark
A dispatch from Washington in this
morning's paper says : "The secretary
of the interior having been given au
thority to lay down rules for the regu
lation oi entries under the act of 1897 ,
now says that no reservation will be
made for a reservoir containing less
than 250,000 gallons. For a reservoir
of less than 500,000 gallons capacity ,
not more than forty acres can be re
served ; for reservoirs of 500,000 gallons
and less than 1,000,000 gallons capacity ,
not more than eighty acres can be re
served ; for a reservoir of 1,000,000 gallons
lens and less than 1,500.000 capacity ,
not more than 120 acres can be reserv
ed , and for a reservoir of more than
1,500,000 gallons capacity , 100 acres
may be reserved. This is definite , for
it means that not more than 160 acres
of public domain can be reserved for
the purposes of the act in any one sec
tion. But this is not all. .None of the
lands so reserved Can be fenced , and
owners of cattle who are using .the pub
lic domain for grazing purposes may ,
benefit from the reservoirs so erected ,
whether they have entered upon the
lands or not. "
Bryanism and 16 to 1 may be dead
but it is far better to be found in a
respectable funeral procession than in
a crowd hunting "benevolent assimi
lation" with the riile. It is more con
sistent ; more humane. We cannot go'
back to republicanism with its extrava
gance and aristocratic tendencies. $20-
000,000 to a tyrant , to an implacable
foe of honesty and justice , lead and
steel for a people whose only crime is a
desire for liberty ; allowing Carter , who
stole over a million dollars directly
from the government , to go free and
uupardoned after being tried and found
guilty , retiring Gen. Eagan on full pay
for violating the law. These methods
we cannot endorse. The reform forces
are strong enough , if united , to defeat
this extravagant and dishonest party.
Every other consideration should be
laid aside , every grievance forgotten ,
and the slogan should be "simplicity
and frugality , " and this party of wild
delirious extravagance hurled from
power. Think of the millions that
have been transferred from the pockets
of the poor to the bank account of the
rich in commissions alone in the past
twc years and be warned of the absorb
ing tendency of this plutocratic party.
With the Dingley bill , the war taxand
the stamp act , this government is run
ning behind every month , and wnat
will it be when the principal on the
bonds are to be paid ? There is an am
ple cause for sober reflection. There
is abundant reason tor a solid unifica
tion of reform forces , and it is only a
selfish and office seeking propensitv
that will hind er or retard this noble
and patriotic movement for a , more
economical government. It is time to l
move now. The late action of thel
president in striking 4000 from the
civil service list is a fair warning of the
means that will be employed to retain
power. There is work to do. Minden
A birthday surprise party was given
to E. H. Wilson and his daughter ,
Nellie Tuesday evening , by the fam
ily and friends. They were given
numerous and valuable presents and
hearty wishes that they might sur *
vive to see the next annual anniver
sary of their birth. About 9 o'clock
light refreshments were served to
which all present did ample justice ,
after which we wended our-way home
feeling the evening" had been spent "
pleasantly ,
VALENTINE. June 13 , 1899.
Board of County Commissioners met
in regular session as a boatd of Equal ,
ization. Present T. P. Spralt and L-
IJ. Trowbridge continued in the busi'
ness of equalization during the day and
adjourned to June 14.1899.
June 14 , 1899. Board met as per
adjournment. Present W. A. Parker
Chairman , T. P. Spratt and L. II.
Trowbridge and having adopted the
schedule of per centages in order to ad
just equalization between precincts.
Continued in the business of equaliza
tion from day to day until the evening
of the 17th and adjourned to June 19th.
June 19 , 1899.
Board met in regular session as a
board of county commissioners. Mem
bers all present.
On motion the following appoint
ments were made :
A. Newberry , road overseer , Dist.
No. 7.
H. E. Dewey , road overseer , Dist ,
No. 31.
On motion the following official bonds
were approved.
A. Newberry , road overseer , Dist
No. 7.
IF. E. Dewev , road overseer. Dist.
No. 31.
On motion the affidavit of J. W.
Groves , asking a reduction of his as
sessment was rejected.
On motion the affidavit of Felician
Fays , asking a refund of taxes , Avas re
On motion F. W. Lachleur was
granted a refund of $4.40 , same having
been collected twice.
On motion Geo. Camm was granted
a refund of $1.80 , same having been
assessed in two precincts.
On motion the affidavit of H. Won
ders that the propert } ' assessed to him
in 1892 ami ' 93 belonged to Hannah
Smith and should he refunded , was re
jected for the reason that the schedules
were signed by himself.
On motion Miss E. I. Mills was
granted a refund of $10.79 and the
board adjourned to June 20th.
June 20 , 1899.
Board met pursuant to adjournment ;
members all present.
Taxpayers from Table and Minne-
chaduza precincts appeared and pro
tested against raising hurl in those
precincts as the equalization schedule
Acting on the advice of the county
attorney , Commissioner Spratt , holding
that the present method of equalization
is unjust , for the reason that it did not
equalize the valuation of the land
throughout the county , moved to leave
the value of the land in Table and Min-
nechaduza precincts as found by the
assessors , Commissioners Parker and
Trowbridge voting against the motion
for reason that they believed the mo
tion to be contrary to la .v.
Continued in the business of equaliz
ation to June 21 , and adjourned to
June 22.
June 22 , 1899.
Board met as per adjournment.
On motion the real estate in the vil
lage of Wood Lake was raised 50 per
cent. Continued in the business of
equalization from dav to day until the
evening of the 28 , and adjourned to
June 29.
Jay Lentz , foreman in the mines of
the Great Western Company , was
caught 'under a fall of slate in the
mines at Harmon , W. Va. , about three
months ago. His skull was crushed
and Dr. E. 0. Harmon and two other
surgeons gave him up to die. A piece
of his brain larger than a teacup was
broken away from the main body of
the brain structure and the skull cover
ing it was broken away.
After a few days the doctors decided
to take heroic measures. The shattered
brain was cut away and dressed. A
healthy yearling calf was tied down ,
her skull was cut away and a lobe of
brain was removed and fitted into the
cavity in Lentz's head. The wound
then was dressed and trephined aud re
sults were awaited. The calf's head
meanwhile was fixed up with half a
brain in it.
Both the man and the calf have pro
gressed satisfactorily , and the man is
nearly as well as before the operation ,
though his-mental vigor is not entirely
restored. The calf stands as if asleep"
until startled , when it moves until in
terrupted in a straight line. It will
not eat until its jaws are opened and
then the jaw movement must be stop
ped by force , as the calf continues to
chew even when the food is remoyed. :
It is indeed a wonderful operation , and
the action of the calf reminds us of a
machine editor of the republican or plu *
tocratic party.
In its report of the London cattle
market the Mark Lane Express of May \
2i notes that offerings of cattle from the' '
United States were 2,075 head and from ;
South America 2,914 head. It says , j
"Some grand cattle from South America - '
ca were shown. " Quotations on
"States" cattle were 3s lOd to 4s per 8
pounds estimated dressed weight , while
Everything fresh and clean , and prices
i hat are right. Special attention given
to pumps , tanks , and rail jh supplies ,
Kennedy , Nebraska ,
. .GRAND. .
STYLE 0-PRICE , $250.00 ,
TERMS $2o.OO Cash and 810.00 per Month.
UPERIOR Quality of Tone , being brilliant , mlodions , ainl of splendid volume ; Perfect touch ,
S light and very responsive ; ful ! metal plate ; original scale of seven and one-third octaves ,
three-stringed , with overstrung bass ; repeating action , very finely regulated ; fvory Keys :
Mahogany , Walnut , Quartered Oak.
Height Four teet nine inches. Width Five feet four inches. Depth-Two feet three indict * .
on Argentine cattle they were 3s 6d to
3s lOd. That is , the best American
cattle were quotable only two pence per
8 pounds ( dressed weight basis ) above
the best Argentines. Or if best Amer
icans were worth 12i cents per pound ,
best Argentines sold up to 12 cents.
There is no question about the increas
ing competition of the Argentine beef
producer. He is a good second both in
numbers and quality to the American ,
though , the condition of his stock on
arrivals not so satisfactory. There is
a lesson in the progress that Argentine
has made toward the top in beef pro
duction. "Good blood" that is the
reason and that is the lesson. Argen
tine breeders have spared no expense
for blood and they are getting it back
many fold.
The Long Pine Chautauqua will open
August 11 , 1899 , at Long Pine , Nebr.
These grounds are unique , uicturesque ,
healthful , convenient , attractive , rest
ful , to a degree not found elsewhere.
Bring your hammocks , swinjrs , canoes ,
bathing suits , fishing tackle and chil
dren , for it's the best place on e rth
for them to enjoy a splash in the water
with perfect safety.
Tne whole time of the assembly will
be filled with an interesting and profit
able program. Those who desire to
avail themselves of the privileges and
profit of the lectures and schools , or
any parts of them , will be heartily wel
comed to these exercises , while those
who prefer to spend thnir time in ab
solute rest or in recreation , will find
these grounds exactly suited to such
purposes. A sufficient number of tents
are provided for the accommodation of
all. Address for particulars ,
H. W. LEARN , Sec'y- }
Long Pine. Nebr.
Grand Fourth of July Celebration J
Where ? Why in that'lovely grove
in John Adamson's pasture the
nicest place in Cherry county ; plenty
of shade , plenty of good cool water
and refreshment to be had any time
in the day. Bowery dance in after
noon and evening , racing of various
kinds , swings , speaking , singing and
merrymaking of all kinds. Artists
come and bring your cameras for the
scenery is grand. Young men bring
your best girls ; old men bring your
wives and spend the day with your
neighbor that you have been neglect
ing all spring. Everybody come and
bring your lunch baskets well filled
and enjoy a day long to be remem
bered and fitted lor a national holi-
Alex Marrivall
Pine Ridge , S D
Cattle branded us
on cut and below on
either aide. Eermk
swallow fork on leit
aud crop right
Horse i rands as
helow on lelt thigh
or hip
J. A. Adamson.
Valentine. Neb
I On left side or hip
A 4 left side or nip
On left side
Kangeon Niobrara
Newman Bros. & Nations.
Cody , Nebraska
On point left shoul
der. Also O o on
point left shoulder
T. Also jj on left
* shoulder
Same on left hiu
Left side
Postoffice address
Brownlee , Neb
Branded on either
side same as on cut
also both Jaws
J. C. Trowbridge
Merriman , Neb
Range between Irwin -
win and Merrimau ,
south of railroad
Hugh Boviil , Manager
Merriman Neb
All on left side or
Range north of El
Charlotte E. Boviil
Merriman Neb
Lelt side or hip
Range north of Eli
Parker & Son
P 0 Address
L. W. Parker
Reige. Neb
Brand same as cut ,
Also ZP
Ranee on Niobrara
south of Crookston
Prideaux San ford
Kennedy. Neb
Stock branded on
left side
B. B. Teeter ? Bros.
Jiewton , Neb ,
Horses same o
left shoulder
Ranse between
the ( Jnrdon and tifcJ