Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, June 22, 1899, Image 12

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    fSew Richmond , Wis. , a Scene of
Death and Ruin.
More than 400 Injured in Their Ruined
Homes or by Fire.
Details of the Cyclone's Terrible
Havoc Are Sickening Mancled Bodies
ies Roasted in Burning : Homea-X.it-
lle City a Complete Wreck Second
Storm Strikes Herman , Neb. , Blow
ing Out a Score of Lives Damage at
Other Places.
Hew Richmond , Wis . 129
Herman , Xeb. ( estimate ) . 20
Boardman , Wis . . . 4
Onalaslca , Wis . 2
La Crosse , Wis . 2
Clear Lake , Wis . 3
I C Total dead . 100
New Richmond , Wis . 380
Herman. Nob. ( estimate ) . 50
Ban-on , Wis 2 ,
Clear Lake , Wis . 2
Total injured 434
Details of the storm that destroyed New
Richmond , Wis. , on Monday evening show
it to have been fully as serious as at first
reported. An order for 200 coffins receiv
ed in St. Paul tells the worst in a breath.
The dead , at the time this is written , are
estimated at 150 , while the injured are
r not less than 400. As many of these are
. fatally injuied the death-list will be con
siderably increased. Fire following im
mediately in the wake of the storm added
new terror to the situation. The total
lack of medical assistance and the injury
-or death of one-half the total population
of the town , with fire sweeping the wreck
left by the storm , constituted a situation
.seldom surpassed for horror.
A battle with such a list of casualties
would stir the nation from Florida to
Puget Sound. These deadly storms are a
yearly occurrence in the Mississippi val
ley , and though they seldom find so many
victims in a single village they are an un
failing factor in the mortality records of"
the country. The storms of the present
season have been worse than usual. There
is apparently nothing that can be done to
prevent or materially lighten these peri
odic disasters. No human ingenuity can
tell where they are going to strike. Even
sm-ii salutary precautions as cyclone cel
lars are not always effective , as was
shown in the New Richmond disaster ,
where many victims imprisoned under the
wreck were roasted to death by the fire
that followed.
The Wisconsin cyclone exhibited all the
incredible freaks that go with the worst
of these twisting storms , such as carrying
away a 3.000-pound safe , taking the bark
off irees , tearing loose boards to splinters ,
decapitating a man , and carrying others
to considerable distances almost uninjur
ed. The largest brick block in the town ,
crowded wiih farmers just returning from
the circus , was- crushed like an eggshell ,
1 and the lighter frame dwellings were
whisked away like straw , while the Cath
olic and Baptist churches were both left
standing. The property damage in the en
tire .track of the storm cannot be less than
Path of the Cyclone.
The origin of the Minnesota tornado , so
far as can be ascertained , was in the val
ley of the.Minnesota river in the vicinity
of Maukato. It swept eastward to the
-St. Croix la ke , on the border line of the
two States , and culminated there about G
o'clock in the evening in a cyclone , the
main tongue of which , leaping and boundIng -
Ing through the gaps in the St. Croix
range , followed the line of the North Wis
consin division of the Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad to New gl
Richmond. Then it disappeared in the
lake region northeast of fclear Lake and
The path of the cyclone was very close teiwe
to that of the famous one of 1884 , which , weWJ
crossing the St. Croix near Marine Mills , ent
just skirted the suburbs of New Richmond
mend and then destroyed the town of cit
Clear Lake , about twelve miles northeast. go
The region is peculiarly susceptiWe to tin
-electrical heat storms of this character , soi
owing to the existence of a great heat sid
Docket or basin at St. Croix lake , bounded th :
on the eastern and western sides by high '
bluffs and having only few and narrow
outlets into the agricultural country and
pine land northeast of the lake. air
In Minnesota the cities of St. Paul , Min inl
neapolis , Maukato , Winona , Faribault coi
.and neighboring communities suffered sta
much damage from the tornado and con wt
siderable injury through the heavy rains frc
which followed the blow. In Wisconsin , hu
aside from the frightful destruction at yelI
New Richmond , Hudson , La Crosse , Cain-
eron , Barren , Burkhardt , Boardman and ac
nearly all of the places of the well-settled US'
.portion of the St. Croix and Chippewa floi
sections suffered heavily from wind and rai
o-ain. ing
Urgent appeals for the necessities of life no
Vr 3iave come from New Richmond , and me
* '
, * ' tram's loaded with physicians and supplies
-yere sent to that'stricken town from all mo
-portfoils of the Omaha and Northwestern of
railroad lines. Troops from the National alv
Guard of Wisconsin were ordered to New Ne
Richmond for the purpose of protecting
-property and policing the town. Gov. Sco-
iOeld of Wisconsin issued an appeal for aid
i to all. the cities of the State , and speedy To
tresponse has been made.
Stricken Town Crowded.
- St. Paul , only thirty-six miles distant He
4 from New Richmond , and Stillwater , on ish
" .jthe west shore of the beautiful St. Croix ty
Uake , were among the first communities to ent
. -jespond to the cry of distress which went sta
< ' .jap from the cyclone-swept community. res
. ; ' 'Owing to the destruction of the telegraph nd
' . ' p ' "ilines , though' , much time elapsed before ancI
tmen who traveled by horse over flooded tW
, ronds. and tremendous windfalls of tim- but
'Jj.er could reach the wires which were heir
> * rjsr
ORNADOES have been known in America for a century or more , and
thousands of persons have been killed and injured by them. A record of
these visitations since 1794 shows tremendous loss of life and property. On
Feb. 9 , 1884 , the country from the Mississippi river to the Atlantic was the dancing - '
ing ground for sixty terrible tornadoes , which killed 800 people and injured nearly
3,000 , while they reduced to ruins 10,000 buildings. During the period from 1794
down to the present time the most disastrous cyclone was that at St. Louis on
May 27 , 1S9G. The precise number of persons killed has never been known , but
thy dead were several hundred and the injured many more. One of the earliest
cyclones on record was on May 7 , 1840 , in Adams County , Mississippi , when 317
people were killed. The same place was revisited two years later , when 500 were
killed. The property loss was very great. Louisville was stricken in 1890 , but
the same city was visited by a whirlwind as long ago as Aug. 27 , 1854. At that
time twenty-five persons were killed. Chicago people have always congratulated
themselves on the exemption of their city from the tornado , but away back in
1855 a cyclone leaped over Cook County and destroyed several lives and much prop
erty. A similar storm sweeping over the same ground to-day might kill thousands.
Here is a table of some historic windstorms in this country.
Place. Date. Killed. Injured. 'Loss.
Adams Co. , Miss June 1G , 1842 500 $1,260,000
Erie , Pa - . July 2G , 1875 134 500,000
Webster and adjacent counties , Mo April 18 , 1880 100 GOO 1,000,000
New Ulin , Minn July 15 , 1881 105 200 8UO,000
Griuuell , Iowa June 17 , 1882 100 300 iooooro
Emmetsburg , Iowa : June 24 , 1882 100
Central West and Southern States Feb. 9,1884 800 2,500 Unknown
Louisville „ Mcfi. 27 , 1896 76 200 2,150,000
Savannah and vicinity > . .Aug. 28 , 1893 1,000 Unknown
Louisiana and gulf coast Oct. 2 , 1893 2,000 Unknown
St. Louis May 27 , 1896 500 12,904,909
Kirksville , Mo Apr. 27 , 1889 50 500 Destroyed
Savannah , Ga. , and its vicinity seem peculiarly subject to destructive wind
storms. That beautiful city was storm-swept on Sept. 30 , 189G , and again in 1898 ,
with much loss of life and . On
property. May 20 of last year a cyclone tore great
holes in Iowa , Illinois and Wisconsin. Seventy people were killed and the loss to
property was very great. So far as property loss goes St. Louis thus far holds the
usable and send news of the appalling dis
There had been a circus in New Richmond
mend during Monday afternoon , a parade
in the morning , the show after dinner , and
then preparations for the evening's enter
tainment. Probably 1,500 farmers , their
wives : and children had gone to town to
enjoy the sport. Willow river , which rum
bjW the town and flows into Lake St. Croix ,
was ! lined with vehicles.
The day was uncomfortably hot , but
not until after 5 o'clock in the evening did
any one apprehend danger. The memory
of the Clear Lake cyclone had not passed
away , but still people were not prepared
feW a repetition of thtit tragedy. Some
women ( and children did notice the black
clouds < gathering in the south and west ,
and did not'ice their gyratory motion. Per
haps , as near as can be ascertained , there
were 200 or 300 of all within the town
during the afternoon who apprehended
that there was to come out of Catfish
bar , on the bosom of Lake St. Croix , one
of those rolling balls of electrical flame
an heat whS h men for want of a better
na call cyclone. These people fled to
their cellars and other retreats early , and
many of them owe their lives to that fact.
miH The i cyclone passed up the river from
Hudson , where the damage was compara
tively light Following the general course
of Willow river and the branch of the
Omaha road , the storm gained in inten
sity as it progressed , and was at its worst
when it struck the business center of New
Richmond. Outlying residences in the
path of the storm were stripped of shin
gles < and boards or sides were blown off ,
or , , as more frequently happened , were
torn asunder and the fragments were scat
tered to the four winds of heaven. Trees
svere uprooted and roadways blocked ,
tvashed away or so overflowed as to be
entirely unrecognizable.
The people who had crowded-into the
ity for the circus were shopping before
oing home in the evening. It was at this
time the storm cloud came up from the
southwest. The circus grounds were out
side the path of the storm , but most of
he ( people , being in the business places ,
fel a prey to the terrific wind.
Fire Adda to the Horror.
There was a rush and a roaring ; In the
and sudden , appalling darkness. The
nky blackness of the atmosphere that accompanies - '
companies all cyclonjc storms almost in-
itantly engulfed the town. Through this
chortled trunks of trees , housetops , store
'ronts , sections of buildings animals and
luman beings , tossed like chips on the
rellow edge of a flood.
In ten minutes was all this on , with the
iccompaniment < of pitiless thunder and
ightning ; and then the horror of fire and
lood. Little wonder that the survivors
an from pillar to post like madmen cry-
for this lost one and that and hearing
answer but the savage roar of the ele- b
nents. in
And , by and by , when there was no inv
nore to destroy , there came .the shining > v
the stars and the awful calm which e
ilways rests upon the place of the dead. ol
Richmond was no more. tl
'own of Herman * Neb. , Laid in Ruins tt
by a t-torni. tl
A tornado which struck the town of I
lerman , . Neb. , Tuesday evening demol-
shed its 300 houses , killing at least twen-
persons : and injuring 150 more. In the
ntire village only two buildings are left
landing , a school house and one small
esideuce. The survivors are homeless ,
much suffering among them is certain.
Residents of Herman had npticed the
( huge clouds gathering to the north , er
the storm did not seem to menace di
town until about 6 o'clock. At that ni
time the black monsters , which had seem
ed certain to pass several miles to north ;
changed their course and headed directly
for the little city. In an instant panic
reigned. Women , children and men fled
in terror through the streets , many seek
ing their cellars , while others rushed to
the open lands in the outskirts.
Hundreds failed to note the approach ol
the tornado and were caught in their
homes , it being the usual hour for supper , 1
In an instant houses were lifted from their
foundations and carried high in the air ,
being dropped far away in unrecogniza
ble masses of debris. Mangled bodies
strewed the streets and the cries from
scores of injured buried under heaps of
twisted and splintered timbers added to
the horror of the scene. The wrecked
town was visited by a waterspout follow
ing immediately the tornado , and many
are believed to have drowned in their
wrecked homes.
Fcene an Appalling : One.
The force t > f the wind was such that
scarce one piece of any of the many struc
tures destroyed was left intact. The scene
in the streets was appalling. Wrecked
buildings and broken furniture , scarce rec
ognizable in its dilapidated condition , were
strewn all around , while dead bodies lay
in many places , the corpses badly disfig
ured and some of them hardly recogniza
The moans of the injured mingled piti
fully with the calls of the rescuers as they
pursued their humane task in the darkness
by the flickering gleams of lanterns.
A relief train from Blair arrived about
an hour after the storm , and the work of
caring for the wounded was begun. Will
ing hands did "what they could to help the
injured and in the course of an hour the
train pulled out for Blair with ninety-five
injured on board.
Herman is thirty-five miles from Oma
ha , and is situated on the lowlands be
tween the river and the bench or bluff
which defines the west bank of the Mis
souri river for miles. The census gives
the town a population of 500 , but it has
grown to nearly twice that number. There
were no large structures in the village ,
and not to exceed half the buildings were
of brick. The school house was a frame
structure , as were the churches. It is in
the midst of a rich farming country , rnd
there are several fine stock farms near by ,
that of Nelson Morris being one of the
best appointed in the State. The town
was sustained by these industries and the
dairy interests , which shipped many gallons
lens of milk to Omaha daily. Herman
was a prosperous village. :
Says Prof. Gilbert-City Will Be in
the Lake in 2,000 Years.
Chicago is threatened with annihilation _
by ; the waters of Lake Michigan , accord
ing to Prof. G. K. Gilbert. In an article
the latest volume of the geological sur
vey < reports , the distinguished scientist has
explained how it is that the gradual rising
of the land in the northeastern part of
the lake region and the sinking of the th -
level of the southern and western shores
of j the lake will , in the course of time , '
cause the lake system to be drained
through the Mississippi instead of through
the St. Lawrence. This will involve a
broad ' stretch of water just where Chicago
cage now stands , and the flow to the south
will be over the site of the city. Luckily
for people now alive , the professor places Li
the beginning of this condition at least re
500 years in the future , and it will not be
definitely established for 2,000 years or reffi
more. ffi
. ac
Judson Harmo , who was Attorney Gen , .r
eral in Mr. Cleveland's- cabinet , io a can
didate for a vacant judgeskip in Cincin
Missouri Congressman Kxpires After
Lingering Illness.
Congressman Richard P. Bland , better
known as "Silver Dick , " died Thursday
morning on his farm , about three miles
from Lebanon. Mr. Bland had been at
tacked by the grip some time ago and it
soon developed into illness of a serious
nature. The direct cause of his demise
was nervous prostration.
Richard Parks Bland was born Aug. 19 ,
1835 , near Hartford , Ky. He went to
Missouri when about 20 years old , and
five years later went to California and
thence to Utah. He practiced law there
among the miners , and had ample opportu
nity to study the mineral interests and
the relative output of gold and silver.
There he absorbed the doctrine of bimetal
lism. He returned to Missouri in 1865 ,
locating at Rolla , in Phelps County , and
in 1869 removed to Lebanon , his late
home. His most noted measure was a
bill for the free and unlimited coinage of
silver , restoring 412 grains of standard
silver as the dollar and the unit of value.
After passing the House it was amended '
in the Senate by Senator Allison , and was
known as the Bland-Allison law. It was
vetoed by President Hayes and passed by
both houses over his veto.
In 1894 Mr. Leland , the Republican can
didate , defeated him for Congress by a
narrow majority , but the silver champion
was re-elected two years later and again
in 1898. Before the Chicago convention
no man was named of toner as a presiden
tial possibility than Bland.
Bland never accepted a railroad pass ,
nor any other present for his political
work , although he was recognized as the
leader of the silver wing branch of the
House. Early in 1SG5 while Bland , in the
capacity of a schoolmaster on a vacation ,
was visiting the Young Ladies' Seminary
at Caledonia , Mo. , he met Miss Virginia
Mitchell , daughter of Gen. E. Y. Mitchell ,
whom he later married. By his simple r
directness and plain , kindly manners , Mr.J
Bland won a warm place in the hearts of J
his constituents and colleagues. :
Suspects in the Marion Clark Case Before - *
fore a Justice. E
George Barrow , Addie Barrow and
Bella Anderson , alias Carrie Jones , were
arraigned in New York
before Justice Furs-
man in the criminal a
| branch of the Supreme
Court , charged with
kidnaping Baby Ma
rion Clark. Bella Anderson - of
derson was called , and
by the advice of her
counsel , Abraham
Levy , she withdrew
her plea of not guilty
ffJill t ' " and pleaded guilty to
CARRIE JOXES. the charge of kidnap
ping. She was remanded to the Tombs.
The work of selecting a jury to try Bar
row was then begun.
Prof. Mas , Expert Chemist , Testifies
for Indnstrial Commission.
Testimony before the industrial commis
sion at Washington alleges that at the
time of its formation the glucose trust
doubled the price of its product. The evi
dence to this effect was given by Prof. Er
nest Mas , an expert chemist , who says he
was discharged by the trust because he for
would not sign certificates saying the im Pie
itation food products of glucose were not of
injurious. Prof. Mas said the by-product ?
3f corn flour are used for cheapening of
wheat flour , the starch is of the kind ordi
narily sold on the market as corn starch
the corn oil is used for making cod liver
oil , mixing it with olive oil , and as a sub
stitute for cotton seed oil. tion
In further examination the professor
stated that the similarity of linseed oil and ly
corn oil is so close that a chemist cannot
distinguish between them. There is a dif
ference of 40 cents a gallon be
tween the two in favor of linseed
oie . The wholesale dealers , to a large
extent , mix the two oils , selling the com
bination as pure linseed oil.
Brigadier General Hall Predicts Long : to
Conflict with the Natives. can
"The end of the war is a long way off , " the
writes Brig. Gen. Hall , now on duty in
t the ! Philippines , in a
letter to a friend in
Washington. * The
better is dated early
irti May , about the
ti inie Aguinaldo was
naking his over-
tt ures for peace , and
shows that the
A.mericau army ofli-
ers had little faith
n the sincerity of-
he request for peace MfPJI/Jlfr | / | | | .
' T- a
. * -
legdtiations. -
. ,
Gen. Otis has been GEIfHALL. . j
istructed to censor all news , and , to be OscR
onsistent , the War Department , since R
lie departure of Secretary Alger , has de- mitted
lined to make public many messages re- T
eived from the Philippines. Ohio
inly Five Cnbans and Filipinos I eft Cop
Alive at Fernando Po. an
The steamer Niger , which has arrived at A
ilverpool from the west coast of Africa , drank
eports that only five of several hundred Die
luban and Filipino political prisoners whc G
ere confined in the Spanish penal colony ed t
n the island of Fernando Po are alive hors
ow. The prisoners were treated with in- Jc
redible ferocity. They were herded like killed
beep , and were mercilessly thrashed with near
ippopotamus hide whips for trivial of- endi
enses. Disease killed dozens daily. tvas
Las Pinas , Near Manila , the Scene of
Hard Fiuhtinc Natives Offera Stub
born Resistance Heavy Losses In *
flicted on Both Sides.
A terrific battle with the Filipinos was
fought at Las Pinas Tuesday morning ,
Lawton's entire force of 3,000 men being
engaged with a large number of strongly
intrenched rebels. The fight continued
all day , and toward evening the rebels
had taken up a position but 500 yards to
the rear of the point where the engage
ment opened. The insurgents fought
doggedly , and on several occasions at
tempted to assume the offensive. At one
time they tried to turn the Americans'
left flank , but failed.
The first real artillery engagement since
the war in the Philippines began occur
red during the morning through the in
surgents opening fire from a masked bat
tery below Las Pinas. The Filipinos had
a smooth bore and a number of one-
pounders. They were answered by six
guns from the First artillery , and within
a few minutes the gunboat Helena and
the monitor Monadnock joined in with all
their guns. The second shell fired by the
Filipinos dropped and burst in the camp
of the Fourteenth Infantry. Only one
man , a private , was struck by fragments
of the shell. He was seriously wounded
General Lawton quickly led a recoil
noisance with two companies of the Twen
ty-first infantry. The Filipino artillery
was some distance back from the beach
and Lawton led his men between it and
the water front , being hidden by the
brush. When the detachment had pro
ceeded about a mile and a half it encoun
tered an overwhelming force of Filipino
regulars and a hot engagement at close
range , directly between the masked bat
tery and the bay , followed. So heavily
were General Lawton's men outnumbered
that they were forced to retire. They
rallied , however , and by-a sharp dash
succeeded in carrying the enemy's first
position. This left an open space to the
left , and a heavy flank fire was poured in
on the Americans , compelling them to re
treat to cover again.
The range was so close and the accu
racy of the Filipinos so good that two
officers and nineteen men of the detach
ment . were wounded. The American
troops dropped back out of range of the
Filipino fire and summoned a battalion of
the Ninth Infantry to re-enforce them.
At the same time battalions of the
Twelfth and Fourteenth Infantry were
sent forward along the road.
Americans Fall Into a Trap.
The companies of the Twenty-first regi
ment , skirmishing along the beach , with
amigo guides , found apparently a handful
of the enemy , who retreated. The men of
the Twenty-first followed and suddenly
the enemy opened a terrific fire on the
troops from the sides and the rear. The
soldiers withdrew to the water's edge ,
finding what shelter they could , and were
picked off rapidly.
After their ammunition was nearly ex
hausted the companies of the Twenty-first
retreated , but Gen. Lawton dashed down
and rallied the men. A little group made
desperate stand , Gen. Lawton , Maj.
Starr and Lieuts. Donovan and Sonnelly
taking rifles from the wounded men and it
firing at the enemy , bringing down some $
the rebel sharpshooters from a tree.
Finally their cartridges were all gone an'd
they were forced to break through the
enemy's flank , carrying the wounded to
the main body of the troops.
After firing in volleys for a short time $
the Americans were ordered to fire when | pa
and where they could see the enemy. It $
was every man for himself and the best
the men could do was to aim at the faint
mists , arising from the enemy's smokeless
powder. It was impossible to estimate the Ex
number of Filipino dead. There were
many dead bodies in the fields the Ameri
cans traversed.
This battlefield , incidentally , was for Est
merly the scene of several of the greatest
struggles between the Spaniards and the Rej
Filipinos. The Zapote was considered impregnable - '
pregnable and hundreds of Spaniards and
Filipinos have been killed while fighting Buicc
over the same bridge in former contests
its possession. In June , 1897 , Gens. Mai Bui
del Pilar and Trias turned the scale
war on the side of the Filipinos by de Offi
serting the Spanish army there on the eve Ord
a decisive battle , carrying native mi- Rgr
litia with them and thereby breaking the
chain of defense around Manila. Clo
In the afternoon the whole American .
force under General Lawton was in ac '
, and heavy fighting took place all Chi
along the line. The battle was apparent ,
the most severe one that the American
soldiers in the Philippines have been en
gaged in.
Gen. Otis seems to have been oversan- Pr
guine when he reported that Gen. Law-
ton's gallant capture of Laa Pinas and
Paranaqua on Saturday had broken the wt
resistance of the insurgents In the prov cial
of Cavite. Tuesday's
engagement can :
between the Filipinos and Lawton's forces
spite of the aid given by warships seems by
have resulted in the heaviest Ameri
loss suffered since the beginning of Gei
outbreak. Gen. Otis' official dispatch rec
the loss in killed
places and wounded at haste
thirty but an Associated
, Press dispatch to
later says the American loss is
con eno
servatively estimated at sixty. Phi
Telegraphic Brevities. '
Scurvy prevails to an
alarming extent in ed
Alaska. ;
Said that Japan will try to re-claim Co- nth
from Russia. to
Session of the Church of God , Decatur
, denounced "faith cures. " ' I mei
Trolley car , Pittsburg , Pa. , collided with f ° rt
wagon. Several people injured. , nil ng
Julia , Crosby and her husband disagreed
, P
Osceola , Iowa. She shot him deadr faci
Rev. Mr. Webb , Baptist minister , com can
suicide , Cisco , Texas. Insane. arri
Trial of Paul Zeltner , Bowling Green par
, for killing Attorney Westenhaveri can
Monday. ully
Isaac Reck and daughter , Mrs. Mary J. sen
, Alliance , Ohio , stepped in front of to
engine. i Killed. try
Albert C. Allenbrand , Dunkirk , N. Y
' rem
of 100 bottles of pop last week. S'.TV
< in convulsions.
Geo. Smith , "Pittsburg Phil , " is report- ( r"1
to have won § 50,000 or $ < iO,000 on his I1
, Lothario , at Gravesend.
John W. Brown was shot and instantly
by Gabe Slow , his father-in-law , -
Front Royal , Ky. , while Brown was'G
endeavoring to kill his own wife. Slow lie
Assassinated by Gnnrd nt AgTiinal-
do'a Headquarters.
General Antonio Luna , one of the bit
| terest foes of the Americans in the Philippines
{ assassinated by orders of
pines , has been
General Aguinaldo , the Filipino leader.
Luna has recently found himself in oppo
sition to his chief's views , and .has not
only disobeyed his orders , but at one time
stopped Aguinaldo's peace commissioners
while on their way to treat with the
Americans. Aguinaldo ordered his death
and his orders were carried out by some
aiol his fanatical followers.
The assassination of Gen. Luna occur
red on June 8 , at Kabanatuan , to which
place he had gone to confer with Agui-
naldp. He had just previously been pro-
mated to the rank of major general by the
Filipino leader. Bya preconcerted plan
he was kept waiting at the doorof Agui
naldo's headquarters until his patience be-
came exhausted. After demanding an admission
mission several times he attempted to
force his way in. He drew his revolver ,
but before he could use it he was seized by
Aguinaldo's guards and one of them nam
ed Xey stabbed him several times , it is
said. Gen. Luna's aid , who was near him ,
rushed to the general's rescue , but was.
seized and'disarmed. Luna died a few
minutes after being stabbed.
It ] is said that Luna had become so im
portunate in his demands on Againaldo
for : power and increased authority that
the < Filipino leader decided that Luna's
death was necessary for his personal
safety : and the Filipino cause. The major
general's commission was merely a bait
to throw Luna off his guard and render
his assassination a comparatively easy
matter. There is open rejoicing among
the < Filipinos in Manila that Luna is no
longer capable of making trouble. He was
noted throughout his career for producing
inj discord and mischief wherever he was.
Little of the $50,000,000 Appropri
ated by Congrress Now Remains.
Little of the $50,000,000 appropriated
by Congress before the war with Spain ,
and made available until July 1 , remains
inPr the treasury. Allotments made by the
President exceed that sum by $58,216.90 ,
bu as the War Department has a little
more than $3,000,000 of its allotment on.
hand no deficiency will be created. Other
appropriations ] were made by Congress for
the army and navy during the "war , but
was found necessary to also utilize the
As the war with Spain was primarily a
naval struggle , most of the money appro
priated in preparation was spent by the
aavy. Allotments made by the President
for the Navy Department amounted to
$31,088,589.20 , and those for the War De
partment , to $18,909,627.68 , a total of
50,058,216.90. The Treasury Depart
ment has given out this statement of the
allotments made :
Expended ] for ships , etc $17,739,3S4.2G
Qrdnance , powder and shell. . . 7,912,084.20
Equipment of vessels , purcliasa
ofoal , etc 1,290,883.47-
Establishment of coaling sta
tions and repairs at naval
stations 1,038,480.00
Repairing and converting ves
sels Into men-of-war. 2,230,630.00
Repairs to machinery of ves
sels 430,613.50
Bureau of supplies and ac
counts ; 178,984.15
Bureau of navigation 101,000.00
ilarine corps 106,529.64
Office of Secretary of War $225,000.00
Ordnance material , powder
and shell 9,081,494.86
Repairs and extension of forti
fications ( 5,585,000.00
Joining : , transportation , ships ,
.ct - ; 1,989,230.82
Jedical supplies ' , etc 1,520,000.00
'aymaster's department 255,00000
iiief _ , . signal boardl officer 238,900.00
President ( Decides to Give Him 3Iore
Men than He Asked.
Under a plan that has been
arranged be-
iween President McKinley and the offi-
nals of the War
, the Ameri-
an fighting force in the Philippines will
increased to 35,000 men , all
regulars , '
the beginning of the dry season. ThS 'I
mmber is o,000 greater than estimated
Sin ? : ? . lnecfsa.r administration ! ? to ( lue11 the insur-
, however
come to the conclusion that
it is better
have a few more troops
than just
nougb required for all purposes in
Philippine campaign.
After a great deal of consideration
subject the determination of
by President McKinley and was his S-
isers that in order to provide Gen Otis
30,000 troops it would be necessary
give him a surplus number , so theicl-
rounded and those whose terms o ? enuJ * :
nent had expired would not reduce tb-
orce below the estimate
of the coinmamU
. general. All these additional
be taken from the Otis'I
Plans wnich the officials consider
actory have been prepared , and will ll
arned , nto effect when the proper
raves. Officers on duty at the War
artincnt ! said that these "plans had
artfully arranged and would be ucces
executed without detriment to tit
ervice The plan likely to be adopted
send two-thirds of nearly
, regiment and of some Jf cara
laments to the Philippines , retain
emaining third ofteach regimPnt Sn
i-rvice and keeping everv or-anl ?
mited to its full strength
President Schurman of the
emission , denies that there"fa
between him and Gen. Otis