I . I 7 ! i * I NEW ' U i U 1 < * . 49 Our stock of Dry Goods , Shoes , 49 4 ? Eats , Caps , Trunks , Valises , Cloth 49 4 ? ing and Gents Furnishings has been 4 * 49 49 replenished throughout and we now 49 49 have s > ome of the best values ever offered for the inoncv. * * 49 4 ? Get our prices on Groceries. i * 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA 49 is- H Our spring line is now complete. We are better pre pared to fill the \\ants of customers than ever before COMPETITION DEFIED Our prices are made on the lowest cash basis. Prac tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed D. StinardClothier. . And will for two or three months boil many other things , among them Buckeye Mowers and "Repairs and cutting parts for any and all makes of machines. I also handle Binding Twine in season. "Wagons and spring wagons always on hand. Am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing , wagon making and painting. Brand mak ing a specialty. E. EUKLANDER . SU % 1 few. ! * I V fort ? im , I 1 TEVENSON SUCCESSORS TOTHEO.TILLSON , W HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR SARN A. M. MO-RRISSE O- ATTORNEY -AT LAW o - / - -o VALENTINE. NEB < < O.W.MOREY jj < THE VALENTINE WATCH , MAKER AND JEWELER ft Carries a full line of ftor- ? * ling silver novelties A. WKLLS J. H. WELLS WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! Offiuv VJierry C F M. WA LCUTT ATTORNEY- AND ABSTRACTBR ValerjtinE , Nebraska tufies in DHfrift ( 'onrt rtiid U. 8. Laud Oitlcn. Keai K * ate dUti Italic ! ) 1'hiperty puiittlU and sold. JJouded Abstracter. A N.COMFTON ! PHTSICIA.N AND SURaEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Nights-Upstairs-Red Front J. S. ESTABROOK,8 , COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at Estabrook House on Cherry St. * VALENTINE. NEB. ' i J. C. DWyJEH. E. H. DWr R. * DWYBE BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONSi * r Superintendents of ] | A Private Hospital , \v For the Treatment of Diseases n All Kinds of Surgical Operations - ' e ations Successfully j j a Performed. i TV j i i VALENTINE , - - NEBRASKA , n j WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT i i " SOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher i ft I MOVr IVwr ! I = II I ! Knitv < ) / ittljiIVitotllce at Valentine. Clirrry , ' i 'imv. vf ! ra 'kd. us Second-class mutter. Titis paper will be mailed regularly its Mihr Ti tiers until a definite order > disruiiTiiuie t.s received and ail arrears - rears are paid in full i . Kioriitionary i-nt rifihiiiif nt , June 2- { . Diiv. . iilv4. Crops are lookingline. . Spring Capes at T. C1. Hornby's. - Did ou see T. C' . Hornby's silk win- * " ! dowv 14 Everything1 seems quiet after the races. Large invoice of shoes af cost , at E. McDonald's. Floyd Kime was in from Chester field 3resterda3\ "Wild fruit will be plentiful in Cher ry county this season. There will be a recital at the M. E. Church tomorrow night. Fine line of Mackintoshes on sale at Farnham & Dikeruan's. 10 New York apple butter for sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 3-2 The supreme court will decide the court house question this week. We will sell shoes at cost for the next thirty days. E. McDonald. Handsomely decorated China ware given away , at W. A. Pettycrew's. A fine lot of feice posts for sale. Max E. Viertel , Crookston , Nebraska. Ed Clarke went to Omaha Sunday to look after some business matters. A move is on foot to purchase a bell for the M. E. Church. It needs it. The county dads are in session , spending the past week as a board of. equalization. I Insurance against hail , fire , light ning and tornadoes at lowest rate. I. M. Rice , agent. This is no baking powder scheme , but genuine hand painted China ware given away , at "W. A. Pettycrew's. Billy Kincaid's house is nearing completion and all the damsels in town are busy speculating on who I , T. O , Berkley and T. J. Smith have established the Perry Enterprise at the new town of Perry , between At kinson and Butte. Anyone wishing horses broke to ride or drive , call on Amos Strong Valentine , Nebraska. 19 Bill Kime was in town the first of the week from his ranch near Kenj j nedy. as several people knew. Worley Ellis and Steve Tatman were among the Ainsworth sports who attended the races last Friday. , Wm. Hook was down from Cody last week and gave us another order for stationery with his stock brand thereon. D oirt fail to see those hand painted' ' dishes. Absolutely given away , at , A , Pettycrew's , 22 The Methodists observed Childfen's f Day at their ehtif ch Sunday evening by rendering a splendid program to a < large audience. WAITED TO TEAD - A seven year d old mare and colt and two yearling h' dolts , all well bred , for a two-year old bull. HANS tlLRICH. 'Old Cap well" was in town this week on business , and spent a portion of the time trying to find someone willing to be his pallbearers when he dies. Valentine and Harmony played ball Saturday afternoon on the home grounds or at least it was adverti sed as a ball game , Score 3i to 16 in oJ favor of HarmonVi oJR We want contracts for building in ditches and guarantee satisfaction. la Top of ditch 3 | f eetibottom 14 inches ; fc depth from 16 to 24 inches. Call on reM or address Lane & Smith , Cody , Ne M braslca. 19 w L. M * Bates arrived in the city last week and has about decided to locate to here and establish a law office. Luke is quite well known to our people and we believe will make a success here if anybody can , m TV' The railroad has had a gang1 of He men here since last week working on the tyater tank wnich they expect to of improve. They expect to be here a couple of weeks longer. Miss Emily McClean , of Fremont ; will give an elocutionary entertain ment at the M. E. Church. Friday evening , June 23 , at 8 p. m. , under the auspices of the Epworth League. ing Miss McClean comes to us well recom the mended. Admission. 15 cents. Closing Out Sale. We will commence at * once to olowe out our entire stock ut c'O.st , and continue nntil at I is Hold. tttiuard & Weeks. ' Mrs. C. F. Martin came up from Woodlake Saturday to visit her hus-1 ' band \ , and will now probably make this her home. j The salary of the Valentine post master lias been raised from $1,100 to $1,200 per annum , and Postmaster Sherman is receiving congratulations. Business at the local land office has ' been so good the past year that the register and receiver will receive their maximum salary of $3,000 for their 1 year's labor. Where will you celebrate the Fourth of July ? Cody will have a celebration , so will Kennedyand each of the sub-agencies on the reserva tion will have a fine time. Brig. Gen. T. H. Stanton , paymas ter-general of the army during the Spanish war , but now on the retired list , is in town this week visiting with A. E. Thacher and other friends. The editor's wife came home rather unexpectedly last Friday afternoon from her visit at Longpine , and we are happy to say she found him per fectly sober and attending to busi ness. Arrangements are now under way for a fall race meeting to be held in Valentine , which , if completed , will result in the hanging up of $1,500 in purses. This sum will make races worth coming hundreds of miles to see. The public will please take warning that I positively forbid any hunting or fishing on my lands f i om the date of this publication ; and any violating this order will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. EDWARD ORMESHER. Elmer Ayers is building a neat dwelling house in the northeast part of town. It is surprising how rapidly that part of the town has growa with in the past two years , no less than fifteen new buildings having been erected in that time. A dance will be given at the Cor nell Hall , Friday , June 23 , proceeds to go towards helping liquidate the loss by fire of N"ewt Grooms and Mrs. Osborn. Tickets on sale at both the drug stores at 50 cents. Good music and a grand time is assured all. ' Harry Preshaw. while working at the mill yesterday morning , stepped on a nail which was sticking up through a plank and punctured an arterjr in his foot. He nearly bled to death before medical assistance ar rived and is now laid up for repairs. Judge James Morris , of Johnstown , was in the city Saturday as counsel in the Waite lawsuit , and made us a friendly call. The Judge was on the Pacific coast during" the meeting1 of the editorial association at Ainsworth I r and many regrets were heard at that f time in regard to his absence. Should you wish to improve the quality of your bread use the cele brated Yeast Foam. Nothing like it for producing a light , sweet , nutri tious loaf of bread. It will retain its inO , moistui e and rich flavor longer than O bread raised with any other yeast m ever put on the market. Try it. oi oiai While riding horseback Sunday even ai ing Mrs , J. C. Wells was thrown else ) from her horse into a bar"b wife fence se near the Minnechaduza and slightly C ; injured * Her horse received about teh ; thirty cuts from the wife , and this h delayed < the departure of herself and SCw ' husband to Butte for several days * w tl At the Demflresl medal contest in I Qi the M. E. church last Friday evening Mabel Marsden won first place in a class of five. A contest for a gold medal will be held soon , and the district - ps trict contest for the large gold medal ea will be held at the Longpine Chau- ns tauqua some time during the coming nsT ? session which opens on August llth. su suTi Agent McChesney and a large force Ti Indian police came over from nc Rosebud Sunday , and Monday mornIng - fei Ing left town with another 850.000the , th last payment to be made the Sioux pe for the occupancy of a part of their th reservation by the Lower Brules. th Many an eye was wistfully turned to * COin ward ; the wagon carrying the treas ure , but the sight of the rifles of the police changed the fever of longing the chill of dispair or at least the inward calumen of content. , J. B. Sweeney returned Thufsdav of morning from his eastern trip which an was made in the interest of the firm , in came home better satisfied than no ever with the prospects of a favor * klj able season for stockmen in this part me the state. The firm have over co eleven hundred head of cattle at sc < present , and Mr. Sweeney informs us yo that they expect to buy about two wi hundred head more , which with those ne now on their ranch will be placed in inj feed yards in the corn belt for finishbri this fall. His trip east was for an purpose of arranging for their be : feeders. Whitman Sun. da ; n \\h \ v y I N G 1 i % > l j ai > ci/M > cc Before - Buying - Elsewhere GENERAL MERCHANTS Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition to this 1 have just received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine. Nebraska D. S. Ludwig Ever compare the expense of a city store with the expense of a country store ? Look at their higli vents , water taxes , heavy insurance , and a dozen other items that n , country store don't have. Then does it look reasonable that they can sell you goods cheaper than we can. If you are ready for your spring purchase come in and see our stock and get our prices. Will you be one to keep your money at home ? MAX E , VERTEL X Agent for Pasteur Blackleg Vaccine. Crookston , Nebraska Chas. Smythe sold his farm to young Lovejoy the past week for a good consideration. John Schultz and George Moss were in Valentine from Uenzel this week on land office business. The F. E. & M. V. will sell special excursion : tickets to Hot Springs and return ( on August 8 , good returning for < 30 days. Also July 4 and 18 and August 22. at one fare plus 52.00 for the round trip. I. T. Richardson and Wm. Pullman nade a trip to Rock county the past veek and while there purchased the Dpp ranch on Pony Lake , about 15 niles south of Newport. This is one f the best ranches in Rock county md is composed of 12 quarter sections f good hay land. We af e sorry to ice these gentlemen leave Cherry ouny ( , but as they feel it to their in- erest to leave , both having sold their icrne ( ranches , we ar"e glad they have 'ecUredso good a location. They sail : move to their new home within he netft 30 days , and the good wishes if hundreds of friends will go with hem. i : The local political complexion on the i iart of the republicans for this fall's ampaign seems to favor the renomi- lation of Daniels or Reese for clerk ; hackrey ] tor treasuier , Ikown for uperintendent , Loporte for sheriff and 1ucker for judge. The fusionists are o . . . . . . : ot worrying over this combination but eel satisfied of nominating a ticket bat will come out victorious in com- etition with those named. We have be votes and if signs fail not , will 'g'.O illll Ills * I III cast J bem for fall.'g'.O sweep in Cherry ounty this fall. Grand Fourth o ! July Celebration J | Where ? Why in that lovely grove 1 John Adamson's pasture the icest place in Cherry county ; plenty shade , plenty of good cool water nd refreshment to be had any time ithe day. Bowery dance in after * eon and evening , racing" of various inds , swings , Speaking , singing and lerrymaking of all kinds. Artists ome and bring your cameras for the enery is grand. Young men bring our best girls : old men bring your ives and spend the day with- your eighbor that you have been neglect- all spring. Everybody come and ring your lunch baskets well filled ad enjoy a day long to be remem- 2red and. fitted for a national holi- Plaintiffs Pay the Freight. Judges Kinkaid and W estover held a special term of distri ct court here last Friday and Saturday for the pur pose of trying the Waite , Bachelor , Ball , Roby , Rowley cases , in which , the lines of Township 33 , Range 27 , are in question. 'Large numbers of witnesses were present , but much to the regret of all lovers of justice the cases were dismissed on request and at the cost of plaintiffs , ere a decision had been given. This leaves the mat ter in exactly the same position it was before the trial , and all parties are as much dissatisfied as before. We hope , however , that the matter ' will be amicably adjusted by the par ties concerned , and that no more trouble will arise therefrom. Several times we have called , the attention of our citizens to the fact that the water supply of the town would soon be inadequate to the needs of the public , but up to date no measures have been taken to either increase or conserve the supply. The city engineer informs us that the present supply amounts to 40,000 gallons per day. but if the weather is at ; all warm he is forced to pump creek water into the mains in 'order to keep up the necessary pressure. t The creek water seems to be / ; good , s | but it needs to be filtered or allowed j to settle before it is fit for use , and. ' this causes great inconvenience to households where cooking- being : ' done. Again , if this continues the ' ' mains will soon become foul and after that even the best o ± water will be come contaminated. We have frequently - * quently offered a aug-gestion that meters be used , but it falls flat , ap 1C parently , and we'd like to see some one else try his hand. Something" should be done at once , if we are to avoid an epidemic of fever during the * hot weather now coming on. * Valentin © House J. A. HOOTOX , Prop. Recently opened and newly fujEJ Not a restaurant , but a hotel , $1.00 * PEE DAT I"he best of viands and treatment gfveiF v to our patrons. First Door" f