44Better Be Wise t Than Rich'9 Wise people are also rich when they know a perfect remedy for all annoying diseases of the blood kidneys , lever and bowels. It is Hood's SarsapariHa , which is per feel in its action so regulates the entire system as to bring vigorous health. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination , but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SVRUP Co. only , and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing- true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only , a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA FIG SVRUP Co. with the medi cal profession , and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families , makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives , as it acts on the kidneys , liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them , and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects , please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , Cnl. LOUISVILLE. Ky. NK\V TOUR. N. Y. "After I wan Induced to try CA8CA- EETS , I will never be without them In the house. My liver was in a very bad shape , and my head ached and I bad stomach trouble. Now. since talc- Ing Cascarets , I feel tine. My trlfe has also used them with beneficial results for sour stomach. " Jos. KKEIILINU , 1921 Congress St. , St. Louis , Mo. CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken , Weaken , or Gripe , IDc , 25cSOc. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Remedy Coopiiaj , Chicago , Montreal , Ken Tflrl. 318 Tfl RAP Sold and guaranteed by all drug- I U"uAu gists to CURE Tobacco Habit. I In the Great Grain and Grazing Baits of West- era Canada and infor- matiom as to bow to se- i cur * them CAR be had om application to the Da- partmaat of the Iiterlor , Ottawa , Canada , or to U Bartholomew , 206 5th Street , DCS Moints. Iowa , Agent for the Government of Canada. LADIES ! The Periodical Monthly Regulator ne\er falls ; scaled box by mall , $1.00. NEW YORK CHEMICAL. CO. . Box 70 , Milwaukee , Wisconsin. S. C. N. U. - 25-99 CURLS WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Couch Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. SAMPLES OF IRISH WIT. Pat's Ready Tongue Maintains Ho Imputation. Two laborers set out from \Yesford to walk to Dublin. By the time they reached Bray they were very tired with their journey , and the more so when they were told they were still twelve miles from Dublin. "Be me sowl , " said one. after a little thought , "sure , it's but six miles apiece ! Let us walk on. " During a discussion at a meeting of the Trinity College Historical Society upon the slight consideration attached to life by uncivilized nations , a speaker mentioned the extraordinary circuui- stauce that in China if a man were con demned to death he could easily hire a substitute to die for him. "And , " the debater went on , "I believe many poor fellows get their living by acting as substitutes in that way ! " "Well , Mick , " , said my friend , . "I've heard some queer stories about your doings lately. " "Och , ' don't belave tlilin , ser , " replied Mick. "Sure , half the lies tould about me by the naybors isn't thrue ! " A child went crying to its mother and reported that it had swallowed a but ton. "Well , well , look at * that now ! " cried the woman. "Begor , I suppose the next thing you'll do is to swallow a buttonhole ! " This reminds me of the graphic description by a beggar man of his tattered coat : "Faith , ver hon- ner , it's nothiu' but a parcel of holes sewn together. " A curious peculiarity of the Irish na ture is the wide limits to which rela tionship is extended. "Do you know Pat Median ? " a peasant was asked. "Of course I do , " was the answer. "Why , he's a near relation of mine. He wauce proposed for my sisther Kate. " A clergyman told me that he has a parishioner who is much addicted tc drink. Meeting the man one day when , as the people say , "he had a drop in , " the priest insisted that he should take the pledge , for it was the only protec tion against the temptations of the public house. "You've never seen a teetotaler drunk , Tom , " said the priest. "Ah , your rivereuce , " replied Tom , "I've seen many a man drunk , but I couldn't tell for the life o' me whether they wor teetotalers or not ! " London Spectator. The Summer Bath. Nothing is more refreshing and invigor ating in summer than a daily bath. Butte to have it beneficial soft water and good soap must be used. Ivory Soap is the best for the purpose ; it is pure , dissolves quickly , sweetens and purifies the cuticle , gives a healthful glow to the skin , and leaves it white and soft. Early in the morning or just before retiring at night will be found the most suitable times for bathing. ELIZA R. PARKER. Force of Rifle Bullet. In the English official regulations for 1S9S it is stated that the mean extreme range of the Lee-Metford bullet may be taken as about 3,000 yards , although , with a strong wind , 3,700 yards have been observed. The bullets find their way through joints of walls , unless the walls are made very Hue and set in cement. About 130 rounds , concen trated on nearly the same spot at 200 yards , will break a nine-inch brick wall. Rammed earth gives less pro tection than loose. When fired into sand the bullet is found to be always turned aside after it has entered a lit tle way. Los Angeles and Return. $52.OO On June 25 to July 8. Choice of routes going or returning , at Northwestern office , Security Bank Building , or address II. C. Cheyney , General Agent , Sioux City , Iowa. The Death Penalty a Failure. A writer in the Arena contends that the death penalty has been a failure in this country , basing this conclusion on the increase in homicides. The figures given are somewhat startling. In 1880 there were only 4,290 homicides in the United States , but in fifteen years the number went up to 10,500. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of THE MAN "ON THE FENCE" NEEDS BUT A HINT TO BRING HIM DOWN ON THE RIGHT SIDE. He wants to buy a binder. Has been fooled once or twice and now really wants to know what machine can be relied upon what machine will actually "live up" to the claims made for it by its makers. Here.are some hints : 50,000 more Deering machines were sold last season than in any previous year , 6700 employes are working day and night in the Deering factories. 85 acres of ground are covered by the Deering factories twice as large as any other in existence. Deering machines have the only perfect ball and roller bearings. Deering machines are the lightest draft grain and grass cutters ever built. These are straws. They tell which way the wind blows. They should be helpful hints to the man on the fence. DEERING HARVESTER CO. , - - CHICAGO. Do You Know that There Is Sci ence in Neatness ? Be t I , 5 Wise and Use J - I1SAPOLIO i * * > DIFFICULT CHINESE LANGUAGE. Lack of Alphabet and Number of Char acters Distinguishinc Features. The oldest spoken language now ex- ( stent upon the earth is the Chinese. It lias an enormous list of words the estimate of the number of characters ranges from 23,000 to 2JO,000. ( The lan guage has no alphabet. Each character represents a complete idea , and corresponds spends , practically , to the English word. It is written in columns from top to bottom of the page , and from right to left. A Chinese book ends where an English book begins. Writing is done with a tine camel's-hair brush and india ink. The lack of an alphabet and the num ber of characters make the labor of learning to read Chinese burdensome. Each character must be learned by it self. When the student has mastered 5,000 characters the succeeding thou sands must be learned in the same way. Those which he has mastered furnish no assistance to learning the others , save as practice may have given him a certain quickness in perceiving the pe culiar form which distinguishes each character from its fellows. The grammar of the language is so simple as to be almost non-existent. The same word serves indifferently as a noun , verb , adverb or adjective. Moods , tenses , persons , gender and number are lacking ; there are neither conjugations , nor declensions , nor aux iliary verbs. The few Chinese who have attempted to master the English tongue regard its grammatical con struction as clumsy and full of pitfalls. The Chinese characters give no clew to the pronunciation , and no amount of book study will enable a foreigner to speak the language. That ability must be acquired from the lips of a living teacher , assisted by months of- drill , a quick ear , and great flexibility of the vocal organs. Even the most faithful effort fails to enable many foreigner ? to speak Chinese correctly. The Animated Stump. Reforms are wrought in many and curious ways , but seldom in a stranger manner than that in which , says the Kansas City .Star , a certain drunkard was sobered. This man had wandered at midnight into a low saloon. He gave his order , and then leaned against the bar for support. A man standing near bj- took from one pocket an addressed envelope , and r'rom another a stamp , which he moist ened with his tongue. Instead of ad hering to the envelope , as the man in tended , the stamp slipped from his fin gers and flutteredto the floor. The tippler saw it fall , and staggered forward to pick it up. Just as he was about to grasp it , the stamp darted in a zigzag course toward the side wall , like a scared thing. Filled .with aston ishment , the drinker drew back and in tently watched the bit of paper , which , upon reaching the wall , began to ascend. As it ascended , the tippler's face grew more intent , his body more rigid. He saw nothing but the mysterious , moving thing. His mind was soggy from years of ceaseless drinking. He thought that the animated stamp was a warning. At the top of the wainscoting the stamp stopped , squatted as if for a mo ment's rest before ascending higher , and then made a dart toward the tip pler's haggard face. The trembling sot saw it stop , saw it hesitate , and leap. He was unquestionably doomed if he continued longer to drink to excess ; the stamp had been given life to warn him. So it seemed to him. With a pitiful yell of fear and determination he rushed from the saloon. From that eventful night until he died , in prosper ous circumstances , recently , the man never swallowed a drop of liquor. The moistened stamp had fallen upon a cockroach's back , and stuck there. Oldest Bank Note Extant. Among the many products of civiliza tion which were familiar to the Chinese many centuries before they came into use in Europe may be reckoned bank notes. There is at this moment in the possession of "The Old Lady in Thread- needle Street" a specimen supposed to be one of the oldest extant , dating from the fourteenth century of our era. It is now proved , however , that paper money was issued in China as early as 807 A. D. These securities closely re sembled the famous French assignats in being based upon the estates of the kingdom. The Bank of Stockholm claims to have been the first western institution to adopt a paper currency , but the Bank of England must have fol lowed very close1' ' with its 20 notes , which were issued in 1G9G. London Chronicle. The Rubber Tree. The rubber tree is usually tapped four times during the first year of its ma turity , and the intervals of rest are gradually diminished until it can be tapped monthly. The rubber tree is the inilch cow of the vegetable king dom ; its yield continues to increase with frequent and skillful milking un til it reaches its maximum. Properly cared for , a tree will yield steadily up to its fortieth year ; in some instances , as long as fifty or sixty years. The yield of gum , as well as the market price , is variable ; but a healthy tree should yield a revenue of $15 to S20 per annum. Absolutely False. Citizen Is there any truth in the Morning Screecher's statement that since you assumed the reins of govern ment the city's treasury has been ir- reguiarly plundered by politcians ? The boss Well , I should say not. Why , the thing has been done as regu lar as clock work. Philadelphia Rec ord. ord.A A woman whose hair is the color of pulled taffy can't go into a drug store without starting a story that she uses hair dye. Poor clothes cannot make you look old. Even pale cheeks won't do it. Your household cares may be heavy and disappoint ments may be deep , but they cannot make you look old. old.One One thing does it and never fails. It is impossible to Icok young with the color of seventy years in your hair. permanently postpones the tell-tale signs of age. Used according to directions il gradually brings back the color of youth. At fifty your hair may look as it did at fifteen. It thickens the hair also ; stops it from falling out ; and cleanses the scalp from dandruff. Shall we send you our book on the Hair and its Diseases ? The Best Advfco Feca * U you do not obtain all the bcna- flts you axpect&rt from the use of the Vigor , trrito the doctor about It. Probably there is sorao difficulty frith your general system which mar be easily removed. Address , DR. . C. A.7ER , Lowell , Mass. MWBB > i HHBHPWaMIWIHH H M B * HI MMMBMMMnHMHMHBMHMMMMiMaMM B M Height and Geniuy , Here are a few statistics bearing on the question of height in its relation to geiiius. Tall men : Burlie , 5 ft. 10 in. ; Sir R. Burton , over 0 ft. ; Sir Walter Raleigh , G ft. ; Peter the Great , G ft. 8 in. ; Thackeray , G ft. 3 iu. ; Lincoln , 6 ft. 1 in. ; George Washington. G ft. 3 in. Medium stature : Lord Beaconsfield , 5 ft. 9 in. ; Byron , 5 ft. 8 % in. ; Voltaire. 5 ft. 7 in. ; Wellington , 5 ft. 7 in. Short men : Balzac , 5 ft. 4 in. ; Beethoven , 5 ft. 4 in. ; Keats , 5 ft ; Napoleon. 5 ft. ; Nelson , 5 ft. 4 in. ; De Quincey , 5 ft. 3 in. Try Allen's Foot-Ease , A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen , nervous and hot , and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes , try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet aud makes walking easy. Cures ingrowing nails , swollen and sweating feet , blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it to-day. Sold by all drug gists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial pack age FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. A Matter of Taste. Moth I overheard some callers sa > - ing this room is furnished in execrable taste. Other Moth Why , the idea ! I never ate more palatable upholstery in my life. It Works Like a Grain Binder , The only way to bind corn is the rea sonable , sensible , horizontal way ; that is. as nearly after the principle of a grain binder as is possible. Those who have used the Deering Horizontal Corn Binder know that binding corn by machinery is no longer an experiment. This machine has roller and ball bearings , it is light for two horses and free from side draft , and it does not scatter loose eafrs all over the field. Sheep , s Wool o a Barometer. The wool on the back of a sheep is a shepherd's barometer. The curlier the wool the finer will be the weather. Special Excursion to Colorado June 25 to July 11. Choice of routes. Round trip $20.00. Information at-North western office , Security Bank Building , or address H. C. Cheyney , General Agent , Sioux City , Iowa. Affectation lights a candle to our de fects , and though it may gratify our selves , it disgusts all others. Lavater. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price 75 cents. Although a man may acknowledge he has faults he seldom owns up to those his friends accuse him of. Pico's Cure for Consumption is the best of all cough cures. George W. Lotz , Fa- bacher , La. , Aug. 26. 1895. God never ceased to be the one true aim of all right human aspirations. Viner. Mrs. "Wlnslow's SOOTHING STBUP for Children teething : sottens the gums , reauces inflammation allays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cente a bottle- Magnificent promises are always to be suspected. Theodore Parker. "WANTED. Caieof bad health that RTF-A-N-S will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Rlpans Chemical Co- - New York , for 10 samcles and 1.000 testimonials. Candor is the brightest gem of criti cism. Disraeli. The Greatest Railway Systems of the United States * Use CARTER'S INK They wouldn't use it if it wasn't good. Costs you no more than poor ink. Insist upon having it. # LETTERS TO W&MZN RELIEVED Of SUFFERING - - Airs. George Osmun , of Bel videre.Warren Co. , N. J.writcs : - Suffering as I had from weakness , irregularities nnd back ache for several years , a release from this suffering was a blessing. Oh I how I wish more suffering women would accept your kind offer and be relieved. There is no need for women to suffer. Mrs. Pink-ham's advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will relieve them. ' Mrs. Ida Peters , Milan.Tenn. , writes : " DEAR MRS. PINKHAM When 1 wrote to you the first time asking your advice 1 was a great sufferer. Menstruations were irregular , sometimes a week too soon and then a week or two late , and when they appeared were very profuse , great pain and tenderness in the bowels , pain in back and limbs , leucorrhcea all the time. I was weak and nervous and had no appetite. Burning and choking sensation in my throat. I received your reply and followed all your instructions and now 1 am cured. I owe my recovery all to Mrs. Pinkham's advice and her wonder ful remedies. " Mrs. Maggie P. Stine , New Berlin , Pa. , writes : "I have suffered with terrible backache in the small of my back for about seven years , and could never get anything to help me. I tried several physicians , but found no help. I have now taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound , and feel like a different woman. " firs. H. A. , 124 Cedar Street , Owosso , flich. , writes : ' Nearly three years ago I wrote to you asking advice in regard to my health. I was so miserable ; suffered from painful menstru ation and backache , was nervous , dizzy and faint. I received such a kind letter from you , telling me just what to do. 1 followed your advice and I now am recommend ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. I thank God for this pain destroyer. " Saves 'Mrs , McBamels * Life * i " Nearly all the time for seven A 1 years I was confined to my room , I consulted the best doctors in my town , and tried almost every thing I could think of , but received no lasting benefit. My whole body was diseased , and the pains I suffered no tongue can tell. I believe there' is not a pain that any woman ever suffered but what I have had. I was troubled with backache , nervousness , a burning and con stant distress in the stomach , painful menstruation , leucorrhcea , and at times very bad headaches. At last seeing your remedies so highly recommended I decided to try them , and to write to you Us concerning my troubles. " After receiving your letter of advice , I followed your directions and have now taken four bottles of L.ydia b , . Pmkham s Vegetable 'ff Compound , one of Blood Purifier , one-half box of Liver Pills , and one and one-half packages of Sanative "Wash , and can say that I feel like a new person. I think I should not have been on this earth now , had it not been for 3four medicine. I cannot thank you enough for your advice t me and your wonderful medicine. " Mrs. Georgia McDaniteViewfieIds , South Dakota. Mrs. Pinkham's advice is promptly given without charge to all suffering women who write to her at Lynn , Mass , for aid. She has helped thousands may she not help you ? More Than a Million Women Have Been Helped by Mrs. Pinkham's Advice and Medicine. R Successfully Prosecutes Claims. a t Principal Sximiner D.8. JPensloa Buruo. rra in cirU war 15 4J udicati&z claims , at t j ticca 00 , Get Your PENSIONS DOUBLE QUICK I Vrita Cut. 0