W. B. McGAA Oreston , S. D. Left or either side of cattlealso ; Vleft side ot neck. Swal low fork ri ht car , underbit llt ; n ht ear nabbed off. mi- d'-rbit 1 < f far Some on left jaw and \\attlc left jaw Other brands lelt any part of anmiJ. ; f3p33 ' 'II M J'"or i"V | p 8 partof.iiiiin.il , yi * v * 'Jiiii bromide' ' ! 1/3 $ the follov.n , ) . ' . leit frrtraI - ISi- Also some c.itt ! P& : F3 ? S3 SSd'sV0 ' ! ' ? neck , X left si.ie or siiomati. thiirli norse brands lows ! i-H i < M H It Icll Hip thigh thigh thigh , ortliigh , liip. Anyone e'njr ! ! horses or cattle bearing the. above braud-.mll be j > ros > ecute l. Inlorinatlo : regarding th.-.t liberally icwarded. Hange a Huruey bpriugb mid Cottonwood. HKRBERT O. DISONETTE. MANAGER. Postofllcp address Pine Ridge. S. I ) Tattle hr.imled as on eut. IOS on IeU side ; bomeii T Ion eitheiile : f S Some fcViVi on left side ; J5\P&\J .stock. , anv\\ hereon 1 Horses K It Some on lefthiji Range- Seven 'nilcsnorih- anywhere on ' n ' 'it piflo eustof Pine r.ulge , in Shannon Co JOHN GHOST BEAU , MANAGER Postofilce address Pine Ridjre , S. Cattle brand < d li Gen on left hip of cattle as on cut : somebrandeil on kftsideulso ; o : t on lelt side ; horses snmeonlelt shoulder Hanw Vi'ounduii Knee und WaUpam- nl Lake.ShannonCo. L. C. Peyton. l avaca , Nebraska. On left side. Kange Pole Crook. SHOUT nonx for bale Geo. II. Hill. cr- * Gallop , Nebraska On leftside nauge-10 nulc3 * > outi of Merritnan P. W. Pruden. rilcrrlman.-Veb. Some i > i n le(5 same as cur on both . uiiiw Nortbei-t . . . * \ * * * Y -t V ' . & < .V ? of Morrmma * - * \ < 3j\gr .R * * 'rt'fJ"7r'j- * * \ Sf & d S & " Geo. L. Goleman. Gofty , Nebraska On leftside ; horses O eft shoulder nance Ten miles west of Suakc River Falls Alex Burr. P-ullman. Nebr. On right side ; horses sime : left shoulder. nerd mark-Dew lap Range Brush Like and South Geo. W. Monnier. Slerrtman , Neb. Left shoulder and Ieftthlehsome ; on lefthphor- ses same left thigh Pango East ami Southeast jlerriinan Grant Bixler. . - - . Merriman , Neb. Some on left hide ; some on left hip : horses same lef1 thigh. Range Six miles Northeast of Merrl . * , man. H. Px. Sears. Cody. Nel raska rtSff Itostlyon righthip i ionic on bo tli hips Range-JIedicine | S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska. Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Range Noith of the Snake C. Evenson. odv , Nebraska Cn left side fl" * * Jhiph ; horses S..L.O - > n leftside Range Between Izako and Niobrara. MARTIN RED BEAR. Pots'office address Tine Ridge , S.D. On left sid- ; horses same left thig'i. Range Wolf Creek. A THOMPSON Postofflco Addres ; Simeon Neb Stock branded came as cut be hind IcftsTiouldcr Range on the Bchlaglo TV G CARSON I'oatorac Addresr Simoon Neb Stock branded & fux "J/Sv5 scc4 > r V fS15Rai .n . left hip same -ut ' . Range , head- of the tchltigle D M BEARS * PostoT.os address Kennedy Xeb Cattle branded a- oncutleftsldesomt ; on left hip Horses eameon left shoul der Lake MCRGAREIDGE and SON "osfoft.ce address Simeon Neb Cattle brandea ns mi cut ; or I .Tor V D < > n left hip with hole MI rght ear when un der-J-yrs old ; horses same as cut and I J Kange Gordon Creek and Niobrara Stiver ALBERT WHIPPLE Postofiice address Rosobu'l , S. D : * ? ? -J1 y-i TV Branded on left fjEfeW SOS Horses . riAfeRSSm ® fe either shoul Soiae branded 01 either shoul FRANK ROTHLEUTNER address IJT . K.Uore . , Neb. S * * * - . - Cattle branded on g eitlior side as on cut. same on bip S m ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postoliice address n lelt s.p ! , inrse 10 on B5fJ- 1 I ! . . Rarce Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. > address . " \Ierrlmnn , N ' > n left sidecar-inark . nder slope Morses J S on left shoulder Range ten miles northeast of Ulerrl- mxn. 3. n. R0 = e'v d. .S. D. Also B U n left side Ca tie un 1. rent on both ears ; horses branded - > u left shoulder Range On Ante lope and Sprin Creeks Joseph Fairliead. Lavaca. Neb. leftPide Als on leftMdo also same ro- \ertedonleft thigh Horses shoulder Range-Between Fair head Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Cody. wv _ _ _ -v * . Left side on lurgi r-ttlc. Onr WJ f i f1 11 Wll"5ft- * S horses , \ \ Rg-r ' § i yi * left shoulder Range-Southeast o Cutcomb Lake Sbaclbolt and Fleishman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- lew la ; , . Range Ranges 38 and 37 , between Nio brara and the Snako. James Goodfelloiv and Son. Cody , NebrnsK-t On left Elds ; nor. ses JG right Mde and mostly on jaw Range Between Uledlcine Lake. , H. Carter. On left side ; some X Tleft side , horses T left Siioulder SHORT JHORX Stock. Range Between Niobrara And the Snakft. HORACE WALLI2TGFORD Postofllce nddresl Cuc'terfleld Neb Cuttle branded on left ilcle and nlnjjeft car crop > e square : somel nlpft Jldo &f on left shoulder i , . . - : ! horses brand tfalHSed cross-an chor on left shoulder. s B and A B XCALVZY FostofDce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder Range on Square Lake G TV fostofllce address Kennedy > eb Cattle branded as on cut or on hip ; horses same. Sonio III on lelt side and bar on hip itange , Tree Valley FLOYD KI3IE Positofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left hip or side 01 both Horses with H on left shoulder , Ranga Rush Lake , Gordon and xorlh Loup N B ROWLEY "na'offlco address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on It Bide..nd ( .3 on left Jiouldoralso ; w ft * r * . - , , - . the latter on : ght side - Also m on either side Ranee. Bordman between Big rend and the Springs WE & BACHELOR rostofflee address Valentine. Neb Cattle branded same aa on cut ; some on left side and lnj > ; hoises same on lelt shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Bordman ; Her e range. Steer ,1 , Creek , between tlie 'Mobrara and Snake D L McLANE I'ostoffice Addresa Rosebud , S i > Cattle branded n cut on either ' ae ; ill so F L R ml IR Horses branded I on lef c shoulder and colts mouth of Cottom\ood , RED SHIRT Postofllce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same a- cut. Horses brand ed on left shovMer with a K. Ranch in Little White PEKRY PARKEU jstofilce address Kennedy Neb "attle branded ine as cut. Horses , P on left : oulder Range.Mouth ol 'crdmcn CLEMENT ostofHcc Addro s Rosebud , S I ) Cattle brand OB left hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLE address Kennedy Neb rattle branded on rtside and hip torst-s same on left oulner Some on leftside Lake.Gordon and North 3 D KIMB Postofflce addresa Kennedy Neb Cattle branded en left side with both ears cropped squt.ro Horses same ns cat tle but on leit shoul der lias wolr'a cat- tie , also. U BI aange.Gordon Creek G LADELY address Newton Neb CaVtlo branded ins as cut or onblp lioreea L on left ink Range , between . n-dou creek and e Loup D B 8TONEB Postoffloa nddreca NeiVtonNeb Cattle branded R : on cut Also U on shoulder , a on side , I on hip lef t side Also C on left 1a In addition to U B 1 on side Range o" Gordon creek and fioutli W RAYMOND I'oatofflco Address Rosebud , 8. D Cattle branded left boulder and hip Horses branded T7th only & * US hip GEORGF PETE Ponestoel.B D Some A B K left aide and left hip Horses Mon left hlpand sorao same- en left shoulder No horses sold un less brand Is Inverted - ed making K Range head of Whet Stone II L TVALKER Postofllce Addrcst Simeon Neb Cattle branded 01. rtehtside ; horsf same on le * " . ! : shoul. der. Ranpe. sun : iner. on sinkonv er1 miles from mouth ; \\mtir , 4 miles south of jjlm enC C TV BENNUTT Postoffleo Addre3 = GImcon Neb Stock branded \ ith 7 on left hip Ji.33 ri mO US CUC Range , between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara rlvor J TV TttTRLEIGn branded same as cut on left side 111 Range between Gordon and Snakr creehs and on th JOZN B LORD Postoffico AdQres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right h.p Range , on tlio Niobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. TODD SMITH. PostoHlce Addresa Rosebud SD Cattle branded ame as cut a Dla- r.ond T Horses branded he rame , Ranch n tt sum Thunder 'Jreek ROBERT 7INLAYSOX Postoffice addrcs- Nev/ton Nel > Block .brandc1 same as cut Range on G on'o GEORGE DECORY. PostoHlco Address Rosebud , 8 D _ . _ . , . - _ _ _ _ _ cano toaoa on left side same as cutHorses Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone : > nd Antelope creek e..btof Rosebud BEN BEAUOVIS Postofflce Address Rosebud , S r Stock branded lef' shoulder three inclmj long ; side four inchc. Brand record -i 22 vrs. Ranch 01 Creek D. B1AY fHce Address Rosebud. S D Cattle branded on ! ft thigh or hip s-ime as cut Horses branded > -ineon left shoul- ier BEN TUBGEON v-- .vS - ? Jstofflco Addre > s " * ' * $ & & & < . Bonesteel. S L " " * - * * * - * Cattle branded on left bide same as cm and right eai crop ped. ped.Horses branded Tor Also with cir cleA . F. SCHMIDT. i'ostofflco Address Rosebud , S.D raided same as on M ; or with under UieS ; right ear slip * nd dulaped. Horses branded ? ame on left hip ALES BORDEAUX. Postofflca Address Rosebud , S I Hprses are brand c on left thigh ; cattli on left side with crop on left ear , Also cat-Sj tltt M E with crop on ear Gustave Gunderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses I on left shoulder. Range-Between Snafc and tb Niobrara HARNAiT. lwtofflco address Bro\vnleo Neb Same as on cut Alao and AC ba Horses en left shoulder re Goore Creek and North Loup L K BELDINO Postofllo0 address . Brownl On right side or hip KTSSJ-1 On left sfde g03 7i or hip ; or i4SSzrj left hip. Range , Calf Creek j B and E T SMITH Postofilce address Erownlee Neb Cattle and horses on lelt sldo ; also horses ses on right side RanroGooso Creak E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postofflce address Brov.nleo. Xeb. Same as on ca' Range between Geese Creek and Nortli Loup J. M. HANNA. Postcfflce address Seneca , Neb. Branded as on cut ; some S4 ? P on right - ! lP | and some on right hip Range Calf ( 'reek Valley in O&er- rounty E. E. ORR. Postofilce address Newton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on left side ; horses on left shoul der Range , between north prong and JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofllce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Ilange , North Loup R. M. FADDIS. fc&S&fcS S SSSS = S Postofflce address Pass Neb Range , North Lou ; > Ri\cr I. L. MERCURE. I'osrofilco address SenecaNeb On right side , or J v&t * on e.ther hip i. i-igt- . Southwest .11 Seneca P. GRIER. GRIER.Postofflce Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. On left hip left hip Ranee , be tween Seneca a 11 Norway.on M.ddl- Loup B W PEAR302T Postofllce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses sumo on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZ3IANN PostoKice addres- Crownlee Neb On left hip. Tii" herd mark is a dev , _ lap Range on Goose Creek. FKA27K T LEB PoatolTicc addres Brownleo Neb Cattle on left side ; Morses same on left .I'ouldcr. Range 4 - ii 3 northeast of 5rownle8 A GSRMAN PcsttUce address Newton Xeb Cattle branded eit' erside.horsps sam.- * onleftshoulder.a o have care ot at- branded SP under lined. aange-Noru. Loup DICK 3ICNALI. Pestoffice address Brownlee Neb On left side and hip also 8 o left hip Ranga , Hottb Loup CHARLES n FATTLZABSTl PostofBco iddresi Brownloe , Nebr Either right or leftside on cattle Horses same on lelt shoulder Lef tear cut off ol cattle Range , Loup rlv- sr HENRY FAULHABER Postofflce & Brownlco. Neb Cattle on left sldo Horses sar.a OD > left shoulder DAVID STEAD3IAN Postofflce address Pass , Neb Cattle nn leftside Has char , : * ' of cattle branded > i right side M .0 ; * * " horses rlfc. . . Somehorsea onleftehoul- ea der JOHN CHALOUD PostofJl-'e addrea * Brownlet , web Cattle and horaeo on rt-ght bide Range , BlgCre J > D E PERKINS Postofilce address Halser , Neb On lelt hip 1 ange. Loup Rive ? TALBOT & GALLOP Postoffice addreac SenecaNeb. Cattle branded eo- left < ide Horses branded on leftahoulder ] Range between - L tween Middle Lottj and Dismal GEORGE OP.AY Postofllce address i be iiod. : Nebr On left hip DrA6 on right hip \ * * * or side Range. Loup and Dismal CRONTN BROS. Po3tofHcs address Thedford. Xebr On right aid * Kange , between Loup * .nd "WALT HARDY Postofflce address Seneca. Neb. Left side on cattle ; horse * , left shoulder .alt < on left side some on right hip Range.-outn Middle Loup. PostoCco actr Brown.'ee. 8me aa on cat Range sou'.h Brownleo M. DUNHAM. Postofflce address Kennedy , Neb Stock branded on left side as on cut. Range Gordoa Creek. TV K GKAST PoatofSse n Brownlaa M On left side Ran e. LCU J Slvar IRA SPE FostofSce addresa Brovralee Neb Branded on lef t.slda Range , Calf Creek andSiran Laka Vat- ley OBB PostoSce a .tt.- Brownlse ! ' e On left side Range , S .72.- . J B "WAZiLIXGFORD Postofloe address Kennedy Neb Stock branded " "C on left Bone W side ]