Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, June 15, 1899, Image 6
WESTERN NEWS-DEiOORAT Xews , Farm and Ktocle ROBERT GOf I > , - Valentine , Nebraska ALONZO HEATH PDStoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; $ lmr e < Mtshonlde- Nanre north o Cuicomb Lake S A WINSLOW Pestofflce address Cody , Nebraska1 branded on either Bide : } I'PPS sam1 * on Infi alio'ilder Rinje-3-mi. : northeast - east ot Kli and south of Niotirara river , 13- tui south west of Cody A C RIEMENSCHNElDi : ! ! Postnfllce address Cody , Nebra ka On right Mde ; alsoX n rtirlit shoulder and 2 < > nJ wS3 on loft hiiialhotfon jaw Rm"e-Olti Poor Rancn on Niobrara A D COLE Po.stofflce address Cody , Nebraska Same as on out. Mt 8'de ' JITI'l sllOlllder ItHtiire twstand south * and west of Cody CHASE ROBERTS Postoflice address Cody , Nebraska On euber hide ; SO'lie ; : 1C K ; some K K CC Rj'ii e o-tliwi st.f CM\ | PRANK J. .JONES Postoffice address Cody.Nebra * ! ; : ! On right side ; horses ses SHme on left fflinnlder Range , eight miles west of Cody CHARLES GARTSIDE Postofllce ad dress Cody , Neb Tattle branded on ' fr side ; also C G < > i it hip of cattle .UK ) lelt shoulder ( in horses Kau-i1 on Jviobrara \a \ niisomln\e.stOod > JOHN SUANGKAN Postoffli-e address Cody , Nebraska On Jeit side Also on leftside Horses J S ' > " shoulder Mange between Cody and Lake C'eek J P GARDINER Postofllce address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobram Rivpr,12-miles south west of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM MA YBEE. Postofflce address Cody Nebi Onlcft side ; horses B same left shoulder h ' Earmark notch on le [ underside ot tight ear les . - / > : hif \ H S'ostotUee address Cody , Nebra.ska On left side ; also IX ) or W L on left side oion on left and hor-vs on * * ; . lett si-oiilder Ranite-Montli of aJIJeor Creek < Cl G ii SEAIR ; address Cody , Neoraska ' Cattle branded as on cut on left side , hip Ot and shoulder ; hories 1 , , ? aniH , Snalce Cn-ek I FRANK MOOLK pe stnface address nn Cody. Nebraska On either de cattle herd mark left ear clipped and right ear splithorj > . .s branded same on lett shoulder Riitme OM Niobrarn mid -diciueCunynii KAHI. < ' < ii.sTocK , MANAGER. Postofflee address Valentine. Neb , ea Like cut on either I'O ! On hoi eit eitIi left hip and C leftshoulder Ii 250.OO REVVAKDforsufliclent evi not dence tx convict any of above CHAS S NICHOLS p. . . f" idre ! s v -iin. Neb i -i cattle ; ' - -1 i- left * Kaie oeivicen Bear Crer 'c and NIo1 rani Rivi-r , D-mi Routheast of Merriman SELDER BROTHERS Postonice address "tlerrimiin , > < ! On left side of ' ' > n lelt & .7shi'lil ISil Range , iimil. south of rvici River,0-mis > nt . ol Meriiman G H FOLSOM Postoflice address Merriniiiti , Neb Hnindea on left side Hange no.th ( * ' Mernnian E F DEVINE Postoflice address Merriman , Neb Bras ( led on left side ; horse.s sme on left shoulder Kange between Bear Creek and th Niobrararivr.9-mi S.E. of Merriman GEORGE STOVER Postofflce Merriman. > " b On left side ; hois s same left shoulder R-nge Little While River South Dakoia GEORGE JESS EN Postnflice address Merriman , Neb u ither le.M side or hip : iior.M s same ! -Inn ! < lcr Ft i > ue- : East of Cot Like GEXTHY. ABBOTT & MONAliA : Po-tollice ad dress . Hyannis. Neb' ' Both on lefi side -ome stock branded < * left shoul der A left hip ; also \ N N anywhere on leftside ; also ' A left side Kange head Middle Loup C S WILLIAMS Postoflice address Gallop. Nebraska On lelt side ; also \V I left side ; also Jleft hipalso ; W on side and Son hip ; horses S on teft jaw Range-Eight mile- south of Gallop ALBERT NENZEL C PostoUice address s ry-nrel. Vebrask-i h Oncithersnl" of cat tle : horses same ifjin'jre northeast of Nenzel R aln ADAMSON Postoffice address Chesterfield , Neb. Br rded as on cut ; so in 25 on left hip ; fl some just < > ! c brand like on cut on left t high Range between Honlinun ami Snake W G SAWYER Postoflice address Oasis , Nebraska1 Butler & Quieenbery have ; charge of these f > attle ; horses Owun eft shonlder : some P.I b 5lock ; \ l-f"- . ! \liDli. * ' , 'M s r\ JUNKS CO Cattle branded on any part ofmunial : also thy following brands : * > ' % "v--\ 1 braiuled - - rorses the VfJ V j same 33 $ ; . , , . . ' " ? K { w henyecn > . . . & - r-tw. - , - : . juJ Cordon 01 the F.h. VM. V. , R. R. aiul ivnmi on P. , &M. R. K. in Northwestern Hiriska. Addiess. BAKTLKrr Hindron. Vebntska . .1V OSTKAXDER sh 'ostoflice address Rushville , Neb left thigh or hip ; .rscs .j ! , * iliiirb Po ' l.'slii. . ' ! ' ' tl x.'fltTs < iOiilon i rei'k i'.r > i I no A ffti'irnrff ofti-iOO will be. paid to anv eison for infonnalinn leading to the arrest and nal conviction ot any person or persona steal- igcattleith above brand. MO REV HEWETT Postoflice address Gordon , Neb On leftside of cattle 1 orees same left shoulder ; also ! 2 tO and leftsid on 'eft of pome Range south ( fSuake35-mi south- ER1CKSON & AUSTIN osloflice address Kennedy , Pos left side and hip : irscs o or A " " i jaw Hange two milrH rth\vest of Ken- DAWSON & BALL Posi-jfttce address ChesterlielNeh Cattle branded nn , . 'Itrtide as on cut ; : ii -r V lelt neck andZ tt hip : sume V ltt l . " k. V left shoulder .mo Z h3fthli : horses i VZ left hip. Rnnge , Snake Rlver,3lfi.33. : GEORGE G BOTH WELL Postofllce address Pullman , Neb Bnii'dcd as on cut ; l jefttiip lianue south castot Pullman P PULLMAN Postottic.e address Pullman. Neb Branded as on cut ; & gm % % % Also f on s'inu ! ' * ron & % * : $ & $ & & * on side I "i > hh. ' 'Zfrntttetf. w ' Jllso siih ) < also lf on Mii'Ul'ior , \V on si < ! t ' ' n h ; i Rsnige north pi on. : of North Loup CHAS S 11OYT V $ Pesto lice address fif = B F Pullman , Nel ? vK - -t- - * ll f P- Hrnn.ied on leftside * * i'/AI - f4JrfXLi5AC7 . . , on left side 'ween eye ? e l. n.lies west of Pullman J L ROSEBERRY Postoffice address l oilman , \Vh P.rtnded on lefl bin : horsesaitie d- niark-doiible ( lew-las * liange south and elst ; of Brush llili S H DYE Postoflice'address Pullcian , N'-'l * P.ramled on left side . A reward of S100 will be paid for in formation leading to the iM-rent and tinal conviction of any person for killing , iiriviniroft oreonceal iniranyol my cattle H A BUCK Postotln-i- Iv..niis ! , Nt-b P'laniU'i ! on l it sicie l.-ing' ci htf-fii nsiU-.s north of llvannis L L MORRILL ' 57v SS& ajgft.t'-SP Postoflice address f1 ; Ilvannis , N > 1 > % 4/l On left side ; also S f on left hi ) > ; horsi s J left shoulder Range 25-miles north of Hyannis H C MASON Postofflce addressSL - a Hyannis. Nebjra spS * > * ' * > * Cn ieft side ; some si : hip Hsicge Mother -ike siimn.er ran/re-Bing- nain ; , Sheridan Co A SAULTS Postofllce address Gregory , Neb On left side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansa Valley and Snakr JOE CULBEHTSON o3t .fliee address U PnHinuu. Neb U .randfd on l.ftid : S " "si'T ' " i.ij r ; ji : o 01 I'OllnIi'l .1 . [ it l ii 111 Mi It" ! ' ' -ll Mr. ' l- K'lliKf i M' . ' s nl .i- I : l.cuip l.'iver * C JENSEN * . - - - ostofliee a dress . * . . " " . - " 5C < - Gallop , Nebraska 5Cmm stock Leftside and on nchtsme private houlder. Eange-Eiyht miles south of Gallop JULIUS PETKItSON PC ice : id-Jr"Ss ) ( ; reg iy. Neb In tlued ! o : . cut lei leiHi KungL t u niiJe- . Hi ortJi ( f < } reir ( iy br er in : D N GOURLEY Postofl'.ce address Rn. hville , Neb On left hip : also 5OO o" left side ; horses left shoulder 'I injji'-tvdar Lake OBE CHURCH jstofllce addres Merriman , Neb PO ! lelt side ; also ron noht side Bn Rai mses 3 left shoulder Sot inge noith and nth of Merriman CIIAILES LONE WOLF Postofiice address Allen > D On right side and i -li'MiMer. horses j same on rightthitrh ! Range-Bear Creek MORRIS JANIES Postoirice address Roseoud. s. D. Cattle brand > , i on left side as on rut norsea ,7 nn lef thigh. * Krnge on iai Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postofilce address Allen , S. D , On left shonlder and hip : some 1 on g lef on left side. Ear- maik-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek A GALLIGO Postoflice iiddress Spfe , Manderson , S. D. Left side and ou voung stock. Old stock ranc'ee Horses lelt side 1 lelt thigh Range-Rock Springs Basin JAMES BUSH PostoUice address Allen S r > on lett side c , I t si te Morses on left lnj > isange BcarCteeK R M FAD IMS Postoflice address Pass , Neb Rjinge , Nor. h Loup River CHARLESLOKG MAN Pohtofiice address Allen S W fn left side of cattle Kange Bear Creek GEORGE N DAVIS kPostofllce address Simeon , Neb > * - > - Bnindert on right /\r- * side or hip i / A' on loft hi ] * 'V1 . , r * * > f'i . XUIt & r > 'l i- t-s < Jii riu'iii lion dcr as on cut iC iM"-e-iiOdiii jiiiil CHARGING BEAR Postotliceaddress * Allen S I ) > n left --u . .ml thiuh lorsesnn 1 hmh ' : : ire ica ! r I'reek STEADMAK 15IIOS rostoffica address iVtiT " PUBS .J ol ) ? Ei - ai 4 Brand on Jett sle ! A.t S . ! k./j > f'fl e.-J norMSJlndB.r , cattle If- ' ! on i - ' * * > . * i Wai.- v C F COOPER Postofflce address Kennedy , \eb Cattle branded on left side same as cut Stock over one year pie ! ui ruht side Iclt shonldt r Hi' kl err\ Lake and ( urlcw Also somebrande "u eitleg JACOBSON BROTIIEIJS 3'ostoflice address Gregory , Neb fi On left side ; some same \\ithl on left bhoulder horses lett shoulder Range Gor don and Goose Lake DAN WEBSTER 'ostoflice address Po Marian. Nebras n left sitle or hip ; ior-.esbraiided same sh nl 'er ' m ainre between Xio" irani and Snal o riv" ul ; , south of Mern- uloi iian n < O J KELLAR e addrese. Brown > Nebr On eft side Kange , betweer Joose Creek and Loup A T BRACKETT ostoffice address Pos Riege Neb PosC C ( randed on left side lef ange-Three miles sai Mitheastof Georgia saiR 3V AVILLIAM WILSON Postoflice address KiUore Nebi' ' Branded on left side Kange-Soiitheast of Georgia II SCHULTZ _ . -Postothce address McCann Neb | Stock branded as ot tut Range North an ( south of Georgia WILHELM ANDERSON Postoflice address McCann Neb Mranded on left side horses same on lelt. hip Range between the xiobrara and Snake JOHN DUBRAY Postoflice address Merriman , Neb On left side , jaw or hip Range Lake Creek Soutli Dakota. A. B. CAPAVELL PostolHee adder ss i'n 'nin N-'l i.Jii I -s uleiil cttle lian.u Not ill l.onp IIAJt.VAN BUOS. JOE ROOKS JR , Posroflice address Allen S D nn left side ; horses same on teigh tange Bear Creek i A VK KTLH N ; . - - ry u" . i V'3 i > * - t 'i.ulrtnr " " , ti ' * " - f- < ' II V DOWNING PostoJfice addrens d'regory. N'eb On lelt side ; als. ) COLE on side Range Stevenson o Lake J W PIKE & SONS . address Crookston , Neb Branded on tithe Osi [ side of animal 01 Semen 01n n right hip In Inhi hi Range On Min- nechaduxa. 5-miles east of Crook. ton E E AND H E WOODRUFF Pobtofflce address HyannisNeb < On left hip and left tide. Also stock branded on left side and reversed S on right shoulder ; als nip ? ind left side Range-Mother Luke 31 RICHARDSON Po Postoflice address j H McCann Neb nt Branded on leftside sai Range McCann rei Set Ra A T DAVIS 'ostoffice address Hyannis , Neb On right side liore left shonlde also cattle . / rlirhr sia Range 16 miles lorth of Hjannis R A WESTOVER Postofllce address Lakehind. Xeb Pos Branded on left hip and shoulder , Some on right side r Range in Brown and Ran Cherry counties : ofC at headwarersof the Calamus river. R. HANSON. stoaice addresp Valentine. Neb Tattle branded on ft hi-horses ] ; the ime Rangf en Dry Val- and Paper Year $8.50 JKobcrft GOOII , Valeiiiinc , P S ROUSCHE Postoflice address Brownlee , On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut oil' ; her es branded same on left hip. Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder , or JKorTTorO'VI , orO or * 'Z. Also the following , the first one being on side and hip LES AND 8OK3 Postofflc Brownlee Neb On rich ! aide. 01 Lit on same Bide , also LEX on left sideKangft Kangft , nortl * 2 to 4 GEO HIGGINS Postofflce address , Brownlee , Neb Branded on left side ; some H left side and thigh- I antlPJ on left thigh < - * Range D uck Lake . . ' , . * ' j.ii N J dTh.'fc- Po tofflce address Brownlee Neb On tight side Range , Hon Valley CLARKNCK K SMITH Postofiice address Wnitinan , Nel On left side ; Jtorses saine on leftshoulder on left side , iny\vheri on ggguninril. On l or thigh e north Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake S W Chesnut Gordon. Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip. Range heart of Gordon Creek , forty miles southeast of Gordon. Breeder of Hereford cattle. J ( J COOLER Postofllce address Hyannis , Neb ou right side ; hor- es same on right shoulder nge six milt's iiflrtliwest of Moth er Lake precinct A J PLUMER Postoflice address Hyannis , Neb Branded on right side and h'p Also have stoek branded nn : right side and hip Morses on right hip Kange-Sonthwestorn Cherry County. W E STANSBIE AND D O BAUGII Postoflice address Ryannis , ) ii left hip anc left side Also ii left hip ind left side lorses same jrands on sl Range 2--iiiles orthof Hyannis M VSON COMPANY Postofllce address Ilyannis , Neb On right hip : 7 > - ' either side On right [ side left hip b' > r- ses right slionlaer Jange seven miles north of Hyannis. SWEENEY BROS 'ostofflce address Pullman , Neb little branded as on ; horses branded iine as cattle except sversed S. ee block ange Steyer art Stephenson akes and South A HUMPHREY Fostofflce address Hyannia. Neb Branded anywhere on right side ; horses ses same on left shonlder Range - - sixteen miles northeast of Hyann ROBERT I HINES istofflce address Cody , Nebraska anded on left side ; raes same left shoul inge on Snake south Codv. Charles Eichards Merrlman , Xeb