Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, June 29, 1899, Image 1

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ilrs. Evelyne Collier in Prison for
Killing a Mexican Who Broke Into
Her Home and Attempted to As
sault Her Other Items.
American in Mexican Jail.
Two letters received in San Francisco
from Mrs. Evelyne Collier , in jail atxEIer-
mosillo , Mexico , tell the story of her arrest ,
trial and sentence to four years' imprison
ment for shooting and killing a Mexican
\ifho forced himself into her home when
- ty ? was alone and attempted to assault her.
She is an American woman who lived with
her brother. Win. Frost , at Ures , Sonora.
ilarch 31 , while her brother was absent ,
a Mexican broke in the door. A scuffle
over the possession of a pistol then ensued.
Taotli having hold of the weapon. Mrs.
Collier pushed the man outside the door ,
\vhcn the pistol was discharged. He fell
dead , but she locked and barred the door
without ascertaining this fact. For this
she was convicted and sentenced. The at
tention of Senator Perkins has been di
rected to the case. He promises to take
the matter up to the end that an investiga-
tnn be made and the release of the prisoner
effected if the statements made by her arc
Miss Belle Slavin , a Stenographer ,
Killed in a Bunk at Wichita.
When the body of Miss Belle Slavin of
Wichita , Kan. , was found at 2 o'clock last
.Friday morning in the office of the Na
tional Bank of Commerce , deatli having
.resulted from a bullet wound in the head ,
it was supposed that she had committed
suicide. Later , developments seem to in
dicate that the j oung woman was mur
dered. Coroner McLaughlin now says her
death was not suicidal , and the police are
working upon the theory tiiat murder had
been done.
Miss Slavin. who was the bank's stenog
rapher , was permitted to take in outside
work , and Avas frequently employed by
iommereial travelers and other strangers ,
-work of this kind often keeping her in the
v at the bank until 10 o'clock at night.
lilr. Johns , president of the bank , now
states that on Thursday afternoon a
strange man came to the bank and asked
to have some work done. Miss Slavin'told
him to bring it around after 6 o'clock. Mr.
Johns says that he observed the stranger
surveying the interior of the bank. While
waiting for the stranger to keep his ap
pointment , Miss Slavin evidently busied
lierself with writing letters to friends , for
when ber body was found three sealed let
ters were found , one addressed to a young
woman in Kansas City , one to S. P. Low ,
Portland , Ore. , and one to Austin Akin of
South Haven. All these letters were writ
ten in a pleasant vein , ami there was noth
ing to indicate self destruction. A barber
who passed the bank at 8 o'clock saw her
standing before the window apparently
waiting" for sonic one. Another citizen
beard a pistol shot just after 8 o'clock.
When Miss SJavin's father , the president
of the bank , and another citizen went to
the bank in search of her at 2 o'clock in the
morning they found the bank door un
locked , papers were scattered around the
floor , the contents of several drawers were
disarranged , and Miss Slavin's keys were
missing. The revolver found by the young
woman's side was not her own. Iler own
-weapon was found in a drawer. The
theory of the police is that the murderer
expected to secure valuables or money.
Prominent Young : Men of Fresno ,
Cal. . Have a Brutal Fight.
Gregory Quigley and Morris Zeberg ,
. prominent young men living near Fresno ,
Cal. , were participants in a brutal ring
. -contest , three miles south of the city , which
is likely to result in a tragedy. In the
thirty-first round , Zeberg slipped and fell
to the floor. As he was falling , Quigley
landed on his head. He was removed to
liis home and since that time has remained
unconscious. Attending physicians say ho
.cannot recover.
tJnioii Pacific Passenger Is Ditched
and Three Persons Injured.
The Union Pacific passenger train No. 1
\VSLS ditched at 9:30 o'clock Sunday at Og-
densburg. a little station seven miles east
-of Junction City , Kan. Three persons are
reported seriously and perhaps fatally in
jured. The train struck a split switch.
The engine , tender , express car , mail car
.ami day coach were ditched , the sleeper
remaining on the track.
Fire in Quebec Province.
The village of St. Raymond , thirty-five
Jniles from Quebec , was almost wiped out
.fey a fire Monday morning. About forty
. buildings were burned and the convent
Ibadly damaged. The loss is about $50,000 ;
-well insured.
Settled by Compromise.
The strike of 1,200 textile workers at
Brunn , Moravia , after lasting two months ,
Jias been settled by a compromise
Gov. Pingree Forms Political Com
bine with War Secretary.
Gov. Pingree of Michigan has given out
a public statement to the effect that he has
combined with Alger in the interests of
the latter's senatorial candidacy. The
platform of the campaign will be opposi
tion to the trusts , and senatorial elections
by popular vote.
"I avoided committing myself heretofore -
fore , " safd Pingree , "because I wanted an
opportunity to talk with the general first ,
But all along Alger has boon my personal
choice for senator. Of course I can't
speak for my friends , but those I have
talked with are Alger men beyond all
question. They cannot support Senator
McMillan. They certainly cannot be
classed as friends of mine if they do. They
cannot forget eight years of political his
tory in a day , nor can they live with rep
resentatives of judicious combination
and unequal taxation and pretend at
the same time to be friends of
equal and just taxation and foes
to trusts. At our meeting Alger told
us frankly the history of his relations with
McMillan in the matter of the senatorship.
He has dealt with Alger the same as he
has treated every one who questions his
ownership of the Republican party. Alger
is in the race and to stay to the end. "
Three Killed and Two Injured at
Kossland , B. C.
About 11 o'clock last Saturday morning
a terrible explosion took place in the War
Eagle mine , near Rossland , .5. C. , the scene
of the fatality of a month ago , and in con
sequence three men are dead , another is
probably fatally injured and a fifth
is seriously hurt. Five men were
working in the 025-foot level
when one of the drills struck a "missed
hole , " where a shot had failed to go
off. A frightful explosion took place ,
and Charles Post and. Charles Lee were instantly -
stantly killed and Mike Griffin , a married
man , was so badly injured that he died on
the way to the hospital. Dan Green is in
jured beyond recover } ' . Charles Counsin
received severe injuries to his right arm ,
the flesh being torn off , but the surgeons
have hopes of his recovery.
Cattle and Sheep Industry in a Bad
Way in Colorado.
According to reports received in Denver
by Secretary Charles F. Martin of the Na
tional Live Stock Association , the drouth
has destroyed all the large Colorado
ranges. "Thereports coming to this office , "
said Mr. Martin , "show that unless there is
speedy relief from present conditions the
loss to stockmen will be something enor
mous. Even should the cattle and sheep
survive the summer they will be so poor
and emaciated when the snows come that
they will drop like leaves from the forest. "
Already cattle are dying in the San Luis
valley , where the drouth has assumed a
serious phase. Like conditions , varying in
severity , are reported from Northern New
Mexico , parts of Oklahoma , the Indian
nation , Western Kansas and Southern
Southern Fruit Growers Are Said to
Have formed an Organization.
It is reported that P. D. Armour is at
the head of a movement to attempt to con
trol the fruit and vegetable trade. J. W.
Coupland , manager of the'California Fruit
Transportation Company , is authority for
the statement. Mr. Coupland has just re
turned from a meeting of the fruit growers
of the South , held at Wilmington , N. C. ,
at which , he said , an organization was
effected to fight Armour's plan. It was
said that Mr. Armour , assisted by others ,
has secured control of the fruit trade of the
Pacific coast and that he is now endeavor
ing to get control of the fruit and vegetable
trade of Florida , Georgia , South Carolina ,
North Carolina , Maryland , Virginia , Del
aware , Tennessee , Arkansas , Mississippi
and Texas.
Brother of the Famous Financier
"Well Known by Railroad Men.
A telegram from Salem , N. Y. , an
nounces the death there of Abram Gould ,
a brother of Jay Gould , who , for many
years was purchasing agent for the 'Mis
souri Pacific and Iron Mountain Railway
Company. His health had been very poor
for several months and recently in com
pany with his son Mr. Gould went east for
a rest. Mr. Gould was 56 years old. He
was a very quiet and unostentatious man ,
who neVer mentioned his relationship with
Jay Gould.
Graphophone on "Witness Stand.
In police Judge Conlan's court in San
Francisco a graphophone was used to pre
sent a statement made by George Frederick
Trueworthy , a young man accused of mur
dering one Landsman during a fight some
weeks ago. The attorneys for the defense
argued against admitting the talking ma
chine , but the Court ordered otherwise and
the statement issued from the trumpet in
clear , distinct tones.
Bicycles Are Vehicles.
The attorney general of Illinois has ren
dered an opinion that bicycles are vehicles
in legal contemplation , and drivers of
vehicles are required to turn to the right
and give them part of the road , the same
as any other passing vehicle.
Murdered by His Wife.
Harvey J. Ramsay , a ticket seller at
Madison Square Garden , New York , was'
killed by his wife , Mrs. Ramsay , who is
thought to be insane. She cut his throat
with a razor as he lay sleeping.
A. Daring Sneak Thief Makes a Big
Haul in Boston.
A sneak thief entered the Metropolitan
National Bank In Boston Thursday and
stole 510,000 while the paying teller's at
tention was drawn away for a moment.
The thief came to the teller's window and
asked directions about sending a money
order. The teller gave him the informa
tion. The stranger stood at the counter ,
apparently making notes. Just then the
teller was called to another part of the
bank. I The visitor quickly thrust his arm
through the grating , snatched fifty $100
and five 51,000 notes. A young lady sten
ographer in the bank saw the action , but
before she could give the alarm the thief
escaped. He was apparently 28 years of
age and well dressed.
The thief was anested as he was alight
ing from a train in New York.
Said McKinley Will Send the Army
Commander to Philippines.
A Special from Atlantic City says :
"Nelson A. Miles , the general commanding
the United States army , will in all proba
bility be given the post he has ardently
sought that of commanding officer of the
Philippine forces. The visit of Gen. Miles
to Philadelphia was followed by a telegram
from Washington which intimated , it is
understood , the intention of President Mc
Kinley to assign him to duty in the far
away East. In further substantiation of
this , Gen. Miles is said to have told a per
sonal friend that he would in all proba
bility leave for Manila within a week.1
Rousseau's Second Attempt to Form
a Cabinet Successful.
Waldeck-Rousseau , who was again called
upon Thursday morning by Presdent Lou-
bet of France to form a ministry , accom
plished the task and called on Loubet with
his coleagues in the evening. The new
cabinet is as follows : Premier and min
ister interior , Waldeck-Rousseau ; foreign
affairs , Delcasse ; war , Gen. Callifet ; ma
rine , Delanessan ; justice , Monis ; finanace ,
Caillaux ; public instruction , Leygues ;
colonies , Decrais ; agriculture , JeanDupuy ;
public works , Daudin ;
President Decides to Form at Least
Nine Regiments.
A special dispatch from Washington tc
the Chicago Tribune June 22 said that
President McKinley had decided to call for
volunteers for service in the Philippines.
It has been decided to form at least nine
regiments and possibly twelve.
"Window Glass Prices Advance.
The window glass combine , known as
the American Glass Company , has again
advanced the pruJss \Vindow glass. The
increase ranges from 5 to 10 per cent , and
takes effect immediately. The new com
bination has offered a rebate to customers
purchasing their entire output from Sept
ember to July.
Aid Fellow Craftsmen.
The National Alliance of Theatrical
Stage Employes in session at Cincinnati
endorsed the Denver strike and appropri
ated $300 for the support of the strikers.
The president , the secretary and the treas
urer made reports , which showed a com
fortable balance in the treasury.
Khalifa Is Defeated.
A Cairo dispatch states that the khalifa
has been defeated , with heavy loss by
natives friendly to the British. He fled to
the woods with a few followers. His cap
ture is imminent.
Hanged for Killing His Mother.
Benjamin Parrott was hanged at Hamil
ton , Ont. , for the murder of his mother ,
He left a confession.
Chicago Cattle , common to prime ,
$3.00 to § 5.75 ; hogs , shipping grades ,
? 3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , fair to choice , $3.00
to $5.50 ; wheat , No. 2 red , 74c to 75c ;
corn , No. 2 , 34c to 35c ; oats , No .2 , 24c
to 25c ; rye , No. 2 , GOc to G2c ; butter ,
choice creamery , 17c to 19c ; eggs , fresh ,
12c to 14c ; potatoes , choice new , 52c to
U5c per bushel.
Indianapolis Cattle , shipping , $3.00 to
$5.50 ; hogs , choice light , $2.75 to $4.00 ;
sheep , common to choice , $2.50 to $4.25 ;
wheat , No. 2 red , 74c to 75c ; corn , No. 2
white , 34c to 35c ; oats , No. 2 white , 29c
to 30c.
St. Louis Cattle , $3.50 to $5.75 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , $3.00 to $5.00 ;
wheat , No. 2 , 7Gc to 77c ; corn , No. 2
yellow , 33c to 35c ; oats , No. 2 , 2Gc to 2Sc ;
rye , No. 2 , 5Gc to 5Sc.
Cincinnati Cattle , $2.50 to $5.75 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , $2.50 to $4.50 ;
wheat , No. 2 , 73c to 75c ; corn , No. 2
mixed. 35c to 37c ; oats , No. 2 mixed , 27c
to | 29c ; rye , No. 2 , G4c to GGc.
Detroit Cattle , $2.50 to $5:75 : ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , $2.50 to $4.75 ;
wheat , No. 2 , 7Sc to SOc ; corn , No. 2
yellow , 35c to 3Gc ; oats , No. 2 white , 2Sc
to 30c ; ryefi 59c to Glc.
Toledo Wheat , No. 2 mixed , 7Gc to
77c ; corn , No. 2 mixed , 34c to 35c ; oats ,
No. 2 mixed , 25c to 2Gc ; rye , No. 2 , 5Sc
to GOc ; clover seed , new , $3.95 to $4.05.
Milwaukee Wheat , No. 2 spring , 75c
to 7Gc ; corn , No. 3 , 34c to 3Gc ; oats , No.
2 white , 28c to 30c ; rye , No. 1 , 59c to Glc ;
barley , No. 2 , 41c to 43c ; pork , mess ,
$8.00 to $8.50.
Buffalo Cattle , good shipping steers ,
$3.00 to $5.75 ; hogs , common to choice ,
$3.25 to $4.00 ; sheep , fair ta choice weth
ers , $3.50 to $5.00 ; lambs , common to
extra , $4.50 to $ G.25.
New York Cattle , $3.25 to $5.75 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.50 ; sheep , $3.00 to $5.25 ;
wheat. No. 2 red , S2c to S3c ; corn , No. 2 ,
lie to 42e ; oats , No. 2 white , 32c to 33c ; .
butter , creamery , loc to 20c ; eggs , West-
14c to IGc. '
Prayers Would Not Save George
Sperry's Child at Falls City "Di-
vine Healers" Lock the Father
Out and Throw Medicine Away.
Prayers Would Not Save Child.
The 3-year-old child of George Sperry of
Falls City died under sad circumstances.
The mother is a believer in the .doctrine of
"divine healing , " and would not permit a
doctor to be called. The child rapidly
grew worse , until the father pleaded with
one of the doctors to call and do what he
could to relieve the suffering of the little
one. Be did so and the child grew better
and was on the road to recovery. The
doctor's son remained with the sick child
most of one night and it was only by force
that he administered to the child , the
"healers" swarming around him all the
while , praying for him , saying that every
thing he handled was possessed with the
devil. The child had a high fever and the
"healers" would not as much as give it
water. When the doctor left the next
morning they threw the medicine away ,
ordered the'visitors out of the house ,
locked the father in the kitchen and began
praying over the child , and kept it up until
the baby died.
Fusion Parties AVill Hold State Con
ventions Aug. 25.
The State central committees of the three
fusion parties met in Lincoln last week and
decided to hold their State conventions in
Omaha Aug. 22. The Democratic State
Central Committee met in the same cham
ber in the State House and the Pop-
tilists and Free Silver Republicans in the
Lincoln Hotel. The Democrats favored
holding their State convention in Omaha
Sept. 6 , and the Populists voted before
conferring with the other committees
to hold their convention in Grand
[ sland on the same date. The Free Sil
ver Republicans held out for Lincoln and
an early convention. On account of the
difference of opinion conference com
mittees were appointed with power to act.
Ifhese committees reached a decision , all
Voting in favor of Omaha. The advocates
of Grand Island turned in for the State
metropolis as soon as it was evident , that
the convention could not be secured for
that city. Theditrerent committees were
addressed in the afternoon and evening by
\V. J. Bryan , "Coin" ' Harvey and other
prominent fusionists.
Country Around Memphis and Bea
ver City Visited.
Last week Thursday two cyclone clouds
formed within a few miles of Memphis ,
sight miles northwest of Ashland. One
started about two miles west of the town
and traveled in a southeasterly direction ,
* "
passing just south of the B. & M. depot.
The other one formed about three miles
directy north and traveled directly east ,
lifting great clouds of dust. It struck the
house on the Newman farm , tearing thereof
roof off the house and picking up the
numerous outbuildings and carrying them
it distance of fifty rods and dashing them
to pieces. Large trees were entirely up
rooted and in the fields great masses of
earth were torn up , leaving holes in the
ground two and three feet deep. Nobodj *
was injured.
On the same day a small twister passed
near Beaver City , in the Sappa valley. It
wrenched barns , sheds and windmills and
scattered hay stacks in all directions. The
wind was accompanied by a deluge of ram
and hail , the latter being a foot deep in
some places. Crops were damaged con
siderably. .
Will Be Held at Omaha , Thursday ,
Sept. 21.
At a meeting of the Republican State
Central Committee held in Omaha it was
decided to hold the State convention in
Omaha on Sept. 21.
Change of Express Companies.
A special train from Sioux City on the
Sioux City , O'Neill and Western road ,
brought a party of Great Northern Express
officials to O'Neill , accompanied by officials
of the road. The trip was one of inspec
tion , preparatory to the Great Northern
Express Company taking charge of the
express business on the line July 1 , now
handled by the American Express Com
pany. The Great Northern Kailway Com
pany will take charge of the Sioux City ,
O'Neill and Western Railroad on the same
Arrested by the Marshal.
James Harney of Edgar was arrested
last week by tlie United. States marshal
and taken to Omaha to answer the charge
of fraudulent use of the United States mails
for the purpose of selling "green goods. ' *
Mr. Harney , who has been held in high
esteem at Edgar denies the charge and
says he feels confident that no such charge
can be sustained.
Barns and Horses Burned.
Fire on the farm of William Luedke ,
west of West Point , totally destroyed two
large barns and burned eight head of val
uable horses. Four hundred bushels of
oats. 200 bushels of corn , besides farm im
plements and hay , were completely de
stroyed. Insurance on barns , § 275 ; on
horses , $200. The origin of the fire is un
liivery Stable Almost Total Loss.
The livery stable of Edward Wegene of
Norfolk was almost entirely destroyed by
fire. There was a small insurance on the
building , but none on the contents.
Child Breaks Both Arms.
Bjrron Merrill , aged 7 years , sou of Dr.
and Mrs. Merrill , feirfrom a step ladder at
Hastings and broke both arms betweeu
the wrists and elbows.
Postoffice Discontinued.
The postoffice at Dewey , Holt County ,
has been discontinued. Mail will be sent
to Ewing.
Committee of Arrangements Hold
an Important Meeting.
At a meeting of seventy representative
citizens of Nebraska , held in Omaha June
22 , it was decided to give tlie First Ne
braska Volunteers a rousing reception on
their return from the PlJiHpjjines. The
regiment will be mustered * out at San
Francisco and the State will furnish a
special train to bring the soldiers from
that city to Omaha , where a reception will
take place. A committee of fifty was ap
pointed to take the matter in charge. The
Second and Third regiments , the former of
which spent its time at Chickamauga Park ,
and the latter of which did garrison duty
in Cuba , will co-operate in entertaining
the First. It was also decided to erect in
the Omaha City Hall a memorial tablet to
the soldiers who met death in the Philip
At Ihe Governor's office in Lincoln
was received the following cablegram from
Col. Mulford of the First Nebraska :
' Manila , June 20 : To Governor , Lin
coln , Neb. : Colton ordered discharged ,
Manila , would like all vacancies filled be
fore sailing , 22d. MULFOKD. "
The promotions in the First Regiment
were announced June 21 , and the following
cablegram was sent to Col. Mulford :
"Mulford , Manila : Following appoint
ments made fill vacancies contingent on
acceptance of resignations Colton , Zillin-
ger , Naracong , Hansen. Appointments
date from acceptance resignations : Eager ,
lieutenant colonel ; KSiian , major ; Moore ,
captain , K ; Dungan , first lieutenant , U ;
Coleman , second lieutenant , C ; Richards ,
captain , E ; Osborne , first lieutenant , L ;
Flick , second lieutenant , M ; White , first
lieutenant , E ; Kleinhen , second lieuten
ant , E ; Wadsworth , first lieutenant , 1 ;
Todd , second lieutenant , E ; Shaffer , second
end lieutenant , L. "
Wealthy Farmer of Julian Found
Dead in His House.
The partially decomposed body of St.
John Bahaud , a wealthy farmer who lived
alone near Julian , was found in his house
June 18. Bahaud was last seen alive on
Thursday before , und a search revealed
the corpse. Alter the work of an autopsy
had been completed the coroner's jury found
that both frontal and parietal bones had
been crushed by some blunt instrument ,
but there was nothing to indicate that a
ball had passed through the brain. To all
appearance both hands and one foot had
been burned , probably to force the -victim
to tell where his money was hidden. The
house had been ransacked , but no one can
have any idea as to the amount ol
money , if any , secured. It was generally
believed the old man had large sums of
money hidden about the place , though the
story was discredited by those who knew
him best. lie was tlie owner of about 600
acres of laud , from which ho received good
rent besides a number of good buildings in
Julian. In opening a tin box in which
were kept deeds and valuable papers the
robber evidently cut his hun1 so that it
bled profusely , as there w ; * blood on the
papers and 5ill < uioil ! th'uj'v om. . Thjs Jed
to the hope that a scent might be secured
by bloodhounds and the Beatrice hounds
were sent for. There is great excitement
in tlie vicinity of Julian over the murder
and should tlie guilty parties be appre
hended there would be one case of lynch
ing in Nernaha County.
Diamond Thief Caught.
The man who stole diamonds from A.
Mandelberg's jewelry establishment in
Omaha has been apprehended. His name
is Albert Peterson and he was a trusted
employe of the store for two years previ
ous to May 1 , when he resigned. Peterson
said he stole the goods nhen cleaning the
showcases. "It was easy , " he said , "to
pretend to be cleaning the inside of a show
case with a chamois skin and when no one
was looking to pick up and hide something
valuable in the folds of the chamois. " The
value of the articles stolen amounted tc
Boy Loses Both Legs.
Bert Lock , the ItJ-year-old son of Will
iam M. Lock of Central City , met with a
serious and what may prove a fatal acci
dent. He in company with several other
boys , were at the Platte River swimming.
As they were ready to return an extra B.
& M. came along and they undertook to
catcli a ride baclc to town. Young Lock
missed his footing and fell under the
'wheels. One foot was cut off and the ankle
badly crushed. Physicians amputated
both legs , one at the ankle and the other
below the knee.
Franklin County Institute.
The county institute commenced at
Bloomington for a two-weeks' session
June 21. Seventy-two were enrolled at
the opening and it is expected that 125
teachers will be present. The following
are , assisting Superintendent Hussong as
instructors : O. Hubbell of FairfieldL. B.
Smutz of Riverton , T. A. Magorion of
Hildreth ] , Miss Jennie Robertson of Frank
lin j and Robert A. Byyd of Bloomington.
Nebraska Short Notes.
The llolbrook Methodists have dedicated
a new church.
A Funk farmer was worked for $200 by
a lightning rod man.
Chudron i.s making an effort to secure a
telephone svatem.
North Bend has let the contract for a
system of waterworks.
The Goulej creamery is making from 400
to 500 pounds of cheese per day.
The Beaver City creamery handled 5,142
pounds of milk one day last week.
The preliminary steps have been taken
toward the organization of a building and
loan association in Sidney.
Truman Sabine of Niobrara has a large
private library and. has given its use free
to the young people of the town.
August Drees of Knox County was so
badly injured by the "bursting of an emery
wheel that he died a few days afterward.
Two children of W. H. Rist of Norfolk ,
aged 10 and 8 years , were poisoned by eat
ing candy colored with analine. Both are
in a serious condition , but it is thought
they will recover.
Chadron district camp meeting will be
held on the camp grounds at Crawford
July 13 to 24 inclusive. The district Ep-
worth League July 12 and 13. x
How Circus Patrons Sometimes Are
Cheated Out of Their Money.
" 'Short-changing' or 'aim-Hamming , '
Is practiced by an unscrupulous class
of ticket sellers , " said an old-time cir
cus ticket seller , "the opportunities
that the business offers being greater
than that of any other that I know of.
Everything is bustle snul confusion , a
man loses his head , doesn't think to
count his change , and becomes an easy
victim , when under ordinary circum
stances he'd detect the fraud. I'll at
tempt to describe to you one of the
commonest tricks of 'flim-Hamming *
on an extensive scale : A man approaches
preaches the booth , hunts in his pock
et for change , and finally pulls out a
$10 bill. The ticket seller takes the
preliminary performance in at a glance
and knows to a dead moral certainty
that the man hasn't anything smaller ,
lie looks at the bill a moment , then
sizes up his cash , as if in doubt , then
suddenly he turns to his victim and
says :
" 'Is this the smallest you've got ? '
"The man tells him that it is. All of
this has consumed but a fraction of a
minute , you'd say , but in point of fact
it has given the sharper a chance to
fold the bill in such a way that none of
the figures are visible , and there is
nothing to indicate what its denomina
tion is. The bill is passed deftly from
the right to the left hand , in the palm
of which is concealed a $1 bill folded
in precisely the same manner. It is
the work of only a second to substitute
one for the other , the ticket seller apol
ogizing all the while for his inability
to make change , and the victim walks
off unsuspectingly with $1 where he
had $10 , and the chances are that he
doesn't discover his mistake until some
moments later. And then he fails to * '
get satisfaction , for , of course , the
short-change artist denies the fraud
"The ordinary way of handing a man .
short change in silver is beautifully
simple. Say , for instance , a man buys
two 50-ccnt tickets and tenders a $3
bill. Three dollars and a half in small
change is placed in his hand hurriedly
and he walks off without counting it.
Eventually he finds out that he's 50
cents 'shy , ' but it is too late to malre a
kick. The short-change man knows
who to 'flim-flam' ami who to treat
squarely. He sizes up his man 'at a
glance and can come pretty near tell
ing whether he'll count his money or
not before leaving. That's where his
knowledge of human nature comes in
to play.
"Ticket selling is a profitable-employ
ment outside of any illegitimate gains.
"A man can always count oiiiimling Jits
cash $ o to $0 'over' at the end of the
day. The per cent of people who get"
excited in the confusion of the moment -
ment and leave their change on the
counter is always great. This overplus
goes to the seller , and the economically -
ly inclined showman doesn't have , , to
touch his salary during the month. "
Atlanta Constitution.
. I
A provision that none but union la
bor shall be employed is held , in
Adams vs. Brenan (111. ( ) , 42 L. K. A.
718 , to be beyond tlie power of a pub-
lie corporation , such as a board of education -
cation , to make in a contract , as it constitutes -
stitutes a discrimination between , dif
ferent classes of citizens , and is of
such a nature as to restrict competi
tion and increase the cost of the work.
An act changing election districts
after they have once been established
by a statute based upon the last cen
sus and before a new census has been
taken is held , in Harmison vs. Ballot
Commissioners ( W. Va. ) , 42 L. R. A.
591 , to be in violation of West Virginia
constitution , art. G , sec. 10 , which permits - '
mits but one apportionment , after a
census until the next census is taken.
A statute making a fire department
association the recipient of privilege or
occupation taxes collected from insur
ance companies and imposing on it the
duty of disbursing or administering ;
the fund is held , in Phoenix Assurance
Company vs. Fire Department ( Ala. ) , ' *
42 L. R. A. 4GS , to be not unconstitutional - . * '
tional on that ground , where the mon- j f '
ey is applied to a public use. .
An attempt to commence an action
in a court of record by delivering a
summons to the sheriff with in-tent that
it be served , which is made equivalent
to the commencement of an action in -
New York , is held , in Hamilton * v.s.
Royal Insurance Company ( N. Y./42 )
L. R. A. 4S. , to be sufficient commencement - , -
ment of an action on a fire insurance
policy under a statute requiring the ac
tion to be brought within twelve
months after the fire.
Many Hands.
A pair of gloves passes through nearly -
ly two hundred hands , from the moment -
ment that the skin leaves the dresser'- *
till the time when the gloves are pur
Common sense is easier than non
sense. It is common sense to believe
what you know ; it is nonsense to believe - '
lieve a lot of unreasonable stuff that'
other people tell you.
With a man of 50 , the raffle is over ,
and he knows he hasn't won anything.
But a young man of 19 or 20 is just
shaking the box for his first throw. .