Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, June 15, 1899, Image 8

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4 4 ? ? NEW SP fafa
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49 49 Our stock of Dry Goods , Shoes , fafa fafa
49 49 Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises , Cloth fa if *
49 ing and Gents Furnishings has been
49 fafa
49 replenished throughout and we now fa
49 49 have borne of the best values ever fafa
49W offered for the money. fafa
49 49 Get our prices on 'Groceries- fafa fafa
49 fafa
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Our spring line is now complete. We are better pre
pared to fill the \\ants of customers than ever before
Our prices are made on the lowest cash basis. Prac
tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed
D. Stinard , Clothier ,
And will for two or three months boil
many other things , among them .Buckeye
Mowers and Repairs and cutting parts for
any and all makes of machines. I also
handle Binding Twine in season. Wagons
and spring wagons always on hand. Am
prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing ,
wagonmaking and painting. Brand mak
ing a specialty. i
O - 'ir0
iftr rfhiffer -rPSr rfg A
4 Carries a full line of ster-
ling silver novelties
Office over
Cherry County
Valerie , Nebraska
Practices In DI trict Court and U. S. Land
Office , llenl Ks'ateand { ncli Property
boiluht and sold , Uouded Abstracter.
Office at Quigley's Drug Store.
All work executed with promptness
and accuracy
Office at Estabrook Honse on Cherry St.
Superintendents of
A Private Hospital ,
For the Treatment of Diseases
All -Kinds of Surgical Oper
ations Successfully
ALENTIN'E , - - N 1 A
ROBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher
MO Per Yenr in
at t d e Post-office at Valentine. Cherry
countv. NTeliraka , as Second-class matter.
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears Jire paid in full.
"oiii uifj tSvttntH.
Commissioners * meeting June 15.
Running Kaces .IHIHJ 14.15 and 1C.
Independence Day. July 4.
Spring Capes at T. C. Hornby's.
Did you see T. C. Hornby's silk win-
dowv " 14
Clyde IloHseter is down from Chad-
Fence posts for sale at W. A. Petty-
crew's. 10
J. M. Alderman is up from New
port today.
Large invoice of shoes af cost , at
E. McDonald's.
Fine line of Mackintoshes on sale at
Farnham & Dikeman's. 10
New York apple butter for sale at
Farnham & Dikeman's. 3-2
We will sell shoes at cost for the
next thirty days. E. McDonald.
Hay , grain and feed bought and
sold at W. A. Pettycrew's. 10
A fine lot of fence posts for sale.
Max E. Viertel , Crookston , Nebraska.
Insurance against hail , lire , light
ning and tornadoes at lowest rate.
I. M. Rice , agent.
Airy one wishing horses broke to
ride or drive , dill on Amos Strong ,
Valentine , Nebiaska. 19
Frank Hisher , of Cody , was in the
city Monday and made a friendly call
at these headquarters.
Valentine has five livery stableSj
and ever } ' one of them seems to be
making- scads of money.
George and W. H. Higgins , Wm.
Chaloud and R. S. Lee are in from
Brownlee attending the races.
Sol Pitcher and daughter , W. W.
Woods , L. M. Jennings and F. H.
Black are in the city from Rushville.
Dr. Sexton , of Seward , synodical
missionary for the Presbyterian
church , preached here Sunday morn
Wm. Ennis. a Connecticut printer
is assisting the force in the mechan
ical department of this paper thr
S. S. Pierce , we leam. has taken
charge of the half-wa } ' house on the
reserve and is working up a nice lit
tle business.
Children's Day was observed at the
Presbyterian church Sunday by the
rendition of a neat little program in
the evening.
Miss Mary Scott , of MapletonIowa ,
aunt of Mrs. Shore , and Miss Dodd , of
Mullen , are visiting the family of
Hon. John Shore.
WANTED TO TRADE A seven year
old mare and colt and two yearling
colts , all well bred , for a two-year old
At the meeting of the board of
directors last week , loans amounting
to $3.800 were asked from the Build
ing and Loan Association.
Clerk of the supreme court D. A.
1 Campbell and wife , of Lincolnvisited
at the Herve3r ranch a few days the
past week , returning home Monday
morning' .
Wm. Magoon , who was here last
week with a car of horses , part of
which he turned in at Rosebud , went
home to Lusk , W3ro. , this morning to
bring out another car.
Geo. N. Shepherd , the genial trav
eling representative of the manufac
turing department of the State Jour
nal , Was in town two or three days
the past week on business.
We want contracts for building
ditches and guarantee satisfaction.
Top of ditch 3i feetbottom : 14 inches :
depth from 16 to 24 inches. Call on
or address Lane & Smith , Cody , Ne
braska. 19
Amos Strong hacl a bunch of fifteen
fine horses in town Tuesday and the
boys had a nice time watching Bill
Turner catch the "broncha , " B } ' the
way , Bill is a dandy roper as good
we believe as there is in the state.
Dr. Seymour brings the moat com
plete line of scientific instruments
for the examination of the eye ever
brought to this city. Call early if
you wish to be sure of an appoint
ment. At the Donoher Hotel , June
Miss Emily McClean. of Fremont ,
will give an elocutionary entertain
ment at the M. E. Church. Friday
evening , June 23. at 8 p. m. , under the
auspices of the Epworth League.
Miss McClean comes to us well recom
mended. Admission , 15 cents.
Closing Out Sale ,
We will commence at once
to close out our entire stock
at cost , and coiifinne nntil
ail is sold.
j Strawberries for sale at Farnham &
. Dikeman's. 12
j Paxton Hornback is working in the
steam laundry.
Attorney Scattergood , of Ains
worth. was in the city Monday even
ing on business.
Dr. Seymour will have the largest
line of optical goods ever shown in
this city. At the Donoher Hotel ,
June 22d.
Mrs. Harry Hilsinger is visiting in
Hay Springs , where she will probably
remain the greater part of the sum
Mr. and Mrs. Meholin , Nate Gard
ner , Bessie Ferguson and E. W. Cull'
are over from Keya Paha watching
the races'and visiting friends.
Ed Blakey , inspector of stock for
the Western South Dakota Stock As
sociation , boarded the train at this
place Sunday for the Hills county.
County Treasurer Sieler , of Boyd
count } ' , was found short in his ac
counts last week to the extent of
$5,270 and bound over to the fall term
of court.
There is no defect in sight that
cannot be remedied by perfect fit
ted glasses. Secure perfectly fitted
glasses by consulting Dr. Seymour at
the Donoher Hotel , June 22d.
Dan Ludwig received a car of McCormick -
Cormick mowing machines and a car
of hayrakes last week. This looks
like businessbut then that is the way
Dan always buys his implements.
Some way or other the Episcopal
church seems to be losing its popular
ity as an evening resort for lovers.
We haven't heard any billing and
cooing on the north steps for several
* ! - > '
Mrs. A. Clarkson and the children
are in Kansas on a visit with friends
and relatives , and Ab. wears a for
lorn and depressed look on his face.
They expect to be absent several
Dr. W. I. Seymour , of Omaha , will
be in Valentine , June 22d , for one
day and will be pleased to meet all
those who desire to consult him re
garding the condition of their e3res.
At the Donoher Hotel.
Ten carloads of wagons for issue to
the Sioux arrived here Monday and
are being set up under the direction
of Judge Tucker and Jack Keeley.
About a dozen men and boys are
working on the job.
J. W. Burleigh , prominent citizen
and stockman near Simeon , has dis
posed of his interest in the ranch at
that place and is now moving to town.
He still retains his cattle and will
range them on the north table this
These hot days are the balmiest
ones for the ice dealers , and our local
caterer , Jim Ra- , wears a grin on his
face broad as a meat ax. And why
shouldn't he , for he is the only mon
opolist in Valentine , having the thing
all his own waj\
A dance will be given at the Cor
nell Hall , Friday , June 23 , proceeds
to go towards helping liquidate the
loss by fire of Newt Grooms and Mrs.
Osborn. Tickets on sale at both the
drug stores at 50 cents. Good music
and a grand time is assured all.
Gus. Larson , of the firm of Larson
Bros. , Gordon , was in town the great
er portion of a week with a lot of fine
horses in which he had an interest.
They sold several at very good figures
and proves the position of the NEWS-
DEMOCRAT that horses are gradually
advancing in demand and in price.
J. B. Sweene } * , of the firm of
Sweeney Brothers , went east last
Tuesday night. He will visit Omaha ,
Lincoln and Council Bluffs before his
return. He will make arrangements
to ship a large number of cattle to
the corn belt this fall to feed and
finish before placing them on the
market. Whitman Sun.
John Tucker had business in Lin
coln last week and upon returning
was accompanied by his brother
Harry , who was successsul in passing
the examination before the supreme
court entitling him to go forth and
preach the law unto those in need of c
such affliction. Harry is a bright 2
young man and we predict will make r
an enviable mark in the world some ,
of these days. c
Some sneak thief stole one of W. j
H. Baldwin's fine mares from his barn \
Monday night. Tuesday afternoon
the mare was found tied to a post
near the Briggs school house. It is i
presumed that the thief became lost v
Ln the hills during the night and the E
mare brought him back to Ainsworth. e
and he being afraid of being seen , t
tied the mare to the post and went e
south on foot , as one of the Piersol t
boys saw a strange man going south n
on foot about 10 o'clock. Ainsworth o
Home Rule. h
9 B
YV\ \ I// ) / Before - Buying - Elsewhere
Wide Tire Wagons
Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing
demand I ordered and
In addition to this 1 have just received a car of
"Which I am selling very cneaply
Try me before buying any tiling in my line elsewhere
Valentine , Nebraska D. S. Ludwig
Ever compare the expense of a city store with the expense of
a country store ? Look at their high rents , water taxes , heavy
insurance , and a dozen other items that a country store , don't
have. Then does it look reasonable that they can sell you
goods cheaper than we can. If you are ready for your spring
purchase come in and see our stock and get our prices. Will
you be one to keep your money at home ?
Agiint for Pasteur Blackleg Vaccine. Crookston , Nebraska
There will be a dance at Cornell's
Hall tomorrow night. All are invited
A gentleman named Gilford , of
Wyoming , was in town the latter Dart
of the week on his wajr to Dakota
with 200 head of horses.
Do not miss this chance of securing
properly fitted glasses. Dr. W. I.
Seymour , the scientific optician , at
the Donoher Hotel , June 22d.
Call early if 3011 wish to be sure of
securing an appointment with Dr.
Se3'mnur. as he has many appoint
ments made by mail. At the Done
her Hotel. June 22d.
The annual meeting of the voters
of school district No. 1 will be held at
the school house on Monday , June 26 ,
to elect two members of the school
board and transact othei business.
C. H. Thompson is improving his
residence property in a wonderful
manner , sodding the vard and so on.
Can it be possible that Hymen is
about to claim another victim.
J. N. Steadman. W. H. Kennedy , A.
B. McAlevy.Milt Dunham and several
other persons from near Kennedy
were tangled up in a contest case this
week. We're sorry it all happened ,
because all these gentlemen are nice
The good people of Britt , on the
north table , will have a monster cele
bration the Fourth of July. They
will have racing , games , etc. , for
purses , as well as other enjoyments
attendant upon such an occasion. A
bowery dance in the evening is going
to be an attraction for many of those
who indulge in tripping the light fan
Jul3' Foui th will be a red letter day
at Kennedy this year. Several hun
dred dollars have been subscribed for
amusements and some of the best
racing in the county will come off on
that day. A large pavilion for
lancing is being erected and good
music has already been secured.
Plenty of shade and water will be on
the ground.
The "man with a wife out of town5'
is about the most forlorn object that
walks the streets , and is deserving of
more sympathy than a dozen bach-
slors. Temptation entirely unknown
to the bachelor assail "the man ,
itc.5 and must be a paragon of vir
tue if he does not stay out late at
lights , play poker , get drunk or do
jther strange things to pass away
ais lonesome hours.
"Paul Pry , " in a letter to this
paper says : I was at Kewanee last
Sunday and it looked like old times.
A Sunday school was organized at the
log school house with a big attend
ance. It did us good to see the Ar
kansas people out and the Squire's
wife , who is 6.0 3'ears old. Crops are
looking fine and Kewanee is coming
to the front once more.
If the Methodist church was not
crowded Sunday night it should have
been , because it is not always that a
congregation has the
attraction of a
wedding to come to hold them in their
seats during the service proper. At
the conclusion of his sermon Sunday
evening the Rev. O. S. Baker an
nounced that a wedding would soon
take place , and Olia Wilhite , of Gor
don , and Ella Hayter , of this place ,
walked down the aisle to the altar
rail and were speedily tied with a
knot which we hope the v will never
want to loosen. The service was
simple but effective
and the young
couple" will go through life with the
blissful knowledge that
they had a
larger assemblage to witness their
vows than has ever before greeted
0 a
couple in Valentine. t
The state papers during the last
week have contained accounts of the j
following losses by theft in Brown "
county :
W. H. Baldwin One horse.
Leahy Bros. Twenty-one head of
cattle. t
P. E. Wantz Forty head of cattle.
J. W. Shaner One calf.
John WilsonTwentyfive cattle.
S. Remaly Sixty cattle.
Bell Cattle Co. Two horses.
Of these , the Baldwin horse was
found , the Bell team recovered and I
Ed Jay arrested for the theft : Sha-
ner's calf was discovered partially i
destroyed and arrest will be made.
We also notice accounts of , thefts-in '
Holt and Boyd counties. J
Valentine House j
J. A. HOOTOtf , Prop. '
Recently opened and newly furnished. '
Not a restaurant , but a hotel. I
$1.00 PEE DAY
The best of viands and treatment given
to our patrons. , ,
* . - i\ \
First Door South of BlinK of.